Spelling suggestions: "subject:" atrength"" "subject:" 1strength""
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"Estudo das capacidades motoras de adolescentes obesos" / STUDY OF MOTOR CAPACITIES OF OBESE ADOLESCENTSCalvete, Suzete dos Anjos 06 December 2005 (has links)
O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a força muscular e a flexibilidade de adolescentes obesos, com idade entre 15 e 18 anos. Para tanto, a amostra foi constituída de 179 adolescentes, sendo 85 obesos e 94 eutróficos, de ambos os gêneros. Foram realizadas as medidas de massa corporal e estatura. Para classificar obesidade e eutrofia foram adotados como referência os valores de corte do índice de massa corporal proposto por MUST, DALLAL e DIETZ (1991). A avaliação das capacidades motoras constou dos testes de preensão manual, abdominal modificado, flexão e extensão dos braços em suspensão na barra e oito medidas de flexibilidade com o fleximeter. Os principais resultados demonstraram que os adolescentes obesos, quando comparados aos adolescentes eutróficos de mesma faixa etária e gênero, apresentaram valores inferiores com diferenças significantes na força/resistência da região abdominal, na força/resistência dos membros superiores e na flexibilidade dos movimentos de flexão do quadril e flexão do joelho (p≤0,05). Não houve diferenças significantes na força de preensão manual e na flexibilidade dos movimentos de flexão lateral da coluna cervical, flexão/extensão do tronco, abdução do ombro, abdução do quadril, flexão plantar e dorsal do tornozelo (p≤0,05). Conclui-se que a obesidade influenciou, negativamente, somente nas tarefas motoras em que a própria massa corporal se constituiu em uma resistência natural ao esforço e na amplitude de movimento de regiões corporais em que o acúmulo de massa de gordura corporal foi maior. / The aim of the study was to analyse the muscular strength and the flexibility in obese adolescents between 15 and 18 years of age. In order to do so, the sample was comprised of 179 adolescents: 85 obese and 94 eutrophic, of both genders. The body mass and height were measured. To classify obesity and eutrophy, the cut-off values of body mass index proposed by MUST, DALLAL and DIETZ (1991) were adopted. The evaluation of the motor capacities consisted of the following tests: handgrip, modified sit-up, modified pull-up and eight measures of flexibility with the fleximeter. The main results demonstrated that the obese adolescents, when compared to the eutrophic adolescents of the same age group and gender, presented inferior values with significant differences in the abdominal muscular endurance, upper limb muscular endurance and in the flexibility of hip flexion and knee flexion movements (p≤0.05). No significant differences in the handgrip strength and in the flexibility of cervical spine lateral flexion, flexion and extension trunk, shoulder abduction, hip abduction, ankle flexion and extension movements (p≤0.05). We concluded that obesity had a negative influence only on the motor tasks in which the body mass itself represented a natural resistance to the effort and in the range of motion of body areas in which the accumulation of body fat mass was larger.
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Avaliação isocinética da musculatura do quadril: revisão sistemática da literatura / Isokinetic evaluation of the hip muscles: a systematic review of the literatureZapparoli, Fabricio Yuri 14 December 2015 (has links)
A dinamometria isocinética é um método seguro e fidedigno de avaliação da força, trabalho e potência dos grupos musculares e representa o padrão ouro na avaliação em cadeia cinética aberta. Com os avanços tecnológicos, a avaliação isocinética tornou-se uma ferramenta muito utilizada para avaliação do desempenho muscular tanto em estudos biomecânicos como clínicos. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar revisão sistemática da literatura sobre avaliação isocinética do quadril, com ênfase nos parâmetros metodológicos associados e melhor reprodutibilidade, especificamente: posicionamento do paciente, do eixo do dinamômetro e do braço de alavanca no momento do exame; velocidade angular e tipo de contração. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica sistematizada nas bases de dados eletrônicas Cochrane, LILACS, PEDro, PubMed e SciELO. Os critérios de inclusão foram: artigos que avaliaram a força da musculatura do quadril com o dinamômetro isocinético e que continham análise de reprodutibilidade ICC ou PCC dos testes. Foram encontrados 148 artigos selecionados nas bases de dados eletrônicas, deste total foram selecionados 20 estudos que avaliaram isocineticamente a musculatura do quadril, após a pré-seleção dos artigos, os mesmos foram subdivididos em 3 grupos de acordo com o movimento realizado pelo quadril: Grupo 1 treze artigos avaliaram o movimento de flexão e extensão; Grupo 2 nove artigos avaliaram abdução e adução; Grupo 3 seis artigos avaliaram rotação interna e externa, um total