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“De har skjutit i 180 grader och hej vilt efter flyende bilar” : En kvantitativ studie om Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladets rapportering om gängkriminaliteten mellan 2010-2021 / “They have been shooting in 180 degrees and all about after getaway cars" : a quantitative study of the reporting in Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet about gang criminality between 2010-2021Hagman, Ronan, Nilsson, Elin January 2022 (has links)
This thesis aimed to find out how gang violence had been reported in the Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet between 2010-2021 and if there had been any changes during the selected time period. The articles for the thesis were chosen through a probability sample technique called systematic sample. There were around 8000 articles in total that were found while using our searchterms. Then every tenth article was chosen for coding from each year. A total number of 811 articles were collected, 466 from Dagens Nyheter and 345 from Aftonbladet. The thesis found that there was no significant difference between the newspapers in the way of reporting about gang violence during the time period. Both Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet reported a lot about the criminal actions that the gangs had committed and the newspapers had a tendency to report the crimes that were of a violent nature. The reporting of the gang members showed that they often did not mention their age, gender or ethnicity. Both newspapers also used different words in their reporting, both for gang violence and the gang members, which could make it hard to know the difference between acts done by gangs and by other criminals.
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E-sportens utveckling i tidningsmedier – hur ser den ut? : En kvantitativ studie av Aftonbladet och Expressens rapportering av e-sport under 2017, 2018, 2019 och 2020. / The evolution of e-sport in newspaper media - what does it look like? : A quantitative study of Aftonbladet and Expressen's reporting of e-sports during 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.Nord, Jonathan January 2022 (has links)
This study aimed to study the the relatively unexplored field of e-sport within journalism. This was achieved by conducting a quantitative content analysis of publicised textual material on the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen’s websites. The subject of analysis was to define how texts touching the topic of e-sport looked like in terms of, content, placing, tone, framing of e-sport as a professional area or an leisure activity and the general topic in focus. Material for this study was chosen by a systematic sampling of every third text produced by each newspaper during the years of 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. From the selected searchterms 564 publisiced texts were found which amounted to 191 text distributed over both newspapers and every year. After the initial analysis of the results a comparison between the newspapers and years was performed to determine if there is differences and variance in the reporting. The results of this study shows that texts touching the topic of e-sports were mostly categorized under the category of Sports, were written by the newspaper in question, contained a medium to large amout of signs or word and were written as in the form of a news article. At the same time the tone towards e-sport was mosly neutral and the newspapers framed e-sport as a professional area with topic in focus being individual characters in the stories. While there was differences between the the newspaper they were mostly small with the exeption of topic in focus where Expressen focused on individual characters and Aftonbladet stories about matches and what happened during them. During the years small differences in the reporting occured but they were mosly related to 2017 who, in realation to the other years and values, had a lower amout of texts categorized under the term sport, less material produced by the newspaper in question, less texts in the form of news articles, less of a neutral tone and framed less towards e-sport as a professional area.
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Atopiskt eksem och dess påverkan på barnets och föräldrarnas livskvalitet: en integrativ litteraturstudie / Atopic dermatitis and its impact on the quality of life of children andparents: an integrative literature reviewEngström,, Helén,, Norkvist, Anna-Lena January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Prevalensen av atopiskt eksem har ökat under senare delen av 1900-talet.Det är en kronisk sjukdom med påverkan på såväl barn som familj som förutommedicinska aspekter även måste hantera psykosocial belastning. Då bot intefinns är det viktigt med förebyggande behandling genom utbildning. Syfte: Att genom en integrativ litteraturstudie beskriva hur barns atopiska eksempåverkar livskvaliteten för barnet och föräldrarna samt vilket stöddistriktssköterskan ger. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en integrativlitteraturstudie där 19 artiklar, 15 kvantitativa och 4 kvalitativa bedömdesoch klassificerades. Sökningar gjordes via databaserna PubMed, Cinahl ochPsykInfo under augusti och september 2012. Söktermer som användes vardermatitis atopic, eczema, family and quality of life. Syntetisering till ettnytt beskrivande innehåll har skapats genom sammanslagning av artiklarnasresultat och slutsatser. Resultat: Vid atopiskt eksem påverkades barnets ochföräldrarnas livskvalitet negativt, såväl fysiskt, emotionellt som socialt.Föräldrarna och barnen hade omötta behov av information om sjukdom ocheksemvård. För att kunna hantera atopiskt eksem, förhindra försämring ochförbättra livskvalitet hade distriktssköterskan en central roll när det gälldeutbildning och stöd för barn och föräldrar. Slutsats: Relationen mellandistriktssköterska och barn samt föräldrar var viktig vid atopiskt eksem, inteenbart för den fysiska läkningen utan också för deras psykologiska ochemotionella välbefinnande. Varje diagnos av hudsjukdom kan visa sig på ettliknande sätt men borde ses som unik och individuell, då individer har olikaerfarenhet av sjukdom och dess konsekvenser. / Background: The prevalence of atopic dermatitis hasincreased during the later part of the twentieth century. The chronic diseaseaffects both child and family. They have to cope with medical aspects of thedisease and also manage psychosocial stress. When no cure exists it isimportant with preventive treatment through education. Aim: The aim ofthis integrative literature review was to describe how children`s atopicdermatitis affects the child´s quality of life as well as the parents and whatsupport the district nurse provide. Method: The study was conducted asan integrative literature review in which 19 articles, 15 quantitative and 4qualitative were reviewed and classified. Searches were made using thedatabases PubMed, Cinahl and PsychInfo during august and september 2012. Searchterms used were atopic dermatitis, eczema, family and quality of life. A newdescriptive content has been synthesized by merging the content in the articlesfindings and conclusions. Results: When the atopic dermatitis thequality of life for the child and parents affected negatively, both physically,emotionally and socially. Parents and children had need for information aboutdisease and eczema treatment. In the management of atopic dermatitis, toprevent exacerbation of the condition and improve quality of life the districtnurse had a central role in education and support for children and parents. Conclusion: The relationship between the district nurse and thechild/parents was important, not only for the physical healing but also fortheir psychological and emotional wellness. Every diagnosis of skin disease canmanifest itself in a similar manner but should be seen as unique andindividual, when individuals have different experience of illness and itsconsequences. / <p>2012-11-05</p>
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I dödens skugga : - En deskriptiv litteraturstudie av palliativa patienters perspektivWennman, Josefine, Zetterström Nygren, Sebastian January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under år 2022 inrapporterades 48,733 dödsfall till Svenska palliativregistret. Stor del av den forskning inom det palliativa fokuserar på anhöriga och vårdares perspektiv. Samtidigt medför den moderna strävan för personcentrering av vården behovet för insikt i hur de döende i sjukdom uppfattar sin situation och tillvaro. Syfte: Att beskriva döende patienters uppfattning om dödens olika aspekter. Metod: En litteratursökning genomfördes med hjälp av databasen MEDLINE via PubMed. Använda söktermer var attitude to death, perception, perceptions, qualitative research, terminally ill, view och views. Tio artiklar baserade på döende personers perspektiv om uppfattningen av döden valdes ut av författarna till litteraturstudien. Artiklarna analyserades sedan genom tematisk analys. Huvudresultat: Två huvudteman identifierades: Att ställas inför nytt perspektiv och Hur döden bemöts är viktigt. Att ställas inför nytt perspektiv som tema berör känsloreaktionen i mötet med döden, kampen om att finna mening, relationen till tillvaron och betydelsen av acceptans. Uppfattningarna kopplade till temat Hur döden bemöts är viktigt behandlar de sätt de döende sjuka hanterar sin situation, vad som hjälper och stjälper, vad som är viktigt och på vilket sätt. Slutsats: Samtidigt som patienternas uppfattning av dödens olika aspekter påvisade individuell variation relaterat till sociokulturella och psykoandliga faktorer; fanns det en övergripande överensstämmelse i uppfattningen om dödens olika aspekter. I patienternas beskrivna uppfattning av dödens aspekter påvisas möjligheten till en förbättrad personcentrerad palliativa vård. / Background: In 2022 there were 48,733 deaths reported to the Swedish register of palliative care. A big part of the palliative research is focused on relatives and care workers perspectives. At the same time the modern pursuit of patient-centered care brings the need for insight on how terminally ill patients perceive their situation and existence. Aim: To describe dying patients' perceptions on the different aspects of death. Method: A literature search was conducted in the database MEDLINE via PubMed. The searchterms used were attitude to death, perception, perceptions, qualitative research, terminally ill, view and views. Ten articles based on the perspective of terminally ill patients' perception of the aspects of death were selected by the authors of this review. The articles were then analyzed using thematic analysis. Findings: Two themes were identified: To be faced with a new perspective and How death is dealt with is important. The theme To be faced with a new perspective touches on the emotional reactions when confronted with death, the struggle to find meaning, connections to one's existence and the significance of acceptance. The perceptions connected to the theme How death is dealt with is important deals with the ways the terminally ill manage their situation, what helps and hinders, what is important and in what way. Conclusion: At the same time the patients' perceptions on the aspect of death showed individual variation related to sociocultural and psychospiritual factors; an overall congruence regarding perceptions of the aspects of death was found. In the patients' described perception of the aspects of death, the possibility for improvement of person-centered palliative care is demonstrated.
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