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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Palats som klass- och genusmarkör : Inomaristokratiska spänningar i 1800-talets Stockholm / The Palace as a Marker of Class and Gender : Inter-Aristocratic tension in 19th Centery Stockholm

Malmsten, Silva January 2017 (has links)
During the second half of the 19th Century the influence and power of the Stockholm aristocracy had decreased significantly amidst the emergence of the modern society. Therefore, it was important for them to position themselves toward the surrounding society more symbolically. The bourgeoisie, on the other hand, had strengthened economically and advanced in the societal elite. The ongoing industrialization of the 19th Century created a bourgeois class with improved acquisition power that in an analogical manner aimed at manifesting its recently achieved social position. The time scope of the study includes class dislocations and changes in which the economically strengthened bourgeoisie occupy new spaces alongside the old aristocracy in the city. The study examines how class and gender defined power settings and cultural codes are reflected in the architecture of the period, as regards interior and construction plan among the new-aristocratic bourgeoisie and the older aristocracy respectively. The palaces of the Stockholm city core are analyzed and compared and will exemplify the two ideal positions.

Abnormal avkastning under olika konjunkturfaser på Stockholmsbörsen : En studie om överreaktioner vid stora kursförändringar / Abnormal return during different business cycles at the Stockholm Stock Exchange

Granath, Simon, Krantz, Gustav January 2017 (has links)
Mycket av forskningen inom den finansiella ekonomin bygger på den effektiva marknadshypotesen som antar att information är korrekt prissatt och att det enda sättet för investerare att systematiskt nå överavkastning är att exponera sig för mer risk. I och med detta blir det relevant att studera om det finns andra sätt för att uppnå detta. En föreslagen metod för att uppnå detta är via De Bondt & Thalers (1985) contrarianstrategi, att köpa översålda respektive blanka överköpta aktier. Det råder dock fortfarande meningsskiljaktighet bland forskare om huruvida dess förekomst är rådande eller ej. Vidare är ett annat outforskat område om dess effekt skiljer sig åt beroende på konjunktur. Syftet med studien är således att undersöka om det existerar överreaktioner på OMXS30 vid stora endagsförändringar på aktiekurser samt om dessa eventuella överreaktioner skiljer sig beroende på rådande konjunkturfas. Data från 1996 till 2017 har använts med en formeringsperiod på 20 dagar och en utvärderingsperiod på 50 dagar.Resultatet mynnade ut i en överreaktionseffekt för de identifierade förlorareventen samt en motsvarande underreaktion för vinnareventen. Konjunkturen visade sig ha en betydande påverkan då överavkastningen var betydligt högre för båda urvalen under perioder av lågkonjunktur. / The efficient market hypothesis is one of the central aspects in financial research which assumes that assets are correctly priced from all available information and that the only way to achieve abnormal return is for investors to expose themselves to more risk. This gives an incentive to investigate whether there are other ways to achieve this. One method could be through De Bondt and Thalers (1985) contrarian strategy, which means that investors buy oversold stocks. The other way around goes for overbought stocks, in which investors consequently short them. There is however a variation in the research whether this method is proven valid or not. Another unexplored subject is regarding its validity in different business cycles. The purpose of this study is to explore if overreactions exists at the Swedish stock index OMXS30. This will be based on substantial daily price movements and whether these potential overreactions differ through the business cycle. Data on all companies included in the index from 1996 to 2017 was analyzed through an event study with an estimation window of 20 days and 50 days post event window.The main findings of this study show that loser stocks did overreact but that winner stocks in an opposite way underreacted. This means that both samples had a positive abnormal return. This abnormal return was substantially higher during recessions than expansions, which indicates that the business cycle has an important role when studying overreactions.

Green spaces in cities? : Analysis and comparison of green spaces in Stockholm and Madrid

Verduras Dietl, Monica January 2017 (has links)
The presence of green spaces in cities has been increasingduring recent years. The aim of this thesis is to understand the importance of these areas in the city through the ecosystem services approach, and to provide an example on how that approach is undertaken in two different European cities: Madrid and Stockholm. By using Geographic Information Systems, interviews with planning representatives in both countries, and planning documents, it was found that even though this approach is known and mentioned in both cases, the outcome in the distribution and accessibility of these areas varies widely from one study area to another.

