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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'île : nouvel objet juridique : le cas particulier des grandes îles de la Méditerranée. / The island as a new legal object : towards a special status for environmental protection in the Mediterranean islands.

Emmanouilidou, Pantelina 14 December 2018 (has links)
L'intérêt de cette thèse est de surmonter le conflit entre la protection de l'environnement et le besoin du développement. En effet, le droit de l'environnement, en ayant comme objectif l'amélioration de l'état de l'environnement, peut être contraire au besoin du développement économique. Une première hypothèse est que le droit à l'environnement est l'outil juridique, qui, à travers son double caractère, à la fois comme droit et à la fois comme devoir, peut constituer la base afin de compenser l'équilibre entre l'état émergent de l'environnement et les besoins sociaux et économiques. Une deuxième hypothèse est que cette contradiction peut être surmontée en utilisant le concept du développement durable, qui promeut l'équilibre dans la satisfaction des trois besoins essentiels de notre société, à savoir les conditions économiques, environnementales, et sociales et culturelles. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'examiner les possibilités d'appliquer le concept du développement durable aux cinq plus grandes îles de la Méditerranée (Sicile, Sardaigne, Chypre, Corse, Crète), en proposant un cadre juridique commun pour la protection de l'environnement. / Slands are territories where the tensions between the protection of the environment and economicdevelopment appear in an exaggerated manner. From one hand, island's ecology needs strict natureconservation measures, because of its vulnerability. On the other hand, the limited available spacein islands, combined with an augmented demand to develop, nourishes the territorial conflicts. Lawis called to manage such conflicts, thus arises the interest of reflecting on the theoretical basis of anIslands Law.This work adopts a territorial approach that studies the Mediterranean island space by usingmanifold tools of social sciences.

Interactions vagues-banquise en zones polaires / Waves-sea ice interactions in polar seas

Boutin, Guillaume 19 October 2018 (has links)
La banquise, qui couvre de larges étendues de l’océan près des pôles, est une composante majeure du climat. Le réchauffement de la planète entraîne sa fonte massive, en particulier en Arctique.Là où l’extension de la banquise diminue, l’augmentation du fetch est associée à une élévation de la hauteur des vagues, laissant penser que les effets liés aux interactions vagues-glace pourraient s’accroître dans le futur. L’évolution rapide de la banquise associée à l’intensification des activités humaines dans les régions polaires pressent à améliorer notre connaissance de ces interactions.La banquise atténue les vagues. Elles peuvent néanmoins s’y propager et briser la glace sur de longues distances. L’atténuation dépend des propriétés de la glace comme l’épaisseur, la taille des plaques... Les plaques de glace une fois cassées sont plus susceptibles de dériver et de fondre. En outre, lors de l’atténuation, les plaques sont poussées dans la direction de propagation des vagues.Une représentation simple de la banquise dans un modèle de vagues intégrant une distribution de la taille des plaques nous a permis de montrer l’importance des mécanismes dissipatifs dans l’atténuation, notamment ceux induits par la flexion de la glace.Après avoir été validé, ce modèle a été couplé à un modèle de glace. La taille des plaques est échangée et utilisée dans le calcul de la fonte latérale. La force exercée par les vagues sur la banquise est également envoyée depuis le modèle de vagues. En été, cette force compacte la glace et tend à diminuer la fonte, augmentant significativement la température et la salinité des eaux de surface au bord de la banquise. / Sea ice, which covers most of the ocean near the poles, is a key component of the climate system. Global warming is driving its massive melting, especially in the Arctic. Where sea ice cover decreases, fetch increases leading to more energetic sea states. This means potentially enhanced wavesice interactions effects in the future. The quick evolution of sea ice extent and volume combined with the intensification of human activities in polar regions urge us to improve our understanding of waves-ice interactions.Sea ice attenuates waves. They can however propagate through it and break it far into the ice cover. Attenuation depends on ice properties such as floe size, thickness, etc. Once broken, resulting floes are more likely to drift and melt. In addition, wave attenuation yields a force which pushes the floes in the direction of wave propagation.A simplified representation of sea ice, including a floe size distribution, has been incorporated in a wave model.It allows us to show the important contribution of dissipative mechanisms in the wave attenuation, especially those induced by the bending of the ice plates. After validation, the modified wave model is coupled to an ice model. The floe size distribution is exchanged in the coupled framework and used in ice lateral melt computation. The force exerted by the waves on the ice floes is sent from the wave model and is shown to compact sea ice in summer. This reduces the melting and significantly increases the temperature and salinity in the surface ocean close to the ice edge.

