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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fleksografinių atspaudų mechaninių ir optinių savybių tyrimas / The Investigation of the Optical and Mechanical Properties of the Flexographic Prints

Kuodė, Aura 19 June 2014 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe tirta popieriaus paviršiaus ir mechaninių savybių kaita spausdinant fleksografiniais dažais ir keičiant dažų sluoksnio storį. Tyrimams buvo pasirinktos šešios kreidinio ir nekreidinio popieriaus rūšys. Buvo tirtos šių mechaninių ir paviršiaus savybių kaita: spalvinės charakteristikos, atsparumas tempimui ir pailgėjimas, atsparumas lankstymui, PPS šiurkštumas, trinties savybės, popieriaus sugertis. Buvo nustatyta, kad fleksografiniai dažai didina popieriaus šiurkštumą, trūkio jėga ir atsparumas lankstymui visada yra didesni išilgine popieriaus kryptimi, atsparumas tempimui nepriklauso nuo dažų sluoksnio storio, o atsparumas lankstymui mažėja. Darbą sudaro 6 dalys: įvadas, literatūros apžvalga, tyrimo metodika, tyrimų rezultatai ir jų aptarimas, išvados ir siūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 83 psl. teksto be priedų, 82 iliustracijos, 1 lentelė, 28 bibliografinių šaltinių. / In the Master thesis were investigated the change of the surface and mechanical properties during flexo printing with different ink thickness. 6 papers coated and uncoated grades were tested. Following properties were investigated: colour properties, tension strength and elongation, folding strength, PPS roughness and friction properties. It was found that flexographic ink increases paper PPS roughness, tensile strength and folding resistance is higher in the machine direction in all cases, tensile strength does not depend on the ink thickness and folding resistance becomes smaller. Master thesis includes 6 chapters: introduction, publications review, experimental methods, results and discussion, conclusions and recommendations, references. Master thesis consists of 83 p. (without appendixes), 82 fig., 1 table, and 28 references.

Effects of Strength on Selected Psychomotor Performances of Healthy and Frail Elderly Females

Meyer, Rhonda D. (Rhonda Dawn) 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to compare muscle strength and psychomotor performance measures in healthy (n = 18) and frail (n = 21) groups of elderly women utilizing movements requiring various amounts of strength and ballistic action. Subjects were community-dwelling females ranging in age from 66-92 years. Evaluations of functional assessment of motor skills and grip strength occurred. Psychomotor performance was measured through production of aiming movements on a Digitizing Tablet. RT, MT, and movement kinematics (e.g., peak velocity, deceleration, movement adjustments) were evaluated. Differences between groups were apparent in quantity and quality of movement. Healthy subjects were stronger and faster than frail subjects, producing smoother movements with fewer adjustments. Strength appears to differentially affect healthy and frail samples and merits further exploration.

A Factor Analysis of Twelve Selected Resistance Exercises on the Universal Gym

Watkins, Mark Edwin 08 1900 (has links)
This study was to clarify strength factors using 12 selected exercises on the Universal Gym, and to determine what measures present a valid method of assessing strength of college-aged males, Eighty-eight males enrolled in beginning weight-training classes used the Universal Gym for twelve weeks, Subjects were tested for maximum strength on 12 exercises, Alpha and canonical factor analyses were performed on raw scores of all measures, and on scores when body weight and standing height variances were removed. A three-factor structure of upper extremity, lower extremity, and trunk strength was revealed when weight, and weight and height combined were statistically controlled. Results showed that residualized scores of weight can be used to evaluate strength on the Universal.Gym,

Perspective Taking and Self Disclosure

Allen, Bruce W. (Bruce Wayne), 1958- 05 1900 (has links)
The effects of taking a third person role on self disclosure, self sympatheticness and several nonverbal parameters of task involvement were examined in a psychotherapy analogue study. Subjects were classified as high or low in ego strength using previously established norms for college students. In the third person role subjects were instructed to describe themselves from the perspective of an "intimate and sympathetic best friend." An encouragement to talk format was used to facilitate self description from the first person. Support was not found for the hypotheses that altering the perspective used in self description would increase self disclosure and that high ego strength subjects would be better able to use a perspective taking intervention. Theoretical and methodological issues are discussed. Recommendations for future research are made.

