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Nusikalstamumo prevencijos ir kontrolės sistema Lietuvoje / The system of crime prevention and control in lithuaniaSiniauskas, Marius 26 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe prieš pradedant aiškintis nusikalstamumo prevencijos ir kontrolės sistemą Lietuvoje aptariamos pagrindinės nusikaltimų priežastys ir sąlygos. Kartu su priežastimis ir sąlygomis aptariamos nusikalstamumo tendencijos Lietuvoje iki 2010 metų. Pagal naujausius registruoto nusikalstamumo statistinius duomenis bendras registruotų veikų skaičius išsilaiko apie 80 000 per metus, o sunkių ir labai sunkių nusikaltimų skaičius ir toliau tolygiai krenta. Šiame darbe taip pat aptariama, kad valstybė remiasi tik pozityvistiniu požiūriu į nusikalstamumą bei nuslepia nuo visuomenės didelį latentinį nusikalstamumą, kuris paprasčiausiai nepatenka į teisėsaugos institucijų statistiką. Taip pat darbe aptariamos nusikaltimų prevencijos ir kontrolės sąvokos, jų skirstymas pagal panaudojimo laiką ir kitas specifikas, tačiau didžiausias dėmesys skiriamas nusikaltimų prevencijos ir kontrolės sistemos teisiniam reglamentavimui Lietuvoje. Siekiant pagrįsti darbą buvo atliktas empirinis tyrimas, kurio rezultatai patvirtina pakankamai didelę prarają tarp pozityvistinės teisėsaugos institucijų statistikos ir realaus vaizdo, kaip žmonės jaučiasi ir su kiek nusikaltimų susiduria kasdien. / This paper contains not only crime prevention and control system in Lithuania, but also begins with main reasons why people commit crimes and what are the main causes and conditions to it. With causes and conditions there is also part of this paper that contains crime trends in Lithuania till year 2010. Due to the latest data of registered crime the total amount of deeds persist about 80 000 registered crimes per year and for the severe and very severe crimes statistic data is consistent and running down. This paper also admits that Lithuania is based solely on positivistic point of view when it comes to crime and hides the data of actual crime from the society, leaving a big amount of latent crimes, which has no option of getting into law enforcements statistics. To continue with, this paper also deals with crime prevention and control concept, their apportionment by practise time and other specifics. The main interest is about crime prevention and control system in Lithuania and it‘s legal regulation. What is more, due to show what this paper is based on there was a survey carried out. That idea showed that there is a big gap between law enforcement‘s data and the real crimes that are done and faced every day by the society.
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Vekselių civilinės apyvartos teisiniai aspektai / Legal issues of using bills of exchange and promissory notes in civil circulationGricius, Rolandas 26 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbas nagrinėja vekselių civilinės apyvartos Lietuvoje teisinius aspektus. Darbe įvedama į problemos kontekstą pateikiant trumpą istorinę apžvalgą apie vekselius ir jų naudojimą Lietuvoje, užbaigiant prisijungimu prie 1930 m. Ženevos konvencijos dėl Vieningo įsakomųjų ir paprastųjų vekselių įstatymo ir atnaujinto Įsakomųjų ir paprastųjų vekselių įstatymo bei poįstatyminių aktų priėmimu. Toliau aprašoma vekselio, kaip abstraktaus vienašalio sandorio prigimtis, tipinė vekselių apyvarta, nagrinėjamas vekselių atskyrimas nuo kitų panašias savybes turinčių instrumentų. Probleminėje darbo dalyje nagrinėjamos teorinės ir praktinės vekselių apyvartoje kylančios problemos, atsižvelgiant į įstatyminį reguliavimą, teisės doktriną bei teismų praktiką. Pradedama nuo vekselio formos problemų, vekselį išrašiusio subjekto trūkumų, ydingai (su trūkumais) atliktais įrašais vekselyje, išnagrinėjama įsakomojo vekselio galia mokėtojui. Toliau aptariamas vekselių su pasibaigusiu vienu iš terminų statusas, vekselio ir jo aptarnaujamo sandorio tarpusavio ryšys, dvigubo apmokėjimo (pagal vekselį ir pagal aptarnaujamo sandorio dokumentus) problema, išieškojimo pagal vekselį problemos. Darbas baigiamas įstatymo projekto, siūlančio atsisakyti užprotestuotų vekselių registro, kaip mažai naudingo, analize, ir argumentais paremtu pasiūlymu išplėsti tokį registrą iki neapmokėtų (pagal kuriuos išduoti vykdomieji įrašai) ir užprotestuotų vekselį registro, siekiant padidinti jo naudingumą. Darbe... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Vilnius University Master of Law thesis paper „Legal issues of using bills of exchange and promissory notes in civil circulation“ This Master of Law thesis paper is denoted to current legal issues of using bills of exchange and promissory notes in civil circulation. Paper starts with setting the context of the regulation for the bills of exchange and promissory notes, starting with short history and finishing with current laws – accession of Lithuania to the 1930 Geneva Convention providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes and subsequent harmonization of the local Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, following with supporting bylaws. Next is described the origin of bills of exchange and promissory notes as an stand-alone unilateral contract, typical civil circulation of bills of exchange and promissory notes, differences from the similar legal and financial instruments. In the main part of the thesis paper the theoretical and practical issues of the civil circulation of the bills of exchange and promissory notes are examined, according to statute law, academic papers and court ruling precedents. Starting points are issues with a form of bills of exchange and promissory notes, deficiencies of the subject of bills of exchange and promissory notes, deficiencies in the written clauses on the bills of exchange and promissory notes, and then the power of the bill of exchange (called “unconditional order to pay” in the Lithuanian language) to the... [to full text]
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Socialinių vaidmenų kaitos refleksija diplomatiniame protokole / Reflection of social role change in diplomatic protocolRadzvilavičiūtė, Gražina 27 June 2014 (has links)
Magistrinio darbo „Socialinių vaidmenų kaitos refleksija diplomatiniame protokole“ tikslas – išanalizuoti lyčių socialinių vaidmenų kaitos refleksiją diplomatiniame protokole. Tikslui pasiekti keliami tokie uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti lyčių socialinių vaidmenų kaitą nuo XIV iki XX amžiaus. 2. Socialinių vaidmenų aspektu išanalizuoti protokolą. 3. Atlikti atvejų tyrimą, kurie atskleis, kaip diplomatinis protokolas pritaikomas prie pasikeitusio socialinio vaidmens valstybių vadovų. 4. Atlikti kokybinį nukreiptąjį interviu su protokolo specialistu. 5. Pateikti išvadas. Magistro darbo tikslui pasiekti naudojami metodai: aprašomasis analitinis, naudojant mokslinę literatūrą, statistikos duomenis ir atliktus tyrimus siekiama atlikti analizę, kuri parodytų, koks buvo moters socialinis vaidmuo tam tikrais istoriniais laikotarpiais, kaip jis keitėsi ir koks yra dabar. Kintantį moters socialinį vaidmenį svarbu įvertinti todėl, jog tik tai, kas tampa norma visuomenėje, vėliau yra įtvirtinama kodeksuose, teisės aktuose ir taisyklių rinkiuose, tokiuose kaip diplomatinis protokolas. Turinio kokybinės analizės metodu darbe bus analizuojami moksliniai šaltiniai, kuriuose keliama socialinių vaidmenų, visuomenėje aprobuotų vyrų ir moterų elgesio normų problema skirtingais istoriniais laikotarpiais, taip pat remiamasi publicistiniais straipsniais, kuriuose gvildenama moterų diplomatijoje problematika. Atvejų, kai valstybės vadovas – vienišas, moteris, gyvenantis nesusituokęs ar sudaręs vienos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of masters paper “Reflection of Social Role Change in Diplomatic Protocol“ is to examine how change of gender roles works in diplomatic protocol. In order to achieve this aim the following tasks are raised: 1. to analyze gender roles change from the XIV to the XX century; 2. to analyze ceremonial in terms of gender roles; 3. to conduct case studies and a qualitative interview with the protocol specialist which would revealed the practice of diplomatic protocol adaption to the changed gender roles; 4. to present findings. To achieve master’s paper aim the fallowing methods are used: descriptive, analytical, statistical data and research, qualitative content analysis methods, case studies and qualitative interview with the protocol specialist. Master work consists of three sections. The object of master work is diplomatic and state protocol. In international relations, diplomacy and politics – the spheres long dominated by men – women had to conform and adopt rules of behavior which regulated conduct of men. However, the increasing number of precedents, when women are acting the main role in ceremonies, will be set up clear, specific rules for conduct of women. The change will be reinforced by actively acting women becoming a social norm. When rules of conduct for women will be in power, there will be no need to resolve problems of changed gender roles every time individually. Master work “Reflection of Social Role Change in Diplomatic Protocol“ may be useful for... [to full text]
