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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estrutura da vegetação e sua relação com a diversidade, abundância e similaridade de coleópteros bioindicadores em diferentes sistemas vegetacionais, Piracicaba, SP / Structure of vegetation and your relationship whit diversity, abundance and similarity of coleopteros bioindicators in different systems vegetation, Piracicaba, SP

Rodríguez, Carla Andrea Sandoval 24 May 2016 (has links)
A Mata Atlântica é considerada um dos biomas mais importantes do mundo devido à sua alta biodiversidade e funções ecossistêmicas. Entretanto, encontra-se fragmentada em porções de pequenas dimensões esparsas em uma matriz predominantemente agrícola, composta principalmente por extensas pastagens e monoculturas. Desse modo, os sistemas agroflorestais por apresentarem uma estrutura diferenciada dos monocultivos e similar às condições naturais, podem ser utilizados como uma alternativa para o manejo e a conservação da biodiversidade nos remanescentes florestais. A fragmentação provoca modificações no ambiente que irão refletir na perda e no deslocamento da biodiversidade, estando os insetos entre os grupos mais afetados. Uma das formas de se avaliar o estado de conservação dos fragmentos e o impacto antrópico nos sistemas vegetacionais, é estudar a presença e distribuição de organismos bioindicadores. Dentre esses, os insetos ocupam posição de destaque. Os insetos da família Scarabaeidae e da subfamília Scolytinae são bons indicadores de distúrbios, pois são muito sensíveis ás mudanças ambientais. Neste trabalho hipotetisou-se que a presença desses insetos está relacionada com a estrutura da vegetação e as condições de vida proporcionadas pelas diferentes formas de uso-da-terra. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a diversidade de espécies, o padrão de abundância e a similaridade entre as populações de coleópteros (Scarabaeidae e Scolytinae) em diferentes sistemas vegetacionais de diferentes estruturas: i) Fragmento de floresta estacional semidecidual dividido em três áreas: beira do rio, centro e borda; ii) Sistema Agroflorestal (SAF) (interface entre o fragmento e o pasto); iii) Pasto composto de Brachiaria decumbens (L.); iv) Monocultivo de café (Coffea arábica L.); v) Monocultivo de seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis Müell. Arg.); vi) SAF de café e seringueira - todos situados numa região de domínio anterior de floresta estacional semidecidual em Piracicaba-SP. Os sistemas foram caracterizados quanto à sua estrutura e condições micrometeorológicas. Os insetos foram coletados mensalmente entre agosto/2013 e julho/2014 utilizando-se dois tipos de armadilhas: Pitfall e etanol modelo ESALQ-84. Foram coletados 1.047 espécimes distribuídos em 21 espécies da família Scarabaeidae e 1.833 indivíduos de 38 espécies da subfamília Scolytinae. A maior quantidade de espécies de Scarabaeidae foi encontrada na borda do fragmento florestal, enquanto que a maior abundância ocorreu no fragmento florestal perto do rio. A subfamília Scolytinae apresentou a maior riqueza de espécies no sistema agroflorestal misto (borda) e a maior abundância no sistema agroflorestal café-seringueira. A abundância e riqueza de espécies da família Scarabaeidae foram correlacionadas positivamente com a temperatura do ar, temperatura e umidade do solo e a precipitação. Por outro lado, a abundância e a riqueza de espécies da subfamília Scolytinae apresentaram correlação negativa com a temperatura do ar e a temperatura e umidade do solo. Ambos os grupos de insetos apresentaram a maior abundância e riqueza de espécies nas áreas com estrutura vegetacional mais complexa, sendo influenciadas pelas condições microclimáticas dentro de cada local. / The Atlantic Forest is considered one of the most important biomes of the world due to its high biodiversity and ecosystem functions. However, it is fragmented into small portions sparse dimensions in a predominantly agricultural matrix, mainly composed of extensive pastures and monocultures. Fragmentation causes changes in the environment that will reflect the loss and displacement of biodiversity, with the insects among the most affected groups. One way to assess the conservation status of the fragments and the human impact on vegetation systems, is to study the presence and distribution of bioindicators. Among them, the insects occupy a prominent position. The insects of the family Scarabaeidae and Scolytinae subfamily are good indicators of disorders, as they are very sensitive to environmental changes. This work hypothesized the presence of these insects is related to the structure of the vegetation and the living conditions offered by different forms of use-of-land. The objective of this research is to evaluate the diversity of species, the abundance pattern and the similarity between the populations of Coleoptera (Scarabaeidae and Scolytinae) in different vegetation systems of different structures: i) Fragment of seasonal forest, divided into three areas: near to river, center and edge; ii) Agroforestry System (AFS) (interface between the fragment and pasture); iii) Pasture consists of Brachiaria decumbens (L.); iv) monocropping coffee (Coffea arabica L.); v) monocropping of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis Müell Arg); vi) AFS rubber with coffee - all situated in a former domain region of semideciduous forest in Piracicaba-SP. The systems were characterized for its structure and micrometeorological conditions. The insects were collected monthly between August / 2013 and July / 2014 using two types of traps: Pitfall and ethanol. Were collected 1.047 specimens distributed in 21 species of the Scarabaeidae family and 1.833 individuals of 38 species of the subfamily Scolytinae. The largest number of species of Scarabaeidae was found on the edge of the forest fragment, while the highest abundance occurred in the forest fragment near the river. The subfamily Scolytinae showed the greatest richness in the edge agroforestry system and the greatest abundance in agroforestry coffee-rubber system. The abundance and richness of species Scarabaeidae family were positively correlated with the air temperature, temperature and soil moisture and precipitation. On the other hand, the abundance and species richness of Scolytinae subfamily showed a negative correlation with the air temperature and the temperature and soil moisture. Both groups of insects had the highest abundance and species richness in areas with more complex vegetation structure, being influenced by the microclimate conditions in each location.

