Spelling suggestions: "subject:": cxperiences"" "subject:": b.experiences""
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The Relationship Between Lived Experiences and Thinking Styles for College Students in TaiwanWu, Chia-ling 13 February 2006 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between lived experiences and thinking styles for college students in Taiwan.Investigation method is employed in the study.There are 2443 college students are served as the standardization sample in order to develop their percentile norm in Taiwan.In addition,there are 346 college students to write Thinking Style Inventory with Lived Experience Inventory of the norm sample. The data is analyzed through descriptive statistics,t-test,One-Way ANOVA and canonical correlation.
The results indicate that:
1.College students¡¦lived experiences styles tend to be
group activities style, and then thinking styles tend to
be monarchic style.There are no significant differences
in the mean scores of all kinds of lived experiences and
thinking styles.
2.Gender has significant differents in the college
students¡¦lived experiences and thinking styles.Birth
order has no significant differents in the college
students¡¦lived experiences and thinking styles.Then
education level of parents has significant differents in
the college students¡¦lived experiences,but in the
thinking styles is not.
3.The shool background have no significant differents in
the college students¡¦lived experiences and thinking
4.College students¡¦lived experiences have canonical
correlation with college students¡¦thinking styles.The
first canonical factor of college students¡¦lived
experiences efficacy explains 4¢H of all the college
students¡¦thinking styles.
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The effects of work experiences and institutional support on job satisfaction among NCAA coachesKim, Jong-Chae 29 August 2005 (has links)
The primary purposes of this study were to explore the relationships among four work experiences (i.e., job variety, job autonomy, job stress, and job feedback) and coaches?? job satisfaction to examine the influence of institutional support (i.e., affective institutional support and financial institutional support) on job satisfaction, and to investigate if the relationship between the type of institutional support and job satisfaction differs (does not differ) between revenue generating sport coaches and non-revenue-generating sport coaches. To achieve these purposes this study examined the relationships among four work experiences and institutional support variables on job satisfaction. This study also examined differences between revenue-generating sport and non-revenue-generating sport coaches. Coaches (N = 599) in 7 sports (i.e., football, basketball, baseball, softball, soccer, volleyball, and tennis) from NCAA Division I schools were asked to participate in this study. The response rate was a 34.7 % (208 / 599). Participants included 145 males and 63 females. Of the 208 completed and returned questionnaires, 100 (48.1%) were from revenue sport coaches (i.e., football and basketball). Meanwhile, 108 (51.9 %) were from non-revenue sport coaches. The results indicated that job variety, job stress, job feedback, affective institutional support, and financial institutional support were significantly related to job satisfaction. Namely, these three job experiences and two types of institutional support in the organizational environment impacted coaches?? attitudes, or job satisfaction. Further, for revenue generating sport coaches, financial institutional support was a significant indicator of job satisfaction; however, for non-revenue-generating sport coaches, affective institutional support held a stronger relationship to job satisfaction than did financial institutional support. Additionally, one of the job experience variables, job feedback, played a meaningful role to both coaches of revenue sports and coaches of nonrevenue sports in shaping job satisfaction.
