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Järvalyftet – Om brukarmedverkan vid renoveringar av bostadsområdenBratt, Theodor January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att med hjälp av Stockholms stads renoveringsprojekt Järvalyftet som fallstudie söka skapa förståelse för hur nyckelaktörer vid renoveringar av bostadsområden ser på och använder sig av brukarmedverkan. För att nå denna förståelse ämnar jag att besvara följande frågeställningar: Hur uppnås ett aktivt deltagande hos de boende? På vilka teorier eller erfarenheter grundar sig projektörernas syn på brukarmedverkan? Vilka effekter förväntar sig de ansvariga att ett deltagande från de boende ger? Mitt empiriska material utgörs av en fallstudie av renoveringsprojektet Järvalyftet inom Stockholms kommun. För att granska detta har intervjuer med aktörer med inflytande över processen gjorts och exempel från tidigare brukarinflytandeprojekt använts. För att analysera materialet använder jag mig av Jürgen Habermas teorier om kommunikativt handlande och Abdul Khakees utvärderingsmodell av kommunikativa processer. Resultatet blir en djupgående diskussion kring hur aktörernas syn på brukarinflytande, kommunikation med de boende och handlande påverkar utfallet av en renoveringsprocess.
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”Inte en buss skulle rulla om vi jobbade hemifrån” : En kritisk diskursanalys kring medias rapportering om Järvaområdet under Covid-19 pandeminMulki, Adan, Palin, Elias January 2021 (has links)
This study examines how two newspapers in Sweden, the local newspaper Nyhetsbyrån Järva and the nationwide newspaper Aftonbladet, differentiated in their discourse during the reporting of the spread of Covid-19 in the Järva-area of Stockholm. The Järva-area is made up of several suburbs to the inner city of Stockholm that have been stigmatized in the mainstream media ever since a lot of the housing in the area was built during the million programme (Miljonprogrammet) in Sweden. With the use of Fairclough's critical discourse method the newspapers were analysed through the lens of Goffman's theory of stigma and Wacquant's theory of territorial stigma. The empirical study consisted of 39 articles from the newspaper Aftonbladet and Nyhetsbyrån Järva. The newspapers were analysed and compared showing the difference in discourse of how the Järva-area is constructed as well as those who live there. The study found that Aftonbladet uses a discourse focusing more on the cultural differences of the Järva-area and the people living there as a possible cause for the spread of Covid-19. Meanwhile Nyhetsbyrån Järva uses a discourse that instead focuses on how the governmental agencies failed to supply support and meet the needs of the inhabitants of the area to hinder the spread of Covid-19. The results shows that the use of stigmatized names and associations to the Järva-area is much higher in Aftonbladet compared to Nyhetsbyrån Järva.
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Three Walks : Järva CemeterySvalling, Therese January 2012 (has links)
This is an imaginative and speculative project that takes its point of departure from an architectural competition announced in 2009 for a new cemetery on Järvafältet. The project is curated according to three walks: The level walk -uses varying levels to accommodate different types of burial. The sound walk - uses sound as a means of memorializing the deceased. The node walk – rethinks the conventional religious segregation of cemetery space toward integration and an ecological way of reusing land for burial.
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Järva Kultur & Sport - Cultural activation of Järva, StockholmAhmad, Rayan January 2022 (has links)
Studies have shown that kids and youths that grow up in segregated communities with parents who have low social knowledge are most likely to struggle as adults. Last year I was part of an ideal group called Löparakademin, this group's mission was to gather youths in different suburbs and have different activities with them for 10 weeks, the main one being to run. Throughout these weeks they have different types of workshops and lectures touching on topics that usually aren't brought up in either school or by their parents. My aim with the project is to integrate the suburb and break the segregation between the areas in the suburb, through sports and cultural activation.
