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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The theory and practice of undergraduate nursing ethics education programs in South Africa and Namibia : a critical appraisal

De Villiers, Josephine Elizabeth 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The history and evolution of nursing ethics situate caring as a central value of nursing. Since ancient times, codes of conduct, developed by societies, have protected the vulnerable. The value system of nursing in South Africa and Namibia is derived from Christian missionaries who hailed from England and Europe. Florence Nightingale is recognised as the founder of modern nursing and established a firm ethical foundation for nursing. Nursing ethics education has various aims, i.e. promotion of ethical insight of nurses and protection of patients. Ethics education is confronted daily with many challenges with continuous efforts to address these challenges through innovations. Throughout its history, the nursing profession has responded to moral challenges by developing ethical codes with guiding principles for nursing practice. An ethic of care gained ground as an important approach in nursing practice. The values and obligations proclaimed in the codes of ethics of some countries and the International Council of Nurses reveal shared values and beliefs in nursing. These codes of ethics describe the obligation of nurses towards patients, the nursing profession, society, co-workers and themselves as individual nurses. Nurses ought to develop certain required character traits. Aristotle’s ideas on intellectual virtues and practical wisdom specifically may provide nursing ethics educators with a viable approach in the teaching-learning of nursing ethics. The status of nursing ethics education in South Africa and Namibia revealed variability in most aspects of undergraduate nursing ethics education in institutions of higher education. This lack of standardisation complicates assessment of the quality of nursing ethics education. Nursing ethics educators in South Africa and Namibia identified challenges regarding the teaching-learning environment, practising nurses, students and educators as well as challenges related to the regulatory authorities and political and legislative framework. Suggestions to address these challenges were also offered by the nursing ethics educators. The effective internalisation of nursing values requires the efforts of nursing educators, students, practising nurses as well as stakeholders beyond institutions of higher learning. A critical assessment of nursing ethics education in South Africa and Namibia highlighted certain deficiencies in relation to regulatory and managerial aspects in nursing education and various issues related to nursing education generally and nursing ethics education specifically. Improving nursing ethics education needs nursing ethics educator specialisation, standardisation of ethics education and innovative teaching-learning strategies, including the inculcation of practical wisdom in nursing students. Health care facilities need upgrading, and practising nurses and educators must support nursing students effectively. Managerial and regulatory aspects need improvement. The challenges identified in this study can be resolved by improved collaboration amongst institutions of higher learning, nursing councils and service providers. Nursing ethics educators remain hopeful that nursing ethics education has the potential to be significantly improved both in South Africa and Namibia. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die geskiedenis en ontwikkeling van verpleegetiek dui op versorging as die kernwaarde van verpleegkunde. Sedert die vroegste tye sien die gedragskodes wat deur samelewings ontwikkel word, na kwesbare lede van die gemeenskap om. Die waardestelsel van verpleegkunde in Suid-Afrika en Namibië kan teruggevoer word tot die Christen-sendelinge wat uit Engeland en Europa gekom het. Florence Nightingale word as die stigter van moderne verpleegkunde beskou en het ’n stewige etiese grondslag vir verpleegkunde gelê. Verpleegetiek onderrig het verskeie doelwitte, waaronder bevordering van die etiese insigte van verpleegkundigies en beskerming van pasiënte. Etiek onderrrig word daagliks gekonfronteer deur menige uitdagings met volgehoue pogings om hierdie uitdagings deur innovering aan te spreek. Oor die geskiedenis heen het die verpleegberoep op morele uitdagings gereageer deur etiekkodes met rigsnoere vir die verpleegpraktyk op te stel. Mettertyd het die etiek van versorging veld gewen as ’n belangrike benadering tot verpleegpraktyk. Die waardes en verpligtinge wat in die etiekkodes van sommige lande sowel as dié van die Internasionale Raad vir Verpleegkundiges vervat is, toon bepaalde gemeenskaplike beginsels en oortuigings. Hierdie etiekkodes beskryf verpleegkundiges se plig jeens pasiënte, die verpleegberoep, die samelewing, hul medewerkers én hulself as individuele verpleërs. Verpleegkundiges behoort sekere vereiste karaktereienskappe te ontwikkel. Veral Aristoteles se gedagtes oor intellektuele deugde en praktiese insig kan verpleegetiekopvoeders van ’n lewensvatbare benadering tot onderrig en leer op hul vakgebied voorsien. Tog bied hoëronderwysinstellings in Suid-Afrika en Namibië oënskynlik wisselende mates van voorgraadse verpleegetiekonderrig. Hierdie gebrek aan standaardisering maak dit moeilik om die werklike gehalte van verpleegetiekonderrig te bepaal. Die verpleegetiekopvoeders in Suid- Afrika en Namibië wat vir hierdie studie geraadpleeg is, maak melding van uitdagings met betrekking tot die onderrig- en leeromgewing, verpleegpraktisyns, studente en opvoeders, die reguleringsowerhede sowel as politieke en regskwessies. Die opvoeders het ook voorstelle gemaak oor hoe hierdie uitdagings hanteer kan word. Die doeltreffende internalisering van verpleegwaardes vereis toewyding van verpleegopvoeders, -studente en -praktisyns sowel as belanghebbendes buite hoëronderwysinstellings. ’n Kritiese beoordeling van verpleegetiekonderrig in Suid-Afrika en Namibië dui op bepaalde tekorte wat regulerings- en bestuursaspekte van verpleegonderrig betref, en ook verskeie uitdagings met betrekking tot verpleegonderrig oor die algemeen en verpleegetiekonderrig in die besonder. Die verbetering van verpleegetiekonderrig vereis spesialisering deur verpleegetiekopvoeders, die standaardisering van etiekonderrig, en innoverende onderrig- en leerstrategieë, onder meer die inskerping van praktiese insig by verpleegstudente. Gesondheidsorgfasiliteite moet opgeknap word en verpleegpraktisyns en -opvoeders moet verpleegstudente doeltreffend ondersteun. Ook bestuurs- en reguleringsaspekte moet verbeter word. Die uitdagings wat in hierdie studie na vore kom, kan die hoof gebied word deur beter samewerking tussen hoëronderwysinstellings, verpleegrade en diensverskaffers. Intussen bly verpleegetiekopvoeders vol hoop dat verpleegetiekonderrig in Suid-Afrika en Namibië verbeter kan word.

