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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Išankstinių įtempių nuostolių skaičiavimo pagal STR ir EC 2 analizė / Analysis of prestress losses according to STR and EC 2

Juocevičius, Virmantas 29 June 2007 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe išnagrinėti STR ir EC 2 betono fizikinių ir mechaninių rodiklių nustatymo metodai bei šiose normose pateiktų įtempių nuostolių skaičiavimo modeliai. Aprašytas tikimybinis įtempių nuostolių vertinimo modelis. Atlikta atskirųjų ir suminių įtempių nuostolių analizė pagal STR ir EC 2 modelius, aprašyti šių modelių skirtumai. Išnagrinėta atskirų fizikinių faktorių lemiančių įtempių nuostolius įtaka. Atlikta iš anksto įtemptos gelžbetoninės sijos tikimybinė suminių įtempių nuostolių analizė. Darbe pateiktas kiaurymėtųjų perdangos plokščių suminių įtempių nuostolių skaičiavimo rezultatų pagal EC 2 ir STR modelius ir eksperimentinių įtempių nuostolių palyginimas. / Evaluation of different physical and mechanical factors of concrete according to STR and EC 2 models is considered in this master thesis. Probabilistic model for prestress loss determination is presented in this paper. The analysis of separate and total losses according to STR and EC 2 models was carried out. Some differencies of these models were described. The influence of several factors to the value of separate prestress loss has been studied in this thesis. The probabilistic analysis of long-term losses of post-tensioned RC beam has been carried out. The comparison of total prestress loss values of hollow core slabs according to EC 2, STR and experimental results is subjected in this master thesis.

Advanced Statistical Methodologies in Determining the Observation Time to Discriminate Viruses Using FTIR

Luo, Shan 13 July 2009 (has links)
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, one method of electromagnetic radiation for detecting specific cellular molecular structure, can be used to discriminate different types of cells. The objective is to find the minimum time (choice among 2 hour, 4 hour and 6 hour) to record FTIR readings such that different viruses can be discriminated. A new method is adopted for the datasets. Briefly, inner differences are created as the control group, and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test is used as the first selecting variable procedure in order to prepare the next stage of discrimination. In the second stage we propose either partial least squares (PLS) method or simply taking significant differences as the discriminator. Finally, k-fold cross-validation method is used to estimate the shrinkages of the goodness measures, such as sensitivity, specificity and area under the ROC curve (AUC). There is no doubt in our mind 6 hour is enough for discriminating mock from Hsv1, and Coxsackie viruses. Adeno virus is an exception.

Iš anksto įtemptųjų gelžbetoninių elementų įtempių ir deformacijų apskaičiavimo sluoksnių modelis / Layer Model for Stress and Strain Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Members

Zamblauskaitė, Renata 11 November 2005 (has links)
Application of refined ultimate state theories and use of high strength materials have resulted in longer spans and smaller depths of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. Consequently, the condition of the limiting deflection rather than the strength requirement often is the governing design criterion. Long-term deflections might be up to 3 to 4 times larger than the short-term deflections. Such increments are caused by complex physical effects such as concrete creep, shrinkage and cracking, bond defects, etc. Long-term concrete creep and shrinkage deformations govern prestress losses. Structural analysis can be carried out either by traditional design code methods or numerical techniques. Although design code methods ensure safe design, they have significant limitations. Different techniques are used for strength, deflection, crack width and prestress loss analyses. Besides, most of the simplified approaches do not assess such factors as concrete shrinkage, cracking or tension stiffening. Based on a large number of empirical expressions and factors, they lack physical interpretation and do not reveal the actual stress-strain state of cracked structures. On the other hand, numerical techniques are universal and can take into account each physical effect. However, inadequacies made in the prediction of each effect might lead to significant inaccuracies when integral magnitudes such as deflection are to be assessed. Consequently, the predictions by the numerical... [to full text]

Tension stiffening model for reinforced concrete beams / Gelžbetoninių sijų tempimo sustandėjimo modelis

