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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Práticas integrativas e  complementares para a promoção da saúde / Complementary and integrative practices to promote health

Paula Cristina Ischkanian 06 September 2011 (has links)
A Promoção da Saúde tem contribuído para a construção de ações que possibilitam responder aos interesses e demandas da população visando à melhoria do nível de sua saúde. Como forma de integrar outras racionalidades médicas à Atenção a Saúde, o Ministério da Saúde aprovou, em 2006, a Política Nacional de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares (PNPIC) buscando atender, sobretudo, a necessidade de incorporar e implementar experiências que há algum tempo vêm sendo desenvolvidas com sucesso no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) em resposta ao desejo de parte dos usuários, expresso nas recomendações de Conferências Nacionais de Saúde, desde 1988. Assim, tem se tornado cada vez mais urgente investigar os conhecimentos, opiniões e representações sociais dos gestores e profissionais de saúde sobre essas Práticas (PIC) no SUS, e identificar as dificuldades e desafios que se apresentaram em sua implementação, utilização e divulgação nos Serviços de Saúde. Decidiu-se realizar uma pesquisa na zona norte de São Paulo/SP, em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde e em um Ambulatório de Especialidades. A metodologia utilizada foi a qualitativa e os instrumentos, a análise documental e a entrevista, com roteiro pré-estabelecido. Os resultados mostraram que os gestores não estavam preparados para a implementação da Política Nacional de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares (PNPIC) no SUS, que apenas cinco dos vinte e seis entrevistados conheciam a Política Nacional (PNPIC), que ainda prevalece o modelo biomédico nos atendimentos, que o fornecimento de material e aquisição de insumos utilizados em algumas das PIC tem se constituído em grande problema na unidade, que a divulgação das PIC não tem sido suficiente para que profissionais e usuários as conheçam. Nem todos os profissionais que atuavam no Ambulatório de Especialidades onde as PIC têm sido oferecidas têm valorizado essas atividades. As Práticas Integrativas e Complementares não têm ocupado o papel que deveriam e/ou poderiam dentro do SUS para a Promoção da Saúde. Verificou-se que é essencial que o Município de São Paulo/SP incentive e crie condições para o oferecimento das PIC em todas as suas Unidades, aprimorando sua divulgação e apoiando a inserção de profissionais não médicos, desde que apresentem formação adequada, pois práticas como Homeopatia, Acupuntura, Antroposofia e Fitoterapia já são consideradas especialidades médicas. As Práticas Integrativas e Complementares, se integradas ao SUS, certamente poderão contribuir, e muito, para a Promoção da Saúde / Health promotion has been contributing to foster actions which aim at responding to the interests and demands of the population in order to improve the level of their health. As a means of integrating other medical and health care practises, the Ministry of Health adopted, in 2006, the National Policy on Integrative and Complementary Practices (PNPIC) so as to particularly face the need to incorporate and to implement experiences which for some time have been successfully developed in the National Health System (SUS) in response to the desire of the users as expressed on the recommendations of the National Health Conferences, since 1988. That is why it has become more and more urgent to investigate the knowledge, opinions and social representations of managers and health professionals about those practices (PIC) in SUS as well as to identify the difficulties and challenges that are present in their implementation, use and disclosure in the Health Services. In order to better comprehend those issues, a survey in a Basic Health Unit and Specialty Clinic in the northern area of Sao Paulo/SP has been carried out. The chosen methodology was the qualitative approach with its instruments, documentary analysis and interviews based upon pre-established guidelines. The results support the thesis that managers are not prepared to implement the National Policy on Integrative and Complementary Practices (PNPIC) in SUS: only five out of the twenty six respondents were aware of the National Policy (PNPIC); the biomedical model sessions still prevails; material supply and acquisition of raw materials used in some of the PIC has become a major issue in the unit; that the disclosure of the PIC has not been enough so as to be fully known by professional and users alike. Furthermore, most of the professionals working in the Specialty Clinic where the PIC have been offered have undervalued those activities. The Complementary and Integrative Practices have not played the role they should and/or could in the SUS for the Promotion of Health yet. It is pivotally necessary that the City of São Paulo/SP encourages and creates conditions for taking the PIC into all the Health Units, so as to improve, disclosure and support the inclusion of non-medical professionals, provided that they have proper training since practices such as Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Anthroposophy and Phytotherapy are already considered as medical specialties. If they come to be included in SUS, the Complementary and Integrative Practices can certainly contribute a lot for the Promotion of Health