Normative Assessment Technique for Bench Press and Leg Extension Strength in College Females on the Universal Gym

Gibson, Jean 08 1900 (has links)
This study was to develop normative data of isotonic muscular strength in college females using the Spartacus model Universal Gym bench press and leg extension and to control for the influence of body weight. Two hundred and two college age females enrolled in weight training and conditioning classes used the Universal Gym for twelve weeks. Subjects were tested for maximum strength on 2 exercises and their percent body fat was calculated. Pearson-product moment correlations between lean body weight , body weight and the bench press test and the leg extension test were correlated. After statistically controlling for the effects of body weight, percentile ranks were calculated for both tests.

Analýza postupů při stimulaci silových schopností u dětí a mládeže / Practice analysis of development of Strength Abilities in Childhood and Teens

Schröder, Patrik January 2012 (has links)
Title: Practice Analysis of Stimulation of Strength Abilities in Childhood and Teens. Objectives: The primary objective of this thesis is to create a body of information about this topic, which can then serve as a source of theoretic basis for trainers, fitness instructors and PE teachers. While working with young people to gain information about methods used by them in Czech fitness centres, which then will be compared to general recommendations. Methods: The analysis of recent and actual technical literature, which is dealing with similar questiones, has been used during the methodolgy. Another research method of this thesis is for the participants to assess whether they follow correct procedures by means of a target group survey. The assessment of these procedures should be compared with gained data from target group and theoretical methodology gained by analysis of the literature. Results: Stimulation of strength abilities in childhood and teens is a propriate activity, but only if respecting correct procedures. There are some incorrect procedures followed by youth in Czech fitness centres as outcome of the research. Keywords: strength, strength abilities, children, youth

Comparação in vitro da resistência à compressão de raízes bovinas, tratadas endodoticamente e restauradas com pinos pré-fabricados estéticos e pino metálico fundido / Comparison, in vitro, of the resistance to compression of bovine roots endodontically treated and restored with prefabricated aesthetic posts and cast metallic post

