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Peer Acceptance, Mathematics Achievement, and Birth Order Among Fifth-Grade StudentsGerhardt, Vicki 08 1900 (has links)
This study investigated relationships involving peer acceptance, mathematics achievement, and birth order among 74 fifth-grade students. The children were administered a standardized achievement test and a sociometric measurement in one sitting. They were then listed in rank order on the basis of number of choices received for each of two areas-- Social- and Work-acceptance. A comparison of High and Low Social- and Work-acceptance groups in terms of mean mathematics-achievement scores indicated a significant positive interaction between peer acceptance and mathematics achievement. No significant difference was evidenced between mean mathematics-achievement scores of males and females. As expected, birth order was not shown to interact significantly with Social- or Work-acceptance for either sex. Results indicate the importance of utilizing various techniques such as sociometrically determined work groups and seating arrangements in order to improve the peer climate of the classroom.
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Les bases neurales du traitement sémantique : un nouvel éclairage : études en électrostimulations cérébrales directes / Neural bases of semantic processing : a new highlight : studies based on direct brain electrostimulationsMoritz-Gasser, Sylvie 19 June 2012 (has links)
Le traitement sémantique est le processus mental par lequel nous accédons au sens. Il occupe donc une place centrale dans la compréhension et la production du langage, mais également dans le fonctionnement humain en général, puisqu'il permet de conceptualiser le monde qui nous entoure et de lui donner un sens, en le confrontant en pleine conscience aux connaissances que nous emmagasinons au fil de nos expériences. Si les bases neurales corticales du traitement sémantique sont bien documentées par de nombreuses études basées sur les données de l'imagerie fonctionnelle notamment, l'analyse de la connectivité sous-corticale impliquée dans ce traitement a jusqu'ici reçu moins d'attention. Les auteurs s'accordent néanmoins sur l'existence d'une voie ventrale sémantique, parallèle à une voie dorsale dédiée au traitement phonologique. Le présent ouvrage se propose d'apporter un nouvel éclairage à la connaissance des bases neurales du traitement sémantique du mot isolé, en lien avec le cadre plus large du traitement sémantique non-verbal, par l'étude des habiletés sémantiques de patients présentant un gliome de grade 2 OMS et pour lequel ils bénéficient d'une prise en charge chirurgicale en condition éveillée, avec cartographie cortico-sous-corticale peropératoire. Il met ainsi en évidence l'importance cruciale du faisceau fronto-occipital inférieur gauche dans cette voie ventrale sémantique, au sein d'une organisation cérébrale fonctionnelle en réseaux parallèles et distribués de zones corticales interconnectées par des faisceaux d'association de substance blanche. Il souligne également le caractère interactif du fonctionnement cognitif, ainsi que l'importance des mécanismes de contrôle dans le traitement du langage, et de la mesure de la chronométrie mentale lors son évaluation. Ces différentes considérations nous amènent à proposer un modèle hodotopique général d'organisation anatomo-fonctionnelle du langage. Les résultats présentés dans cet ouvrage peuvent donc avoir des implications cliniques et scientifiques majeures, quant à la compréhension de l'organisation cérébrale fonctionnelle du langage, de ses dysfonctionnements, des mécanismes de réorganisation fonctionnelle en cas de lésion et à l'élaboration de programmes de réhabilitation. / Semantic processing is the mental process by which we access to meaning. Therefore, it takes a central place in language comprehension and production, but also in the whole human functioning, since it allows conceptualizing and giving a meaning to the world, by confronting it consciously with the knowledge we store over our experiences. If the neural bases of semantic processing are well known at the cortical level, thanks to numerous studies based particularly on functional neuroimaging data, the analysis of the subcortical connectivity underlying this processing received so far less attention. Nevertheless, the authors agree on the existence of a semantic ventral stream, parallel to a phonological dorsal stream.The present work mean to bring a new highlight on the knowledge of the neural bases of semantic processing at the level of the single word, in connection with the wider setting of non verbal semantic processing, by the study of semantic skills in patients presenting with WHO grade 2 glioma, and for which they undergo a surgery in awaken conditions, with cortico-subcortical intraoperative mapping. Thus, this work highlights the crucial role of the inferior fronto-occipital fascicle, in this ventral semantic route, within a functional brain organization in parallel and distributed networks of cortical areas interconnected by white matter association fibers.it underlines also the interactive feature of cognitive functioning, and the significance of control mechanisms in language processing, as well as the measuring of mental chronometry when assessing it. These considerations lead us to propose a general hodotopical model of language anatomo-functional organization.The results presented in this work may thus have important clinical and scientific implications, regarding the comprehension of language brain functional organization, of its dysfunctioning, of functional reorganization mechanisms in case of brain lesion, and the elaboration of rehabilitation programs.