The effect of teaching methods used as experienced and perceived by student nurses at a nursing college in the Western Cape province

Furst, Laetitia Nicole 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCur)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The 21st century teaching environment is unique in its diversity, and challenges academic staff to create a teaching environment that is conducive to all current learners. Various teaching methods are available and affordable, but technology remains an essential investment for the future of higher education institutions. The goal of the study was to evaluate the perceptions of student nurses regarding the effectiveness of the teaching methods which they experienced at a nursing college in the Western Cape Province. The objectives included an evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching methods as perceived and experienced by students of: - The traditional (green/whiteboard) lecture - Group activity - Self-activity - The use of technology such as PowerPoint presentations and video clips. An explorative descriptive research design was applied with a quantitative approach. The target population (N=1238) consisted of nursing students following the programme leading to registration as a professional nurse. Stratified random sampling was used to select the sample of participants (n=267). Data was collected personally by the researcher with a self-administered questionnaire which consisted of predominantly closed questions. Ethics approval to conduct this study was obtained from Stellenbosch University including permission from all other relevant parties. Reliability and validity of the study were assured through a pilot study, consultation with experts in nursing, education and statistics. The reliability of the questions were tested using the Cronbach alpha coefficient test which varied between .89 and .94. The data was analysed with the support of a statistician and was expressed as frequencies in tables and histograms. Descriptive statistics and post-hoc analyses including tests for statistical associations were performed. Results include a significant difference in generation X participants and the green/whiteboard teaching methods (Spearman p-value = 0.02) and their preference of the traditional lecture as a teaching method (Spearman p-value = <0.01). The perceived effectiveness of the teaching methods on student performance varied between very helpful and not helpful. Only (n = 49/19%) of participants experienced the traditional lecture as being very helpful on their general academic performance, in comparison to the effect of group work (n = 69/26%) and self-activity (n = 102/39%). Furthermore, no significant results were obtained between the participants and the perceived effect of the teaching methods. Open-ended questions showed that participants regarded the teaching strategies as boring and ancient and that much of the unhappiness expressed stems from the difference in the needs of millennials and the lack of change and obstinacy existing amongst academics. Recommendations include an increase in the use of technology, a blended approach to teaching, the re-training of academic staff, measures in counteracting a boring classroom environment, orientation for neophyte academics and students, workload perception of students and class size. In conclusion should recommendations be implemented a complete transformation of the college under study will result. It may force the education institution to move out of complacency, to a more vigorous and dynamic education environment that enables them to emerge as an Higher Education Institution (HEI) of good standing. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die een-en-twintigste-eeuse onderwysomgewing is uniek wat betref diversiteit en daag akademiese personeel uit om teenswoordig ’n onderwysomgewing te skep wat bevorderlik is vir alle leerders. Verskeie onderwysmetodes is beskikbaar en bekostigbaar, maar tegnologie bly ’n noodsaaklike belegging vir die toekoms van hoër onderwysinstansies. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die effektiwiteit van die gebruik van onderwysmetodes wat waargeneem en ondervind word deur studentverpleegkundiges by ’n spesifieke Verpleegkollege in die Wes-Kaap, te evalueer. Die doelwitte sluit in die evaluering aangaande die effektiwiteit soos waargeneem en ondervind deur studente van die volgende onderwysmetodes: - Die tradisionele groen/witbord lesing - Groepaktiwiteit - Selfaktiwiteit - Die gebruik van tegnologie soos PowerPoint-aanbiedings en video-insetsels. ’n Ondersoekende, beskrywende navorsingsontwerp met ’n kwantitatiewe benadering is toegepas. Die teikengroep is (n=1238) wat uit verpleegstudente bestaan wat die program vir die van ’n geregistreerde professionele verpleegster volg. ’n Gestratifieerde ewekansige steekproef is gebruik om die deelnemers (n=267) te selekteer. Data is self deur die navorser ingesamel deur gebruik te maak van ’n selfgeadministreerde vraelys wat hoofsaklik uit geslote vrae bestaan het. Etiese goedkeuring om die studie na te vors, is verkry van die Universtiteit van Stellenbosch, asook die van al die betrokke partye. Betroubaarheid en geldigheid van die studie is verseker deur ’n loodsondersoek, sowel as raadpleging met deskundiges op die gebied van Verpleging, Opvoedkunde en Statistiek. Die betroubaaarheid van die vrae is getoets deur gebruik te maak van die Cronbach-alpha koëffisiënt toets wat tussen .89 en .94 gevarieer het. Die data is geanaliseer met die ondersteuning van ’n statistikus en word voorgestel as frekwensies in tabelle en histogramme. Beskrywende statistieke en post-hoc analises, insluitende toetse vir statistiese assossiasies, is uitgevoer. Resultate sluit in ’n beduidende verskil in generasie x-deelnemers en die groen- of witbord onderwysmetodes (Spearman p-waarde = 0.02) en hul voorkeur vir die tradisionele lesing as ’n onderrigmetode (Spearman p-aarde >0.01). Die effektiwiteit van die onderwysmetodes op studenteprestasies wat waargeneem is, varieer tussen baie waardevol en van geen waarde nie. Slegs (n=49/19%) van die deelnemers het die tradisionele lesing as baie waardevol vir hul algemene akademiese prestasie ervaar, in vergelyking met die effek van groepwerk (n=69/26%) en self-aktiwiteit (n=102/39%). Vervolgens, is geen beduidende resultate verkry tussen die deelnemers en die effek van die onderrigmetodes wat waargeneem is nie. Ope vrae bewys dat deelnemers die onderwysstrategieë as vervelig en verouderd beskou en dat baie van die ongelukkigheid wat deurgevoer is, voortspruit uit die verskil in die behoeftes van die milleniums en die gebrek aan geneentheid, asook halsstarrigheid by akademici om te verander. Aanbevelings sluit in ’n toename in die gebruik van tegnologie, ’n saamgestelde benadering tot onderrig, die heropleiding van akademiese personeel, maatstawwe om ’n vervelige klaskameratmosfeer teen te werk, oriëntering vir neofiet akademici en studente se persepsie van werklading en klasgrootte. Ten slotte, indien aanbevelings geïmplementeer word, sal ’n volslae transformasie van die kollege onder die soeklig, plaasvind. Dit mag die opvoedkundige instansie forseer om te beweeg vanuit ’n toestand van gemaksugtigheid na ’n meer ondernemende en dinamiese onderrigomgewing wat in staat sal wees om as ’n Hoër Onderwysinstansie van formaat te funksioneer.

