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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Photochemistry of Ester Azides and Vinyl Azides In Solution, Solid State and In Cryogenic Matrices

Ahmed, Noha January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Modélisation et simulation d’un système de rafraîchissement solaire basé sur la machine à absorption couplée aux chauffe-eaux solaires / Modeling and simulation of a solar cooling system based on the absorption machine coupled to solar water heaters

Agrouaz, Younes 02 May 2019 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, l'utilisation des systèmes de climatisation classiques a connu une augmentation importante qui directement augmente la consommation d'électricité dans différents types de bâtiments.Par conséquent, le développement du système de climatisation solaire appliqué aux bâtiments est la nouvelle technologie qui pourrait remplacer le système conventionnel à compresseur. De cette façon, il est nécessaire de comprendre et d’évaluer cette solution alternative. À cet effet, notre Institut de recherche en énergie solaire et en énergies renouvelables (IRESEN) a financé un projet appelé «Refroidissement solaire au Maroc» basé sur la technologie d'absorption, afin de réaliser des études de faisabilité sur ce type de systèmes afin de les intégrer dans la nouvelle génération du bâtiment.Dans ce but, cette thèse a traité un système de refroidissement solaire en utilisant la machine à absorption comme la technologie de production de froid dans différentes conditions et climats. Tout d'abord, cette thèse commence par une étude bibliographique ou elle analyse et critique plusieurs travaux traitant les systèmes de refroidissement solaire, ainsi que les diffèrent technologie de capteur solaire. Deuxième point de cette thèse focalise sur la machine à absorption où elle présente un modèle mathématique d'une machine à absorption à simple effet, afin de comprendre le comportement dynamique de ce type de machine face à une variation des conditions extérieures telles que (rayonnement solaire, température extérieure, charges climatique internes). En plus, l'analyse du système de refroidissement solaire devrait prendre en compte une approche énergétique et financière qui permette de prévoir toutes les performances énergétiques (fraction solaire, coefficient de performance, efficacité thermique et efficacité exergétique…) et d'optimiser la taille des composants les plus importants, qui sont la surface du capteur solaire et le volume du ballon de stockage. Une évaluation détaillée de ces deux paramètres est examinée dans les six zones climatiques du Maroc, puis généralisée à neuf capitales africaines afin de fournir un outil numérique pour le dimensionnement et l'optimisation du système de refroidissement solaire non seulement au Maroc mais également dans l'ensemble des régions africaines. / In the last few years, the use of conventional air conditioning system has known an important increase, which directly increase the electricity consumption in different type of building.Therefore, the development of solar cooling system applied to buildings is the new technology that could replace the conventional system of air conditioning. That way, there is a need to understand and evaluate this alternative solution. For that purpose, our Institute of Research in Solar energy and renewable energies (SPCM) has finance a project called Solar cooling in Morocco based on the absorption technology, in order to have a feasibility studies on this kind of systems, in the scope of implementing them in the new generation of buildings. Thus, this thesis treats the solar cooling system using an absorption chiller as the technology of cooling under different conditions and climates. Firstly, it presents a mathematical model of a single effect absorption chiller, in order to understand the dynamic behavior of this kind of machine when they are confronted to a variation in the external conditions such as (solar radiation, external temperature, cooling loads).Moreover, the analysis of the solar cooling system should take into account an energetic and a financial approach to predict all the energetic performances (solar fraction, coefficient of performance, thermal efficiency and exergetic efficiency…) and to optimize the size of the most important component which are the solar collector surface and the storage tank volume. A detailed assessment of these two parameters is investigated in the six climatic zones of Morocco and then it is generalized to nine African capitals in order to give a numerical tool to pre-sizing and optimizing the solar cooling system not only in Morocco but also in all Africa.

