Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] ACCIDENT"" "subject:"[enn] ACCIDENT""
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Modeling Crash Frequencies At Signalized Intersections In Central FlorKowdla, Smitha 01 January 2004 (has links)
A high percentage of highway crashes in the United States occur at intersections. These crashes result in property damage, lost productivity, injury, and even death. Identifying intersections associated with high crash rate is very important to minimize future crashes. The purpose of this study is to develop efficient means to evaluate intersections, which may require safety improvements. The area covered by the analysis in this thesis includes Orange and Seminole Counties and the City of Orlando. The aforementioned counties and city thus represent Central Florida. Each County/City provided data that consisted of signalized intersection drawings that were either in the form of electronic or hard copies, the county's extensive crash database and a list of intersections that underwent modifications during the study period. A total of 786 intersections were used in the analysis and the crash database was made up of 4271 crashes. From the signalized intersection drawings obtained from the county's traffic engineering department, a geometry database was created to classify all intersections by the number of through lanes, number of left turning lanes, Average Annual Daily Traffic and Posted Speed limits on the Major road of the intersection. In this research, crashes and their type, e.g., rear-end, left-turn and angle as well as total crashes were investigated. Numerous models were developed first using the Poisson regression and then using the Negative Binomial approach as the data showed overdispersion. The modeling process aimed to relate geometric and traffic factors to the frequency of crashes at intersections. Expected value analysis tables were also developed to determine if an intersection had an abnormally high number of crashes. These tables can be used in assisting Traffic Engineers in identifying serious safety problems at intersections. The general models illustrated that rear-end crashes were associated with high natural logarithm of AADT on the major road and the number of lanes (major intersections, e.g. 6x4/6x6), whereas AADT on the major road did not affect left-turn crashes. Intersections with the configuration 4x2/6x2 (2 through lanes at the minor roadway) or T intersections as another category experienced an increase in left-turn crashes. Angle crashes were most frequent at one-way intersections especially in the case of 4x4 intersections. Individual models that included interaction terms with one variable at a time concluded that AADT on the major road positively influenced rear-end crashes more compared to angle and left-turn crashes. As the speed increases on the minor road, the left turn crashes are affected more when compared to angle and rear-end crashes, therefore it can be concluded that left-turn crashes are most influenced by the speed limit on the minor road compared to angle crashes and then followed by rear-end crashes. As the total number of left turn lanes increased at the intersection, thereby increasing the size of the intersection, the number of rear-end crashes increased. An overall model that contained natural logarithm of AADT on major road, total number of left turn lanes at the intersection, number of through lanes on the minor road and configuration of the intersection, as independent variables, along with interaction terms, further concluded and supported the individual models that the number of crashes (rear-end, left-turn and angle) increased as the AADT on the major road increased and the number of crashes decreased as the total number of left turn lanes at the intersection increased. Also, crashes increased as the number of through lanes on the minor road increased. The variables' interaction effects with dummies representing rear-end and left-turn crashes in the final model showed that as the AADT on the major road increased, the number of rear-end crashes increased compared to left-turn and angle crashes and also that as the total number of left turn lanes at the intersection increased, the number of left-turn crashes decreased when compared to rear-end and angle crashes. Also the number of rear-end crashes increased at major four leg intersections e.g. 6x4, 6x6 etc. This thesis demonstrated the superiority of Negative Binomial regression in modeling the frequency of crashes at signalized intersections.
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Comparative study of accident-tolerant fuel for a CANDU lattice / Comparative study of ATF for a CANDU latticeYounan, Simon January 2017 (has links)
McMaster University MASTER OF APPLIED SCIENCES (2017) Hamilton, Ontario (Engineering Physics)
TITLE: Comparative study of accident-tolerant fuel for a CANDU lattice AUTHOR: Simon Younan, B.Eng. (McMaster University) SUPERVISOR: Dr. David Novog NUMBER OF PAGES: xiii, 120 / Since the Fukushima accident in 2011, there have been an increasing number of studies on the use of accident-tolerant fuel (ATF) in light water reactors to mitigate the consequences of a future severe accident, by better retaining fission products and/or providing operators more time to implement emergency measures.
However, few studies exist for CANDU reactors in this regard. The goal of this study is to determine how different types of ATF are expected to behave in a CANDU lattice when compared to the current UO2 fuels. In particular, this study focuses on neutronic parameters calculated using the Serpent 2 code, but also models heat transfer and stylized accident scenarios. The ATF concepts tested include UO2-SiC composites, UN and UN-based composites, U-9Mo, and fully ceramic microencapsulated (FCM) fuel, along with SiC and SS-coated cladding. Four general conclusions can be drawn:
1. Fuel temperature are lower for ATF as compared to traditional fuels. UO2-SiC composite fuel exhibits a moderate temperature reduction compared to UO2, particularly for fresh fuel. Other ATF fuel materials exhibit a substantial decrease in fuel temperature compared to UO2. The lower fuel temperatures are also accompanied by lower melting temperatures for some fuels, hence each design requires specific assessments on safety.
