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A Study of Failure in First and Second Grade and Intervention Through Group CounselingMillaway, Jack Harmon 08 1900 (has links)
This investigation of failure in the first two grades and the effectiveness of group counseling upon the failing children seeks first to determine whether students who have failed hold a different self-concept or attitude toward school from those of students who have not. The second aim is to determine the effect of group counseling on self-concept and attitude toward school of failing students. The third purpose is to analyze the implications of these findings for elementary school counselors and teachers. The investigation's two phases include a survey study and an experimental study. The ninety-six subjects for the survey phase were selected by identifying forty-eight first and second grade students who failed their grade level in the 1972-1973 school year, and by randomly selecting a control group of forty-eight second and third grade students who had not failed a grade. For the experimental phase of the study, the forty-eight failing students were divided into an experimental group and a control group. Twenty-four were randomly placed in the counseling groups, with the remaining twenty-four as a control group.
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The Relationship of Self Concept to Participation in Extra-Curricular Activity Among Fourth Grade ChildrenCampbell, Kelli M. 12 1900 (has links)
This study attempted to determine the relationship between self concept and participation in extra-curricular activity: specifically, whether self concept differentiates between participants and nonparticipants and whether self concept scores differed between male and female participants. Sixty fourth graders were assessed on self concept by the Piers-Harris Children's Self Concept Scale. Participation or non-participation was determined by written parental response. Analysis of variance was used, with level of significance at .05. There was no evidence that participants can be distinguished from non-participants on measures of self concept. Scores on self concept did not differ for males and females.
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Training in the Value Systems for Seventh Grade Students: a Creative DesignRhodes, Sherry C. 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to design a values package to create awareness and understanding for seventh grade students in the value system so as to achieve a more complementary classroom atmosphere. The value system is a new concept based on Clare Graves' seven levels of psychological existence: Reactive, Tribalistic, Egocentric, Conformist, Manipulative, Sociocentric, Existential. In addition, the package was designed to integrate the affective and cognitive levels of learning into an experimental learning situation. The package included written material, games, and activities which are all designed to create self-awareness and maintain relevancy for the students.
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How the Social Needs of the Fourth and Fifth Grade Boys in the Public Schools of Denton, Texas, Are Being Met Through Their HobbiesHamilton, Lucy Anise 08 1900 (has links)
"The problem of this study is to determine whether the hobbies of the fourth and fifth grade boys of the public schools in Denton, Texas, are contributing to their social needs. It is believed that the intangible attributes of living, which can be mearsured neither by rule nor square, make for the well-rounded, happy, social, individual, whether he be adult or child. The degree to which an individual is adjusted socially ranges from the completely anti-social type to the fully-integrated type. The reasons for this gradation are numerous. They include the influence of the home, the school, and the playmates, as well as other factors in the general environment of the child. The purpose of this investigation is to discover whether the hobbies of the boys under consideration are potential and actual forces for integration and socialization."--leaf 1.
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The Nature Interests of the First-Grade Children of the Demonstration School, North Texas State Teachers College Denton, TexasThurman, Ina Louise 08 1900 (has links)
"The following study was undertaken as an investigation to find out the nature interests of the First Grade-children of the Demonstration School, North Texas State Teachers College, Denton, Texas."--1.
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Vad sker i klassrummet? : En studie om språkutvecklande aktiviteter inom svensk- och matematikundervisningen i årskurs 2 och 3 / What happens in the classroom? : A study of language development activities in the teaching of Swedish and mathematicsBackström, Ida, Karlsson Falk, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
Språkutveckling gynnar elevers kunskapsutveckling och framgång i skolan. Elever vars språkliga förmåga brister riskerar att få svårigheter med kunskapsutvecklingen i skolan. Lärare behöver därför kunskap om vad de kan göra för att stötta elevers språkutveckling. I denna studie undersöks förekomsten av sju språkutvecklande aktiviteter i fyra klasser inom svensk- och matematikundervisningen i årskurs 2 och 3. Lärarnas praktik dokumenteras med stöd av ett observationsschema som bygger på det brittiska observationsverktyget ”Communication Supporting Classrooms Observation Tool”. Resultatet analyseras och jämförs med avseende på skolämne och årskurs. Studien visar att de språkutvecklande aktiviteterna förekommer oftare inom svenskundervisningen men att utbudet av antal aktiviteter i matematikundervisningen är högre. Vidare visar studien att eleverna erbjuds få tillfällen att arbeta tillsammans utan att fokus istället ligger på aktiviteter som är styrda av läraren. / Language development benefits pupils’ knowledge development and progress in school. Pupils whose linguistic ability is deficient risk encountering difficulties with knowledge development in school. Teachers therefore need to know what they can do to support pupils’ language development. This study examined the occurrence of seven language development activities in four classes in Swedish and mathematics in grades 2 and 3. The practice of the teachers was documented with the support of an observation schedule based on the British “Communication Supporting Classrooms Observation Tool”. The results were analysed and compared according to school subject and grade. The study shows that language development activities occur more often in Swedish teaching but that the range of activities in mathematics teaching is wider. Moreover, the study shows that the pupils are offered few opportunities to work together, as the focus is instead on activities directed by the teacher.
