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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A aromaterapia científica na visão psiconeuroendocrinoimunológica: um panorama atual da aromaterapia clínica e científica no mundo e da psiconeuroendocrinoimunologia / Scientific aromatherapy in the psychoneuroendocrineimmunological view: a panorama of clinical and scientific aromatherapy in the world and psychoneuroendocrineimmunology

Lyra, Cassandra Santantonio de 03 February 2010 (has links)
Esse estudo é um estudo teórico, baseado em revisão bibliográfica. Ele objetivou a construção de um panorama conceitual da aromaterapia, considerandose sua história e desenvolvimento, além de propor um modelo integrativo dos aspectos fisiológicos e psicossociais com base nas premissas psiconeuroendocrinoimunológicas. Aromaterapia é uma prática milenar, que passou por diversas mudanças ao longo da história e por esse motivo, atualmente, apresentase conceitualmente confusa e imprecisa. Seu ressurgimento nos anos 30 permitiu um início da visão científica do assunto, que, no entanto, evoluiu lentamente pelas dificuldades metodológicas encontradas. A organização do panorama atual dessa terapia permitiu observar que existem muitos países que estudam a aromaterapia, no entanto, com abordagens e visões distintas, de modo que tornase complexa a intersecção dos estudos. No seu estudo científico diversos elementos devem ser aqui considerados, como tipo de estudo (teórico, préclínico ou clínico), variáveis a serem controladas (farmacológicas, dos sujeitos e de procedimento) e questões abordadas (quanto ao efeito dos óleos essenciais, quanto aos seus mecanismos de ação e quanto à influência das variáveis em ambos). Além disso, atualmente existem diversas abordagens: filosófica (baseada em filosofias de saúde orientais), psicológica (baseada no conceito de memória olfativa), farmacoquímica (baseada em farmacologia e química dos óleos essenciais), neurológica (baseada nas neurociências) e psiconeuroendocrinoimunológica (baseada na psiconeuroendocrinoimunologia). Esse trabalho se focou nos estudos préclínicos e clínicos de aromaterapia, a partir de uma visão psiconeuroendocrinoimunológica. A fim de servir como um passo inicial à padronização científica do assunto, foi proposto uma definição mais objetiva de aromaterapia, a partir da qual o trabalho foi desenvolvido. Dentro do modelo psiconeuroendocrinoimunológico, a aromaterapia pode ter efeitos diretos ou indiretos nos sistemas nervoso, endócrino, imune e psicológico, sendo esses efeitos tanto fisiológicos quanto psicológicos e dados por mecanismos de ação farmacológicos e olfativos. Os aromas sempre têm efeitos farmacológicos, independente da via de aplicação utilizada, no entanto, quando se utiliza a via inalatória, são acrescidos a esses efeitos farmacológicos os efeitos olfativos, que são próprios do sistema olfativo e diferenciados. O estudo do olfato é indispensável para o entendimento científico da aromaterapia e ele tem se desenvolvido amplamente, apesar de que ainda existem muitos elementos a serem esclarecidos. Com isso, os estudos na área da aromaterapia científica tem evoluído cada vez mais, permitindo estudos mais minuciosos e conclusivos a respeito do funcionamento dos óleos essenciais no organismo e na mente. Um caminho pra esses estudos, dentro do modelo psiconeuroendocrinoimunológico, é o estudo da relação entre aromaterapia e stress. A premissa básica da teoria de stress é estudar a integração do corpo e da psique. Esse estudo concluiu que a psiconeuroendocrinoimunologia é um modelo útil para estudar a aromaterapia, por permitir o seu estudo científico integrando seus