Essays in dynamic behavior

Viefers, Paul 04 December 2014 (has links)
Diese Dissertation behandelt sowohl die Theorie, als auch beobachtetes Verhalten in Stoppproblemen. In einem Stoppproblem, beobachtet ein Agent die Entwicklung eines stationären, stochastischen Prozesses über die Zeit. Zu jedem Zeitpunkt genießt der Agent das Recht den Prozess zu stoppen, um eine Auszahlung einzustreichen die Funktion des gegenwärtigen und der vergangenen Realisationen des Prozesses sind. Das Ziel des Agenten ist es den Stoppzeitpunkt so zu wählen, dass die erwartete Auszahlung oder der erwartete Verlust durch Stoppen maximiert bzw. minimiert wird. Stoppprobleme dieser Art konstituieren können als die einfachsten, jedoch wirklich dynamischen Entscheidungsprobleme in der ökonomischen Theorie angesehen werden Das erste Kapitel legt neue theoretische Resultate hinsichtlich der optimalen Stoppstrategien unter Erwartungsnutzentheorie, sog. gain-loss utilities und Bedauerungspräferenzen vor. Das zweite Kapitel behandelt sodann die Ergebnisse eines Laborexperiments in dem die theoretischen Vorhersagen getestet werden. Kapitel drei beschäftigt sich mit der Situation in der die Agenten nicht vollständig über Wahrscheinlichkeiten für künftige Ereignisse informiert sind, d.h. es herrscht Ambiguität. / This dissertation is concerned with theory and behavior in stopping problems. In a stopping problem an agent or individual observes the realization of some exogenous and stationary stochastic process over time. At every point in time, she has the right or the once-only option to stop the process in order to earn a function of the past and current values of the process. The agent''s objective then is to choose the point in time to exercise the option in order to maximize an expected reward or to minimize an expected loss. Such problems constitute the most rudimentary, yet truly dynamic class of choice problems that is studied in economics. The first chapter provides new theoretical results about optimal stopping both under expected utility, as well as gain-loss utility and regret preferences. The second chapter presents a laboratory experiment that tests several of the theoretical predictions about behavior made in the first chapter. The third chapter is concerned with stopping behavior in a setting, where the probability law that drives the observed process is not perfectly known to the decision maker, i.e. there is ambiguity.

Resposta dinâmica dos reatores UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) submetidos a cargas orgânicas e hidráulicas cíclicas: modelação matemática simplificada / Dynamic behavior of the UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) reactors submitted to organic and hydraulic cyclical loads: mathematical modeling simplified

Carvalho, Karina Querne de 10 June 2002 (has links)
Em países com condições ambientais, sócio-culturais e econômicas favoráveis à aplicação de processos anaeróbios para tratamento de esgotos sanitários, o reator UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) possui muitas vantagens, dentre os reatores anaeróbios, por permitir instalação, operação e manutenção a baixos custos, apresentar baixa geração de lodo, ser capaz de suportar sobrecargas hidráulicas e orgânicas e possuir eficiência de remoção de demanda química de oxigênio entre 70% e 80%. Contudo poucos estudos são reportados na literatura quando o reator é submetido a variações cíclicas diárias, de cargas orgânicas e hidráulicas, em períodos curtos de duração - iguais ou menores que 24 h. Para compreender os prováveis amortecimentos e atrasos nas respostas de reatores UASB quando submetidos a essas variações, desenvolveu-se um modelo matemático simplificado baseado no regime de escoamento contínuo de um tanque de mistura completa, no modelo cinético tipo Monod para remoção de DQO (Demanda Química de Oxigênio) e equacionamentos empíricos reportados na literatura. Esse modelo indicou que, mesmo apresentando baixa eficiência na remoção de demanda química de oxigênio, o reator possui capacidade de amortecer as variações impostas de vazão e respondeu com grande sensibilidade à variação de velocidade específica máxima de degradação de substrato, indicando que esse parâmetro cinético deve ser o parâmetro de calibração do modelo matemático. / In countries with favorable environmental, social, cultural and economical conditions, the use of anaerobic processes in treatment of domestic sewage. The UASB reactor (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) has many advantages, among the anaerobic reactors, allows the installation, operation and maintenance with low costs; presents low sludge generation; is capable to support organic and hydraulic overloads and has COD removal efficiencies between 70% and 80%. However few studies are reported in the literature about reactors submitted to cyclical daily variations of organic and hydraulic loads in short periods of time - equal to or shorter than 24 hours. Aiming to understand the probable dampening and the delays in the response of the UASB reactors when submitted to these variations, it was developed a simplified mathematical model based on the continuous flow pattern of a completed stirred tank and in the Monod kinetic model for COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) removal and empirical kinetic equations reported in the literature. The model indicated that, even when presenting low efficiency in the removal of COD, the reactor has a capacity to dampen the forced flow variations, and responded with great sensivity to the variation of qmáx., indicating that this kinetic parameter may be the calibration parameter of the mathematical model.

