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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von Stahlbeton: Ermittlung des nicht sichtbaren Korrosionsverhaltens von Bewehrungsstählen im Beton durch die galvanostatische Pulsmessung

Jackobasch, Andreas, Schneck, Ulrich, Grieger, Christoph 19 March 2015 (has links)
Das Ziel der Arbeit bestand darin, die aus der Literatur bekannten Zusammenhänge zwischen Korrosionsaktivität von Stahl im Beton und einer galvanostatischen Pulsmessung, welche unter Laborbedingungen gute Ergebnisse liefern, auf Messungen an realen Bauwerken anzuwenden. Dazu wurden zunächst Untersuchungen an 13 Jahre alten Prüfkörpern durchgeführt und ausgewertet. Die abgeleiteten Zusammenhänge konnten anschließend an realen Bauteilen verifiziert werden. Somit stellt die galvanostatische Pulsmessung eine hilfreiche zerstörungsfreie Prüfmethode zur Interpretation des Korrosionszustandes dar. Die neuen Erkenntnisse lassen eine bessere Einschätzung des Korrosionsverhaltens in Stahlbetonbauwerken zu, als es die Potentialmessung erlaubt.

A new imaging approach for in situ and ex situ inspections of conductive fiber–reinforced composites by magnetic induction tomography

Renner, Axel, Marschner, Uwe, Fischer, Wolf-Joachim 09 October 2019 (has links)
Fiber-reinforced plastics for industrial applications face constantly increasing demands regarding efficiency, reliability, and economy. Furthermore, it was shown that fiber-reinforced plastics with tailored reinforcements are superior to metallic or monolithic materials. However, a trustworthy description of the load-specific failure behavior and damage evolution of composite structures can hardly be given, because these processes are very complex and are still not entirely understood. Among other things, several research groups have shown that material damages like fiber fracture, delamination, matrix cracking, or flaws can be discovered by analyzing the electrical properties of conductive composites, for example, carbon fiber–reinforced plastics. Furthermore, it was shown that this method could be used for structural health monitoring or nondestructive evaluation. Within this study, magnetic induction tomography, which is a new imaging approach, is introduced in the topic of nondestructive evaluation of carbon fiber–reinforced plastics. This non-contacting imaging method gains the inner spatial distribution of conductivity of a specimen and depicts material inhomogeneity, like damages, not only in two-dimensional images but also in three-dimensional images. Numerical and experimental investigations are presented, which give a first impression of the performance of this technique. It is demonstrated that magnetic induction tomography is a promising approach for nondestructive evaluation. Potentially, it can be used for fabrication quality control of conductive fiber–reinforced plastics and as a structural health monitoring system using an integrated or superficially applied magnetic induction tomography setup.

Analysis of glass beads from the “Roten Schmelzzimmer” in Arnstadt and glass tableware from the Grafschaft Schwarzburg-Sondershausen dating from the 17th and 18th century

Ramdani, Yamna 03 November 2023 (has links)
This study investigates various glass objects from the 17th and 18th centuries in Thuringia to gain insight into their manufacturing techniques. The objects include glass beads from the Roten Schmelzzimmer and diverse glass objects from the Schwarzburg-Sondershausen collection. The analytical methods include optical microscopy, CT, SEM-EDX, LA-ICP-MS and Raman spectroscopy. The glass beads from the Roten Schmelzzimmer were identified as soda-lime- and high-lead-silicate glasses, which were made using highly pure sands and halophytic plant ashes as a fluxing agent. These recipes are characteristic from the Mediterranean region. The beads were coloured in 11 different colours with copper, cobalt, manganese, iron, and were possibly opacified with salt and tartrate. The analysed glass objects from the Schwarzburg collection were made using different recipes based on potash-lime-silicate glass with high amounts of potash and calcium, and calcinated-bone ashes as a white opacifier, characteristic of central Europe.

Data Fusion for Multi-Sensor Nondestructive Detection of Surface Cracks in Ferromagnetic Materials