Documentation of nursing care current practices and perceptions of nurses in a teaching hospital in Saudi Arabia

Mtsha, Aaron 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCur (Nursing Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Nursing documentation is the written evidence of nursing practice and reflects the accountability of nurses to patients. Accurate documentation is an important prerequisite for individual and safe nursing care. It is a severe threat for the individuality and safety of patient care if important aspects of nursing care remain undocumented. Nursing staff cannot rely on information that is not documented. Every patient is important and unique hence every patient’s care is individualised and different according to his/her needs. This is why important aspects of his/her care need to be documented. Ultimately, the documentation practices reflect the values of the nursing personnel (Isola, Muurinen and Voutilainen, 2004:79-80). The goal of this study was to investigate documentation of nursing care with reference to current practices and perceptions of nurses in a teaching hospital in Saudi Arabia Specific objectives of the study were:  to identify whether the hospital policies are being carried out  to identify whether the procedures regarding current documentation are being carried out and  to explore the perceptions of the nurses regarding the current documentation practices. Research Methodology For the purpose of this study, a non-experimental descriptive design with a quantitative approach was used. The study was carried out at King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. The total population of 90 registered nurses were used in this study. Questionnaires were distributed to the participants and they were answered with no identities written on the questionnaires. After the questionnaires were completed, it was posted in a box and was collected by the researcher. The questions are straightforward, easily understood, unambiguous, non-leading, objectively set and aimed at obtaining views, experiences and perceptions of documentation of nursing care. . Involvement of participants was voluntary and non-coercive. Data analysis were carried out with the support of a statistician, expressed in tables, frequencies and statistical associations were done between various variables based on a 95% confidence interval. The study revealed that:  Hospital policies are being carried out N=76 (95%)  Procedures pertaining to documentation of nursing care are being carried out N=67(83,7%).  Nurses N=45(56,3%) indicated that paper documentation included a lot of paperwork.  The Cerner (computer system) is regarded as the best system ever used for documentation of nursing care N=44(55%)  The Mycare system (medication ordering system) is regarded as the most reliable, user-friendly system and nurses are happy with it N=68(85%) Recommendations are:  Nurses still need to be taught about the hospital policies  Nurses should be taught the correct procedure on documenting the patient data  Nurse clinicians and managers should check the Cerner for compliance with regard to documentation of physical assessment when conducting audits  Use of paper for nursing documentation should be minimized by shifting some of the nursing documentation procedures from paperwork to electronic version  Continuous updating, in-service training and monitoring to keep nurses abreast with the dynamic nature of computer usage  Reviewing of the system, troubleshooting and suggestions from users need to be attended to on a continuous basis  It is recommended that a backup system (generator) is in place to ensure continuity of documentation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die dokumentering van verpleegsorg is die skriftelike bewys van die verpleegpraktyk en weerspieël die toerekenbaarheid van verpleegsters teenoor pasiënte. Noukeurige dokumentering is ’n belangrike voorvereiste vir individuele en veilige verpleegsorg. Dit is ’n ernstige bedreiging vir die individualiteit en veiligheid van pasiënte-sorg, indien belangrike aspekte van verpleegsorg nie gedokumenteer word nie. ’n Mens kan nie inligting vertrou wat nie gedokumenteer is nie. Die versorging van elke pasiënt is belangrik en uniek. Dit is waarom belangrike aspekte aangaande haar/sy versorging gedokumenteer behoort te word. Uiteindelik weerspieël die dokumenteringspraktyke, die waardes van die verpleegpersoneel (Isola, Muurinen en Voutilainen, 2004: 79-80). Die doel van die studie was om dokumentasie van verpleegsorg met verwysing na huidige praktyke en persepsies van verpleegkundiges in ‘n opleidingshospitaal in Saudi Arabia te ondersopek. Spesifieke doelwitte was  om vas te stel of die hospitaal se beleidsrigtings toegepas word  om vas te stel of die prosedure t.o.v die huidige dokumentering uitgevoer is  en’n ondersoek na die persepsies van verpleegsters aangaande die huidige dokumenteringspraktyke Vir die doel van hierdie studie is ’n nie-eksperimentele beskrywingsontwerp met ’n kwantitatiewe benadering gevolg. Hierdie studie was in King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Jeddah, in Saudia Arabia gedoen. ’n Totale bevolking van 90 geregistreerde verpleegsters was betrokke. Vraelyste was versprei na die deelnemers en is naamloos beantwoord, sonder dat hulle identiteite op die vraelys aangebring is. Na voltooiing van die vraelyste, is dit in ’n houer geplaas en deur die navorser afgehaal. Die vrae is direk, eenvoudig, maklik verstaanbaar, ondubbelsinnig, nie-afleibaar, objektief opgestel en is daarop gemik om gesigspunte, ervaringe en persepsies oor dokumentering van verpleegsters te verkry. Betrokkenheid van deelnemers was vrywillig en nie afdwingbaar nie. Data is getabuleer en in histogramme en frekwensies voorgestel. Deur die Chi-square- toets te gebruik, is statisties betekenisvolle assosiasies tussen veranderlikes bepaal. Bevindinge sluit die volgende in:  Die hospitaalbeleid word toegepas N= 76(95%)  Prosedure t.o.v. dokumentering aangaande verpleegsorg word uitgedra N=67(83,7%)  Verpleegsters het aangedui dat dokumentering op papier, baie papierwerk behels N=45(56,3%)  Die Cerner (rekenaarstelsel) word beskou as die beste stelsel ooit in gebruik vir die dokumentering van verpleegsorg N==44(55%)  Die Mycare stelsel (medisyne bestellingstelsel) word beskou as betroubaar en gebruikersvriendelik, en een waarmee verpleegsters gelukkig is N=68(85%). Aanbevelings is gemaak, gebaseer op die volgende bevindinge:  Dit is steeds nodig dat verpleegsters die hospitaal se beleidsrigtinge geleer moet word  Verpleegsters moet die korrekte prosedure aangaande die dokumentering van die pasiënt se data geleer word  Verpleegklinici en bestuurders moet die Cerner nagaan ter voldoening van die dokumentering van fisiese waardebepalinge tydens ouditeringe  Die gebruik van papier vir verpleegdokumentering behoort afgeskaal te word deur van die praktyk van papierwerk na elektroniese dokumentering te skuif  Voortdurende bywerking van data, indiensopleiding en monitering van verpleegsters om hulle op die hoogte te hou van die dinamiese aard van rekenaargebruik  Hersiening van die stelsel, foutspeurdery en voorstelle van gebruikers moet op ’n voortdurende basis aandag geniet.

