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Riglyne vir die psigoterapeutiese hantering van die vigslyer en sy gesinDu Toit, Jacoba Johanna 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Vigs is 'n "sluipende moordenaar "_ Dit toon geen respek vir kultuur, status,ouderdom of geslag nie. Vigs veroorsaak 'n onnnatuurlike dood wat vriende en familie bedreig en vervreem, lank na die dood van die
vigsslagoffer. Die navorsingsdoel van hierdie studie was om riglyne daar te stel vir die
psigoterapeutiese hantering van die vigslyer en sy gesin. Die navorsing het getoon dat 'n stigma en skuldgevoelens rondom die vigslyer en sy gesin ontstaan het, en dat hulle direk verantwoordelik gehou word vir die siekte bloot omdat hulle betrokke is by mekaar. 'n Vraelys wat aspekte (soos dit uit die literatuurstudie geblyk het) inkorporeer, is opgestel en aan die vigslyer en sy gesin gegee om te voltooi. Van die belangrikste elemente wat na vore gekom het, is die vrees vir die onbekende, die stigma verbonde aan die siekte en die pad wat die siekte loop ten opsigte van naiwiteit en valse gerugte ten opsigte van die siekte. 'n Verdere hoofstuk fokus op die literatuur om die hoofaspekte van die probleem vas le stel, en sodoende riglyne vir 'n terapieprogram daar te stel om die vrese te onderskep en die familie te help om die siekte beter te begryp_ Die doel is om
die samelewing te laat begryp dat vigs nie 'n kulturele of "klas" siekte is nie, maar dat dit alle lae van die samelewing kan tref. 'n Afdeling is gewy aan 'n wye verskeidenheid terapeutiese tegnieke wat geimplimenteer kan word tydens hulpverlening aan die vigslyer en sy gesinslede. Verder verskaf hierdie studie ook riglyne om ondersteuning en hulp aan die vigslyer en sy gesin te bied, om sodoende hulle selfkonsep te verbeter. / Aids is a "stalking killer''. It has no respect for culture, breeding, age or sex. It is an unnatural death which offends and alienates many friends and family, even after the victim has died. A questionnaire incorporating important aspects of the cause and effect of aids was compiled and given to the aids sufferers and family to complete. From the responses it was clearly evident that the fears of the unknown, the stigma attached to the victim's close associates and family, was a problem, and the route course of incredible naive and false rumours. A chapter of the research focused on literature to establish what was the major aspects of the problem expressed by the media. Guidelines were provided whereby therapy could address and allay these fears to assist the family to better understand the illness and it's effects. This chapter has in mind to provide the Psychologist with guidelines to provide therapy to both the victim and the family in this regard. This study confirms that the survivors are the actual victims. / Educational studies / M.Ed. (Voorligting)
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'n Konstruktivistiese beskrywing van veranderende persepsies in 'n welsynsorganisasieCommerford, Sophia Elizabeth Jacoba 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie kontrasteer die Newtoniaanse denkwyse en die konstruktivisme as
vertrekpunt. Die beginsels van reduksionisme, neutraliteit en liniere oorsaaklikheid
waarop die Newtoniaanse denke gefundeer is, word gekontrasteer met die sirkulariteit
en non-objektiwiteit van interveiwante elemente binne die lewende sisteem.
Die verskille in aannames van personeel van 'n welsynsvereniging word ondersoek aan
die hand van observasie van prosesse van veranderende denke wat oor 'n periode
ontwikkel het. Die proses van verandering word aan die hand van 'n gevallestudie
Binne die veranderende denke, is erkenning verleen aan die sistemiese orientasie
waar die interaktiewe intervetwantskap van die elemente binne die sisteem ter sprake
raak. Die lewende sisteem en die kenmerke van outonomie, outopo"ise, organisasie en
struktuur word binne die filosofie van konstruktivisme bespreek. Uit hierdie filosofie
evolueer 'n proses waar binne realiteite geskep word, konsensus binne die sisteem
verkry word, en die organisasie van die lewende sisteem reflekteer word / This study focusses on the contrasting thinking patterns of Newtonian thinking and
constructivism. The principles of reductionism, neutrality and linear causality on which
Newtonian thinking is grounded are compared with circular processes and non
objectivity of interrelated elements that are to be found in living systems.
The differences in assumptions of personnel in a welfare organisation are investigated
through observation of changing processes of thinking that evolved over a period of
time. The process of change is discussed by way of a case study.