The day after the Stockholm 2013 riots : Järva as The Safe City?

Lidmo, Johannes January 2017 (has links)
Urban riots have increased in the global-north in recent years. Previous research on riots identify causes and triggers, but also where they are more likely to happen. Rioters, residents and the police are commonly studied. Housing companies and related stakeholders with a long-term interest in the local environment are under-studied in relation to riots, but also the long-term effects. This thesis aims to contribute to an increased understanding of the long-term effects of riots. In doing so, literature on riots, neoliberalisation and Jacques Rancière’s understanding of politics synthesise the theoretical framework. The thesis is based on a case-study of the Stockholm 2013 riots including participatory observations and interviews of housing companies and other ‘long-term’ actors. Some established practices on ‘safety measures’ in public spaces have intensified, and to some degree extended, since the Stockholm riots. Simultaneously, safety as an overall objective frames most practices by the participants, and tend to be viewed as consensus. The participants, however, rarely recognise their own role in relation to the riots, in which it is concluded that urban riots are to be expected in the future unless they start recognising their own role in shaping the environment that they are trying to overcome.

The Sound of Globalization : Mapping the Dynamics in Contemporary Urban Landscape of Concert Venues

Forsberg Hansson, Love January 2017 (has links)
This study compares and describes the urban landscape of concert venues in Berlin and Stockholm with a focus on popular music. It features research of spatial patterns among concert venues, gathered from participant observations and semi-structured interviews with agencies and officials in the music scene. These patterns make us want to understand the relationship between venues, why they sometimes agglomerate by size in a more gentrified environment. By comparing the spatial patterns with music export data, an illustration of globalization is developed. Further, this study connects to the political controversy of the contemporary view on music, as a source of economic growth or not. The central concept of analysis is the division between high profitable hit music and conventional music. Theoretical perspectives of global economic system is the base for the hypothesis that music is not a homogeneous entity. It is rather polarized in two spheres depending on the status in the global economic system. This study suggests thathit music is a cultural product built on immaterial values and place branding for political agendas, rather than a cultural expression or genre of music like any other. This part of the music economy show specific patterns of localization.

Av god Conduit : Privatlärare i Stockholm med omnejd 1793-1795 / Of proper Conduit : Private tutors in Stockholm and its environs 1793-1795

Rundqvist, Annelie January 2017 (has links)
OF PROPER CONDUCT: PRIVATE TUTORS IN STOCKHOLM AND ITS ENVIRONS 1793–1795 This paper studies private tutors in Stockholm and its environs 1793-1795 by examining work advertisements written by said tutors. It is in part a continuation of a previous study of the education market in Stockholm 1798. It utilizes Yvonne Hirdman ’s gender theory and Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts of symbolic capital to analyze differences in what male and female tutors offered to teach, how they portrayed themselves and if any social groups could be ascertained. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used, where the quantitative method is partly influenced by the verb oriented-method from the Gender and Work (GaW) project and the qualitative method is influenced by hermeneutics. The study shows that most of the tutors were men, and of those men a majority were students, priests, educated men and officials. The female tutors did not use titles overall, but the subjects they offered to teach suggests most were in the mid- to upper mid layer of society. The French salon culture was dominating among the nobles at the end of the 18th century. This study argues that the salon culture was the cultural capital by which the tutors measured themselves. Because of their academic merits, men tended to use institutionalized cultural capital while women used only partly embodied cultural capital through their knowledge of the French language. Where men tended to use formal merits, women used a wider array of strategies. There were however a number of men who used strategies of weakness when faced with financial difficulties. Women taught mainly needlework and French, where female tutors offering to teach how to sew of clothes showed a shift from male professional tailors to female seamstresses. It is argued that Hirdman’s principle of segregation between men and women both affected the subjects the tutors were able to offer as well as the subjects they did offer.