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Upplevelser av att leva som anhörig till en person med demenssjukdom : En litteraturstudieClasson, Olivia, Skogsberg, Hanna January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Idag lever 47,5 miljoner människor med demenssjukdom och den siffran beräknas bli fördubblad var 20e år. Sjukdomen medför stora förändringar i den drabbades och den anhörigas liv och kallas ofta för “De anhörigas sjukdom”. De anhöriga har en viktig roll i den demenssjukes liv, eftersom han eller hon ofta har levt en större del av livet tillsammans med personen med demenssjukdom. Det är därför den anhöriga som känner den drabbade bäst, trots att sjukdomen leder till personlighetsförändringar. Syfte: Att beskriva upplevelser av att leva som anhörig till en person med demenssjukdom (PMD), samt att beskriva hur urvalsgrupperna i de ingående artiklarna ser ut. Metod: En litteraturstudie med deskriptiv design baserad på 12 kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar som framkom efter sökningar i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. Materialet bearbetades och delades in i ämnesrubriker. Huvudresultat: Resultatet visade att anhöriga till PMD ofta upplevde känslor av frustation, oro samt skuldkänslor på grund av bristande information och kommunikation. De anhöriga beskrev också hur de upplevde anpassningen till de förändringar som skett i deras och PMDs liv och på vilka sätt de hanterade förändringarna. Slutsats: De upplevda känslor som framkom i resultatet kom ofta av förlorad kontroll och förändringar som var svåra för de anhöriga att anpassa sig till. Brist på förtroende, dålig kommunikation och otillräcklig information var orsaker till den bristande tilliten. Genom att främja en god relation mellan sjuksköterska och de anhöriga, kan de anhöriga uppleva tillit och trygghet. Det i sin tur kan bidra till att vårdsituationen blir så bra som möjligt för alla inblandade parter. / Background: 47.5 million people live with dementia today, and this number is expected to double every 20 year. This disease causes big changes for the person who suffers and the relative’s life and is often called "The relatives' disease". The relatives have an important role in the dementia sufferer's life, because he or she often has lived a large part of their life with the person with dementia, it is the relatives who know them the best, even though the disease leads to personality changes. Aim: To describe the experiences of living as a relative to a person with dementia (PWD) and to describe the study group in the included articles. Method: A literature study based on twelve qualitative scientific studies that was found through searches in the two databases PubMed and CINAHL. The material was processed and divided into content areas. Main results: The result showed that relatives of PWD often experienced feelings of frustration, anxiety and guilt due to lack of information and communication. They also described how they experienced the adaptation to the changes in their and the PWD lives and the ways in which they managed those changes. Conclusion: The perceived feelings that emerged in the results often came of loss of control and the changes that were difficult for the families to adapt to. Lack of confidence, poor communication and inadequate information were reasons for the lack of trust. By developing a good relationship between the nurse and the families, the families can experience trust and security. That in turn could help the care situations to be as good as possible for all involved parties.
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När hela livet vänds upp och ned - mitt barn har drabbats av cancer : En litteraturbaserad studie / When life turns upside down – my child is diagnosed with cancer : A literature-based studySchramek, Jenny, Olsson, Patricia January 2015 (has links)
Background: 250 children develops cancer in Sweden every year and 75 percent of these children survives. History show that the treatment for cancer has improve. Every child has at least one parent who is affected and who is associated with suffering during the child's cancer diagnosis. Aim :The aim was to illuminate parents' experiences of living with a child with cancer diagnosis. Method: A literature-based study. Qualitative content analysis of 10 qualitative articles. Results: The results are presented in four main themes: "The feeling of powerlessness", "The need of support", "Lives ups and downs" and "Changed life". Conclusion: The results show that parents of a child with cancer diagnosis describe many different emotions and a changed life. The parents feel powerless and have need of support in various forms. Parents get a new life to adapt to and see life and every day as unique.
