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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marcas proverbiais em redações de vestibular / Proverbial brands in college entrance essays

Alves, Glauce de Oliveira 04 December 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar a realização do mecanismo das relações intergenéricas no emprego de marcas proverbiais diferentes formas de apresentação do provérbio na qualidade de gênero do discurso em redações de vestibular, a partir de estudo comparativo do funcionamento discursivo dessas marcas em dois conjuntos de textos, a saber: sessenta redações do vestibular da FUVEST/2006 (tema Trabalho) e sessenta redações do vestibular da FUVEST/2009 (tema Fronteiras), perfazendo o total de 120 textos. Nessas redações, foram reconhecidos os seguintes tipos de registro do provérbio a título de gênero do discurso, por mim denominados marcas proverbiais: (a) construção em que o provérbio aparece integralmente com o uso de aspas e/ou glosa; (b) construção em que o provérbio aparece de forma integral sem o uso de aspas nem de glosa; (c) enunciado organizado a partir da modificação da estrutura de um provérbio; (d) enunciado que alude ao sentido de um provérbio; e (e) construção que reproduz a estrutura de um enunciado proverbial. Sob um olhar enunciativo-discursivo, este trabalho se fundamenta, primordialmente, nos estudos do Círculo de Bakhtin, relacionados à perspectiva dialógica da linguagem e à teoria dos gêneros do discurso; em Maingueneau (1997, 2008b, 2010) em relação às suas considerações sobre as estratégias de captação e de subversão e sobre os aspectos da enunciação proverbial e; em Lysardo-Dias (2004), que compreende o provérbio como um gênero do discurso que se caracteriza pela inserção obrigatória em outro gênero. Os resultados desta pesquisa revelam que o funcionamento discursivo das marcas proverbiais resulta das relações intergenéricas. Esse mecanismo se constata não só pela inserção das marcas proverbiais na redação de vestibular, em que desempenham diversas funções argumentativas, mas também pelo fato de essas marcas apresentarem vestígios de outros gêneros nos quais o provérbio já se instalou. Num caso e no outro, esses vestígios são reconhecíveis tanto no conteúdo temático, quanto na construção composicional e no estilo do gênero. Contrariando a recomendação escolar de evitar o uso de expressões cristalizadas em redações de vestibular, os resultados se apresentam como contribuições para o ensino à medida que: (a) abrem a possibilidade de uma leitura de textos que permite compreendê-los como registros da dinamicidade dos gêneros do discurso; e (b) relativizam aquela recomendação escolar, tendo em vista que a qualidade do texto nem sempre está ligada à ausência de formas cristalizadas. / This research to investigate the mechanism of intergeneric connections, in employment of proverbial brand - different ways of presenting the proverb as a discourse genre - in college entrance essays, from a comparative study of the discursive functioning of these brands into two sets of texts, namely: sixty essays of vestibular FUVEST/2006 (theme Labor) and sixty essays of vestibular FUVEST/2009 (theme Borders), totaling 120 texts. In these essays, were recognized following record types proverb as a discourse genre, for me called proverbial brands: (a) building where the proverb appears entirely with the use of quotation marks and/or gloss, (b) construction in which the proverb appears in full without using quotation marks nor gloss; (c) organized statement from the modification of the structure of a proverb; (d) utterance that alludes to the meaning of a proverb, and (e) construction that reproduces the structure of a proverbial utterance. Under a look enunciative-discursive, this work is based primarily on studies of the Bakhtin Circle, related to the dialogical perspective of language and the theory of speech genres, in Maingueneau (1997, 2008b, 2010) regarding his considerations on strategies for capture and subversion and on aspects of proverbial utterance and, in Lysardo-Dias (2004), who understands the proverb as a genre of discourse that is characterized by mandatory insertion into another genre. The results of this research reveal that the discursive functioning of proverbial brands results from the intergeneric connections. This mechanism turns out not only by the insertion of proverbial brands in writing entrance exam, where they play several argumentative functions, but also because these brands show traces of other genres in which the proverb has already been installed. In one case and in the other, these traces are recognizable both in thematic content, as in the compositional construction and the style of the genre. Contrary to the recommendation of school to avoid using expressions crystallized in college entrance essays, the results are presented as contributions to teaching as: (a) open the possibility of a reading of texts that allows to understand them as records of dynamicity of discourse genres; and (b) relativize that academic recommendation given that the text quality is not always linked to the absence of crystallized forms.

