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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Use of Aromatherapy in the Reduction of Anxiety Levels

Okpala, Anthonia 31 May 2018 (has links)
<p> Advocacy for the use of the essential oil mixtures recently increased as a first line therapy for relieving anxiety because it improves both the physical and mental status of individuals. The research aimed to examine the calming effects of inhaling a mixture of rosemary and lavender oils, aromatherapy, on patients with anxiety. The research sampled 25 participants, of whom only 20 fully participated throughout the study period. The research was designed to collect preand post-test anxiety scores with Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) to evaluate the aromatherapy effect on patients with anxiety. Before aromatherapy intervention, participants had severe levels of anxiety on average (<i>M</i>=2.88, SD=0.92). After administration of lavender and rosemary oils for 28 days, their anxiety levels reduced from severe to moderate, an indication aromatherapy contributed to the observed difference. Findings from the paired t-tests for items in the HARS test suggested aromatherapy significantly reduced anxiety levels (p&lt;0.05). The ability of aromatherapy involving a mixture of lavender and rosemary oils to reduce severe anxiety to moderate levels was important in management of anxiety disorders.</p><p>

Efeito da aromaterapia no alívio da dor em atletas de alto rendimento: estudo piloto / The effect of Aromatherapy on high performance athletes pain relieve Pilot

Guilherme Giani Peniche 29 August 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A experiência da dor vivida pelo atleta de alto rendimento é tida como cotidiana e marcador de bom rendimento nos treinos e competições. Há uma crescente procura pelas terapias integrativas e complementares à saúde visando o bem-estar, qualidade de vida, rendimento e, principalmente, uma prática livre do risco de dopping. A aromaterapia, ciência que estuda o uso terapêutico dos óleos essenciais (OEs), tem mostrado resultados positivos empiricamente, porém, fazem-se necessárias pesquisas que validem tais práticas a fim de, com segurança e eficácia, servir àqueles que a necessitam e procuram. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito dos óleos essenciais (OEs) sobre a dor no atleta de alto rendimento. Métodos: Estudo piloto quasi-experimental, cegado para o participante, com duas fases: a primeira com utilização de placebo (15 dias) denominada grupo Dor A, a segunda com OEs (15 dias) chamada grupo Dor B e um follow-up de sete dias. Amostra de conveniência composta por 26 atletas adultos de alto rendimento. A intervenção foi realizada com uma sinergia de OEs (lavanda, gengibre e sucupira) e como placebo foi utilizado óleo vegetal inerte (OV). Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados um questionário com dados sóciodemográficos e prática do esporte, recordatório de dor e tratamentos durante o período de estudo, e escalas de Humor de Brunel (BRUMS) e Inventário Breve de Dor (IBD). Para análise de dados utilizou-se o modelo de efeitos fixos e o teste de Bonferroni, teste d Cohen, além de medidas descritivas de tendência central e de variabilidade. Resultados: No início do tratamento, os 26 atletas apresentaram médias de dor de 5,2 no grupo Dor A e 5,6 no grupo Dor B. Após o tratamento com o óleo medicado houve redução de 79% na dor logo após os 15 dias de aplicação e de 81% ao final do período de follow-up (p < 0,001). O nível de tensão medido pela Escala de Humor de Brunel indicou melhora de 37%, logo após o período de aplicação do óleo medicado e 49% após o período de follow-up (p < 0,05). Conclusão: Os resultados mostraram que a sinergia de óleos essências em diluição de 10% teve efeito sobre a dor de atletas de alto rendimento em três aplicações diárias por 15 dias e possuiu efeito residual em sete dias de follow-up (p < 0,05). Observou-se efeito sobre o humor dos atletas, com diminuição da tensão (preocupação e tensão musculoesquelética). / Introduction: The experience of pain felt by high performance athletes is very common, and it is a sign of good performance in training and in competition too. There is a growing demand for integrative and complementary therapies aiming wellness, quality of life and performance increase, without the risk of doping. The science of aromatherapy, that studies the therapeutic use of essential oils (EOs), has shown positive results empirically, however, research is necessary to validate such practices in order to safely and effectively serve those who need it and seek it. Objective: evaluate the effect of essential oils over high performance athletes pain. Methods: Quasi-experimental pilot study, blinded to the participant, with two phases: the first one with the use of placebo (15 days) called Pain A group; the second with EOs (15 days) called Pain B group; and a follow-up of seven days. Convenience sample of 26 high performance adult athletes. For intervention, a synergy of EOs (lavender, ginger and sucupira) was used, and for placebo an inert vegetable oil (OV). For data collection, the following questionnaires were used: a sociodemographic data and sports practice questionnaire; a pain and treatment recall questionnaire; the Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS), and the Brief Pain Inventory (IBD). For data analysis, it was used the fixed-effect model, the Bonferroni test, the d Cohen test, and descriptive measures of central tendency and variability. Results: At the beginning of the treatment, the 26 athletes scored 5.2 of pain average (Pain A group) and 5.6 of pain average (Pain B group). After the treatment with OE (15 days), the pain was reduced by 79% and 81% at the end of the follow-up period (p <0.001). The tension level measured by the Brunel Mood Scale indicated improvement of 37% after the period of OE application, and 49% after the follow-up period (p <0, 05). Conclusion: The results showed that the synergy of essential oils at 10% dilution had effect on the pain of high performance athletes in three daily applications for 15 days and residual effect by seven days of follow-up (p <0.05). In addition, the results showed effect on the athletes mood, with reduced tension (tension and musculoskeletal strain).