Identification et caractérisation de nouvelles protéines de la zone de transition des cils et des flagelles / Identification and characterization of novel ciliary transition zone proteins

Lapart, Jean-André 29 June 2017 (has links)
Les cils et les flagelles sont des organites conservés chez les eucaryotes où ils jouent des rôles essentiels et variés comme la motilité et la signalisation cellulaire. La zone de transition (ZT) est une structure complexe, localisée à la base des cils, indispensable à leur assemblage et pour la sélection des constituants ciliaires. Chez l'Homme, de nombreuses pathologies appelées ciliopathies sont associées à des défauts d'assemblage ou de fonctionnement des cils. Les plus sévères sont liées à des défauts de protéines de la ZT. Cette dernière est composée principalement de trois complexes protéiques nommés MKS, NPHP et CEP290 interagissant étroitement entre eux. D'autres protéines, dont CBY conservée des mammifères à la drosophile, s'ajoutent à ces modules mais leur interconnections ne sont pas connues Deux modes d'assemblage ciliaire ont été décrits : la ciliogenèse compartimentée et cytosolique. La fonction de la ZT au cours de la ciliogenèse compartimentée a fait l'objet de nombreuses études mais son rôle dans la ciliogenèse cytosolique reste peu connu. Au cours de ma thèse j'ai analysé la fonction de nouvelles protéines de la ZT en utilisant le modèle de la drosophile qui présente les 2 types de ciliogenèse. J'ai d'une part réalisé un crible protéomique en cellules murine IMCD3 et caractérisé le module protéique CBY, composé de CBY, FAM92A et DZIP1L. Ce module est conservé chez la drosophile à la ZT. Il est nécessaire à la ciliogenèse notamment pour l'assemblage de la ZT et pour l'ancrage du corps basal à la membrane plasmique. L'absence de ces protéines entraine des défauts ciliaires importants dans l'assemblage des flagelles de spermatozoïde et des cils des neurones sensoriels chez les drosophiles.En conclusion, ce travail apporte de nouvelles connaissances sur l'assemblage de la ZT et sur le rôle de CBY dans les mécanismes qui contrôlent la ciliogenèse / Cilia and flagella are highly conserved organelles among eukaryotes species. They are composed of a microtubular cytoskeleton and play essential functions during development and in numerous physiological processes. As a result, in humans, cilia dysfunction leads to a wide range of pathologies, called ciliopathies.At the ciliary base, the transition zone (TZ), a complex structure, is required for proper cilia assembly and regulates the traffic of ciliary components in and out cilia. Defects in TZ proteins lead to severe ciliopathies. The TZ is composed of 3 protein complexes, MKS, NPHP et CEP290 that closely interact. Additional proteins, like CBY, conserved between mammals and Drosophila, have been described at the TZ but their precise role and relationships with the other TZ complexes are unknown. Two modes of cilia assembly have been described: compartmentalized and cytosolic ciliogenesis. Whereas the function of the TZ in compartmentalized ciliogenesis is well documented, its role in cytosolic ciliogenesis remains poorly characterized. During my PhD, I characterized new TZ proteins conserved in mammals and Drosophila and analyzed their function during cilia assembly in Drosophila. First, I performed a proteomic screen in murine IMCD3 cells and characterized the CBY module composed of CBY, FAM92A1 and DZIP1L. This complex is conserved in Drosophila and locates at the TZ. Moreover, I showed that this module is necessary for TZ assembly and centriolar docking to the plasma membrane and hence required for cilia and flagella assembly. In absence of these proteins, Drosophila show severe ciliogenesis defects both in sperm cells and in sensory neurons.In conclusion, this work brings new insights into the understanding of TZ assembly and of the mechanisms, that control ciliogenesis

Typologie et enjeux des discours sur la misère dans la zone d'occupation française en Allemagne entre 1945 et 1950 / Typology and strategies of misery termonology in the area under French responsability from 1945 to 1950.