2. As most ATF have a poorer neutron economy compared to standard fuel designs, enrichment is required to use ATF in a CANDU, particularly for UN and FCM fuel compositions. Coolant void reactivity (CVR) is lowest with FCM fuel and highest with U-9Mo fuel. Fuel temperature coefficient (FTC) is most negative for fuel containing UN or U-9Mo.
3. Changing the cladding material from zircaloy to SiC slightly improves neutron economy, while a FeCrAl surface layer impairs neutron economy. The impact of many ATF sheath materials is to greatly reduce or eliminate hydrogen production in some severe accidents. A specific assessment on hydrogen production was not performed in this study.
4. In stylized accident scenarios, all fuels exhibit only a small temperature spike due to the reactivity insertion of the LOCA as the reactor shutdown limits the power excursion. For cases where Emergency Core Cooling functions as designed, fuel and channel failures are precluded for both traditional fuels and ATF. For cases with impairment of ECC, most ATF fuels show lower fuel temperatures than UO2 fuels and adequate heat removal to the pressure-calandria tube fuel channel. The exception would be Mo-based fuels that reach the melting point prior to establishing an adequately high sheath temperature to sustain radiative heat removal to the PT-CT assembly. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc) / Since the Fukushima accident in 2011, there have been an increasing number of studies on the use of accident-tolerant fuel in nuclear reactors to mitigate the consequences of a future severe accident, reducing the likelihood and severity of a radiation release. Canadian reactors are of the CANDU design, which differs greatly from the reactors most recent studies have focused on. The goal of this study is to determine the feasibility of using accident-tolerant fuel in CANDU reactors, studying different types.
In general, the goal of accident-tolerant fuels in CANDU reactors would be to reduce fuel temperatures and improve fission product retention, reducing the likelihood/magnitude of radioactive releases in a severe accident. However, nearly all types of accident-tolerant fuel would also require the uranium to be slightly enriched as opposed to the current fuel which is based on naturally-occurring uranium. This study outlines the results obtained by computer modelling of accident-tolerant fuel in a CANDU reactor, including the enrichment requirements, changes to important reactivity feedbacks, and impacts on accident performance.
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La protection sociale de l'agriculteur victime d'accidents / The social welfare of the farmer victim of accidentsMeftah, Leïla 07 December 2018 (has links)
L’étude de la protection sociale de l’agriculteur victime d’accidents fait le constatd’inégalités manifestes entre les victimes elles-mêmes et entre le régime des accidents dutravail et celui du droit commun. Ces inégalités sont inhérentes à la qualité d’agriculteur ;qu’il soit salarié ou non, ce dernier ne bénéficie pas des mêmes droits. En outre, l’agriculteurblessé dans le cadre de son activité professionnelle n’aura qu’une réparation forfaitaire. Cettedernière tend à compenser la perte de revenu et l’incidence professionnelle de l’accident.L’indemnisation des préjudices personnels est exclue, sauf dans l’hypothèse d’une fauteinexcusable de l’employeur. Quant aux victimes d’accidents de droit commun, leur protectionsociale n’est optimisée que si elles possèdent une complémentaire prévoyance qui va parfaireles remboursements en espèces et en nature du régime agricole. En dehors de la prise encharge du régime légal de base, la réparation des accidents de droit commun tend à êtreintégrale. Afin que toutes les victimes d’accidents soient traitées de manière égale par le droitet qu’une réparation de tous leurs préjudices puisse être réalisée, nous préconisons dessolutions pour tenter de faire disparaître les inégalités entre les agriculteurs victimesd’accidents. / The study of the social welfare of the farmer victim of accidents reveals theexistence of disparities between the victims themselves and between the industrial accidentsand the common law. These disparities are inherent to farmer’s quality; whether he isemployed or not, the latter does not benefit from the same rights. In addition, the injuredfarmer in the course of his professional activity will have only a fixed compensation. Thelatter tends to compensate the loss of income and the professional incidence of the accident.Compensation for personal injury is excluded except in the hypothesis of unforgivablemisconduct of the employer. As for the victims of accidents of common law, their socialwelfare is only optimized if they possess a top up insurance plan that will completerepayments in cash and in kind of the agricultural system. Except the coverage of the basiclegal system, the compensation of accidents of common law tends to be complete. In order toensure that all accident victims are treated with equal manner by law and that compensationfor all their injuries can be achieved, we recommend solutions so that the disparities betweenthe farmers victims of accidents can disappear.