Sokolov, Aleksandr 03 August 2010 (has links)
Modelling behaviour of cracked tensile concrete is a complicated issue. Due to bond with reinforcement, the cracked concrete between cracks carries a certain amount of tensile force normal to the cracked plane. Concrete adheres to rein-forcement bars and contributes to overall stiffness of the structure. The phe-nomenon, called tension-stiffening, has significant influence on the results of short-term deformational analysis. Assumption of a tension-stiffening law has great influence on numerical results of load – deflection behaviour of reinforced concrete members subjected to short – term loading. Under wrong assumption of this law, errors in calculated deflections, particularly for lightly members, may exceed 100 %. Most known tension-stiffening relationships relate average stresses to average strains. However, some experimental and theoretical investi-gations have shown that tension-stiffening may be affected by other parameters. The scientific supervisor of the thesis has proposed a tension-stiffening model depending on reinforcement ratio. This model has been developed using experi-mental data reported in the literature. Besides, concrete shrinkage effect was not taken into account. The main objective of this PhD dissertation is to propose a tension-stiffening law for bending RC members subjected to short-term loading with eliminated concrete shrinkage effect. / Gelžbetonis yra kompozitinė medžiaga, kurios komponentai yra betonas ir plieninė armatūra. Kaip žinoma, betono stipris tempiant yra 10-20 kartų mažesnis nei stipris gniuždant. Atrodytų, kad tempiamojo betono įtaka, atlaikant įrąžas skerspjūvyje, yra nereikšminga. Iš tiesų, nustatant lenkiamųjų elementų stiprumą normaliniame pjūvyje, tempiamo betono įtempių galima nevertinti. Kita vertus, skaičiuojant įlinkius, neįvertinus tempiamojo betono įtakos, gali būti daroma didesnė nei 100 % paklaida. Adekvatus supleišėjusio tempiamojo betono įtakos įvertinimas, nustatant trumpalaike apkrova veikiamų gelžbetoninių elementų deformacijas, yra bene svarbiausia ir sudėtingiausia problema. Plyšio vietoje betonas negali atlaikyti tempimo įtempių, todėl visą įrąžą atlaiko armatūra. Kadangi plyšyje ir gretimuose pjūviuose armatūra praslysta betono atžvilgiu, kontakto zonoje atsiranda tangentiniai įtempiai. Šie įtempiai perduodami betonui, todėl jis atlaiko tempimo įtempius. Armatūros ir betono sąveika ruožuose tarp plyšių standina gelžbetoninį elementą. Supleišėjusio betono gebėjimas atlaikyti tempimo įtempius vadinama tempimo sustandėjimu (angl. tension stiffening). Šis efektas dažniausiai modeliuojamas supleišėjusio betono įtempių ir deformacijų diagrama, taikant vidutinių plyšių koncepciją. Tuomet neatsižvelgiama į diskrečius plyšius, o supleišėjęs betonas traktuojamas kaip ortotropinė medžiaga su pakitusiomis savybėmis. Dauguma tempimo sustandėjimo modelių įvertina betono įtempių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Tempiamųjų plieno plaušu armuotų gelžbetoninių elementų įtempių ir deformacijų analizė / Stress and strain analysis of steel fiber reinforced concrete members subjected to tension

Repečka, Justinas 19 June 2013 (has links)
Tiriamajame darbe nagrinėjami tempiamieji plieno plaušu armuoti gelžbetoniniai elementai. Atliekama teorinių skaičiavimo metodų literatūros apžvalga. Darbe gauti nauji eksperimentiniai tempiamųjų plieno plaušu armuotų gelžbetoninių elementų deformacijų duomenys. Iš bandymo rezultatų eliminuojamas betono susitraukimas. Patikslinami Eurokodo 2 ir Model Code tempiamųjų elementų deformacijų skaičiavimo metodai, įvertinant plieno plaušo įtaką. Liekamieji įtempiai apskaičiuojami taikant empirinį metodą. Atliekama teorinių ir eksperimentinių rezultatų palyginamoji analizė. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiami pagrindiniai rezultatai ir išvados. / In this Master Thesis investigation of steel fiber reinforced concrete members subjected to tension is performed. Literature survey on theoretical investigation methods of steel fiber reinforced concrete is done. New experimental data of steel fiber reinforced concrete members subjected to tension is obtained. Concrete shrinkage is eliminated from experimental data.Eurocode 2 and Model Code strain calculation methods of members subjected to tension are adjusted to steel fiber reinforced concrete members. Residual stresses calculated using empirical method. Comperative analysis of experimental and theoretical results is done.