efeitos fisiológicos e psicológicos, e que a organização realizada permitiu uma fundamentação teórica para a elaboração, em futuros projetos na área, de métodos científicos em aromaterapia, stress e psiconeuroendocrinoimunologia. / This is a theoretical study, based on bibliographical revision. It aimed to build a conceptual panorama of aromatherapy, considering it\'s history and development, and also propose an integrative model of the physiological and psychosocial aspects, based on the psychoneuroendocrineimmunological premisses. Aromatherapy is a millenarian practice, that suffered many changes throughout history, and, for this reason, nowadays, it is confusing and uncertain. It\'s reappearance in the 30\'s permitted a start of the scientific view of the theme. However, the scientific view evolved slowly because of the methodological difficulties that were found. The organization of the current panorama of this therapy permitted observing that many countries study aromatherapy. However, there are many different approaches and views of the subject, in a way that it\'s complex to do the intersection of the studies. In it\'s scientific study there are many elements to be considered, such as type of study (theoretical, preclinical or clinical), variables to control pharmacological, subject and procedural) and questions studied (about the effects of essential oils, about their action mechanisms and about the influence of the variables on both). Furthermore, currently there are many approaches to the study: philosophical (based on oriental heath philosophy), psychological (based on the concept of olfactory memory), pharmacochemical (based of pharmacology and essential oil chemistry), neurological (based on neuroscience) and psychoneuroendocrineimmunological (based on psychoneuroendocrineimmunology). This work focused on preclinical and clinical studies, from a psychoneuroendocrineimmuneological point of view. In order to serve as a first step to the scientific standardizing of the subject, a more objective definition of aromatherapy was proposed, from which the study developed the subject. In the psychoneuroendocrineimmunological model, aromatherapy may have direct or indirect effects in the nervous, endocrine, immune and psychological systems. These effects can be physiological and psychological and they are caused by pharmacological and olfactory mechanisms. Aromas always have pharmacological effects, independently from application via, but when the inhalation is used the olfactory effects are added to these pharmacological effects. The olfactory effects are different from the others and characteristic of the olfactory system. The study of olfaction is indispensable to the scientific understanding of aromatherapy and it has evolved immensely, although there are still many elements still to be understood. Consequently, the studies in aromatherapy also have evolved more, permitting more minute and conclusive studies about the functioning of essential oils in the organism and mind. A path to this kind of study, in the psychoneuroendocrineimmunological model, is the study of the interaction between aromatherapy and stress. The basic premiss of the theory of stress is to study the integration of body and mind. This study concluded that psychoneuroendocrineimmunology is a useful model to study aromatherapy because it permits the scientific evaluation of both physiological and psychological effects of aromatherapy. It also concluded that the organization of the current panorama permitted a theoretical foundation for elaboration of scientific methods in aromatherapy, stress and psychoneuroendocrineimmunology in future studies.