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Förslag på riktlinjer för datainsamlingen vid kommunala olycksundersökningar / A proposal for guidelines to data collection regardingPersson, Andreas January 2007 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Enligt lagen om skydd mot olyckor (SFS 2003:778) skall en olycksundersökning genomföras vid alla olyckor i skälig omfattning i syfte att finna orsak, händelseförlopp och utvärdering av räddningsinsatsen (SFS 2003:778, kap3, 10§). Bland genomförda olycksundersökningar i Sveriges kommuner har Statens Räddningsverk identifierat en stor inbördes variation gällande innehållet i utredningarna och brister vid vidarebefordring till myndigheten för statistisk analys. Uppsatsen är därför ett led i myndighetens utveckling av stödet för datainsamlingen vid kommunala olycksundersökningar i syfte att förbättra förutsättningarna för goda lärdomar vid olyckor.</p><p>Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är tvådelat. Att först analysera vilka erfarenheter som samlas in av de kommunala olycksutredarna och därefter verifiera resultaten utifrån tidigare forskningsresultat.</p><p>Metod och material: Med metoden kvalitativ innehållsanalys har ett urval av kommunala olycksundersökningar analyserats (n=21), där insamlade erfarenheter har kategoriserats i ett antal gemensamma teman. Underlaget (n=68) är hämtat från Statens Räddningsverk och bestod av alla vidarebefordrade kommunala olycksundersökningar mellan 2005 till och med april 2007 fördelade över 8 klassifikationer.</p><p>Resultatdiskussion: Utifrån tidigare forskningsresultat har sedermera resultaten verifierats. Konklusionen av uppsatsen redovisas i ett antal förslag på riktlinjer som bör tolkas som ett stöd vid datainsamlingen gällande kommunala olycksundersökningar. Uppsatsen är en förstudie då underlaget bör utökas och resultaten prövas empiriskt innan riktlinjerna praktiskt tillämpas.</p> / <p>Background: According to the legislation regarding protection against accidents (SFS 2003:778) shall an accident investigation be implemented at a reasonable depth to find reason, development and evaluation of the rescue initiative (SFS 2003:778, chp3, 10§). Among implemented accident investigations in Sweden's municipalities has the Swedish Rescue Services Agency identified large mutual variation the current content in the investigations and deficiencies at forwarding them to the authority for statistical analysis. This essay is therefore part of the authority's development of the aid for the collection of data regarding municipal accident investigations in aim to improve the conditions to draw important knowledge from accidents.</p><p>Aim: The aim with this essay is two-folded. To first analyze which experiences that are collected from the municipal accident investigators and then verify the results on the basis of earlier research results.</p><p>Method and materials: With the method Qualitative Content Analysis has a selection of municipal accident investigations been analyzed (n=21), where collected experiences have been categorized in a number common themes. The basis (n=68) is retrieved from the Swedish Rescue Service Agency and is comprised of all forwarded municipal accident investigations between 2005 up to and including April 2007 distributed over 8 classifications.</p><p>Results: On the basis of earlier research the results have been verified. The conclusion of the essay is presented in a number proposals on guidelines that should be interpreted as an aid regarding the data collection at municipal accident investigations. The essay is a preliminary study where the basis should be increased and the results examined empirically before the guidelines can be practical applied.</p>
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Analysis Of Mine Accidents And Financial Consequences To Gli MinesOzkan, Gokay 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The expenditures resulting from work accidents is increasing every year. Among the other work accidents, mine accidents result important loss of time, money and lives. From the point of view of mine accidents, studies about cost of mine accidents need some contributions. In this thesis, cost of mine accidents to worker, employer, and total economy of country will be analysed in the light of data from Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Insurance Institution, and Tü / rkiye Coal Enterprises. General Analysis is carried out within all industrial sectors, Mining sector, and Coal Mining sector. Detailed analysis is carried out within Western Lignite Company (GLi).
Occupational accidents have vital importance for the mines from legal, human and economic aspects. The goal of every mine should be to minimize occupational accidents. The top management of every mine should prove their commitments to the occupational health and safety policy to carry out this goal by means of preparing and implementing an accident preventing program.
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Der Ersatz immaterieller Unfallschäden im franzÜsischen, englishen und deutschen Recht : gegenwärtiger Umfang und Ausblick.Wiedenfels, Klaus. January 1970 (has links)
No description available.
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Occupational Health And Safety Management ToolGungor, Alper 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Labor protection, that is prevention of occupational disease and reducing the frequency of accident, has always been a matter of major concern of mining industry. Management and the government should promote and maintain high safety standards through some measures and tools to reduce frequency of accidents and occupational diseases.
This thesis describes the development of a national occupational health and safety management tool that is composed of educational, statistical and database interfaces for mine safety and health administration.
The detailed analysis of an accident requires knowledge of many parameters such as location, time, type, cost of the accident, victim information, nature of injury, result of the accident etc. that can be obtained from a standard coded accident report form. So, database interface of the management tool is developed with this sense to realize collecting accident data in a nationally used format to produce a common safety reporting system.