Avaliação econômica de quatro modelos agroflorestais em áreas degradadas por pastagens na Amazônia ocidental. / Economic evaluation of four agroforestry systems models in degraded pastures areas in the ocidental Amazon.

Santos, Mario Jorge Campos dos 30 January 2001 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a viabilidade econômica de quatro sistemas agroflorestais em área com pastagem degradada na Amazônia Ocidental. A área escolhida para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa está localizada na Estação Experimental da EMBRAPA/CPAA (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisas Agropecuárias - Centro de Pesquisas Agroflorestais da Amazônia Ocidental) no Distrito Agropecuário da SUFRAMA - DAS, Km 54 da BR-174 (Manaus-Boa Vista- Brasil), em áreas de terra firme. Os modelos agroflorestais analisados foram implantados seguindo delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com 5 tratamentos, 3 repetições e a pastagem abandonada como testemunha, em parcelas de 3.000 m 2 (60m x 50m), com uma área total de 4,5 ha. Os tratamentos foram distribuídos da seguinte forma: ASP-1 (Sistema Agrossilvipastoril - altos insumos); SP2 (Sistema Agrossilvipastoril - baixos insumos); AS1 (Sistema Agrossilvicultural - baixos insumos com palmeiras); AS2 (Sistema agrossilvicultural - baixos insumos multiestrato) e pastagem abandonada (testemunha). Houve aplicação de insumos para correção de acidez e fertilidade do solo. A avaliação econômica dos sistemas agroflorestais analisados baseou-se no cálculo do valor presente líquido dos respectivos fluxos de caixa constituídos a partir da presuposição que os mesmos podem ser repetidos perpetuamente. Os resultados obtidos, mostraram que os modelos agroflorestais utilizados são economicamente viáveis, indicando que este tipo de atividade pode contribuir para a regeneração de áreas com nível de degradação semelhante ao observado no estudo de caso e para a sobrevivência econômica dos agricultores da região. / Agroforestry systems have been considered to recover degraded areas, so as to increase the agricultural and forestry productivity and diminish the economic risk to the farmer. Four agroforestry models were introduced into a degraded pasture and abandoned areas located in one of the Experimental Station (Suframa-DAS) of the Embrapa/CPAA ( Empresa brasileira de pesquisas agropecuaria/ Centro de Pesquisas Agroflorestais da Amazônia Ocidental), at Km 54 BR-174 (Manaus-Boa Vista). This study was a randomized complete block design with 5 agroforestry models and three replicates for each model and an abandoned pasture area as the control. The parcel area measured 3,000m 2 (60m X 50m) for a total of 4.5 ha. Trataments were: ASP1 (Agrosilvipastoral systems - higt output); ASP2 (Agrosilvipastoral systems - low input); AS1 (Agrosilvicultural systems - low output with palmers tree); AS2 (Agrosilvicultural systems - low output multistrata). Fertilizers were to correct for the effects of soil acidity and soil fertility. Economic evaluations were based on the following economical criteria: Net Present Value and Land Expectation Value. Results showed that the agroforestry models were economically acceptable indicating that this kind of agroforestry activity generates income and could be used as an alternative way to recorver degraded areas in the Amazon. Agroforestry system AS2 produced the best results among the systems studied. All four systems were efficient at reestablishing the vegetative productivity. It produced agricultural benefits to the farmer and the utilized species play a important role in the land maintenance and protection against fire use and erosion. More research utilizing SAFs are required for this region to emphasize the economic benefits of the systems.

