Spelling suggestions: "subject:" cortar"" "subject:" kortar""
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Estimativa da energia de lançamento das argamassas projetadas por spray a ar comprimido. / Estimation of projection energy of mortars sprayed by compressed air.Heloísa Cristina Fernandes 26 March 2007 (has links)
O revestimento de argamassa é um componente comum das fachadas dos edifícios brasileiros. Sua aderência à base é um fator determinante para seu adequado desempenho, pois a queda de placas de revestimento pode resultar em falhas funcionais e estéticas e até em acidentes fatais. Está provado que a aderência do revestimento depende da combinação entre o comportamento reológico da argamassa e a energia com que foi lançada à base durante a aplicação. Sabe-se, também, que a introdução da técnica de aplicação de argamassa por spray a ar comprimido aumentou a aderência dos revestimentos com relação à aplicação manual. Não se conhecia ainda a energia empregada por esse tipo de equipamento e os fatores que exerceriam influência nesse sistema de projeção. Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia simples que estima a energia de lançamento dos projetores a ar comprimido e estuda experimentalmente os fatores importantes para a projeção, tais como a pressão do ar comprimido e o comportamento reológico de diversas composições de argamassa preparadas com dois teores de água em diferentes equipamentos do mercado brasileiro. Foram estimadas, também, a produtividade, a partir do tempo necessário para esvaziamento do projetor, e as perdas potenciais de cada combinação. Dados experimentais mostraram que a energia de lançamento, empregada pelos equipamentos estudados, para as argamassas ensaiadas variou de 2 a 16 J/kg, as perdas potenciais estimadas variaram de 1% a 25% e o intervalo de tempo para projeção medido foi de 5 a 20 s. / Mortar rendering is commonly applied to Brazilian buildings façades. Its adherence to the base is an important enabler for its adequate performance, since the fall of not properly applied rendering plates may result in functional and esthetical failures and even in fatalities. It is known that the mortar rendering bond strength depends on the combination between its rheological behavior and the energy (or speed) utilized in its projection. It has also already been demonstrated that the mortar projected by spray equipment propelled by compressed air have better bond strength than the same mortar projected manually. However, the projection energy of the equipment and the related parameters that may influence this process has not been measured yet. This paper aims to develop a simple methodology to measure the projection energy provided by the air spray equipment and also the role of the parameters that affect this process, such as air pressure values and rheological behavior of several mortar formulations prepared with distinct water contents being projected by different equipments commonly found in the Brazilian market. The process productivity, by means of the time necessary to empty the projector mortar reservoir, and the potential material waste of each combination were also studied. A set of experimental data demonstrated that the projection energy provided by the studied equipments to the different mortar formulations presented a variation range from 2 to 16 J/kg, an estimated potential material losses ranged from 1% to 25% and a projection time from 5 to 20 s.
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Método de formulação de argamassas de revestimento baseado em distribuição granulométrica e comportamento reológico. / Formulation method for rendering mortars based on particle size distribution and rheological behavior.Fábio Alonso Cardoso 11 September 2009 (has links)
O desempenho final das argamassas depende das matérias-primas e de suas proporções na formulação, pois estas determinam o comportamento do material na etapa de aplicação e a microestrutura final do material endurecido. Entre as patologias de revestimentos, a falha de aderência é um dos fenômenos mais freqüentes, sendo originada pela incompatibilidade entre o comportamento reológico da argamassa e a energia de lançamento utilizada, resultando em defeitos na interface argamassa substrato. A adequação das características reológicas das argamassas às solicitações envolvidas na aplicação fornece condições de processamento mais favoráveis para a obtenção das máximas propriedades finais do revestimento. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho é desenvolver critérios de formulação, baseados nas características das matérias-primas, nos modelos de empacotamento de partículas e nos comportamentos reológicos, de modo a obter um método de formulação de argamassas. O método de squeeze-flow foi desenvolvido com sucesso para avaliação reológica de argamassas, sendo as principais variáveis experimentais foram estudadas, assim como o efeito do tipo de mistura no comportamento reológico. Procedimento para quantificação da segregação pasta-agregado foi criado, tendo em vista o intenso efeito que este fenômeno exerce sobre o comportamento reológico em squeeze-flow, especialmente em baixas velocidades. Foi ainda comprovado que o squeeze-flow tem boa relação com a percepção do pedreiro, principalmente, nas etapas de lançamento e aperto. Diversas argamassas nacionais e européias foram caracterizadas, resultando em um mapeamento das características de formulação, do comportamento reológico e das propriedades no estado endurecido. Através da aplicação de conceitos de empacotamento e distância de separação de partículas, foi verificado que a otimização do empacotamento de agregados