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Paramètres minéralogiques et microtexturaux utilisables dans les études de traçabilité des minerais métalliques / Mineralogical and microtextural parameters used in metal ores traceability studiesMachault, Julie 07 November 2012 (has links)
Que ce soit à des fins spéculatives ou pour financer des conflits armés, une grande opacité entoure les filières des concentrés de matières premières minérales dont la demande ne cesse d'augmenter. Compte-tenu de l'éloignement entre les sites primaires d'extraction et les sites de production de produits finis, il est difficile d'identifier l'origine de ces produits. Dans un souci de traçabilité des concentrés, l'établissement d'une carte d'identité du minerai permettrait le contrôle des échanges dans l'industrie minérale. Le problème peut être posé en termes d'inversion: remonter au minerai d'origine en étudiant le produit vendu. Deux stades doivent être distingués: 1) la caractérisation du minerai brut et 2) la « perte de mémoire » des caractéristiques du tout-venant au cours du traitement minéralurgique. Les paramètres retenus sont la composition minéralogique, l'identification de microfaciès caractéristiques des minéraux cibles, la pseudo-succession paragénétique, le contenu et la distribution en éléments mineurs de minéraux cibles. Les minéraux cibles retenus sont la pyrite pour son ubiquité, la sphalérite car elle est susceptible d'incorporer une grande variété d'éléments mineurs, éventuellement valorisants ainsi que la chalcopyrite car elle est souvent liée aux deux autres minéraux. La comparaison de la composition chimique des phases minérales est effectuée en calculant la distance de Kolmogorov-Smirnov et de Colin-White. Des tests ont été réalisés sur les gîtes de type amas sulfuré volcanogène. Ils ont montré que les caractéristiques retenues permettaient de distinguer les pyrites, les sphalérites et les chalcopyrites de deux gisements de la province Sud-Ibérique (IPB), de sept gisements de la province d’Oural et du fumeur noir actuel de Rainbow. Les cartes d’identité obtenues permettent de discriminer les différents sites (IPB, Oural et Rainbow) et les gisements d’une même province. Les paramètres minéralogiques et microtexturaux ont également été suivis au cours du traitement minéralurgique de la mine de Neves Corvo. Pour une chaîne de traitement donnée, le paramètre « perte de mémoire » est une estimation de l'erreur commise lors de l'inversion, mais aussi une façon de caractériser une succession d'opérations minéralurgiques. / The demand in mineral resources is increasing rapidly, but there is a lack of transparency in the trade of concentrated raw mineral materials because of speculation and involvement in the financing of armed conflicts. Because of the distance between the primary extraction and the final production sites it is difficult to check the origin of such products. An identity card is required for minerals which would permit trading in the mineral industry to be verified and ensure traceability of concentrates. This problem may be considered as an inversion process: studying the products sold to identify the original ore. Two steps may be distinguished: 1) the characterization of the raw ore and 2) the “memory loss” of the crude ore characteristics during its mineral processing. The discriminant parameters are mineralogical composition, identification of textural microfacies of the target minerals, pseudo-paragenetic sequence, and the contents and distribution of minor elements of target minerals. The selected target minerals are pyrite, for its ubiquity, sphalerite for its ability to host numerous discriminant and potentially valuable minor elements in its lattice and chalcopyrite for its proximity with the two others minerals. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance and the Colin-White test are used to compare the chemical composition of the three target minerals. The application to Volcanic Massive Sulfide ore deposit showed that the selected characteristics permit to distinguish pyrite, sphalerite and chalcopyrite between two ore deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt province, seven ore deposits from the Urals province and a currently active Rainbow blacksmoker. From the established identity cards ore deposits from different provinces may be discriminated. Identity cards can also distinguish different deposits in the same province. Evolution of mineralogical and microtextural parameters was studied during the mineral processing of the Neves Corvo mine. For a given processing chain, the “memory loss” parameter is an estimate of the errors introduced in the inversion from concentrate to the original ore and can be used to characterize a given processing flow.
