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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dérégulations de la synthèse vitamine B12 dépendante de la méthionine dans les maladies monogéniques et les malformations du tube neural / Deregulation of the vitamin B12-dependent methionine synthesis in monogenic diseases and in Neural Tube Defects

Fofou-Caillierez, Ma'atem Béatrice 12 December 2012 (has links)
Nous avons étudié les aspects biochimiques, enzymologiques et génétiques des voies de la méthylation sur les foies foetaux issus d'abortum pour AFTN et témoins. Nous avons mis en évidence un déficit de la vitamine B12 et de la SAM et une baisse des activités MTR et MTHFR dans les tissus AFTN. Ces résultats permettent d'établir qu'une supplémentation en B12 devrait être associée à la supplémentation en folates réalisée en début de grossesse afin de prévenir la survenue de ces AFTN. Nous avons aussi étudié les interactions entre MTR et MMACHC en utilisant des lignées cellulaires de patients porteurs de déficits en MTR (cblG, variant-cblG) et en MMACHC (cblC). Cette étude suggère un rôle régulateur de la MTR dans le métabolisme intracellulaire de la CNCbl, par l'épissage de MTR de deux transcrits codant pour l'enzyme fonctionnelle de taille attendue et une protéine tronquée non fonctionnelle, respectivement / We studied the methylation pathways in liver tissue from fetal NTDs and controls. We identified a vitamin B12 and SAM deficiency and also decreased activities of MTR and MTHFR in NTDs tissue. These results provide evidence that vitamin B12 supplementation should be associated with folate supplementation in early pregnancy in order to prevent the occurrence of these NTDs. We also studied the interactions of MTR with MMACHC by using cell lines patients with MTR and MMACHC deficiency. This study suggests a regulatory role of MTR in the intracellular CNCbl metabolism by splicing of two MTR transcripts encoding the functional enzyme of the expected size and a truncated non-functional protein, respectively

Etude des mécanismes de la transformation de phase bainitique dans les aciers bas carbone

Lubin, Sophie 17 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse vise à comprendre et à modéliser les mécanismes de transformation de phase d'austénite en bainite dans un acier bas carbone faiblement allié et en particulier d'étudier une éventuelle sélection de variants à l'échelle locale. Une campagne d'essais de torsion a permis de déterminer des lois de comportement des phases austénitique et bainitique à haute température afin d'améliorer un modèle existant de sélection de variants et d'obtenir des échantillons présentant différentes microstructures de l'austénite avant transformation. Puis des essais de transformation bainitique isotherme ont été réalisés afin de pouvoir étudier l'influence de la température de transformation et de la taille de grain austénitique sur la sélection de variants. L'étude des microtextures a été réalisée grâce à la technique EBSD qui nous a permis de confirmer la présence d'une répartition non aléatoire des variants voisins au sein d'un ancien grain austénitique. Le modèle micromécanique de sélection de variants porte sur un critère d'auto-accommodation de la déformation de transformation entre certains variants afin de réduire l'énergie globale du système composé de l'austénite et de plusieurs variants de bainite. Les déformations de transformation sont déterminées à l'aide de la PTMC, puis les interactions entre les différents variants sont obtenues en résolvant un problème d'inclusions d'Eshelby. La confrontation des résultats expérimentaux avec ceux du modèle induit une meilleure compréhension des microstructures de martensite et de bainite formées à basse température par le critère d'auto-accommodation des déformations de transformation que celles formées à haute température.