de 1137 indivíduos foram submetidos à avaliação isocinética do quadril. Em cada Grupo selecionaram-se os artigos que obtiveram melhor resultado de reprodutibilidade, cujos parâmetros metodológicos foram avaliados. Conclusão: Para obter melhor reprodutibilidade da avaliação isocinética da musculatura flexora e extensora do quadril, o indivíduo deve ser posicionado em decúbito dorsal com o eixo do dinamômetro alinhado no trocânter maior do fêmur. A fixação do braço de alavanca posicionada na região mais distal possível da coxa. A velocidade angular utilizada para análise de pico de torque e trabalho muscular 60°/s e para avaliação da potência muscular 180°/s e as contrações analisadas concêntricas e excêntricas. Na avaliação isocinética da musculatura abdutora e adutora do quadril, o indivíduo deve ser posicionado em decúbito lateral com as costas voltada para o dinamômetro, o eixo do dinamômetro posicionado na intersecção de duas linhas retas, sendo a primeira linha a partir da EIPS até o joelho e a segunda linha medial ao trocânter maior do fêmur em direção à linha média do corpo. A fixação do braço de alavanca posicionada na região distal da coxa. A velocidade angular utilizada para análise de pico de torque e trabalho muscular 30°/s e para avaliação de potência muscular 210°/s. As contrações analisadas foram concêntricas e excêntricas. Na avaliação isocinética dos rotadores internos e externos, o indivíduo testado posicionou-se sentado com eixo do dinamômetro alinhado com a linha articular do joelho, com a fixação do braço de alavanca na região distal da tíbia. A velocidade angular mais utilizada para análise de pico de torque e trabalho muscular foi de 30°/s e para avaliação da potência muscular foi 210°/s, as contrações analisadas também foram concêntricas e excêntricas. / Isokinetic dynamometry is a safe and reliable method for assessing the force, work and power of muscle groups and is the \"gold standard\" in the evaluation of muscle strength in the open kinetic chain. With technological advances, isokinetic evaluation has become a widely used tool to evaluate muscle performance in biomechanical as well as in clinical studies. The objective of this study was to systematically review the literature on isokinetic evaluation of the hip, with emphasis on methodological parameters associated to better reproducibility, specifically: patient positioning, dynamometer axis and lever arm during the evaluation; angular speed and type of contraction. A literature search was carried out systematically in electronic databases Cochrane, LILACS, PEDro, PubMed and SciELO. The inclusion criteria were papers on the evaluation of the hip muscles strength with an isokinetic dynamometer and papers that analyzed the ICC or PCC reproducibility test. 148 papers were found in electronic databases and of this total were selected 20 studies that evaluated isokinetically the muscles of the hip, after pre-selection, they were divided into 3 groups according to the movement performed by the hip: Group 1 - thirteen papers evaluated the flexion and extension; Group 2 - nine papers evaluated abduction and adduction; Group 3 - six papers evaluated internal and external rotation, a total of 1137 subjects underwent isokinetic evaluation of the hip. In each Group were selected items that obtained better results reproducibility, whose methodological parameters were evaluated. In conclusion: in order to obtain better reproducibility of isokinetic evaluation of the flexor and extensor muscles of the hip: the individual must be positioned in the supine position and the dynamometer axis must be aligned in the greater trochanter of the femur. The positioning of the lever arm must be in the most distal region of the thigh possible. The angular speed used to analyze torque peak and muscle work was 60°/s, and to evaluate the muscle power was 180°/s, and contractions analyzed concentric and eccentric. In isokinetic evaluation of the abductor and adductor muscles: the individual must be positioned in the side-lying position with your back toward the dynamometer and the dynamometer axis must be aligned with the intersection of two straight lines, with the 1st line from the posterior-superior iliac spine to the knee and the 2nd line medial to the greater trochanter of the femur toward the midline of the body. The positioning of the level arm must be in the most distal region of the thigh. The speed used to analyze torque peak and muscle work was 30°/s, and to evaluate the muscle power it was 210°/s, with concentric and eccentric contractions being analyzed. In isokinetic evaluation of internal and external rotators: the individual must be positioned in the sitting position and the dynamometer axis must be aligned with the line knee joint. The positioning of the level arm must be in the distal region of the tibia. The speed used to analyze torque peak and muscle work was 30°/s, and to evaluate the muscle power it was 210°/s, with concentric and eccentric contractions being analyzed.
