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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribuição para a elaboração de um sistema de gestão ambiental dos diques de manutenção e reparo do Arsenal de Marinha do Rio de Janeiro / Contribution to the development of an environmental management systems of drydicks of the maintenance and repair of the Arsenal de Marinha do Rio de Janeiro

Maria José da Silva Silveira 09 November 2010 (has links)
A Baía de Guanabara, ambiente de localização do Arsenal de Marinha do Rio de Janeiro (AMRJ), sofre com a intensa pressão antrópica, principalmente no aspecto da qualidade das águas. Neste contexto, uma fração considerável da poluição decorre das atividades dos estaleiros, uma vez que a atividade industrial naval no Rio de Janeiro não tem mecanismo de controle de poluição à altura do seu real potencial poluidor. Esta ausência de fiscalização possibilita o lançamento na Baía de resíduos sólidos, esgotos sanitários, efluentes químicos, oleosos e tóxicos, tornando crescente a contaminação dessas águas, margens e mangues. Estes descartes cada vez mais são alvo das exigências ambientais da sociedade e das legislações. Devido a isto, a gestão de efluentes líquidos do Arsenal tornou-se prioritária, para tal, esse estudo foi proposto, tendo iniciado pela análise das oficinas do estaleiro, na qual as operações no dique foram identificadas como uma das mais impactantes do estaleiro. A partir desta constatação, estão apresentadas duas fontes de pesquisas para a redução dos impactos. Na primeira etapa, há o estudo das atividades geradoras de efluentes no dique de reparo, com os objetivos de propor a implantação das diretrizes de melhores práticas de gestão, de minimizar a geração de efluentes líquidos e de contribuir para a adoção de práticas ambientais proativas. Como segunda pesquisa, com base nas tecnologias mundiais, há a proposta de tratamento dos efluentes de um dique, na qual foram identificados os processos que irão atender às necessidades ambientais do estaleiro, com as opções de escolha entre o tratamento parcial, para o descarte na rede pública, ou com o prosseguimento do processo até o seu reúso. As conclusões deste estudo apontam para a implantação da gestão ambiental do dique sistematizada, rigorosa e integrada com a gestão das embarcações, acrescentando-se a isto, as necessidades de incorporação de tecnologias modernas e de sistema de tratamento dos efluentes, propiciando de maneira sustentável que haja a continuação do processo de produção do estaleiro e, ao mesmo tempo, permitindo o retorno da biodiversidade da Baía de Guanabara. / Guanabara Bay, located at Arsenal de Marinha do Rio de Janeiro (AMRJ), suffers from intense human pressure, especially on what is referred about water quality. In this context, a considerable part of the pollution comes from the shipyards activity, sine that the naval industrial activity in Rio de Janeiro has no mechanism for pollution control that matches its real potential polluter. This lack of inspection makes it possible the launch of solid waste in Guanabara Bay, in addition of sanitary sewage, chemical waste, oily and toxic, which increases the contamination of the water, shores and mangroves. These discard has been, more and more, a target of societys environmental demands and of laws also. Because of that, the management of wastewater from Arsenal has become a priority, for that, this study was suggested. Beginning with the analyses of the shipyard workshops, which dry docks activities have been identified as one of the most striking on the shipyard. From this conclusion, two research sources for impact reduction are presented. In the first stage there is a study of activities that creates wastewater in the dry dock of repair, with the purpose to propose the establishment of guidelines to improve the management practices, to minimize the production of liquid effluents and to help with the embracement of pro-active environmental practices. In the second research, with bases in world technologies, there is the purpose to treat the effluents from a dry dock, in which there were processes identified that would attend to the shipyards environmental needs, with options of choice between the partial treatment, for disposal in public network, or to the persecution of reuse procedure. The conclusions of this study point to the implantation of a systemized environmental management of the dry dock, rigorous and integrated with the management of vessels. Adding to it, the need to incorporate modern technologies and treatment systems of effluents, which will provide, in a sustainable way, that the process of production of the shipyard could proceed. And, at the same time, allowing the return of the biodiversity of the Guanabara Bay.