Développement et mise en oeuvre de modèles d'attention visuelle

Ho Phuoc, Tien 06 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Pour explorer le monde qui nous entoure nous bougeons sans cesse les yeux alternant entre des mouvements rapides ``les saccades'' et des moments d'immobilisation ``les fixations''. Quels sont les facteurs guidant ces mouvements oculaires? Comment les interpréter et les évaluer quantitativement? Cette thèse aborde ces questions lors de l'exploration libre de scènes naturelles, sous deux aspects: la modélisation et le recueil de données comportementales avec des enregistrements oculométriques. Le modèle proposé s'inspire fortement de la biologie et propose de prédire les régions dites saillantes (qui attirent les yeux) en utilisant un certain nombre de caractéristiques visuelles de bas niveaux, selon une démarche de traitement ascendante (``bottom-up'') compatible avec le contexte choisi d'exploration libre des scènes naturelles. Bien qu'il s'agisse de l'exploration de scènes statiques, un modèle dynamique spatio-temporel est également proposé considérant les séquences temporelles alternant les phases de stabilisation durant les fixations et les phases de déplacement durant les saccades. Les données comportementales et les données physiologiques ont permis l'établissement du modèle, ses évolutions et améliorations successives, puis sa validation. Ainsi, nous montrons que bien que la couleur soit présente partout et apparaisse dans plusieurs modèles de la littérature, celle-ci influence peu les mouvements oculaires des sujets. De même nous montrons que programmer plusieurs saccades en parallèle à partir d'un point de fixation comme cela a été montré dans des expériences de recherche de cible n'est pas compatible avec les données comportementales. Cette thèse propose aussi de nombreux outils méthodologiques pour comparer des données comportementales à des données issues d'un modèle et propose également une manière de tester l'importance relative de plusieurs caractéristiques visuelles de bas niveau sur la prédiction des mouvements oculaires.

Modifications de la chromatine associ��es �� la s��nescence cellulaire

Contrepois, K��vin 03 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La s��nescence cellulaire est une r��ponse �� un stress des cellules de mammif��re caract��ris��e par un arr��t durable du cycle cellulaire. Celle-ci peut ��tre d��clench��e par un dysfonctionnement des t��lom��res, des stress g��notoxiques et l'activation d'oncog��nes. La s��nescence constitue une puissante ligne de d��fense contre le d��veloppement de cancers et intervient aussi dans le vieillissement. Les cellules en s��nescence r��organisent leur g��nome par l'assemblage en h��t��rochromatine sous forme de SAHFs (senescence-associated heterochromatin foci). Nous avons mis en ��vidence que la d��sac��tylation globale de H4-K16Ac par la d��sac��tylase SIRT2 est impliqu��e dans l'assemblage de l'h��t��rochromatine en s��nescence. De plus, nous avons identifi�� une accumulation de variants d'histones H2A et H2B sp��cifiquement dans des cellules en s��nescence pr��sentant des dommages persistants �� l'ADN. Ces variants d'histone pourraient avoir des fonctions sp��cifiques dans ces cellules et pourraient repr��senter un biomarqueur du vieillissement in vivo.Mes travaux apportent des ��l��ments pour la compr��hension des r��les de l'information ��pig��n��tique dans la s��nescence cellulaire.

Magnetic field-induced phase transformation and variant reorientation in Ni2MnGa and NiMnCoIn magnetic shape memory alloys

Karaca, Haluk Ersin 15 May 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to reveal the governing mechanisms responsible for the magnetic field-induced i) martensite reorientation in Ni2MnGa single crystals, ii) stress-assisted phase transformation in Ni2MnGa single crystals and iii) phase transformation in NiMnCoIn alloys. The ultimate goal of utilizing these mechanisms is to increase the actuation stress levels in magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs). Extensive experimental work on magneto-thermo-mechanical (MTM) characterization of these materials enabled us to i) better understand the ways to increase the actuation stress and strain and decrease the required magnetic field for actuation in MSMAs, ii) determine the effects of main MTM parameters on reversible magnetic field induced phase transformation, such as magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy (MAE), Zeeman energy (ZE), stress hysteresis, thermal hysteresis, critical stress for the stress induced phase transformation and crystal orientation, iii) find out the feasibility of employing polycrystal MSMAs, and iv) formulate a thermodynamical framework to capture the energetics of magnetic field-induced phase transformations in MSMAs. Magnetic shape memory properties of Ni2MnGa single crystals were characterized by monitoring magnetic field-induced strain (MFIS) as a function of compressive stress and stress-induced strain as a function of magnetic field. It is revealed that the selection of the operating temperature with respect to martensite start and Curie temperatures is critical in optimizing actuator performance. The actuation stress of 5 MPa and work output of 157 kJm−3 are obtained by the field-induced variant reorientation in NiMnGa alloys. Reversible and one-way stress-assisted field-induced phase transformations are observed in Ni2MnGa single crystals under low field magnitudes (<0.7T) and resulted in at least an order of magnitude higher actuation stress levels. It is very promising to provide higher work output levels and operating temperatures than variant reorientation mechanisms in NiMnGa alloys. Reversible field-induced phase transformation and shape memory characteristics of NiMnCoIn single crystals are also studied. Reversible field-induced phase transformation is observed only under high magnetic fields (>4T). Necessary magnetic and mechanical conditions, and materials design and selection guidelines are proposed to search for field-induced phase transformation in other ferromagnetic materials that undergo thermoelastic martensitic phase transformation.