Social connections, cognitive reserve, and cognitive function in later life

Evans, I. January 2019 (has links)
Background: Good social connections have been identified as a factor that may be associated with healthy cognitive function in later life. In line with cognitive reserve theory, good social connections may provide mental stimulation through complex interaction with others and hence build cognitive reserve and maintain healthy cognitive function. However, there is considerable inconsistency in findings reported by studies that examine this association. Inconsistency in findings may be attributed to the heterogeneity of concepts potentially associated with social connections and to the variation in approaches to measuring and defining these concepts. Aims: To assess the association between aspects of social connections and cognitive function in later life. This thesis introduces a novel element by considering the moderating role of cognitive reserve in this association. Method: A scoping review was conducted to establish which concepts are used within the literature to describe social connections and how these are measured and defined. Next, a systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted to identify evidence regarding the association between social isolation and cognitive function in published studies. Empirical work was conducted using cross-sectional and longitudinal data from the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study-Wales (CFAS-Wales) to determine the associations between social isolation, cognitive reserve, and cognitive function in healthy older people. Extending this approach further, these associations were examined in two groups potentially at risk of social isolation: older people with depression or anxiety and older people living alone. Finally, empirical work was completed using the Platform for Research Online to investigate Genetics and Cognition in Ageing (PROTECT) to assess how satisfaction with social contact may be associated with cognitive function compared to a structural measure of isolation. Results: A lack of social connections was associated with poor cognitive function in later life. For people with depression or anxiety, these associations may be better explained by mood-related symptoms than social connections. People who live alone in later life were at no greater risk of poor cognitive function compared to those living with others. Satisfaction with social contact was associated with poor cognitive function but a structural measure of social isolation was not. Conclusions: Social connections play an important role in building cognitive reserve and protecting people against poor cognitive function in later life. People who are vulnerable to social isolation have different needs to those who are less vulnerable. Satisfaction with social contact is often neglected in measures that assess structural aspects of social connections but may be a better predictor of cognitive function.

Avaliação da resistência de ligações com parafusos auto-atarraxantes do tipo torx solicitados por tração axial, em peças de madeira / Evaluation of timber strengt of connections with torx lag screws requested by axial withdrawal in wooden pieces

Correia, Ricardo Rizzo 07 June 2002 (has links)
A aplicação da madeira como material estrutural na construção civil é amplamente difundida em coberturas residenciais e comerciais, construção de residências ou em obras de grande porte como pontes. Freqüentemente ocorre a necessidade de ligações entre peças estruturais. Uma das possibilidades de ligação é a utilização de parafusos auto-atarraxantes solicitados por esforços de tração, diferente da maioria dos casos de ligações, nas quais pinos estão solicitados por forças laterais. Um tipo particular de parafuso auto-atarraxante é o torx, que possui rosca em toda a sua extensão, possibilitando uma outra forma de arranjo de ligação que facilita a execução das ligações entre as peças estruturais. Este parafuso possui uma grande resistência que traz à industrialização das estruturas de madeiras. O objetivo desta pesquisa é determinar, de maneira experimental, a resistência de ligações utilizando parafusos torx auto-atarraxantes submetidos a esforços axiais de tração, em peças de madeira, avaliando a influência de diversos fatores, tais como: direção de fixação dos parafusos em relação às fibras, efeito de grupo teor de umidade, massa específica da madeira e espaçamentos entre parafusos. Foram utilizadas as espécies: Pinus Taeda (Pinus taeda L.), Eucalipto Grandis (Eucalyptus grandis) e Cupiúba (Goupia glabra). / Timber as a structural material civil in construction is widely used in framework, construction of houses or larger construction as bridges. The use of connections among structural members is frequently required. One of the connection possibilities is the use of lag screws in axial withdrawal load, differently from most cases of connections in which they are laterally loaded. A peculiar type of lag screw is the torx, which possesses thread along its extension, making possible another form of connection arrangement that facilitates the execution of the connections among the structural pieces. This lag screw has a high strength and facilitates the industrialization of timber structures. The aim of this research is to determine, in an experimental way, the strength of connections using torx lag screws in withdrawal loads, evaluating the influence of several factors, such as direction of the lag screws in relation to grain, group effect, moisture content, density of wood and spacings among screws. The species used were: Pinus Taeda (Pinus taeda L.), Eucalipto Grandis (Eucalyptus grandis) and Cupiúba (Goupia glabra).