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Efeito dos processos de cristalização nas propriedades mecânicas e morfologia do sistema cerâmico de dissilicato de lítio / Effect of crystallization processes in mechanical properties and morphology of the lithium disilicate glass ceramic systemSouza Júnior, Agnaldo Rocha de 29 August 2014 (has links)
Com a crescente valorização da estética, o uso das cerâmicas a base de dissilicato de Lítio tem se destacado devido as suas propriedades estéticas e mecânicas. Contudo, este sistema exige um processo de cristalização complexo que limita o seu uso aos fornos mais sofisticados e de alto custo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de dois processos de cristalização na microdureza, resistência à flexão e morfologia do dissilicato de Lítio IPS e.max CAD. De 10 blocos do IPS e.max CAD obteve-se 60 corpos de prova que foram divididos entre o ensaio de microdureza Knoop (n=30) e resistência à flexão (n=30). Cada ensaio teve os corpos de provas separados em 3 grupos conforme processo de cristalização: G1- processo de cristalização preconizado pelo fabricante; G2- processo de cristalização simplificado; G3- sem cristalização. Análise morfológica foi realizada, qualitativamente, por confocal a laser em 1 amostra recolhida, aleatoriamente, de cada grupo do teste de resistência à flexão. Os dados obtidos na microdureza foram tabulados e analisados estatisticamente pelo teste de Friedman, enquanto que os dados da resistência a flexão foram analisados por Análise de Variância e teste de Tukey-Kramer, ambas as análise com significância de p≤ 0,05. Os resultados mostraram que a média da microdureza Knoop dos corpos de prova do grupo G3 (862,13 KHN) foi semelhante ao do grupo G2 (818,9 KNP) e estes foram significantemente maiores que o grupo G1 (645,13 KHN). A resistência à flexão dos corpos mostrou um valor maior para o grupo G1 (302,95 MPa), mas estatisticamente semelhante ao grupo G2 (277,7 MPa), os quais foram significantemente maiores que o grupo G3 (155,2 MPa). Morfologicamente o G3 apresentou uma superfície mais irregular seguido pelo G1, com uma superfície mais regular para o G2. Todos os dois processos de cristalização promoveram um aumento da resistência à flexão, no entanto o processo de cristalização simplificado promoveu uma maior microdureza e superfície mais regular. / Due to the crescent appreciation for esthetic, the use of lithium disilicate glass ceramic has excelled because of their esthetic and mechanical properties. However, this system requires a complex process of crystallization which restricts his use to sophisticated and expensive ovens. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of two crystallization processes in hardness, flexural strength and morphology of the IPS e.max CAD lithium disilicate. Ten blocks of IPS e.max CAD generated 60 specimens that were divided between the Knoop micro hardness test (n = 30) and flexural strength (n = 30). Each trial had the bodies of evidence separated into 3 groups according to the crystallization process: G1-crystallization process recommended by the manufacturer; G2-simplified process of crystallization; G3 without crystallization. It was performed a morphological analysis, qualitatively, by confocal laser scanning microscopy on one sample taken randomly from each group for the flexural strength test. The data obtained by the micro hardness test were statistically analyzed Friedman tests, while the flexural strength data were analyzed by analysis of variance and Tukey-Kramer test, both analysis with significance set at p≤ 0.05. The results showed that the average micro hardness of the specimens in group G3 (862.13 KHN) was similar to G2 (818.9 KNP) and these were significantly higher than the G1 group (645.13 KHN). The flexural strength of the specimens showed a higher value for G1 (302.95 MPa), but statistically similar to G2 (277.7 MPa), which were significantly higher than the G3 group (155.2 MPa). Morphologically G3 exhibited a more irregular surface followed by G1, with a surface more regular for G2. Both of crystallization processes promoted a gain in flexural strength. However, the simplified crystallization process promoted a greater hardness and more regular surface.