Resposta dinâmica de reator UASB em escala piloto submetido a cargas orgânicas e hidráulicas cíclicas: modelos matemáticos e resultados experimentais / Dynamic response of a UASB reactor submitted to organic and hydraulic cyclical loads: mathematical models and experimental results

Carvalho, Karina Querne de 14 December 2006 (has links)
Poucos estudos são reportados na literatura sobre o comportamento dinâmico do reator UASB submetido a variações cíclicas diárias, de cargas orgânicas e hidráulicas, em períodos curtos de duração - iguais ou menores que 24h, com os quais verifica-se queda na eficiência do reator, causada pela provável flotação dos grânulos, problemas com geração de odor e alta concentração de sólidos suspensos no efluente. Para melhor compreender a resposta dinâmica desses reatores submetidos a essas variações, foi desenvolvido o modelo MMS baseado no modelo hidrodinâmico de mistura completa em reatores em série, modelo cinético de primeira ordem para consumo de substrato e para crescimento da biomassa e equacionamentos empíricos reportados na literatura. Esse modelo indicou a capacidade do reator de amortecer as variações impostas e a influência da cinética na eficiência de remoção da matéria orgânica. Para calibrar e validar o MMS, foi avaliado o desempenho de um reator UASB (160 L) no tratamento de esgoto sanitário municipal da cidade de São Carlos. Durante o período de operação, o reator foi submetido a variações senoidais cíclicas, de cargas orgânica e hidráulica, em valores inferiores e superiores a 40% e 60% da vazão afluente de 16,0 L/h. A produção média de gás metano e a eficiência média de remoção de DQO alcançadas pelo reator foram de aproximadamente: 1,83 L/h e 61% para vazão afluente de 16 L/h, TDH de 10 h e velocidade ascensional de 0,23 m/h; 2,24 L/h e 48% para variação cíclica de 40% e 2,97 L/h e 40% para variação cíclica de 60%. O MMS indicou faixa de valores para a DQO efluente com diferença em relação aos resultados observados experimentalmente - de 37% para vazão afluente constante de 16 L/h e 59% e 56% para variações senoidais cíclicas de 40% e 60% da vazão afluente, respectivamente – devido à limitação do modelo em considerar o arraste de sólidos no efluente que ocorreu ao longo de toda a operação do reator e mais acentuadamente quando foram aplicadas variações da vazão afluente. O modelo ADM1 proposto por Batstone et al.(2002a,b)apresentou menor similaridade com os resultados observados experimentalmente por não contemplar a variação horária e diária de alguns parâmetros de entrada, mas apenas a média aritmética dos valores. / There are no extensive reports on the dynamic behaviour of UASB reactor submitted to cyclical daily variations of organic and hydraulic loads of short periods of time - equal to or shorter than 24 hours - that can damage the reactor efficiency due to probable granule flotation, odor generation and high concentration of suspended solids in the effluent. Aiming to understand the dynamic response of these reactors when submitted to these variations, it was developed the MMS model based on the N-continuous flow stirred tank reactors (CSTR) in series model, first order kinetics model for substrate consumption and biomass growth and empirical equations reported in the literature. The model indicated the reactor capacity on dampening the imposed flow rate variations and the influence of the kinetics in the organic matter removal efficiency. It was evaluated the response of a UASB in bench scale (160 L) treating sanitary sewage of São Carlos city in order to calibrate and validate the MMS. During the operation, the reactor was submitted to cyclical sinusoidal variations of organic and hydraulic loads in lesser and higher values of 40% and 60% of the influent flow rate of 16 L/h. The reactor achieved mean methane production and mean COD removal efficiency of: 1,83 L/h and 61% to influent flow rate of 16 L/h, HRT of 10 h and upflow velocity of 0,23 m/h; 2,24 L/h and 48% to sinusoidal variation of 40%; 2,97 L/h and 40% to sinusoidal variation of 60%. The MMS model results indicated a range of effluent COD values with a difference of 37% to influent flow rate of 16 L/h, 59% and 56% to sinusoidal variations of 40% and 60%, respectively, in comparison with the experimental observed data. This probably occurred due to the model limitation in considering and predicting the solids washout in the effluent that was verified during all the operation, and also more significant when the sinusoidal variations were applied. The ADM1 reported by Batstone et al. (2002a,b) presented lesser similarity with the experimental observed results due to the fact that it does not consider hourly and daily variations of some input parameters, but only the arithmetical mean of the values.