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Den urbana konsumtionskulturens ordning : En kvalitativ studie av hur unga vuxna boende i miljonprogramsområdena i Järva upplever, deltar och tillägnar sig Stockholms innerstadBerg, Christoffer January 2014 (has links)
Förevarande studie tar sin utgångspunkt i ett Stockholm satt i förändring. Som allt mer inbäddat i en global och post-industriell ordning skapas nya konfigurationer i gruppers sociala och kulturella mönster – i studien begreppsliggjort och analyserat genom livsstilar - och hur dessa sammanbinds med specifika platser. Särskilt intressant är det att få insikt i hur de i Stockholms socioekonomiskt svaga ytterstadsområden upplever, deltar i och tillägnar sig innerstaden, som en plats där processer av gentrifikation och stegrande kulturkonsumtion gradvis omförhandlar villkoren för vad ett besök kan och bör bestå i. För studiens räkning har en rad livsvärldsintervjuer skett med unga vuxna boende eller med härkomst i miljonprogramsområdena i Järva (Kista, Akalla, Rinkeby, Tensta och Rissne) i västra Stockholm, där deras berättelser ger uttryck för deras unika förhållanden till kvaliteterna i stadens socialt skiktade rum. Redan under ungdomsåren kommer innerstaden att representera något sublimt i en stadsmiljö diametralt annorlunda Järva, och genom betingelserna av den blå tunnelbanelinjen beskriver flera informanter hur ett utforskande tog vid av den nyupptäckta platsen. I vuxen ålder tonar innerstaden till stora delar upp som tydligt kopplat till selektiva nyttjanden i form av konsumtionen av varor och nöjen – där i synnerhet krog- och klubbscenen visar sig vara föremål för besök - men inbjuder för merparten av informanterna sällan till ett mer villkorslöst, icke-konsumerande fördröjande i de offentliga rummens gator, torg och parker. I själva erfarenheten av Stockholm är dikotomin förort - innerstad tydlig och genererar en diskursiv schematik mina informanter på olika sätt förhåller sig till.
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Järva Community Center : A social, cultural and religious hub for JärvaMahmud, Faisal January 2011 (has links)
Why this proposal makes sense... The aim of this project is to research the relationship between a mosque and the functions of a community center. It is located between Tensta and Rinkeby, two suburbs in the north of Stockholm. I believe that the two areas can gain a lot by a shared community center due to both positive and negative similarities. The proximity to Järvafältet and Kista is a great plus in the equation. Kista is another suburb in the Järva area and it has been a huge success with regards to education, entrepreneurship and the IT-industry that re- sides there. My goal was to create a contemporary mosque that stays true to Islamic architectural concepts while I develop a new aesthetic language for the spaces that a mosque requires. How can we use the mosque as an attracting catalyst in order to reach out to the inhabitants in these areas? A lot of people in Järva have roots in other parts of the world. There are a lot of vibrant communities from all over the world in Tensta and Rinkeby. People have great respect for faith and religious matters and consider it to be a major part of their identity. What spaces can a mosque share with the community center for opti- mal use and convenience? My proposal takes into consideration that a mosque has a limited num- ber of days during the year when the worshippers need all the space that they can get. I have therefore proposed to put the mosque next to the sports hall so that the sports hall can be used for prayer and spiritual activities during special events such as the month of Ramadan and Friday prayers. When the sports hall is not used by the mosque it goes back to being just a regular sports hall with an intricate roof. What makes it a community center? To make the project more compelling I have added other functions in order to address the needs and wishes of the inhabitants. There is also a library, a food court, lecture hall/cinema, offices, conference rooms, seminar rooms and a class room.
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Medborgarskapet och den utrikesfödda mamman : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om moderskapets påverkan på det levda medborgarskapet bland utrikesfödda mammor i JärvaLindahl, Ellen January 2022 (has links)
How does motherhood affect the experience of Swedish citizenship among foreign-born mothers in Järva? Using a theoretical model that combines Ruth Lister and Kallios et al.'s theories of lived citizenship, the paper aims to explore this question. Since motherhood has never been added as a dimension of lived citizenship, the paper aims to contribute to previous research on citizenship in the hope of sowing a seed for further research on the significance of motherhood. Through qualitative semi-structured interviews, eight foreign-born mothers in Järva were asked to talk about their experience of their Swedish citizenship. The study concludes that motherhood seems to have an impact on lived citizenship, as motherhood is strongly present in the mothers’ narratives of their citizenship rights and responsibilities, sense of belonging, and opportunities to participate in the society. The experience of citizenship rights and obligations is stated through the mothers’ appreciation for their extended rights. Several of the mothers express that the appreciation is sometimes projected onto the children in the form of a debt of gratitude. It also emerges that the mothers’ perception of their rights is influenced by their perceived ability to fulfill their children's rights. Furthermore, the mothers’ experience of belonging to Swedish society seems to be reflected in the mothers’ children, who are not always accepted by society, and it is also clear that the mothers think that implementing a sense of Swedish belonging is an important part of their children's upbringing. The sense of belonging can also be linked to the mothers’ feeling of being excluded from “good Swedish motherhood”, where they feel that they have more demands on them as mothers born abroad. Finally, on the one hand, motherhood seems to increase social and political participation by fostering civic qualities. On the other hand, motherhood may appear to limit participation because it means less time for the mother’s interests.
