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An Analysis of the Hobbies of Sixth Grade Girls of Twelve Elementary Schools of Dallas, TexasPiester, Kathleen 09 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the number of girls enrolled in the sixth grade in twelve elementary schools of Dallas, Texas, who had hobbies; what types of hobbies had been selected; what factors had influenced their choice of hobbies; and the duration of the hobbies.
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Change in Group Responsibility in the Second Grade as a Result of Concerted EffortDaniel, Wilma Thomas 08 1900 (has links)
The problem under consideration is to determine the changes in group responsibility in a second grade as a result of concerted effort. The concerted efforts made in this experiment were telling, reading, and dramatizing stories, poems, and songs of responsibility; discussing of stories, poems, songs, and filmstrips of responsibility; the assigning of definite classroom responsibility; and the assigning of definite study responsibility. This study attempts to answer the question, how much change, positive or negative, will occur in group responsibility as a result of the above-mentioned efforts?
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A Comparison of the Value of Two Methods of Teaching ReadingDavis, Frances Roberta 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study is to determine the value the group method of teaching reading has over the traditional method in overcoming reading difficulties.
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A Study of the First Grade Program as Indicated in Ten State Courses of StudyFrench, Katie Josephine 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to analyze the objectives of the first grade program as they appeared in the different subjects in ten state courses of study, in order to find common agreements as to a desirable first grade program.
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A Study of Some Changes in the Nature and Use of Geographical Material Available to Fourth Grade Teachers During the Past Two DecadesMoore, Juanita Godfrey 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study is to make an analysis of some changes that have occurred in fourth grade geography books over a period of twenty years to determine the extent to which they have been influenced by educational psychology. Implications of these changes will be drawn for the teacher.
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Förändring av betygssystemet : Elevers och lärares syn på några nya förslagÄngerteg, Anders January 2007 (has links)
<p>I riksdagsvalet 2006 fick Sverige en ny regering med borgerligt styre. Förslag som utlovades i valrörelsen, särskilt från folkpartiet, som rör grundskolans senare år var bland annat att man vill införa betyg tidigare, använda sig av ett ordningsomdöme och att den ogiltiga frånvaron ska synas i betyget.</p><p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vad lärare och elever tycker om dessa förslag. Metoden som jag använt mig av har varit en enkätundersökning som genomförts i tre sjätteklasser och tre sjundeklasser samt att intervjua fyra lärare som tjänstgjort olika länge på grundskolans senare år. Resultatet visar att antalet elever är jämnt fördelade om de vill ha betyg tidigare eller inte medan två av tre elever vill att ett ordningsomdöme ska införas och att skolk ska synas i betyget. Någon större skillnad mellan årskurserna och mellan pojkar och flickor kunde ej uppmätas. Resultatet hos lärarna är att de flesta är positiva till att ha betyg tidigare än i årskurs åtta, tycker att förslaget med ett ordningsomdöme är en bra idé medan de är tveksamma till att frånvaro ska stå med i betyget oavsett om den är giltig eller inte.</p> / <p>In the referendum of parliament 2006 Sweden got a new government when the alliance with moderaterna, folkpartiet, kristdemokraterna and centerpartiet won. Suggestions that was promised in the election campaign, especially from folkpartiet, that concerns the elementary school later years, was among others to give grades earlier, make use of a grade in order and that invalid absence shall be noticed in the grades.</p><p>The purpose with this paper is to examine what teachers and pupils thinks of these suggestions.</p><p>The method I have used is an opinion poll that’s been carried through in three classes of the sixth degree and three classes of the seventh degree. I also interviewed four teachers who been working varying times in the elementary schools later year.</p><p>The result shows that the number of pupils are equal divided among them who wants grades earlier or those who don’t. Two of three pupils wants to have a grade in order and the invalid absence shall be noticed in the grade. Any kind of difference between the grades and between boys and girls couldn’t be measured.</p><p>The result among the teachers shows that most of them are positive to earlier grades compared to today. The most of them think also that the suggestion to have grades in order is a good idea but they are uncertain if absence shall be noted in the grades no matter how it is invalid or not.</p>
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Some Effects of Learning the Causes of Behavior upon Certain Personal and Social Attitudes of Pre-Adolescent ChildrenGriggs, Joseph Wright 05 1900 (has links)
The problem of the present study is to determine what changes will take place in certain personal and social attitudes of pre-adolescent children at the fourth- and fifth-grade levels as a result of their "having learned about the factors that underlie behavior" through a mental hygiene program utilizing "causally" oriented materials at their own level of interest and understanding.
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A Study of the Value of Selected Curiosity Tests for Predicting Academic Achievement in First and Second-GradesAdkisson, Jack 08 1900 (has links)
This investigation was concerned with the problem of determining the value of selected curiosity tests for predicting academic achievement in first and second-grades.
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A Comparison of Three Different Presentations of Reading Material Presented to Fifth-Grade ChildrenHill, John Paul, 1940- 08 1900 (has links)
The purposes of this study were (1) to ascertain the effect of three approaches of presenting reading material to fifth-grade children, (2) to analyze the results of each approach in relationship to reading ability, mental ability, and sex, and (3) to ascertain the implications of these approaches for elementary teachers and principals.
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The Relationship of Fifth-Grade Students' Self-Concepts and Attitudes toward Mathematics to Academic Achievement in Arithmetical Computation, Concepts, and ApplicationMoore, Bobbie Dean 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the interrelationship of self-concept and attitude toward mathematics to academic achievement in the areas of arithmetical computation, concepts, and application.
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