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不可避免的,對於德沃金的理論,存在有許多的反對意見。在此筆者援引了Joseph Raz以及Samuel Schaffler的論文,對德沃金的理論進行檢試。Raz指出,德沃金的理論本身,與其所主張的融貫並未有直接的關係,同時,德沃金的理論,忽略了權威在現代國家中所扮演的角色。Schaffler則指出,德沃金過份的強調經濟平等,因而致政治或社會平等遭到忽視。此外,Schaffler認為,德沃金的資源平等理論裡,欠缺對於境況與志向的區分標準。最後,Schaffler則是提到,德沃金的資源平等理論,隱藏著存在階級社會的可能性。
的確,Joseph Raz以及Samuel Schaffler的論文提供了反思性的觀點,不過,筆者認為,他們所提出的問題,無法成功的全然拒絕德沃金的理論。筆者認為,德沃金的法理論,成功的融合了「法治」以及「正義」與「公平」,因此,其理論也確實為司法裁判實踐公平正義的理念,提供了可能了路徑。

關鍵字:公平、正義、語義階段,法理階段,原理階段,裁判階段、法理論、平等、整全性、融貫、平等關懷 / The main issue of my thesis focuses on whether realization of the ideal of justice and fairness in adjudication is possible. I discuss this main issue by means of Dworkin’s legal theory and his theory of equality. First of all, I start my discussion with analysis of Dworkin’s legal theory, which includes four stages: the semantic stage, the jurisprudential stage, the doctrinal stage, and the adjudicative stage. In semantic stage, Dworkin points out that the concept of law should be interpretive concept. In jurisprudential stage, he deems the concept of law as a concept of political values, and what the value presented by concept of law is the value of legality. Furthermore, he considers the best concept of the value of the legality, so as the best conception of law, is integrity. I believe this is the key concept which connects Dworkin’s legal theory with theory of equality. In Law’s Empire, Dworkin said that integrity in adjudication asks judges apply the laws which come from the principle of justice and fairness. This leads us to Dworkin’s theory of equality.
Dworkin presents his theory of Equality with two dimensions. One is equality of resources, which could be narrowly seen as a theory about distributive justice. The other is political equality concerning the distribution of political power. These two dimensions of his theory of equality offer the possibility of realizing the justice and fairness in adjudication. The theory of equality of resources offers the guidelines for courts to follow when deciding if citizens have some sort of concrete rights, and if government violates the equal protection of citizen’s rights that demanded by the ideal of equal concern. According to political equality, it offers the basis of judicial review in democracy.
Finally, Dworkin points out that how judges apply laws to concrete case is something related to those three stages as mentioned above. Dworkin distinguishes himself from the legal positivists, such as Hans Kelsen and H.L.A. Hart. The different between Dworkin and legal positivists is discretion power of judges. In his theory, it is judge’s legal obligation rather than moral responsibility as positivists regard.
Inevitably, there are some critics to Dworkin’s theory of equality. Here I cited the research of Joseph Raz and Samuel Schaffler to exam Dworkin’s theory. Their articles offer reflective points of view to me. Joseph Raz criticizes Dworkin’s theory as something irrelative to the coherence that Dworkin himself requests. He further criticizes that Dworkin’s theory of adjudication ignores the role of authority in modern state. Samuel Scheffler criticizes that Dworkin’s theory of equality ignores the importance of political and social equality. Besides, how to distinguish circumstance and ambition is not clear enough in Dworkin’s theory. Furthermore, Scheffler considers that Dworkin’s theory of equality may allow a heirachy administration exists. Although they point out some defects, I do not think they did fulfill significant challenges to Dworkin’s theory. After all, I consider that Dworkin’s legal theories build up a perfect framework for realizing the value of legality, which can also be referred as the rule of law. Most importantly, his legal theories are coherent the other moral values and convictions of ethics. I think Dworkin’s theories of law and equality may offer the best possibility to realize the ideal of justice and fairness in adjudication.

Key Words: justice, fairness, the semantic stage, the jurisprudential stage, the doctrinal stage, the adjudicative stage, integrity, coherence, legal theory, equality, equal concern
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
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