Aproveitamento da água de chuva para fins não potáveis em uma atividade industrial: estudo de caso de uma edificação a ser construída, Rio de Janeiro, RJ / Use of the water of rain for aims not drinkable in a industrial activity: case study of a construction no built, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Antonio Pedro Fernandes Coscarelli 27 August 2010 (has links)
A escassez de água é um dos maiores desafios do nosso século. Parece mentira, uma vez que do planeta são ocupados por água. Essa abundância aparente leva-nos a considerar a água como um elemento barato, farto e inesgotável. Contudo, desse total, 97,5% são de água salgada, restando 2,5% de água doce, dos quais 1,75% formam geleiras, sendo, portanto, inacessíveis. E o pior: a exploração irracional da água doce armazenada nos lençóis subterrâneos, rios e lagos está ameaçando a magra fatia de 0,75% da água que pode ser usada pelo homem. Se a escassez e a poluição já são problemas concretos em muitos países, os quais já instituíram um efetivo gerenciamento de seus recursos hídricos, no Brasil a preocupação de cientistas e ambientalistas nem sempre é levada a sério. Afinal, temos mais de 12% da água potável do globo. No entanto, esta riqueza é extremamente mal distribuída: cerca de 80% estão na região amazônica; os 20% restantes distribuem-se desigualmente pelo país, atendendo a 95% da população. Cada vez que chove, milhões de litros de água, que normalmente deveram se infiltrar no solo correm pelos telhados e pelo asfalto até acabar em um rio poluído, sem nenhuma possibilidade de uso. E essa água pode e deve ser aproveitada, tanto para evitar enchentes quanto para economizar recursos hídricos e financeiros. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi o de estruturar um projeto de um sistema de coleta e aproveitamento da água de chuva, para fins não potáveis, para uma edificação a ser construída nas instalações de uma indústria de reparo e construção naval. Para tanto, foi apresentada uma metodologia cuja tecnologia para captação e aproveitamento da água de chuva baseou-se num levantamento bibliográfico e foi validada através da aplicação em um estudo de caso. Espera-se que este trabalho seja o ponto de partida para muitos outros dentro da indústria, procurando incentivar o aproveitamento da água de chuva para consumo não potável e criando assim uma consciência ecológica em todos os níveis da empresa, contribuindo dessa forma para a sustentabilidade. / The shortage of water is one of the largest challenges of the century. It seems lie, once of the planet are busy for water. That "abundance" apparent group to consider the water as an element cheap, full and inexhaustible. However, of that total one, 97,5% are of salt water, remaining 2,5% of fresh water, of which 1,75% form glaciers, being, therefore, inaccessible. And the worst: the irrational exploration of the fresh water stored at the underground sheets, rivers and lakes is threatening the thin slice of 0,75% of the water that can be used by the man. If the shortage and the pollution are already concrete problems in many countries, which already instituted a cash administration of their hydric resources, in Brazil the scientists concern and environmentalists not always it is taken seriously. After all, it is had more than 12% of the drinking water of the globe. However, this wealth is extremely badly distributed: about 80% they are in the Amazonian area; the remaining 20% are distributed unevenly by the country, assisting to 95% of the population. Every time that rains, million of liters of water, that would usually owe if it infiltrates in the soil, they run for the roofs and for the asphalt until ending in a polluted river, without any use possibility. And that water can and it should be taken advantage, so much to avoid inundations as to save hydric resources and financial. In that way, the objective of this work was it of structuring a project of a collection system and use of the rain water, for ends no drinkable, for a construction to be built in the facilities of a repair industry and shipbuilding. For so much, a methodology was presented whose technology for reception and use of the rain water based on a bibliographical rising and it was validated through the application in a case study. It is waited that this work is the starting point for many other inside of the industry, trying to motivate the use of the rain water for consumption no drinkable and creating like this an ecological conscience in all of the levels of the company, contributing in that way to the sustainability.