Miranda, Milena Valadar 14 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-19T17:47:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Milena.pdf: 1663590 bytes, checksum: 5d3902c65da1f4c4c0f86d5b42becd6d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-14 / FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA E AO DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTIFICO E TECNOLÓGICO DO MARANHÃO / Phytotherapy, for being traditional practice of health recognized in several scientific studies and for World Health Organization, has become as an pharmacological alternative well accepted and accessible to the world s populations. As a result of this therapeutic practice consolidation, several plant species and their products are commercialized at fairs and public markets. The specie Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi, popularly known as aroeira, is among the plants widely consumed, due to its properties anti-inflammatory, healing and antibacterial. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the quality of commercial samples of aroeira, acquired in public markets in the city of São Luís - MA. For the study were used aroeira's barks acquired in twelve public markets, as well as barks obtained of a specimen previously identified in herbarium, used as reference sample of the specie Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi. Was performed analysis morphological (macroscopic) and anatomical (microscopic) of the cross sections and powders obtained from the barks, phytochemicals tests, evaluation of moisture content and antibacterial activity by the methods of broth dilution and agar diffusion. After macroscopic analysis, six commercial samples showed morphological aspects different from reference sample. With regard to microscopic analysis was demonstrated the authenticity of five commercial samples, by comparison with the plant reference sample and information in the literature. In Phytochemical analysis, the reference sample showed the major constituents characteristic of the species, however, the commercial samples analysis, differences were found related, mainly, the analysis of tannins and saponins. The differences observed in this evaluation may reflect the influence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on the chemical composition of plant species. The determination of moisture in the commercial samples analyzed showed that five had moisture content above the maximum limit allowed for barks, being, therefore, reproved in thismcriterion. In the evaluation of antibacterial activity, all samples showed some degree of activity for Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, however, only six were also active against Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, four of those considered authentic in the microscopic analysis. The verification of poor quality of herbal drugs marketed for therapeutic purposes demonstrates the need for development of inspection programs, surveillance and quality control of these drugs, aiming, thus, consumer safety. / A fitoterapia, por ser prática tradicional de saúde reconhecida em diversos estudos científicos e pela Organização Mundial da Saúde, tem se constituído como uma alternativa medicamentosa bem aceita e acessível aos povos do mundo. Como consequência da consolidação desta prática terapêutica, várias espécies vegetais e seus produtos são comercializados em feiras e mercados públicos. A espécie Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi, popularmente conhecida como aroeira, está entre as plantas de grande consumo devido à suas propriedades anti-inflamatória, cicatrizante e antibacteriana. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade de amostras comerciais de aroeira, adquiridas em mercados públicos da cidade de São Luís - MA. Para o estudo foram utilizadas cascas de aroeira adquiridas em doze mercados públicos, bem como cascas obtidas de um exemplar previamente identificado em herbário, utilizadas como amostra referência da espécie S. terebinthifolius Raddi. Realizou-se análise morfológica (macroscópica) e anatômica (microscópica) das secções transversais e dos pós obtidos das cascas, testes fitoquímicos, avaliação do teor de umidade e da atividade antibacteriana pelos métodos de diluição em caldo e difusão em ágar. Após análise macroscópica, seis amostras comerciais apresentaram aspectos morfológicos diferentes da amostra referência. No que se refere à análise microscópica, ficou demonstrado a autenticidade de cinco amostras comerciais, através de comparação com a amostra referência e de informações contidas em literatura. Na análise fitoquímica, a amostra referência apresentou os principais constituintes característicos da espécie, no entanto, na análise das amostras comerciais, constatou-se diferenças relacionadas, principalmente, a análise de taninos e saponinas. As diferenças observadas nesta avaliação podem ser reflexo da influência dos fatores intrínsecos e extrínsecos sobre a composição química de espécies vegetais. A determinação de umidade nas amostras comerciais analisadas revelou que cinco apresentavam teor de umidade acima do limite máximo permitido para cascas, ficando, portanto, reprovadas neste critério. Na avaliação da atividade antibacteriana, todas as amostras revelaram algum grau de atividade para Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, no entanto, apenas seis foram ativas também contra Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, quatro dessas consideradas autênticas na análise morfoanatômica. A comprovação da má qualidade de drogas vegetais comercializadas com fins terapêuticos demonstra a necessidade de desenvolvimento de programas de fiscalização, vigilância e controle de qualidade dessas drogas, objetivando, assim, a segurança do consumidor.