Heideklang, René 28 November 2018 (has links)
Ermüdungsrissbildung ist ein gefährliches und kostenintensives Phänomen, welches frühzeitig erkannt werden muss. Weil kleine Fehlstellen jedoch hohe Testempfindlichkeit erfordern, wird die Prüfzuverlässigkeit durch Falschanzeigen vermindert. Diese Arbeit macht sich deshalb die Diversität unterschiedlicher zerstörungsfreier Oberflächenprüfmethoden zu Nutze, um mittels Datenfusion die Zuverlässigkeit der Fehlererkennung zu erhöhen. Der erste Beitrag dieser Arbeit in neuartigen Ansätzen zur Fusion von Prüfbildern. Diese werden durch Oberflächenabtastung mittels Wirbelstromprüfung, thermischer Prüfung und magnetischer Streuflussprüfung gewonnen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass schon einfache algebraische Fusionsregeln gute Ergebnisse liefern, sofern die Daten adäquat vorverarbeitet wurden. So übertrifft Datenfusion den besten Einzelsensor in der pixelbasierten Falscherkennungsrate um den Faktor sechs bei einer Nutentiefe von 10 μm. Weiterhin wird die Fusion im Bildtransformationsbereich untersucht. Jedoch werden die theoretischen Vorteile solcher richtungsempfindlichen Transformationen in der Praxis mit den vorliegenden Daten nicht erreicht. Nichtsdestotrotz wird der Vorteil der Fusion gegenüber Einzelsensorprüfung auch hier bestätigt. Darüber hinaus liefert diese Arbeit neuartige Techniken zur Fusion auch auf höheren Ebenen der Signalabstraktion. Ein Ansatz, der auf Kerndichtefunktionen beruht, wird eingeführt, um örtlich verteilte Detektionshypothesen zu integrieren. Er ermöglicht, die praktisch unvermeidbaren Registrierungsfehler explizit zu modellieren. Oberflächenunstetigkeiten von 30 μm Tiefe können zuverlässig durch Fusion gefunden werden, wogegen das beste Einzelverfahren erst Tiefen ab 40–50 μm erfolgreich auffindet. Das Experiment wird auf einem zweiten Prüfkörper bestätigt. Am Ende der Arbeit werden Richtlinien für den Einsatz von Datenfusion gegeben, und die Notwendigkeit einer Initiative zum Teilen von Messdaten wird betont, um zukünftige Forschung zu fördern. / Fatigue cracking is a dangerous and cost-intensive phenomenon that requires early detection. But at high test sensitivity, the abundance of false indications limits the reliability of conventional materials testing. This thesis exploits the diversity of physical principles that different nondestructive surface inspection methods offer, by applying data fusion techniques to increase the reliability of defect detection. The first main contribution are novel approaches for the fusion of NDT images. These surface scans are obtained from state-of-the-art inspection procedures in Eddy Current Testing, Thermal Testing and Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing. The implemented image fusion strategy demonstrates that simple algebraic fusion rules are sufficient for high performance, given adequate signal normalization. Data fusion reduces the rate of false positives is reduced by a factor of six over the best individual sensor at a 10 μm deep groove. Moreover, the utility of state-of-the-art image representations, like the Shearlet domain, are explored. However, the theoretical advantages of such directional transforms are not attained in practice with the given data. Nevertheless, the benefit of fusion over single-sensor inspection is confirmed a second time. Furthermore, this work proposes novel techniques for fusion at a high level of signal abstraction. A kernel-based approach is introduced to integrate spatially scattered detection hypotheses. This method explicitly deals with registration errors that are unavoidable in practice. Surface discontinuities as shallow as 30 μm are reliably found by fusion, whereas the best individual sensor requires depths of 40–50 μm for successful detection. The experiment is replicated on a similar second test specimen. Practical guidelines are given at the end of the thesis, and the need for a data sharing initiative is stressed to promote future research on this topic.

Mikromechanischer Körperschall-Sensor zur Strukturüberwachung

Auerswald, Christian 23 June 2016 (has links)
Strukturüberwachung und Condition Monitoring spielen in vielen Gebieten der Technik eine große Rolle. Zur Überwachung von Leichtbaustrukturen aus faserverstärkten Kunststoffen bietet sich hierfür besonders die Körperschall-Analyse an. Am Markt etabliert sind hierfür piezoelektrische Signalaufnehmer. Diese Arbeit stellt eine kostengünstige Alternative in Form von mikromechanischen Körperschall-Sensoren vor. Eine Besonderheit stellt hierbei das Prinzip des mechanischen Bandpasses dar. Es wird die Elektronik- und Gehäuseentwicklung sowie die experimentelle Untersuchung dargelegt. / Structural health monitoring is of vital importance in many technical fields. For monitoring of lightweight structures made from fiber reinforced plastics especially acoustic emission testing is used. Commercially available transducers utilize the piezoelectric effect. This thesis introduces a cost efficient alternative in form of micromechanical sensors, in particular sensors using the principle of a mechanical bandpass. The design of electronics and the packaging as well as experimental investigations are provided.

Magnetic Characterization of the Nugget Microstructure at Resistance Spot Welding

Mathiszik, Christian, Zschetzsche, Edwin, Reinke, André, Koal, Johannes, Zschetzsche, Jörg, Füssel, Uwe 22 May 2024 (has links)
Conventional resistance spot welds are not visible from the outside. Therefore, it is not straightforward to evaluate the joint quality non-destructively. The pulse-echo method of manual ultrasonic is widely used for non-destructive testing. Another option is the passive magnetic flux density testing, which is being developed at Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. The spot weld is magnetized in the normal direction and the residual magnetic flux density is measured on top of the surface of the joint. This method is suitable for spot welds on typical car body steels. Previous investigations show that the magnetic properties of the materials influence the test result. In order to develop this new non-destructive testing method further, it is necessary to know the magnetic properties of the different microstructure regions of a spot weld. This article focuses on methods to measure and evaluate the magnetic properties of these regions, especially of the base material and the weld. Different measuring methods and approaches are presented and compared with each other. Based on the results, recommendations for future measurements for magnetic characterizations are given.

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