Error management in nursing amongst registered nurses working in a tertiary hospital in Saudi Arabia

Haines, Fiona Imelda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCurr)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Healthcare organizations have implemented numerous safety initiatives to address errors due to the impact on the patient, families, healthcare provider and the organization as highlighted in the Institute of Medicine report. However, error identification, reporting and management remain a challenge. Nurses have been identified as the healthcare provider with the greatest potential for errors. Supportive work environments are needed to provide optimal care to the nurse who makes an error; which may be minor to severe repercussions. The patient is identified as the first victim and the nurse who makes the error as the second victim. How nurse errors are reported, managed and disclosed is dependent on the response of leaders and peers which may be in a shame and blame or just culture approach. The aim of the study was to assess error management in nursing amongst registered nurses working in a tertiary hospital in Saudi Arabia. The objectives were to identify the occurrence of nursing related errors, determine the current process of reporting nursing errors, describe the management of nursing errors and explore the factors impacting on the management of nursing errors. The research methodology for this study was a descriptive, quantitative approach which is applicable when exploring the unknown. Ethical approval was obtained from the Ethics Board, University of Stellenbosch and the Institutional Review Board, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (General Organization) -Jeddah (KFSH&RC-J). The population was registered nurses working in KFSH&RC-J and assigned to the job descriptions of Staff Nurse 1&2, Clinical Nurse Coordinators and Assistant/Head nurses. Sample was selected using proportional allocation for nationality and simple random selection for nursing specialty; 215 RNs from these three groups. Data was collected using a questionnaire developed by the researcher and analysis completed using SPSS and regression analysis to identify factors which influences the reporting and management of errors. Data was presented in the form of frequency tables and graphs using the EXCEL program to analyze the data. The main findings of the study; there was significant difference in nurse leaders and professional nurses ability to identify nursing errors; questioning of the practice of peers, views of a non-punitive environment and the ability to differentiate between error and negligence. The nurse executive was positively associated with the average positive responses received. RNs of Middle Eastern nationality and the Adult nursing division were found to be slightly more negative in their perceptions about error reporting and management than other respondents. Improvements are needed in the processes of error reporting and management which include education; leadership development, underreporting of errors, feedback and communication, nurse manager support and disclosure of errors. Recommendations are the implementation of the Just Culture principles within the organization and leadership development to address error reporting and management. The need to develop a national database for error reporting in Saudi Arabia is recommended. Nursing errors occurred in one tertiary hospital in Saudi Arabia and an on-line system is available to report errors. However, nurses do not report errors as they fear being blamed and shamed. The process of error management within the organization has not been clearly defined. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gesondheidsorganisasies het talle veiligheids inisiatiewe geïmplementeer om foute aan te spreek weens die invloed wat dit het op die pasiënt, families, die gesondheidsverskaffer en die organisasie soos uitgelig in die Mediese Verslag van die Instituut. Nietemin, die identifisering van foute, verslaggewing en bestuur bly ’n uitdaging. Verpleegsters is geïdentifiseer as die gesondheidsverskaffers wat oor die grootste potensiaal beskik om foute te begaan. Ondersteunende werkomgewings word benodig om optimale sorg aan die verpleegster te verskaf wat ’n fout van ’n mindere aard tot die met ernstige gevolge begaan. Die pasiënt word geïdentifiseer as die eerste slagoffer en die verpleegster wat die fout begaan as die tweede slagoffer. Die manier hoedat verpleegfoute gerapporteer, bestuur en openbaar gemaak word, is afhanklik van die reaksies van leiers en portuurgroepe wat ’n skaamte- en blameerbenadering of “just culture”-benadering kan wees. Die doel van die studie was om die hantering van verpleegfoute tussen geregistreerde vepleegkundiges wat in n tersiêre hospital in Saudi werk te ondersoek. Die doelwitte is om die voorkoms van verpleegverwante foute te identifiseer, die huidige proses van verslaggewing van verpleegfoute