Caractérisation prosodique et reconnaissance de la modalité déclarative de l'espagnol des Îles Canaries

Hernandez Diaz, Beatriz 09 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Notre recherche s'inscrit dans le projet AMPER (Atlas Multimédia Prosodique de l'Espace Roman) et elle a comme objectif principal celui d'offrir une caractérisation prosodique plus systématique de la modalité déclarative de l'espagnol parlée aux Îles Canaries. L'étude présente une double perspective : prosodique et dialectologique, car elle combine des variables strictement linguistiques (comme l'extension des syntagmes et leur combinaison accentuelle), en établissant des relations avec d'autres niveaux linguistiques comme le lexique et la syntaxe, mais aussi avec la phonétique segmentale, avec des variables sociolinguistiques (comme le sexe des informateurs, l'île d'origine, le milieu urbain ou rural et leur niveau d'études), qui nous permettent de vérifier que les informateurs constituent un groupe homogène, avec une intonation clairement représentative de la variété canarienne. Les résultats de l'analyse acoustique - vérifiés au niveau perceptif - démontrent que, effectivement, au-delà des coïncidences avec d'autres variétés, l'intonation de l'espagnol parlé aux Îles est parfaitement reconnaissable.

Functional Studies of the <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> Ubc13-Uev Complex

Wen, Rui 20 September 2010
Ubiquitination is an important biochemical reaction found in all eukaryotic organisms and is involved in a wide range of cellular processes. Conventional ubiquitination requires the formation of polyubiquitin chains linked through Lys48 of the ubiquitin, which targets proteins for degradation, while the noncanonical Lys63-linked polyubiquitination of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen is required for error-free DNA damage tolerance (DDT or postreplication repair) in yeast. The ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme <i>Ubc13</i> and a cognate Ubc enzyme variant (Uev or Mms2) are involved in this process. Because there is less information available on either Lys63-linked ubiquitination or error-free DDT in plants, the goal of my research was to study the functions of <i>Ubc13</i> and Uev in plants using <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> as the model organism.<p> Four <i>UEV1</i> genes from <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> were isolated and characterized. All four <i>Uev1</i> proteins can form a stable complex with AtUbc13 and can promote <i>Ubc13</i> mediated Lys63 polyubiquitination. All four <i>UEV1</i> genes can replace yeast MMS2 in DDT function in vivo. Although these genes are ubiquitously expressed in most tissues, <i>UEV1D</i> appears to be expressed at a much higher level in germinating seeds and pollen. We obtained and characterized two <i>uev1d</i> null mutant T-DNA insertion lines. Compared with wild-type plants, seeds from uev1d null plants germinated poorly when treated with a DNA-damaging agent. Seeds that germinated grew slow and the majority ceased growth within 2 weeks. Pollen from uev1d plants also displayed a moderate but significant decrease in germination in the presence of DNA damage agent. These results indicate that <i>Ubc13-Uev</i> complex functions in DNA damage response in <i>Arabidopsis thaliana.</i> <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> contains two <i>UBC13</i> genes, AtUBC13A and AtUBC13B, that are highly conserved with respect to DNA sequence, protein sequence and genomic organization, suggesting that they are derived from a recent gene duplication event. Both <i>AtUbc13</i> proteins are able to physically interact with human and yeast Mms2, implying that plants also employ a Lys63-linked polyubiquitination reaction. Furthermore, Both <i>AtUBC13</i> genes were able to functionally complement the yeast ubc13 null mutants, suggesting the existence of an error-free DNA damage tolerance pathway in plants. The <i>AtUBC13</i> genes appear to be expressed ubiquitously and were not induced by various conditions tested.<p> The <i>ubc13a/b</i> double mutant lines were created and displayed strong phenotypic changes. The double mutant plants were delayed in seed germination as well as cotyledon and true leaf development. When seedlings were grown vertically on plates, the roots of the double mutant were shorter and grew in a zig-zag manner, compared to the straight growth of wild type roots. Root length and number of lateral roots on wild type and <i>ubc13a</i> and <i>ubc13b</i> single mutant plants were about 3 times longer than those of double mutant plants after 9 and 12 days of growth. When double mutant seeds were sown directly into soil, many did not germinate and those that germinated grew much slower than wild type. At 35 days, double mutant plants were smaller with thinner, flatter, and lighter coloured rosette leaves compared to wild type plants. These phenotypes indicate that <i>AtUbc13</i> not only plays a role in DDT to protect genome integrity but also is involved in plant development. Hence, this study set a cornerstone for future investigations into the roles of <i>Ubc13</i> and <i>Uev1</i> in plant development.

