Spelling suggestions: "subject:"'breaching 3methods'"" "subject:"'breaching 4methods'""
621 |
The use of learner-centred approaches in teaching accounting to enhance learners’ performance at high schools (grades 10-12)Mazvaramhaka, Michael Pasipanodya 11 1900 (has links)
The goal of this research study was to understand the use of learner-centred
approaches in teaching Accounting to enhance performance of learners at high
schools (Grades 10-12). The teaching of Accounting in high schools is facing
challenges. The Department of Education, through many curriculum implementations
and revisions, have introduced a new approach to teaching as outlined in the
National Curriculum Statement (NCS) Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement
(CAPS). This policy, as with previous ones, emphasises a change in teaching
pedagogy emphasising learner-centred approaches in contrast to the traditional
teacher-centred approaches which favour rote learning. The Department aims at
developing knowledge but links that with acquiring and developing the skills of
thinking critically and creatively, working as an individual or a member of a team,
organising and managing oneself responsibly and effectively, collecting, analysing,
organising and critically evaluating information, communicating effectively, using
science and technology effective (DBE, 2011:5) in order to be able to adapt to the
requirements of the commercial industries. It was found out that learner-centred
approaches can enhance the performance of learners in Accounting in high schools.
The researcher used a qualitative approach together with an interpretive perspective
to examine the themes. Four high schools, four Accounting teachers and four Heads
of Departments were selected from the Ximhungwe circuit in Bohlabela District in
Bushbuckridge. Data was collected through observations and interviews. Data were
analysed and findings presented. The findings reveal how the Economic and
Management Sciences curriculum has a negative effect on Accounting in the higher
grades of 10-12, by not developing a solid foundation for the subject. It also revealed
that school, parent and learner-based challenges also contribute to a poor
perception of Accounting and high failure rates. The research study revealed that
learner-centred approaches can improve teaching and learning of Accounting.
Recommendations were made in that respect. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum and Instructional Studies)
622 |
Comparing teaching through play and peer-teaching for children with ADHD in the South African classroomStratford, Vanessa 01 1900 (has links)
1 online resource (xii, 171 leaves) : illustrations (chiefly color), color graphs / ADHD negatively impacts academic performance, and the traditional classroom setting conflicts with the symptoms of ADHD. This research examined the potential of teaching through play and peer-teaching as alternative teaching methods to improve the mathematical performance of Grade 1 children with symptoms of ADHD; by answering, would adapting teaching methods to include teaching through play and/or peer-teaching, in the South African classroom, improve the
mathematical performance of children with symptoms of ADHD? A pre-test-post-test control group design was employed in this comparative experimental study. Participants were purposively selected then randomly assigned to one of three intervention groups. An eight-week
intervention was implemented as teaching through play or peer-teaching. Pre-test and post-test scores were analysed using a dependent t-test, a Wilcoxon Signed Rank test, and a Kruskal Wallis test. Teaching through play and peer-teaching have the potential to improve the mathematical performance of Grade 1 children with symptoms of ADHD. Special precautions were taken in the process of minor research participants, adhering to the ethical principles of
beneficence and non-maleficence, justice, and autonomy. / Psychology / M. Sc. (Psychology (Research Consultation))
623 |
Lehrmethoden Jesu in der Matthäischen darstellung unter der Betrachtung der Methoden der ErlebnispädagogikHagel, Matthias 09 1900 (has links)
Text in German with summaries in German and English / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 204-212) / Das Matthäusevangelium ist in seiner literarischen Form eine Erzählung. Jesus und die Bedeutung seines Lebens sowie der göttlichen Sendung bilden dabei die zentrale Rolle. Die narrative
Exegese ist somit für die Untersuchung der Lehrmethoden Jesu in der Darstellungsweise von
Matthäus besonders dazu geeignet, die Lehrmethoden zu analysieren und literarisch zu charakterisieren. Eine Untersuchung der Lehrmethoden Jesu zeigt, dass Jesus auf besondere Art
und Weise die Jünger schult, begleitet und herausfordert. Dazu werden zentrale Texte aus dem
Matthäusevangelium, in denen die Lehrmethoden Jesu und der Lernprozess der Jünger deutlich werden, zunächst identifiziert, eingegrenzt und narrativ untersucht. Mit diesen Ergebnissen werden in einem weiteren Schritt die Lehrmethoden Jesu mit erlebnispädagogischen Methoden verglichen. Auf dieser Grundlage werden die Darstellung und Charakteristik der Lehrmethoden Jesu erarbeitet, um so mögliche nicht-offensichtliche Bedeutungen der Darstellung
von Jesu Lehrtätigkeit und seinen Methoden zu entdecken. / The Gospel of Matthew is a narrative in its literary form. Jesus, the meaning of his life, and his
divine mission constitute the central message of the Gospel of Matthew. The narrative exegesis
of Matthew is especially suited to the analysis and literary characterization of the teaching
methods of Jesus. Numerous passages show what special methods Christ used to instruct, accompany, and challenge his disciples. Essential passages of the Gospel of Matthew which reveal the teaching methods of Jesus and learning process of the disciple are first identified, then