te bepaal, die bestuur van verpleegfoute te beskryf en die faktore te ondersoek wat ’n impak het op die bestuur van verpleegfoute. Die navorsingsmetodologie vir hierdie studie is ’n beskrywende, kwantitatiewe benadering wat van toepassing is wanneer die onbekende ondersoek word. Etiese goedkeuring is verkry van die Etiese Raad aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch en die Institusionele Beoordelingsraad, King Faisal Specialist Hospitaal en Navorsingssentrum (Algemene Organisasie) – Jeddah (KFSH & RC-J). Die teikengroep is geregistreerde verpleegsters wat werk in KFSH & RC-J aan wie die posbeskrywing van stafverpleegster 1 & 2 toegeken is, Kliniese Verpleegkoördineerders en Assistent/Hoofverpleegsters. Die steekproef is geselekteer deur gebruik te maak van proporsionele toekenning vir nasionaliteit en ’n eenvoudige ewekansige steekproef vir verpleegspesialiteit; 215 geregistreerde verpleegsters van hierdie drie groepe. Data is gekollekteer deur gebruik te maak van ’n vraelys wat deur die navorser ontwikkel is en die analise is voltooi deur gebruik te maak van SPSS en regressie-analise om faktore te identifiseer wat verslaggewing en bestuur van foute beïnvloed. Data is aangebied in die vorm van frekwensie-tabelle en grafieke deur gebruik te maak van die EXCEL-program om die data te analiseer. Die vernaamste bevindinge van die studie is dat daar beduidende verskille tussen verpleegleiers en professionele verpleegsters se vermoë is om verpleegfoute te identifiseer; bevraagtekening van die praktyke van portuurgroepe; beskouinge van nie-strafgerigte omgewing en die vermoë om te onderskei tussen foute en nalatigheid. Die verpleegeksekuteur is positief geassosieer met die gemiddelde positiewe response wat ontvang is. Geregistreerde verpleegsters van Midde-Oostelike nasionaliteit en die Volwasse Verpleegafdeling is gevind om effens meer negatief te wees in hulle persepsies van fouteverslaggewing en bestuur, as ander respondente. Verbeterings is nodig in die prosesse van verslaggewing van foute en bestuur daarvan wat opvoeding daarvan insluit; leierskapontwikkeling, onderverslaggewing van foute, terugvoer en kommunikasie, ondersteuning van verpleegbestuur en bekendmaking van foute. Aanbevelings is die implementering van die “Just”-kultuur beginsels binne die organisasie en leierskap ontwikkeling om die verslag van foute en bestuur aan te spreek. Die behoefte om ’n nasionale databasis te ontwikkel vir die verslag van foute in Saoedi-Arabië word aanbeveel. Verpleegfoute het in een tersiêre hospitaal in Saoedi-Arabië plaasgevind en ’n aanlyn sisteem is beskikbaar gestel om foute te rapporteer. Nietemin, verpleegsters rapporteer nie foute nie, want hulle vrees om geblameer te word en beskaamd te staan. Hierdie proses van foutebestuur binne die organisasie is nog nie duidelik gedefinieer nie.

Possible contributors to students’ non-completion of the postgraduate nursing diploma at Stellenbosch University

Essa, Ilhaam 12 1900 (has links)
Research report (MPhil (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this research report I have argued that postgraduate student retention and completion rates in nursing education can be enhanced by attending to the following actions: increased institutional support, initiating students into an ethics of care, and engaging students and lecturers in some form of dialogical communication. In order to ensure that students do not prematurely depart from their programme of study, I have shown that it is not sufficient to offer merely institutional (mostly administrative) support to students, but also cultivating caring and dialogical communication in teaching and learning activities. My argument in defence of caring and dialogical communication is corroborated by an empirical investigation which confirms students’ non-completion and retention in the non-clinical postgraduate nursing education programmes offered by Stellenbosch University’s Nursing Division in 2008. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie navorsingsverslag het ek geargumenteer dat die nagraadse studentebehoud- en voltooiingkoerse in verpleegonderwys versnel kan word deur aandag aan die volgende aksies te skenk: toenemende institusionele ondersteuning, inisi¸ring van ’n etiek van omgee ten opsigte van studente en die betrokkenheid van studente en dosente in ’n vorm van dialogiese kommunikasie. Om te verhoed dat studente nie voortydig die studieprogram verlaat nie, het ek aangedui dat dit nie voldoende is om slegs institusionele (meesal administratiewe) ondersteuning aan studente te verskaf nie, maar ook om ’n kultuur te skep van omgee en dialogiese kommunikasie in onderrig- en leeraktiwiteite. My argument ter stawing van omgee en dialogiese kommunikasie word ondersteun deur ‘n empiriese ondersoek van studente se nie-voltooiings- en retensiekoerse in die nie-kliniese nagraadse onderwysprogramme wat deur Universiteit Stellenbosch se Verpleegkunde-afdeling in 2008 aangebied is.