Contribui??o ao Controle das Infec??es pelo Herpesv?rus Bovino tipo 1 em Rebanhos Bovinos do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. / Contribution to the Control of Bovine Herpesvirus type 1 Infections in Cattle Herds from Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.

Schiavo, Paula Amorim 07 March 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:18:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2005- Paula Amorim Schiavo.pdf: 7993139 bytes, checksum: f29a61deafec7746d4a362ff19771732 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-03-07 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / BHV-1, the agent of IBR, IPV and IPB, is spread among cattle and buffalo herds, bringing sanitary and economic losses to the livestock industry in Brazil and the world. These diseases can present clinical signs that fake Food-and-Mouth Disease and other vesicular diseases, and differential diagnosis in referenced laboratories is required. The high incidence is a hazardous risk for livestock, as the infection has an insidious character, with a subclinical form, generally unnoticed by the people involved with the cattle maintenance. As the control of the infection is required but there are few reasonable alternatives for the situation within Brazilian herds, we need new strategies for the control of the disease, which will be of major concern for fighting the infection in the world. Vaccines can t protect from infection and confuse diagnostics. Using attenuated vaccines a latent infection can be started. The disease will be the next sanitary barrier for the international trade of animals and products in the European Union. BHV-1 has been eradicated from Austria, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland and control programs have started in some other countries. In the present research, we appreciated clinical and epidemiological aspects of the disease, evaluating the BHV-1 presence in Rio de Janeiro state. We have proposed a new method for the diagnostics of infected breeding cows, using the neutralization test in microplates with MDBK monolayers. We have evaluated the efficiency of passive immunization after colostrum ingestion. The effect of Kalanchoe brasiliensis extracts against BHV-1 in MDBK cells was evaluated. The control of the infection with homeopathic and phytotherapy therapeutics is proposed and the publications about BHV-1 vaccination were reviewed. Measures for the control of the infection in cattle herds from Rio de Janeiro State are suggested. / O BHV-1 ? conhecido genericamente como o agente etiol?gico da IBR, da IPV e da IPB, e est? disseminado em rebanhos bovinos e bubalinos do Brasil e do mundo, causando preju?zos econ?micos e sanit?rios ? atividade pecu?ria. Ainda pode apresentar sintomatologia semelhante ? da Febre Aftosa e outras enfermidades vesiculares, de forma que o diagn?stico diferencial de laborat?rio ? exigido. A alta preval?ncia de animais positivos representa um s?rio risco para a atividade pecu?ria, considerando-se a recidividade da infec??o, que apresenta uma forma subcl?nica, facilmente despercebida pelos envolvidos com a bovinocultura. Sendo objeto de controle em todo o mundo, mas com poucas alternativas vi?veis na situa??o atual do rebanho brasileiro, urge a defini??o de novas estrat?gias de controle da infec??o. A vacina??o n?o protege da infec??o, prejudica a identifica??o dos animais portadores e, no caso de vacinas atenuadas, pode estabelecer infec??o latente. A enfermidade ser? a pr?xima barreira sanit?ria ao com?rcio internacional de animais vivos e seus produtos na Uni?o Europ?ia e j? foi erradicada da ?ustria, Dinamarca, Finl?ndia, Su??a e Su?cia, e programas de controle foram iniciados em outros pa?ses europeus. Neste trabalho abordamos aspectos cl?nicos e epidemiol?gicos da doen?a, avaliando a ocorr?ncia da infec??o pelo BHV-1 no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Tamb?m propomos uma nova metodologia para o diagn?stico de matrizes infectadas pelo BHV-1, usando a t?cnica de neutraliza??o em microplacas com c?lulas MDBK cultivadas em monocamadas; avaliamos a efici?ncia da imuniza??o passiva, a partir da ingest?o do colostro; apresentamos propostas de controle da doen?a com tratamentos homeop?ticos e fitoter?picos; avaliamos o efeito do extrato de Kalanchoe brasiliensis frente ao BHV-1 in vitro; revisamos a literatura referente ? vacina??o contra a doen?a e sugerimos medidas para o controle da doen?a em rebanhos do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

