Spelling suggestions: "aromatherapy*" "aromatheraphy*"
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Effects of an aromatherapy on releasing pain, range of motion and fatigue among community women with chronic neck and shoulder pain / 芳香療法介入對罹患慢性肩頸酸痛社區婦女之疼痛、關節活動及疲憊症狀成效之探討Chuang Shu Chen, 莊淑真 January 2009 (has links)
碩士 / 國立台北護理學院 / 護理研究所 / 97 / The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects, after 2 and 4 weeks, of aromatherapy, for women with chronic neck and shoulder pain.This study was conducted at community, using quasi-experimental design. Women who suffered chronic neck and shoulder pain lasting more than 3 months unrelated to pathologic etiology were recruited. Women in experimental group received 4 weeks aromatherapy -- Carrier oil, Cedarwood , lemon and rosemary essential oil were applied to neck and shoulder once per week by researcher and carrier oil, the juniper, rosemary and frankincense essential oil were applied twice per day by women. There were three instruments: (1)visual pain scale, (2)range of motion of neck and (3)fatigue index and perimenopausal fatigue symptoms scale. The intervention effects from the study baseline to a 4 weeks follow-up were estimated by using GEE (generalized estimating equation) for repeated measures of pain, ROM and fatigue.
A total of 34 women were in experimental group, while 34 women were in the control group. After a 4 weeks follow-up, aromatherapy had significantly reduced the intensity of pain after 4 weeks (β=-1.559, P<0.01)and fatigue symptoms after 2 and 4 weeks follow-up(β=-19.03, -21.06, P<0.01) increased neck flexion after 2 weeks follow-up (β=5.21, P<0.01)and increased right rotation of neck (β=5.59, 6.77, P<0.005) after 2 and 4 weeks follow-up. In experimental group also showed significantly improved in pain, ROM and fatigue immediate after 1st intervention. Aromatherapy intervention had positive effects in reducing the intensity of pain and fatigue, and increasing range of motion of neck. Hopefully, this result can provide as an ideal tool for home care among women with chronic neck and shoulder pain.
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The Effects of Aromatherapy for Improvement of Sleep Quality in Diabetes with Neuropathy / 芳香療法對改善糖尿病合併神經痛患者睡眠品質之成效探討Pei-Jung Yu, 余珮蓉 January 2007 (has links)
碩士 / 輔仁大學 / 護理學系碩士班 / 95 / The purpose of this experimental study was to examine the effects of aromatherapy on improvement of sleep quality in diabetes patients with neuropathy. Forty-four diabetes patients with neuropathy were randomly assigned to the experimental group (n=22) and the control group (n=22) at a hospital in northern Taiwan. Patients in the experimental group received the aromatherapy intervention for 6 weeks, while those in the control group received only regular nursing care. The instruments included Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index and SureStepTM of blood glucose meters. Data were collected on pre-test, two weeks, four weeks, and six weeks after the aromatherapy intervention. The frequency, percentage, chi-square, independent t test, paired t test, Pearson product-moment correlation, repeated measure ANOVA and general linear mixed-effect models were used for data analysis.
The results of this study indicated: 1. Sleep quality of diabetes patients with neuropathy is poor. 2. Sleep latency of patients in the experimental group was improved at 2nd week after they received aromatherapy; In addition, perceived sleep quality and sleep disturbance of patients was also improved at 4th week after aromatherapy. 3. At 6th week after aromatherapy, patients in the experimental group had increased their sleep duration, reduced their daytime dysfunction, and improved their sleep quality. 4. Level of blood sugar was decreased at 2nd week after aromatherapy on diabetes patients in the experimental group. 5. There was no significant correlation between blood sugar and sleep quality.
This experimental study proves that aromatherapy can ameliorate both blood sugar and sleep quality of diabetes with neuropathy patients. Suggestion is made to take aromatherapy as a combined therapy in routine care for diabetes with neuropathy patients. It is supported that aromatherapy can be a safe, noninvasive, effective approach for clinical nursing member to care patients with sleep disturbance for a better quality in the future.