Consumer choice behavior and marketing plan for aromatherapy products in Hong Kong.

January 1999 (has links)
by Lam Shiu Ying Sati. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 56-57). / Questionnaire also in Chinese. / Chapter I. --- introduction --- p.1 / Definition of Aromatherapy --- p.1 / Uses of Aromatherapy --- p.2 / Aromatherapy as Alternative Natural Healing --- p.3 / Aromatherapy in Hong Kong --- p.4 / Objective of the Project --- p.5 / Chapter II. --- ENVIRONMENT --- p.7 / brief History of Aromatherapy --- p.7 / Social and Legal Environment on Aromatherapy in the World and Hong Kong --- p.8 / Social Issues --- p.9 / Legal Issues on Selling Essential Oils --- p.11 / Qualification of Aromatherapists --- p.13 / Chapter III. --- INDUSTRY --- p.15 / Aromatherapy Related Products --- p.15 / Market Players in Hong Kong --- p.17 / Chapter IV. --- MARKETING STRATEGIES --- p.26 / The Company --- p.26 / Market Opportunities --- p.28 / Marketing Strategies of Company ABC --- p.29 / Position of Company ABC --- p.29 / Product and Price Considerations --- p.30 / Promotion and Channel Considerations --- p.31 / Potential Problems and Constraints --- p.34 / Chapter V. --- MARKET SURVEY --- p.35 / Chapter VI. --- CONCLUSION --- p.42 / APPENDIX --- p.46 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.56

Avaliação da eficácia antimicrobiana de sabonetes contendo óleo essencial de melaleuca alternifolia versus triclosan versus clorexidina e o impacto na adesão à higienização das mãos pelo efeito aromaterápico / Evaluation of the antimicrobial efficacy of soaps containing: Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil versus chlorhexidine versus triclosan and the impact of adherence to hand hygiene by aromatherapeutic effect