Marques, Daniela Rossatto 06 August 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar, in vitro, a resistência à compressão de 30 raízes bovinas, tratadas endodonticamente, divididas em 3 grupos com 10 raízes cada e restauradas com pino metálico fundido (Grupo 1), pino pré-fabricado de fibra de vidro (Grupo 2) e pino anatômico (Grupo 3). Todas as raízes, com comprimentos de 15mm, foram preparadas internamente para que a espessura dentinária cervical ficasse com 1,5mm, com o objetivo de aumentar a largura do canal radicular. O espaço para o pino foi preparado com 10mm de comprimento. O diâmetro do pino de fibra de vidro escolhido foi o número 2, do sistema utilizado, para que houvesse um espaço entre ele e a estrutura radicular. O Grupo 1 recebeu pino e núcleo metálico fundido cimentado com cimento de fosfato de zinco. O Grupo 2 recebeu pino préfabricado de fibra de vidro cimentado com cimento resinoso Panavia F e núcleo de resina composta Z100. O Grupo 3 recebeu um pino de fibra de vidro modelado no interior do canal com resina composta Z100, cimentado com cimento resinoso Panavia F e núcleo de resina composta Z100. Em todas as raízes dos grupos, um coping metálico foi cimentado com cimento de fosfato de zinco. As raízes foram incluídas em resina acrílica quimicamente ativada, previamente inserida no interior de tubos de PVC e submetidas a testes de compressão em máquina de ensaio Kratos, modelo k2000MP. A carga de compressão foi aplicada a um ângulo de 135 graus ao longo eixo do dente, na face palatina, até que ocorresse uma trinca ou and analysed. The results revealed a statistical difference among groups. Group 1 presented a stronger resistance to fracture than the other groups, which did not present statistical difference. The roots restored with post and cast metallic core were the only ones that presented radicular fracture in the apical root third. The roots that were restored with fibre glass posts presented similar fractures, from the cervical root third to the middle root third. / The aim of this study was to compare, in vitro, the resistance to compression strength of 30bovine roots among canines and incisors endodontically treated, divided into 3 groups with 10 roots each and restored with cast metallic post (Group 1), prefabricated fibre glass post (Group 2), and anatomical post (Group 3). All the roots, with a length of 15mm, were internally prepared so as to their cervical dentin wall thickness would be of 1,5mm, in order to enhance the width of the radicular canal. The space for the post was prepared with 10mm. The diameter of the glass fibre post chosen was the number 2, of the adopted system, so as to create a space between the glass fibre post and the radicular structure. Group 1 received post and cast metallic core cemented with zinc phosphate cement. Group 2 received prefabricated fibre glass post cemented with resin cement Panavia F and composite resin core Z100. Group 3 received a fibre glass post modeled inside the canal with composite resin Z100, cemented with resin cement Panavia F and composite resin core Z100. In all groups, all the roots were cemented with a metallic coping with zinc phosphate cement. The roots were mounted inside pvc pipes with chemically activated acrylic resin, and submitted to compression tests in a universal testing machine Kratos, model k2000MP. The compressive load was done in an angle of 135o in relation to the long axes of the roots, until the occurrence of failure or fracture. The amount of load correspondent to the occurrence of failure or fracture was statistically registered and analysed. The results revealed a statistical difference among groups. Group 1 presented a stronger resistance to fracture than the other groups, which did not present statistical difference. The roots restored with post and cast metallic core were the only ones that presented radicular fracture in the apical root third. The roots that were restored with fibre glass posts presented similar fractures, from the cervical root third to the middle root third.

Relação entre força muscular respiratória e força de preensão palmar em idosos institucionalizados e da comunidade / Relationship between respiratory muscle strength and palmar grip strength in institutionalized and community-dweling elderly