Perspectiva e potencialidades para cria??o de um curso de Mestrado em Plantas Medicinais e Fitoter?picos na Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ / Perspective and potentials for the creation of a Masters Course in Medicinal and Phytotherapeutic Plants at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ

LEITE, Maria Rita de C?ssia 13 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-11-09T18:52:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Maria Rita de C?ssia Leite.pdf: 1099983 bytes, checksum: da7271c85d41e6b55aba8269523b7988 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-09T18:52:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Maria Rita de C?ssia Leite.pdf: 1099983 bytes, checksum: da7271c85d41e6b55aba8269523b7988 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-13 / In all eras and culture, human being has learned to take advantage from local natural resources, including the use of medicinal plants. Therefore, phytotherapy has presented great potential for economic and social development, considering not only Brazilian plant diversity, as well as medicinal plants has closely been associated to popular culture. In the last 25 years, 77.8% of the anti-cancer agents tested becoming unquestionable their contribution to new drugs development (Nogueira et al, 2010). On the other hand, the University has been responsible for following reality and time, as well as generating knowledge and critical mass for transforming verities for the benefit of the society, training ethical and competent professionals and citizens committed to the well-being of present and future society. Need for Stricto Sensu Post Graduation course for professional generation in the quality processing, production and control from plant raw material to herbal products has been fundamental to understand the differences between the concept of phytotherapic as medicine and the use of medicinal plants in Integrative and Complementary Therapies, always observing the rational relevance of its use. Thus, this study aimed considering the UFRRJ potential by interdisciplinary and multiprofessional manner proposing the establishment of a Stricto Sensu Post Graduation course in phytotherapics and medicinal plants prioritizing the formation of human resources acting in whole productive chain from plant raw material harvested in the field and its processing to phytotherapic medicine industrial manufacture, as well as establishing criteria for the rational use of medicinal plants within the context of the Practices of Integrative and Complementary Actions of Health Ministry for health professionals besides complying with the National Policy Guidelines for Medicinal Plants and Phytotherapics. This qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research was carried out at Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) in Serop?dica municipality-RJ. Data from January to July, 2016 were collected. Open unstructured interviews of participant observations by telephone and e-mail with professionals working in related areas were the instruments used. As a result, the UFRRJ, for its tradition in Agricultural Sciences teaching and research has presented in its Institutes, Departments, Disciplines, Laboratories and Research