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How Computer Use Functions as an Aspect of Literacy Development : A Qualitative Description of a Second-grade ClassroomKostelnik, Joyce L. 12 1900 (has links)
In this study, the researcher investigated how computer use functions as an aspect of literacy development within a second-grade classroom. The researcher sought to gather data to help define the role that computer use plays in the literacy development of elementary school students by concentrating on how computers are actually used in the classroom being studied, and by looking for relationships revealed by students' and teacher's beliefs about computer use in the classroom.
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Classificação de alunos no ensino fundamental: a imputação do fracasso ou sucesso a alunos do ciclo IILara, Patrícia Tanganelli 29 August 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-08-29 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study analizes the scolastic inclusion and exclusion of students in the 8th grade,
verifying the reasons for which the students present scolastic success or weakness. The
main objective of the research was to identify and characterize scolastic inclusion and
exclusion of students at the end of the eight grade in relation to the organizational aspects
of the school and the curiculum being used at the school, as seen through the work of the
teachers, as well as in relation to the social and cultural characteristics of all the school
employees. The main theoretical references for the present study were Bourdieu, in order
to comprehend the meaning of the categories allotted by the teachers for the students and
those excluded from the interior; Charlot, to clarify the relation to knowledge; and Lahire,
to discuss the scholastic success amongst the lower-class population. To explain the
processes of selection existent in the day to day school environment, Apple was consulted.
The data collected refers to observation within the school, including the 8th grade students
of a public school situated in the city of São Paulo em 2007; to the questionaires applied to
and interviews with teachers and students throughout the time period; and to the analysis of
documents related to the evaluations of the students when in the 8th grade and prior (when
in the 4th grade), and other information from general evaluation tests, and from scolastic
organization. The results indicate that the production of scholastic success or weakness
was an institutional factor, including the actions of all school employees, be it by the
classification used, be it by the maintenance of them throughout the years, be it by the
institutions that decided the lives of the students, and be it by the actions of the team of
directors in omitting many times the conditions or change in conditions needed for
betterment and not providing substitution rather than suspension of so many classes, which
only worsened the precariousness of the attention given. These actions within the school
demonstrate strong traits of school culture, which proportions the scholastic inclusion or
exclusion of students / Este estudo analisa a inclusão e a exclusão escolar de alunos no último ano do ciclo II,
verificando por quais razões os alunos apresentam sucesso ou fracasso escolar. O objetivo
central da pesquisa foi identificar e caracterizar a inclusão e a exclusão escolar de alunos do
final do ciclo II em suas relações com aspectos da organização da escola e do currículo em
ação na escola, por meio do trabalho dos professores, bem como das características sociais
e culturais dos agentes da escola. Os principais referenciais teóricos do presente estudo
foram Bourdieu, a fim de compreender o que significam as categorias do juízo professoral
sobre os alunos e os excluídos do interior; Charlot, para esclarecer a relação com o saber;
Lahire, para discutir o sucesso escolar nos meios populares. Para explicar os processos de
rotulação existentes no cotidiano escolar, recorreu-se a Apple. Os dados coletados referemse
à observação no interior da escola, inclusive nas turmas de 8ª série de uma escola pública
municipal situada na cidade de São Paulo em 2007; a questionários e entrevistas ao longo
do percurso para professores e alunos; a análise dos documentos relativos às avaliações dos
alunos na 8ª série e prévia (4ª série), e outros advindos das provas de avaliação externa da
escola, e da organização escolar. Os resultados indicaram que a produção do sucesso e do
fracasso escolar foi uma questão institucional, perpassando a atuação de todos os agentes da
escola, seja pelas classificações efetuadas, seja pela manutenção delas ao longo dos anos,
seja pelos órgãos que decidiram a vida dos alunos ou, ainda, pela atuação da equipe
dirigente, omissa muitas vezes em prover condições ou alterá-las para outra direção, ou
mesmo providenciar substituições e não suspensão de tantas aulas, o que só agravou a
precariedade do atendimento. Essas ações no interior da escola demonstram traços fortes da
cultura escolar, que propiciam a inclusão ou a exclusão escolar de alunos
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Caracter?sticas do trabalho e emprego da equipe de sa?de da fam?lia: an?lise de indicadores de precariza??oLopes, Elizabete Silva de Jesus 20 March 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2015-09-16T23:54:46Z