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Les isotopes du lithium, traceurs de la zone critique de la Terre : du local au global / Lithium isotopes as tracers of the critical zone of the Earth : from local to global scalesHenchiri, Soufian 22 September 2017 (has links)
La Zone Critique de la Terre désigne la fine pellicule recouvrant sa surface, à l’interface du cycle de l’eau, de lithosphère et de la biosphère. Cette couche est produite à sa base par altération chimique et détruite à son sommet par érosion mécanique. Parce que le lithium et ses isotopes ont la particularité de se partager entre la phase dissoute et la phase solide au cours des réactions d’interactions eaux-roches, nous explorons, dans cette thèse, le potentiel des isotopes du lithium dissous dans les rivières comme traceurs des processus d’altération chimique des continents. Nous nous sommes focalisés, dans un premier temps, sur le Bassin Congolais. Cette étude met en évidence le caractère équivoque de la réponse de la composition isotopique du Li (δ7Li) dissous des rivières aux topographies plates (et aux intensités d’altération élevées). Deux valeurs extrêmes de δ7Li dissous sont, en effet, produites dans le bassin du Congo, qui tracent deux styles d’altération continentale distincts, dans lesquels les processus d’altération chimique sont différents. D’autre part, nous proposons une nouvelle estimation du flux moyen de Li et de sa composition isotopique moyenne exportés à l’océan par les rivières aujourd’hui (5,5×1010 g.an−1 et 19±2‰, respectivement). Nous montrons que le δ7Li dissous dans les grands fleuves est contrôlé, au premier ordre, par la réincorporation du Li dans les minéraux secondaires (dans les sols et les plaines d’inondation) et, d’une manière équivoque, de l’intensité d’altération. En outre, l’étude des δ7Li dissous dans les rivières drainant les îles volcaniques (Islande, Java, Martinique, Sao Miguel et Réunion) montre que l’hydrothermalisme continental, générant des eaux très concentrées en Li avec une valeur basse de δ7Li (car très peu fractionnée par rapport à la roche mère basaltique), influence le δ7Li dissous des rivières des îles volcaniques et peut avoir un impact significatif sur le flux de Li (et son δ7Li) transféré(s) à l’océan à l’échelle globale. Enfin, nous proposons une interprétation de l’augmentation de l’ordre de 9‰ qu’a connue la signature isotopique du Li de l’eau de mer au cours du Cénozoïque à l’aide d’un modèle de boîtes simple de l’océan et au regard de nos résultats. Il émane de ce travail de thèse que les isotopes du Li dissous dans les rivières prouvent là encore leur capacité à être de bons traceurs des régimes d’altération des roches silicatées continentales (et ce, même en contexte anthropisé, comme le montre notre étude du bassin de l’Orgeval, en Seine-et-Marne). Le Li et ses isotopes constituent donc des traceurs prometteurs de la Zone Critique de la Terre et des paléo-processus d’altération chimique ainsi que de l’évolution géodynamique des continents voire des grands mouvements verticaux affectant la lithosphère continentale / The Critical Zone of the Earth is the layer covering its surface, at the interface between the water cycle, the lithosphere and the biosphere. This layer is produced at its base by chemical weathering and destroyed at its top by mechanical erosion. We explore the potential of lithium isotopes dissolved in rivers as tracers of continental chemical weathering processes as lithium and its isotopes are highly fractionated between the dissolved and solid phases during water-rock interaction processes. First, we are focused on the Congo Bassin. This study demonstrates the equivocal response of the isotopic composition of the riverine dissolved Li isotope compositions (δ7Li) to flat topography (and high weathering intensities). Two extreme values of dissolved δ7Li are produced in the Congo Basin, which trace two distinct continental weathering styles in which chemical weathering processes are different. On the other hand, we refined the mean flux of Li and its average isotopic signature exported to the ocean by rivers today (5.5×1010 g. an-1 et 19±2‰, respectively). We show that dissolved δ7Li in large rivers is controlled, at first-order, by the re-incorporation of Li into secondary weathering minerals (in soils and floodplains) and in, an equivocal way, of the weathering intensity. Moreover, the study of dissolved δ7Li in rivers draining volcanic islands (Iceland, Java, Martinique, Sao Miguel and Reunion) shows that continental hydrothermal activity, producing waters with high Li concentration with low value of δ7Li (as low fractionated towards the basaltic bedrock), influences the dissolved δ7Li in rivers of volcanic islands and can have an impact on the Li flux (and its δ7Li) transferred to the ocean on a global scale. Finally, by using a simple box model of the ocean and our results, we suggest an interpretation of the 9‰ increase of seawater δ7Li during the Cenozoic. This thesis highlights that riverine dissolved Li isotopes confirm once again their capacity to be powerful tracers of the weathering regimes of continental silicate rocks (even in anthropized context, as showed by our study of the Orgeval catchment, in Seine-et-Marne). Li and its isotopes are thus promising tracers of the Critical Zone of the Earth and the chemical weathering paleo-processes as well as the long-term geodynamic evolution of the continents or even the large vertical movements affecting the continental lithosphere
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Caractérisations structurale et pétrophysique d'un système géothermique en contexte volcanique d'arc de subduction : exemple de l’archipel de Guadeloupe / Structural and petrophysical characterizations of a geothermal system in a subduction volcanic setting : Guadeloupe archipelagoNavelot, Vivien 31 October 2018 (has links)