Influência do raio de ponta do entalhe, do tipo de carregamento e da microestrutura no processo à fratura do aço estrutural ABNT-4340

Nogueira, Fabiano da Cruz [UNESP] 31 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2006-03-31Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:55:32Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 nogueira_fc_me_ilha.pdf: 11300968 bytes, checksum: d1398bf3ab23244ed728edf3d9404283 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O ensaio de impacto Charpy convencional é um ensaio mecânico consagrado no meio científico e industrial. Sua função é determinar a energia total absorvida para causar a fratura completa de um corpo-de-prova entalhado, padronizado segundo a norma ASTM E?23. Entretanto, a energia global absorvida possui um valor de uso muito limitado. Ela normalmente não é aceita como um indicador quantitativo da resistência à fratura do material. Assim, através da instrumentação adequada, pode-se aumentar a quantidade de informações obtidas a partir do ensaio de impacto Charpy clássico. No presente trabalho, estudou-se a influência do raio de ponta do entalhe, do tipo de carregamento e da microestrutura dos corpos-de-prova no processo à fratura dinâmica do aço ABNT-4340 a partir do ensaio Charpy Instrumentado. As diferentes condições microestruturais foram resultantes de diferentes condições de tratamentos térmicos: como-recebido, como-temperado e revenido nas seguintes temperaturas: 473K, 573K, 673K e 773K. Para cada microestrutura foram confeccionados corpos-de-prova com dois tipos de raio de ponta - pré-trincado e entalhe arredondado (0,25mm). Os corpos-de-prova assim preparados foram submetidos ao ensaio Charpy Instrumentado e tiveram seus sinais digitalizados. O sinal capturado com tal cadeia de medição foi utilizado na determinação dos valores de tenacidade à fratura dinâmica. Os resultados experimentais foram obtidos através dos ensaios de dureza, monotônicos (em três pontos), dinâmicos (Ensaio de Impacto Charpy). Os ensaios de dureza foram realizados com objetivo de ratificar a qualidade dos tratamentos térmicos. Os ensaios monotônicos servirão como referências para auxiliar o entendimento dos dados obtidos com os ensaios dinâmicos. / The proof of conventional impact Charpy is a mechanic proof consecrated in scientific in industry. Its function is determinate the absorb total energy in order to the complete fracture in a indented proof body, standardized according to the ASTM E- 23 pattern. Therefore, the absorb global energy has a very limited value. It is not accepted a quantities indicator of resistance to the matter fracture. Thus, though adequate instrumentation, it can increase the quantity of information obtained from the proof of the classic impact Charpy. In this paper, we intend to study the influence of the ray of intende tip, of the loading type and of the microstructure of proof bodies in process the fracture of the structural steel ABNT-4340 from the instrumented proof Charpy. The different microstructure conditions are resulted of different conditions of thermal treatments: drawgeting, draw tempering, drawing in following temperatures: 473 K, 573 K, 673 K and 773 K. For each microstructures prepared proof body with two types of tip ray - sharp rack and rounding indented (0,25 mm). Proof bodies prepared this way are submitted the instrumented proof Charpy and have your signal digitalized. The signal capturing with such ranger of measurement will de used in determination of values of toughness to dynamic fracture. The experimental result were obtained through the rehearsals of hardness, almost-static (in three points), dynamic (instrumented proof Charpy). The rehearsals of hardness were accomplished with objective of ratifying the quality of the thermal treatments. The rehearsals almost-static will serve as references for to aid the understanding of the data obtained with the dynamic rehearsals.