Aromaterapia e yogaterapia no climatério: Os efeitos de aromaterapia e yogaterapia na qualidade de vida, nos níveis de stress e na intensidade e frequência de fogacho em mulheres na fase do climatério / Aromatherapy and yogatherapy in climacterium: the effects of aromatherapy and yogatherapy on quality of life, stress levels and intensity and frequence of hot flashes in climacteric women

Cassandra Santantonio de Lyra 06 December 2013 (has links)
INTRODUCAO: Os sintomas de climaterio podem perturbar intensamente a vida, sendo o fogacho o sintoma de maior incidencia. Aromaterapia e yogaterapia podem oferecer tratamentos eficazes para sintomas de climaterio, em especial o fogacho, por apresentarem mecanismos terapeuticos semelhantes ao eixo fisiologico do fogacho. OBJETIVO PRINCIPAL: Verificar e analisar os desfechos clinicos fisiologicos e psicologicos da aromaterapia olfativa e de exercicios respiratorios de yogaterapia, associados e individualmente, na qualidade de vida, nos niveis de stress subjetivo e na intensidade e frequencia do fogacho de mulheres na fase do climaterio. METODO: Foram avaliadas 85 mulheres na fase do climaterio, das quais 64 participaram da Fase 1 (somente avaliacao) do estudo e 34 participaram da Fase 2 (tratamento). A coleta foi realizada no CEPE-USP. O estudo consiste de um ensaio clinico pragmatico com randomizacao restrita, controlado por grupo controle e placebo, duplo-cego, com intervencao baseada no modelo psiconeuroendocrinoimunologico. Foram realizados tratamentos com inalacao de sinergia aromaterapeutica com ou sem exercicios respiratorios de yogaterapia, durante 12 semanas, duas vezes por semana em sessoes de uma hora. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comite de Etica em Pesquisa da Escola de Educacao Fisica e Esporte da Universidade de Sao Paulo e foi inscrito no clinicaltrials.gov. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSAO: Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram melhora estatisticamente significante dos sintomas de climaterio para os tres grupos de intervencao. Houve diminuicao significativa do sintoma de fogacho, assim como da queixa de fogacho, sendo que o fogacho foi eliminado em cinco sujeitos. A intensidade e a frequencia de fogacho diminuiram em todos os grupos de intervencao e se mantiveram constantes no grupo controle. O tratamento proposto de aromaterapia se mostrou mais eficaz do que o tratamento proposto de yogaterapia na diminuicao do sintoma de fogacho, quando esses tratamentos eram aplicados isoladamente. A associacao das duas terapias se mostrou benefica, aumentando a eficacia e intensificando a melhora do sintoma de fogacho. Os efeitos globais dos tratamentos variaram intensamente quanto aos outros dominios de sintomas do climaterio. A melhora dos sintomas vasomotores do climaterio (fogacho e suor noturno), foi acompanhada de melhora significativa nos niveis de stress subjetivo, na qualidade do sono e da qualidade de vida em todos os grupos de intervencao. Esse trabalho tambem permitiu discussoes secundarias sobre o climaterio e as terapias, permitindo a sua compreensao a partir do modelo psiconeuroendocrinoimunologico. CONCLUSAO: Esse estudo serviu como um delineamento geral dos sintomas de climaterio, da aromaterapia e da yogaterapia a partir do modelo psiconeuroendocrinoimunologico. Os resultados apresentados nao podem ser generalizados para a populacao por causa da amostra pequena, mas podem indicar os resultados mais promissores e, com isso, esse trabalho pode ser o ponto de partida para novos estudos, auxiliando na elaboracao de questoes de pesquisa claras e metodos de pesquisa adequados para estuda-las / INTRODUCTION: Climacteric symptoms can disturb life considerably. Hot flashes are the symptom with highest incidence. Aromatherapy and yogatherapy can offer efficient treatments for climacteric symptoms, specially hot flashes, because their therapeutic mechanisms are similar to the physiological mechanism of hot flashes. MAIN OBJECTIVE: To analyze the psychological and physiological clinical outcomes of olfactory aromatherapy and breathing exercises of yogatherapy, associated or individually, on the quality of life, subjective stress levels and intensity and frequency of hot flashes in women in the climacteric period. METHODS: 85 women in the climacteric period were evaluated, 64 of