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Protocole d'évaluation du langage fondé sur le traitement de fonctions prosodiques : étude exploratoire de deux patients atteints de gliomes de bas grade en contexte péri-opératoire / A language evaluation protocol based on prosodic functions processing : exploratory study on two patients with low-grade glioma in peri-surgical contextAura, Karine 10 October 2012 (has links)
Notre étude est dédiée au développement d’un protocole d’évaluation du langage à visée clinique. Nous examinons les spécificités du traitement du langage oral à travers le filtre des fonctions langagières actualisées par la prosodie. Système composite par excellence, largement négligé tant dans l’étude du traitement du langage que dans les évaluations orthophoniques, la prosodie est cependant en étroite relation avec les composantes du langage et réalise par ce biais l’ensemble des fonctions structurantes du langage. Deux fonctions linguistiques de la prosodie sont ici testées en compréhension : une fonction syntaxique, sous-tendue par le marquage accentuel des frontières de syntagmes réalisé par un accent final et un accent initial, et une fonction pragmatique impliquant la fonction de focalisation initiée par un accent emphatique. Après avoir procédé à la normalisation de notre protocole auprès d’un groupe de sujets contrôles, notre évaluation a été intégrée à la prise en charge longitudinale de deux patients atteints de gliomes de grade II. Dans ce cadre spécifique, nous avons adapté nos épreuves au contexte de la chirurgie éveillée. Les capacités langagières des patients ont été testées en condition pré-opératoire afin d’observer l’impact cognitif de la tumeur et en condition post-opératoire afin d’évaluer les conséquences de l’exérèse. Les résultats soulèvent des questionnements concernant la spécialisation hémisphérique de la prosodie. Ils ont aussi permis de mesurer la sensibilité de notre protocole. L’étude exploratoire réalisée en condition peri-opératoire nous a permis de soulever les contraintes inhérentes à la méthode de stimulation électrique directe. / This study is dedicated to the development of an exploratory clinical protocol for language evaluation, where prosody is seen as the core system for assessing spoken language processing in a more comprehensive way than is usually the case in clinical studies. Indeed, prosody is usually largely neglected in studies on language processing, as well as in speech therapy and neuropsychological evaluations. However, prosody is tightly linked to the different components of language, and plays a central role in linguistic structuring. Two linguistic functions of prosody are tested here in language comprehension: 1) the syntactic function of prosody, where both final and initial accenting help delimit syntagmatic grouping ; 2) the pragmatic function of prosody, where prosodic focus brings salience to a specific part of discourse. The protocol was first normalized on a control group of healthy participants. We then ran the evaluation in a peri-surgical context on two patients suffering from grade II glioma. The protocol had to be adapted to the context of awake surgery. The language capacities of the patients were tested first in pre-surgical context in order to assess the cognitive consequences of the brain tumor, then in post-surgical context to evaluate the consequences of the tumor removal. Results raise questions regarding the hemispheric specialization of prosody, and more globally regarding the localization of language processing. The other interesting outcome of this research is to propose improvements for the evaluation of language capacities in a surgical context using direct brain electric stimulation.