La zone de Vieux-Habitants rassemble les indices permettant de supposer la présence d’un système hydrothermal de haute température. Les données géophysiques acquises pour la prospection de ce système ne suffisent pas à sa compréhension qui nécessite l’analyse d’analogues. Pour proposer un modèle de système géothermique de cette zone, une analyse multiscalaire de la déformation fragile et une caractérisation des propriétés pétrophysiques des formations volcaniques ont été ménées sur trois paléo systèmes. L’analyse des populations de fractures montre que leur organisation n’est pas régie par une seule loi mathématique. Les faciès volcano-sédimentaires sont peu déformés ou de manière très localisée contrairement aux laves dont les densités de fracturation sont fortes. L’analyse de la distribution des faciès hydrothermalisés par rapport à ces structures indique qu’à l’échelle kilométrique, certaines intersections de failles contrôlent le drainage des fluides et localisent les zones d’altération hydrothermale prononcée. Les faciès sont divisés en grands groupes en fonction de leur nature et de leur degré d’altération. Ils montrent une grande variabilité des propriétés pétrophysiques. A l’état sain, les laves d’une part et les faciès pyroclastiques et de coulées de débris d’autre part, constituent deux groupes bien distincts. L’altération hydrothermale induit une restructuration totale du squelette matriciel et du réseau poreux. Elle permet une forte atténuation du signal magnétique et le développement d’un groupe ayant des propriétés réservoirs intermédiaires en diminuant les propriétés réservoirs des dépôts volcano-sédimentaires et en améliorant celles des laves. Le modèle de réservoir ainsi disponible conjugue des éléments structuraux et des hétérogénéités lithologiques permettant le transfert rapide des fluides, alors que les propriétés matricielles d’origines primaire et secondaire vont plutôt contrôler les propriétés de stockage de fluide et de chaleur. / The Vieux-Habitants area gathers indicators allowing to suppose a high-temperature hydrothermal system. The interpretation of geophysical data acquired for the exploration of this system requires the analysis of analogues. Several hydrothermal paleo-systems were studied in order to propose a conceptual model of a geothermal system for the Vieux-Habitants area. Studies of these analogues are based on a multi-scale study of the brittle deformation and a petrophysical characterization of the different volcanic rocks. The organization of fractures indicates the occurrence of a characteristic scale for each level of observation. Volcano-sedimentary units are far less deformed compared to highly fractured lavas. The brittle deformation in volcano-sedimentary deposits is highly localized in fractured corridors. Some fault intersections control major fluid flow at the kilometer scale. Moreover, the most hydrothermalized rocks are localized in the vicinity of these intersections. Volcanic rocks are divided according to their mechanism of formation (lava, debris flow…) and their degree of alteration. They exhibit strong heterogeneities of petrophysical properties. Fresh rocks are separated in two distinct groups, on one side lavas and on the other side debris flows and pyroclastic deposits. Hydrothermal alteration produces mineralogical replacements involving a complete reorganization of both the matrix skeleton and the pore network. It is marked by a removal of magnetic signal, an increase of porosity and permeability in lavas and a decrease of these properties in debris flows and pyroclastic deposits. Therefore, hydrothermalized rocks form a group with intermediate reservoir properties between the two groups of fresh rocks. The reservoir model combines both structural components and lithological heterogeneities that allow an efficient fluid transfer, whereas the matrix properties of primary and secondary origins will rather control the fluid and heat storage properties.
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Meeting of the magmas : the evolutionary history of the Kalama Eruptive Period, Mount St. Helens, WashingtonLieuallen, Athena Erin 14 October 2010 (has links)
Comprehension of eruptive histories is critical in understanding the evolution of magmatic systems at arc volcanoes and may supply evidence to the petrogenesis of intermediate and evolved magmas. Within the 300 ka eruptive history of Mount St. Helens, Washington, the Kalama Eruptive Period, 1479- ~1750 CE was bracketed by interludes of quiescence (Hoblitt et al., 1980) and thus likely represents an entire eruptive cycle within a span of 300 years. Study of the magmatic evolution during this short time period provides key information regarding inputs and the plumbing system of Mount St. Helens. This research aims to enhance comprehension of processes leading to the petrogenesis of intermediate magmas by providing whole rock and phase geochemical data of an eruptive cycle, thereby providing constraints on the magmatic evolution of the Kalama Eruptive Period.
The eruptive sequence is divided into early, middle and late subperiods. The early Kalama began with two dacitic plinian eruptions and continued with smaller eruptions of dacite domes (64.4-66.5 wt% SiO₂) that included quenched mafic inclusions (53.7-57.7 wt% SiO₂). The middle Kalama signified the onset of basaltic andesite and andesite eruptions ranging between 55.5-58.5 wt % SiO₂. Subsequently, summit domes that began as felsic andesite (61-62.5 wt% SiO₂) and transitioned to dacite (62.5-64.6 wt% SiO₂) dominated the late Kalama. Previous work on Kalama-aged rocks suggests magma mixing is an integral process in their production. Compositions and textures of crystal phases, in addition to the presence of xenocrysts in middle and late Kalama rocks, confirm mechanical mixing of magmas likely produced many of the sampled compositions.
New petrographic observations were integrated with new whole rock and phase EMP and LA-ICP-MS data and the known stratigraphy in order to constrain the magmatic and crustal components active during the Kalama Eruptive Period. New findings include:
1. Two populations of quenched mafic inclusions, one olivine-rich and one olivine-poor, are identified from the early Kalama based on mineralogy, textures, and major and trace element chemistry. Major element modeling shows crustal anatexis of plutonic inclusions found in early Kalama dacites could produce the felsic magma source of the olivine-poor population. The olivine-rich population incorporated cumulate material.
2. Four distinct lava populations erupted during the early part of the middle Kalama (X lavas), including two found exclusively in lahar deposits: M-type lahars are the most mafic, B-type lahars are more mixed, the Two Finger Flow was previously grouped with other middle Kalama-age lavas, and the X lava (in situ) has unique geochemical and textural character. X tephras likely correlate with the lavas.
3. There were at least three mafic source contributions at Mount St. Helens during the eruptive period: the parent to the X deposits, the cumulate material in the olivine-rich QMIs, and the calc-alkaline parent to the MKLV and SDO.