Damato, Juliana Rizzo Gnatta 10 June 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Os efeitos antimicrobianos de óleos essenciais têm sido relatados na literatura científica, sobretudo referentes ao óleo essencial de Melaleuca alternifolia, também denominado óleo essencial de Tea Tree (OTT). Tal óleo essencial apresenta propriedades antissépticas e pode representar uma alternativa de um produto natural para higienização das mãos (HM) nos estabelecimentos de assistência à saúde que atualmente utilizam predominantemente produtos à base de triclosan e clorexidina. Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia antimicrobiana na higiene das mãos realizada com três diferentes formulações de sabonetes líquidos distintos, contendo: óleo essencial de Melaleuca alternifolia a 2,0%; sabonete com triclosan a 0,5%; sabonete com clorexidina a 2,0%, bem como compreender de que forma o uso de um sabonete com óleo essencial na higienização das mãos na prática assistencial é percebido por profissionais de saúde. Métodos: Para o experimento (etapa quantitativa) foram utilizadas as diretrizes da metodologia do Comitê Europeu de Padronização, EN1499 versão abril 2013 (phase2/step2), indicada para avaliar a eficácia de antissépticos para higienização das mãos. Foram contaminadas artificialmente as mãos de 15 voluntários sadios com Escherichia coli K12, seguida pela lavagem das mãos utilizando-se cada um dos produtos em avaliação ou um sabão de referência (soft soap). Realizou-se a contagem do número de microrganismos antes (pré-valores) e após (pós-valores) cada procedimento e foi estabelecida a redução logarítmica microbiana para cada um dos participantes em cada procedimento. Os dados foram analisados aplicando-se dois testes não paramétricos. Para a obtenção dos dados qualiquantitativos realizaram-se entrevistas cujos discursos foram analisados conforme metodologia proposta pelo discurso do sujeito coletivo (DSC). Resultados: ao ser aplicado o Teste de Wilcoxon, os três sabonetes testados obtiveram resultados superiores ao do sabão de referência (soft soap) e foram considerados antimicrobianos; constatou-se ainda a superioridade do sabonete contendo OTT e contendo triclosan em relação ao sabonete com clorexidina. Quando aplicado o Teste de Friedman, os sabonetes contendo triclosan e OTT, que apresentaram eficácias equivalentes, podem ser considerados antimicrobianos. A maior parte dos profissionais tinha algum conhecimento sobre Aromaterapia (65,21%), mas menos da metade conhecia as aplicações do OTT (43,47%). Profissionais mais jovens e menos experientes acharam o aroma do OTT agradável ou forte, mas não desagradável. Profissionais mais experientes e com mais idade o associaram ao aroma de pinho e levantaram a questão de o aroma ser incômodo para alérgicos. As principais diferenças observadas entre o sabonete com OTT e os demais sabonetes da prática assistencial foram em relação a aspectos físicos, como textura mais agradável, ao aroma e ao fato de ser menos agressivo à pele. A não agressão à pele foi considerada pelos participantes como o grande diferencial do sabonete contendo OTT, sobrepondo-se, inclusive, ao fator aroma, e que poderia contribuir para aumentar a adesão à HM. Conclusão: os sabonetes contendo OTT 2,0% e contendo triclosan 0,5% demonstraram desempenho superior em relação à clorexidina 2,0%. O não ressecamento da pele por produtos de HM é fundamental para aumentar a adesão dos profissionais de saúde. Além disso, a presença do aroma no sabonete pode ou não ser um fator de estímulo. / Introduction: The antimicrobial effects of essential oils have been reported in the scientific literature, especially regarding the essential oil of Melaleuca alternifolia, also known as tea tree essential oil (TTO). This essential oil has antiseptic properties and can represent a natural-product alternative for hand hygiene (HH) in health-care settings, which currently use mainly products based on triclosan and chlorhexidine. Objective: To evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy in HH performed using three distinct liquid soap formulations containing 2.0% Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil; 0.5% triclosan; 2.0% chlorhexidine and assess how using a soap with essential oil for HH in healthcare practice is perceived by health professionals. Methods: For the experiment (quantitative phase) we used the methodology guidelines of the European Committee for Standardization, EN1499 version April 2013 (phase2/step2), indicated to evaluate the efficacy of antiseptics for HH. The hands of 15 healthy volunteers were artificially contaminated with Escherichia coli K12 and then the hands were washed with each of the products being assessed or the reference soap (soft soap). The number of microorganisms was counted before (pre-values) and after (post-values) each procedure and microbial logarithmic reduction was performed for each of the participants in each procedure. Data were analyzed using two non-parametric tests. To obtain the qualiquantitative data, interviews were carried out, of which contents were analyzed according to the methodology proposed by the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD). Results: When the Wilcoxon test was applied, the three assessed soaps showed better results than the reference soap (soft soap) and were considered as exhibiting antimicrobial action; the soaps containing TTO and triclosan showed to be superior to the one containing chlorhexidine. When Friedmans test was applied, the soaps containing triclosan and TTO, which showed similar efficacy, were considered antimicrobials. Most of the professionals had some knowledge of aromatherapy (65.21%), but less than half knew about TTO uses (43.47%). Younger and less experienced professionals found the smell of TTO pleasant or strong, but not unpleasant. Older and more experienced professionals associated it to the smell of pine and raised the question of the smell being displeasing for allergic individuals. The main differences between the TTO soap and the other soaps used in health care practice were related to the physical aspects, such as a more pleasant texture, smell and the fact of its being less aggressive to the skin. The fact that it was less aggressive to the skin was perceived by participants as the great differential of the soap containing TTO, overriding even the scent factor, which could help to increase adherence to HH. Conclusion: The soaps containing 2.0% TTO and 0.5% triclosan showed superior performance when compared to the one with 2.0% chlorhexidine. The fact that a soap used in HH does not dry the skin is considered a critical point for adherence by health care professionals. Additionally, the soap smell may or may not be a stimulating factor for HH.

