Spelling suggestions: "subject:": bluetooth"" "subject:": bluetoooth""
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Software pro komunikaci s GPS přijímačem / Software for Communication with GPS ReceiverVrba, Pavol January 2011 (has links)
The main goal of this master’s thesis is to over study, reconsider and make a program, which will be capable to interpose information from GPS module, different markers and necessary information’s, geographic coordinates obtained from GPS will be projected in its interface and also on map. This project contains of 3 parts. The first one exactly describes GPS, its history, structure, principle, competitive types of navigations systems and also GPS’ services and technical parameters. The second part of this project describes GPS hardware, used receiver of this signal. There is also mentioned its technical parameters and communication with outside world. The third part is in scripted the software for communication with GPS receiver. We can also see the description of code, in which is mentioned communication protocol and imaging the position on the map. It was programmed in C# language on platform Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition.
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SmartBand Alert : Ett armband för säkerhetAlmgren, David, Alshammari, Hussam January 2017 (has links)
Safety is a topic that is frequently discussed and spoken of in today’s society. An enhanced security for each individual is something many strive for in various industries. One of these is how to make the public feel more secure when the person in question, for example, is out walking late at night. The goal of this bachelors thesis is thus to describe and explain the product that has been developed to get ordinary people to feel more secure wherever they are. The chosen solution for this issue was hence to develop the product SmartBand Alert which consists of two parts. A bracelet and an application for IOS and Android. This bracelet should, by certain connectivity cooperate with the user’s phone to notify family members and/or others when the person thinks or knows that he or she is in danger. These persons will be notified with information about the person who has activated the alarm to simply and easily take the necessary actions to help the person. The product is designed to be used by anyone regardless of gender, age, and other characteristics individuals may hold.
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Návrh řešení komunikačního rozhraní ve WBAN systémech / Design of communication interface in WBAN systemsKandera, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá technickou realizáciou WBAN zariadenia, ktoré je schopné súbežne komunikovať prostredníctvom dvoch bezdrôtových komunikačných protokolov. Rešerš dostupných riešení je dostupná s hodnotením jednotlivých produktov podľa vopred stanovených kritérií. Návrh z hľadiska software obsahuje tvorbu vlastného BLE servisu, konfiguráciu Timeslot API a periférií často využívaných vo WBAN zariadeniach. Výroba dosiek plošných spojov pre zariadenie a dedikovaný ovládač zahŕňa vlastnú anténu, nabíjací obvod batérie a nRF52810 čip. Testovanie prototypov je zhrnuté v poslednej kapitole spoločne s experimentálnym meraním útlmu živočíšneho tkaniva.
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Software pro komunikaci s GPS přijímačem / Software for Communication with GPS ReceiverVrba, Pavol January 2011 (has links)
The main goal of this master’s thesis is to over study, reconsider and make a program, which will be capable to interpose information from GPS module, different markers and necessary information’s, geographic coordinates obtained from GPS will be projected in its interface and also on map. This project contains of 3 parts. The first one exactly describes GPS, its history, structure, principle, competitive types of navigations systems and also GPS’ services and technical parameters. The second part of this project describes GPS hardware, used receiver of this signal. There is also mentioned its technical parameters and communication with outside world. The third part is in scripted the software for communication with GPS receiver. We can also see the description of code, in which is mentioned communication protocol and imaging the position on the map. It was programmed in C# language on platform Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition.
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Akviziční systém pro snímání elektrogramu / The acquisition system for electrogram recordingFajmon, František January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with acquisition and wireless transmission of EKG from isolated heart. Basic of heart anatomy and physiology are discussed in thesis. Practical part of thesis covers the idea of ECG acqusition system design and development. Arduino platform is used for implementation of proposed device. Evaluation of ECG is performed in Matlab workspace.
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Wireless Control of Industrial RobotPaulsson, Johan January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to investigate if it is possible to have local wireless control of an industrial robot. This was achieved by first doing a diversity of research. Based on the research, the project was conceptualized and a real-life product was developed showcasing the functionality. The standard robot set up as of today consists of three main parts: A robot, a control unit and a handheld controller device, called Teach Pendant. All of these parts are connected with long aggravating cables. The cables cause inconvenience and can in some cases introduce unnecessary risks in the factory. Can this hardware be removed, and an overall more convenient use case be developed? The product was developed by programming an application on a Windows tablet. Further, a Bluetooth Low Energy server was created to handle the communication between the tablet and the robot control unit. The final product consisted of a tablet, a single-board computer, a robot and a control unit. The tablet is what replaces the Teach Pendant as a handheld device. The tablet is connected to the singleboard computer via Bluetooth. The single-board computer acts as a Bluetooth server and sends out advertisements for the tablet to detect. When the tablet detects a nearby robot it can then connect to it and send start and stop commands. The server then forwards it to the control unit which finally sends the data to the robot control unit to execute. The project shows that it is possible to develop wireless robot control. It showcases a potential solution on how one could set it up. However, the final product developed had a simple functionality compared to the wired Teach Pendant. To manage the same capacity as the wired Teach Pendent, further development is required. Read more
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IoT security and privacy assessment using software-defined radiosBecker, Johannes Karl 23 May 2022 (has links)
The Internet of Things (IoT) has seen exceptional adoption in recent years, resulting in an unprecedented level of connectivity in personal and industrial domains. In parallel, software-defined radio (SDR) technology has become increasingly powerful, making it a compelling tool for wireless security research across multiple communication protocols. Specifically, SDRs are capable of manipulating the physical layer of protocols in software, which would otherwise be implemented statically in hardware. This flexibility enables research that goes beyond the boundaries of protocol specifications. This dissertation pursues four research directions that are either enabled by software-defined radio technology, or advance its utility for security research.