Avaliação de diferentes estratégias de biorremediação no tratamento de solo contaminado por diesel B5 / Evaluation of different biorremediation strategies in the treatment of soil contaminated by diesel B5

Roberta Carvalho Ciannella 09 July 2010 (has links)
No Brasil, a contaminação do solo por derramamentos de combustíveis representa um dos mais graves problemas ambientais e o impacto da introdução de novas misturas como diesel/biodiesel na matriz energética requer investigação quanto a tecnologias apropriadas de remediação. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar diferentes estratégias de biorremediação no tratamento de solo contaminado experimentalmente com óleo diesel B5. Foram conduzidos três experimentos. No primeiro, quatro microcosmos em duplicata, contendo 500 g de solo e 5% (p/p) de óleo diesel B5, todos suplementados com oxigênio através de revolvimento manual e com ajuste de umidade, tiveram como tratamentos: bioestímulo com ajuste de pH (BE1); bioestímulo com ajuste de pH e nutrientes (BE2); bioaumento com ajuste de pH, nutrientes e adição de consórcio microbiano comercial KMA (BAM) e; controle abiótico, com ajuste de pH e solo esterilizado em autoclave (PA). Paralelamente, foi conduzido tratamento por bioaumento com ajuste de pH e nutrientes, suplementação de oxigênio e consórcio KMA, em solo contaminado apenas por diesel a 5% (BAD). A população microbiana foi monitorada através da contagem de UFC e os tratamentos, avaliados pela remoção de carbono orgânico e de hidrocarbonetos de petróleo (n-alcanos C10-C36). No segundo experimento, o metabolismo microbiano aeróbio foi avaliado através da produção de CO2 em respirômetros de Bartha (triplicatas), em solo contaminado com 5% (p/p) de óleo diesel B5, ajustado para pH e umidade, nas seguintes condições: solo com adição do consórcio KMA; solo com adição de cultura microbiana obtida a partir de outro solo proveniente de um posto de combustível com histórico de vazamento de tanques (RES) e; solo esterilizado por adição de azida de sódio a 0,3% (p/p). Como controle, solo sem contaminação, com sua população microbiana autóctone. No terceiro experimento, a capacidade da microbiota autóctone (EX), assim como do consórcio KMA e da cultura RES, em biodegradar óleo diesel B5, diesel e biodiesel de soja foi testada através do uso de indicadores de oxirredução DCPIP e TTC. Os experimentos em microcosmos indicam que houve uma complementaridade metabólica entre a população nativa e o consórcio comercial de microorganismos KMA, cuja presença promoveu um decaimento mais rápido de n-alcanos nas primeiras semanas do experimento. No entanto, após 63 dias de experimento, os tratamentos BAM, BAD e BE2 apresentaram, respectivamente, em média, 92,7%, 89,4% e 81,7% de remoção dos hidrocarbonetos n-alcanos C10-C36, sendo tais diferenças, sem significância estatística. Nos respirômetros, o bioaumento com cultura microbiana RES apresentou a maior produção de CO2 e a maior remoção de hidrocarbonetos (46,2%) após 29 dias. Tanto nos ensaios em microcosmos quanto nos respirométricos, não foi possível estimar a contribuição dos processos abióticos, tendo em vista evidências da existência de atividade microbiana no solo esterilizado térmica ou quimicamente. Os ensaios com os dois indicadores redox mostraram que apenas a microbiota nativa do solo em estudo e a cultura microbiana RES apresentaram potencial para degradar óleo diesel B5, biodiesel de soja ou diesel, quando colocadas em meio mineral contendo tais combustíveis como única fonte de carbono. / In Brazil, the contamination of soils due to spill of fuels is one of the most serious environmental problems. The impact of introducing new fuel mixtures in the energy matrix, such as diesel/biodiesel requires investigation regarding appropriate remediation technologies. The objective of this study was to assess different bioremediation strategies for treatment of soil spiked with diesel B5 (diesel plus 5% of biodiesel w/w). Three experiments were carried out. In the first, four microcosms (in duplicate), with 500g of soil and 5% (w/w) of diesel B5 each, being all of them supplied with oxygen by manual stirring and with moisture, performed the following treatments: bio-stimulation with pH adjustment (BE1); bio-stimulation with pH and nutrients (N, P) adjustment (BE2); bio-augmentation with pH and nutrients adjustment and addition of a commercial consortium of microorganisms KMA (BAM); abiotic processes control with pH adjustment and soil that underwent thermal sterilization (PA). As a control of the effect of biodiesel, a bio-augmentation treatment was carried out with pH and nutrients adjustment, oxygen supply and addition of KMA consortium, in soil contaminated only with diesel at 5% (w/w) (BAD). The microorganisms populations were monitored through colony-forming units CFU, and the treatment efficiency was estimated based on removal of total organic carbon (TOC) and petroleum hydrocarbon (n-alkanes C10-C36). In the second experiment, the microorganisms aerobic metabolism was assessed through measurement of the CO2 production in Barthas respirometers in triplicates, pH and moisture adjustment, under the following conditions: Contaminated soil inoculated with KMA consortium; contaminated soil inoculated with a microorganisms culture obtained from another soil excavated from a gas station with leaking from the tanks (RES); contaminated soil sterilized with sodium azide 0.3% (w/w) (PA). As a control, soil with no contamination and its indigenous microbiota was monitored. In the third experiment, the capacity of the indigenous microbiota (EX), as well as the consortia KMA and RES in biodegrading diesel B5 and pure biodiesel from soil-beans were assessed by using the oxi-reduction indicators DCPIP and TTC. The experiments in microcosms showed a higher percentage of decay in n-alkanes C10-C36 during the first weeks, in those microcosms where commercial consortium KMA was added, suggesting metabolic complementation between the indigenous and the KMA microbiota. However, after 63 days, the treatments BAM, BAD and BE2 showed respectively the average removal of 92.7%, 89.4% and 81.7% of n-alkanes C10-C36, been the differences statistically not significant. In both experiments (microcosms and Bartha respirometers) it was not possible to estimate the contribution of the abiotic processes alone, due to clear indication of microbiological activity in the soils that underwent thermal or chemical sterilization. In the Bartha respirometers, bio-augmentation with the RES culture presented higher CO2 production and the highest hydrocarbons removal (46.2%) after 29 days. The assays with the redox indicators showed that both the native microbiota of the soil and the RES microbial culture presented potential to degrade diesel B5, biodiesel and diesel, when placed in mineral media with these fuels as the only carbon source.