The magma reservoir at Mount St. Helens has been modeled as a single, elongate chamber (Pallister et al., 1992). Multiple coeval basaltic or basaltic andesite parents fluxing into the magmatic system beneath the volcano could indicate a more complex magma chamber structure. / Graduation date: 2011
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Darstellung magmatischer Prozesse über die U-Th Ungleichgewichts-Methode. Vergleich von zwei andinen magmatichen Systemen: Vulkan El Misti (Südperu) versus des Taapaca Vulkankomplexes (Nordchile). / Magmatic processes by U-Th disequilibria method.Comparison of two Andean systems:El Misti Volcano (S. Peru) and Taapaca Volcanic Center (N. Chile).Kiebala, Aneta 03 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Hydromechanische Modellierung potenzieller geothermischer Rotliegend-Reservoire / Hydromechanical Modelling of geothermal Rotliegend-ReservoirsSchneider-Löbens, Christiane 22 August 2013 (has links)
Die Rotliegend-Vulkanite aus dem Norddeutschen Becken (NDB) sind in jüngster Zeit stärker in den Fokus geothermischer Betrachtung gerückt. Ein wichtiger Meilenstein war das Forschungsprojekt Groß Schönebeck, bei dem wider Erwarten die Vulkanite als sekundärer Zielhorizont die besten Voraussetzungen
für eine geothermische Erschließung boten. Über die hydraulisch/mechanischen Eigenschaften der Vulkanite im Untergrund ist jedoch kaum etwas bekannt und auch die Oberflächenäquivalente sind hinsichtlich geothermisch relevanter Parameter weitgehend unerforscht. Aus den positiven Erfahrungen des Standorts Schönebeck entstand die Motivation einer umfangreichen Analyse der Rotliegend-Vulkanite mit Blick auf eine tiefengeothermische Nutzung. Es wurden thermische, felsmechanische und petrophysikalische Untersuchungen von sieben Oberflächenäquivalenten durchgeführt; drei der Oberflächengesteine
sowie zwei Tiefenbohrungen wurden ferner hinsichtlich auftretender Kluftmuster analysiert. Die Daten fungieren als Eingangsparameter für hydraulische sowie hydromechanische numerische Modellierungen zur Potenzialabschätzung und zum Prozessverständnis. Die thermische Analyse der Gesteine ergab eine hohe Wärmeleitfähigkeit für die quarzreichen und dichten Vulkanitvarietäten. Durch die Wärmekapazität und die Reservoirtemperatur wurde das technische Strompotenzial
für die Eruptionsstadien ermittelt. Das größte Potenzial liegt im explosiven Ignimbritstadium und im Post-Ignimbritstadium und wird auf einen Wert geschätzt, der allein dem 20-fachen des deutschen Jahresstromverbrauchs entspricht. Regional betrachtet ist das größte Potenzial bei Standortwahl im zentralen
östlichen NDB zu erwarten. Die untersuchten Vulkanite sind überwiegend dicht und erfordern Stimulationsmaßnahmen für eine erfolgreiche Erschließung. Auch die stärker porösen Tuffe erreichen nicht die erforderliche Matrixpermeabilität
für einen Porenleiter. Triaxiale Druckversuche unter in-situ Spannungsbedingungen haben jedoch gezeigt, dass es nur bedingt möglich ist, Risse im intakten Gestein zu erzeugen. Man ist folglich auf eine gestörte Kruste, also Klüfte im Gestein angewiesen. Sowohl die Oberflächengesteine als auch die Vulkanite im Untergrund sind nachweislich geklüftet. Das tektonische Grundmuster beschreibt Klüfte, die NW-SE bis NNW-SSE sowie NE-SW bis NNE-SSW orientiert sind und dabei steil einfallen. Die Scherfestigkeitskriterien der Kluftflächen liegen deutlich unterhalb derer für das intakte Gestein, so dass die Bedingung für eine Aktivierung der Klüfte im Spannungsfeld des NDB positiv bewertet wird. Die Kluftdaten wurden zum Zwecke numerischer Modellierungen in diskrete Kluftnetzwerkmodelle überführt. Hydraulische Modellierungen ergaben eine bevorzugte Fließrichtung in NW-SE. Die mit der Tiefe zunehmende Kluftschließung führt zu einer Durchlässigkeit, die für eine geothermische Nutzung nicht ausreichend ist, das Gestein muss hydraulisch stimuliert werden. Eine Stimulation der Kluftflächen zur Steigerung der Fließrate wurde mittels hydromechanischer Modellierungen erfolgreich dargestellt. Die wichtigsten Kriterien für eine erfolgreiche Stimulation sind die Geometrie des Kluftsystems und die Orientierung des Spannungsfelds.
Aufgrund der überwiegend vertikalen Kluftflächen im Vulkanit und der hohen Vertikalspannung im tiefengeothermischen Reservoir wird eine Erschließung über das Multiriss-Konzept empfohlen. Durch den in der vorliegenden Arbeit dargestellten methodischen Ansatz kann mittels repräsentativer Eingangsparameter für einen Standort entsprechend der notwendige Injektionsdruck sowie die Art und Intensität der Verformung der Kluftflächen für eine hydraulische Stimulation prognostiziert werden.