First, we investigate the anti-tracking mechanisms defined by the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) wireless protocol. This protocol, present in virtually all wearable smart devices, implements address randomization in order to prevent unwanted tracking of its users. By analyzing raw advertising data from BLE devices using SDRs, we identify a vulnerability that allows an attacker to track a BLE device beyond the address randomization defined by the protocol.
Second, we implement a compact, SDR-based testbed for physical layer benchmarking of wireless devices. The testbed is capable of emulating multiple data transmissions and produce intentional signal corruption in very precisely defined ways in order to investigate receiver robustness and undefined device behavior in the presence of malformed packets. We subject a range of Wi-Fi and Zigbee devices to specifically crafted packet collisions and "truncated packets" as a way to fingerprinting wireless device chipsets.
Third, we introduce a middleware framework, coined "Snout", to improves accessibility and usability of SDRs. The architecture provides standardized data pipelines as well as an abstraction layer to GNU Radio flowgraphs which power SDR signal processing. This abstraction layer improves usability and maintainability by providing a declarative experiment configuration format instead of requiring constant manipulation of the signal processing code during experimentation. We show that Snout does not result in significant computational overhead, and maintains a predictable and modest memory footprint.
Finally, we address the visibility problem arising from the growing number of IoT protocols across large bands of radio spectrum. We model an SDR-based IoT monitor which is capable of scanning multiple channels (including across multiple protocols), and employs channel switching policies to maximize freshness of information obtained by transmitting devices. We present multiple policies and compare their performance against an optimal Markov Decision Process (MDP) model, as well as through event-based simulation using real-world device traffic.
The results of this work demonstrate the use of SDR technology in privacy and security research of IoT device communication, and open up opportunities for further low-layer protocol discoveries that require the use of software-defined radio as a research tool. Read more
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Evaluate Techniques For Wireless Communication From a Network Device To a SmartphoneEvaldsson, Florian, Lindström, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This is our thesis for the course Degree Project in Electronics and Computer Engineering (IL122X). Our project was carried out at the company Westermo which is working on making industry network equipment. Westermo wanted a method for sending information from one of their network devices to a mobile device using secure wireless communication. It was first planned to be done using Bluetooth, and exchange keys through NFC. This was later changed to not just evaluate this particular situation, but to evaluate the best solution for their use-case. This report will go through our evaluation process. We will mention different possible techniques and if they can be used, then put the techniques together and form a possible solution. Our discussion will mention what we think is the best solution and why, and the way forward.
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Modelling and Evaluation of a Bluetooth Data Logger in the Presence of Interference SourcesKarlsson, Magnus January 2005 (has links)
Industrial Development Centre (IUC) in Olofström inc. has constructed a measurement value logger which can sample values from eight channels, buffer them and then send them wireless with the Bluetooth technology to e.g. a computer.</p> In this thesis the data transfer rate, i.e. the number of values per second has been studied for different logger settings and when there are interferences in the Bluetooth traffic. How Bluetooth is affected by interferences has been studied with a number of experiments performed at IUC's RF-damped Faraday's cage. The thesis provides a model for this Bluetooth logger. The model extends the existing simulation system NS2-UCBT with a 'logger protocol'. NS2-UCBT was also extended to better support modeling of losses (due to Bluetooth channel impairments) and for the model of these losses to be based on experiments. The resulting simulation program allows developers to construct and evaluate a measurement system utilizing such a Bluetooth logger. Using the simulation model, the data rate measured in samples per second was examined for the logger. The simulations shows that optimizing the logger's configuration will improve that data rate considerable. This report contains: a summary of the problem and earlier research, an explanation of the simulation system and the simulation program, comparisons between simulations and experiments, some conclusions, and proposes future work in this area. / Industriellt Utvecklings Centrum (IUC) i Olofström AB har tagit fram en mätvärdeslogger som kan sampla värden från åtta kanaler, mellanlagra dem och skicka dem till exv. en dator trådlöst med Bluetooth teknologin. I det här examensarbetet har överföringshastigheten, dvs antal mätvärden per sekund studerats för olika inställningar på loggern och då det förekommer störningar i Bluetooth trafiken. Hur Bluetooth påverkas av störningar har undersökts genom en rad experiment i IUC's RF-dämpade skärmlabb. Arbetet har lett fram till en modell för mätvärdesloggern och ett simuleringsprogram som gör det möjligt för utvecklare att konstruera och utvärdera sina mätsystem med mätvärdes logger. Modellen använder det befintliga NS2-UCBT simuleringssystemet utvidgat med ett 'logger protokoll', mer utvecklad förlusthantering än NS2-UCBT i grundutförandet erbjuder och flexibel förlusthantering baserad på experiment. Med simuleringsmodellen undersöktes loggerns datahastighet i sampel per sekund. Simuleringarna visa att genom att förbättra loggerns konfiguration kan avsevärt högre datahastighet nås. Den här rapporten innehåller: en sammanfattning av problemställningen och tidigare forskning, en beskrivning av simulationssystemet och simulationsprogrammet, jämförelser mellan simuleringar och experiment, en del slutsatser, och förslag på framtida arbete i området. Read more