Influência do raio de ponta do entalhe, do tipo de carregamento e da microestrutura no processo à fratura do aço estrutural ABNT-4340 /

Nogueira, Fabiano da Cruz. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Ruis Camargo Tokimatsu / Banca: Wyser Jose Yamakami / Banca: André Luis Moreira de Carvalho / Resumo: O ensaio de impacto Charpy convencional é um ensaio mecânico consagrado no meio científico e industrial. Sua função é determinar a energia total absorvida para causar a fratura completa de um corpo-de-prova entalhado, padronizado segundo a norma ASTM E?23. Entretanto, a energia global absorvida possui um valor de uso muito limitado. Ela normalmente não é aceita como um indicador quantitativo da resistência à fratura do material. Assim, através da instrumentação adequada, pode-se aumentar a quantidade de informações obtidas a partir do ensaio de impacto Charpy clássico. No presente trabalho, estudou-se a influência do raio de ponta do entalhe, do tipo de carregamento e da microestrutura dos corpos-de-prova no processo à fratura dinâmica do aço ABNT-4340 a partir do ensaio Charpy Instrumentado. As diferentes condições microestruturais foram resultantes de diferentes condições de tratamentos térmicos: como-recebido, como-temperado e revenido nas seguintes temperaturas: 473K, 573K, 673K e 773K. Para cada microestrutura foram confeccionados corpos-de-prova com dois tipos de raio de ponta - pré-trincado e entalhe arredondado (0,25mm). Os corpos-de-prova assim preparados foram submetidos ao ensaio Charpy Instrumentado e tiveram seus sinais digitalizados. O sinal capturado com tal cadeia de medição foi utilizado na determinação dos valores de tenacidade à fratura dinâmica. Os resultados experimentais foram obtidos através dos ensaios de dureza, monotônicos (em três pontos), dinâmicos (Ensaio de Impacto Charpy). Os ensaios de dureza foram realizados com objetivo de ratificar a qualidade dos tratamentos térmicos. Os ensaios monotônicos servirão como referências para auxiliar o entendimento dos dados obtidos com os ensaios dinâmicos. / Abstract: The proof of conventional impact Charpy is a mechanic proof consecrated in scientific in industry. Its function is determinate the absorb total energy in order to the complete fracture in a indented proof body, standardized according to the ASTM E- 23 pattern. Therefore, the absorb global energy has a very limited value. It is not accepted a quantities indicator of resistance to the matter fracture. Thus, though adequate instrumentation, it can increase the quantity of information obtained from the proof of the classic impact Charpy. In this paper, we intend to study the influence of the ray of intende tip, of the loading type and of the microstructure of proof bodies in process the fracture of the structural steel ABNT-4340 from the instrumented proof Charpy. The different microstructure conditions are resulted of different conditions of thermal treatments: drawgeting, draw tempering, drawing in following temperatures: 473 K, 573 K, 673 K and 773 K. For each microstructures prepared proof body with two types of tip ray - sharp rack and rounding indented (0,25 mm). Proof bodies prepared this way are submitted the instrumented proof Charpy and have your signal digitalized. The signal capturing with such ranger of measurement will de used in determination of values of toughness to dynamic fracture. The experimental result were obtained through the rehearsals of hardness, almost-static (in three points), dynamic (instrumented proof Charpy). The rehearsals of hardness were accomplished with objective of ratifying the quality of the thermal treatments. The rehearsals almost-static will serve as references for to aid the understanding of the data obtained with the dynamic rehearsals. / Mestre

Resposta dinâmica dos reatores UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) submetidos a cargas orgânicas e hidráulicas cíclicas: modelação matemática simplificada / Dynamic behavior of the UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) reactors submitted to organic and hydraulic cyclical loads: mathematical modeling simplified