narrowed down, and finally analyzed in their narrative. The results of Jesus’ teaching methods
are subsequently compared with contemporary experiential education. The presentation and
characteristic of the teaching methods of Jesus are compiled in this manner in order to discover
possible non- obvious meanings in the account of the teaching of Jesus and his methods. / New Testament / M. Th. (New Testament)
624 |
Výuka ekonomie na střední odborné škole z perspektivy oborové didaktiky společenských věd / Teaching Economics at Vocational School from Perspective of Social Sciences DidacticsLinger, Jan January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis on the topic "Teaching of Economics at a Secondary Vocational School from the Didactics of Social Sciences Perspective" is divided into two parts. The first part is a theoretical one, where the author defines the theoretical didactic concepts in detail, and they are then used in the second, practical part of the thesis. This part presents a proposal of a didactic unit, which deals with the teaching of wage calculation. It includes a worksheet and methodical sheet as well, the detailed didactic preparation and detailed reflection of the implemented didactic unit in the classroom and online teaching. Repeatedly practising this didactic unit, it can be noted that the proposed form of teaching is effective and accepted by students. Personal and social skills, mathematical skills and critical thinking training also go beyond the main topic.
625 |
Методы обучения письменному переводу делового английского языка : магистерская диссертация / Methods of teaching Business English translationВиноградова, Л. А., Vinogradova, L. A. January 2022 (has links)
Диссертационное исследование посвящено изучению методов обучения переводу в контексте делового английского языка. Работа включает в себя теоретический аспект с последующим его применением на практике. Экспериментальная часть исследования посвящена апробации традиционных и инновационных методов обучения переводу среди студентов. / The dissertation research is devoted to the study of methods of teaching translation in the context of business English. The work includes a theoretical aspect with its subsequent application in practice. The experimental part of the study is devoted to testing traditional and innovative methods of teaching translation among students.
626 |
Teaching English as a second or foreign language to adults in Qatar: exploring gender differences in language acquistionRousseau, Riana 04 1900 (has links)
This study was conducted to explore gender differences in language acquisition of adult male and female learners in Qatar. With globalization, English is no longer exclusively being used by the traditional English-speaking world only. It has become the international communicative language, used for commerce and trade, as well as the social media. For these reasons, many learners in Qatar attend an English language centre to acquire the necessary skills to become more fluent in the language. Both male and female learners enter the classroom with a wealth of life experiences, but just unable to communicate effectively in the target language. Therefore, teaching English to adult males and females from different nationalities, including the local Qatari population, should never been considered in isolation. The gender differences in language acquisition of these learners have to be acknowledged, taking their cognitive styles, motivation towards learning, strategies employed, anxieties experienced and the teaching practices into account.
English language lecturers have a responsibility to be knowledgeable on the subject they teach, as well as possess the necessary skills to best educate these learners. In this situation, adult language learners do however, also have to accept responsibility for their own actions and seek out every opportunity to acquire English. / Educational Studies / D. Phil. (Adult Educatiion)
627 |
Teaching of Arabic to learners in Muslim private schools in South Africa and BotswanaMall, Munira Ahmed 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Engish and Afrikaans / Many learners of Arabic in Southern Africa have been unable to achieve communicative competence.
An investigation into a possible link between teaching methodology and Arabic acquisition was
In the literature study, theories of language acquisition and related teaching methodologies and
approaches were scrutinized. A questionnaire was developed to determine current practices in the
teaching of Arabic.
The results of the empirical investigation indicated that grammar-translation is the dominant teaching
method. Majority of the learners are taught in a medium other than Arabic, have inadequate exposure
to Arabic native speakers, are given very little opportunity to communicate in the language and spend
the largest proportion of time translating to and from Arabic.
The educational implications of the findings are discussed, and guidelines regarding methods of
improving the acquisition of all four skills in Arabic are provided, both for teachers at schools and at
tertiary academic institutions. / Meeste leerders van Arabies in Suidelike Afrika bereik nie komrnunikatiewe bevoegdheid in Arabies nie.
'n Ondersoek na 'n moontlike verband tussen die onderrigmetodes wat tans gebruik word en die
verwerwing van Arabies is in hierdie studie ondemeem.
In die literatuuroorsig is 'n aantal taalverwerwingsteoriee en verbandhoudende onderrigmetodologiee
ondersoek. 'n Vraelys is ontwikkel om huidige praktyke met betrekking tot die onderrig van Arabies
te bepaal.