Politrauminių ligonių slaugos poreikiai ir ypatumai priėmimo skyriuje / Needs and peculiarities of nursing politraumic patients at reception department

Kačėnaitė, Iveta 09 July 2011 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Autorė: Kačėnaitė I. Tema: Politrauminių ligonių slaugos poreikiai ir ypatumai priėmimo skyriuje. Slaugos magistro baigiamasis darbas Darbo vadovas: med.m.dr. G. Laužikas Vilniaus universitetas Medicinos Fakultetas Bendrosios medicinos ir slaugos katedra, Antakalnio 57, Vilnius, Lietuva. 2006 06 14 Puslapių skaičius – 65. Tikslas: Išanalizuoti svarbiausius slaugos aspektus ir išnagrinėti slaugos optimizavimą teikiant pagalbą ligoniams, patyrusiems politraumą, priėmimo skyriuje. Uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti kokių organizmo gyvybynių veiklų sutrikimai įtakoja ligonių, patyrusių politraumą, slaugą. 2. Nustatyti ligonių, patyrusių politraumą, dažniausias slaugos problemas. 3. Nustatyti priėmimo skyriuje dažniausiai atliekamus slaugos veiksmus teikiant pagalbą pacientams, patyrusiems politraumą. 4. Ištirti priežastis, sąlygojančias ligonio, patyrusio politraumą, slaugos trukmę priėmimo skyriuje. Tyrimo metu buvo išanalizuotos slaugos istorijos bei apžiūros protokolai 99 ligonių, atvykusių į VšĮ Vilniaus greitosios pagalbos universitetinės ligoninės priėmimo skubiosios pagalbos ir konsultacijų skyrių su diagnoze politrauma nuo 2005 11 01 iki 2005 12 31. Taip pat buvo apklaustos slaugytojos, dirbančios Vilniaus greitosios pagalbos universitetinės ligoninės (26 slaugytojos), Vilniaus universiteto ligoninės Santariškių klinikų Centro filialo (10slaugytojų) bei Kauno miesto universitetinių klinikų (16 slaugytojos) priėmimo skyriuose. 1. Paciento, patyrusio dauginę traumą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY Author: Kačėnaitė I. Title: Needs and Peculiarities of Nursing Polytraumatic Patients at Reception Department Work on completion of the nursing specialty Work supervisor: D. m. sc. G. Laužikas Vilnius University Medical Faculty Department of General Medicine Practice and Nursing, Antakalnio 57,Vilnius, Lithuania 2006 06 14 Number of pages – 65 Aim: To analyse the main nursing aspects as well as nursing optimisation while providing aid at the reception department to patients who suffer from polytrauma. Objectives: 1. To analyse body’s vital activity disorders which have impact upon nursing patients who have experienced polytrauma. 2. To establish the most common problems while nursing patients with polytrauma. 3. To establish the most common accomplished nursing activities while providing aid at the reception department to patients who have experienced polytrauma. 4. To analyse the causes, which determine the nursing term at the reception department of a patient with polytrauma. During the course of investigation case records as well as examination reports of 99 patients who arrived at the Ambulance and Consultation Department of the Reception Department of Vilnius Ambulance University Hospital with the diagnosis of polytrauma from 2005 11 01 to 2005 12 31 have been analysed. Besides, the nurses working at the reception departments of Vilnius Ambulance University Hospital (26 nurses), Santariskiu Clinics Branch of Vilnius University Hospital (10 nurses) as well as... [to full text]

Opioidinės priklausomybės pacientų lūkesčių tenkinimas slaugos procese / Opioid Addiction Patient's Expectations and Satisfaction of Nursing Process

Slatvickaja, Nelė 07 June 2013 (has links)
Lietuvoje asmenims, priklausomiems nuo opioidų, vis dažniau yra skiriamas gydymas stacionaruose ir farmakoterapija metadonu ar buprenorfinu. Tokiems pacientams visą parą skiriama slauga, todėl siekiant tobulinti slaugos paslaugų kokybę, svarbu žinoti, kaip slaugos veiksnius vertina patys pacientai, priklausomi nuo opioidų, ir slaugytojai, dirbantys priklausomybės ligų centruose, kokie slaugos veiksniai turi teigiamą arba neigiamą poveikį slaugos procesui ir pacientų lūkesčiams. Darbo tikslas. Išanalizuoti opioidinės priklausomybės pacientų lūkesčių tenkinimą slaugos procese. Tyrimo metodika. Atliktas empirinis kiekybinis tyrimas. Taikyti šie metodai: anoniminė anketinė apklausa pagal standartizuotus klausimynus (juos adaptuojant), statistinis duomenų apdorojimas ir medicininės literatūros analizė. Apklausa vykdyta dviejuose priklausomybės ligų centruose. Tyrime dalyvavo 266 pacientai (priklausomi nuo opioidų), kurie gydėsi priklausomybės ligų centruose, ir 71 slaugytojas iš šių gydymo įstaigų. Tyrimas atliktas vadovaujantis etikos principais. Tyrimo rezultatai. Nustatyta, kad labiausiai turintys įtakos pacientų lūkesčiams veiksniai yra šie: slaugytojų elgesys, jų sąžiningumas, geranoriškumas ir tolerantiškumas, aplinkos pritaikymas gydymui, informacijos apie gydymo ir slaugos svarbą ir vaistų vartojimą suteikimas, skiriamas dėmesys, bendravimas su pacientais ir jo šeimos nariais, pacientų ir jų asmeninių įpročių gerbimas. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad pacientų lūkesčiams turi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In Lithuania, persons who have opioid dependence are more often assigned to inpatient treatment and pharmacotherapy with methadone or buprenorphine. These patients are allocated with round the clock care service, therefore in order to improve the quality of care, it is important to find out how patients with opioid dependence and carers working in addiction recovery centres rate care aspects, what factors have a positive or negative impact on the process of care and on expectations of patients. Objective of the thesis. Analyze expectations in care process of patients with opioid dependence. Methods. Empirical quantitative research has been conducted. The following methods were applied: anonymous survey using standardized (adapted) questionnaires, processing of statistical data and analysis of medical literature. The survey was carried out in two Centres of Addictive Disorders. 266 patients (addicts on opioids), who were treated in Centres of Addictive Disorders, and 71 nurses from these medical institutions have participated in the research. The study was conducted in accordance with ethical principles. Findings. It was found that factors having most influence to expectations of patients are as follows: behaviour of nurses, their honesty, kindness and tolerance, adaptation of environment to treatment, providing information about importance of treatment and care, and usage of medicines, expressing attention, communication with patients and family members, respecting patients... [to full text]