Prepared database maintains user-friendly environment on Internet to submit accident information. Dynamic structure and ease of use of the developed database allow administered user to expand it without detailed computer programming knowledge. This was achieved by prepared modules to change or register new data fields within the database.
Created database is also secure since only gives data input access rights to registered users. Database administrator is able to create registered users. Registered users could be safety engineer or manager of a mine who is responsible from the submission of data to the ministry of labor. So, standard and secure accident data collected rapidly through Internet connection.
The other feature of the database is that, it is open to all people to query accidents with many aspects.
Prepared management tool also includes educational interface, content of which can also be enlarged, as the new ideas, information or solutions for accidents are improved. This information is also open to all people since educating workers and managers about accidents and prevention techniques can improve working conditions and increase awareness.
Knowing the fact that submitted accident data is still collected in hard copies in folders, the need for a kind of management tool, which is completed in this study, is obvious. Application of this kind of management tool will be able to prevent the collection of accident data in dusty shelves and share the accident data information with all people who are interested in with this subject.
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"We will die and become science" the production of invisibility and public knowledge about Chernobyl radiation effects in Belarus /Kuchinskaya, Olga. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, San Diego, 2007. / Title from first page of PDF file (viewed October 10, 2007). Available via ProQuest Digital Dissertations. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. 291-305).
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Bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví žáků a studentů škol a školských zařízení v legislativní oblasti a preventivní činnost při řešení školní úrazovosti. / Safety and health protection of pupils and students of schools and school institutions in legislation and prevention activities concerning school accident rate.SKÁCELÍK, Pavel January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Förslag på riktlinjer för datainsamlingen vid kommunala olycksundersökningar / A proposal for guidelines to data collection regardingPersson, Andreas January 2007 (has links)
Bakgrund: Enligt lagen om skydd mot olyckor (SFS 2003:778) skall en olycksundersökning genomföras vid alla olyckor i skälig omfattning i syfte att finna orsak, händelseförlopp och utvärdering av räddningsinsatsen (SFS 2003:778, kap3, 10§). Bland genomförda olycksundersökningar i Sveriges kommuner har Statens Räddningsverk identifierat en stor inbördes variation gällande innehållet i utredningarna och brister vid vidarebefordring till myndigheten för statistisk analys. Uppsatsen är därför ett led i myndighetens utveckling av stödet för datainsamlingen vid kommunala olycksundersökningar i syfte att förbättra förutsättningarna för goda lärdomar vid olyckor. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är tvådelat. Att först analysera vilka erfarenheter som samlas in av de kommunala olycksutredarna och därefter verifiera resultaten utifrån tidigare forskningsresultat. Metod och material: Med metoden kvalitativ innehållsanalys har ett urval av kommunala olycksundersökningar analyserats (n=21), där insamlade erfarenheter har kategoriserats i ett antal gemensamma teman. Underlaget (n=68) är hämtat från Statens Räddningsverk och bestod av alla vidarebefordrade kommunala olycksundersökningar mellan 2005 till och med april 2007 fördelade över 8 klassifikationer. Resultatdiskussion: Utifrån tidigare forskningsresultat har sedermera resultaten verifierats. Konklusionen av uppsatsen redovisas i ett antal förslag på riktlinjer som bör tolkas som ett stöd vid datainsamlingen gällande kommunala olycksundersökningar. Uppsatsen är en förstudie då underlaget bör utökas och resultaten prövas empiriskt innan riktlinjerna praktiskt tillämpas. / Background: According to the legislation regarding protection against accidents (SFS 2003:778) shall an accident investigation be implemented at a reasonable depth to find reason, development and evaluation of the rescue initiative (SFS 2003:778, chp3, 10§). Among implemented accident investigations in Sweden's municipalities has the Swedish Rescue Services Agency identified large mutual variation the current content in the investigations and deficiencies at forwarding them to the authority for statistical analysis. This essay is therefore part of the authority's development of the aid for the collection of data regarding municipal accident investigations in aim to improve the conditions to draw important knowledge from accidents. Aim: The aim with this essay is two-folded. To first analyze which experiences that are collected from the municipal accident investigators and then verify the results on the basis of earlier research results. Method and materials: With the method Qualitative Content Analysis has a selection of municipal accident investigations been analyzed (n=21), where collected experiences have been categorized in a number common themes. The basis (n=68) is retrieved from the Swedish Rescue Service Agency and is comprised of all forwarded municipal accident investigations between 2005 up to and including April 2007 distributed over 8 classifications. Results: On the basis of earlier research the results have been verified. The conclusion of the essay is presented in a number proposals on guidelines that should be interpreted as an aid regarding the data collection at municipal accident investigations. The essay is a preliminary study where the basis should be increased and the results examined empirically before the guidelines can be practical applied.
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