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Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium inaktyvacijos fotosensibilizacija vertinimas ir poveikio modeliavimas / Evaluation of salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium inactivation by photosensitization and impact modelingŽindul, Adam 01 July 2014 (has links)
Šiame tiriamajame darbe nagrinėjama bakterijos Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium inkubacijos priklausomybė nuo inkubacinio periodo. Trumpai aptariami bakterijų inaktyvavimą aprašantys dažniausiai naudojami modeliai, skaitiškai išreiškiama lag fazė, randama jos ilgį aprašantį funkciją. Toliau vertinamos tiesinė ir liekamoji dalys bei išvedama inaktyvavimą aprašanti lygtis. Darbas baigiamas išvestinės formulės praktiniu panaudojimu ir rezultatų aptarimu. / Evaluation of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium inactivation by photosensitization and impact modeling The aim goal of this research is to evaluate the influence of irradiation of UV light and incubation period on Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium bacteria. Shortly discussed most commonly used mathematical models of bacterial inactivation, expressed lag phase and its function. Next step is evaluation of line part and tail of inactivation (mortality) curve. At the end of the research the inactivation formula is deduced and the results are discussed.
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Akivaizdūs ir paslėpti atliktų statybos rangos darbų trūkumai: teisinio reguliavimo ypatumai ir šių trūkumų nustatymo teisinės pasekmės / Patent and latent construction defects: specifics of legal regulation and legal consequences of their identificationJusaitė, Laima 27 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe analizuojami akivaizdžių ir paslėptų atliktų statybos rangos darbų trūkumų teisinio reguliavimo ypatumai bei jų nustatymo teisinės pasekmės. Analizuojant Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo praktiką, atskleidžiami ir nagrinėjami tyrimo probleminiai aspektai. Tyrimas taip pat paremtas Lietuvos Respublikos civilinio kodekso, Lietuvos Respublikos statybos įstatymo, statybos techninių reglamentų teisinio reguliavimo analize; lyginimu su FIDIC modelinių sutarčių, Bendros principų sistemos projekto (anglų k. Draft Common Frame of Reference) nuostatomis, taip pat su atitinkamų klausimų reguliavimu Vokietijos, Prancūzijos ir Anglijos teisėje. Taip pat aptariamos ir teisės doktrinoje išdėstytos pozicijos. Atliktų statybos rangos darbų trūkumų teisinės pasekmės pirmiausia priklauso nuo tinkamo teisinių santykių kvalifikavimo, todėl darbe išryškinama statybos rangos sutarties dalyko, kaip esminio statybos rangos sutarties skiriamojo bruožo, specifika. Kadangi statybos darbų kokybei keliami ne tik sutartiniai reikalavimai, bet ir privalomieji minimalūs normatyvinių statybos techninių dokumentų reikalavimai, darbe pateikiama statybos darbų trūkumų samprata, įvardijant trūkumus kaip atliktų statybos darbų rezultato kokybės neatitikimą nustatytiems reikalavimams. Analizuojamos akivaizdžių ir paslėptų trūkumų nustatymo teisinės pasekmės, perduodant ir priimant atliktus statybos darbus: darbų priėmimo – perdavimo akto reikšmė, taip pat vienašalio darbų perdavimo akto reikšmė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this Master’s work specifics of legal regulation on patent and latent construction defects as well as legal consequences of their identification are analysed. Through analysis of practice of the Supreme Court of Lithuania, problematic aspects are revealed and examined. The research is based on analysis of legal regulation of Lithuanian Civil Code, Lithuanian Law on Construction, Technical Construction Regulations. The research is also based on comparison with provisions of FIDIC model contracts, Draft Common Frame of Reference, and regulation of corresponding issues in German, French and English law. Positions stated in law