Pagyvenusių žmonių psichosocialinių poreikių tenkinimas slaugos skyriuje / Meeting psychosocial needs of elderly people at nursing department

Mikalajūnienė, Rimantė 23 June 2014 (has links)
Rimantė Mikalajūnienė (d. vadovas Violeta Gevorgianienė). PAGYVENUSIŲ ŽMONIŲ PSICHOSOCIALINIŲ POREIKIŲ TENKINIMAS SLAUGOS SKYRIUJE. Magistrinis darbas V.: VU Socialinio darbo katedra, 2007. 63p. Santrauka Didėjantis pagyvenusių ir senų žmonių skaičius Lietuvoje skatina išsamiau nagrinėti šio reiškinio pasekmes, socialinės apsaugos ir sveikatos priežiūros sistemą senyvo amžiaus asmenų poreikių kontekste. Šio darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti pagyvenusių žmonių psichosocialinių poreikių tenkinimą palaikomojo gydymo ir slaugos skyriuje socialiniais ir psichologiniais aspektais. Tyrimo metodas – kiekybinis aprašomasis. Duomenų rinkimo metodai – struktūruotas interviu ir anketinė apklausa. Tyrime dalyvavo VšĮ Ukmergės ligoninės palaikomojo gydymo ir slaugos skyriaus pacientai bei šio skyriaus darbuotojai. Tyrimas parodė, kad palaikomojo gydymo ir slaugos skyriuje pagyvenusių žmonių psichosocialiniai poreikiai tenkinami arba iš dalies tenkinami. Tiek ligoniai, tiek skyriaus personalas nurodė, kad ir toliau reikėtų gerinti paslaugų teikimą bei gydymą. Šiame skyriuje ypač svarbus socialinio darbuotojo vaidmuo, jo pagalba ligoniams, tarpininkavimas sprendžiant įvairias jų problemas. Vertinant gautus tyrimo rezultatus, galima teigti, kad palaikomojo gydymo ir slaugos skyrius yra svarbus ir reikalingas pagyvenusiems žmonėms. Tikslinga didinti slaugos skyrių, labiau pritaikyti aplinką ir plėsti paslaugų pagyvenusiam žmogui spektrą. / Rimantė Mikalajūnienė (Academic adviser Violeta Gevorgianienė). Meeting, Psychosocial Needs of Elderly People at Nursing Department. MA paper V.: VU Social Labour department, 2007. 63p. Summary The increasing number of elderly and old people in Lithuania motivates to analyse the consequences of this phenomenon and the system of social security and health care in the context of elderly people needs in more detail. The aim of this work is to analyse how psychosocial needs of elderly people are met in long-term treatment and nursing departments based on social and psychological aspects. Method of the research – quantitative descriptive. Methods of data collection – structural interview and questionnaire survey. Patients and employees of long-term treatment and nursing departments in Ukmerge hospital took part in the research. The results of the research showed that psychosocial needs of elderly people in long-term treatment and nursing departments are met or partially met. Both, the patients and the personnel pointed out that services and treatment should be constantly improved. The social worker’s role, his help and mediation in problem solving are especially important in this department. The results suggest that long-term treatment and nursing department are very important and useful for elderly people. It’s purposeful to enlarge the nursing department, better adjust the environment and expand spectrum of services for elderly people.

Pacientų, kuriems atliekama apatinių galūnių amputacija, slaugos poreikiai stacionare / The nursing needs of hospital patients undergoing the amputation of limbs