permite um melhor aproveitamento da pasta para promover argamassas com comportamento reológico mais adequado à aplicação ou com menor consumo de finos e água. As correlações estabelecidas entre as características no estado fluido e as propriedades no estado endurecido permitem prever o comportamento das propriedades no estado endurecido com boa confiabilidade. Por fim, são descritas diretrizes sistemáticas para a formulação de argamassas considerando requisitos de desempenho tanto no estado fresco quanto no endurecido. / The in-use performance of rendering mortars depends on the raw materials features and their content in the formulation, since they have major influence on the material behavior during emplacement, as well as, on its final properties. Adherence failure is one of the most frequent problems of this class of building materials, caused by the incompatibility between rheological behavior and the application process, generating mortar/substrate interface flaws. A rheological behavior more suitable to the application demands, provides appropriate conditions to obtain maximum final rendering properties. Therefore, the main goal of this work is to develop mix-design parameters based on raw materials features, particle packing models and rheological behavior, in order to create a mix-design method for mortars. Squeeze-flow technique was successfully adapted for the rheological evaluation of rendering mortars, and the most important experimental parameters were studied. The method is sensitive enough to measure rheological changes as a function of the mixing process applied. Considering that phase segregation plays an important role on the rheological behavior of concentrated suspensions especially at low speeds, a method was developed to measure paste-aggregate segregation. It was also established that the squeeze-flow agrees well with the workers perception during manual emplacement. Several Brazilian and European products were evaluated, and significant differences were determined on the formulation features, rheological behavior and hardened properties. Using models of particle packing and particle distance, it was verified that optimized packing of aggregates enhances rheological behavior and can also allow the reduction of water and fine particles consumption. The experimental relationships established between fresh characteristics, rheological behavior and final properties can be used to predict hardened features and properties with fair confidence. Lastly, mix-design suggestions are made considering both fresh and hardened performance.
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Estudo sobre a utilização das escórias de aciaria LD naturais ou modificadas para substituição parcial do cimento ou como adição ao clínquer. / Study on the use of natural or modified BOF steel slag for partial substitution of the cement or as adition to the clinker.Ronaldo Feu Rosa Pacheco 02 August 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho visa estudar o emprego da escória de aciaria a oxigênio (EACN) na construção civil. Para isso, elaborou-se um programa experimental em seis etapas: a primeira compreendeu a caracterização da EACN, do cimento, do clínquer e do gesso; na segunda, a EACN foi cominuída até valores de tamanho de partículas inferiores a 0,075mm; em seguida, caracterizada física, ambiental, química, mineralógica, microestrutural e termicamente, e teve a sua atividade pozolânica determinada; a terceira compreendeu a ativação da escória com hidróxido de sódio; na quarta, foram realizados ensaios de pega expansibilidade, resistência axial à compressão e durabilidade de argamassas de cimento CP V-ARI com substituição parcial do cimento por EACN; na quinta, obteve-se uma primeira escória de aciaria modificada (EACM1) mediante o processo pirometalúrgico da EACN em forma de pó, para alterar a composição química e estrutura para amorfa, tornando-a mais reativa, sendo submetida aos mesmos ensaios da quarta etapa, à exceção dos ensaios de pega e expansibilidade; na sexta e última, obteve-se uma segunda escória modificada (EACM2) pirometalurgicamente: a composição química próxima da escória de altoforno e amorfa. A carga desse processo pirometalúrgico foi calculada pelo software Factsage. Parte dessa escória modificada foi cominuída adicionalmente, de modo que foram obtidas amostras sem moagem adicional (EACM2a) e com moagem adicional (EACM2b). A escória modificada foi submetida aos ensaios da quinta etapa, mais o grau de vitrificação e a reatividade por microscopia de luz transmitida. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que argamassas em que parte do cimento CP V-ARI é substituída por escórias de aciaria (naturais ou modificadas) atendem às especificações de resistência à compressão nos seguintes casos: escória natural e modificada 1: substituição de até 10% do cimento CP V-ARI; escória modificada 2a, substituição de até 20% de cimento; escória modificada 2b, substituição de até 40% do cimento. Observou-se que a escória modificada 2b apresentou resistência à compressão superior ao traço referência nas idades de 28 dias e 91 dias. Apresenta-se ainda a utilização da EACM2b com o clínquer. Outros ensaios e comparações são apresentados para discutir o comportamento observado das escórias em estudo. / This study aims at employing BOF steel slag (EACN) in civil construction. Thus, the study developed an experimental program in six stages: the first one comprised the characterization of BOF steel slag, cement, clinker and gypsum; in the second stage BOF steel slag was reduced to particles sized less than 0.075mm; then, it was physical, environmental, chemical, mineralogical, microstructural