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Upplevelser av hörselhallucinationer vid schizofreni : En litteraturöversikt / Experiences of auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia : A literature reviewAppelberg, Alexandra, Lydell, Amanda January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Schizofreni är en psykossjukdom med hög suicidrisk. Det vanligaste symtomenet vid schizofreni är hörselhallucinationer som kan upplevas både i positiv och negativ anda. Det råder stigmatisering kring sjukdomen där kunskapsbrist och rädsla för personen tros ligga till grund. Syfte: Att beskriva vuxna personers upplevelser av hörselhallucinationer vid schizofreni. Metod: Litteraturöversikten baserades på 12 vetenskapliga artiklar där nio av dem hade en kvalitativ ansats och tre med kvantitativ ansats. Dessa artiklar hämtades från databaserna CINAHL Complete, PubMed och PsycINFO. I databaserna användes följande sökord: hallucination, voice hearing, psychosis, patient, life, hearing voices, nursing, people who hear voices, auditory hallucinations, schizophrenia och experiences. Resultat: Resultatet delades upp i fyra teman: I Röstens natur och intention beskrevs röstens ton, känsla, intensitet och varaktighet. Relationen till rösten belyste personens identifiering och personifiering av rösten där den kunde ses som något kroppseget eller som en enskild individ. Meningsskapande och copingstrategier angav olika strategier personen använde i syfte att klara av och hantera rösterna. Påverkan på individen belyste hur personen påverkades av rösten genom förändrad självbild och självskada, isolering och kontrollförlust. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuterades utifrån begreppen livsvärld och meningsskapande där meningsskapandet kunde ses som en central del i personens förmåga att hantera situationen med hörselhallucinationerna. / Background: Schizophrenia is a mental disorder with a high suicidal risk. The most common symptoms experienced with schizophrenia are auditory hallucinations which can be experienced both in a positive and a negative way. The disorder is stigmatized most likely due to a lack of knowledge and a fear of the person. Aim: To describe adults experiences of auditory hallucinations induced by schizophrenia. Method: The literature review consisted of twelve scientific articles of which nine were conducted using a qualitative approach and three with a quantitative research methodology. The articles were found in the databases CINAHL Complete, PubMed and PsycINFO. The following words were used in the databases: hallucination, voice hearing, psychosis, patient, life, hearing voices, nursing, people who hear voices, auditory hallucinations, schizophrenia and experiences. Results: The results were divided into four themes: The nature of the voice described the characteristics of the voice i.e. tone, feeling, intensity and duration. The relation to the voice described how the affected persons identified the voice as a part of themselves. Finding meaning and coping strategies described the different strategies which were used to cope with the voices. The impact on the individual highlighted how the person was affected by the voices by an altered self, added self-harm behavior, isolation and loss of control. Discussions: The results were discussed with the concepts of life world and finding meaning. Finding meaning was found as one of the affected person’s most important coping strategies for dealing with the auditory hallucinations.
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Äldre personers upplevelse av fallrädsla och dess konsekvenser. / Older peoples own experiences of fear of falling and its consequenses.Säll, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
Vi åldras på flera sätt, biologiskt, psykologiskt och socialt. Rädsla för att ramla, en pågående oro för att ramla och som leder till undvikande av aktiviteter man fortfarande kan göra, finns hos många äldre och påverkar dem på flera sätt. Rädslan kan leda till inaktivitet som i sin tur leder till ensamhet och nedstämdhet. Syftet med studien är att beskriva äldre personers egen erfarenhet av att uppleva rädsla för fall och dess konsekvenser. En kvalitativ studie har gjorts där fem personer har intervjuats. Intervjuerna och analysen av dem är gjorda utifrån en fenomenologisk metod. Vid analysen framkom tre huvudkategorier: Oro för konsekvenserna av ett fall, Strategier för att undvika fall samt Saknad. Äldre personer som upplever en rädsla för fall undviker vissa aktiviteter. De upplever också en saknad efter aktiviteter de tidigare utfört men nu slutat med. De har strategier för att hantera sina rädslor. Det är viktigt att inte se äldre som en homogen grupp och att vid rehabilitering ta hänsyn till olika faktorer som person, miljön personen vistas i, aktiviteter de utför eller önskar utföra och känslan av delaktighet. / We age in different ways, biologically, psychologically and socially. Fear of falling which means a lasting concern about falling which leads to an avoiding of activities that the person still has a capability to do. This can cause inactivity that eventually leads to loneliness and depression. The aim of this study is to describe older peoples own experiences to live with fear of falling and its consequences. A qualitative study was done where five older people were interviewed. The interviews and analyses were done using a phenomenological method. At the analysis three main categories were found: Concern about the consequences of a fall, Strategies to avoid a fall and A feeling of missing. Older people with fear of falling avoid some activities. There is a feeling that they miss some activities they have previously done but don't do any longer. They have strategies to handle their fears. In rehabilitation it is important not to see the elderly as an homogeneous group. It is also important to consider different factors such as the person, the environment in which the person lives, activity and feeling of involvement.