doctrine are discussed as well. Legal consequences of construction defects first of all depend on correct qualification of legal relations, therefore, in this work the specifics of the construction contract’s object, as an essential construction contract’s distinctive feature, is highlighted. Since quality of construction must comply with not only contractual requirements but also with mandatory minimal quality requirements prescribed in normative technical construction documents, in this work the concept of construction defects is set forth, describing defects as a quality of construction result unconformity with prescribed requirements. This work analyses legal consequences of patent and latent defects identified while transferring and accepting construction result, such as: significance of transfer – acceptance, also significance of unilateral... [to full text]
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Tėvų pareiga materialiai išlaikyti savo vaikus: Lietuvos ir Latvijos teisės lyginamoji analizė / Parents‘ duty for child support: comparative analysis of lithuania and latviaBanytė, Sabina 27 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame magistriniame darbe yra apžvelgiami tėvų pareigų išlaikyti savo vaikus reglamentavimo ypatumai Lietuvoje ir Latvijoje, atsižvelgiant į problematiškesnius aspektus. Šis magistro baigiamasis darbas yra originalus tuo, kad jame ne tik išsamiai analizuojami ne tik tarptautiniai, šalies, bet Latvijos teisės aktai, bet atskleidžiamos įvairios mokslininkų nuomonės apie Lietuvos ir Latvijos tėvų pareigų išlaikyti savo vaikus reguliavimo problematiką. Vaikų išlaikymo santykių teisiniam reglamentavimui yra skirtas pirmas skyrius. Todėl jame aprašomas vaikų išlaikymo santykių teisinis reguliavimas Europos Sąjungos teisės aktuose ir vaikų išlaikymo santykių teisinė bazė pagal Lietuvos ir Latvijos teisės aktus. Antrajame skyriuje yra analizuojamas vaikų išlaikymo pareigos atsiradimas bei pabaiga Latvijos ir Lietuvos teisės aktuose. Ši analizė pradedama nuo vaikų išlaikymo pareigos atsiradimo, kol pereinama prie kreipimosi dėl išlaikymo teisės ypatumų ir vaikų išlaikymo analizės santuokos nutraukimo atvejais ir baigiama valstybių teikiamo vaikų išlaikymo palyginimu. Trečiajame skyriuje aptariamas vaiko poreikių ir tėvų turtinės padėties proporcingumo nustatymas Lietuvoje ir Latvijoje per tėvų turtinės padėties įtakos vaikų išlaikyme nustatymo specifiką, minimalų išlaikymo dydį, vaikui skirto išlaikymo panaudojimo teisinį reglamentavimą bei prevencinių priemonių vaikų išlaikyme taikymo charakteristiką. Magistro darbas užbaigiamas išvadomis bei pateikiamas pasiūlymas. / This master thesis is an overview of the duties of parents for children support in the regulatory features in Lithuania and Latvia, according to the more troubling aspects. The author analyses in details the international, national legislation and regulation of Latvia in the of parent‘s obligation for children support. But also the original performance has done in revealing various opinions about parental responsibility for children support adjustment problems in this paperwork. The legal regulation of child maintenance relations is covered in the first chapter of this mater thesis. Therefore, it describes the child support legal regulation of the European Union legislation and the maintenance of children under the legal framework for relations in the Lithuanian and Latvian legislation. The second section of this written paper researches the duration of duty for children support by Latvian and Lithuanian child maintenance laws. This part of the master thesis covers the review of: origin of this duty, the right of application for maintenance characteristics, child support in divorce cases and comparison of child support. The third section of the paper deals with proportionality between the needs of the child and the finiancial status of parents in Lithuania and Latvia. This overview covers: the specific determination of parents' economic status on child maintenance, minimum amount of maintenance, the regulation for the use of child maintenance and the peculiarity of... [to full text]
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Integrerad rapportering - Ett nytt sätt att rapporteraKalifa, Dalida, Safari, Awat January 2014 (has links)