and thermally characterized, it also had its pozzolanic activity determined; the third stage comprised the activation of BOF steel slag with sodium hydroxide; during the fourth stage, we carried out setting time, expansibility, axial compressive strength and durability tests for mortars made with cement CP V-ARI and partial substitution with BOF steel slag; in the fifth stage, we obtained the first modified BOF steel slag (EACM1) through pyrometallurgical process of powdered BOF steel slag so as to alter its chemical and structural makeup, making it more reactive to be submitted to the same tests of the fourth stage, except the setting time and expansibility tests; in the sixth and final stage, we obtained the second pyrometallurgically modified BOF steel slag: chemical makeup close to blastfurnace slag. The load of this pyrometallurgical process was calculated using software Factsage. Part of this modified slag was ground additionally, so that samples without additional grinding (EACM2a) and with additional grinding (EACM2b) were obtained. The modified slag underwent the fifth-stage tests, and the degree of vitrification and transmitted light microscopy reactivity. The results obtained show that mortars in which part of CP V-ARI cement was replaced with BOF steel slag (natural or modified) meet the compressive strength specifications in the following cases: Natural and modified slag 1: substitution of up to 10% of CP V-ARI cement; Modified slag 2a, substitution of up to 20% cement; Modified slag 2b, substitution of up to 40% cement. We observed that modified slag 2b showed higher compressive strength than the reference mix at ages 28 and 91 days. We also present the use of EACM2b as clinker. Other tests and comparisons are presented so as to discuss the observed behaviors of the study slags.
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Investigação da influência das características petrográficas e da rugosidade de placas de \"granitos e mármore\" fixadas com argamassas / Investigation of the influence of the petrographic characteristics and the roughness of plates \"granites and marble\" set with mortarLizandra Nogami 21 February 2013 (has links)
No presente trabalho foram comparadas as aderências e propriedades de cinco tipos de argamassas colantes para fixar ladrilhos de \"granitos e mármore\" em pisos e revestimentos de edificações. Uma das argamassas é industrializada e específica para granitos e mármores, outra preparada em laboratório para fixação de porcelanatos e mais três argamassas também desenvolvidas em laboratório, tendo como base a argamassa para porcelanato. Para a realização do ensaio de aderência foram escolhidos oito tipos diferentes de granitos e um mármore de grande aceitação comercial. Os resultados evidenciaram a excelente qualidade das argamassas colantes desenvolvidas em laboratório as quais superaram a industrializada. Verificou-se também que a aderência de todas as argamassas está relacionada à rugosidade das placas e às características mineralógicas dos \"granitos\". / In this paper, the adherence of five types of adhesive mortars used for fixing granite and marble tiles in floors and linings of buildings were compared. One of the mortars is industrialized and specific for granites and marbles, another one, is prepared in the laboratory for setting porcelains, and three other types of mortars, also developed in the laboratory, having the porcelain mortar as a base (were used). To carry out the adherence test, eight types of granites and one marble of large commercial acceptance were selected. The results of the tests showed the excellent quality of the adhesive mortars developed in the laboratory, which were considered superior than the industrialized type. Likewise, it was noted that the adherence of all types of mortars is related to the roughness of the plates and to the mineralogical characteristics of the granites.
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Pyramids, proteins, and pathogens : a cultural and scientific analysis of Egyptian Old Kingdom pyramid mortarsVan Pelt, Willem Paul January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Mechanical properties and structural behaviour of masonry at elevated temperaturesRuvalcaba Ayala, Fabian Rene January 2011 (has links)
The variation in the compressive strength of concrete block masonry was studied at elevated temperatures. Small specimens known as wallettes were used to obtain the compressive strength under steady state conditions. Eighteen wallettes were made of lightweight concrete blocks and 1:1:5 mortar proportion. The target temperatures were 20°C, 200°C, 400°C, 600°C, 700°C and 800°C. Initially load-deflection relationships were determined from the experimental wallettes and later they were converted into stress-strain relationships. Although the goal was to determine the compressive strength, other parameters were also studied such as modulus of elasticity, temperature-time relationships, modes of failure, material degradation, and change of colour.Lightweight concrete blocks were also tested to determine the compressive strength at equal temperatures applied for the wallettes. The blocks belonged to the same batch used for the wallettes. The tensile behaviour of mortar was determined at 20°C, 200°C and 400°C.Once the mechanical properties of the masonry wallettes, units and mortar were determined, they were used as input data to develop finite element models to simulate the same behaviour of the experimental wallettes. Finally, using the experimental and numerical results from the wallettes, they were used to predict the behaviour of 3m height walls.