Groups all the potential and infrastructure for organizing and complying with the implementation of Phytotherapics and Medicinal Plants Stricto sensu Post Graduation course . / Em todas as ?pocas e culturas o homem aprendeu a tirar proveito dos recursos naturais locais, incluindo-se o uso de plantas medicinais. A fitoterapia apresenta grande potencial de desenvolvimento econ?mico e social, considerando-se n?o somente a diversidade vegetal que o Brasil possui, mas tamb?m porque o uso das plantas medicinais est? intimamente ligado ? cultura popular. Nos ?ltimos 25 anos, 77,8% dos agentes anticancer?genos testados e aprovados foram derivados de produtos naturais sendo inquestion?vel a contribui??o dos mesmos no desenvolvimento de novos f?rmacos (NOGUEIRA et al., 2010). Por outro lado, a Universidade tem por responsabilidade acompanhar a realidade de seu tempo e gerar conhecimento e massa cr?tica para transformar realidades, em benef?cio da sociedade, formando profissionais competentes, ?ticos e cidad?os comprometidos com o bem-estar da sociedade de hoje e do futuro. Nesse sentido, a cria??o de um curso de p?s-gradua??o stricto sensu nos moldes de Mestrado em Plantas Medicinais e Fitoter?picos para forma??o de profissionais capacitados para o processamento, a produ??o e controle de qualidade desde a mat?ria prima vegetal at? o produ??o de fitoter?picos torna-se fundamental para que os profissionais prescritores possam entender as diferen?as entre o conceito de fitoter?pico como medicamento e o uso de plantas medicinais segundo as pol?ticas do governo de Terapias Integrativas e Complementares, observando sempre a import?ncia racional do seu uso. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo geral levantar as potencialidades da UFRRJ para de forma interdisciplinar e multiprofissional, avaliar as condi??es para propor a cria??o de um curso de p?s-gradua??o stricto sensu em plantas medicinais e fitoter?picos priorizando a forma??o de recursos humanos para atuar em toda a cadeia produtiva que vai desde a mat?ria prima vegetal cultivada no campo, seu processamento, at? a produ??o industrial do medicamento fitoter?pico, bem como estabelecer crit?rios para o uso racional de plantas medicinais dentro do contexto das Pr?ticas de A??es Integrativas e Complementares do Minist?rio da Sa?de para os profissionais da sa?de al?m de atender as Diretrizes da Pol?tica Nacional de Plantas Medicinais e Fitoter?picos. A pesquisa foi qualitativa, descritiva e explorat?ria, realizada na Universidade Federal Rural Rio de Janeiro no munic?pio do Serop?dica ? RJ. A coleta dos dados ocorreu de janeiro a julho de 2016. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: entrevistas abertas, n?o estruturadas, observa??o participante, por meio telef?nico, eletr?nico (e-mail) com profissionais que atuam em ?reas afins dentro das IES. Como resultado, constatou-se que a Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, pela sua tradi??o em pesquisa e ensino em Ci?ncias Agr?rias, apresenta em suas ?reas de conhecimento, Institutos, Departamentos, Disciplinas, Laborat?rios e Grupos de Pesquisa, potencialidades e infraestrutura capaz de se organizar para atender a cria??o de um curso de p?s-gradua??o stricto sensu em Plantas Medicinais e Fitoter?picos.