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Upplevelser av att leva med tarmstomi : En litteraturstudie / Experiences of living with an intestinal stomaLarsson, Jennie, Prütz, Caroline January 2015 (has links)
Background: Intestinal diseases that can cause a person to receive a stoma may include colorectal cancer, Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe experiences of living with intestinal stoma. Method: A qualitative literature study in which eleven scientific articles have been analyzed according to Fribergs (2006a) analysis model. Result: The result was based on two categories which are experiences of altered body image, and experienced changes in social life. The result showed that patients with stoma felt that their body image changed and it was hard to accept the altered body image and thereby self image. Difficulties in controlling emissions, odor and leakage contributed to the experience of loss of control with limited social life as a result. The stoma also resulted in a change in everyday life which required careful planning. The sexual activity was affected due to altered body image. Despite the constraints of everyday life support, a functioning self care and acceptance contributed to a better quality of life. Conclusion: It can be concluded it's clear from the result that it is important for the patient to receive accurate information both before and after ostomy to get an adequate picture of what it means to live with a stoma. By supporting the patient and customizing information and creating a patient-centered care quality of life can significantly improve.
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Stories of what one family values as revealed through their experiences at the Denver Art MuseumHoudyshell, Mary Angela 12 July 2011 (has links)
My narrative case study focuses on how one family uses the exhibitions and educational resources at the Denver Art Museum. I gathered stories of the family’s experiences at the museum in order to determine what their choices reflected about their family values and how they integrated those experiences into their daily lives. This study draws upon socio-cultural and constructivist learning theories by proposing that each family member contributes their prior knowledge and life experiences to the process of making meaning and drawing connections within the art museum. Moreover, even though the family acted as a social learning group, each member constructed personal knowledge in different ways from their shared experiences.
I used narrative analysis and coding as means to interpret the meanings of the family’s stories. In addition to identifying the family’s values regarding art museum learning, findings pointed to the imperative need for museum educators to address preparing adult learning partners for visits to art museums with children.
The lack of current research pertaining to family learning in art museums was a chief motivator for conducting this study (Sterry & Beaumont, 2006). Research of family interactions in museums has largely focused on non-art museums (Borun, 2002; Borun et al., 1998; Ellenbogen, Luke, & Dierking, 2007). Family art museum experiences are distinct and should be studied separately from those in other types of museums. Research, such as this study, that look specifically at how families use art museum exhibitions and educational resources will address the lack of literature and emphasize the value of art museum experiences for life-long family learning. / text
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An exploration of the trauma histories, dissociative experiences and psychopathic features of murderersNewberry, Michelle T. January 2008 (has links)
Background: Differential relationships of the dimensions of psychopathy with external factors indicate that psychopathy can be conceptualised as a multifaceted syndrome comprised of distinct subgroups of psychopaths (Blackburn, 1988). However, it is not known whether similar subtypes of psychopathy exist across cultures. The research question which this thesis sought to answer was: Do subtypes of psychopathy exist among murderers, and if so, might the prevalence of these subtypes differ across cultures? Three aims were addressed: i) to compare the trauma histories, dissociative experiences and psychopathic features of British and South African men convicted of murder and the associations among them; ii) to test potential aetiological models of psychopathy; and iii) to explore whether subtypes of psychopathy could be identified among men convicted of murder. Method: Participants were 120 adult male prisoners serving sentences for murder. Sixty participants were British and incarcerated in prisons in England and 60 participants were South African and incarcerated in South Africa. Trauma, dissociation and psychopathy were measured using the Trauma History Questionnaire (THQ; Green, 1996), the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES; Carlson & Putnam, 1993) and the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised Second Edition (PCL-R; Hare, 2003a), respectively. Results: South African participants reported significantly more traumatic and dissociative experiences and possessed more psychopathic features than their British counterparts. Structural equation modelling (SEM) analyses of the entire sample revealed that trauma was positively and directly related to the behavioural features of psychopathy, whereas trauma was positively and indirectly related to the affective features of psychopathy via the partial mediating role of dissociation, suggesting that subtypes of psychopathy may exist among murderers. In addition, cluster analyses identified subtypes of psychopathy, two of which parallel variants of primary and secondary psychopathy described in the literature. Conclusions: Dissociation may mediate the relationship between trauma and psychopathy among individuals who have experienced high levels of trauma, suggesting that there may be a threshold or a ‘cut-off’ level at which witnessing or experiencing trauma becomes detrimental for one’s psychological health. The prevalence of certain subtypes of psychopathy may differ across cultures. Findings have theoretical implications as well as implications for the treatment and risk assessment of offenders.