Lygia Pape e Hélio Oiticica: conversações e fricções poéticas / Lygia Pape and Hélio Oiticica: talks and poetic frictions

Fernanda Pequeno da Silva 29 March 2007 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Este trabalho visa examinar as obras: o ovo, divisor, roda dos prazeres, tecelares, tteia n 1, caixa de baratas, caixa de formigas, caixa brasil, ballets neoconcretos, new houses e os filmes e vídeos experimentais de Lygia Pape, em conexões poéticas com os parangolés, penetráveis, bilaterais, relevos espaciais, metaesquemas, núcleos, bólides, cosmococas e a tropicália de Hélio Oiticica. A análise é feita a partir do interesse antropológico dos citados artistas, do seu comprometimento com a formação de uma linguagem-Brasil e do forte experimentalismo de suas proposições; enfoca o movimento, a questão cromática, a construção de mundos, o papel do espectador em seus trabalhos, além da presença da adversidade brasileira como estímulo para as suas produções. Sendo assim, obras como o divisor, as tecelares, a tteia n 1, os parangolés e penetráveis são referidas em diferentes momentos do texto, uma vez que lidam com várias das questões propostas, enquanto trabalhos como os metaesquemas, as bilaterais e os relevos espaciais, aparecem somente em um capítulo, sendo analisadas por apenas um viés, embora existam outras possibilidades. Para embasar as leituras visuais, são utilizadas como fontes bibliográficas os textos e entrevistas dos artistas, além de escritos dos teóricos Aby Warburg, Georges Didi-Huberman, Stanley Cavell, Vilém Flusser, Ronaldo Brito, Guy Brett, Rodrigo Naves, Paola Berenstein Jacques, Michel Collot, entre outros. / This work objects to exam Lygia Papes pieces: ovo, divisor, roda dos prazeres, tecelares, tteia n 1, caixa de baratas, caixa de formigas, caixa brasil, ballets neoconcretos, new houses, films and experimental vídeos, in poetic connections with Hélio Oiticicas parangolés, penetráveis, bilaterais, relevos espaciais, metaesquemas, núcleos, bólides, cosmococas and tropicália. The analysis is made from the anthropological interest of those artists, their engagement with the formation for a Brazil-language and the strong experimentalism in their proposals; it focus the movement, the chromatic question, the construction of worlds, the spectators role in their works and the presence of Brazilians adversity as a incentive for their productions. Therefore, pieces like divisor, tecelares, tteia n 1, parangolés and penetráveis are referred in different moments of the text, since they deal with many of the questions proposed, while works like the metaesquemas, the bilaterais and the relevos espaciais appear only in one chapter, being analyzed only by one perspective, although there are other possibilities. To support the visual readings, are used bibliographic sources, as well as writings of theoreticians like Aby Warburg, Georges Didi-Huberman, Stanley Cavell, Vilém Flusser, Ronaldo Brito, Guy Brett, Rodrigo Naves, Paola Berenstein Jacques, Michel Collot, among others.

Ligações com pinos metálicos em estruturas de madeira / not available

Oliveira, Marcos Antonio Melo e 31 August 2001 (has links)
A construção de estruturas de madeira usualmente requer ligações entre as peças que as compõem. Estas uniões devem ser compatíveis com as solicitações mecânicas avaliadas, garantindo durabilidade e segurança à estrutura. Atualmente, a normalização brasileira referente ao uso estrutural da madeira, NBR 7190/97- Projeto de estruturas de madeira, aborda os critérios de dimensionamento para as ligações por meio de pinos metálicos, ligações coladas, cavilhas ou conectores. O critério da NBR 7190/97 para o dimensionamento das ligações por pinos metálicos conduz ao aumento do número de elementos nas ligações, em relação ao observado na norma anterior. Dentro deste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o critério de dimensionamento da NBR 7190/97 por meio de análise de resultados experimentais. / The construction of timber structures usually requires connections between the parts that compose them. These connections must be compatible with the evaluated mechanical requests, guaranteeing durability and reliability to the structure. Nowadays, the referring Brazilian standardization to the structural use of the wood, NBR 7190/97 - \"Design of timber structures\", applies the design methods for the connections by means of steel dowels, glued joints, bolts or connectors. The NBR 7190/97 criterion for the design of connections for steel dowels leads to the increase of elements number in the connections in relation to the observed one in the previous norm. In this argument, the objective of this work are to evaluate the design method results of the NBR 7190/97 by means of experimental results analysis.

Mechanics of the diffeomorphism field

Heitritter, Kenneth I.J. 01 May 2019 (has links)
Coadjoint orbits of Lie algebras come naturally imbued with a symplectic two-form allowing for the construction of dynamical actions. Consideration of the coadjoint orbit action for the Kac-Moody algebra leads to the Wess-Zumino-Witten model with a gauge-field coupling. Likewise, the same type of coadjoint orbit construction for the Virasoro algebra gives Polyakov’s 2D quantum gravity action with a coupling to a coadjoint element, D, interpreted as a component of a field named the diffeomorphism field. Gauge fields are commonly given dynamics through the Yang-Mills action and, since the diffeomorphism field appears analogously through the coadjoint orbit construction, it is interesting to pursue a dynamical action for D. This thesis reviews the motivation for the diffeomorphism field as a dynamical field and presents results on its dynamics obtained through projective connections. Through the use of the projective connection of Thomas and Whitehead, it will be shown that the diffeomorphism field naturally gains dynamics. Results on the analysis of this dynamical theory in two-dimensional Minkowski background will be presented.