Maquet, Marjorie 04 December 2015 (has links)
Cette étude se penche sur les mentalités de la société allemande durant la phase de sortie de guerre dans la zone d'occupation française, entre 1945 et 1950. L'approche se fait à travers l'étude des discours portant sur la misère, appréhendée en fonction de ses deux aspects principaux: la nourriture et l'habitat. Il s'agit d'étudier la façon dont le sujet a été traité par les particuliers, dans un corpus de lettres adressées aux administrations allemandes, mais également dans la presse de la zone, et par les élites politiques. Cela permet de mettre en valeur les réseaux d'interactions de plusieurs discours dans la société allemande. Notre étude se propose d'interroger les enjeux de ces discours sur la misère, entre victimisation, blocage mémoriel, antagonisme franco-allemand, et mythe politique de l'année zéro. / This dissertation focuses on the mentalities of German society during the aftermath of the war within the aera under French responsability, from 1945 to 1950. The analysis of the literary terminology of misery will be apprehended through both the food- and housing-related complaints. We will study the way in which the subject is treated by private individuals in a body of letters addressed to German administrations, in the local newspapers as well as voiced by the political elites. This will enable us to cross several different perspectives and how they interact within German society. Our study will question the strategies that are at stakes in these writings: between victimization, memorial block, Franco-German antagonism and the political myth of the year zero.

Etude pétrologique, géochimique et structurale de la zone de transition dunitique dans l'ophiolite d'Oman : identification des processus pétrogénétiques à l'interface manteau/croûte / Complex Monge-Ampère flows on compact Hermitian manifolds