these subjects participated in Phase 1 (assessment) and 34 participated in Phase 2 (treatment) . Data collection was performed at CEPE-USP. The study consists of a doubleblind, pragmatic clinical trial with restricted randomization, controlled by control and placebo groups. The intervention was based on the psychoneuroendocrineimmunological model. Treatments were performed with inhalation of an aromatherapeutic synergy developed for the study with or without yogatherapy breathing exercises for 12 weeks, twice per week in one hour sessions. The study was approved by the ethics comitte Comite de Etica em Pesquisa da Escola de Educacao Fisica e Esporte da Universidade de Sao Paulo and was registered in clinicaltrials.gov. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The results showed statistically significant improvement in symptoms of menopause for the three intervention groups. There was significant decrease in symptom of hot flashes, as well as complaints of hot flashes and this symptom was eliminated in five subjects. The intensity and frequency of hot flashes decreased in all intervention groups and remained constant in the control group. Aromatherapy was more effective than yogatherapy to decrease the symptoms of hot flashes, when these treatments were applied separately. The combination of the two therapies proved beneficial, increasing the effectiveness and enhancing the improvement of the symptom of hot flashes. The overall effects of the treatments varied intensely for other climacteric symptoms. The improvement of vasomotor symptoms of menopause (hot flashes and night sweats), was accompanied by a significant improvement in stress levels, quality of sleep and quality of life in all intervention groups. This research also permitted secondary discussions about climacterium and the therapies, permiting their understanding through the psychoneuroendocrineimmunological model. CONCLUSION: This study served as a general outline of climacteric symptoms, aromatherapy and yogatherapy through the psychoneuroendocrineimmunological model. The results cannot be generalized to the population because of the small sample size. However, the most promissing results can be indicated and this research can be the starting point for further studies, assisting in the preparation of clear research questions and suitable research methods to study them

Experiences of a counselor using aromatherapy to adjust stress / 一個諮商心理師以芳香療法調適壓力的經驗

Hsiao Ning Kao, 高曉寧 January 2009 (has links)
碩士 / 中國文化大學 / 心理輔導研究所 / 97 / The purpose of this research was to explore the experiences of a counselor using the aromatherapy to adjust stress and to investigate its sequential influences on her life and the process of generating these influences. Through in-depth interview, the researcher obtained related data of the experiences of a counselor that she used the aromatherapy to adjust stress and content analysis was utilized to in data analysis. The results include two major parts. The first part was presented in narrative which focused on the experiences that the counselor used aromatherapy for stress adjustment to improve her physical and psychological status and then her interpersonal relationship and work. The second part emphasized exploring the influences on the Christine’s life experience. The discussion of the Christine’s life experiences was further categorized into four sub-sections. They are (1) the essential oil used by the Christine, (2) the influences on three aspects in life, which were influences on health, family relationship, working, and overall physical and psychological reactions, (3) the reciprocal influences of life events in different aspects: the improvement of pre-menstrual syndromes that promoted the empathy in counseling process and the improvement of the inflammation of urinary system that further enhanced the intimate relationship with her husband, (4) the influences on Christine’s core issues: (a) the aromatherapy is one of the ways to adjust stress; (b) it helped the Christine to aware that she didn’t love herself so much; (c) the influences of less loving herself on her life. Finally, according to the findings and the limitations of this study, the researcher proposed several suggestions for further research and for practical workers. In addition, the reflection of the researcher was provided.