Rimantienė, Aušra 23 June 2014 (has links)
Autorius: Aušra Rimantienė Temos pavadinimas: Pacientų, kuriems atliekama apatinių galūnių amputacija, slaugos poreikiai stacionare. Vadovas: VU MF reabilitacijos, sporto medicinos ir slaugos instituto docentas Audrius Gradauskas Apimtis 74 psl. Amputacijų skaičius Lietuvoje išlieka didelis. Slaugai po amputacijų tenka svarbus vaidmuo, nes nuo jos kokybės priklauso tolesnė amputuotų pacientų reabilitacija ir gyvenimo kokybė. Slauga po amputacijų yra nepakankama, nes iškyla daug psichologinių, reabilitacijos, neįgalumo problemų ir priežiūros poreikių, kurie aktualūs šiuolaikinėje slaugos praktikoje ir moksle. Darbo tikslas - nustatyti, kokie yra pacientų, kuriems atliekama apatinių galūnių amputacija, slaugos poreikiai stacionare. Darbo uždaviniai: Nustatyti, kokie yra pacientų po amputacijų lūkesčiai, priežiūros ypatumai, problemos. Ištirti, ar amputacijos priežastis po operacijos įtakoja paciento poreikius ir gyvenimo kokybę. Įvertinti slaugytojų požiūrį ir pastangas, slaugant amputuotus asmenis. METODIKA Tyrimo objektu buvo pasirinkti pacientų, kuriems atliekama apatinių galūnių amputacija, slaugos poreikiai, problemos, lūkesčiai ir slaugytojų požiūris į amputuotų pacientų slaugą. Tyrimo metodai: anketinė apklausa ir statistinė dokumentų analizė. Apklausoje dalyvavo 82 pacientai, kuriems atlikta apatinių galūnių amputacija. Respondentai apklausti VšĮ Vilniaus miesto universitetinėje ligoninėje, VšĮ Vilniaus greitosios pagalbos universitetinėje ligoninėje II Ortopedijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The author of work: Rimantienė Aušra Title:The nursing needs of hospital patients undergoing the amputation of limbs The tutor of work: Gradauskas Audrius, docent The Vilnius University Institute of Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Nursing Lithuania 2008-05-14 Number of pages 74 The number of amputations remains large in Lithuania. Nursing after amputations is of great importance, because the subsequent aftercare and life quality depends on the nursing quality. The nursing care after amputations is insufficient due to a great number of psychological, rehabilitation, disability problems as well as needs for care, which are important in present day practice and nursing science. The aim of this work is to assess needs for nursing care of patients with amputated lower extremities in hospital settings. The objectives of the work: To determine expectations, specifics of nursing care and problems of patients after amputations; to investigate, whether the cause of amputation influences patient' needs and the quality of life, to evalaute nurse's atitude and expectations towards nursing care of patiens after amputations. METHODS The objectives of the survey – problems, nursing needs, and expectations of selected patients, experiencing amputation of lower extremities as well as the attitude of nurses to the nursing care of such patients. Questionnaires and analyses of statistical data were chosen as methods of the survey. 82 patients with amputated lower extremities participated in... [to full text]

Pacientų, patyrusių galvos smegenų kraujotakos sutrikimus, slaugos ypatumai / Peculiarities of nursing care of patients with cerebral circulation disorders

Keldanovič, Olga 23 June 2014 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Galvos smegenų kraujotakos sutrikimai ir toliau išlieka aktualia socialine, ekonomine ir psichologine daugelio šalių gyventojų sveikatos problema. Labiausiai paplitę galvos smegenų kraujotakos sutrikimai - išeminis infarktas, praeinantis smegenų išemijos priepuolis (PSIP) ir hemoraginis insultas. Daugelis mokslininkų akcentuoja ankstyvąją, persirgusiųjų galvos smegenų kraujotakos sutrikimais, slaugą ir reabilitaciją. Slaugai yra keliami dideli reikalavimai, nes ji turi didelę įtaką tolesnei ligos eigai, sąlygoja geresnę gyvenimo kokybę. Lietuvoje duomenų, kuriuose būtų išsamiai nagrinėjami galvos smegenų kraujotakos sutrikimai yra daug, tačiau apie slaugos ypatumus yra ne pakankamai daug rašoma, todėl aš nutariau plačiau ištirti galvos smegenų kraujotakos sutrikimų sukeltas problemas ir slaugos ypatumus. Darbo tikslas - išaiškinti, su kokiomis problemomis susiduria asmenys, patyrę galvos smegenų kraujotakos sutrikimus, nustatyti slaugos ypatumus, išaiškinti pacientų poreikius slaugymo procese, įvertinti pacientų savarankiškumą ir indėlį, sprendžiant iškylančias problemas. Darbo uždaviniai: 1) Išanalizuoti galvos smegenų kraujotakos sutrikimų pasiskirstymą, apklaustųjų tarpe 2) Sužinoti pacientų, patyrusių galvos smegenų kraujotakos sutrikimus, problemas 3) Įvertinti slaugytojų vaidmenį, teikiant stacionarines paslaugas šitiems ligoniams 4) Išaiškinti pacientų žinias apie savo ligą ir palyginti su medicinos personalo teikiama informacija 5) Įvertinti pacientų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY Cerebral circulation disorders have been an actual social, economic and psychological problem for people all over the world now. The most widely spread diseases are stroke, temporary stroke attack, haemorrhage. Many scientists emphasize the importance of good care and rehabilitation at the very beginning of the disease. Patients with cerebral circulation disorders need to be paid special attention and care as the further course of the patint’s recovery and quality of life depends on the quality of care taken of them. In Lithuania this subject has not been investigated thoroughly enough, I decided to turn to this subject and make my own contribution to it so as to study it on a more advanced level. The Aim of the Work: The object I propose to myself is to clear up all the problems which patients with cerebral circulation disorders face, to determine the peculiarities of taking care of them, to find out all the needs and requirements of nursing them, to evaluate the patient’s own contribution to the process of solving the problems appearing within the process of treatment. The tasks: 1. To find out the extent to wchich cerebral circulation disorders has spread among all those questioned. 2. To learn all the problems which patients with cerebral circulation disorders face. 3. To assess the role of the nurse in inpatient treatment. 4. To find out what the patients know about their disease and then to compare the information acquired wit that of the results of the medical... [to full text]

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