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Förortsliv i periferin : En etnologisk studie om boendes upplevelser av ombildning och förändringsprocesser i ett av miljonprogrammens bostadsområden. / The peripheral suburban life : An ethnological study of residents' experiences of conversion and change processes in one of the Million programme housing areas.Ewards Öberg, Nicolina January 2018 (has links)
The studies main focus is to reach deeper insight about the values and meanings created and connected to the home environment. Building on interview material collected in the fall of 2017 in Akalla Stockholm the study examines different factors that impact resident’s emotions surrounding the area where they live in relation to change. Specifically the conversion of their homes, in one of the million programme housing areas, from a tenancy house to a condominium. Akalla was, in 2001, the first area outside the city centre in Stockholm that was allowed to convert municipally owned houses in to condominiums. A motivation for converting tenancy houses in segregated areas is the idea that diversity in the forms of residence has a positive impact on the area. The conversion can lead to gentrification of an area, the process of change where economically weak people are in different ways pushed out of an area to make room for the more economically strong individuals. The people I have interviewed have throughout the study positioned themselves in different ways to the phenomenon that is gentrification. The material shows that the assumptions and motivations regarding conversion of municipally owned houses will not necessarily lead to the wanted effects such as integration but will, on the other hand, have effects on the people who live there and their identification processes which is connected to the place where we live. It also shows that gentrification is a phenomenon that people position them self towards based on the possibilities and choices a person has in the society, it is a question of privilege. The term is loaded with value and its consequences cannot be seen only in the light of negative effects and exclusion.
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The day after the Stockholm 2013 riots : Järva as The Safe City?Lidmo, Johannes January 2017 (has links)
Urban riots have increased in the global-north in recent years. Previous research on riots identify causes and triggers, but also where they are more likely to happen. Rioters, residents and the police are commonly studied. Housing companies and related stakeholders with a long-term interest in the local environment are under-studied in relation to riots, but also the long-term effects. This thesis aims to contribute to an increased understanding of the long-term effects of riots. In doing so, literature on riots, neoliberalisation and Jacques Rancière’s understanding of politics synthesise the theoretical framework. The thesis is based on a case-study of the Stockholm 2013 riots including participatory observations and interviews of housing companies and other ‘long-term’ actors. Some established practices on ‘safety measures’ in public spaces have intensified, and to some degree extended, since the Stockholm riots. Simultaneously, safety as an overall objective frames most practices by the participants, and tend to be viewed as consensus. The participants, however, rarely recognise their own role in relation to the riots, in which it is concluded that urban riots are to be expected in the future unless they start recognising their own role in shaping the environment that they are trying to overcome.
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"Den vanvettiga mordepidemin" : En kritisk diskursanalys om kvällspressens rapportering i Järvaområdet och dess skjutningar / “The frenzied murder epidemic” : A critical discourse analysis of how Aftonbladet and Expressen portray the area of Järva and its ongoing shootingsCedman, Nils, Svensén, Tobias January 2021 (has links)
Since 2013, the shootings in Sweden have increased, and during the year 2020 the country reached a new peak in the amount of shootings according to the police. So far, during 2021, 109 shootings have occured in the area of Stockholm, 20 of which have included deaths, and 35 people have been injured. Since the start of the study, on the 31st of October 2021, nine people had been shot to death in the area of Järva. In addition, every tenth shooting that has taken place in Sweden since 2018 has been located in Järva. This study examines how Aftonbladet and Expressen portray the area of Järva and its continuing shootings. Using the critical discourse analysis method we read a total of 28 articles from the 1st of January to 31st of October 2021 to analyze. In addition, we used Robert Entman’s framing theory with the aim to find out in which way the evening presses chose to frame and present the area itself and its shootings. Also applying Spivak’s othering theory, to find out if Aftonbladet and Expressen paint a scenario of “us and them” in their articles. The results clearly showed that the area of Järva is in a critical condition and is constructed as a war zone, suffering from shootings in the middle of the day in public places. Furthermore, the area itself is portrayed as if it does not belong to the normal society, it’s somehow “over there in the war zone”. Moreover, the criminals were described as brutal and reckless, as they shoot people to death in front of schools and grocery stores. The result also show that the evening press chose to use triggering words such as “the murder epidemic” and a “war zone” to describe how rough the situation is in the area of Järva. Key words: Järva, skjutningar, kritisk diskursanalys, vi och dem, gestaltningsteori.
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