Cognitive and Demands of Universities and Colleges's Students for International Certificates of Aromatherapy / 大專院校生對芳香療法國際證照的認知與需求

CHAO LU,HSIU-LIN, 呂秀齡 January 2016 (has links)
碩士 / 中華科技大學 / 健康科技研究所 / 104 / This research survey is designed for the students of Department of Leisure and Recreation Management、Department of Cosmetic Applications and Management and Department Health and Beauty from Mackay Junior College of Medicine,Nursing,and Management、Chihlee University of Technology、University of Kang Ning and Taipei City University of Science and Technology to do the sampling visits questionnaire. Questionnaire content including personal profile, cognitive aromatherapy(A. consuming behavior, B. cognitive aromatherapy), Aromatherapist work content of cognitive, international certified aromatherapist cognitive, survey of International aromatherapist certificates institutional and intention to participate in international aromatherapist's certification,etc , 6 part of 35 questions, information questionnaire respondents are summarized as follows: Each variables difference analysis: Using ANOVA, Scheffe multiple comparison ,T-test and other statistical methods, for "cognitive aromatherapy"," international certified aromatherapist cognitive", "the number of times using essential oils, using purpose, motivation and cognitive of essential oil", "number of times participated in beauty related test and cognitive, number of times participated in beauty related test and intention" and "course of international aromatherapist's certification" and etc issue of information to detect each significant variant items. Key words: Aromatherapy, International Certificates of Aromatherapy, Certificate of NAHA Professional Membership, Certificate of IFPA Professional Membership, ITEC Diploma in Aromatherapy.

A Study on the Relieving-Streas Behavior Aromatherapy-Technology Media as a mediator / 探討舒壓之芳香療法行為-科技媒介為中介因素

Tsai Pei-Shan, 蔡佩珊 January 2016 (has links)
碩士 / 國立臺北商業大學 / 資訊與決策科學研究所 / 104 / In order to ease and weaken the impacts caused by pressure, people nowadays seek for solutions to ease tension or alleviate pressures which arise in our daily life. Aromatherapy is one of the common way to relieve pressure among various pressure-alleviating methods. In addition, mobile technology application innovated and popularized rapidly along with the progress of information and internet technologies. Therefore, the main subject of this study is to discuss how to connect aromatherapy with the effects of mobile technology. This study was made to discuss various applications of aromatherapy, especially to understand the origin and development of aromatherapy as foundation. It also considers technology media, gender, age, economic ability as the mediation mode to shape the construction of the study. In this study, cluster sampling was applied first and followed by random sampling; paper and electronic questionnaires were dispatched in the same time. The samples of this study were taken from people who had had aromatherapy treatment from cities located in Northern Taiwan, such as Taipei, New Taipei City and Taoyuan City. There are 350 copies of questionnaires dispatched during April to June of 2015 and 329 copies returned. The effective response rate is 94%. There are 292 valid questionnaires and 37 invalid questionnaires. Descriptive Statistics Analysis, Regression Analysis and Chi-Square Test were applied to verify the assumption of this study. There are four points that we can find in this study: 1. People who are faced with pressure in daily life will seek for pressure-alleviating methods actively. 2. People who choose aromatherapy as pressure-alleviating method are more apparently among all the pressure-alleviating methods. 3. Technology media play a significant mediating role between the person who is willing to relieving-stress and choosing aromatherapy. 4. Age and income indeed have impact on whether people choosing aromatherapy as pressure-alleviating method or not. However, gender does not seem to have any significant influence. Relevant suggestions are provided based on the study result, which can be the references for leisure industry that provides aromatherapy and mobile application industry. According to the study related to the action of technology media, we can find that the information of aromatherapy connected by technology products has apparent differences depending on gender, age and the extent when people faced pressure. On the contrary, it will not make any influences depending on monthly income, the experience of contact with aromatic therapy and the purpose of doing aromatherapy. But there have four factors that will have impacts on the action of aromatherapy connected by technology media, especially the degree of satisfaction after having an aromatherapy – the extent of whether people accept aromatherapy, the way how people get information, alleviated by technology and consumption frequency. In conclusion, we also found that the action of technology media didn’t make any obvious influences between the amount that consumer spent on aromatherapy and the message type that consumers hope to receive in the future.

