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回顧近50年來台灣的產業發展歷程,自1980年進入資訊電子產業以後,經濟發展始開始呈現高度成長。時至2004,台灣主要硬體產品在海內外總產值達到684億美元,高居全球前五位,並預估2006年可達到800億美元。我國資訊電子產業自80年代初期乃是以OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturing)代工的方式開始發展,憑藉著廉價的勞力及土地等生產要素,達到低成本的製造優勢;然而近年來,台灣選擇專業代工的風險已開始逐漸顯現。隨著資訊產品發展成熟,普及率增加,品牌廠商為了提高市場佔有率,也開始進入以價格競爭的階段;此外,當初具有之成本優勢也隨著中國大陸經濟體的興起以及勞動成本、土地成本等上升而日漸消失,因此台灣資訊電子廠商走向微笑曲線兩端的趨勢已經無法避免。

有鑑於上述的產業發展現況,近年來學術界對於自有品牌相關議題的研究也愈發重視。然而,過去的研究重點往往放在自有品牌的發展策略、關鍵成功因素等策略層面或理論層面的探討,對於建立自有品牌實務歷程的研究則著墨較少。在自創品牌的相關研究中,除了眾多學者多認為行銷通路建立為自創品牌關鍵成功因素之外,宏碁集團創辦人施振榮也曾特別指出:「建立品牌過程中,通路的建立是重點」,故本篇論文針對自創品牌關鍵成功因素之一的「行銷通路建構歷程」進行研究。本研究透過個案研究的方式,針對國內資訊電子業建立自有品牌上較具成功經驗之企業 - 明基電通(BenQ)加以深入探討,期能得到新的啟發,並供實務界參考,為台灣的產業升級做出貢獻。

本研究首先透過相關文獻的探討,瞭解可作為分析通路建構歷程之相關文獻,包括「自有品牌建立」、「通路理論」、「動態能力」、「組織學習」等相關理論,並透過個案公司訪談以及次級文獻蒐集獲得個案公司資訊,最後分析個案公司 之通路建構歷程。本研究之發現如下:

1. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業,其通路建構歷程會先進行行銷(通路)部門的組織設計與改造、運作流程設計、以及行銷通路人員的招募等前置作業
2. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業在建立自有品牌產品之行銷通路時,其自有品牌產品線與其代工產品關連性愈高,則通路建構歷程愈易於進行,且通路績效表現愈佳
3. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業於通路建構歷程中,會致力於進行雙迴圈學習及高階學習,並建立新的價值觀及規範,以提升通路建構及通路管理之成效
4. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業於通路建構歷程中,若能夠在創造學習外取得新的知識來源或他人的通路經驗以進行模仿學習,則有助於通路建構績效之提升
5. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業於通路建構歷程中,若能夠透過跨產品線、跨市場地區的行銷通路相關人員進行定期交流聚會與知識分享,則有助於通路建構績效之提升
6. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業,若能夠將通路建構歷程中所取得的知識及經驗進行資料庫之建構,則有助於通路建構績效之提升
7. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業,若其組織具有較高的組織彈性以及較快的回應能力,則有助於通路建構績效之提升
8. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業於通路建構歷程中,若於目標市場擁有足夠的市場性資產(如商譽)、結構性資產(如製造能力、供應鏈管理),則有助於通路建構績效之提升
9. 企業在建構國際通路時,其通路策略及通路管理作法上會視各國市場特性之不同而有所不同
10. 企業在建構國際通路時,其相關通路建構之主要決策權若由各地子公司掌握,則有助於企業通路建構及通路管理之成效
11. 企業在建構國際通路時,若能夠使用在地人力資源,則有助於通路建構之進行 / The electronic industry first developed in Taiwan in 1980s by OEM operation. But with the strong challenge from China and the pressure of price competition, the risk of OEM/ODM business model is growing higher and higher nowadays. Given this industry condition, academic and industrial filed are paying more attention to those issues about transformation from OEM/ODM to OBM. Nevertheless, “Building Marketing Channel”, which is one critical factor in the transformation process, is neglected among others. Therefore, this research focuses on the practical building process of marketing channel, not only aims to trigger the following studies on this issue, but also like to find some insights into the marketing channel building process and help the industry to succeed in the transformation from OEM/ODM to OBM.

Compare to other studies that more focus on the “Channel Strategy” or channel itself, this research focuses on an issue that rarely be touched by researchers. For that reason, this research is more an “Exploratory Research” essentially. This research adopts “Case-Study Method”, looks into the marketing channel building process by interviewing with personnel of case company and reading second-hand materials about the case company, then derives findings and conclusions by analysis the building process with the framework of “Dynamic Capability” and “Organizational Learning”

Findings of this research could be divided into three major subjects, following list each of the three subjects and the implication of it.

1. Features of marketing channel building process of OEM/ODM companies
in transformation to OBM
Marketing channel building process of OEM/ODM companies in transformation to OBM should be initiated by designing the marketing related function and organization structure

2. Marketing channel building process and “Organizational Learning”
Companies in transformation to OBM should engage in “Double-loop Learning” to enhance the result of marketing channel building process

3. Marketing channel building process and “Dynamic Capability”
Companies in transformation to OBM should improve capabilities of “Process” and “Position” categories to enhance the result of marketing channel building process

For industry practice, this research suggests that companies should endeavor to obtain necessary knowledge, create as many sources of learning as possible, and also design an effective organizational learning system in the marketing channel building process. In the other hand, companies should also improve their dynamic capabilities with the new knowledge in the whole process, especially in “Process” and “Position” categories. For academic field, since the major limit of this research is the lack of inferential reliability with single-case method, this research suggest following researchers to conduct further research on this topic with multi-case or quantitative method and verify the findings and conclusions of this research.
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
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