Recognition is given to the systemic orientation where the interactive interrelatedness
of elements within the system evolved within changing patterns of thinking. The living
system and characteristics of autonomy, autopoiesis, organisation and structure are
discussed from a philosophy of constructivism. From this philosophy evolved a process
in which realities were created, consensus was reached within the system, and the
organisation of the living system was reflected. / Social Work / M.A. (Sosiale Wetenskappe(Geestesgesondheid))
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Stories of mothers with differently abled childrenGrobbelaar, Maryna Susanna 11 1900 (has links)
A group of eight mothers of differently abled children undertook a research journey, reflecting on the sorrow
and pain, as well as the hope and humour of our lives. Narrative pastoral practices guided our
conversations, and prophetic and political challenges our actions to bring about change in our lived reality.
Reflective and summarising letters after each group meeting played a central part In the research. The
letters were structured to make visible the "taken-for-granted truths", which informed us about who and
what we are. The alternative stories of preferred mothering practices that emerged during and between
sessions were centralised in the letters. The group compiled letters of appeal to the faith community,
doctors, nursing staff, therapists and teachers in order to make them more sensitive towards differently
abled people and their families. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)
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Opvoedkundig-sielkundige riglyne vir die hantering van die effek van gesinsgeweld op kinders / Educational-psychological guidelines for the addressing of the effect of family violence on childrenPoole, Angeline 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om die effek van gesinsgeweld op die Suid-Afrikaanse
kind te bepaal. Die Opvoedkundig-Sielkundige Relasieteorie is gebruik in die identifisering
van die effek van gesinsgeweld op die kind.
Die volgende is in die studie bevind:
Die geweldsvraelys kan gebruik word om die effek van gesinsgeweld by die kind te
identifiseer en ook as hulpmiddel dien vir die terapeut in die verband.
Die Opvoedkundig-Sielkundige Relasieteorie kan gebruik word om die effek van
gesinsgeweld by die kind te identifiseer.
Kinders wat geaffekteer word deur gesinsgeweld toon sterker deursettingsvermoe en
wilskrag ten einde 'n sukses te maak van hulle toekoms en om nie in dieselfde
omstandighede te beland nie.
Seuns en dogters se emosionele ervarings toon weinig verskille.
Relasie met ouers in gesinsverband word negatief be"invloed, terwyl relasie buite
gesinsverband positief voorkom.
Kinders wat geaffekteer word deur gesinsgeweld kan gehelp word, al is dit om die
kind te verwyder uit die omgewing asook met terapie, gesinsterapie, ensovoorts. / The study was conducted to determine the effect of family violence on South-African
children. The Education-Psychological Relation theory was used to identify these effects. In
the literature, the following was concentrated on:
The questionnaire can determine the effects of family violence on a child and assist a
psychologist in this regard.
Education-Psychological Relation theory can determine the effects of family violence
on a child.
Children affected by family violence show a stronger determination and willpower to
succeed in their future and not to stay in similar situations.
The emotional experiences of boys and girls show little difference.
Relationships with parents are negatively affected, but relationships outside the
family circle tend to be positive,
Finally, children affected by family violence can be helped, albeit to remove the child
from the enviroment and to use psychological therapy, family therapy, ectera. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)
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Exploring family resilience amongst South African social work client familiesMoss, Susara Maria 03 1900 (has links)
Family resilience is the ability of a family to rebound from adversities, often stronger than before. To
be knowledgeable on the characteristics and processes that render individuals and their families
resilient, contribute to family well-being.
Using a qualitative research approach and an interview guide, the researcher focused on developing a
better understanding of the manifestation of family resilience as part of a family’s ability to adapt to
changing circumstances and life in its dynamic form. Family resilience as an interactive process over
time, normalizes resilience as part of the day to day living of the family and its members, including the
young and the old.
The domains of family resilience are, organizational patterns, adaptability, protective processes
(including family risks, family strengths and protective/buffering factors), communication processes
and family belief systems that, in synergy with one another, render families resilient.
The research results confirmed the presence of characteristics and processes of family resilience
amongst social work client families in South Africa. Depending on the challenges families my face, all
families are either more resilient or less resilient. The latter most often needing additional support, such
as social work intervention.