Fitoterapia popular do bairro do Sossego distrito de Marudá-Pará

FLOR, Alessandra Simone Santos de Oliveira 07 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Diego Barros (diegobbarros@ufpa.br) on 2015-03-27T14:20:35Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 22974 bytes, checksum: 99c771d9f0b9c46790009b9874d49253 (MD5) Dissertacao_FitoterapiaPopularBairro.pdf: 4861579 bytes, checksum: 31a29a610e889416ea35005076854f3d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva (arosa@ufpa.br) on 2015-03-27T17:27:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 22974 bytes, checksum: 99c771d9f0b9c46790009b9874d49253 (MD5) Dissertacao_FitoterapiaPopularBairro.pdf: 4861579 bytes, checksum: 31a29a610e889416ea35005076854f3d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-27T17:27:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 22974 bytes, checksum: 99c771d9f0b9c46790009b9874d49253 (MD5) Dissertacao_FitoterapiaPopularBairro.pdf: 4861579 bytes, checksum: 31a29a610e889416ea35005076854f3d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Na Amazônia as plantas medicinais são um dos principais recursos para o tratamento de diversas doenças, dado o contexto cultural, o acesso, confiabilidade e baixo custo em comparação aos medicamentos industriais. Nesse contexto, encontra-se o Distrito de Marudá, no Município de Marapanim, a 160 Km da capital Belém, onde é comum o uso de plantas medicinais para o tratamento de agravos à saúde. O Brasil registra vários levantamentos de espécies vegetais utilizadas na fitoterapia popular de um grupo humano, aplicando-se metodologias etnoorientadas como etnobotânica e etnofarmácia, para inventariar a flora. Este trabalho objetiva investigar a prática da fitoterapia popular pelos moradores do bairro do Sossego, incluindo um grupo de mulheres denominado Erva Vida no Distrito de Marudá - PA, ilustrando a importância das plantas medicinais para este grupo humano em termos culturais, econômicos e ambientais. Para isso realizou-se um levantamento etnofarmacêutico visando identificar as plantas medicinais utilizadas pela população local. Foram entrevistados 18 praticantes da fitoterapia popular (pessoas detentoras de conhecimento sobre as plantas medicinais) que foram indicados pela própria comunidade do bairro do Sossego, seguindo a técnica bola-de-neve ou “Snow Ball”. As mulheres do Grupo Erva Vida, por também serem detentoras de conhecimentos sobre as plantas medicinais também foram entrevistadas. Foram citadas 96 etnoespécies de uso medicinal, segundo as informantes, elas distribuem-se em 44 famílias, destacando-se a Lamiaceae, com 11 etnoespécies (11,70%) e Asteraceae, com 7 etnoespécies (7,44%). O agravo mais citado é a febre, tratada com a planta anador que possui a maior Frequência relativa de alegação de uso (FRAPS), com 100% das indicações, seguida da arruda com 88% para tratar a dor de cabeça. Estas duas plantas apresentam potencial para mais estudos farmacológicos para validar suas alegações de uso popular. O presente trabalho registra o saber popular sobre a fitoterapia popular praticada no bairro do Sossego, Marudá – Marapanim, PA e traz subsídios para futuros projetos para o desenvolvimento de arranjos produtivos locais com fitoterápicos e para a utilização de remédios preparados pelo Grupo Erva Vida na atenção básica a saúde no Distrito assim induzindo o Desenvolvimento Local em Marudá. / In the Amazon medicinal plants are a mare resource for the treatment of various diseases, given the cultural context, access, reliability and low cost compared to industrial medicine. This context, is the Marudá District, in the municipality of Marapanim distant 160 km from the Belém state of Pará, where it is common to use medicinal plants to treat health problems. In Brazil has shown several surveys of plant species used in folk phytotherapy of a human group, applying methodologies such as ethnobotany and etnopharmacy to inventory the plant species. This work aims to investigate the practice of folk herbal medicine by the residents of the Quiet neighborhood, including a group of women called Herb Life Marudá District state of Pará, highlighting the importance of medicinal plants for this human group in cultural, economic and environmental terms. For this we carried out in the ethnopharmaceutical survey medicinal plants used by local people. To perform the work of 18 popular herbal medicine practitioners who were nominated by the community’s itself in Quiet Neighborhood (holders of knowledge about medicinal plants people) were interviewed following the "Snow Ball" technique. Women's Group Life Herb, being also in possession of knowledge on medicinal plants were also interviewed. Were cited 96 ethnospecies for medical, according to informants, they are distributed in 44 families, highlighting the Lamiaceae with 11 ethnospecies (11,70%) and Asteraceae, with 7 ethnospecies (7,44%). The most cited grievance is fever, treated with Anador plant having the highest relative frequency of use claim (FRAPS), 100% of the votes, followed with 88% of rue to treat headache. These two plants have potential for more drug to validate their claims folk usage studies. This paper reports the popular wisdom about folk herbal medicine practiced in Quiet neighborhood, Marudá - Marapanim, PA and provides insights for future projects for the development of place productive arrangements with herbal medicines and the use of drugs prepared by Herb Life Group at attention basic health thus inducing the District Place Development in Marudá.

"The Chinese Phytotherapy: Oriental and Western Pathophysiological Aspects and Perpectives - The Example of Ephedrae Decotum".

Soares, Helena Cristina Mendes 13 November 2010 (has links)
Medicina Tradicional Chinesa / Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine

An investigation into the medicinal properties of Tulbaghia alliacea phytotherapy.