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The magmatic-hydrothermal architecture of the Archean Volcanic Massive Sulfide (VMS) System at Panorama, Pilbara, Western AustraliaDrieberg, Susan L. January 2003 (has links)
[Truncated abstract. Formulae and special characters can only be approximated here. Please see the pdf version of this abstract for an accurate representation.] The 3.24 Ga Panorama VMS District, located in the Pilbara Craton of Western Australia, is exposed as a cross-section through subvolcanic granite intrusions and a coeval submarine volcanic sequence that hosts Zn-Cu mineralization. The near-complete exposure across the district, the very low metamorphic grade, and the remarkable preservation of primary igneous and volcanic textures provides an unparalleled opportunity to examine the P-T-X-source evolution of a VMS ore-forming system and to assess the role of the subvolcanic intrusions as heat sources and/or metal contributors to the overlying VMS hydrothermal system. Detailed mapping of the Panorama VMS District has revealed seven major vein types related to the VMS hydrothermal system or to the subvolcanic intrusions. (1) Quartz-chalcopyrite veins, hosted in granophyric granite immediately beneath the granite-volcanic contact, formed prior to main stage VMS hydrothermal convection, and were precipitated from mixed H2OCO 2-NaCl-KCl fluids with variable salinities (2.5 to 8.5 wt% NaCl equiv). (2) Quartz-sericite veins, ubiquitous across the top 50m of the volcanic sequence, were formed from an Archean seawater with a salinity of 9.7 to 11.2 wt% NaCl equiv at temperatures of 90° to 135°C. These veins formed synchronous with the regional feldspar-sericite-quartz-ankerite alteration during seawater recharge into the main stage VMS hydrothermal convection cells. (3) Quartz-pyrite veins hosted in granophyric granite, and (4) quartz-carbonate-pyrite veins hosted in andesitebasalt, also formed from relatively unevolved Archean seawater (5.5 to 10.1 wt% NaCl equiv; 150° to 225°C), but during the collapse of the VMS hydrothermal system when cool, unmodified seawater invaded the top of the subvolcanic intrusions. (5) Quartz-topaz-muscovite greisen, (6) quartz-chlorite-chalcopyrite vein greisen, and (7) hydrothermal Cu-Zn-Sn veins are hosted in the subvolcanic intrusions. Primary H2O-NaCl-CaCl2 fluid inclusions in the vein greisens were complex high temperature hypersaline inclusions (up to 590°C and up to 56 wt% NaCl equiv). The H2O-CO2-NaCl fluid inclusions in the Cu-Zn-Sn veins have variable salinities, ranging from 4.9 to 14.1 wt% NaCl equiv, and homogenization temperatures ranging from 160° to 325°C. The hydrothermal quartz veins and magmatic metasomatic phases in the subvolcanic intrusions were formed from a magmatic-hydrothermal fluid that had evolved through wallrock reactions, cooling, and finally mixing with seawater-derived VMS hydrothermal fluids.
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Modélisation des interactions magma-encaissant : applications aux zones de stockage et aux conduits de volcans andésitiques / Numerical modelling of mechanical interactions between magma and host rocks : application to magma storage zone and conduit flow.Albino, Fabien 07 January 2011 (has links)
A travers deux champs d'étude, nous nous intéressons au couplage mécanique entre le magma et l'encaissant, utilisant des méthodes numériques. Tout d'abord, nous étudions l'influence de perturbations de contraintes sur les réservoirs magmatiques, avec comme exemple deux volcans sous-glaciaires (Islande). Au volcan Grímsvötn, notre modèle montre que les vidanges, du lac sous-glaciaire (jökulhlaup) présent dans la caldera, peuvent déclencher une éruption comme ce fut le cas en 2004, en favorisant la rupture du réservoir magmatique. L'effet est cependant faible, ce qui implique que le système magmatique doit déjà être proche des conditions de rupture avant que le jökulhlaup se produise. Au volcan Katla, notre modèle indique que les conditions de rupture sont favorisées en été durant la fonte du glacier Mýrdalsjökull. Les changements de contrainte de Coulomb montrent aussi une plus forte probabilité de séismes durant la même période, résultats en accord avec la sismicité enregistrée sous le Mýrdalsjökull. Il existe une modulation à la fois de l'activité volcanique et sismique au Katla, en relation avec la variation saisonnière de la charge glaciaire. Dans un second temps, nous travaillons sur les écoulements de magma dans les conduits andésitiques. Améliorer nos connaissances sur la dynamique du magma durant son ascension est nécessaire, car les processus dans le conduit volcanique semblent gouverner l'évolution de l'activité éruptive de ces volcans. Des précédents modèles ont montré que la viscosité du magma augmente dans la partie supérieure du conduit lors de l'écoulement, ce qui cause la formation d'un plug visqueux. Mais la relation entre la mise en place du plug et les signaux précurseurs, telles que la déformation ou la sismicité, n'est pas totalement établie. A partir de nos modèles de plug, nous trouvons que les déplacements de surface sont contrôlés par la géométrie du conduit et du plug ainsi que le contraste de viscosité entre le plug et la colonne de magma. Nous montrons que l'évolution de la taille du plug est une hypothèse possible pour expliquer les rapides transitions inflation/subsidence observées à la surface des volcans andésitiques. / Through two different applications, we focus on the mechanical coupling between magma and host rocks, using numerical method. First, we study the influence of stress perturbations on shallow magma chambers, with the exemple of two subglacial volcanoes (Iceland). A variation in the stress field acts to modify the magma pressure within the reservoir as well as the failure conditions to initiate an intrusion at the reservoir wall. At Grímsvötn volcano, subglacial lake discharges (so-called "jökulhlaup") often occur in relation to eruptions. Our models show that jökulhlaup promote the failure of the magma reservoir and thus trigger eruptions, as observed for 2004 eruption. The triggering effect is small, so magmatic system must be already pressurized and close to failure before the discharge of the lake occurs. At Katla volcano, our models indicate that reservoir failure is highest in summer period when the ice load at Mýrdalsjökull icecap is reduced. Coulomb stress calculation predicts also an increase of earthquake occurrence at the caldera rim at the same time. A seasonal modulation of volcanic and seismic activity at Katla related to the loading/unloading of the icecap can exist. Secondly, we focus on magma conduit flow for andesitic volcanoes. Improving our knowledge of magma dynamic during ascent is a challenge, because processes occurring in the conduit seem to govern the temporal evolution of eruptive activity. Previous models showed that magma viscosity increases during flow in the upper part of the conduit, which causes the emplacement of a viscous plug. But the relationship between the plug emplacement and precursors signals, such as ground deformation or seismicity, is not yet fully described. From our plug flow model, we find that surface deformation is mainly controlled by the geometry of the conduit, the ratio between the plug length and the total conduit length and the viscosity contrast between the plug and the magma column. We show that the evolution of the plug size is a possible explanation for rapid transition between ground inflation and ground subsidence observed on andesitic volcanoes before extrusion.