Rospabé, Mathieu 19 January 2018 (has links)
L'origine de la zone de transition dunitique (DTZ) à l'interface manteau-croûte est mal connue, ainsi que les processus physico-chimiques impliqués dans sa genèse. Pour aborder cette question, ce travail a porté sur l'étude pétrologique, géochimique et structurale de 20 coupes (600 échantillons) levées dans la DTZ du massif de Sumail (ophiolite d'Oman), épaisse de plus de 400 mètres à l'aplomb d'un paléo-diapir mantellique. Au-delà des données in situ sur minéraux (microsonde, LA-ICP-MS) et des compositions en éléments majeurs des roches totales, le développement d'une procédure analytique a permis l'acquisition des compositions en éléments en traces des dunites dont les teneurs sont de l'ordre du ng.g-1. La DTZ est faite de dunites pures (olivine et chromite) et de dunites imprégnées, contenant une quantité variable de minéraux interstitiels ayant cristallisé à partir d'un magma percolant. Ces faciès renferment des minéraux d'une variété insoupçonnée incluant, en plus de ceux clairement issus d'un MORB (clinopyroxène et plagioclase), de l'orthopyroxène, amphibole, grenat, et des diopsides témoignant d'un processus d'hybridation entre le MORB et des fluides hydratés. Les forts rapports Mg# et teneurs en TiO2 des orthopyroxènes et amphiboles ainsi que la composition des clinopyroxènes, intermédiaire entre clinopyroxènes magmatiques et diopsides hydrothermaux, a permis de contraindre la composition du magma hybride qui résulterait du mélange entre un magma d'affinité tholéiitique et un fluide supercritique riche en silice, voire trondhjémitique issu de la fusion incongruente hydratée des orthopyroxènes mantelliques, similaire au produit de fusion hydratée des roches environnantes (péridotites serpentinisées, troctolites, gabbros). Ces minéraux sont observés en position interstitielle et en inclusion dans les chromites, témoignant de leur origine précoce et du fait que les magmas hybrides ont participé à la formation de la DTZ. La combinaison des interprétations des données in situ et des données roches totales a permis la déconvolution du message polyphasé enregistré par les dunites : la signature du protolithe, celles de la dunitisation et du rééquilibrage de la matrice d'olivine avec un MORB percolant (métasomatisme cryptique), la signature de refertilisation par la cristallisation des minéraux interstitiels (métasomatisme modal), ainsi que les effets de la serpentinisation. Il apparaît que les dunites pures, caractérisées par un spectres de terres rares en forme de U ou de V, semblent avoir acquis cette signature très précocement, probablement lors de la phase initiale de leur genèse sous l'effet de rééquilibrages avec des liquides très riches en éléments incompatibles (REE, Th, U, HFSE) et pouvant correspondre au magma hybride. L'étude structurale de la DTZ dans le massif de Sumail a montré l'influence de la tectonique synmagmatique sur la structuration de la DTZ, se traduisant par l'alternance d'horizons imprégnés ou non ainsi que par l'évolution verticale sur plusieurs dizaines de mètres des compositions chimiques à l'approche des zones de failles. On l'observe notamment pour les teneurs en éléments immobiles dans les fluides tels que le Ti, les REE ou le Th. La DTZ semble s'être développée dans un environnement transtensif dont les deux systèmes de failles principaux N130 et N165-180 ont accommodé la percolation des magmas et fluides responsables de la dunitisation ainsi que l'introduction des fluides hydrothermaux pouvant conditionner les échanges globaux avec les enveloppes externes.La comparaison avec les DTZ d'autres massifs en Oman ou à Trinity (Californie), ayant évolué dans un contexte magmatique différent, montre également l'importance des failles synmagmatiques dans la structuration de la DTZ. Les liquides qui ont percolé dans ces DTZ apparaissent systématiquement sous-saturés en Al et saturés en H2O, amenant à interpréter le caractère hydraté comme une condition critique pour la genèse des dunites. / The origin of the dunitic transition zone (DTZ) between the mantle and the crust is still largely unknown, as well as the physical and chemical processes involved in its genesis. To address this topic, this thesis focused on the petrological, geochemical and structural study of 20 cross-sections (600 samples) collected along the DTZ from the Sumail massif, Oman ophiolite, 400 meters thick and located above a former paleo-mantle diapir. In addition to mineral compositions acquired using in situ methods (microprobe, LA-ICP-MS) and to whole rock major elements, the development of an analytical procedure permitted to determine trace element contents in dunites that display low concentrations (regularly about one ng.g-1). The DTZ is made of pure dunites (olivine and minor chromites), and of impregnated ones, containing a variable amount of interstitial minerals that crystallized from a percolating melt. These latter rocks contain an unexpected mineralogical variety with, in addition to clinopyroxene and plagioclase showing a MORB affinity, the presence of orthopyroxene, amphibole, garnet and diopsides that highlights a hybridization process between the MORB and hydrated fluids. The high Mg# ratio and TiO2 content in orthopyroxene and amphibole together with the clinopyroxene composition, intermediate between igneous clinopyroxene and pure hydrothermal diopside, allow deciphering the nature of the parent melt as the result of the mixing between tholeiitic melt and a supercritical water enriched in silica, or trondhjemitic fluid issued from the hydrated incongruent melting of mantle orthopyroxene, similar to melts produced by the hydrated melting of country rocks (serpentinized peridotites, troctolites, gabbros). All these minerals are observed both in interstitial position and as inclusions in chromite, showing that they crystallized early and that hybrid melts participated to the genesis of the DTZ. The comparison between mineral and whole rock compositions permitted to highlight the different processes that led to the observed chemical signatures of dunites: the protolithe signature, the dunitization process, chemical reequilibration between the olivine matrix and the percolating MORB, refertilization following the crystallization of interstitial minerals, as well as the effects of later serpentinization. Pure dunites, characterized by U or V-shaped REE patterns, seem to have acquired early the LREE-enriched signature that probably results from the reequilibration with silica- and incompatible trace elements-rich fluids (REE, Th, U, HFSE) generated through the harzburgite orthopyroxenes incongruent melting and probably reflecting the hybrid melt that crystallized interstitial hydrous minerals. The structural study of the DTZ in Sumail highlights the effect of synmagmatic faults on the DTZ development, resulting in the alternation between pure and impregnated horizons as well as in the vertical chemical structuration with compositions evolving on few tens of meters until fault zones. This is particularly true for chemical species expected as immobile during weathering as Ti, REE or Th. The DTZ seems to have been developed in a transtensional environment structured by two main faults systems, oriented N130 and N165-180. These faults spatially constrained both the melt flow, thus the dunitization, and the introduction of hydrothermal fluids probably oceanic in origin. This meeting zone between igneous and hydrothermal fluids can strongly influence the chemical exchanges and distribution between the deep lithosphere and the surface. The comparison between the Sumail DTZ and other ones from Oman or Trinity (California) ophiolites, which evolved in a different magmatic setting, shows the systematic role of synmagmatic faults. Melts that percolated these other DTZ were under-saturated in Al and saturated in water, allowing to interpret the hydrated component as an essential condition for dunites genesis at the mantle-crust transition.