Thamburan, Samantha. January 2009 (has links)
<p>The reproductive health of individuals is severely compromised by HIV infection, with candidiasis being the most prevalent oral complication in patients. Although not usually associated with severe morbidity, oropharyngeal candidiasis can be clinically significant, as it can interfere with the administration of medications and adequate nutritional intake, and may spread to the esophagus. Azole antifungal agents are commonly prescribed for the treatment and prophylaxis of candidal infections. However, the emergence of drug resistant strains and dose limiting toxic effects have complicated the treatment of candidiasis. Consequently, safe and effective and affordable medicine is required to combat this fungus. Commercial garlic (Allium sativum) has been used time since immemorial as a natural antibiotic, however very little is known about the antifungal properties of two indigenous South African species of garlic, namely Tulbaghia alliacea and Tulbaghia violacea, that are used as folk medicines for a variety of infections. This study compares the in vitro anti-candidal activity of Tulbaghia alliacea, Tulbaghia violacea and Allium sativum extracts. It was found that the greatest concentrations of inhibitory components were extracted by chloroform or water. The IC50 concentrations of Tulbaghia alliacea were between 0.007 &ndash / 0.038% (w/v). Assays using S. cerevisiae revealed that the T. alliacea extract was fungicidal, with a killing half-life of approximately 2 hours. This inhibitory effect of the T. alliacea extracts was observed via TLC, and may be due to an active compound called Marasmicin, that was identified using NMR. This investigation confirms that extracts of T.alliacea exhibit anti-infective activity against candida species in vitro.</p>

Lietuvoje augančių gudobelės (Crataegus L.) genties augalų fitocheminės sudėties įvertinimas / Evaluation of phytochemical composition of plants of genus hawthorn (Crataegus L.) growing in Lithuania

Jakštas, Valdas 20 September 2005 (has links)
EVALUATION OF PHYTOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS OF GENUS HAWTHORN (CRATAEGUS L.) GROWING IN LITHUANIA INTRODUCTION For the last fifteen years, the attention of doctors and their patients on drugs and food supplements of herbal origin has been continuously increasing. The growing interest in raw plant materials is expanding the possibilities of use of these materials in the industries of medicine, cosmetics and food as well as encouraging assessment and description of natural resources using new modern methods. Scientific research on natural herbal resources has bee receiving special attention in the European Union. In recent years, a number of important documents have been published in the European Union, which declare the aims of ensuring the use and quality of natural herbal resources, such as Good Agricultural Practice document, Points to consider on Good agricultural and collection practice for starting materials of herbal origin, a long term vision of the future of herbal biotechnology in Europe Plants for the Future. Cardiovascular system diseases constitute one of the most urgent health problems. The range of effective herbal preparations for the target phytotherapy of cardiovascular system diseases is not wide. Hawthorn preparations are a promising drug for the treatment of cardiovascular system diseases, whose pharmacological effects have been substantiated by scientific studies. Throughout the territory of Lithuania, three kinds of hawthorn can be found growing... [to full text]

The perceptions and management of ADD/ADHD by homoeopathic practitioners in KwaZulu-Natal