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Avaliação de microRNAs como biomarcadores de evolução maligna em pacientes com diagnóstico de Glioma / Evaluation of microRNAs as biomarkers of malignant evolution in patients with diagnosis of GliomaAnjos, Caroline Souza dos 13 March 2019 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Os gliomas são tumores neuroepiteliais e correspondem a aproximadamente 24,6% de todos os tumores primários cerebrais. Na última década, grande esforço tem sido feito em meio acadêmico para caracterização molecular dos gliomas na tentativa de descrever comportamento clínico, definir prognóstico e predizer resposta terapêutica. Ferramentas de bioinformática estimam que os microRNAs possam regular cerca de 60% dos genes humanos, incluindo um número significativo de oncogenes, genes supressores tumorais e genes relacionados a quimio e radioressistência. Uma problemática atual na prática clínica é a ausência de ferramentas moleculares para predizer a evolução dos gliomas classificados como baixo grau, uma vez que, durante o seguimento clínico-radiológico pós-cirúrgico, esses pacientes podem ter recidiva tumoral e confirmação histopatológica de glioma de alto grau. A transformação tumoral em glioma de alto grau implica em pior prognóstico e redução das possibilidades terapêuticas. OBJETIVOS: O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a expressão dos microRNAs miR-124a, miR-138, miR-155, miR-1275 em amostras de tumor primário humano e sangue periférico de pacientes com diagnóstico de gliomas de baixo e alto graus (astrocitoma grau I,astrocitoma grau II, astrocitoma grau III, glioblastoma, oligodendroglioma grau II e oligodendroglioma grau III). PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: As análises da expressão dos microRNAs foram realizadas utilizando-se a técnica de PCR em tempo real. Foram analisados 65 pacientes adultos (entre 18 e 65 anos de idade) com diagnóstico histopatológico confirmado de glioma com material biológico tumoral criopreservado armazenado junto ao Banco de Tumores do Sistema Nervoso Central do HCFMRP. Foram coletadas informações contidas no prontuário médico referentes às características clínicas, epidemiológicas, de evolução clínica e radiológica e tempo para recidiva e óbito. Considerando-se um nível de significância de 5%, a associação das variáveis qualitativas categóricas e expressão de microRNAs foi realizada pelo teste de Mann-Whitney. A análise de sobrevida foi realizada pelo método não-paramétrico de Kaplan-Meier. RESULTADOS: Os microRNAs em estudo não apresentaram hiperexpressão em tecido tumoral de pacientes diagnosticados com Glioblastoma. Apenas o miR-1275 apresentou expressão aumentada em pacientes com diagnóstico de astrocitoma pilocítico e oligodendroglioma grau II. Além disso, tumores de linhagem oligodendroglial, de baixo e alto graus, demonstraram hiperexpressão do miR-1275. Em sangue periférico, observou-se significativa hipoexpressão dos miR-1275, miR-124 e miR-138 em amostra de glioblastoma. Observou-se, ainda, acentuada hipoexpressão do miR-138 em amostras de oligodendroglioma grau III. CONCLUSÃO: Os microRNAs miR-124a, miR-138, miR-155 e miR-1275 não apresentaram hiperexpressão em tecido tumoral de pacientes diagnosticados com GBM. O miR-1275 apresentou expressão aumentada em pacientes com diagnóstico de astrocitoma pilocítico e o miR-155 foi hiperexpresso apenas em amostras de oligodendroglioma grau II. Além disso, tumores de linhagem oligodendroglial, de baixo e alto graus, demonstraram hiperexpressão do miR1275 e miR-124a. Em sangue periférico, observou-se significativa hipoexpressão dos miR-1275, miR-124 e miR-138 em amostra de glioblastoma assim como acentuada hipoexpressão do miR-138 em amostras de oligodendroglioma grau III / INTRODUCTION: Gliomas are neuroepithelial tumors and correspond to approximately 24.6% of all primary brain tumors. In the last decade, great effort has been made in academic circles to characterize gliomas in an attempt to describe clinical behavior, define prognosis and predict therapeutic response. Bioinformatics tools estimate that microRNAs can regulate about 60% of human genes, including a significant number of oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, and chemo and radioresistance genes. A current problem in clinical practice is the absence of molecular tools to predict the evolution of gliomas classified as low grade, since during postoperative radiological follow-up these patients may have tumor recurrence with histopathological