Aromatherapy of Leisureon Mental and Physical Health and Leisure Benefits / 探討芳香療法、身心健康與休閒效益之關係

Cheng-chin-hui, 鄭錦惠 January 2017 (has links)
碩士 / 康寧大學 / 休閒管理研究所 / 105 / Modern civilization brings more and more pressure on life, people living in the living environment, seeking to relieve stress and return to the natural desire to become increasingly eager, but also cause health and leisure beauty industry mushroomed everywhere. Consumers at the same time on the health and leisure beauty needs, in view of mankind for thousands of years of natural aroma essential oil empirical and experience, so that human, heart, spirit can be relieved, aromatherapy has been laying an important role. And the Executive Yuan plans to put health care as one of the plans for health care in 2015. Aromatherapy massage is often used for stress and pain management, Meerabeau (2003) said that when applying aromatherapy in nursing practice, Assessing patients with a holistic perspective, providing more self-care in care, makes care more holistic, and aromatherapy is valuable in promoting health and professional care. Therefore, this study will explore the relationship between romatherapy in physical and mental health and leisure benefits. In this study, 100 participants were surveyed by respondents who were treated with aromatherapy by using convenience sampling in Kaohsiung City Aromatherapy Participants. SPSS 22.0 for Windows Narrative statistics, single factor variance, multiple comparison LSD, ANOVA analysis. The results show that respondents' physical and mental health in aromatherapy is: "can eliminate stress" "can relieve stress" "can relax" "can eliminate fatigue" "can stabilize emotions" tend to psychological orientation as the main orientation. , The respondents in the articipation of aromatherapy in the leisure benefits for the "can adjust to relax" "can enrich the life experience" "can improve the quality of life" "can feel the beauty of life" can be a hobby to tend to balance life experience Face as the main orientation. , By feeling the beauty of life to enhance the quality of life. There is a significant difference in physical activity (massage, olfactory between the two groups) for physical and mental health "can improve disease" (bathing, olfactory group) "can be revitalized". Aromatherapy After a long period of time has not been eliminated, most people follow the principles of nature and the principle of the whole, continue to experience the benefits of aromatherapy for leisure, improve the quality of life to be effective, and thus promote physical and mental health, More relaxed and happy. More hope that aromatherapy research scholars continue to explore the promotion of health care research.

A Study on Comparing The Effect of Music and Aromatherapy on The ADHD Patient’s Brainwave of Attention / 比較音樂與精油介入對於注意力缺乏過動症患者專注力腦波影響之研究

Yuan-Ching Chang, 張員菁 January 2016 (has links)
碩士 / 中原大學 / 工業與系統工程研究所 / 104 / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD in short name is a common emotional Disturbance (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). The property of the disease include the hyperactivity and hard to focus on everything and so on. The disease will affect the cognition and behavior of patient. ADHD is a disease which can affect learning and development of relationship. It also cause the loading for family and society. So the purpose of our research is that we want to test the mindfulness and the response ability of facing difficulty on the adult patient of ADHD. Our testing patient is the college student which have the ADHD. We design three experimental situation for patient. The situation is respectively normal, music, aromatic oils situation. We let the target to test the logic testing in different situation. During the process, we use the electroencephalography (EEG) to measure the changed brainwave of target and the using area of brain when the target is thinking. We compare the ADHD adult patient’s changed brainwave of the thinking mindfulness in three different situation to get the focusing condition of ADHD patient. We analyze all data to give suggestion and figure out what reason or situation will affect the ADHD patient. According to the experimental results show that music therapy for enhancing mindfulness of ADHD patients have significant influence. We hope that our analyst can give some reference of releasing way which combine the drug therapy and the therapy of behavior.