Assessment of Missense Alterations in MLH1 and their Pathogenic Significance

Perera, Needra Sheron 18 January 2012 (has links)
Germline mutations in mismatch repair genes predispose individuals to Lynch Syndrome, the most common colorectal cancer predisposition syndrome. MLH1 is a key mismatch repair gene that is mutated in Lynch syndrome and about a third of the genetic alterations identified in MLH1 are missense variants of unclassified clinical significance. We hypothesize that missense alterations in distinct domains of MLH1 likely affect its expression and function(s) to varying degrees. To address this we utilized several approaches to investigate the molecular basis of the pathogenicity of a panel of unclassified variants. Our results demonstrate that the MLH1 variants p.R265C and p.K618A significantly decrease the stability of the MLH1 protein, while the variant p.L749Q compromises heterodimerization of the MLH1-PMS2 complex. Given the limitations and complexity of in vitro assessment strategies, we conducted a proof-of-principle study to investigate whether missense variants in MLH1 lead to allelic imbalances at the transcriptional level. Our analysis using the PeakPicker software indicated that the missense variants c.350C>T, c.793C>T, c.1852_1853AA>GC, as well as the truncating variant c.1528C>T were associated with significantly unbalanced allelic expression. This illustrates a novel method of investigating the pathogenicity of unclassified genetic variants, which has the potential to be applied in the diagnostic setting. Previous genetic epidemiology studies from our laboratory have demonstrated that the MLH1 c.-93G>A promoter variant is strongly associated with the microsatellite instability phenotype in colorectal tumours. Additionally, this promoter variant was associated with an elevated risk of endometrial cancer in case-control studies. Results from our functional studies indicate that the c.-93G>A variant significantly alters the promoter activity of MLH1. The MLH1 promoter is bi-directional with the EPM2AIP1 gene located on the antisense strand. Interestingly, we observed that this variant significantly affected EPM2AIP1 transcription as well. Furthermore, our experiments suggest that c.-93G>A variant affects transcription by altering the affinity of nuclear factors that bind this region. Combined, these findings shed light on the possible mechanisms by which missense variants affect MLH1 expression and function, which in conjunction with results from other functional assays will help increase the accuracy and efficiency of genetic testing of inherited cancers.

Functional Studies of the <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> Ubc13-Uev Complex