Medina, Megan 27 August 2012 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Master's Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2012. / INTRODUCTION Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) is a multifactorial and clinically heterogeneous disorder that is associated with tremendous financial burden, stress to families and adverse academic and vocational outcomes (Bierderman, 2005). ADD/ADHD is currently one of the most researched childhood conditions, yet there is still much controversy and misunderstanding surrounding it. It is also one of the most commonly diagnosed disorders of childhood development (Picton, 2005) and the prevalence of this disorder in adults is increasingly recognized (Bierderman, 2005). Parents are seeking alternatives, as they are concerned with the side effects of Methylphenidate hydrochloride and other conventional medication used to treat the symptoms of ADD/ADHD. AIM The aim of this research was to document the current practices of registered homoeopathic practitioners, with regard to ADD/ADHD. In addition, their perceptions regarding aetiology, treatment, management and success rate was investigated. This research took the form of a qualitative survey targeting homoeopaths practicing within the KwaZulu- Natal region. METHOD A total of 42 practitioners were contacted, 35 practitioners initially agreed to participate in the study, and the questionnaires were electronically sent to them via email. Of these 35 homoeopaths, 22 participated in the survey, i.e. giving an overall response rate of 62 percent. The questionnaires were electronically distributed and collected via email. The raw data was coded and captured by Google docs and the results were analysed by utilizing the SPSS for Windows version 18 SPSS/PASW 2009. RESULTS The majority of the responding homoeopaths practiced in the more urban areas of KwaZulu-Natal, more specifically within the eThekwini Durban area. The majority of these homoeopaths had qualified from the Durban University of Technology, were English speaking females and were between the ages of 25-35 years old. The homoeopaths within this study found that most patients who present with ADD/ADHD symptoms are previously diagnosed by paediatrician’s neurologists or psychologists. According to the homoeopaths participating in the study, the general consensus is that the diagnosis of ADD/ADHD is given far too easily, and without proper assessment, 86 percent of the homoeopaths are of the opinion that ADD/ADHD is misdiagnosed, and ninety one percent stated that ADD/ADHD is over diagnosed. The majority of the practitioners prescribe a simplex remedy, or the Simillimum, whereas only a few practitioners prescribe a complex remedy. It was found that the most common complex prescribed is Nervoheel®. Some practitioners prefer to make up their own complexes, which would be patient specific. In this study it was found that 68 percent of the practitioners reported the sycotic miasm to be most common, and 54 percent of the practitioners reported the tubercular miasm to be the second most common presenting miasm. The homoeopaths in this study stated that they prefer to use a holistic approach to obtain optimal well being, thus advice, lifestyle adjustments, education and counselling all form part of the treatment and management of a patient with ADD/ADHD, making it unique and specific to each case. Of the adjunctive therapies, Vitamins, supplements, and nutritional changes are recommended, especially if a deficiency has been identified. The most commonly prescribed supplements for ADD/ADHD are the Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) followed by Vitamin B Complexes, Multi-vitamins and Magnesium, Zinc, and Calcium. CONCLUSION The majority of the homoeopaths in this study reported that they are having a moderate to great success in treating and managing patients with ADD/ADHD. Many of these practitioners thought there to be no single cause for ADD/ADHD, however many of them found there to be a few significant contributing factors to the development or aetiology of ADD/ADHD. These factors include; genetics, environment, diet, vaccinations and family dynamics. The majority of the practitioners believe that ADD/ADHD is far too easily diagnosed and that further assessment of the mental, emotional, and physical symptoms of the patient need to be taken into consideration. The majority of the homoeopaths in this study prefer to use Simplex treatment, and consider diet, lifestyle changes, and phytotherapy the most successful adjunctive therapies when treating and managing a patient with ADD/ADHD. Many of the practitioners within this study reported that homoeopathy should be considered a primary treatment option for patients with ADD/ADHD, as the focus of the treatment is on determining the cause of the symptoms, and then managing the patient as a whole, focusing on changing the diet, altering the lifestyle, and treating the totality of the mental, emotional and physical symptoms.

Neuroventralio tinktūros ir skystojo raminamojo ekstrakto bei tablečių vaikams technologijos ir jų vertinimas / Neuroventralis tincture, liquid sedative extract and tablets for children technologies and their evaluation

Kalvėnienė, Zenona 23 May 2005 (has links)
1. GENERAL CHARACTERICTICS OF THE WORK First drugs were of herbal origin. Today, preparations of this kind are highly appreciated. Social and economic changes have been influencing public health. The rhythm of life and nervous strain have negative effects on the human body. Many ailments are caused by emotional variations. Illnesses of the nervous system and related disorders of the digestive system raise an important concern nowadays. The potential of phytopreparations in the treatment of such ailments is capable of completing the gaps of their treatment. Phytopreparations can be used for treatment for an extensive period of time. Critics of phytotherapy can argue that existence of modern synthetic medicine supersedes phytopreparations. It must be noted, though, that this medicine is effective and easily digested. It does not compete with, but only complements pharmacotherapy. Phytopreparations are often used in the treatment of chronic disorders of the digestive system such as higher sensitivity, atony, ailments of bile bladder and duct. Functional disorders of intestine cause diarrhea, spasmodic pains, stomach rumble, and loose bowels. In case of functional stomach and intestine disorders, treatment with sedative and peristalsis regulating medicine is applied in addition to a rational daily routine and diet. Digestive disorders are well eliminated with the help of herbal drugs. At present, medicinal herbs and preparations from herbal materials have been receiving a lot of... [to full text]

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