Avaliação da eficácia antimicrobiana de sabonetes contendo óleo essencial de melaleuca alternifolia versus triclosan versus clorexidina e o impacto na adesão à higienização das mãos pelo efeito aromaterápico / Evaluation of the antimicrobial efficacy of soaps containing: Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil versus chlorhexidine versus triclosan and the impact of adherence to hand hygiene by aromatherapeutic effect

Juliana Rizzo Gnatta Damato 10 June 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Os efeitos antimicrobianos de óleos essenciais têm sido relatados na literatura científica, sobretudo referentes ao óleo essencial de Melaleuca alternifolia, também denominado óleo essencial de Tea Tree (OTT). Tal óleo essencial apresenta propriedades antissépticas e pode representar uma alternativa de um produto natural para higienização das mãos (HM) nos estabelecimentos de assistência à saúde que atualmente utilizam predominantemente produtos à base de triclosan e clorexidina. Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia antimicrobiana na higiene das mãos realizada com três diferentes formulações de sabonetes líquidos distintos, contendo: óleo essencial de Melaleuca alternifolia a 2,0%; sabonete com triclosan a 0,5%; sabonete com clorexidina a 2,0%, bem como compreender de que forma o uso de um sabonete com óleo essencial na higienização das mãos na prática assistencial é percebido por profissionais de saúde. Métodos: Para o experimento (etapa quantitativa) foram utilizadas as diretrizes da metodologia do Comitê Europeu de Padronização, EN1499 versão abril 2013 (phase2/step2), indicada para avaliar a eficácia de antissépticos para higienização das mãos. Foram contaminadas artificialmente as mãos de 15 voluntários sadios com Escherichia coli K12, seguida pela lavagem das mãos utilizando-se cada um dos produtos em avaliação ou um sabão de referência (soft soap). Realizou-se a contagem do número de microrganismos antes (pré-valores) e após (pós-valores) cada procedimento e foi estabelecida a redução logarítmica microbiana para cada um dos participantes em cada procedimento. Os dados foram analisados aplicando-se dois testes não paramétricos. Para a obtenção dos dados qualiquantitativos realizaram-se entrevistas cujos discursos foram analisados conforme metodologia proposta pelo discurso do sujeito coletivo (DSC). Resultados: ao ser aplicado o Teste de Wilcoxon, os três sabonetes testados obtiveram resultados superiores ao do sabão de referência (soft soap) e foram considerados antimicrobianos; constatou-se ainda a superioridade do sabonete contendo OTT e contendo triclosan em relação ao sabonete com clorexidina. Quando aplicado o Teste de Friedman, os sabonetes contendo triclosan e OTT, que apresentaram eficácias equivalentes, podem ser considerados antimicrobianos. A maior parte dos profissionais tinha algum conhecimento sobre Aromaterapia (65,21%), mas menos da metade conhecia as aplicações do OTT (43,47%). Profissionais mais jovens e menos experientes acharam o aroma do OTT agradável ou forte, mas não desagradável. Profissionais mais experientes e com mais idade o associaram ao aroma de pinho e levantaram a questão de o aroma ser incômodo para alérgicos. As principais diferenças observadas entre o sabonete com OTT e os demais sabonetes da prática assistencial foram em relação a aspectos físicos, como textura mais agradável, ao aroma e ao fato de ser menos agressivo à pele. A não agressão à pele foi considerada pelos participantes como o grande diferencial do sabonete contendo OTT, sobrepondo-se, inclusive, ao fator aroma, e que poderia contribuir para aumentar a adesão à HM. Conclusão: os sabonetes contendo OTT 2,0% e contendo triclosan 0,5% demonstraram desempenho superior em relação à clorexidina 2,0%. O não ressecamento da pele por produtos de HM é fundamental para aumentar a adesão dos profissionais de saúde. Além disso, a presença do aroma no sabonete pode ou não ser um fator de estímulo. / Introduction: The antimicrobial effects of essential oils have been reported in the scientific literature, especially regarding the essential oil of Melaleuca alternifolia, also known as tea tree essential oil (TTO). This essential oil has antiseptic properties and can represent a natural-product alternative for hand hygiene (HH) in health-care settings, which currently use mainly products based on triclosan and chlorhexidine. Objective: To evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy in HH performed using three distinct liquid soap formulations containing 2.0% Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil; 0.5% triclosan; 2.0% chlorhexidine and assess how using a soap with essential oil for HH in healthcare practice is perceived by health professionals. Methods: For the experiment (quantitative phase) we used the methodology guidelines of the European Committee for Standardization, EN1499 version April 2013 (phase2/step2), indicated to evaluate the efficacy of antiseptics for HH. The hands of 15 healthy volunteers were artificially contaminated with Escherichia coli K12 and then the hands were washed with each of the products being assessed or the reference soap (soft soap). The number of microorganisms was counted before (pre-values) and after (post-values) each procedure and microbial logarithmic reduction was performed for each of the participants in each procedure. Data were analyzed using two non-parametric tests. To obtain the qualiquantitative data, interviews were carried out, of which contents were analyzed according to the methodology proposed by the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD). Results: When the Wilcoxon test was applied, the three assessed soaps showed better results than the reference soap (soft soap) and were considered as exhibiting antimicrobial action; the soaps containing TTO and triclosan showed to be superior to the one containing chlorhexidine. When Friedmans test was applied, the soaps containing triclosan and TTO, which showed similar efficacy, were considered antimicrobials. Most of the professionals had some knowledge of aromatherapy (65.21%), but less than half knew about TTO uses (43.47%). Younger and less experienced professionals found the smell of TTO pleasant or strong, but not unpleasant. Older and more experienced professionals associated it to the smell of pine and raised the question of the smell being displeasing for allergic individuals. The main differences between the TTO soap and the other soaps used in health care practice were related to the physical aspects, such as a more pleasant texture, smell and the fact of its being less aggressive to the skin. The fact that it was less aggressive to the skin was perceived by participants as the great differential of the soap containing TTO, overriding even the scent factor, which could help to increase adherence to HH. Conclusion: The soaps containing 2.0% TTO and 0.5% triclosan showed superior performance when compared to the one with 2.0% chlorhexidine. The fact that a soap used in HH does not dry the skin is considered a critical point for adherence by health care professionals. Additionally, the soap smell may or may not be a stimulating factor for HH.