Die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek het aangedui dat die grammatika-vertaalmetode die dominante
onderrigmetode is. Die meerderheid leerders word nie deur middel van Arabies onderrig nie, word nie
voldoende aan Arabiese moedertaalsprekers blootgestel nie, het min of geen geleentheid om in Arabies
te komrnunikeer nie en bestee die meeste van hul tyd aan die vertaling uit en na Arabies.
Die opvoedkundige implikasies van die bevindinge is bespreek en voorstelle vir die verbetering van
onderrigmetodes in Arabies is gemaak vir sowel onderwysers by skole en vir tersiere
onderwysinstellings. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Didactics)
628 |
Teaching English as a second or foreign language to adults in Qatar: exploring gender differences in language acquistionRousseau, Riana 04 1900 (has links)
This study was conducted to explore gender differences in language acquisition of adult male and female learners in Qatar. With globalization, English is no longer exclusively being used by the traditional English-speaking world only. It has become the international communicative language, used for commerce and trade, as well as the social media. For these reasons, many learners in Qatar attend an English language centre to acquire the necessary skills to become more fluent in the language. Both male and female learners enter the classroom with a wealth of life experiences, but just unable to communicate effectively in the target language. Therefore, teaching English to adult males and females from different nationalities, including the local Qatari population, should never been considered in isolation. The gender differences in language acquisition of these learners have to be acknowledged, taking their cognitive styles, motivation towards learning, strategies employed, anxieties experienced and the teaching practices into account.
English language lecturers have a responsibility to be knowledgeable on the subject they teach, as well as possess the necessary skills to best educate these learners. In this situation, adult language learners do however, also have to accept responsibility for their own actions and seek out every opportunity to acquire English. / Educational Studies / D. Phil. (Adult Educatiion)
629 |
Teaching of Arabic to learners in Muslim private schools in South Africa and BotswanaMall, Munira Ahmed 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Engish and Afrikaans / Many learners of Arabic in Southern Africa have been unable to achieve communicative competence.
An investigation into a possible link between teaching methodology and Arabic acquisition was
In the literature study, theories of language acquisition and related teaching methodologies and
approaches were scrutinized. A questionnaire was developed to determine current practices in the
teaching of Arabic.
The results of the empirical investigation indicated that grammar-translation is the dominant teaching
method. Majority of the learners are taught in a medium other than Arabic, have inadequate exposure
to Arabic native speakers, are given very little opportunity to communicate in the language and spend
the largest proportion of time translating to and from Arabic.
The educational implications of the findings are discussed, and guidelines regarding methods of
improving the acquisition of all four skills in Arabic are provided, both for teachers at schools and at
tertiary academic institutions. / Meeste leerders van Arabies in Suidelike Afrika bereik nie komrnunikatiewe bevoegdheid in Arabies nie.
'n Ondersoek na 'n moontlike verband tussen die onderrigmetodes wat tans gebruik word en die
verwerwing van Arabies is in hierdie studie ondemeem.
In die literatuuroorsig is 'n aantal taalverwerwingsteoriee en verbandhoudende onderrigmetodologiee
ondersoek. 'n Vraelys is ontwikkel om huidige praktyke met betrekking tot die onderrig van Arabies
te bepaal.
Die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek het aangedui dat die grammatika-vertaalmetode die dominante
onderrigmetode is. Die meerderheid leerders word nie deur middel van Arabies onderrig nie, word nie
voldoende aan Arabiese moedertaalsprekers blootgestel nie, het min of geen geleentheid om in Arabies
te komrnunikeer nie en bestee die meeste van hul tyd aan die vertaling uit en na Arabies.
Die opvoedkundige implikasies van die bevindinge is bespreek en voorstelle vir die verbetering van
onderrigmetodes in Arabies is gemaak vir sowel onderwysers by skole en vir tersiere
onderwysinstellings. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Didactics)
630 |
Vliv projektové výuky na postoje žáků ve výuce / The influence of project based learning on students' attitudes to instructionKUBATOVÁ, Marie January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation is focused on changes in an attitude and initiative students at secondary special school with gastronomy orientation to study special subjects after realization a creative project: "Welcome Day - Day of Open Door - Halloween." The target group are students of Secondary School and College for Tourist Industry in České Budějovice. The dissertation is divided into fifth chapters. I the first two chapters different opinions of experts in teaching methods, classical and alternative methods of education and teaching, teachers competence and authority participation, experimental education are compared. The thirds chapter contains proposals for topics of project learning in schools with gastronomy orientation. There is an enumeration of folk traditions and their connection with the culture and gastronomy. The fourth chapter describes the project realization in Secondary School and College for Tourist Industry in České Budějovice. The fifth chapter contains the research targets, the research methods and interpretation of research results. The target of the dissertation is questionnaire comparison of students' attitudes after realization the project learning. The research assumptions are that students appreciate extension special subjects of folk traditions and do not reject to participation in the pro?ject realization.
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