Karina Querne de Carvalho 10 June 2002 (has links)
Em países com condições ambientais, sócio-culturais e econômicas favoráveis à aplicação de processos anaeróbios para tratamento de esgotos sanitários, o reator UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) possui muitas vantagens, dentre os reatores anaeróbios, por permitir instalação, operação e manutenção a baixos custos, apresentar baixa geração de lodo, ser capaz de suportar sobrecargas hidráulicas e orgânicas e possuir eficiência de remoção de demanda química de oxigênio entre 70% e 80%. Contudo poucos estudos são reportados na literatura quando o reator é submetido a variações cíclicas diárias, de cargas orgânicas e hidráulicas, em períodos curtos de duração - iguais ou menores que 24 h. Para compreender os prováveis amortecimentos e atrasos nas respostas de reatores UASB quando submetidos a essas variações, desenvolveu-se um modelo matemático simplificado baseado no regime de escoamento contínuo de um tanque de mistura completa, no modelo cinético tipo Monod para remoção de DQO (Demanda Química de Oxigênio) e equacionamentos empíricos reportados na literatura. Esse modelo indicou que, mesmo apresentando baixa eficiência na remoção de demanda química de oxigênio, o reator possui capacidade de amortecer as variações impostas de vazão e respondeu com grande sensibilidade à variação de velocidade específica máxima de degradação de substrato, indicando que esse parâmetro cinético deve ser o parâmetro de calibração do modelo matemático. / In countries with favorable environmental, social, cultural and economical conditions, the use of anaerobic processes in treatment of domestic sewage. The UASB reactor (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) has many advantages, among the anaerobic reactors, allows the installation, operation and maintenance with low costs; presents low sludge generation; is capable to support organic and hydraulic overloads and has COD removal efficiencies between 70% and 80%. However few studies are reported in the literature about reactors submitted to cyclical daily variations of organic and hydraulic loads in short periods of time - equal to or shorter than 24 hours. Aiming to understand the probable dampening and the delays in the response of the UASB reactors when submitted to these variations, it was developed a simplified mathematical model based on the continuous flow pattern of a completed stirred tank and in the Monod kinetic model for COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) removal and empirical kinetic equations reported in the literature. The model indicated that, even when presenting low efficiency in the removal of COD, the reactor has a capacity to dampen the forced flow variations, and responded with great sensivity to the variation of qmáx., indicating that this kinetic parameter may be the calibration parameter of the mathematical model.

Resposta dinâmica de reator UASB em escala piloto submetido a cargas orgânicas e hidráulicas cíclicas: modelos matemáticos e resultados experimentais / Dynamic response of a UASB reactor submitted to organic and hydraulic cyclical loads: mathematical models and experimental results

Karina Querne de Carvalho 14 December 2006 (has links)
Poucos estudos são reportados na literatura sobre o comportamento dinâmico do reator UASB submetido a variações cíclicas diárias, de cargas orgânicas e hidráulicas, em períodos curtos de duração - iguais ou menores que 24h, com os quais verifica-se queda na eficiência do reator, causada pela provável flotação dos grânulos, problemas com geração de odor e alta concentração de sólidos suspensos no efluente. Para melhor compreender a resposta dinâmica desses reatores submetidos a essas variações, foi desenvolvido o modelo MMS baseado no modelo hidrodinâmico de mistura completa em reatores em série, modelo cinético de primeira ordem para consumo de substrato e para crescimento da biomassa e equacionamentos empíricos reportados na literatura. Esse modelo indicou a capacidade do reator de amortecer as variações impostas e a influência da cinética na eficiência de remoção da matéria orgânica. Para calibrar e validar o MMS, foi avaliado o desempenho de um reator UASB (160 L) no tratamento de esgoto sanitário municipal da cidade de São Carlos. Durante o período de operação, o reator foi submetido a variações senoidais cíclicas, de cargas orgânica e hidráulica, em valores inferiores e superiores a 40% e 60% da vazão afluente de 16,0 L/h. A produção média de gás metano e a eficiência média de remoção de DQO alcançadas pelo reator foram de aproximadamente: 1,83 L/h e 61% para vazão afluente de 16 L/h, TDH de 10 h e velocidade ascensional de 0,23 m/h; 2,24 L/h e 48% para variação cíclica de 40% e 2,97 L/h e 40% para variação cíclica de 60%. O MMS indicou faixa de valores para a DQO efluente com diferença em relação aos resultados observados experimentalmente - de 37% para vazão afluente constante de 16 L/h e 59% e 56% para variações senoidais cíclicas de 40% e 60% da vazão afluente, respectivamente – devido à limitação do modelo em considerar o arraste de sólidos no efluente que ocorreu ao longo de toda a operação do reator e mais acentuadamente quando foram aplicadas variações da vazão afluente. O modelo ADM1 proposto por Batstone et al.(2002a,b)apresentou menor similaridade com os resultados observados experimentalmente por não contemplar a variação horária e diária de alguns parâmetros de entrada, mas apenas a média aritmética dos valores. / There are no extensive reports on the dynamic behaviour of UASB reactor submitted to cyclical daily variations of organic and hydraulic loads of short periods of time - equal to or shorter than 24 hours - that can damage the reactor efficiency due to probable granule flotation, odor generation and high concentration of suspended solids in the effluent. Aiming to understand the dynamic response of these reactors when submitted to these variations, it was developed the MMS model based on the N-continuous flow stirred tank reactors (CSTR) in series model, first order kinetics model for substrate consumption and biomass growth and empirical equations reported in the literature. The model indicated the reactor capacity on dampening the imposed flow rate variations and the influence of the kinetics in the organic matter removal efficiency. It was evaluated the response of a UASB in bench scale (160 L) treating sanitary sewage of São Carlos city in order to calibrate and validate the MMS. During the operation, the reactor was submitted to cyclical sinusoidal variations of organic and hydraulic loads in lesser and higher values of 40% and 60% of the influent flow rate of 16 L/h. The reactor achieved mean methane production and mean COD removal efficiency of: 1,83 L/h and 61% to influent flow rate of 16 L/h, HRT of 10 h and upflow velocity of 0,23 m/h; 2,24 L/h and 48% to sinusoidal variation of 40%; 2,97 L/h and 40% to sinusoidal variation of 60%. The MMS model results indicated a range of effluent COD values with a difference of 37% to influent flow rate of 16 L/h, 59% and 56% to sinusoidal variations of 40% and 60%, respectively, in comparison with the experimental observed data. This probably occurred due to the model limitation in considering and predicting the solids washout in the effluent that was verified during all the operation, and also more significant when the sinusoidal variations were applied. The ADM1 reported by Batstone et al. (2002a,b) presented lesser similarity with the experimental observed results due to the fact that it does not consider hourly and daily variations of some input parameters, but only the arithmetical mean of the values.