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Effect of Ohio-Sourced Dolomite Filler on Low Water-to-Cement Ratio ConcreteBernard, Toni 05 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Isogeometric Shell Analysis: Multi-patch Coupling and Overcoming LockingZou, Zhihui 08 April 2020 (has links)
The fundamental advantages of applying Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) to shell analysis have been extensively demonstrated across a wide range of problems and formulations. However, a phenomenon called numerical locking is still a major challenge in IGA shell analysis, which can lead to dramatically deteriorated analysis accuracy. Additionally, for complex thin-walled structures, a simple and robust coupling technique is desired to sew together models composed of multiple patches. This dissertation focuses on addressing these challenges of IGA shell analysis. First, an isogeometric dual mortar method is developed for multi-patch coupling. This method is based on Be ?zier extraction and projection and can be employed during the creation and editing of geometry through properly modified extraction operators. It is applicable to any spline space which has a representation in Be ?zier form. The error in the method can be adaptively controlled, in some cases recovering optimal higher-order rates of convergence, by leveraging the exact refineability of the proposed dual spline basis without introducing any additional degrees-of-freedom into the linear system. This method can be used not only for shell elements but also for heat transfer and solid elements, etc. Next, a mixed formulation for IGA shell analysis is proposed that addresses both shear and membrane locking and improves the quality of computed stresses. The starting point of the formulation is the modified Hellinger-Reissner variational principle with independent displacement, membrane, and shear strains as the unknown fields. To overcome locking, the strain variables are interpolated with lower-order spline bases while the variations of the strain variables are interpolated with the proposed dual spline bases. As a result, the strain variables can be condensed out of the system with only a slight increase in the bandwidth of the resulting linear system and the condensed approach preserves the accuracy of the non-condensed mixed approach but with fewer degrees-of-freedom. Finally, as an alternative, new quadrature rules are developed to release membrane and shear locking. These quadrature rules asymptotically only require one point for Reissner-Mindlin (RM) shell elements and two points for Kirchhoff-Love (KL) shell elements in B-spline and NURBS-based isogeometric shell analysis, independent of the polynomial order p of the elements. The quadrature points are Greville abscissae and the quadrature weights are calculated by solving a linear moment fitting problem in each parametric direction. These quadrature rules are free of spurious zero-energy modes and any spurious finite-energy modes in membrane stiffness can be easily stabilized by using a higher-order Greville rule.
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Influence of the combination of Roman cement and lime as the binder phase in render mortars for restorationStarinieri, V., Hughes, David C., Wilk, D. January 2013 (has links)
No / It is known that lime was added to historic Roman cement render mortars. The focus of this work is the influence of the combination of NHL5 and CL90 with Roman cement in mortars for restoration; however, the results indicate a wider potential for render applications in general. It is shown that simply adding lime to Roman cement does not retard its hydration and yields mortars where the binding action of the cement is compromised by the mixing process. If the cement is retarded by means of a pre-hydration process, hybrid mortars can be produced with improved workability and workable life as well as permitting the fine control of strength and moisture transport.
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The effect of freezing on hydraulic-cement mortar different hours after mixingBales, Eugene Dean, Price, Albert Earl January 1947 (has links)
As was stated before, the purpose of this problem was to find out the effect of freezing on mortar at different hours after mixing. This was a continuation of the work done by G.H. Harris in 1945. It was hoped that by using different materials, steel molds, and by molding, freezing and testing the specimens as accurately as was possible to do so with the equipment available the peculiar results obtained by Harris could either be verified or disproved. The results obtained by this problem were very irregular but did show a slight trend and did not show the great difference in strength over a short period of time as was shown by Harris’s results.
To get a definite answer a large number of samples should be run for each different time of set before freezing. A large variety of materials should be used and it is also believed that test cylinders 6”x12” would give better results. / Master of Science
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