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Studying Media Access andControl ProtocolsMohammed, Alalelddin Fuad Yousif January 2010 (has links)
This thesis project’s goal is to enable undergraduate students to gain insight into media access and control protocols based upon carrying out laboratory experiments. The educational goal is to de-mystifying radio and other link and physical layer communication technologies as the students can follow packets from the higher layers down through the physical layer and back up again. The thesis fills the gap between the existing documentation for the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) resources and the knowledge of undergraduate students. This was necessary because the existing document is targeted at advanced audiences rather than undergraduates. This thesis describes the design and evolution of a workbench for students to experiment with a variety of media access and control protocols, much as Wireshark gives students the ability to watch network and higher layer protocols. Another motivation for this thesis is that an increasing number of communication networks use complex media access and control protocols and existing tools do not allow students to see the details of what is taking place in these protocols, except via simulation. Today an software defined radio and computer are affordable as laboratory equipment for an undergraduate course. Hence the time is ripe for the development of undergraduate laboratory course material using these tools. The thesis is targeted at (1) instructors of undergraduates who might use this work to develop their own lesson plans and course material and (2) students of physical and link layer protocols who want a practical tool for carrying out experiments in these layers. Hopefully by de-mystifying these lower layers and by making the USRP more approachable by undergraduate students we will encourage lots of students to view wireless network technology as being just as approachable as a wired Ethernet. Due to the widespread use of wireless communications technologies, there is a great need by industry for more graduates who can understand communication systems from the physical to the application layer - rather than the current situation where there is a hard boundary between the lower two layers and the upper layers. While there has been a lot of research concerning cross layer optimization, much of this is theoretical and not very approachable by students. A desired outcome of this thesis project is that undergraduate students will be able to understand tradeoffs at all layers of the protocol stack and not be limited to the upper layers. / Detta examensarbete har som mål att göra det möjligt för studenter att få inblick i tillgång till medierna och protokoll som grundar sig på att utföra laboratorieexperiment. Det pedagogiska målet är att de-mystifierande radio och annan länk och fysiska lagret kommunikationsteknik som studenterna kan följa paket från högre skikt ner genom det fysiska lagret och upp igen. Avhandlingen fyller gapet mellan den befintliga dokumentationen för Universal Software Radio Peripheral (usrp) resurser och kunskap om studerande. Detta var nödvändigt eftersom det befintliga dokument riktar sig till avancerade publik snarare än studenter. Denna avhandling beskriver utformningen och utvecklingen av en arbetsbänk för studenter att experimentera med olika tillgång till medierna och protokoll kontroll, mycket som Wireshark ger studenterna möjlighet att titta på nätet och högre skikt protokoll. Ett annat motiv för denna tes är att ett ökande antal kommunikationsnät använda komplicerade tillgång till medierna och protokoll kontroll och befintliga verktyg inte tillåter eleverna att se detaljer om vad som sker i dessa protokoll, utom via simulering. Idag en programvarustyrd radio och dator är överkomliga laboratorieutrustning för en grundutbildningskurs. Därför är tiden mogen för utvecklingen av grundutbildningen laborationer material med hjälp av dessa verktyg. Avhandlingen riktar sig till (1) instruktörer för studenter som kan använda detta arbete för att utveckla sin egen lektionsplanering och kursmaterial och (2) studenter på fysisk och länka protokoll skikt som vill ha ett praktiskt verktyg för att utföra experiment i dessa lager. Förhoppningsvis genom de-mystifierande de undre lagren och genom att göra usrp mer tillgänglig genom att studenter ska vi uppmuntra många elever att visa trådlös nätverksteknik vara lika lättillgänglig som ett ethernet. På grund av den utbredda användningen av trådlös kommunikationsteknik, finns ett stort behov från näringslivet för fler studenter som kan förstå kommunikationssystem från det fysiska till applikationslagret - i stället för den nuvarande situationen där det finns en hård gräns mellan de två lägre skikten och de övre skikten. Samtidigt som det har varit en hel del forskning om cross lager optimering, mycket av detta är teoretisk och inte särskilt tillgänglig av studenter. Ett önskat resultat med detta examensarbete är att studenter ska kunna förstå kompromisser på alla nivåer inom den protokollstack och inte vara begränsade till de övre skikten. Read more
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