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Condicionantes geotécnicos e análise de quedas de blocos rochosos da rodovia RS471/BR153, Lote 2 / Geotechnical conditions and rockfall analysis of the RS71 / BR153 Highway, section 2 / Condicionantes geotécnicos y análisis de caídas de rocas en la carretera RS471/BR153, tramo 2Flórez Gálvez, Jorge Hernán January 2012 (has links)
A RS471/BR153 é uma importante rodovia de integração, pois atravessa o estado do RS diagonalmente (Noroeste – Sudeste). O trecho estudado nesta dissertação localiza-se entre os municípios de Herveiras e Vera Cruz, coincidente com descida do planalto até a região central do estado. Durante o detalhamento do projeto e na construção da obra foram encontrados diversos problemas geotécnicos, os quais são sucintamente descritos. O texto apresenta as condicionantes geotécnicas de três subtrechos: (a) planalto, composto de rochas ácidas de origem vulcânica e grau de fraturamento muito alto; (b) descida da serra, composto pelos derrames da formação Serra Geral (brechas ácidas e basálticas e derrames basálticos) e (c) planície, com a presença de rochas sedimentares e materiais coluvionares. Além disto, há uma região especial onde o traçado atravessa uma sela topográfica coincidente com uma falha regional, com cortes de cerca de 60 m de altura através de rochas ácidas, básicas e brechas vulcânicas. A dissertação apresenta estudos dos processos de quedas de blocos rochosos que têm ocorrido nos cortes da rodovia. Foi utilizado um procedimento que correlaciona as leituras obtidas com o martelo Schmidt (Esclerômetro) e o coeficiente de restituição normal (RN) das rochas em diversos locais. Utilizando estes dados experimentais, foram executadas simulações de queda de blocos em quatro seções transversais bastante distintas com o uso do programa RocFall. Para cada seção foram simulados cinco cenários: (a) a existência de alargamentos para construção de áreas de retenção de blocos, (b) inexistência destas áreas, (c) a existência de preenchimento de uma ou várias banquetas existentes nos taludes de corte, e (d) o abatimento da seção com eliminação das banquetas. Foram também simulados quatro tipos de elementos de proteção: barreiras de baixa altura em concreto, camadas de areia fofa, barreiras metálicas flexíveis e proteção superficial dos taludes. A existência de áreas de retenção de blocos mostrou ser uma ótima medida, com frequências de invasão de pista geralmente abaixo de 1%, podendo chegar a 6,5% em condições de grande acúmulo de material. O melhor desempenho foi obtido pela instalação de camadas de areia fofa, obtendo-se todas as frequências abaixo de 2%. O uso de barreiras rígidas de 81 cm de altura teve um bom desempenho para taludes de baixa altura, chegando a detenções de até 25% dos blocos em trajetória de invasão. As barreiras flexíveis e proteções superficiais geraram resultados satisfatórios, mas que podem ser melhorados com outras modulações e dimensões. / The RS471/BR153 is an important road of integration, that cross RS state diagonally (northwest - southeast). The segment studied on this dissertation is located between the towns of Vera Cruz and Herveiras, coincident with the descent way from the plateau to the central state region. During the design and during the road construction several geotechnical problems were faced, which are briefly described. The text presents the geotechnical constraints of 3 segments: (a) plateau, composed of acid rocks of volcanic origin and very high degree of fracturing, (b) hills of the mountain, made up of volcanic rocks of Serra Geral formation (acid and basaltic breccias, basaltic flows) and (c) the plain, with the presence of sedimentary rocks and colluvial materials. There is also a special region where the road crosses a topographic saddle which it coincides with a regional fault, with cuts of about 60 m high through acid and basic rocks and volcanic breccia. The dissertation presents studies of rock falls that have occurred in the road cuts. A procedure that correlates the readings obtained with the Schmidt hammer (rebound hammer) and the normal coefficient of restitution (RN) of the rocks was carried out for measures taken at several locations. With these experimental data, simulations of falling boulders in four very different cross sections were done using the program RocFall. For each section five situations were simulated: (a) enlargements for the construction of rockfall catchment areas (b) the absence of these areas, (c) the existence of accumulation in the benchs of the cuts, and (d) the reduction of the section with bench removal. Four types of elements of protection were tested: concrete low barriers, layers of sand, flexible metal barriers and slope surface protection. The existence of rockfall catchment areas was shown to be a very good measure with frequencies of track invasion usually below 1% reaching 6.5% on conditions of large material accumulation. The best performance was obtained by the installation of sand layers, with all frequencies below 2%. The use of rigid barriers of 81 cm high had a good performance for low-slope heights, reaching up to 25% block retention. The use of flexible barriers and surface protections also had a good performance. / La RS471/BR153 es una