Tratamento de efluentes líquidos na Estação Antártica Comandante Ferraz (EACF): avaliação da aplicabilidade do processo eletrolítico. / Treatment of wastewater in Ferraz Station (Brazil): evaluation of the applicability of the electrolytical process.

Carmen Josefa Miguelez Rodriguez 14 March 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa enfoca o uso do processo eletrolítico, como alternativa para tratamento de efluentes líquidos na Estação Antártica Comandante Ferraz (EACF), considerando as limitações ambientais locais e aspectos de consumo de energia. Este processo, classificado como não convencional, vem sendo estudado pela comunidade científica nacional e internacional para tratamento de diversos efluentes, inclusive esgotos domésticos, apresentando várias vantagens que estimularam a verificação de sua aplicabilidade para as condições peculiares da EACF. Foram realizados ensaios, em escala de laboratório, com esgotos domésticos coletados em um condomínio no Rio de Janeiro, usando reatores eletrolíticos com capacidade de 4 L, com eletrodos de desgaste de alumínio (Al) e de ferro (Fe), distância entre as placas de 0,9 cm e 1,8 cm, temperaturas na faixa de 7C a 22C, e ensaios para verificação da sua eficiência, por meio de parâmetros como DQO, DBO5, SST, turbidez e volume de lodo gerado. Sob temperatura de 15C e condições de condutividade da ordem de 900 S/cm, estimada para os esgotos da EACF, aplicando densidade de corrente de 22,9 A/m2, 4,5 V, tempo de retenção de 25 min, os resultados apresentaram valores de DQO no efluente tratado de 65 mg/L(redução de 89%), DBO de 56 mg/L (redução de 64 %), SST de 8 mg/L, com turbidez de 11,3 uT e, após filtração, turbidez de 3,2 uT, consumo de energia de 0,8 Wh/L. O aspecto é límpido e a qualidade final obtida é compatível para ser submetida a tratamento de desinfecção. A partir dos dados obtidos, foram avaliadas por meio de pré-projeto: a viabilidade de sua implantação em container, a estimativa de consumo de energia e de lodo gerado, requisitos de manutenção, operação, além da sugestão de monitoramentos e de medidas de mitigação de impactos ambientais associados à respectiva instalação. / This research focuses on the use of the electrolytical process as alternative for treatment of wastewater in Ferraz Station, considering the local environmental limitations, and aspects of consumption of energy. This process, classified as unconventional, has been studied by the national and international scientific community to treat several effluents, besides domestic sewage, presenting several advantages which stimulated the verification of its applicability in the peculiar conditions of Ferraz Station. Laboratory experiments, with domestic sewage collected in a condominium in Rio de Janeiro were accomplished using electrolytical reactors of 4 L, with electrodes of aluminum (Al) and of iron (Fe), distance between the plates of 0,9 cm and 1,8 cm, temperatures, in the strip from 7C to 22C, and analyses laboratories for verification of its efficiency through COD, BOD5, Suspended Solids, turbidity and generated sludge. Under temperature of 15C and conditions of conductivity of 900 S/cm, estimated for the station sewage, applying density of current of 22,9 A/m2, 4,5 V, time of retention of 25 min, the results presented values of COD in the treated effluent of 65 mg/L (reduction of 89%), BOD of 56 mg/L (reduction of 64%), Suspended Solids of 8 mg/L, with turbidity of 11,3 Tu and after filtration 3,2 Tu, consumption of energy of 0,8 Wh/L. Its appearance is very clean and the final result is compatible to be submitted to disinfection treatment. Based on the obtained data, the viability of its implantation in container, the estimate of consumption of energy and generated sludge and maintenance requirements, operation, besides the monitoring suggestion, and mitigating measures of environmental impacts were evaluated in a preliminary project.