South African policies should be family-focused and urge for a strengths-based approach towards
enhancing family resilience and ultimately family well-being. Service providers need to give
recognition to the fact that all families have challenges that need to be faced, but that families also have
strengths to be drawn-upon to address and overcome these challenges. This implies that social work
interventions that impact on the lives of families, should be rendered from a family resilience
perspective and strengths-based approach, with the family as focal point for service delivery. / Social Science / M.A. (Social Work)
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The physical and emotional victimisation of the male partner within a heterosexual marriage or cohabitating relationship : an explorative studyBarkhuizen, Merlyn 06 1900 (has links)
This study aimed at exploring the impact of emotional and physical abuse that a male partner experiences “at the hands” of his female partner within a marriage or cohabitating relationship. This is accomplished by giving each respondent a “voice” with which he shares his victimisation experiences. Each case is individually analysed and interpreted according to an integrated systems model of abuse of the male victim of domestic violence which forms the theoretical foundation for this study.
Through a process of in-depth personal interviews with the participants, researcher was able to compile a qualitative study, using the purposive snow ball sampling method. This information was used in collaboration with supportive literature to assist researcher in gaining a deep understanding of this form of domestic violence.
It is hoped that this study will contribute to further research initiatives with regards to the male victim of domestic violence in South Africa. It is also researcher’s aim to inform victimology students and the helping professions about male battering and the unique circumstances surrounding it. / Criminology and Security Science / Thesis (D. Litt. et Phil. (Criminology)
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Riglyne vir die psigoterapeutiese hantering van die vigslyer en sy gesinDu Toit, Jacoba Johanna 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Vigs is 'n "sluipende moordenaar "_ Dit toon geen respek vir kultuur, status,ouderdom of geslag nie. Vigs veroorsaak 'n onnnatuurlike dood wat vriende en familie bedreig en vervreem, lank na die dood van die
vigsslagoffer. Die navorsingsdoel van hierdie studie was om riglyne daar te stel vir die
psigoterapeutiese hantering van die vigslyer en sy gesin. Die navorsing het getoon dat 'n stigma en skuldgevoelens rondom die vigslyer en sy gesin ontstaan het, en dat hulle direk verantwoordelik gehou word vir die siekte bloot omdat hulle betrokke is by mekaar. 'n Vraelys wat aspekte (soos dit uit die literatuurstudie geblyk het) inkorporeer, is opgestel en aan die vigslyer en sy gesin gegee om te voltooi. Van die belangrikste elemente wat na vore gekom het, is die vrees vir die onbekende, die stigma verbonde aan die siekte en die pad wat die siekte loop ten opsigte van naiwiteit en valse gerugte ten opsigte van die siekte. 'n Verdere hoofstuk fokus op die literatuur om die hoofaspekte van die probleem vas le stel, en sodoende riglyne vir 'n terapieprogram daar te stel om die vrese te onderskep en die familie te help om die siekte beter te begryp_ Die doel is om
die samelewing te laat begryp dat vigs nie 'n kulturele of "klas" siekte is nie, maar dat dit alle lae van die samelewing kan tref. 'n Afdeling is gewy aan 'n wye verskeidenheid terapeutiese tegnieke wat geimplimenteer kan word tydens hulpverlening aan die vigslyer en sy gesinslede. Verder verskaf hierdie studie ook riglyne om ondersteuning en hulp aan die vigslyer en sy gesin te bied, om sodoende hulle selfkonsep te verbeter. / Aids is a "stalking killer''. It has no respect for culture, breeding, age or sex. It is an unnatural death which offends and alienates many friends and family, even after the victim has died. A questionnaire incorporating important aspects of the cause and effect of aids was compiled and given to the aids sufferers and family to complete. From the responses it was clearly evident that the fears of the unknown, the stigma attached to the victim's close associates and family, was a problem, and the route course of incredible naive and false rumours. A chapter of the research focused on literature to establish what was the major aspects of the problem expressed by the media. Guidelines were provided whereby therapy could address and allay these fears to assist the family to better understand the illness and it's effects. This chapter has in mind to provide the Psychologist with guidelines to provide therapy to both the victim and the family in this regard. This study confirms that the survivors are the actual victims. / Educational studies / M.Ed. (Voorligting)
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'n Konstruktivistiese beskrywing van veranderende persepsies in 'n welsynsorganisasieCommerford, Sophia Elizabeth Jacoba 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie kontrasteer die Newtoniaanse denkwyse en die konstruktivisme as
vertrekpunt. Die beginsels van reduksionisme, neutraliteit en liniere oorsaaklikheid
waarop die Newtoniaanse denke gefundeer is, word gekontrasteer met die sirkulariteit
en non-objektiwiteit van interveiwante elemente binne die lewende sisteem.