Titel: Integrerad rapportering – Ett nytt sätt att rapportera Datum: 2014-06-03 Lärosäte: Mälardalens högskola, Västerås Institution: Akademin för ekonomi, samhälle och teknik Kurs: Magisteruppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 hp Författare: Dalida Kalifa & Awat Safari Handledare: Leif Carlsson Nyckelord: Integrerad rapportering, IIRC, hållbarhetsredovising, finansiella rapporter och icke-finansiella rapporter Examinator: Cecilia Lindh Problemformulering: - Vad innebär begreppet integrerad rapportering? - Vilka fördelar respektive nackdelar finns det med integrerad rapportering? - Finns det ett behov av en integrerad rapportering, i så fall vad ligger bakom behovet? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad begreppet integrerad rapportering innebär och vilka fördelar respektive nackdelar en integrerad rapportering medför. Vidare är syftet att undersöka om det finns ett behov av en integrerad rapportering samt vad som ligger bakom detta eventuella behov. Metod: Metoden i studien är av en kvalitativ karaktär med en deduktiv ansats. Primärdata har samlats in genom intervjuer med 16 respondenter. Slutsatser: De slutsatser som studien har kommit fram till är att en integrerad rapportering är ett förändrat synsätt där företag ska sätta lika stort värde vid den finansiella och icke-finansiella informationen samt kopplingen mellan dessa. Fördelen med den integrerade rapporteringen är att den ger en tydlig och fullständig bild av ett företags verksamhet. Nackdelen med den integrerade rapporteringen är att den kan leda till omfattande rapporter. Företag och intressenter är i behov av en rapport som integrerar och visar en tydlig koppling mellan de ekonomiska frågorna med de sociala samt miljömässiga frågorna så att en helhetsbild av verksamheten skapas.
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Analysis of telomere maintenance in artemis defective human cell linesYasaei, Hemad January 2009 (has links)
Telomeres are physical ends of chromosomes consisting of (TTAGGG)n DNA sequence and a specialized set of proteins that protect chromosomal ends from degradation and from eliciting DNA damage response. These specialized set of proteins, known as shelterin, directly bind to telomeric DNA. In addition, some DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair proteins such as, DNA-PKcs and KU70/80, play active roles in telomere maintenance. Mouse knock-out experiments have revealed that deletion of either DNA-PKcs or Ku70/80 resulted in elevated levels of telomeric fusion, indicative of dysfunctional telomeres. Artemis protein is involved in DNA DSB repair through non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) and it is phosphorylated by DNAPKcs. Human cells defective in Artemis have been identified and shown to be radiosensitive and patients with an Artemis defective gene suffer from radiosensitive severe-combined immune deficiency syndrome (RS-SCID). Mouse cells defective in Artemis have elevated levels of telomeric fusion. We have demonstrated in this thesis that Artemis defective human cell lines show a mild telomeric dysfunction phenotype detectable at the cytological level. The nature of telomere dysfunction phenotype appears to be similar to that observed in DNAPKcs defective cells as exemplified by the presence of IR induced chromatid telomeric fusions. We have also shown that (a) DNA damage occurring within the telomeric DNA is difficult to repair or irreparable in older cells and that (b) Artemis defective older cells show higher proportion of DNA damage at telomeres than their normal counterparts. Finally, we have demonstrated that inhibition of DNA-PKcs causes (a) an increase in telomeric fusions in Artemis defective cell lines relative to both normal cell lines after inhibition and Artemis cell lines before inhibition and (b)elevated levels of DNA damage at telomeres following exposure of cells to radiation relative to both irradiated normal cells exposed to a DNA-PKcs inhibitor and irradiated Artemis defective cells but not exposed to the DNA-PKcs inhibitor. These results suggest that the effects of Artemis and DNA-PKcs on telomeres are cumulative. We have also performed (a) experiments to examine telomere function in Artemis defective cell lines after knocking down DNA-PKcs levels by RNAi and b) preliminary experiments to knock-down Artemis in DNA-PKcs defective cells. Taken together, our results suggest that the Artemis defect causes mild telomere dysfunction phenotype in human cells.