The key factors affecting customer's decision-making on continuous purchase of Aromatherapy / 影響消費者持續性購買「芳香療法」之決定性因素研究

I-ChunTao, 陶怡君 January 2017 (has links)
碩士 / 國立成功大學 / 高階管理碩士在職專班(EMBA) / 105 / This study is targeting the recent Aromatherapy customers, and plans to determine the key factors that may affect the customer’s decision whether to continuously purchase Aromatherapy or not. Meanwhlie, this study could assist the stress relief related companies to gain deeper knowledge of their customers’ inclination, and develop better business strategies to retain and expand their clientele. A total of 185 valid questionnaires are collected, and after applying data analysis through SPSS 22 and E-VIEW 7.2, the results indicate that: 1) The Personal awareness has significant positive effect on customer’s decision-making on continuous purchase of Aromatherapy. 2) Source of recommendation has significant positive effect on customer’s decision-making on continuous purchase of Aromatherapy. 3) Alternative means have significant positive effect on customer’s decision-making on continuous purchase of Aromatherapy. 4) Service effect and cost has significant positive effect on customer’s decision-making on continuous purchase of Aromatherapy. 5) Brand trust has significant positive effect on customer’s decision-making on continuous purchase of Aromatherapy. 6) Gender, age, education level, montly or disposable income, occupation, living arrangement and personality traits have significant positive effect on customer’s decision-making on continuous purchase of Aromatherapy.

Occupational Health Promotion -The Study of Influences With Sound-Light Technology And Aromatherapy on The Stress And Heart Rate Variability in The Smokers And Non-Smokers / 職場健康促進-以聲光波及芳香吸聞介入對吸菸與非吸菸員工之壓力知覺與心率變異的影響

SU,KUN-FONG, 蘇堃鳳 January 2019 (has links)
碩士 / 經國管理暨健康學院 / 健康產業管理研究所 / 107 / This study is to explore the influence of sound and light sound waves and aromatic scent as intervention measures on the subject's stress perception and heart rate variability analysis. The experimental research design is based on the employees of an enterprise in northern Taiwan with 30 adults of age between 20 ~ 65 years old. Firstly, the pressure perception scale was measured. Then 18 non-smokers who were grouped by carbon monoxide exhaling measurement were firstly employed with aromatic sniffing, and then received sound-light waves on the other week;another group of 12 smokers were involved in the sound-light sound waves, and then received the intervention of aromatic sniffing on the next week. Before and after the intervention measures, physiological values were measured by heart rate variability (HRV). The results of the study showed that there was no statistical difference in the pre- and post-test of the stress perception scale of non-smokers and smokers. Non-smokers after two interventions, heart rate variability analysis showed that heart rate decreased, HF increased significantly, sympathetic nerve stimulation was inhibited, parasympathetic nerve were promoted, and the intervention of aromatic scent was with TP (the total power of the heart rate) increased, and the mental energy is increased. The heart rate and LF/HF of the smoker's heart rate variability analysis (HRV) parameters measured by the two interventions decreased, TP increased, and the numerical changes showed statistical differences, indicating that sympathetic excitation was inhibited;but the single intervention either with sound-light wave or aromatic sniffing did not increase significantly in total heart rate. In the correlation between heart rate variability analysis and stress perception on smokers, only heartbeat was negatively correlated with TP. The results of this study can be regarded as a health promotion measure in workplace for a smoker to improve his heart rate variability and achieve autonomic nervous stability.

The Effects of Aromatherapy Acupressure on Stiffness of Shoulder and Neck among midlife women in community / 芳香精油穴位按摩介入對社區中年婦女肩頸僵硬成效之探討