La dynamique des bassins versants sous l'angle de l'analyse chimique à haute fréquences des rivières / Watershed dynamics through high-frequency chemical analysis of rivers

Floury, Paul 26 September 2017 (has links)
Notre connaissance des mécanismes d’acquisition de la chimie des eaux continentales est limitée par la fréquence des prélèvements qui peuvent être réalisés sur le terrain. Échantillonner une rivière tous les 15 jours, c’est négliger une variabilité de sa composition qu’on commence à suspecter et qui renseigne sur des processus ou des variations de sources de courte période intégrés sur l’ensemble du bassin versant. L’automatisation des prélèvements et la mesure en temps réel est un défi important non seulement du point de vue de la compréhension des mécanismes contrôlant la chimie des eaux, de leur dynamique temporelle, des relations entre concentrations et débits, mais aussi du point de vue appliqué pour la détection des pollutions ponctuelles. Ce développement intéresse les professionnels de l’eau qui ne sont pas à ce jour contraint par la loi, mais qui pourraient le devenir. Dans le cadre du projet équipex CRITEX, un prototype de maison chimique appelé ”RiverLab”, véritable laboratoire d’analyses en temps réel sur le terrain a été développé et installé en novembre 2014 sur la bassin versant expérimental de l’Orgeval, un site étudié depuis 50 ans par les équipes de l’IRSTEA. Ce prototype est destiné à être déployé sur deux autres sites du réseau national des bassins versants (dispositif SOERE). Nous nous focalisons sur les deux principaux forçages naturels que subi un bassin versant à savoir les apports de précipitations et l’énergie solaire revisité sous l’angle de la haute fréquence / Our knowledge of the mechanisms of acquisition of inland water chemistry is limited by the frequency of sampling that can be carried out in the field. Sampling a river every 15 days means neglecting a variability in its composition that is beginning to be suspected and which informs processes or variations of short-term sources integrated over the entire catchment area. The automation of sampling and real-time measurement is an important challenge not only from the point of view of understanding the mechanisms controlling water chemistry, their temporal dynamics, the relations between concentrations and flows, but also from the point of view of applied for the detection of point pollution. This development is of interest to water professionals who are not yet legally constrained, but who could become so.As part of the CRITEX team project, a prototype of a chemical house called "RiverLab", a real laboratory for real-time field analysis, was developed and installed in November 2014 on the experimental watershed of Orgeval, a site studied for 50 years by the IRSTEA teams. This prototype is intended to be deployed on two other sites of the national watershed network (SOERE device). We focus on the two main natural forces that have undergone a watershed, namely precipitation inputs and solar energy revisited in terms of high frequency

The Impact of Parkinson’s Disease on Mammalian Adult Neurogenesis

Bastasic, Joseph 12 September 2019 (has links)
Parkinson’s disease (PD) has been reported to negatively affect adult neurogenesis. Mitochondrial dysfunction associated with PD may be involved, given that recent studies have identified mitochondria to be central regulators of neural stem cell (NSC) fate decisions. For this thesis, we sought to characterize adult neurogenesis in PINK1 and parkin knockout (KO) mouse models of PD. Immunohistochemical staining of subventricular zone (SVZ) and subgranular zone (SGZ) tissue sections from 6 month old mice was performed in order to identify and quantify changes in specific cell populations involved with adult neurogenesis. The loss of PINK1 or parkin was found to cause aberrant changes in adult neurogenesis, particularly in the SGZ. Going forward, it would be interesting to determine if the observed changes in adult neurogenesis were the result of mitochondrial dysfunction.