Optimal Linear Combinations of Portfolios Subject to Estimation Risk

Jonsson, Robin January 2015 (has links)
The combination of two or more portfolio rules is theoretically convex in return-risk space, which provides for a new class of portfolio rules that gives purpose to the Mean-Variance framework out-of-sample. The author investigates the performance loss from estimation risk between the unconstrained Mean-Variance portfolio and the out-of-sample Global Minimum Variance portfolio. A new two-fund rule is developed in a specific class of combined rules, between the equally weighted portfolio and a mean-variance portfolio with the covariance matrix being estimated by linear shrinkage. The study shows that this rule performs well out-of-sample when covariance estimation error and bias are balanced. The rule is performing at least as good as its peer group in this class of combined rules.

Long term and short term deflection of GFRP prestressed concrete slabs

Singh, Mahendra 25 June 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates the performance of GFRP pretensioned concrete slabs and compares their flexural behaviour with GFRP reinforced and steel prestressed concrete slabs. A total of 12 slabs were cast in this program. The slab mid-span deflections are theoretically predicted and the results indicate that the short-term response of GFRP prestressed concrete slabs can be predicted well by the existing methods. Long-term deflection behaviour has been estimated using the Age Adjusted Effective Modulus Method by incorporating three creep and shrinkage models. A large influence of creep and shrinkage models on the theoretical determination is observed and the use of long term multipliers is not suitable for GFRP prestressed concrete members. The slabs were instrumented for long-term monitoring using strain gauges and fibre-optic sensors. It was concluded that the electrical strain gauges can be successfully used for long-term strain monitoring.

Time dependent material properties of shotcrete for hard rock tunnelling

Bryne, Lars Elof January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis different mechanical properties for shotcrete (sprayed concrete) such as compression strength, bond strength, bending tensile strength, elastic modulus, free and restrained shrinkage as a function of its age was investigated. One of the main issues was to investigate the difference between ordinary cast concrete and shotcrete. Reliable material data for young and hardening shotcrete is scarce which in the past have made such comparisons difficult. Also, less accurate data representative for cast concrete has often been used in numerical modelling and design analyses. The focus of the project has particularly been on the properties bond strength and restrained shrinkage for which two new testing methods has been developed and evaluated. Microstructural studies have also been performed as a complement to the bond strength testing. The bond to rock is one of the most important properties for shotcrete used as rock reinforcement. During the very first time after spraying the physical properties and the bond to the rock depend on the set accelerator and the micro structure that is formed. The investigation of early age bond strength of shotcrete is of great importance both from a production perspective and a safety perspective. The newly developed method was tested and evaluated and proved that it can be used for bond strength testing already from a couple of hours after shotcreting. The bond, or adhesion, depends on several factors such as texture of the rock, the type of accelerator, application technique, etc. In this work the development of the microstructure in the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) and strength of the bond was investigated. The results show that the bond strength is related to the hydration process, i.e. the strength gain of the shotcrete. The early development of the ITZ was here studied using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) making it possible to observe changes over time, before and after proper cement hydration. Restrained shrinkage cracking of shotcrete, especially in the case of shotcrete sprayed on soft drains that are parts of a tunnel lining not continuously bonded to the rock, can be detrimental for the sustainability of an infrastructure tunnel system. Maintenance and repair costs can be high over time. It is shown that the developed test method realistically captures the behaviour of shotcrete drains on hard rock in situ. The method can be used in the evaluation of different technical solutions for avoiding or minimizing shrinkage cracks in shotcreted soft drains. It can also be used to assess the performance of shotcrete fully bonded to a rock surface, with respect to the ability to prevent cracking or to distribute possible shrinkage damage into several fine cracks instead of one wide. / <p>QC 20140526</p>

Effects of mixing and pumping energy on technological and microstructural properties of cement-based mortars

Takahashi, Keisuke 09 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Numerous recurrent situations following mixing and pumping of mortars and concretes cause degradation of fluidity and hardening characteristics. Which, in turn, lead to adverse effects on the quality of workmanship and structural defects. Nonetheless, relatively little research on the mixing and pumping energies used for the onsite transport and preparation of mortar or concrete has been directed at the core reasons or mechanisms for changes in technological properties. This dissertation describes and explains the effects of various mixing and pumping parameters on the mortar characteristics in a field trial and on a laboratory scale. Observations using a rheograph revealed that shearing action does exhibit the most pronounced influence on the characteristics of mortars during the pumping. The performed investigations indicate that higher shearing actions, for example, excessive mixing duration and long-distance pumping lead to reduced flowability, accelerated and increased hydration rate, increased early compressive strength and early-age shrinkage. From these findings, the underlying mechanism responsible for acceleration and increase of hydration rate is pinpointed as: the increased dissolution from the active surface area due to the destruction of the protective superficial layers of cement grains, as well as a transition from flocculation to dispersion. The creation of new surfaces leads to further consumption of active super plasticizer in solution phase and to subsequent degrading changes in fluidity (decreasing flowability). The degradation of fluidity and densification of microstructure provoked by the hydration changes do increase the early age shrinkage of mortar.