KAO, CHING-YI, 高靜儀 January 2019 (has links)
碩士 / 國立臺北護理健康大學 / 中西醫結合護理研究所 / 107 / The complains of stiff neck and neck are often happen in community women due to the stress of life and work loadings, however most of them are unwilling to seek medical treatment because of no time to visit physicians. Objectives: The study purpose was to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative effects, after two weeks, of an Aromatherapy acupressure on the neck and neck stiffness among community women. Methods: This study was conducted at New Taipei City, Xindian, Zhongyonghe District communities using a parallel-design, control trial for community women who complained of non-pathological factors causing stiff neck and neck for more than three months and with the age of 40 to 65 years old. The experimental group received Aromatherapy acupressure on acupuncture points of Wind Pool, Well and Cream Blind acupuncture points for 15 minutes each time, three times a week; the control group did not intervene in any measures. The intervention effects were measured by the pressure and pain threshold of the shoulder and neck stiffness and the acupuncture points of the shoulder and neck. The immediate effects of the experimental group were measured before and after each intervention and the cumulative effect of the experimental group and the control group with or without two consecutive weeks of intervention. Qualitative results are self-awareness health improvement results after the last massage in the second week of the experimental group. The intervention effects from the study baseline to a two weeks follow-up by immediate effects and cumulative effects were estimated using t-test and GEE effect model for repeated measures. Results: A total of 32 experimental groups were received and 35 were controlled. Aromatherapy Acupressure intervention had significantly immediate effects on the neck stiffness index decreased (2.22 ± 1.24, P<0.001).Threshold value of shoulder and neck pain: left and right wind pool point had significantly decreased (0.11±0.32g, 0.25±0.37g, P<0.001); left and right shoulder well point had significantly decreased (0.18±0.50g, 0.23±0.33g, P<0.001); left and right shoulder cream blind point had significantly decreased (0.25 ±0.33g, 0.14±0.39g P<0.001). The cumulative effect: After two weeks of intervention, had significantly cumulative effects the experimental group's shoulder and neck stiffness index lower than the control group (1.224, P < 0.001). The left shoulder well point of the shoulder and neck pain threshold had significantly decreased (0.844g P<0.001). However, other shoulder and neck pain threshold did not show any significant intervention effects at follow-ups. The qualitative effects: the experimental group women felt that the shoulder and neck stiffness and back muscle tension were improved, and they enjoyed happiness during receiving aromatherapy acupressure. They expressed that they would continue to take care of their shoulder and neck stiffness by themselves by essential oils massage. Conclusions and recommendations: Aromatherapy Acupressure intervention has immediate effects and after two weeks cumulative effects on the stiffness neck and neck. It is recommended to promote the community women using the accupoint massage by aromatic essential oils as a self-care for non-pathological neck and neck stiffness and soreness.

Competency-Based Education and Training Courses for International Aromatherapist / 國際芳療師培訓職能導向課程之研究

Chen, Kan, 陳甘 January 2019 (has links)
碩士 / 國立臺北商業大學 / 企業管理系研究所 / 107 / The pursuit of the leisure spa body mind relaxation of the modern people, has led to the vigorous development of beauty aromatherapy industry and the urgent need of professional and technical persons. Facing industrial structure and technological change rapid market, cultivation of talent in education planning, but also faced with changes in response to the environment, the adjustment to the times can enhance the competitiveness, aspiring to change jobs, or to aromatic therapy, those who are interested in technology or who wish to enhance their professional skills will be able to acquire it in a short period of time to get the most practical professional knowledge. Knowledge, employment skills and professional certification, and cultivate the correct working attitude, take the precision finest, that can quickly put into the job of the workplace. This study takes qualitative research of two functional analysis methods were used, namely, General interview method and Butterfly Survey Method. Invite experts holding seminars to discuss the course training program, Base on the therapy corresponding behavior guidelines and development competence of division's job responsibilities. Setting competence by decile: 3rd Grade. The Learning maps for spa aromatherapist professional needs, design the course and reorganization of course results, cover the list of three major items including: A, NAHA, USA Junior Therapist First Class Course(Knowledge surface 30H). B, professional practice technology, Operation Course(Skill surface 42H). C: Aromatherapy Workplace Due Cognitive Course(Attitude surface 12H). Final Integration and Consolidation Skill total 84 hours.Evaluation of course implementation after processing, Its research the result is four point discovery: (1) High satisfaction feedback to the training institutions to improve their professionalism and teaching quality (2) To pay attention to the functional development of enterprises can indeed meet their employment needs (3) To develop functional orientation courses with functional connotation, the post-training aromatherapy the professional functions boost positive benefits (4) After the training can be qualified to participate in the United States NAHA first-order aromatic therapist Certification. At last, the conclusion of this study is that international aromatic therapist training certification course developed based on the function oriented course quality audit mechanism. Through training and also authentication method can narrow the gap between theory and practice. Motivate them to effectively mention enhance job competitiveness, increase employment opportunities, and accumulate high quality human capital of enterprises.