Communicating the Australian Coast: Communities, Cultures and Coastcare

Foxwell-Norton, Kerrie-Ann, na January 2007 (has links)
In Australia, Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICM) is the policy framework adopted by government to manage the coastal zone. Amongst other principles, ICM contains an explicit mandate to include local communities in the management of the coastal zone. In Australia, the Coastcare program emerged in response to international acceptance of the need to involve local communities in the management of the coastal zone. This dissertation is a critical cultural investigation of the Coastcare program to discover how the program and the coastal zone generally, is understood and negotiated by three volunteer groups in SE Queensland. There is a paucity of data surrounding the actual experiences of Coastcare volunteers. This dissertation begins to fill this gap in our knowledge of local community involvement in coastal management. My dissertation considers the culture of Coastcare and broadly, community participation initiatives. Coastcare participants, government policymakers, environmental scientists, etc bring to their encounter a specific ‘way of seeing’ the coast – a cultural framework – which guides their actions, ideas and priorities for the coastal zone. These cultural frameworks are established and maintained in the context of unequal relations of power and knowledge. The discourses of environmental science and economics – as evidenced in the chief ICM policy objective, Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) – are powerful knowledges in the realm of community participation policy. This arrangement has serious consequences for what governments and experts can expect to achieve via community participation programs. In short, the quest for ‘power-sharing’ with communities and ‘meaningful participation’ is impeded by dominant scientific and economic cultures which act to marginalise and discredit the cultures of communities (and volunteers). Ironically enough, the lack of consideration of these deeper relations of power and knowledge means that the very groups (such as policymakers, environmental scientists, etc) who actively seek the participation of local communities, contribute disproportionately to the relative failure of community participation programs. At the very least, as those in a position of power, policymakers and associated experts do little to enhance communication with local communities. To this situation add confusion wrought by changes in the delivery of the Coastcare program and a lack of human and financial resources. From this perspective, the warm and fuzzy sentiment of Coastcare can be understood as the ‘Coastcare of neglect’. However, the emergence of community participation as ‘legitimate’ in environmental policymaking indicates a fissure in the traditional power relations between communities and experts. Indeed the entry of ‘community participation policy’ is relatively new territory for the environmental sciences. It is this fissure which I seek to explore and encourage via the application of a cultural studies framework which offers another ‘way of seeing’ community participation in coastal and marine management and thereby, offers avenues to improve relations between communities and experts. My fieldwork reveals a fundamental mismatch between the cultural frameworks which communities bring to the coast and those frameworks embodied and implemented by the Coastcare program. Upon closer examination, it is apparent that the Coastcare program (and community participation programs generally) are designed to introduce local ‘lay’ communities to environmental science knowledge. Local coastal cultures are relegated to the personal and private realm. An excellent example of this is the scientifically oriented ‘eligible areas for funding’ of the Coastcare program. The volunteers consulted for this project emphasized their motivation in terms of ‘maintaining the natural beauty of the coast’ and ‘protecting a little bit of coast from the rampant development of the coastal zone’. Their motivations were largely the antithesis of ESD. They understood their actions as thwarting the negative impacts of coastal development – this occurred within a policy framework which accepted development as fait d’accompli. Australia’s nation of coastal dwellers may not know a lot about ‘coastal ecologies’ but they do know the coast in other ways. Community knowledge of the coast can be largely accounted for in the phrase, ‘Australian beach culture’. Serious consideration of Australian beach culture in environmental policy is absent. The lack of attention to this central tenet of the Australian way of life is because, as a concept and in practice, beach culture lacks the ‘seriousness’ and objectivity of environmental science knowledge – it is about play, hedonism, holidays, spirituality, emotion and fun. The stories (including Indigenous cultural heritage) which emerge when Australians are asked about their ‘beach cultural knowledge’ – historical and contemporary experiences of the Australian coast – await meaningful consideration by those interested in communicating with Australian communities living on the coast. This ‘cultural geography’ is an avenue for policymakers to better communicate and engage with Australian communities in their quest to increase participation in, or motivate interest in community coastal management programs.

歯に矯正力を加えた際の圧迫側歯周組織の三次元的様相について / Three-dimensional situation of periodontal tissue at pressure side incident to orthodontic tooth movement

金子, 知生 25 March 1992 (has links)
歯科基礎医学会, 金子 知生 = Tomoo Kaneko, 歯に矯正力を加えた際の圧迫側歯周組織の三次元的様相について = Three-dimensional situation of periodontal tissue at pressure side incident to orthodontic tooth movement, 歯科基礎医学会雑誌, 36(2), APR 1994, pp.170-186 / Hokkaido University (北海道大学) / 博士 / 歯学

Study on Taiwan free trade port district---using Kaohsiung harbor as a case study

Xue, Mei-Rong 28 January 2011 (has links)
For the current trend of global planning and management, free trade port district can help industries to manage global marketing. In the meantime, it can develop economics and also enterprises. Taiwan government promote the policy of free trade port district in order to cooperate the project:¡¨Challenge 2008¡GGovernment Development Plan¡]2002¡Ð2007¡^¡v. To use Taiwan¡¦s location and also manufacturing advantage, the government set into the free trade port district policy which can develop international physical distribution business. The free trade port district of Kaohsiung harbor has been started since Jan 2005. There are automatically security system, information platform which can connected all computers from related departments. In this research, we found there are still some problems such as no suffice space or difficulty to extend which caused limitation for new enterprises or industries. A lot of problems which cased the difficulty for scale economy and cybotaxis benefit. Kaohsiung harbor hope to be the pivot of physical distribution in Asia so it should continue to develop space and cooperate the needs from enterprises or industries. To keep improve the laws and regulations in order to smooth all operations procedure in Kaohsiung harbor. From this paper, it can be reference for free trade port district development strategy.

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