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Screening for Insulin Resistance in Patients with Liver Disease in Tertiary CentersAhmed, Waheeda Siddiqui, Ahmed, Waheeda Siddiqui January 2016 (has links)
Background: Liver is a vital organ that plays a major role in glucose production and regulationthroughout the body (Musso et al., 2012). Liver disease has long been linked with insulin resistance (IR), dating back to 1906 (Megyesi et al., 1967). IR has been found to be prevalent in a range of liver diseases, including chronic Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), hemochromatosis, and alcoholic liver disease (Goswami et al., 2014). Liver disease is highly prevalent in the United States population with 30 million people (or one out of ten Americans) suffering from some type of liver disease (Peery et al., 2015). Although research demonstrates a significant relationship between liver disease and IR, the University of Arizona (UA) hepatology clinic does not currently screen liver disease patients for IR. Homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) score is used to study IR in non-insulin resistant population. HOMA-IR score is calculated using formula fasting plasma glucose (mmol/l) times fasting serum insulin (mU/l) divided by 22.5 (Bonora et al., 2002). Low HOMA-IR (HOMA< 2.0) values indicate high insulin sensitivity, whereas high HOMA-IR (HOMA> 2.0) values indicate low insulin sensitivity (insulin resistance) (Bonora et al., 2002). Objective: The purpose of this quality improvement (QI) project is to show the prevalence of IR in euglycemic liver disease patients at the UA hepatology clinic by using their HOMA-IR scores as a screening tool. By screening euglycemic liver disease patients for IR based on their HOMA-IR score, providers at the UA hepatology clinic can prevent liver disease progression and complications associated with IR early on. By doing so, the providers can improve the quality of care for liver disease patients. An essential part of calculating HOMA-IR is the availability of labs (serum glucose and serum insulin). A part of this QI project is to determine if the UA hepatology clinic has necessary labs to calculate HOMA-IR for euglycemic liver disease patients. A related matter is whether there is a correlation between liver disease patients' HOMA-IR score and Model for End-stage Liver Disease (MELD) score. If there is a direct correlation between HOMA-IR and MELD scores, providers can identify severity and progression of liver disease in euglycemic liver disease patients. Design: A case control retrospective study. Study Questions: 1) Do UA Hepatology clinic providers order sufficient labs (fasting plasma glucose and fasting plasma insulin) to calculate HOMA-IR in euglycemic patients? 2) What is the prevalence of IR in euglycemic liver patients indicated by HOMA-IR score? 3) Is there any correlation between HOMA-IR score and MELD score in euglycemic liver disease patients? Participants: Data will be collected from 1000 liver disease patients' at the UA hepatologyclinic, a tertiary level referral center. Settings: Banner University Medical Center (UMC) in Tucson, Arizona from January 1, 2011 until December 31, 2014. Measurements: HOMA-IR score using serum fasting glucose and serum fasting insulin levels laboratory values. MELD score to identify the severity of liver disease in euglycemic liver disease patients. Results: Among 1000 patients, 506 (60.5%) were found to have a previous diagnosis of T2DMand 395 (39.5 %) were euglycemic liver disease patients (Figure 1). Out of the 395 euglycemic liver disease patients, 217 (55%) participants were found to have both insulin level and glucose11level in their charts; 178 (45%) euglycemic liver disease patients were missing either insulin level or glucose level needed to calculate HOMA-IR score (Figure 2). Of the 217 euglycemic liver disease patients, 54.8% of had HOMA-IR> 2 and 45.2% patients had HOMA-IR<2 (Figure 3). The Pearson Correlation between HOMA-R>2 and MELD scores was 0.092 and the significance value using 2-tailed was 0.321 (Table 4). Conclusion: The results showed a significant high prevalence of IR in euglycemic patients with HOMA-IR score> 2 (54.8%) compare to those patients with HOMA-IR score<2 (45.2%). Furthermore, about 178 (45%) euglycemic liver disease patients were missing either insulin level or glucose level needed to calculate HOMA-IR score. This is a significant number of patients missing important labs to identify them as high risk for IR. This QI project identified HOMA-IRas an important screening tool that should be used both in hepatology clinics and primary healthcare settings. Use of such tool will lead to improved quality of care for euglycemic liver disease patients.