confirmation of high glioma degree. Tumor transformation in high-grade glioma has a worsening of prognosis and reduction of therapeutic possibilities OBJECTIVES: The objective of this project is to analyze the expression of miR124a, miR-138, miR-155, miR-1275 in human primary and peripheral blood samples from patients diagnosed with low and high grade gliomas (astrocytoma grade I, astrocytoma grade II, astrocytoma grade III, glioblastoma, oligodendroglioma grade II and oligodendroglioma grade III). PATIENTS AND METHODS: MicroRNA expression analyzes were performed using the real-time PCR technique. Sixty-five adult patients (18-65 years of age) with confirmed histopathological diagnosis of glioma with cryopreserved tumor biological material stored at the Bank of Tumors of the Central Nervous System of HCFMRP were analyzed. Information collected in the medical records regarding clinical, epidemiological, clinical and radiological characteristics and time for recurrence and death were collected. Considering a level of significance of 5%, the association of categorical qualitative variables and microRNA expression were performed by the Mann-Whitney test. Survival analysis was performed using the Kaplan-Meier non-parametric method. RESULTS: The microRNAs under study did not present hyperexpression in tumor tissue of patients diagnosed with glioblastoma. Only miR-1275 showed increased expression in patients diagnosed with pilocytic astrocytoma and grade II oligodendroglioma. In addition, tumors of low and high grade oligodendroglial lineage demonstrated overexpression of miR-1275. In peripheral blood, significant hypoexpression of miR-1275, miR-124 and miR-138 were observed in a glioblastoma sample. There was also a marked hypoexpression of miR-138 in samples of grade III oligodendroglioma. CONCLUSION: The microRNAs miR-124a, miR-138, miR155 and miR-1275 did not show hyperexpression in tumor tissue of patients diagnosed with GBM. MiR-1275 showed increased expression in patients diagnosed with pilocytic astrocytoma and miR-155 was hyperexpressed only in samples of grade II oligodendroglioma. In addition, tumors of oligodendroglial lineage, of low and high grades, demonstrated hyperexpression of miR-1275 and miR-124a. In peripheral blood, significant hypoexpression of miR-1275, miR-124 and miR-138 were observed in the GBM sample as well as marked hypoexpression of miR-138 in samples of grade III oligodendroglioma
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The Relationship of Sex and Age at Entrance to School to Second Grade AchievementJernigan, Sharon Reynolds 12 1900 (has links)
This investigation compared achievement of boys and girls in second grade who were seven years old in June, July, and August of 1983 to the boys and girls in second grade who were eight years old in September, October, and November of 1983. The students were tested using the Iowa Test of Basic Skills using the following areas: reading, total math, and composite scores. The study also looked at the correlation of sex and age of students who had been retained in first grade. A comparison of teacher grades to standardized test scores and ability grouping was also presented. One way analysis of variance was applied to the test results. A chi square test of independence was conducted on students retained in the first grade to determine if interaction between sex and age was indicated. Older children scored higher in all three areas measured, while girls scored higher in reading. This may seem contradictory, but is not. Age was significant beyond the .05 level, while sex was significant beyond the .001 level. This difference is explained by the extremes in means for younger boys and older girls. Since first grade curriculum emphasizes reading, this gave girls a definite advantage over boys. Boys, however, scored significantly higher in math. The results indicate a need for restructuring curriculum to meet the needs of boys and girls. Younger boys in second grade scored the lowest in all areas tested, except math. These scores would have been even more significant if the boys who were not promoted to second grade could have been included in the second grade testing. These findings indicate that total developmental age is the most important factor when considering admission for school. A closer look should be taken at the requirements for school entrance. The factors that must be considered are chronological age, mental age, physical maturity, emotional and social maturity, behavior age, and sex.