Proposta de metodologia de projeto de sistemas de disposição oceânica de esgotos sanitários, em localidades de pequeno porte. / Proposed design methodology for ocean disposal systems for sewage, in towns small.

Sergio de Freitas 25 March 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo disponibilizar metodologia para o projeto de tratamento de esgoto sanitário através de disposição oceânica com utilização de emissário submarino, para localidades de pequeno porte. Também apresenta metodologia simplificada para obtenção de alguns dados oceanográficos necessários, na perspectiva de atender aos administradores dessas pequenas prefeituras envolvidas nas questões de atendimento de sua população quanto aos serviços de tratamento dos esgotos sanitários. Esses municípios, por serem pequenos e em país em desenvolvimento, carecem de recursos financeiros para as soluções convencionais de tratamento de esgotos sanitários. O trabalho contém uma revisão da bibliografia técnica relativa ao processo objeto deste estudo, não só referente ao projeto hidráulico como também à estabilidade física da tubulação do emissário assentada no leito do mar. Julgou-se necessário a realização, deste trabalho depois que se verificou que a implantação de emissários submarinos com diâmetros até da ordem de 300 mm, em geral tem seus custos inferiores aos dos sistemas convencionais. / This paper aims to provide a simplified methodology for the treatment design of sewage disposal through the use of oceanic outfall locations for small towns. It also features simplified methodology for obtaining oceanographic data needed for those small municipalities management. As these cities are usually on a development phase and have restricted resources to invest on its needs, the designed system becomes very attractive due to its low capital requirement. This work includes a technical review on the subject of this case study, not only regarding the water issues but also related to its physical stability of the outfall pipe at the bottom of the sea.It was felt necessary to organize this work after it was found that the introduction of submarine outfalls with diameters up to around 300 mm, has its costs below those of conventional systems. The most important result from this work is the competitiveness conclusion of the required implementation investment of submarine outfalls, with diameters up to 300 mm.

Proposta de metodologia para operação estável de reatores anaeróbios em indústrias de refrigerantes. / Proposed methodology for stable operation of anaerobic reactors on soft drinks industries.

Luciana Nicodemos Salles 14 March 2012 (has links)
Embora seja crescente a utilização de reatores anaeróbios no tratamento de efluentes nas indústrias de refrigerantes, algumas características desta tecnologia ainda comprometem o desempenho, a estabilidade e a confiabilidade do processo, acarretando no aumento dos custos operacionais necessários para garantir a qualidade do efluente tratado, em adequação à todas as exigências legais. Dentre estas características destaca-se a vulnerabilidade do lodo anaeróbio a choques de produtos químicos. O presente trabalho propõe uma metodologia, baseada no método PDCA, com o objetivo de prevenir impactos negativos sobre o reator anaeróbio, através da identificação dos resíduos químicos gerados pela fábrica de refrigerantes, assim como a sua classificação, quanto a frequência de descartes e a severidade do impacto sobre a atividade dos microorganismos anaeróbios. O estudo mostrou, através da redução de DQO (Demanda Química de Oxigênio), quais produtos químicos apresentaram maior inibição sobre o lodo anaeróbio, possibilitando à fábrica direcionar ações de controle e contingência, além de pré-requisitos operacionais. / Although increasing the use of anaerobic reactors in the treatment of industrial effluents in soft drink industries, some features of this technology still undermine the performance, stability and reliability of the process, leading to increase operating costs required to ensure the quality of the treated effluent, suitability to legal requirements. Among these characteristics highlight the vulnerability of anaerobic sludge to chemical shocks. The present work proposes a methodology, based on the PDCA method in order to prevent negative impacts on the anaerobic reactor, by identifying the chemical wastes generated by the factory of soft drinks, as well as their classification, as the frequency of discharges and the severity of impact on the activity of anaerobic microorganisms. The study showed, through the reduction of COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), which chemicals have greater inhibition on the anaerobic sludge, enabling to factory direct control actions and contingency operational prerequisites as well.