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The Effect of Aromatherapy and Music Therapy On the Relaxation of Working Women / 芳香療法搭配音樂對於職業婦女紓壓效果之影響Li-Chen Chien, 簡麗珍 January 2010 (has links)
碩士 / 雲林科技大學 / 健康產業管理研究所碩士班 / 98 / In the modern era of gender-equity, female workers have flooded into the job market. This development means that women are increasingly playing multiple roles at home and in the workplace. Having so much responsibility imposed on them with such limited time and energy, these women inevitably encounter role conflicts which in turn causes significant amounts of stress. Research has shown that women who have to sustain both a career and a family eventually become stressed out both mentally and physically. Very little concern is given to working females who encounter stress in the workplace.
The objective of this study is to investigate whether stress differs between women who work in the private sector and women who work in the public sector. The researcher intends to explore how aromatic therapy and music therapy can be used to relieve the stress experienced by working women. The effectiveness of different aromas and different types of music will also be experimented with and measured.
A commonly accepted fact in the field of medical science is that when people become nervous, their heart rates tend to increase, and when they are relaxed, their heart rates tend to decrease. Another physiological human indicator which can be measured is the temperature on one’s finger. By measuring the temperature on a person’s finger tip, one can determine the nervousness of an individual. When a subject is nervous or uneasy, their finger temperature declines, and when a subject is relaxed or comfortable, their finger temperature increases.
The findings of this study are as follows:
1) Public sector vs. Private sector:
Analysis on work stress as measured by the four-construct-scale concludes that there is no significant difference in stress levels between working in the public sector and working in the private sector.
2) With respect to results in using fragrant oil:
There is no significant difference in stress relief between smearing and massage(P > .05).
3) Comparison between three types of fragrant oils:
Between the three different oils of grapefruit, clary sage, and grape-seed, the grapefruit and clary sage oils were more effective in relieving stress than grape-seed oil.
4) Comparison of three music variables:
There were no significant differences in stress relief between soul music, Mozart, and no music. It can be concluded that listening to music has no effect on stress relief.
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Explore the pressure and the actual situations of collateral channels react of the Aromatherapy–The Cosmetic health SPA industry as an example / 芳香療法對壓力及經絡虛實反應之研究-以美容健康SPA產業為例Tsung-Yi Lin, 林宗毅 January 2010 (has links)
碩士 / 經國管理暨健康學院 / 健康產業管理研究所 / 98 / The essential oil of plant is taken from many kinds of plants and a great deal of components of the plant. A lot of aromatherapy precise oil of treatment taken from fragrant medicinal herb, especially in lavender, basil, marjoram and peppermint, etc. Aromatherapy refer to making use of the essential oil extracted out by fragrant plant as media, and by massage, bath, smoke way such as being fragrant, or skin absorb and enter body via breathe, to reach and relieve the spiritual pressure and promote a kind of substituting treatment of the health. The long-term pressure will initiate various bodies and mind to react. And if the pressure has not answered appropriately, or the body and mind reacts and has not done the appropriate regulation. Then it will injure nerve, endocrine, digest, breathe, heart blood vessel, immunity, reproductive system as time passes, bad symptom appears and result in falling ill, appropriate regulation mood and pressure, not only can let people positive emotion, also can reduce social cost.
Nakatani Yoshio (1950) in Japan with the Chinese and foreign author researcher and collateral channels, have designed one set to use and measure the resistance of the skin, pursue a method with collateral channels reveal of higher electric conduction and statement on the skin. Examine to take a sample before customer in SPA to treatment. Every resulting parameter of this research will use SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) to analysis. There are 633 samples are chosen in the analysis. And compare the two groups difference situation of collateral channels reacts, expect to be able to distinguish two groups of difference out, and calculate relate coefficient of association.
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The Research on the Consumed Dispositions and Behavior of People in the Aromatherapy / 民眾對芳香療法的使用傾向與行為之研究Ching-yuan Huang, 黃靖媛 January 2010 (has links)
碩士 / 中臺科技大學 / 健康產業管理研究所 / 98 / As one of the alternative therapies of aromatherapy since in 1920.In the past of most aromatherapy research studies focused on the palliative care, cancer patients and oils releve dysmenorrhea other relevant quantitative.Few of them discussed about consumers movtions, usage and health life style for aromatherapy.