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Cellulose-water interaction: a spectroscopic studyLindh, Erik L January 2016 (has links)
The human society of today has a significantly negative impact on the environment and needs to change its way of living towards a more sustainable path if to continue to live on a healthy planet. One path is believed to be an increased usage of naturally degradable and renewable raw materials and, therefore, attention has been focused on the highly abundant biopolymer cellulose. However, a large drawback with cellulose-based materials is the significant change of their mechanical properties when in contact with water. Despite more than a century of research, the extensively investigated interaction between water and cellulose still possesses many unsettled questions, and if the answer to those were known, cellulose-based materials could be more efficiently utilized. It is well understood that one interaction between cellulose and water is through hydrogen bonds, established between water and the hydroxyl groups of the cellulose. Due to the very similar properties of the hydroxyl groups in water and the hydroxyl groups of the cellulose, the specific interaction-induced effect on the hydroxyl groups at a cellulose surface is difficult to investigate. Therefore, a method based on 2H MAS NMR spectroscopy has been developed and validated in this work. Due to the verified ability of the methodology to provide site-selective information regarding the molecular dynamics of the cellulose deuteroxyl groups (i.e. deuterium-exchanged hydroxyl groups), it was shown by investigating 1H-2H exchanged cellulose samples that only two of the three accessible hydroxyl groups (on the surface of cellulose fibrils) exchange with water. This finding was also verified by FT-IR spectroscopy, and together with MD simulations we could establish that it is O(2)H and O(6)H hydroxyl groups (of the constituting glucose units) that exchange with water. From the MD simulations additional conclusion could be drawn regarding the molecular interactions required for hydrogen exchange; an exchanging hydroxyl group needs to donate its hydrogen in a hydrogen bond to water. Exchange kinetics of thin cellulose films were investigated by monitoring two different exchange processes with FT-IR spectroscopy. Specific information about the two exchanging hydroxyl/deuteroxyl groups was then extracted by deconvoluting the changing intensities of the recorded IR spectra. It was recognized that the exchange of the hydroxyl groups were well described by a two-region model, which was assessed to correspond to two fibrillary surfaces differentiated by their respective positions in the fibril aggregate. From the detailed deconvolution it was also possible to estimate the fraction of these two surfaces, which indicated that the average aggregate of cotton cellulose is built up by three to four fibrils. 2H MAS NMR spectroscopy was used to examine different states of water in cellulose samples, hydrated at different relative humidities of heavy water. The results showed that there exist two states of water adsorbed onto the cellulose, differentiated by distinct different mobilities. These two states of water are well separated and had negligible exchange on the time scale of the experiments. It was suggested that they are located at the internal and external surfaces of the fibril aggregates. By letting cellulose nanofibrils undergo an epoxidation reaction with a mono epoxide some indicative results regarding how to protect the cellulose material from the negative impact of water were presented. The protecting effect of the epoxidation were examined by mechanically testing and NMR spectroscopy. It was proposed that by changing the dominant interaction between the fibril aggregates from hydrophilic hydrogen bonds to hydrophobic π-interactions the sensitivity to moisture was much reduced. The results also indicated that the relative reduction in moisture sensitivity was largest for the samples with highest moisture content. / <p>QC 20161229</p>
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