Die verskille in aannames van personeel van 'n welsynsvereniging word ondersoek aan
die hand van observasie van prosesse van veranderende denke wat oor 'n periode
ontwikkel het. Die proses van verandering word aan die hand van 'n gevallestudie
Binne die veranderende denke, is erkenning verleen aan die sistemiese orientasie
waar die interaktiewe intervetwantskap van die elemente binne die sisteem ter sprake
raak. Die lewende sisteem en die kenmerke van outonomie, outopo"ise, organisasie en
struktuur word binne die filosofie van konstruktivisme bespreek. Uit hierdie filosofie
evolueer 'n proses waar binne realiteite geskep word, konsensus binne die sisteem
verkry word, en die organisasie van die lewende sisteem reflekteer word / This study focusses on the contrasting thinking patterns of Newtonian thinking and
constructivism. The principles of reductionism, neutrality and linear causality on which
Newtonian thinking is grounded are compared with circular processes and non
objectivity of interrelated elements that are to be found in living systems.
The differences in assumptions of personnel in a welfare organisation are investigated
through observation of changing processes of thinking that evolved over a period of
time. The process of change is discussed by way of a case study.
Recognition is given to the systemic orientation where the interactive interrelatedness
of elements within the system evolved within changing patterns of thinking. The living
system and characteristics of autonomy, autopoiesis, organisation and structure are
discussed from a philosophy of constructivism. From this philosophy evolved a process
in which realities were created, consensus was reached within the system, and the
organisation of the living system was reflected. / Social Work / M.A. (Sosiale Wetenskappe(Geestesgesondheid))
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Persoonlike belewenisse van die leergestremde kind binne die gesinZaayman, Hester Johanna 30 November 2002 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Practical research has shown that children with learning disabilities often experience
psychosocial problems. These problems not only have an influence on the parent-child
relationship, but also impact negatively on the psychological development of the child. The
objective of this study is to explore these psychosocial problems by investigating the personal
experiences of the learning disabled child within his immediate family.
The literature study on learning disabilities shows that it is a complex condition that not only
manifests in learning problems, but which can also adversely affect the child in totality.
The Relation theory, an educational psychological perspective, functions as a theoretical
framework for exploration, and is discussed with reference to psychosocial problems of the
learning disabled child.
In the empirical study, the researcher has primarily employed projection techniques to
investigate the child's experiences of himself and his relationships with family members, from
his internal frame of reference. From these findings, recommendations are proposed for
psychotherapy. / Uit die praktyk blyk dit dat leergestremdheid by kinders dikwels met psigososiale probleme
gepaard gaan. Nie alleen beinvloed hlerdie problema die ouer~kindverhouding nie, maar dit
het ook 'n negatiewe invloed op die psigiese ontwikkeling van die kind. Die doel van die studie
is om die persoonlike belewenisse van die leergestremde kind binne die gesin te verken.
Die meratuurstudie wat oor die verskynsel van leergestremdheid gedoen is, het getoon dat dit
'n kompleksa toestand is wat nie aileen met leerprobleme gepaard gaan nie, maar ook die kind
in sy totallteit nadelig bei'nvloed.
Die Relasieteorie, 'n opvoedkundig-sielkundige perspektief, wat as teoretiese raamwerk vir
verkenning dien, is bespreek en waar toepaslik is na die psigososiale problema van die
leergestremde kind verwys.
In die empiriese ondersoek is hoofsaaklik van projeksietegnieke gebruik gemaak om vanuit die
leergestremde kind se interne verwysingsraamwerk sy persepsies en belewenisse ten opsigte
van homself en sy verhoud!ngs in die gesin te verken. Na aanleiding hiervan is aanbevelings
vir terapeutiese hulpverlening gemaak. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Specialisation in Guidance and Counseling)
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"Dancing with change": evaluating an ecosystemic substance abuse intervention programme for youthAshdown, Deborah Anne 31 March 2006 (has links)
The "Dancing with Change" Programme (DWCP) is an ecosystemically informed substance abuse
intervention programme that was developed by the participants and myself with the aim of building
resilience towards substance abuse among youth. The DWCP was conducted in the school setting, with ten volunteer Grade 7 learners over a ten-week period for an hour a week. The learners' parents participated in an initial needs assessment and in a feedback session at the end of DWCP, together with the life skills
teacher and headmaster who observed and contributed to the process. An independent observer, present at each session, served to increase the dependability and confirmability of the evaluation findings. The DWCP appeared to have achieved its goals as defined by the participants. The evaluation findings are presented as a guide for people working in the field of adolescent substance abuse that synthesises best practice and lessons
learnt in the field. / Psychology / M.A.(Clinical Psychology)
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