Miljöledningssytem : Som att få körkort på endast teoriprovet? / Environmental management system : Like receiving drivers licence on theory exam only?

Wickström, Joel, Ryberg, Hampus January 2017 (has links)
There is extensive research about environmental management system present today. Mainly focused on the private sector and research about how environmental management system within the public sector has not been conducted in the same extent. To contribute with increased knowledge in this area we have conducted a case study about Stockholm county and its work with environmental management system. The study shows amongst other things that environmental management system could lead to positive effect on the environmental work. Though it does not automatically lead to a well preformed environmental work, the content of the environmental management system is what seems to most important.

Hög utdelningsandel = högre framtida vinsttillväxt? / Higher dividends = higher future earnings growth?

Johansson, Rohan, Sjöberg, Emil January 2017 (has links)
Den allmänna synen antyder att det föreligger ett negativt samband mellan utdelningsandel och framtida vinsttillväxt, där en hög utdelningsandel antas begränsa investeringsmöjligheter och således också vinsttillväxten. Senare tidens forskning har med stöd i empiri funnit att det i ett flertalet industrialiserade länder råder ett positivt samband mellan utdelningsandel och framtida vinsttillväxt både på företags- och marknadsnivå.Den här studien avser att undersöka om det föreligger ett positivt samband mellan utdelningsandel och framtida vinsttillväxt för svenska företag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen mellan år 1995 – 2011. Urvalet består av företag som är eller varit noterade på Stockholmsbörsen i minst fem år mellan dessa år.Studiens resultat visar att det skett en ökning av både utdelningsandelen och företagens vinster under de senaste decennierna. Resultatet bekräftar även senare tidens forskning att det råder ett positivt samband mellan utdelningsandel och framtida vinsttillväxt men också att det finns andra faktorer som påverkar vinsttillväxten. Studiens slutsats är att företag med en hög utdelningsandel tenderar att uppvisa en högre framtida vinsttillväxt. / The general view suggests that there is a negative correlation between dividend payout ratio and future earnings growth, where a high dividend payout ratio is assumed to limit investment opportunities and thus also limit earnings growth. In recent years, research has found that in a majority of industrialized countries there is a positive correlation between dividend payout ratio and future earnings growth, both at company and market level.This study aims to examine whether there is a positive correlation between dividend payout ratio and future earnings growth for Swedish companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange between 1995 and 2011. The sample consists of companies that have or have been listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange for at least five years between these years.The results of the study indicate that there has been an increase in both the dividend payout ratio and corporate profits in recent decades. The results also reaffirm recent research in that there is a positive correlation between dividend payout ratio and future earnings growth, but also that there are other factors that affect earnings growth. The study concludes that companies with a high dividend payout ratio tend to show higher future earnings growth.

Gerenciamento de estoques de defensivos agrícolas banidos: estudo de casos brasileiros / MANAGEMENT OF BANNED CROP PESTICIDE STOCKPILES: BRAZILIAN STUDY CASES