importante carretera de integración, atraviesa el estado de RS diagonalmente (Noroeste-Sureste). El tramo estudiado en esta disertación se localiza entre los municipios de Herveiras y Vera Cruz, y coincide con el descenso desde el altiplano hasta la región central del estado. Durante las etapas de detalle y construcción de la obra fueron encontrados diversos problemas geotécnicos que son brevemente descritos. El texto presenta los condicionantes geotécnicos de tres subtramos: (a) altiplano, compuesto por rocas ácidas de origen volcánico y grado de fracturamiento muy alto; (b) descenso de la sierra, compuesto por los derrames de la formación Serra Geral (brechas ácidas y basálticas e derrames basálticos) y (c) planicie, con rocas sedimentarias y materiales coluviales. Además, hay una región donde el trazado atraviesa una “silla” topográfica que coincide con una falla regional, con cortes de aproximadamente 60 m de altura a través de rocas ácidas, básicas y brechas volcánicas. La disertación presenta estudios de procesos de caídas de rocas que han ocurrido en algunos cortes. Fue utilizado un procedimiento que correlaciona las lecturas obtenidas con el martillo Schmidt (Esclerómetro) y el coeficiente de restitución normal (RN) de las rocas en diferentes lugares. Con estos datos experimentales, fueron ejecutadas simulaciones de caídas de rocas en cuatro secciones transversales bastante distintas usando el programa RocFall. En cada sección fueron simulados cinco escenarios: (a) existencia de sobreanchos para la construcción de áreas de retención de rocas, (b) inexistencia de estas áreas, (c) existencia de relleno en una o más gradas existentes en los taludes de corte, y (d) diminución de la pendiente de los taludes y eliminación de las gradas. También fueron simulados cuatro tipos de elementos de protección: barreras de baja altura en concreto, capas de arena suelta, barreras metálicas flexibles y protección superficial de los taludes. La existencia de áreas de retención de rocas mostro ser una excelente medida, con frecuencias de invasión de pista generalmente inferiores a 1%, pudiendo llegar a 6,5% en condiciones de gran acumulación de material. El mejor desempeño fue obtenido con la instalación de capas de arena suelta, con todas las frecuencias por debajo de 2%. El uso de barreras rígidas de 81 cm de altura tuvo un buen desempeño para taludes de baja altura, llegando a detenciones de hasta 25% de los bloques en trayectoria de invasión. Las barreras flexibles y protecciones superficiales generaron resultados satisfactorios, que podrían ser mejorados con otras modulaciones y dimensiones.
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Condicionantes geotécnicos e análise de quedas de blocos rochosos da rodovia RS471/BR153, Lote 2 / Geotechnical conditions and rockfall analysis of the RS71 / BR153 Highway, section 2 / Condicionantes geotécnicos y análisis de caídas de rocas en la carretera RS471/BR153, tramo 2Flórez Gálvez, Jorge Hernán January 2012 (has links)
A RS471/BR153 é uma importante rodovia de integração, pois atravessa o estado do RS diagonalmente (Noroeste – Sudeste). O trecho estudado nesta dissertação localiza-se entre os municípios de Herveiras e Vera Cruz, coincidente com descida do planalto até a região central do estado. Durante o detalhamento do projeto e na construção da obra foram encontrados diversos problemas geotécnicos, os quais são sucintamente descritos. O texto apresenta as condicionantes geotécnicas de três subtrechos: (a) planalto, composto de rochas ácidas de origem vulcânica e grau de fraturamento muito alto; (b) descida da serra, composto pelos derrames da formação Serra Geral (brechas ácidas e basálticas e derrames basálticos) e (c) planície, com a presença de rochas sedimentares e materiais coluvionares. Além disto, há uma região especial onde o traçado atravessa uma sela topográfica coincidente com uma falha regional, com cortes de cerca de 60 m de altura através de rochas ácidas, básicas e brechas vulcânicas. A dissertação apresenta estudos dos processos de quedas de blocos rochosos que têm ocorrido nos cortes da rodovia. Foi utilizado um procedimento que correlaciona as leituras obtidas com o martelo Schmidt (Esclerômetro) e o coeficiente de restituição normal (RN) das rochas em diversos locais. Utilizando estes dados experimentais, foram executadas simulações de queda de blocos em quatro seções transversais bastante distintas com o uso do programa RocFall. Para cada seção foram simulados cinco cenários: (a) a existência de alargamentos para construção de áreas de retenção de blocos, (b) inexistência destas áreas, (c) a existência de preenchimento de uma ou várias banquetas existentes nos taludes de corte, e (d) o abatimento da seção com eliminação das banquetas. Foram também simulados quatro tipos de elementos de proteção: barreiras de baixa altura em concreto, camadas de areia fofa, barreiras metálicas flexíveis e proteção superficial dos taludes. A existência de áreas de retenção de blocos mostrou ser uma ótima medida, com frequências de invasão de pista geralmente abaixo de 1%, podendo chegar a 6,5% em condições de grande acúmulo de material. O melhor desempenho foi obtido pela instalação de camadas de areia fofa, obtendo-se todas as frequências abaixo de 2%. O uso de