Efeito anticonvulsivante e antioxidante do peptÃdeo sintÃtico LS9 sobre modelo de convulsÃo induzido por pentilenotetrazol em camundongos / Anticonvulsivant and antioxidant effect of synthetic peptide LS9 on pentylenotetrazole induced model of convulsion

Livia Correia Fernandes Paes 12 January 2017 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Compostos naturais tem sido utilizado como fontes de novas molÃculas com atuaÃÃo no sistema nervoso central. Recentemente nosso grupo de pesquisa observou a aÃÃo anticonvulsivante do veneno da formiga Dinoponera quadriceps em modelo de convulsÃo induzido pelo pentilenotetrazol (PTZ). Com o intuito de descobrir quais molÃculas presentes no veneno sÃo responsÃveis pelo efeito mencionado, o peptÃdeo Dq-Fa, componente natural encontrado no veneno da formiga Dinoponera quadriceps, foi sintetizado, intitulado de LS9, e utilizado no presente estudo em modelo de convulsÃo induzido por PTZ e sobre cultura de astrÃcitos in vitro. Camundongos Swiss machos (28-33g) foram prÃ-tratados com o LS9 (0,1; 0,2 ou 0,4 mg/kg, i.p., n= 6-8). Meia hora apÃs o prÃ-tratamento foi induzida a convulsÃo em todos os animais atravÃs da administraÃÃo de PTZ (80 mg/kg). Na anÃlise comportamental, foram registrados os tempos para ocorrÃncia da primeira convulsÃo e tempo de morte. Para determinaÃÃo dos parÃmetros de estresse oxidativo foram utilizadas trÃs Ãreas cerebrais (cÃrtex prÃ-frontal, hipocampo e corpo estriado) e mensurado os nÃveis de malondialdeÃdo (MDA), o conteÃdo de nitrito e nÃvel de glutationa reduzida (GSH). No ensaio in vitro, foi determinada a viabilidade celular de astrÃcitos corticais, apÃs o tratamento com diferentes concentraÃÃes de LS9 ou LS9 + PTZ, durante 24 horas, pelo mÃtodo do MTT (brometo de 3- (4,5-dimetil-2-tiazol) -2,5-difenil-2-H). Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA e Student-Newman-Keuls como pÃs-teste, para os ensaios in vivo, e ANOVA seguido pelo pÃs-teste de Bonferroni, para as experimentaÃÃes in vitro. Os resultados comportamentais encontrados mostraram que todas as concentraÃÃes analisadas do peptÃdeo foram capazes de aumentar a latÃncia para a ocorrÃncia da primeira convulsÃo, sendo que a concentraÃÃo de 0,2mg/kg aumentou, significativamente, o perÃodo de latÃncia de morte. Houve diminuiÃÃo dos nÃveis de MDA no cÃrtex prÃ-frontal (nas concentraÃÃes 0,1 e 0,2mg/kg), hipocampo (na concentraÃÃo de 0,1mg/kg) e corpo estriado (em todas as concentraÃÃes analisadas). Todas as concentraÃÃes testadas foram capazes de diminuir, significantemente, a formaÃÃo de nitrito no cÃrtex prÃ-frontal. No hipocampo e no corpo estriado o efeito foi semelhante, porÃm nÃo em todas as concentraÃÃes. Na concentraÃÃo de 0,2mg/kg, houve aumento dos nÃveis de GSH no cÃrtex prÃ-frontal, as concentraÃÃes de 0,1 e 0,2mg/kg promoveram aumento no corpo estriado e nÃo houve alteraÃÃo no hipocampo. No ensaio in vitro, os resultados mostram que esse peptÃdeo nÃo foi capaz de diminuir a viabilidade de astrÃcitos corticais e nÃo promoveu alteraÃÃo da viabilidade celular quando associado com PTZ. Nossos achados demonstram que o peptÃdeo sintÃtico LS9 promoveu efeito anticonvulsivante, diminuiu a produÃÃo de peroxidaÃÃo lipÃdica e nitrito e aumentou GSH. AlÃm disso, nÃo foi capaz de alterar a viabilidade celular em cultura de astrÃcitos corticais in vitro, nÃo demonstrando efeito tÃxico nessa linhagem celular. / Natural compounds have been used as sources of new molecules acting in the central nervous system. Recently our research group observed the anticonvulsant action of ant venom Dinoponera quadriceps in model of seizure induced by pentylenetetrazole (PTZ). In order to find out which molecules present in the venom are responsible for the mentioned effect, the peptide Dq-Fa, a natural component found in the venom of the Dinoponera quadriceps ant, was synthesized, titled LS9, and used in the present