Making Connections Through Coaching: A Story of Finding Meaning Through Athletics and Coaching

Krug, Mary Laura 01 January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, I share stories of my experiences as a high school science teacher, gymnastics coach, and track and field coach and I explore my discovery of the importance of making connections in my vocation. Written in Scholarly Personal Narrative format, I reflect on my own experiences with high school and college athletics I and discuss the lessons that I learned which I find to be most important to coaches and teachers. This thesis centers around making connections with athletes and students as a coach and educator. I dive into my career and highlight the lessons that I find to be most important for myself and other teaching and coaching professionals. The strongest take-away message that I would like my readers to recognize is that teachers who express genuine interest in students’ lives can help them open up and feel like they belong. In turn, a cooperative, collaborative community can form.

The Perceptions of Adults Adjusting to Low Vision and Using General Communications Technologies Including Online Forums

Forest, Deborah 01 January 2015 (has links)
The number of individuals facing vision loss as adults is increasing, and the need for these adults to have access to training and skills to aid in their adjustment process is prevalent. Guided by the tenets of connectivism, this phenomenological study examined current trends in social networking and the possibilities that are available to adults adjusting to low vision by using technology as a means for continued learning, social interaction, and professional connections. The main research question focused on the participants' perception of the adjustment process and their ability to learn and use technology. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews of 10 adults who had low vision and had attended some form of intervention. The experiences were recorded through the use of reflection that included memoing and inductive coding where themes emerged during the field process. NVivo software was utilized to clarify and present details about themes and patterns presented during the interview discussions. These themes detailed the participants' feelings of confidence and self expressed level of skills needed to use technology; the barriers to using technology, such as cost and time; and benefits of staying connected with technology. The findings from this study suggested that the ability to stay connected and to access information outweighed the barriers, although the participants expressed frustration with technological issues. The study contributed to an area of research that supports the benefits of continued training for adults adjusting to low vision. A process of training could be implemented that would involve general technology as well as assistive technology assisting individuals with continued success in their daily lives.

Navajo Ethnic Identity and Acculturation: Discovering Connections Between Ethnic Identity, Acculturation, and Psychosocial Outcomes

Jones, Matthew D. 01 May 2005 (has links)
American Indians are severely disadvantaged and yet known relationships among risk and protective factors and cultural identification are limited. The current study assessed associations among measures of acculturation, ethnic identity, and psychosocial outcomes among Navajo adolescents. Adjustment of Navajo adolescents in the domains of school bonding, social functioning, self-esteem, depression, delinquent behaviors, and substance use was assessed. Navajo adolescents, between the ages of 14 and 18, also completed a self-report questionnaire containing the Revised Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure, the Orthogonal Cultural Identification Scale, and the Native American Acculturation Scale. Measures of ethnic identity were positively associated with aspects of psychosocial functioning for Navajo adolescents, with stronger predictions of school bonding, self-esteem, and social functioning outcomes emerging for males. The students' sense of affirmation and belonging to their ethnic heritage emerged as the strongest predictor of positive outcomes.

Interior operators and their applications

Assfaw, Fikreyohans Solomon January 2019 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Categorical closure operators were introduced by Dikranjan and Giuli in [DG87] and then developed by these authors and Tholen in [DGT89]. These operators have played an important role in the development of Categorical Topology by introducing topological concepts, such as connectedness, separatedness and compactness, in an arbitrary category and they provide a uni ed approach to various mathematical notions. Motivated by the theory of these operators, the categorical notion of interior operators was introduced by Vorster in [Vor00]. While there is a notational symmetry between categorical closure and interior operators, a detailed analysis shows that the two operators are not categorically dual to each other, that is: it is not true in general that whatever one does with respect to closure operators may be done relative to interior operators. Indeed, the continuity condition of categorical closure operators can be expressed in terms of images or equivalently, preimages, in the same way as the usual topological closure describes continuity in terms of images or preimages along continuous maps. However, unlike the case of categorical closure operators, the continuity condition of categorical interior operators can not be described in terms of images. Consequently, the general theory of categorical interior operators is not equivalent to the one of closure operators. Moreover, the categorical dual closure operator introduced in [DT15] does not lead to interior operators. As a consequence, the study of categorical interior operators in their own right is interesting.

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