Influence on Sleep Quality of Female Students by Acupressure Massage and Aromatherapy / 穴道按摩與薰香吸入對女學生睡眠品質影響程度之研究

Yi-Hsuan Chou, 周依宣 January 2016 (has links)
碩士 / 台南應用科技大學 / 生活服務產業系生活應用科學碩士班 / 104 / With the advancing of modern science and technology and accelerating pace of life, student’s life patterns in the night becomes a common phenomenon. Due to this phenomenon, sleep-related problem that troubled students by autonomic neuropathy is increasing and this phenomenon also affects the students'' health. Aromatherapy can improve autonomic nerve system and is a convenient adjuvant therapy. This study investigated the effect of different aromatotherapies on schoolgirls’ heart rate variability (HRV). Twenty schoolgirls were involved in this study and they were divided into 2 groups : “Acupoint Massage” and “Perfume Olfaction”. The schoolgirls in the 2 groups were treated by acupressure massage and perfume olfaction, separately. Their automatic nerve activity and sleeping quality of self-consciousness were recorded by Heart Rate Variability (HRV) analyzer and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Inventory (PSQI). The results shows: 1.The schoolgirls’ parasympathetic nerve activity (HF) and sympathetic nerve activity (LF) and the ratio of LF and HF (LF/HF) showed significant difference after Acupoint Massage or Perfume Olfaction treatment. 2.Comparing the change magnitude of schoolgirls’ HF, LF, and LF/HF after every treatment, the magnitude of Acupoint Massage group was greater than Perfume Olfaction group, and this result showed significant difference. 3.The prolonged improvement of these schoolgirls’ HF showed significant difference in Acupoint Massage group but no significant difference in Perfume Olfaction group. 4.The schoolgirls’ sleeping quality of self-consciousness was improved after treatment and showed significant difference in both groups. These results showed that both Acupoint Massage and Perfume Olfaction had effect of stress relax and sleep improvement. We suggest that students can be treated with Acupoint Massage to improve sleeping quality, brain function and memory to help them make progress on school performance.

Medical workers\' preference for aromatherapy to relieve stress-using conjoint analysis / 醫療工作者對於芳香療法紓緩壓力之偏好探討-運用聯合分析法

Ju-Chun Chang, 張如君 January 2019 (has links)
碩士 / 國立陽明大學 / 醫務管理研究所 / 107 / Purpose The main purpose of this study is to discuss the aromatherapy, stress and health status of medical workers, and to use joint analysis to explore the preference of medical workers for essential oil properties. In recent years, aromatherapy has become one of the more popular and effective methods of rolling or aromatic remedies. Therapy is mainly applied to the human body through natural plant essential oils in different ways, so that the body, mind and heart can be balanced and harmonious. Analysis of medical worker preference for aromatherapy product experience, specifically on plant essential oils, is now marketed. The model-joint analysis method is often applied to the combination of product attribute levels. Under the different attribute combinations of essential oil products, the preferences chosen by medical workers can provide factors that future hospitals can consider in creating a friendly workplace environment. Method In this study, 60 volunteers were recruited from a hospital in Taipei City by a quasi-experimental design. The unilateral essential oil bovine geranium was used for olfactory intervention. The evaluation tool included: Taiwan version EQ-5D- 5L, stress index measurement table, self-assessment symptom improvement scale, aromatherapy preference, joint analysis method - preference of essential oil attribute level. Result The results of this study showed that the aromatherapy intervention on medical practitioners improved their health index and stress index. All tested medical workers preferred citrus as their preferred option for essential oil products, and the highest allowable price was 1000-1999 Yuan. With relaxation as the main role, nasal sniffing and whether the product is organically certified is not the main subject of the purchase of essential oil products. The price of the best product portfolio among all tested medical workers is 3,434.02 Yuan. The age, education, work body, marital status, and the most important attribute each participant regarded for the essentials are listed under “category”, with the most prominent one being the “absorption route”. Therefore, the hospital will provide medical workers with pressure field methods in the future. Aromatherapy - essential oils, the "essential oil types" should be included in the reference. In conclusion, our study can provide an important basis for hospital administrators to carry out employee pressure-relief and health promotion activities so as to improve the physical and mental health of employees, improve work efficiency and satisfaction, and improve the quality of medical services.

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