study in a model of convulsion induced by PTZ and on astrocyte culture in vitro. Male Swiss mice (28-33g) were pretreated with LS9 (0.1, 0.2 or 0.4 mg / kg, i.p., n = 6-8). Half an hour after pretreatment, seizure was induced in all animals by administration of PTZ (80 mg / kg). In the behavioral analysis, the times for the occurrence of the first seizure and time of death were recorded. To determine the parameters of oxidative stress, three cerebral areas (prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and striatum) were used and malondialdehyde (MDA), nitrite content and reduced glutathione levels (GSH) were measured. In the in vitro assay, the cell viability of cortical astrocytes was determined after treatment with different concentrations of LS9 or LS9 + PTZ for 24 hours by the MTT method (3- (4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazole bromide) -2, 5-diphenyl-2-H). The data were analyzed by ANOVA and Student-Newman-Keuls as a post-test, for the in vivo tests, and ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni post-test, for the in vitro experiments. The behavioral results found showed that all the analyzed concentrations of the peptide were able to increase the latency for the first seizure, with a concentration of 0.2 mg / kg significantly increased the latency period of death. There was a decrease in MDA levels in the prefrontal cortex (0.1 and 0.2 mg / kg concentrations), hippocampus (0.1 mg / kg concentration) and striatum (in all concentrations analyzed). All concentrations tested were able to significantly decrease the formation of nitrite in the prefrontal cortex. In the hippocampus and striatum the effect was similar, but not at all concentrations. At concentrations of 0.2 mg / kg, there was an increase in GSH levels in the prefrontal cortex, concentrations of 0.1 and 0.2 mg / kg promoted an increase in the striatum and there was no change in the hippocampus. In the in vitro assay, the results show that this peptide was not able to decrease the viability of cortical astrocytes and did not promote alteration of cell viability when associated with PTZ. Our findings show that the synthetic peptide LS9 promoted anticonvulsant effect, decreased production of lipid peroxidation and nitrite and increased GSH. In addition, it was not able to alter cell viability in cortical astrocyte culture in vitro, demonstrating no toxic effect in this cell line.

Unilateral Inactivation of Macaque Frontal Eye Field Produces an Impairment of Saccadic Target Selection as Distinct from Attentional Neglect

Sather, Brittanie Lee 20 March 2006 (has links)
The frontal eye field (FEF) has been implicated as a possible participant in attentional allocation. Recent studies have found that low-current stimulation of FEF results in enhanced attention and increased visual responses in extrastriate visual area V4. We investigated the necessity of FEF function for allocating attention by unilaterally inactivating FEF in two monkeys and testing the monkeys ability on a two-alternative forced-choice saccade task. This task was designed to spatially dissociate two processes which we assessed separately: discrimination of a visual cue and generation of a saccade. Following inactivation, we determined the extent of contralesional saccadic deficits, compared to contralesional discrimination deficits, using a choice-based analysis and a reaction time (RT)-based analysis. Overall, we found that unilateral inactivation had an impact on contralesional saccadic performance corresponding to a 61.7-ms overall change in RT and a 34% change in choice probability. On the other hand, we discovered only a 7.0-ms overall change in RT and a 0% change in choice probability with respect to contralesional visual discrimination ability. We conclude that FEF function is much more important for saccadic generation than attentional allocation.