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Durabilidade de união e carga cíclica para falha do silicato de litío reforçado por zircônia após cimentação adesiva /Diniz, Vandeberg. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Renata Marques de Melo Marinho / Banca: Tarcísio José Arruda Paes Júnior / Banca: Laís Regiane da Silva Concílio / Resumo: No presente trabalho, avaliou-se o efeito de diferentes concentrações de ácido fluorídrico (5% e 10%), na resistência de união entre uma cerâmica de silicato de lítio reforçado por zircônia (sem cristalização adicional, com queima de glaze e com queima adicional de cristalização) e um cimento resinoso, com e sem envelhecimento. Avaliou-se também o comportamento em fadiga de uma cerâmica à base de silicato de lítio reforçado por zircônia (sem cristalização adicional, com de queima de glaze e com queima adicional de cristalização) cimentada adesivamente a um material análogo a dentina (NEMA G10), na ausência ou presença de envelhecimento. Para o teste de microtração os blocos cerâmicos de silicato de lítio reforçado por zircônia foram cortados em blocos menores e divididos aleatoriamente em 12 grupos (N = 72; n = 6). No teste de fadiga os espécimes foram em formato de discos (diâmetro de 12 mm e espessura de 1,2 mm) cimentados a discos de resina epoxi Nema G10 (diâmetro de 12mm e espessura de 2,3mm), divididos em 6 grupos (N = 120; n = 20) e submetidos a ensaio de fadiga pelo método da escada (100.000 ciclos, 20 Hertz de frequência). Os dados resistência de união (MPa) e fadiga (N) foram submetidos à ANOVA 2-fatores, e respectivamente submetidos aos testes de Tukey e Bonferroni (p<0,05). Os resultados mostraram diferença estatisticamente significante para o fator "termociclagem" (ANOVA 2 fatores, p<0,05) sendo os grupos sem termociclagem superiores aos grupos com envelhecimento... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract : This study evaluated the effect of different hydrofluoric acid concentrations (5% and 10%) on the bond strength between a zirconium-reinforced lithium silicate ceramic (without additional crystallization, glaze firing and additional crystallization firing) and a resinous cement, with and without aging. The fatigue behavior of a zirconium-reinforced lithium silicate-based ceramic (without additional crystallization, glaze firing and additional crystallization firing) adhesively cemented to a material like dentin (NEMA G10) was also evaluated with or without thermal aging. For the microtensile test, the zirconia reinforced lithium silicate ceramic blocks were cut into smaller blocks and randomly divided into 12 groups (N=72; n=6). In the fatigue test, discs (diameter 12 mm and thickness 1.2 mm) were cut, cemented to NEMA G10 epoxy resin discs (diameter 12 mm and thickness 2.3 mm), assigned into 6 groups (N=120, n=20) and subjected to the fatigue test by the ladder method (100,000 cycles, 20 Hertz frequency). The bond strength (MPa) and fatigue (N) data were submitted to 2-Way ANOVA, and respectively submitted to Tukey and Bonferroni tests (p <0.05). The results showed a statistically significant difference for the "thermocycling" factor (2-Way ANOVA, p <0.05), with the groups without thermocycling been superior to the aged groups (Tukey). The Bonferroni test indicated that within the same condition (with or without thermocycling), the groups with additional crystallization or glaze firing showed higher results than the groups without additional firing. Thus, the bond between ZLS and the resin cement was negatively affected by thermal aging in water. On the other hand, the fatigue behavior of ZLS discs cemented on NEMA G10 was higher in the groups that received glaze or crystallization firing and lower in the aged groups...(Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Influência de diferentes protocolos de jateamento na resistência à flexão e na estabilidade estrutural de uma cerâmica policristalina de zircônia tetragonal parcialmente estabilizada com ítria /Souza, Rodrigo Othávio de Assunção e. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Marco Antonio Bottino / Banca: Luiz Felipe Valandro Soares / Banca: Eduardo Miyashita / Banca: Paulo Francisco Cesar / Banca: Carlos Augusto Pavanelli / Resumo: Este estudo avaliou o efeito de diferentes protocolos de jateamento na resistência à flexão biaxial e na estabilidade estrutural de uma cerâmica de Y-TZP. Para tanto, duzentos e dezesseis discos sinterizados de Y-TZP (Lava, 3M ESPE) (ISO 6872, diâmetro: 15 mm, espessura: 2 mm) foram confeccionados pelo fabricante. Para o ensaio de resistência à flexão, 180 discos (n=10) foram divididos entre 18 grupos de acordo com os fatores "tipo de partícula (Al2O3- 50 e 110μm; SiO2- 30 e 110 μm)", "pressão (2,5 e 3,5 bar)" e "ciclagem mecânica (CM) (com e sem)". O jateamento foi realizado a uma distância de 10 mm e com duração de 20 s: Gr1- Controle - (sem tratamento de superfície); Gr2- Al2O3 50 μm/2,5 bar; Gr3- Al2O3 50 μm/3,5 bar; Gr4- Al2O3 110 μm/2,5 bar; Gr5- Al2O3 