Wen, Rui 20 September 2010 (has links)
Ubiquitination is an important biochemical reaction found in all eukaryotic organisms and is involved in a wide range of cellular processes. Conventional ubiquitination requires the formation of polyubiquitin chains linked through Lys48 of the ubiquitin, which targets proteins for degradation, while the noncanonical Lys63-linked polyubiquitination of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen is required for error-free DNA damage tolerance (DDT or postreplication repair) in yeast. The ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme <i>Ubc13</i> and a cognate Ubc enzyme variant (Uev or Mms2) are involved in this process. Because there is less information available on either Lys63-linked ubiquitination or error-free DDT in plants, the goal of my research was to study the functions of <i>Ubc13</i> and Uev in plants using <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> as the model organism.<p> Four <i>UEV1</i> genes from <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> were isolated and characterized. All four <i>Uev1</i> proteins can form a stable complex with AtUbc13 and can promote <i>Ubc13</i> mediated Lys63 polyubiquitination. All four <i>UEV1</i> genes can replace yeast MMS2 in DDT function in vivo. Although these genes are ubiquitously expressed in most tissues, <i>UEV1D</i> appears to be expressed at a much higher level in germinating seeds and pollen. We obtained and characterized two <i>uev1d</i> null mutant T-DNA insertion lines. Compared with wild-type plants, seeds from uev1d null plants germinated poorly when treated with a DNA-damaging agent. Seeds that germinated grew slow and the majority ceased growth within 2 weeks. Pollen from uev1d plants also displayed a moderate but significant decrease in germination in the presence of DNA damage agent. These results indicate that <i>Ubc13-Uev</i> complex functions in DNA damage response in <i>Arabidopsis thaliana.</i> <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> contains two <i>UBC13</i> genes, AtUBC13A and AtUBC13B, that are highly conserved with respect to DNA sequence, protein sequence and genomic organization, suggesting that they are derived from a recent gene duplication event. Both <i>AtUbc13</i> proteins are able to physically interact with human and yeast Mms2, implying that plants also employ a Lys63-linked polyubiquitination reaction. Furthermore, Both <i>AtUBC13</i> genes were able to functionally complement the yeast ubc13 null mutants, suggesting the existence of an error-free DNA damage tolerance pathway in plants. The <i>AtUBC13</i> genes appear to be expressed ubiquitously and were not induced by various conditions tested.<p> The <i>ubc13a/b</i> double mutant lines were created and displayed strong phenotypic changes. The double mutant plants were delayed in seed germination as well as cotyledon and true leaf development. When seedlings were grown vertically on plates, the roots of the double mutant were shorter and grew in a zig-zag manner, compared to the straight growth of wild type roots. Root length and number of lateral roots on wild type and <i>ubc13a</i> and <i>ubc13b</i> single mutant plants were about 3 times longer than those of double mutant plants after 9 and 12 days of growth. When double mutant seeds were sown directly into soil, many did not germinate and those that germinated grew much slower than wild type. At 35 days, double mutant plants were smaller with thinner, flatter, and lighter coloured rosette leaves compared to wild type plants. These phenotypes indicate that <i>AtUbc13</i> not only plays a role in DDT to protect genome integrity but also is involved in plant development. Hence, this study set a cornerstone for future investigations into the roles of <i>Ubc13</i> and <i>Uev1</i> in plant development.

Assessment of Missense Alterations in MLH1 and their Pathogenic Significance

Perera, Needra Sheron 18 January 2012 (has links)
Germline mutations in mismatch repair genes predispose individuals to Lynch Syndrome, the most common colorectal cancer predisposition syndrome. MLH1 is a key mismatch repair gene that is mutated in Lynch syndrome and about a third of the genetic alterations identified in MLH1 are missense variants of unclassified clinical significance. We hypothesize that missense alterations in distinct domains of MLH1 likely affect its expression and function(s) to varying degrees. To address this we utilized several approaches to investigate the molecular basis of the pathogenicity of a panel of unclassified variants. Our results demonstrate that the MLH1 variants p.R265C and p.K618A significantly decrease the stability of the MLH1 protein, while the variant p.L749Q compromises heterodimerization of the MLH1-PMS2 complex. Given the limitations and complexity of in vitro assessment strategies, we conducted a proof-of-principle study to investigate whether missense variants in MLH1 lead to allelic imbalances at the transcriptional level. Our analysis using the PeakPicker software indicated that the missense variants c.350C>T, c.793C>T, c.1852_1853AA>GC, as well as the truncating variant c.1528C>T were associated with significantly unbalanced allelic expression. This illustrates a novel method of investigating the pathogenicity of unclassified genetic variants, which has the potential to be applied in the diagnostic setting. Previous genetic epidemiology studies from our laboratory have demonstrated that the MLH1 c.-93G>A promoter variant is strongly associated with the microsatellite instability phenotype in colorectal tumours. Additionally, this promoter variant was associated with an elevated risk of endometrial cancer in case-control studies. Results from our functional studies indicate that the c.-93G>A variant significantly alters the promoter activity of MLH1. The MLH1 promoter is bi-directional with the EPM2AIP1 gene located on the antisense strand. Interestingly, we observed that this variant significantly affected EPM2AIP1 transcription as well. Furthermore, our experiments suggest that c.-93G>A variant affects transcription by altering the affinity of nuclear factors that bind this region. Combined, these findings shed light on the possible mechanisms by which missense variants affect MLH1 expression and function, which in conjunction with results from other functional assays will help increase the accuracy and efficiency of genetic testing of inherited cancers.

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