Marcon, Liliane de Faria 01 October 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Os efeitos do envelhecimento no sistema respiratório iniciam-se aproximadamente aos 25 anos de idade e leva a diminuição da função máxima deste sistema. Esta diminuição de função é perceptível sobre os volumes e capacidades pulmonar, sobre a força dos músculos respiratórios e do fluxo aéreo, predispondo o idoso a complicações que podem resultar em internações e até em morte. A massa e a força muscular reduzida já é bem estudada nesta população, porém com poucos estudos investigando a relação com a função respiratória. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a relação entre força muscular respiratória e força de preensão palmar em idosos institucionalizados e da comunidade. MÉTODO: Caracteriza-se por um estudo transversal com 64 voluntários, sendo 33 institucionalizado (GI) e 31 da comunidade (GC). Foram avaliados a pressão inspiratória máxima (PImax), pressão expiratória máxima (PEmax), pico de fluxo expiratório (PF), força de preensão palmar dominante (FPP D) e não dominante (FPP ND), dados antropométricos e nível de atividade física (IPAQ curto). Os dados foram submetidos a análise estatística através do teste t student para amostras independentes para comparação entre os grupos, análise de covariância (ANCOVA) controlada pela covariável idade para as variáveis respiratórias e para a força de preensão palmar, teste de Pearson para avaliação da correlação das variáveis e a análise de regressão linear para identificação da influência das variáveis respiratórias sobre a FPP, além da correção de Bonferroni para excluir o erro do tipo I. RESULTADOS: Os valores encontrados nos testes respiratórios e de força entre os grupos, diferiram estatisticamente mesmo controlado pela covariável idade, sendo que o GI apresentou valores inferiores ao GC. No GI não encontramos correlação entre as variáveis respiratórias e as de FPP, porém o preditor respiratório mais fortemente associado à FPP D foi a PEmax (p=0,04). No GC verificou-se correlação entre PImax e FPP D (r=0,539), PEmax e FPP D / ND (r=0,62 / 0,6), PF e FPP D / ND (r=0,64 / 0,43) e o preditor respiratório mais fortemente associado à FPP D foi PF (p=0,009) e PEmax (p=0,028) e para FPP ND foi a PEmax (p=0,021). Na análise conjunta dos grupos verificou-se associação entre PImax e FPP D / ND (r=0,40 / 0,41), PEmax e FPP D / ND (r=0,57 / 0,54), PF e FPP D / ND (r=0,57 / 0,47) e o preditor respiratório mais fortemente associado à FPP D foi PF (p=0,01) e PEmax (p=0,03) e para FPP ND foi a PEmax (p=0,008) e PF (p=0,041). CONCLUSÃO: O GI apresenta maior fraqueza da musculatura respiratória e estas variáveis não se relacionam bem com a FPP. Em idosos da comunidade o PF e a PEmax parecem ser um bom preditor para a FPP / INTRODUCTION: The effects of aging on the respiratory system begin at approximately 25 years of age and lead to a decrease in the maximum function of this system. This diminished function is noticeable on lung volumes and capacities, on respiratory muscle strength and airflow, predisposing the elderly to complications that may result in hospitalization and even death. The mass and reduced muscle strength is already well studied in this population, but with few studies investigating the relation with the respiratory function. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between respiratory muscle strength and palmar grip strength in institutionalized and community aged individuals. METHOD: It is characterized by a cross-sectional study with 64 volunteers, being institutionalized 33 (GI) and 31 from the community (GC). The maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP), maximal expiratory pressure (MEP), peak expiratory flow (PF), dominant palmar grip strength (FPP D) and non-dominant (FPP ND), anthropometric data and level of physical activity (short IPAQ). The data were submitted to statistical analysis through t Student test for independent samples for comparison between groups, covariance analysis (ANCOVA) controlled by covariate age for respiratory variables and for palmar grip strength, Pearson test for correlation evaluation of the variables and the linear regression analysis to identify the influence of the respiratory variables on the FPP, besides the Bonferroni correction to exclude the type I error. RESULTS: The values found in the respiratory and strength tests between the groups, differed statistically even by the covariable age, and the GI presented values lower than the GC. In GI, we found no correlation between respiratory and FPP variables, but the respiratory predictor most strongly associated with FPP D was the PEmax (p = 0.04). In the CG, correlation was found between PImax and FPP D (r = 0.539), PEmax and FPP D / ND (r = 0.62 / 0.6), PF and FPP D / ND (r = 0.64 / 0, 43) and the respiratory predictor most strongly associated with FPP D was PF (p = 0.009) and PEmax (p = 0.028) and for FPP ND was PEmax (p = 0.021). In the joint analysis of the groups, an association between PImax and FPP D / ND (r = 0.40 / 0,41), PEmax and FPP D / ND (r = 0.57 / 0.54), FP and FPP D (P = 0.01) and PEmax (p = 0.03) and for FPP ND it was the PEmax (p = 0.07) and ND (r = 0.57 / 0.47) and the respiratory predictor most strongly associated with FPP D = 0.008) and PF (p = 0.041). CONCLUSION: GI shows greater respiratory muscle weakness and these variables do not correlate well with PPF. In the elderly in the community, PF and PEmax appear to be a good predictor of PPF

Correlação da classificação funcional de atletas de basquete em cadeira de rodas com análise isocinética dos flexores, extensores e limites de estabilidade do tronco / Correlation of Wheelchair basketball functional classification system with Isokinetic analysis of trunk muscle strength and limits of stability