barreiras rígidas de 81 cm de altura teve um bom desempenho para taludes de baixa altura, chegando a detenções de até 25% dos blocos em trajetória de invasão. As barreiras flexíveis e proteções superficiais geraram resultados satisfatórios, mas que podem ser melhorados com outras modulações e dimensões. / The RS471/BR153 is an important road of integration, that cross RS state diagonally (northwest - southeast). The segment studied on this dissertation is located between the towns of Vera Cruz and Herveiras, coincident with the descent way from the plateau to the central state region. During the design and during the road construction several geotechnical problems were faced, which are briefly described. The text presents the geotechnical constraints of 3 segments: (a) plateau, composed of acid rocks of volcanic origin and very high degree of fracturing, (b) hills of the mountain, made up of volcanic rocks of Serra Geral formation (acid and basaltic breccias, basaltic flows) and (c) the plain, with the presence of sedimentary rocks and colluvial materials. There is also a special region where the road crosses a topographic saddle which it coincides with a regional fault, with cuts of about 60 m high through acid and basic rocks and volcanic breccia. The dissertation presents studies of rock falls that have occurred in the road cuts. A procedure that correlates the readings obtained with the Schmidt hammer (rebound hammer) and the normal coefficient of restitution (RN) of the rocks was carried out for measures taken at several locations. With these experimental data, simulations of falling boulders in four very different cross sections were done using the program RocFall. For each section five situations were simulated: (a) enlargements for the construction of rockfall catchment areas (b) the absence of these areas, (c) the existence of accumulation in the benchs of the cuts, and (d) the reduction of the section with bench removal. Four types of elements of protection were tested: concrete low barriers, layers of sand, flexible metal barriers and slope surface protection. The existence of rockfall catchment areas was shown to be a very good measure with frequencies of track invasion usually below 1% reaching 6.5% on conditions of large material accumulation. The best performance was obtained by the installation of sand layers, with all frequencies below 2%. The use of rigid barriers of 81 cm high had a good performance for low-slope heights, reaching up to 25% block retention. The use of flexible barriers and surface protections also had a good performance. / La RS471/BR153 es una importante carretera de integración, atraviesa el estado de RS diagonalmente (Noroeste-Sureste). El tramo estudiado en esta disertación se localiza entre los municipios de Herveiras y Vera Cruz, y coincide con el descenso desde el altiplano hasta la región central del estado. Durante las etapas de detalle y construcción de la obra fueron encontrados diversos problemas geotécnicos que son brevemente descritos. El texto presenta los condicionantes geotécnicos de tres subtramos: (a) altiplano, compuesto por rocas ácidas de origen volcánico y grado de fracturamiento muy alto; (b) descenso de la sierra, compuesto por los derrames de la formación Serra Geral (brechas ácidas y basálticas e derrames basálticos) y (c) planicie, con rocas sedimentarias y materiales coluviales. Además, hay una región donde el trazado atraviesa una “silla” topográfica que coincide con una falla regional, con cortes de aproximadamente 60 m de altura a través de rocas ácidas, básicas y brechas volcánicas. La disertación presenta estudios de procesos de caídas de rocas que han ocurrido en algunos cortes. Fue utilizado un procedimiento que correlaciona las lecturas obtenidas con el martillo Schmidt (Esclerómetro) y el coeficiente de restitución normal (RN) de las rocas en diferentes lugares. Con estos datos experimentales, fueron ejecutadas simulaciones de caídas de rocas en cuatro secciones transversales bastante distintas usando el programa RocFall. En cada sección fueron simulados cinco escenarios: (a) existencia de sobreanchos para la construcción de áreas de retención de rocas, (b) inexistencia de estas áreas, (c) existencia de relleno en una o más gradas existentes en los taludes de corte, y (d) diminución de la pendiente de los taludes y eliminación de las gradas. También fueron simulados cuatro tipos de elementos de protección: barreras de baja altura en concreto, capas de arena suelta, barreras metálicas flexibles y protección superficial de los taludes. La existencia de áreas de retención de rocas mostro ser una excelente medida, con frecuencias de invasión de pista generalmente inferiores a 1%, pudiendo llegar a 6,5% en condiciones de gran acumulación de material. El mejor desempeño fue obtenido con la instalación de capas de arena suelta, con todas las frecuencias por debajo de 2%. El uso de barreras rígidas de 81 cm de altura tuvo un buen desempeño para taludes de baja altura, llegando a detenciones de hasta 25% de los bloques en trayectoria de invasión. Las barreras flexibles y protecciones superficiales generaron resultados satisfactorios, que podrían ser mejorados con otras modulaciones y dimensiones.
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