To understand the healthy lifestyle of consumers in daily institutional aromatherapy ,consumer motivation, consumer hinder the use of orientation in this study comprises three Organization use of Aromatherapy .This study was conducted by taking the questionnaires from the consumers in three Aromatherapy Organizations. Finally 300 persons were interviewed (90%); of which,162 persons didn’t use aromatherapy (case group), 168 persons use aromatherapy (control group) in the Taichung’s Aromatherapy Organizations.
The research reveals that first of all didn’t use of aromatherapy in the different age, educational and work,have significant differences on the consumers motivation(p&lt;0.05). The consumers didn’t use aromatherapy that age the higher, the income higher then usage and consumers motivation more higher.The consumers are used in the aromatherapy that sex,married, monthly spending have significant differences on the consumers motivation(p&lt;0.05). to unmarried individuals were on the higher spending , for aromatherapy higher consumer motivation. In the healthy lifestyle, regardless of whether the use of aromatherapy in the different age groups at all reached significant differences (p&lt;0.05), the average number of 136.61 and 126.24. This study suggested that SPA facilities should foucs on these groups to be their target consumers.The use the aromatic treatment populations, in order for more than 41,income 50,000 month or more and for health and aromatherapy motivation and usage of the higher tendency who plan the marketing promotion of aromatherapy in the management of reference.
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The Signifying Practice of Island Imagination and Aromatherapy--A Cultural Study of Bali Icon and Aromatherapy / 島國想像與芳香療癒模式的表意實踐—峇里島圖像與芳療文化的探勘Chi-hsun Li, 李季勳 January 2011 (has links)
碩士 / 南華大學 / 文學系碩士班 / 99 / This thesis is a research on the aromatherapy culture in Bali. It will be argued that the longing for utopian comes from the aromatherapy culture and results in the cultural icon of Bali.
It will be argued that as soon as people have decided to travel to Bali, they have been involved in aromatherapy, which forms a complete course of aromatherapy.
This thesis combines sensational experiences with cultural studies, aiming at articulating clearly the relationship between the Bali icon and the culture of aromatherapy.
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The Effect of Aromatherapy on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness / 芳香療法對改善延遲性肌肉酸痛的評估Yi-Ning, Cheng, 鄭伊甯 January 2012 (has links)
碩士 / 國立中興大學 / 運動與健康管理研究所 / 100 / Delayed onset muscle soreness describes muscle pain and tenderness that typically develop several hours post-exercise and consist of predominantly eccentric muscle actions, especially if the exercise is unfamiliar. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of plain carrier oil massage and aromatic massage on delayed onset muscle soreness using a within-subjects cross-over design. Nine healthy young males performed an exercise protocol designed to induce delayed onset muscle soreness on their non-dominant arms on 3 separate occasions; each occasion was separated by at least two weeks. The protocol consisted of 3 sets of 10 maximal eccentric repetitions of the elbow flexors exerting isokinetic dynamometry. Subjects were randomly assigned to a carrier oil massage group, aromatic massage group or control group and received treatments 20 minutes post-exercise, 24 and 48 h post-exercise. Creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), myoglobin (Mb), range of motion (ROM), limb girth and muscle soreness index were measured pre, 20 minutes post, 24, 48 and 72 h post-exercise. Significant time effects were observed for CK, Mb, ROM, limb girth and muscle soreness index (P < .05). There were no significant differences between treatments. Compared with control group, carrier oil massage and aromatic massage are also ineffective in reducing CK, LDH, Mb or muscle soreness index. In addition, no significant effects of carrier oil massage and aromatic massage on recovery of ROM or limb girth were found within 72 hours. Conclusion: both carrier oil massage and aromatic massage have no significant effect on the symptoms of delayed onset muscle
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EEG Performance during Aromatherapy / 芳香療法時的腦電波反應變化研究Chien, Chiung-Ju, 簡瓊如 January 2013 (has links)
碩士 / 亞洲大學 / 光電與通訊學系碩士在職專班 / 101 / Aromatherapy is an attractive way for working pressure reduction recently. In this study, we investigate brain activities after aromatherapy. Twenty five volunteers with average age of 42.6 are included in the study Aromatherapy was conducted by spreading bergamot essential oil and pure water for 10 minutes, respectively. Thirty-two channels EEG signal was recorded before and after aromatherapy. Further EEG power intensity was estimated. Student paired t-tests was utilized to compare EEG power variation due to aromatherapy. Alpha-asymmetry between F3 and F4 channels was also investigated.