Santos, Sileno da Silva 26 November 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO. A força muscular e o equilíbrio do tronco são os aspectos mais importantes para a determinação da classificação funcional de atletas de basquetebol em cadeira de rodas. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar e correlacionar a força muscular e os limites de estabilidade do tronco de acordo com a classificação funcional para atletas de basquetebol em cadeira de rodas. MÉTODOS. Quarenta e dois atletas, com classificação funcional homologada pela federação paulista da modalidade, distribuídos nas quatro classes do Basquetebol em Cadeira de Rodas (Classe 1 n= 11; Classe 2 n=11; Classe 3 n= 9; Classe 4 n=11) com média de idade de 28,3±7.4 (16-46) anos, do sexo masculino tiveram a força muscular e equilíbrio de tronco avaliados. A força do tronco foi avaliada nos músculos extensores e flexores utilizando o dinamômetro isocinético Biodex® de forma isométrica com 15 º de amplitude. Os atletas realizaram uma série de 10 repetições com 15 segundos de descanso entre cada repetição. O equilíbrio do tronco foi avaliado no equipamento Balance Master® e o teste utilizado foi o de Limites de Estabilidade (LOS) de forma adaptada. Os atletas, sentados em um banco, realizaram movimentos voluntários do tronco em oito direções no plano frontal e lateral. Os movimentos foram feitos no sentido horário, ao redor de um perímetro, visualizado pelo paciente em um monitor e que representa o limite de 100% de deslocamento dado pelo equipamento. RESULTADOS. Considerando a distribuição dos atletas nas classes, houve diferença significativa na comparação dos índices de força muscular e equilíbrio entre as classes 1x3; 1x4 e 2x4. Houve correlação negativa (moderada) entre a força muscular do tronco em flexão e o DM (r=-.68, p=.02. Houve correlação positiva (forte) na classe 3 da força muscular do tronco em extensão e o DM (r=.92 p=0,001). CONCLUSÃO. A força muscular isométrica de flexão e extensão do tronco e os índices de equilíbrios de VD e DM nas direções anterior, posterior aumentam progressivamente com as classes e apresentam maiores diferenças na comparação entre as classes 1 e 3 e 1 e 4 e 2 e 4. Não houve correlação entre a força muscular isométrica dos flexores e extensores do tronco e os limites de estabilidade de acordo com a classificação funcional do BCR / BACKGROUND. Trunk muscle strength and balance are very important in defining the class of wheelchair basketball (WCB) athletes. This study aims to correlate and analyze trunk muscle strength and balance among high-performance Brazilian WCB athletes with their functional classification. METHODS. Forty-two male athletes of mean age 28.3±7.4 years (16-46) were divided into four groups based on WCB classes as follow: class 1 n=11; class 2 n=11; class 3 n=9; and class 4 n=11. The athletes performed a set of 10 repetitions of trunk flexion and extension with 15 seconds of rest between each repetition using the BiodexR isokinetic dynamometer in isometric form, with amplitude 15° to evaluate trunk muscle strength. In order to evaluate trunk balance, using the Balance Master® equipment and the Limits of Stability test (LOS), the athletes made voluntary trunk movements in eight directions (clockwise) in the frontal and lateral planes while seated on a bench. During the test, the athletes could view the movements on a monitor that represented the 100% displacement limit given by the equipment. RESULTS. There were significant differences in comparisons of trunk muscle strength and LOS in the classes 1vs.3, 1vs.4 and 2 vs.4. There was moderate negative correlation between trunk muscle strength in flexion and maximum excursion (r=-0.68; p=0.02). There was a strong positive correlation in class 3 between trunk muscle strength in extension and maximum excursion (r=0.92;p= 0.001). CONCLUSION. There was no correlation of isometric trunk muscle strength in flexion and extension and LOS indices, according to the functional classification of the WCB athletes

Efeito agudo do exercício aeróbio com diferentes volumes no desempenho de força em indivíduos fisicamente ativos / Acute effect of aerobic exercise with different volumes on strength performance in physically active individuals