110 μm/3,5 bar; Gr6- SiO2 30 μm/2,5 bar; Gr7- SiO2 30 μm/3,5 bar; Gr8- SiO2 110 μm/2,5 bar; Gr9- SiO2 110 μm /3,5 bar. Os grupos Gr10 a Gr18 são respectivamente os grupos anteriores submetidos à CM (100.000 ciclos, 50 N, 4 Hz, água 370C. Em seguida todas as amostras foram submetidas ao ensaio de resistência à flexão biaxial (ISO 6872) em máquina de ensaio universal (EMIC, 1 mm/min). Após ensaio de flexão, os dados obtidos (MPa) foram submetidos ao teste de Dunnett (5%) e à Análise de Variância (3 fatores). Para determinar a quantidade e profundidade de possíveis transformações de fase da zircônia (t→m) induzida pelo jateamento e/ou pela ciclagem mecânica, foi realizada a análise de difração de Raios-X em vinte amostras (n=2) dos grupos Gr1 ao Gr9 e Gr18, antes e após tratamento térmico (ciclo de queima da VM9/Vita). Os resultados demonstraram que todos os protocolos de jateamento promoveram um aumento significativo da resistência à flexão da cerâmica de Y-TZP em relação... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This study evaluated the effect of different air-particle-abrasion protocols on the biaxial flexural strength and on the structural stability of Y-TZP ceramic. Disc shaped (ISO 6872, Ø: 15 mm, thick: 2 mm) sintered zirconia specimens (N=216) were obtained from the manufacturer (Lava, 3M ESPE). To the flexure test 180 discs (n=10) were divided among the groups according to the factors "particle (Al2O3 50 and 110μm; SiO2 30 and 110 μm)", "pressure (2.5 and 3.5 bar)" and "mechanical cycling (MC)(with and without)". The air-particle-abrasion protocols were performed with 10 mm of distance and duration of 20 s: Gr1- Control - (without air-particle-abrasion); Gr2- Al2O3 50 μm/2,5 bar; Gr3- Al2O3 50 μm/3,5 bar; Gr4- Al2O3 110 μm/2,5 bar; Gr5- Al2O3 110 μm/3,5 bar; Gr6- SiO2 30 μm/2,5 bar; Gr7- SiO2 30 μm/3,5 bar; Gr8- SiO2 110 μm/2,5 bar; Gr9- SiO2 110 μm /3,5 bar. The groups Gr10 to Gr18 are those groups before submitted to MC, respectively (100.000 cycles; 50 N, 4 Hz, water 370C). After, all specimens were tested for biaxial flexural strength (ISO 6872) in a universal testing machine (EMIC). After, all specimens were tested for biaxial flexural strength (ISO 6872) in a universal testing machine (EMIC). The data were submitted to statistical tests ANOVA and Dunnett (5%). To determine the percentage and deep of possible zirconia transformations (te mo) after the air-particle-abrasion protocols and/or MC, the X-Ray diffraction was performed on 20 samples (n=2) from the groups Gr1 to Gr9 and Gr18, before and after thermal treatment (VM9/Vita firing cycle). The results showed that all air-particle-abrasion protocols increased significantly the flexure strength of the Y-TZP ceramic compared to the negative Control... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Biologically Inspired Wing Tip Geometry OptimizationMarinelli, Andrea T 11 May 2010 (has links)
Wingtip vortices are an important problem in aerodynamic and hydrodynamic engineering because of their contribution to induced drag, tip cavitation, and wake turbulence. These effects decrease equipment efficiency and lifespan, which increases application costs. Biology provides an inspiring solution to this problem in avian flight through the spreading of primary feathers. Previous studies have shown increased lift to drag ratio and efficiency of wings and propeller blades through modified wingtip geometry. The goal of this project is to optimize the tip geometry (primary feather angle) of a test wing for minimal tip vortex strength using genetic algorithms to mimic natural design evolution. Ultrasonic transducers are used to measure the wing tip vortex circulation in wind tunnel tests for each candidate design. Although neither angle of attack series converged completely, there was partial convergence in each. Due to the fluctuations in the low angle of attack tests, the parent selection algorithm was altered for the high angle of attack series, which resulted in improved convergence trends. A genetic algorithm that used uniform crossover breeding, a 20% mutation rate, and roulette wheel parent selection methods was used to generate an improved tip geometry at a low angle of attack of 6° and a freestream velocity of 15.25 m/s over the course of 17 generations. This improved design consisted of three key features, a staggered leading edge, a drastic mid-section vertical separation, and an upswept trailing edge. A second algorithm, which employed uniform crossover, a 20% mutation rate, and an elitist selection roulette parent selection, provided an improved tip geometry for a 12° angle of attack at a freestream velocity of 11.5 m/s. This improved design consisted of three key features, a downswept leading edge, a drastic mid-section vertical separation, and an upturned trailing edge. Both results showed that the wing tip vortex strength can be reduced by approximately 20% by manipulating tip geometry and that the trailing edge traits produce the most prominent effects on vortex strength.