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DISSETAC?O - Elizabete Silva de Jesus Lopes - 2013.pdf: 2904294 bytes, checksum: fa71e691cbbf19e2e1961ca5514f2120 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-03-20 / The casualization of labor is one of the main problems associated with globalization and the restructuring of production processes in the capitalist system. Contributes to change the characteristics of the labor and employment in general, and particularly in the health sector. This study aimed to evaluate the characteristics of the labor and employment of the Family Health Program (PSF), focusing on indicators of precarious work in Feira de Santana, Bahia in 2012. This is an epidemiological cohort study cross- exploratory- descriptive, with a random sample stratified by geographic location, occupational category and level of assistance. Applied to 1,041 workers structured municipal public questionnaire. For the types of characteristics of vulnerable employment and working on the indicators of precariousness used the Grade of Membership (GoM) method - degree of belonging. 3 profiles were generated : profile " 1 " , characterized by less vulnerable workers , but with lower incomes; Profile " 2 " marked by workers in poorer working conditions and employment profile " 3 " less vulnerable workers , but with low social support . Findings reveal the existence of different vulnerabilities on indicators of precarious work among groups of workers PSF. Suggested to different actions for each group of workers in order to desprecarizar conditions of employment. / A precariza??o do trabalho constitui um dos principais problemas associados ? globaliza??o e aos processos de reestrutura??o produtiva no sistema capitalista. Contribui para alterar as caracter?sticas do trabalho e emprego de forma geral, e em particular no setor sa?de. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar as caracter?sticas do trabalho e emprego do Programa de Sa?de da Fam?lia (PSF), com enfoque em indicadores de precariza??o do trabalho, no munic?pio de Feira de Santana, Bahia no ano de 2012. Trata-se de um estudo epidemiol?gico de corte transversal do tipo explorat?rio-descritivo, com amostra aleat?ria estratificada por ?rea geogr?fica, categoria profissional e n?vel de assist?ncia. Aplicou-se question?rio estruturado a 1.041 trabalhadores da rede p?blica municipal. Para obter as tipologias das caracter?sticas do emprego e trabalho vulner?veis quanto aos indicadores de precariza??o utilizou-se o m?todo Grade of Membership (GoM) - grau de pertencimento. Foram gerados 3 perfis: perfil "1", caracterizado por trabalhadores menos vulner?veis, por?m com baixos rendimentos; perfil "2? marcado por trabalhadores em piores condi??es de trabalho e emprego e perfil "3" trabalhadores menos vulner?veis, por?m com baixo suporte social. Os achados revelam a exist?ncia de diferentes vulnerabilidades referentes aos indicadores de precariza??o do trabalho entre os grupos de trabalhadores do PSF o que pode estar relacionado as condi??es de trabalho e emprego, a organiza??o dos servi?os e aos aspectos psicossociais do trabalho: demanda psicol?gicas advindas do trabalho, controle sobre o pr?prio trabalho, suporte social do chefe e dos colegas de trabalho. Sugere-se a??es diferenciadas para cada grupo de trabalhadores.
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Interscholastic Sports Academic Performance and Attendance of Middle School Student Athletes and Nonathletes.Samuelson, Kenneth Huey 17 December 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine if student athletes were more successful in school than nonathletes at 2 middle schools located in the same school district in Western North Carolina. Each school serves students in grades 6-8; however, data were only gathered from students in grades 7 and 8 because students in grade 6 are prohibited from participating in athletics at the middle school level. The testing variables included number of days absent from school, percentile score on Math End-of-Grade tests, percentile score on Reading End-of-Grade tests, final grade in math courses, and final grade in reading courses. Grouping variables were students in the same cohort with data obtained from 7th grade during the 2009-2010 school year, followed by data obtained from 8th grade during the 2010-2011 school year. Results were analyzed from School A, School B, and Schools A and B combined. Independent samples t-tests were used to make comparisons between student athletes and nonathletes for each of the variables. Based on the findings of this study, middle school students involved in interscholastic sports missed fewer days of school than students who were not involved in athletics. Differences were found in End-of-Grade Math and Reading percentile scores between student athletes and nonathletes in School B. Students who participated in athletics tended to earn higher End-of-Grade percentile scores. No significant differences were found for the same assessments in the other middle school. Data from both schools combined have found no significant difference in Reading End-of-Grade percentile scores; however, students who participated in athletics tended to have a higher percentile scored on Math End-of-Grade exams than student nonathletes. School B had significant differences in student outcomes in final grades for both math and reading courses with the student athletes earning a higher grade. School A did not have a significant difference in final grades for math courses but did have a significant difference in final grades for reading courses with student athletes earning a higher grade. Data from both schools combined found a significant difference between student athletes and nonathletes in final grades for math and reading courses. Student athletes tended to have a higher grade in each subject when compared to nonathletes.
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