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Patienters upplevelser av delaktighet inom slutenvård : - En litteraturstudiePersson, Elene, Linda, Söderqvist January 2014 (has links)
Kommunikation, lärande och sociala relationer är tre grundstenar som ingår i begreppet delaktighet. Möjligheten att få ta del i sin omvårdnad kan påverka vården på ett sätt som är mer gynnsamt för patienten. I omvårdnaden är begreppet KASAM kärnan. Syftet med studien var att genom en litteraturstudie beskriva patienters upplevelser av delaktighet inom slutenvård utifrån KASAM:s komponenter efter att ha varit inskriven på en vårdavdelning. Syftet var även att granska urvalsmetod samt dataanalys i de vetenskapliga artiklar som studerades. En beskrivande användes för att svara på syftet. Artiklarna söktes på ett systematiskt sätt, sammanställdes, granskades kritiskt för att sedan sammanställas i resultatet. Artiklar söktes i databaserna Cinahl, PsycInfo och PubMed. 11 artiklar inkluderades i resultatet. I resultatet framkom det att ha kontroll över sin situation ansågs vara en avgörande del i delaktighet. Begriplig information, att få vara delaktig i beslut kring sin omvårdnad, engagerade sjuksköterskor, ömsesidig respekt och kommunikation mellan patienter och sjuksköterskor var viktigt för att patienterna skulle uppleva trygghet och få kontroll över sin situation. Även empatiska, motiverande och lyhörda sjuksköterskor, att bli hörd och få önskemål uppfyllda och begränsad mängd sjuksköterskor bidrog till en känsla av trygghet och kontroll över patienternas situation. Urval och dataanalys presenterades i 10 av de 11 vetenskapliga artiklarna. Slutsatsen var att patienterna upplevde delaktighet som en meningsfull del i sin omvårdnadssituation. Begriplig information var en viktig komponent för att kunna hantera sin situation. Om sjuksköterskorna kunde använda sig av ett begripbart språk vid kommunikation gynnade det delaktigheten och patienterna blev tryggare. / Communication, learning and social relations are three elements contained in the concept of participation. The opportunity to take part in their care may influence health care in a way that is more beneficial to the patient. The keystone in nursing is SOC. The aim of this study was to describe inpatients experience of participation by using the concept of SOC. Another aim of this study was to examine the samplings and data collection of the scientific articles used to collect data in this study. A descriptive literature review was used to answer the aim. Articles were searched systematically, compiled, examined critically and then compiled the results. Articles were searched in the databases Cinahl, PsycInfo and PubMed. 11 articles were included in the results. The result shows that to have control over their situation was considered an essential part of participation. Understandable information, to be involved in decisions about their care, dedicated nurses, mutual respect and communication between patients and nurses was important for patients to experience security and gain control over the situation. Though empathetic, motivating and attentive nurses, to be heard and wishes fulfilled and the limited amount of nurses contributed to a sense of security and control of the patients' situation. Sampling and data analysis presented in 10 of the 11 scientific articles. The conclusion was that patients experienced participation as a meaningful part of their care situation. Intelligible information was an essential component to manage their situation. If nurses could use a comprehension offense language when communicating favored the inclusion and patients became more confident.
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