Renata Stringueta Nishio 15 April 2016 (has links)
Apesar de os defensivos agrícolas atualmente classificados como Poluentes Orgânicos Persistentes (POPs) terem sua produção e uso banidos na maior parte do mundo desde a década de 1980, o gerenciamento de estoques remanescentes permanece um desafio até a atualidade. Com estimativas que variam entre 500 mil (FAO, 2015) e 2 milhões de toneladas (VIJGEN et al., 2011), poucas informações sobre seu efetivo gerenciamento e destruição são encontradas nas principais bases de dados acadêmicas sobre o tema e nos documentos oficiais da Convenção de Estocolmo sobre Poluentes Orgânicos Persistentes. O Brasil integra a lista de signatários da Convenção, mas a fabricação, o armazenamento e o uso dos agrotóxicos POPs foram proibidos em 1985, por meio da Portaria do Ministério da Agricultura nº 329. Este abrupto banimento do armazenamento colocou o agricultor brasileiro imediatamente fora da lei, uma vez que não foram planejadas medidas e procedimentos legais para dar destino adequado aos produtos que ainda estivessem em estoque nas propriedades rurais. De forma independente da Convenção de Estocolmo e das ações nacionais relacionadas a este tratado, dois estados brasileiros elaboraram programas para o levantamento de estoque dos defensivos agrícolas banidos e planejamento de sua destinação. Finalizado em 2013, o Paraná incinerou cerca de 1.200 toneladas que estavam estocadas em mais de 2.000 propriedades rurais do estado. São Paulo finalizou o inventário em 2012, resultando em 420 toneladas estocadas em aproximadamente 330 propriedades rurais. O grupo de trabalho paulista planejou as etapas seguintes e em abril de 2016, o projeto se encontrava em fase de alocação de recursos para execução das fases finais de acondicionamento, transporte e destinação. A proposta deste projeto de pesquisa é apresentar como Paraná e São Paulo gerenciaram os estoques remanescentes de agrotóxicos banidos há décadas, avaliando como os grupos de trabalho foram formados, as normativas de apoio utilizadas, como foram realizadas as etapas de levantamento de inventário e de que forma foram planejadas, financiadas, comunicadas e executadas as etapas de coleta, acondicionamento, transporte e destinação. Dessa forma, busca-se contribuir para um aumento de conhecimento prático sobre o tema e para a construção de uma política pública para gerenciamento de agrotóxicos banidos em outros estados brasileiros. / Although the pesticides currently classified as Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) have had their production and use banned in most of the world since the 1980s, the management of remaining stocks remains a challenge to the present. With estimates ranging from 500,000 (FAO, 2015) and 2 million tons (Vijgen et al., 2011), little information about its effective management and destruction are found in major academic databases on the subject and official documents of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. Brazil is one of the signatories but the manufacture, storage and use of pesticides POPs were banned in 1985 by the Ministry of Agriculture Decree No. 329. However, this abrupt ban put the Brazilian farmers immediately outside the law since the government did not plan measures and legal procedures to give proper destination to the products that were still in stock on farms. Independently of the Stockholm Convention and the National Plans related to this treaty, two Brazilian states have developed programs to inventory banned pesticides and plan their destination. Finished in 2013, Paraná State incinerated about 1,200 tons that had been stored in more than 2,000 rural properties. Sao Paulo finished its inventory in 2012 resulting in 420 tons stored in about 330 rural properties. The São Paulo working group has planned the next steps and, in April 2016, the project was waiting for resource in order to implement the final stages of packaging, transport and disposal. The purpose of this research is to present as Parana and Sao Paulo managed the remaining stocks of banned pesticides evaluating how the working groups were formed, the support normative used, how the inventory has been planned and carried out and how the projects have financed, communicated and executed the steps of collection, packaging, transportation and disposal. Thus, it is expected to contribute to increase the practical knowledge on the topic and to construct a public policy for pesticide management banned in other Brazilian states.

Ett världsarv med flera syften : En kvantitativ studie om två populationers relation till Skogskyrkogården

Isaksson, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate which motives tourists have to visit the Woodland Cemetery in Stockholm, Sweden and which feelings the visit brought. Furthermore, the study aims to find out where the locals in Stockholm think that the acceptable limit goes for tourism at the Woodland Cemetery and what potential conflicts that may occur between the groups. The study is based on a quantitative method with web surveys as an approach. Three surveys were sent to both national and international tourists and to people living in Stockholm. The compilation and presentation of data was made in Microsoft Excel where charts were designed. The results are discussed in relation to previous research, which forms the basis of the questions in the surveys. The result shows that the main motives for tourists to visit the Woodland Cemetery are because it is a beautiful place with beautiful nature, to experience the architecture and because the place has an interesting culture and history. The feelings most tourists felt were respect, a mental calm, humility, spirituality and emotional feelings. From the locals’ perspective, some respondents feel that tourism in the cemetery is acceptable, others do not want tourism at all and some even promote tourism. However, what emerged is that many of the respondents thinks it is about the volume and how things are done. Several people said that the limit goes when there are far too many tourists and when activities and functions are not being done with consideration and respect.

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