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Measuring the relationship between self-determined motivation and improvements in an off-season strength and conditioning programShea, John 08 April 2016 (has links)
This mixed-methods study looked at the relationship between self-determined motivation and strength improvements in an off-season strength and conditioning program. The Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI; Ryan, 1982), which assesses motivation according to the tenets of Self-Determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1985) measured self-determined motivation in this study. Strength was measured by the Epic Strength Index (ESI; Epley, 2004), which factors the amount of weight lifted along with the bodyweight and gender of the athlete to determine a strength index. Strength improvement was measured as the difference between ending and beginning ESI scores.
The participants consisted of one-hundred-twenty-seven male and female athletes ranging between 14-22 years of age and representing a variety of sports including several multi-sport athletes. Each participant was tested in the Power Clean, Bench Press, and Squat at the beginning and end of the program as part of their regular training program. During the second week of the program, the athletes completed the IMI. The amount of weight each athlete lifted in each of the three weightlifting exercises was computed by the ESI yielding an individual strength index for each lift, along with a total score for all three lifts.
Correlation and regression analyses revealed a significant relationship between self-determined motivation and strength improvements. The average of all IMI scores independently predicted 50.65% of the variance in strength improvements. Correlation analysis also showed significant relationships for gender and age on ESI improvements, in that females and younger athletes tended to improve more. When a regression analysis accounting for the effects of gender and age on strength improvements was performed, Self-determined motivation still predicted 49.54% of the improvements.
At the conclusion of the study, eight of the athletes participated in qualitative interviews. The eight participants represented two male and two female participants from both the top and bottom quartiles of average IMI scores. The qualitative interviews from the work of Hassandra, Goudas, and Chroni (2003) and Vazou, Ntoumanis, and Duda (2005) who used qualitative analysis to study differences in motivational patterns of secondary physical education students and 14 to 16 year-old athletes respectively. The interview questions were formulated to determine factors that affected the initial decision to participate in the program, as well as to discern differences among the top and bottom quartiles participants.
The qualitative analysis revealed many similarities and some differences between those in the top and bottom quartiles of motivation. Athletes in both categories mentioned motivation for improvement as the prime reason for participation and as a rewarding aspect of the program. Also common to both groups of athletes was the important role of teammates and coaches in deciding to participate in this program. The main difference between the top and bottom quartiles was in the discussion of "least enjoyed aspects of the program" and "difficulties of the program". While those in the top quartile of motivation reported to that they mostly liked the program and mentioned only transportation as a difficulty of the program, those in the bottom quartile provided a wide variety of responses to these questions.
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An empirical analysis of determinants of financial performance of insurance companies in the United KingdomJadi, Diara Md January 2015 (has links)
The determinants that affect the financial performance of an insurance company are complicated due to the intangible nature of insurance products and the lack of transparency in the market. Consequently, the financial performance of insurance companies is important to various stakeholders such as policyholders, insurance intermediaries and policymakers. This study aims to investigate the determinants of financial performance of insurance companies based on their financial strength rating performance. The empirical data are drawn from A.M. Best Insurance Report Online: Non- US Database. The sample consists of 57 insurers in the United Kingdom over the period of 2006 to 2010. The analyses include eight firm-specific variables, which are leverage, profitability, liquidity, size, reinsurance, growth, type of business and organisational form. Rating transition matrices and regression models are employed in this study. Rating transition analysis demonstrates a significant degree of rating changes, as reflected in the rating fluctuations. Based on the empirical results, this study establishes that profitability, liquidity, size and organisational form are statistically significant determinants of financial performance of insurance companies in the United Kingdom. This study recommends an alternative to measure the size of an insurance company, which is based on the gross premium written. In addition, this study provides insights into the effects of the global financial crisis on the financial performance of the insurance companies.