Lessons Learned in Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges Using Advanced Sensor Technology

Enckell, Merit January 2011 (has links)
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) with emerging technologies like e.g. fibre optic sensors, lasers, radars, acoustic emission and Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) made an entrance into the civil engineering field in last decades. Expansion of new technologies together with development in data communication benefited for rapid development. The author has been doing research as well as working with SHM and related tasks nearly a decade. Both theoretical knowledge and practical experience are gained in this constantly developing field. This doctoral thesis presents lessons learned in SHM and sensory technologies when monitoring civil engineering structures, mostly bridges. Nevertheless, these techniques can also be used in most applications related to civil engineering like dams, high rise buildings, off-shore platforms, pipelines, harbour structures and historical monuments. Emerging and established technologies are presented, discussed and examples are given based on the experience achieved. A special care is given to Fibre Optic Sensor (FOS) technology and its latest approach. Results from crack detection testing, long-term monitoring, and sensor comparison and installation procedure are highlighted. The important subjects around sensory technology and SHM are discussed based on the author's experience and recommendations are given. Applied research with empirical and experimental methods was carried out. A state-of-the art-review of SHM started the process but extensive literature studies were done continuously along the years in order to keep the knowledge up to date. Several SHM cases, both small and large scale, were carried out including sensor selection, installation planning, physical installation, data acquisition set-up, testing, monitoring, documentation and reporting. One case study also included modification and improvement of designed system and physical repair of sensors as well as two Site Acceptance Tests (SATs) and the novel crack detection system testing. Temporary measuring and testing also took place and numerous Structural Health Monitoring Systems (SHMSs) were designed for new bridges. The observed and measured data/phenomena were documented and analysed.  Engineers, researchers and owners of structures are given an essential implement in managing and maintaining structures. Long-term effects like shrinkage and creep in pre-stressed segmental build bridges were studied. Many studies show that existing model codes are not so good to predict these long-term effects. The results gained from the research study with New Årsta Railway Bridge are biased be the fact that our structure is indeed special. Anyhow, the results can be compared to other similar structures and adequately used for the maintenance planning for the case study. A long-term effect like fatigue in steel structures is a serious issue that may lead to structural collapse. Novel crack detection and localisation system, based on development on crack identification algorithm implemented in DiTeSt system and SMARTape delamination mechanism, was developed, tested and implemented. Additionally, new methods and procedures in installing, testing, modifying and improving the installed system were developed. There are no common procedures how to present the existing FOS techniques. It is difficult for an inexperienced person to judge and compare different systems. Experience gained when working with Fibre Optic Sensors (FOS) is collected and presented. The purpose is, firstly to give advice when judging different systems and secondly, to promote for more standardised way to present technical requirements. Furthermore, there is need to regulate the vocabulary in the field. Finally, the general accumulated experience is gathered. It is essential to understand the complexity of the subject in order to make use of it. General trends and development are compared for different applications. As the area of research is wide, some chosen, specific issues are analysed on a more detailed level. Conclusions are drawn and recommendations are given, both specific and more general. SHMS for a complex structure requires numerous parameters to be measured. Combination of several techniques will enable all required measurements to be taken. In addition, experienced specialists need to work in collaboration with structural engineers in order to provide high-quality systems that complete the technical requirement. Smaller amount of sensors with proper data analysis is better than a complicated system with numerous sensors but with poor analysis. Basic education and continuous update for people working with emerging technologies are also obligatory. A lot of capital can be saved if more straightforward communication and international collaboration are established: not only the advances but also the experienced problems and malfunctions need to be highlighted and discussed in order not to be repeated. Quality assurance issues need to be optimized in order to provide high quality SHMSs. Nevertheless, our structures are aging and we can be sure that the future for sensory technologies and SHM is promising. The final conclusion is that an expert in SHM field needs wide education, understanding, experience, practical sense, curiosity and preferably investigational mind in order to solve the problems that are faced out when working with emerging technologies in the real world applications.  The human factor, to be able to bind good relationship with workmanship cannot be neglected either. There is also need to be constantly updated as the field itself is in continuous development. / QC 20111117 / SHMS of the New Årsta Railway Bridge

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