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Response to Intervention in Meeting Academic Needs of At-Risk Students in Kindergarten Through Second Grade: Teacher Perceptions of ImplementationValentine, Tammy C., Scott, Pamela H., Good, Donald W. 01 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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The Effects of Transitional Challenges on Ninth Grade School DropoutsJones, Merlene Leona 01 January 2017 (has links)
The high dropout rate of the United States Virgin Islands school district's ninth-grade students is a major educational problem and the catalyst for a myriad of social problems. Ninth grade academies and extended school day intervention programs have benefited only the academically prepared students. This qualitative case study examined educators' perceptions of the challenges that led to the increased dropout rate of the district's ninth-grade students. Bandura's self-efficacy theory and Atkinson's motivational achievement theory formed the foundational pillars for this study. The research questions were focused on challenges that led to the increased dropout rate of ninth-grade students and the programs implemented to support dropout prevention. The data collection methods consisted of questionnaires from 4 administrators, 4 counselors, and 16 core-subject teachers, and semi-structured group interviews with 2 administrators, 2 counselors, and 8 core subject teachers. Analysis of the data included coding and the identification of common themes. The findings showed that poor school attendance, academic unpreparedness, and disciplinary infractions were some of the challenges that resulted in premature school dropout. Interpretation of the data confirmed that the implementation of proactive and reactive approaches, modified instructional methods, and intervention strategies have proven ineffective. After 10 years, the ninth grade academies of the school district have had no significant effect on promotion or retention rates. The introduction of Ninth Grade Completion via Career Curriculum Academies, a combination of college preparatory and vocational skills classes, may transform education for ninth-graders, increase promotional rates, and benefit the larger community.
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Implication de la sortiline dans la résistance des cellules cancéreuses au 5-Fluorouracile. Cas du cancer colorectal / Involvement of sortilin in the resistance of colorectal cancer cells to 5-Fluorouracil.Blondy, Sabrina 02 July 2019 (has links)
Le cancer colorectal (CCR) représente la seconde cause de mortalité par cancer dans le monde. Les tumeurs sont classées selon les grades histologiques (état de différenciation cellulaire), en bas et haut grades. Les grades les plus avancés sont associés à de faibles taux de survie globale après chimiothérapie à base de 5-Fluorouracile (5-FU). Les taux de réponse aux traitements basés sur l’utilisation du 5-FU en première ligne de traitement demeurent relativement faibles (20–30%) et associés à de mauvais pronostics et des échappements thérapeutiques, dus à la résistance des cellules cancéreuses. Ces données soulignent donc la nécessité d’identifier de nouveaux biomarqueurs de résistance des cellules de CCR au 5-FU. Les travaux réalisés au cours de cette thèse ont porté sur l’étude de la sortiline, une protéine « multi-tâches » appartenant à la famille des récepteurs à domaine VPS10P avec sorLA et sorCS1-3, qui agit comme un (co)récepteur et un régulateur du traffic et de la sécrétion de protéines. La sortiline (et non sorLA), constitue un biomarqueur d’agressivité dans le CCR et est de mauvais pronostique. In vivo et in vitro, au sein des tumeurs et des cellules de CCR (lignées cellulaires et cultures primaires) résistantes au 5-FU, seule la sortiline apparait surexprimée au niveau transcriptomique et protéique. Ces données indiquent que la sortiline constitue également un biomarqueur de résistance au 5-FU, quels que soient les grades, stades et statuts mutationnels. Cette surexpression de la sortiline est majoritairement localisée au sein de l’appareil de Golgi des cellules résistantes et semble être régulée transcriptionnellement via une down-régulation d’ATF-3. L’inhibition génétique (shRNA) ou pharmacologique (CADA) de la sortiline potentialise les effets cytotoxiques du 5-FU, résultant en une forte augmentation de la mort cellulaire. La sortiline semble donc être également impliquée dans la résistance des cellules de CCR au 5-FU ; l’expression de sorLA ne variant pas après son inhbition. Ces résultats suggèrent que la sortiline pourrait constituer un biomarqueur d’agressivité et de résistance des cellules de CCR