Silva, Natalia Ribeiro da 17 December 2015 (has links)
O treinamento concorrente (TC) é frequentemente utilizado por praticantes de atividades físicas e atletas com o intuito de desenvolver a força muscular e o condicionamento aeróbio. No entanto, essa estratégia de treinamento pode atenuar os ganhos de força e hipertrofia muscular em longo prazo, efeito este conhecido como fenômeno da interferência. Há indícios na literatura de que a magnitude da interferência pode ser dependente do volume em que o exercício aeróbio é realizado. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar o efeito do exercício aeróbio realizado com diferentes volumes no desempenho agudo de força máxima e de resistência de força dos membros inferiores. Homens fisicamente ativos (n=21) foram submetidos a seis condições experimentais realizadas em ordem aleatória, sendo três sessões de exercício aeróbio com volumes distintos (3km, 5km e 7km) seguidas pelo teste de força dinâmica máxima (1RM) e outras três sessões de exercício aeróbio com os volumes distintos seguidas pelo teste de resistência de força (4 séries de repetições máximas a 80% 1RM). Para o exercício aeróbio foi realizada a corrida contínua em esteira rolante a 90% do limiar anaeróbio (Lan) e os testes de força foram realizados no exercício leg press 45o. Para a comparação dos valores de 1RM, volume total (VT) e número de repetições máximas (NRM) da sessão de treinamento de força (TF) foi realizada uma análise de modelo misto tendo os volumes do exercício aeróbio como fator fixo e sujeitos como fator aleatório. Testes post-hoc com ajustamento de Tukey foram utilizados para comparações múltiplas. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Não foram observadas diferenças nos valores de 1RM entre as condições. O VT e NRM das condições de 5km e 7km foram menores quando comparados com a condição controle. Ao passo que, o VT da condição de 7km foi menor em relação ao VT das condições de 3km e 5km; e o NRM da condição de 7km foi menor em relação ao NRM da condição de 3km. Não foram observadas diferenças no VT e NRM entre as condições de 3km e controle e entre as condições de 3km e 5km. Em conclusão, o desempenho da resistência de força foi prejudicado após a realização do exercício aeróbio e a ocorrência e a magnitude desta interferência dependeram do volume em que o exercício aeróbio foi realizado. Adicionalmente, o desempenho da força dinâmica máxima não foi prejudicado pela realização prévia do exercício aeróbio / Concurrent training (CT) is frequently utilized by physically active individuals and athletes in order to develop muscle strength and aerobic fitness. However, this training strategy may result in attenuation of the gains on strength and muscle hypertrophy in long term. This effect has been referred to as the interference phenomenon. There are indications that the magnitude of this interference may be dependent on the volume that aerobic exercise is performed. Thus, the aim of the present study was to verify the effect of aerobic exercise performed with different volumes on the acute performance of lower limbs maximum strength and strength endurance. Physically active men (n=21) were submitted to six experimental conditions performed in random order, three aerobic exercise sessions with different volumes (3km, 5km and 7km) followed by the maximum dynamic strength (1RM) test and three aerobic exercise sessions with different volumes followed by strength endurance test (4 sets of maximum repetitions at 80% 1RM). The aerobic exercise was a continuous treadmill run at 90% of the anaerobic threshold (AT) and all strength tests were performed in the leg press 45o. A mixed-model analysis with the volumes of aerobic exercise as a fixed factor and subject as a random factor was performed to compare 1RM values, total volume (TV) and maximum number of repetitions (MNR) of the strength training (ST) session. Post-hoc tests with Tukey adjustments were used for multiple comparisons. The significance level adopted was 5%. No differences were observed in 1RM values among conditions. The TV and MNR of the 5km and 7km conditions were lower when compared to the control condition. The TV of the 7km condition was lower than the 3km and 5km conditions; and the MNR of the 7km condition was lower than the 3km condition. No differences were observed in TV and MNR between the 3km and control conditions and between the 3km and 5km conditions. In conclusion, strength endurance performance was impaired when performed after aerobic exercise and the magnitude of this interference depended on the volume of the aerobic exercise. In addition, maximum dynamic strength performance was not affected by prior execution of aerobic exercise

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