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Efeito do treinamento resistido associado a decanoato de nandrolona e lepidium meyenii sob parâmetros biológicos em ratos wistarFerrao, Simone Krause January 2015 (has links)
A popularização do treinamento resistido associada a busca pelo corpo perfeito traz consigo uma maior procura por recursos anabolizantes por atletas e amadores. A utilização de anabolizantes geralmente ocorre em associação com outras substâncias, o que pode agravar os seus efeitos colaterais. Apesar de haver vários estudos abordando os efeitos colaterais do decanoato de nandrolona, pouco se conhece sobre a sua associação com treinamento resistido e Lepidium meyenii. Objetivo: avaliar o efeito do treinamento resistido associado a decanoato de nandrolona e Lepidium meyenni (Maca) sob o peso corporal, parâmetros comportamentais e hepáticos em ratos wistar. Para isso, foi aplicado um modelo experimental com 60 ratos adultos, divididos em cinco grupos: controle sedentário (SC), treinamento resistido (ST), decanoato de nandrolona sedentário (ND), Lepidium meyenii sedentário (LM) e treinamento resistido decanoato de nandrolona e Lepidium meyenii (STNL). O protocolo de treinamento resistido consta de 3 séries com 10 repetições com 80% 1RM e teve duração de 5 semanas, com freqüência de 3 vezes por semana no aparato proposto por Tamaki et al. (1992). O decanoato de nandrolona intramuscular na dose de 18mg/kg/semana e Lepidium meyenii na dose de 450 mg/kg/semana foi administrado por gavagem. Ao término do treinamento, foram realizados os seguintes testes comportamentais: Labirinto em Cruz Elevado (Plus-Maze), Reconhecimento de Objeto e Residente-Intruso. Para avaliação hepática foram realizadas as seguintes análises bioquímicas: alanina aminotransferase (ALT), aspartato aminotransferase (AST), fosfatase alcalina (FA) e gama glutamiltransferase (GGT). Foram observado efeitos positivos da administração de decanoato de nandrolona, Lepidium meyenii e treinamento resistido sob o peso (SC 490,0 g ± 2,9 g; ST 450,0 g ± 1,3 g; ND 410 g ± 1,0 g; LM 430 g ± 1,4 g e STNL 390 g ± 0,7 g). Os testes comportamentais apresentaram alterações em um ou mais grupos para os parâmetros de agressividade, ansiedade e memória. No Labirinto em Cruz Elevado encontrou-se menor número de entradas no braços abertos do grupo ST (SC 2,50 ± 0,62; ST 1,42 ± 0,26; ND 1,58 ± 0,39; LM 1,57 ± 0,33 e STNL 1,58 ± 0,19), menor número de entradas nos braços fechados nos grupos ST e STNL (SC 6,13 ± 0,93; ST 2,75 ± 0,67; ND 3,25 ± 0,52; LM 4,17 ± 0,45 e STNL 2,33 ± 0,33) e menor tempo de permanência no grupo ST (SC 42,88 s ± 13,88 s; ST 17,67 s ± 70 s; ND 28,50 s ± 12,50 s; LM 20,42 s ± 5,8 s e STNL 34,25 s ± 15,24 s). No teste residente intruso observou-se menor número de ataques nos grupos ST e LM (SC 9,13 ± 2,31; ST 6,00 ± 1,38; ND 8,50 ± 1,25; LM 5,75 ± 1,01 e STNL 8,75 ± 1,46). No teste para memória verificou-se menor índice de reconhecimento de objeto nos grupos ND e LM (SC 0,27 ± 0,20; ST 0,01 ± 0,20; ND -0,35 ± 0,16; LM -0,23 ± 0,16 e STNL -0,23 ± 0,21). Apesar de não terem sido encontradas variações significativas nas análises bioquímicas (AST, ALT, FAL e GGT), houve uma diminuição significativa no peso do fígado nos grupos ND e STNL, (SC 14,4 g ± 0,4 g; ST 14,62 g ± 1,0 g; ND 11,61 g ± 04 g; LM 13,7 g ± 0,5 g e STNL 11,82 g ± 0,5 g), sugerindo lesão hepática. Com base nestes resultados não recomenda-se o uso de esteróides anabolizantes ou a sua associação com Lepidium meyenii. / The popularization of strength training associated with the search for the perfect body increases the demand for anabolic resources for athletes and amateurs. The use of anabolic steroids often occurs in combination with other substances, which may worsen the side effects. Although there are several studies addressing the side effects of nandrolone decanoate, little is known about its association with strength training and Lepidium meyenii. This study aims to evaluate the effect of strength training associated with nandrolone decanoate and Lepidium meyenni (Maca) on body mass, behavioral and liver parameter in Wistar rats. For this, an experimental model was applied to 60 adult rats were divided into five groups: sedentary control (SC), strength training (ST), nandrolone decanoate sedentary (ND), Lepidium meyenii sedentary (LM) and strength training, nandrolone decanoate and Lepidium meyenii (STNL). The strength training protocol consist of 3 series 10 repetitions 80% 1RM and was performed three