au 5-FU, mais aussi une nouvelle cible thérapeutique potentielle. / Worldwide, colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Colorectal adenocarcinomas are divided into low and high grades. More advanced tumor grade is associated with poorer global survival following 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-based systemic chemotherapy. Even when 5-FU is used as the first-line molecule, responsiveness is only 20–30%, and drug resistance contributes to both poor patient prognosis and relapses, emphasizing the need to identify biomarkers involved in this process. In this study, we focused on sortilin, a multifunctional protein among VPS10P domain-related receptors with sorLA and sorCS1-3, that acts as a receptor and co-receptor as well as a regulator of intra- and extracellular protein sorting and trafficking. We obtained evidence that sortilin, but not sorLA, is a biomarker of CRC aggressiveness associated with poor clinical outcomes. In vivo and in vitro, in both 5-FU–resistant CRC cell lines and primary cultures, only sortilin was overexpressed at both protein and mRNA levels, indicating that it could serve as a biomarker of 5-FU resistance regardless of tumor grade and mutational status. Sortilin overexpression is especially localized in Golgi apparatus of 5-FU resistant cells and seems to be transcriptionally regulated through ATF-3 downregulation. Genetic (shRNA) and pharmacological (CADA) inhibition of sortilin potentiated 5-FU–induced cytotoxicity, resulting in a significant increase in cancer cell eradication, implying that sortilin is also actively involved in 5-FU resistance. Moreover, sorLA expression is unchanged upon sortilin inhibition. Our findings indicate that sortilin is a promising biomarker of 5-FU resistance in CRC, as well as a potential therapeutic target for overcoming 5-FU resistance.
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Dynamique de systèmes d'équations non-newtoniensCoulaud, Olivier 09 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour objet l'étude du comportement asymptotique des solutions des équations des fluides de grades 2 et 3. Dans le premier chapitre, on étudie les profils asymptotiques au premier ordre des solutions des équations des fluides de grade 2 en dimension 3. On démontre que les solutions des équations des fluides de grade 2 convergent vers des solutions particulières et explicites des équations de la chaleur, lorsque le temps tend vers l'infini. Ce résultat montre en particulier que les fluides de grade 2 se comportent asymptotiquement comme les fluides newtoniens régis par les équations de Navier-Stokes. Pour cette étude, on utilise les variables d'échelles (ou variables autosimilaires), et on effectue des estimations d'énergies dans divers espaces fonctionnels, en particulier dans des espaces de Sobolev à poids polynomiaux. La description des profils asymptotiques est obtenue sous des conditions de petitesse sur les données initiales de l'équation.Le second chapitre de cette thèse traite des profils asymptotiques à l'ordre 1 des solutions des équations des fluides de grade 3 en dimension 2. À l'instar des résultats du premier chapitre, on obtient ici aussi la convergence des solutions de ces équations vers des solutions explicites des équations de la chaleur. Les outils utilisés pour cette étude sont semblables à ceux utilisés pour les fluides de grade 2 en dimension 3, à savoir les variables autosimilaires et des estimations d'énergies. Dans ce cas aussi, on conclut que les fluides de grade 3 se comportent asymptotiquement comme les fluides newtoniens.Dans le dernier chapitre, on étudie l'existence d'un attracteur pour les équations des fluides de grade 3 en dimension 2 avec des conditions périodiques. On considère donc les solutions faibles de ces équations à données initiales dans l'espace de Sobolev H¹. Ces solutions faibles définissent un semi-groupe généralisé. Ensuite, on montre que les solutions à données initiales dans H² possèdent un attracteur global pour la topologie H¹. Pour ce travail, on utilise un schéma de Galerkin, des estimations a priori et une méthode de monotonie. Les principales difficultés que l'on rencontre sont liées au peu de régularité des données initiales et au fait que l'on ne sait par si les solutions des équations des fluides de grade 3 à données H¹ sont uniques.
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La visualisation : une application de la psychosynthèse auprès de groupes-classes de 2e et de 4e secondaire /St-Germain, Johanne, January 2000 (has links)
Mémoire (M.Ed.)--Université du Québec à Chicoutimi. / Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU
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