Lee, SooHyun 19 December 2007 (has links)
A prominent feature of thalamocortical circuitry in sensory systems is the extensive and highly organized feedback projection from the cortex to thalamic neurons that provide input to it. Intriguingly, many corticothalamic (CT) neurons are weakly responsive to peripheral stimuli, or silent altogether. Here using the whisker-to-barrel system, we examine whether the responses of CT neurons and their related thalamic neurons are affected by motor cortex, a prominent source of input to deep layers of the somatosensory cortex. Pharmacological facilitation of motor cortex activity produced using focal, microiontophoresis leads to enhanced whisker-evoked firing of topographically aligned layer 6 neurons, including identified CT cells, and of cells in corresponding regions of the thalamic ventral posterior medial nucleus (VPm barreloids). Together, the findings raise the possibility that cortico-thalamo-cortical circuitry in primary sensory areas is engaged by other functionally related cortical centers, providing a means for context-dependent regulation of information processing within thalamocortical circuits. We investigated how vMCx influence activity in thalamic VPm nucleus in a freely behaving rat. We examine afferent-evoked thalamic activity in animals that are either alert but voluntarily relatively motionless or actively whisking in the air without object contact. Afferent activity is evoked in VPm by means of electrical microstimulation of a single whisker follicle. In some experiments, neural processing in brainstem trigeminal nuclei was either by-passed by means of medial lemniscus stimulation, or altered by pharmacological intervention. We found that sensory responses during voluntary whisker movements, when motor cortex is likely to be active, are reduced relative to responses that occur during periods of wakeful quiescence. Enhancement of thalamic activity during whisking can be observed, however, when signal processing in sub-thalamic centers is either by-passed or experimentally altered. Findings suggest that during voluntary movement activity within the lemniscal system is globally diminished, perhaps at early, brainstem levels at the same time that activity within specific thalamocortical neuronal populations is facilitated. Though activity levels are reduced system-wide, activity within some local circuits may be subject to less net suppression. This decrease in suppression may occur on a moment-to-moment basis in a context-dependent manner. Thus, during voluntary whisker movement, sensory transmission in thalamocortical circuits may be modulated according to specific activation patterns distributed across the motor map.

Ocular Counter Rotation During Gaze Shifts

Bechara, Bernard Philimon 08 September 2008 (has links)
Abducens motor neurons (ABD) are known to receive oculomotor signals via the excitatory and inhibitory burst neurons (BN) as well as head velocity related signals via the vestibular nucleus (VN). If the oculomotor input to the ABD was the same, would there be a difference in the properties of the observed eye movement between head restrained (HR) and head unrestrained (HU) gaze shifts? To answer this question, the activity of 22 BN was recorded during HR and HU visual motor tasks performed by non human primates. A template matching algorithm was used to find a pair of trials (HR, HU) with matching BN activity. This guaranteed that the oculomotor input to the ABD was the same. Matched trials were found to have similar gaze amplitudes, but the peak eye velocity of HU movement was lower than HR movement. A time varying gain of the head velocity input was calculated as the ratio of the difference between the eye velocities over the head velocity. This yielded a gain that was high at the onset of the movement, decreased through out the gaze shift and plateau at one after gaze shift offset. Thus the head movement was highly inhibiting the eye movement at HU gaze onset which decreased throughout the gaze shift until it reached and remained at one at the end of the gaze shift. Finally a computer simulation was used to check if the difference in the eye velocities could be explained by VN inputs. The simulation modeled the difference in ABD firing rate (ÄABD) between HR and HU matched trials as the weighted sum of the difference in the firing rate of VN (ÄPVPc, ÄPVPi and ÄEHc) input. The BN input was not used in this model because for matched trials the input was the same, thus the difference was equal to zero. The simulation showed that the weight of EHc cells input was the highest, thus accounting for most of the difference in the ABD. This lead to the conclusion that EHc cells played a major role in reducing the eye velocity during head unrestrained gaze shifts.

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