Caractérisation expérimentale et numérique aux différentes échelles de la tenue mécanique au choc d'assemblages soudés MAG / Mechanical strength of MAG welded joints : a multi-scales numerical and experimental study

Carrier, Julien 15 June 2016 (has links)
Ces travaux portent sur l'étude expérimentale et numérique de la rupture de structures soudées soumises à des sollicitations pyrotechniques telles que celles subies par les véhicules militaires sur le champ de bataille. Ce travail de thèse présente le développement de modèles éléments finis détaillés (à l’échelle mésoscopique) permettant de reproduire le comportement de ces assemblages lorsqu’ils sont sollicités par ces sollicitations dynamiques. Ils prennent en compte la géométrie locale des cordons de soudure et les différents matériaux. Pour paramétrer ces modèles, il est nécessaire de caractériser la soudure à l’échelle des matériaux constitutifs de l’assemblage. Ainsi des essais de caractérisation de leur comportement mécanique sont menés en se basant sur les vitesses de déformation relevées sur des modèles éléments finis de véhicule : quasi-statique jusqu’à 1000s-1. Pour l’analyse de la rupture, une large plage de triaxialité des contraintes est couverte au travers d’essais dédiés. Pour chaque matériau, une loi de comportement et un critère de rupture ont été déterminés par analyse inverse et validés sur des grandeurs globales et locales. Afin d’étudier la pertinence des modèles mésoscopiques, des essais au canon à gaz sont réalisés sur des assemblages soudés élémentaires en L et en T. Ils permettent de reproduire les principaux modes de rupture observés sur les pièces réelles. In fine, les simulations corrèlent les essais en termes de mode et de seuil d’apparition de la rupture. Ceci valide les lois de comportement identifiées et la modélisation mésoscopique proposée. / Finite element modeling is commonly used to design armored vehicles and to evaluate the strength of the structure against mine explosion. This study investigates experimental and numerical failure of welded structures submitted to such dynamic loadings. The goal is to develop detailed finite element models at meso-scale that allow to predict the behavior and failure of welded joints at intermediate strain rates. These models must take into account the local properties of the welded joint as the geometries as the mechanical behavior of the constitutive materials. Experimental characterizations of the material behavior are led on tensile specimens from quasi-static loading up to 1000s-1. This strain rates range results from analysis on vehicle finite element models. Dedicated tests are also conducted to study the material failure on a large range of stress triaxiality values. For each constitutive material, the hardening and failure parameters are identified through a reverse engineering approach. To validate the meso-scale models, gas gun tests are led on basic L and T welded assemblies. Modes and thresholds of failure are correctly replicated thanks to these finite element models. This validates the identified material behavior laws and the proposed meso-scale modeling.

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