Invdvement affect Aromatherapy product to Purchase decision research Example for Taoyuan Hsinchu Miaoli area Mature age woman / 消費者涉入對芳療產品購買決策影響之研究--以桃竹苗地區熟齡女性為例

Chu,Chien-Hsun, 朱建勳 January 2019 (has links)
碩士 / 明新科技大學 / 服務產業暨管理研究所碩士班 / 107 / Since 1998, the Government has promoted a comprehensive two-week holiday and the passage of a one-off holiday in 2016. The government began to propose the "Top-notch Navigation Plan" in 2008. The Vocational Training Council of the Executive Yuan also proposed the "Industrial Development Policy" in the same year. Health care is listed as one of the plans. In response to the popularity of the two-day vacation system, the participation in leisure activities has gradually prospered and the consumption power has increased. In recent years, the global aromatherapy industry has shown rapid growth, so "consumer involvement" The research on the influence of the purchase decision of aromatherapy products---taking the mature women in Taozhumiao area as an example" as the research direction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the degree of involvement of mature age woman in aromatherapy products and purchasing decisions. The study was conducted on mature women consumers in Taozhumiao area. For research purposes, literature review and in-depth interviews were used. The study carried out the study, and the interviewees were divided into three categories: 1. Experts and scholars 2. Female consumers 3. The total number of respondents was 13. After interviews, the majority of consumers in mature ages were found to have low purchasing decisions.Finally, this study makes conclusions about the relationship between product information of consumers' concerns and purchasing behavior, and provides appropriate business recommendations to the store operators.

A Case Study of Aromatherapy to Relieve the Sleep Quality and Emotional Stress-Using the Married Women in Middle Age as an Example / 芳香療法舒緩睡眠品質與情緒壓力之個案研究-以中年已婚婦女為例

CHENG, WEN-HSIN, 鄭雯馨 January 2018 (has links)
碩士 / 正修科技大學 / 化妝品與時尚彩妝研究所 / 106 / Taiwan’s traditional society regards women as one of the important members of the family and delivers family responsibilities to women. Most women continue to work after marriage. Under the pressure of multiple roles, women's physical and mental health is greatly affected. Many studies have been conducted for specific occupations, but few middle-aged married women are the main research subjects. Therefore, this a Case Study of Aromatherapy to Relieve the Sleep Quality and Emotional Stress-Using the Married Women in Middle Age as an Example as a main axis. Hope to understand and improve the long-term accumulated pressure of middle-aged married women, improve their sleep quality and reduce emotional stress. This study combines in-depth interviews with experiments. 7 married middle-aged women with sleep quality and emotional stress. A weekly relieve stress course, using the aromatherapy method of Sniffing and massage. Everyday wear essential oil bottle necklace, the course lasts for ten weeks. Using heart rate variability meter was measured before and after each course, and the objective physiological values were used to check whether it can relieve stress. In-depth interviews have found relieve stress course can helps the improvement of sleep quality and emotional stress among middle-aged married women. Among the heart rate variability, the participants' LF, LF/HF were all effectively relieved, and HF, SDNN and HR were all improved. This study used both the Pittsburgh sleep quality index and the Brief Symptom Rating Scale to assist in measurement. The results showed that the total score of the scale reached a significant decline, and most of the participants were converted from moderate and severe emotional stress to those with good physical and mental adaptation. In this study, the relieve stress course significantly improved the sleep quality and emotional stress of middle-aged married women in both subjective and objective measures. The study also found that the length of the essential oil bottle necklace is closely related to the occupation. At work, with lower head to work with a long of time, optimum wear essential oil bottle necklace length are tip of the nose down to the collarbone about 13 cm. And with raise head to work with a long of time, optimum wear essential oil bottle necklace length are tip of the nose down to the collarbone about 8 cm. Furthermore with raise head to work with a long of time, optimum wear essential oil bottle necklace length are tip of the nose down to the collarbone about 8 cm. All of the above findings are beneficial for participants to sniff essential oil molecules. In addition, allowing participants to choose their favorite essential oil bottle necklaces before the course will enable participants to greatly enhance their essential oils and increase the frequency of use, thereby enhancing the reliability of this study. It is hoped that through this research, the future can be extended beyond the middle-aged married women as another way to relieve stress and maintain care.

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