times a week for five weeks in the apparatus proposed by Tamaki et al. (1992). The nandrolone decanoate intramuscular injection at a dose of 18 mg/kg/week and Lepidium meyenii at 450 mg/kg/week was administered by gavage. At the end of training, the following behavioral tests were performed: Plus-Maze Test, Object Recognition Test and Resident-Intruder. For liver evaluation were made biochemical analysis: alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT). It was observed positive effects of administration of nandrolone decanoate, Lepidium meyenii and strength training on body mass (SC 490,0 g ± 2,9 g; ST 450,0 g ± 1,3 g; ND 410 g ± 1,0 g; LM 430 g ± 1,4g and STNL 390 g ± 0,7 g). Behavioral tests showed alterations at one or more groups for the aggressiveness parameters, anxiety and memory. In the Plus-Maze Test it found smaller number of entries in the open arms in ST group (SC 2,50 ± 0,62; ST 1,42 ± 0,26; ND 1,58 ± 0,39; LM 1,57 ± 0,33 and STNL 1,58 ± 0,19), smaller number of entries in ST e STNL groups (SC 6,13 ± 0,93; ST 2,75 ± 0,67; ND 3,25 ± 0,52; LM 4,17 ± 0,45 and STNL 2,33 ± 0,33) and shorter permanence in the open arms in ST group (SC 42,88 s ± 13,88 s; ST 17,67 s ± 70 s; ND 28,50 s ± 12,50 s; LM 20,42 s ± 5,8 s and STNL 34,25 s ± 15,24 s). In the Resident Intruder it was observed smaller number of attacks in ST and LM groups (SC 9,13 ± 2,31; ST 6,00 ± 1,38; ND 8,50 ± 1,25; LM 5,75 ± 1,01 and STNL 8,75 ± 1,46). In the Object Recognition Test it was verified lower object recognition índex in ND and LM groups (SC 0,27 ± 0,20; ST 0,01 ± 0,20; ND - 0,35 ± 0,16; LM -0,23 ± 0,16 e STNL -0,23 ± 0,21). Despite not having been found significant variations in biochemical analysis (AST, ALT, FAL and GGT), there was a significant decrease in liver weight in ND and STNL groups (SC 14,4 g ± 0,4 g; ST 14,62 g ± 1,0 g; ND 11,61 g ± 04 g; LM 13,7 g ± 0,5 g e STNL 11,82 g ± 0,5 g)., suggesting liver damage. Based on these results, the use of anabolic steroids is not recommended, as well as its association with Lepidium meyenii.
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Avaliação da força de preensão palmar plena e pulpo-lateral : relação com a antropometria da mão e posições de trabalho /Vidrich Filho, Hélio. January 2005 (has links)
Orientador : José Carlos Plácido da Silva / Banca: José Antonio Galbiatti / Banca: Luis Carlos Paschoarelli / Resumo: O presente trabalho avaliou 60 indivíduos, sem patologias, 30 homens e 30 mulheres, entre 17 e 70 anos, totalizando 120 membros superiores. Elaborou-se um protocolo, a fim de se avaliar a força de preensão palmar plena, medida com o Dinamômetro JAMAR®, e a força de preensão pulpo-lateral, medida com o Medidor de Pinça B&L, correlacionando-as com o gênero, idade, posições dos membros superiores e medidas antropométricas da mão. Constatou-se que ambas as forças de preensão foram maiores no gênero masculino do que no gênero feminino, assim como, as medidas antropométricas das mãos. Levando-se em conta a correlação das forças com as posições dos membros superiores, nas quais foram avaliadas as forças não se encontrou correlação estatisticamente significativa em nenhuma das posições, porém, observou-se correlação com algumas medidas antropométricas das mãos, como largura da mão, comprimento do polegar e do dedo médio, assim como da mão. Portanto as medidas antropométricas devem ser consideradas em uma avaliação clínica e/ou ergonômica. / Abstract: The present research evaluated 60 people without any current pathologies, 30 male and 30 female whose age range went from 17 to 70 years old making up a total of 120 upper limbs. A protocol was created aiming to evaluate full grip strength, measured with JAMAR® Dynamometer, and lateral pulp grasp measured with B&L Pinch, relating them to gender, age, upper limbs positions and anthropometrical hand measurements. It has been noticed that both grip strengths were larger with males rather than females as well as the anthropometrical hand measurements. Taking into consideration the relation of the forces with the upper limbs positions in which the forces were evaluated, no meaningful statistical relation was found in any of the positions, however, a relation with some anthropometrical hand measurement were noticed such as hand width, thumb and middle finger length, as well as the hands. Therefore, the anthropometrical hand measurements shall be regarded towards a clinical and/or ergonomic evaluation. / Mestre
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