Results indicate that there are significant EEG power differences on at all stages during aromatherapy, especially at the frontal and coping lobes of the brain for beta waves. There is no significant difference on alpha- asymmetry features.
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Autonomic Nervous Analysis of Long Period Aromatherapy Applied on Elementary School Teachers / 芳香療法療程長期介入對小學教師工作舒壓之自律神經變化CHEN YING KEN, 陳英甘 January 2013 (has links)
碩士 / 亞洲大學 / 光電與通訊學系碩士在職專班 / 101 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the autonomic regulation by Aromatherapy. Twenty elementary school teachers with average age 42.4 (standard deviation 5.6.) were invited. Subjects are required to use aromatherapy by spraying for nine weeks. During first, fifth and ninth weeks, heart rate signal was recorded and heart rate variability parameters were estimated for analysis. Beck Anxiety Inventory survey was also analyzed.
Results showed that there was significant pressure reduction performance for female teachers by aromatherapy. There was also a ceiling effect after 5 week aromatherapy
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The Study Of The Growth Of A Professional Aromatherapist / 芳療師專業成長之研究Shu-mei Wu, 吳淑美 January 2012 (has links)
碩士 / 康寧大學 / 休閒管理研究所 / 100 / 21 century is a information explosion generation. The economic is base on knowledge based. Conservative operating is no longer available in this fast changing society. Therefore, many diseases result from civilization have caused due to high pressure. The operation of traditional salon has no longer fully satisfied customers’ need. In order to solve this problem, new services such as creating a relaxing environment for the customers, use essential oil to release the tense of our sensory nerves and muscles have been provided. Because of the increase of the market share of using aroma and essential oil, most cosmetologists have gradually changed their career path into aroma therapists which is even more professional and skillful.
Through the deep discussions and focus group discussions with twelve aroma therapists, we understand the importance of each learning steps, including professional knowledge, skills and attitude. We compiled, analyzed the data and we have a conclusion as following: The professional subjects for cosmetologists who would like to devote their effort and become aroma therapists, professional learning of becoming an aroma therapist and the point of view of current aroma therapist licenses.
一、 Professional subjects for cosmetologists who would like to devote their effort and become aroma therapists: The study of dermatology, the structure of muscles and skeletons and professional cosmetics knowledge is a must. Besides, cosmetologists should also learn how to use the five-elements of ancient Chinese medical theory to explain any delicate difference which appears physically and mentally. Technically, cosmetologists should apply lymph massage, no hand massage and meridians massage methods according to different seasons in order to relax customers’ tensed muscles and ease their aches. Cosmetologists should know this will not be mastered in a short time. Instead, people should devote their time and make progress endlessly in order to meet the standard of being professional.
二、 Professional learning of becoming an aroma therapist: Be aware of the characteristic and effect of different essential oils. Know the synergistic effect and taboos of different oils. Professionals should combine different massage methods, adjust their techniques and their choice of essential oils continually in order to keep making progress in every aspect and enhance confidence.
三、 The point of view of current aroma therapist licenses: The current license is not issued by authority and related units. There has been a lack of credibility among society. Most aroma therapists believe that a license is only a proof of qualification, what is more important than that will be how to apply aroma therapy into practice and daily health care.
Key words : Five sense cosmetology, Aroma therapist, Aromatherapy, Essential oil,
The growth of professionalism
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