DistribuiÃÃo espacial de carbono, nutrientes e solo em Luvissolos sob sistemas agrÃcolas tradicionais e agroflorestais no municÃpio de Sobral-CE / Spatial distribution of carbon, nutrients and soil in luvisols under traditional farming systems and agroforestry in Sobral-CE DistribuiÃÃo espacial de carbono, nutrientes e solo em Luvissolos sob sistemas agrÃcolas tradicionais e agroflorestais no municÃpio de Sobral-CE

Rafaella da Silva Nogueira 27 January 2009 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar os teores e estoques de carbono orgÃnico nas formas: total (COT), particulada (COP), associada (COA) e solÃvel em Ãgua (CSA), P disponÃvel, K e Na trocÃveis, assim como a possÃvel redistribuiÃÃo destes elementos e das partÃculas do solo pela erosÃo hÃdrica em sistemas agroflorestais, comparativamente ao sistema de cultivo tradicional e intensivo. O estudo foi desenvolvido em Ãrea experimental localizada na Fazenda Crioula, pertencente ao Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Caprinos da EMBRAPA, no municÃpio de Sobral-CE. A partir de projeto desenvolvido desde 1997 foram selecionadas as seguintes Ãreas: Agrissilvipastoril (AGP), Silvipastoril (SILV), Tradicional 1 (TR1), Tradicional 2 (TR2), Cultivo Intensivo em Pousio (CIP), VegetaÃÃo Natural 1 (VG1) e VegetaÃÃo Natural 2 (VG2). A Ãrea estudada foi georeferenciada, nos transectos as amostras foram coletadas a profundidade de 0-5 cm a cada 20, 10 ou 5 m de acordo com o relevo. Os teores de COT foram determinados por oxidaÃÃo Ãmida, o CSA por centrifugaÃÃo seguida de oxidaÃÃo Ãmida, o fÃsforo (P) disponÃvel, K+ e Na+ trocÃveis por extraÃÃo com Mehlich I e colorimetria. Determinou-se tambÃm a densidade e a textura do solo, onde na fraÃÃo areia o COP foi quantificado por oxidaÃÃo Ãmida enquanto que o COA foi obtido por diferenÃa entre o COT e o COP. Os resultados foram avaliados atravÃs de medidas descritivas e tÃcnicas geoestatÃsticas. As Ãreas sob manejo agroflorestal apresentaram teores e estoques de carbono e nutrientes superiores, mesmo em condiÃÃes de relevo favorÃveis a perdas por processo erosivo. A fraÃÃo areia foi comumente alterada pela aÃÃo dos agentes erosivos nos sistemas conservadores, enquanto que nos sistemas mais intensivos a argila foi mais afetada devido à erosÃo està promovendo perdas do horizonte Bt nestas Ãreas. As estimativas de perdas e incrementos de solo e nutrientes confirmaram a eficiÃncia do SAFâs em reduzir os efeitos da erosÃo enquanto que as Ãreas tradicionais promoveram maiores perdas de nutrientes e solo. AlÃm disso, observou-se o predomÃnio de uma maior variabilidade espacial nos SAFâs, quando comparado as Ãreas manejadas de forma convencional que apresentaram um aspecto uniforme devido à maior aÃÃo dos agentes erosivos. / The objective of this study was to evaluate the content and stocks of: organic carbon in the form total (TOC), particulate (COP), associated (COA) and soluble in water (CSA), available P, K and Na exchangeable, as well as possible redistribution of these elements and soil particles by water erosion in agroforestry systems, compared to the traditional system of cultivation and intensive. The study was developed in an experimental area located at the Crioula Farm, CNPC â EMBRAPA, in Sobral County, CE. The following systems were evaluated: Agrisilvipastoril (AGP), Silvipastoril (SILV), Traditional 1(TR1), Traditional 2(TR2), Fallow Intense Cropping (CIP), Natural Vegetation 1 (VG1) and Natural Vegetation 2 (VG2). The studied field was georeferenced in transects and soil samples were collected to a depth of 0-5 cm every 20, 10 or 5 m, according to the condition of terrain. The TOC content was determined by wet oxidation, the CSA for centrifugation followed by wet oxidation, phosphorus (P) available, K and Na exchangeable was extracted by Mehlich-1 and determined colorimetrially. Was determined also the soil density and texture, where it was determined in the sand fraction COP by wet oxidation while the COA was obtained by the difference between the TOC and COP. The results were analyzed using descriptive statistic and geostatistic technique. The areas under management and agroforestry showed content of carbon stocks and superior nutrients, even under conditions favorable for significant losses for the erosion process. The sand fraction was commonly altered by the action of agents in erosive systems conservatives, while more intensive systems in the clay was most affected due to erosion is causing great losses of Bt horizon in these areas. Estimates of losses and gains of soil nutrients and confirmed the efficiency of the SAF's to reduce the effects of erosion while the traditional areas promoted stronger loss of nutrients and soil. Moreover, there is predominance bigger spatial variability in the SAF's, compared the areas managed in a way that presented a conventional uniform appearance due to greater erosive action of the agents.

Sistematiza??o de experi?ncias na implanta??o de sistemas agroflorestais no dom?nio da Mata Atl?ntica / Experiences systematization in the establishment of agroforestry systems at the Atlantic Forest domain

SPINELLI, Bernardo Milward de Azevedo 19 December 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2016-10-05T19:03:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Bernardo Milward de Azevedo Spinelli.pdf: 2468118 bytes, checksum: 8b86d55b4fe024e0a43e7aca610af976 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-05T19:03:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Bernardo Milward de Azevedo Spinelli.pdf: 2468118 bytes, checksum: 8b86d55b4fe024e0a43e7aca610af976 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-19 / The Brazilian New Forestry Law establishes a farmer?s commitment with environmental adequacy of its properties. The Permanent Preservation Areas, currently used in the properties with crops and pastures in many cases need to a restauration techniques. The new law allows the exploration of agroforestry systems (AFS) even in areas of permanent preservation, since do not mischaracterize the native preexisting vegetation either not being detrimental to environmental function to protecting water springs, erosion protection and increasing biodiversity. This study aimed to systematize the author's personal experiences with agroforestry systems in the Atlantic Forest domain regions and show different techniques and implantation strategies and management of agroforestry systems that can be employed day to day by farmers, especially the small family farmer. The different AFS deployed were based on biodiversity and plant succession, with low use of inputs and capital resources. The structure of the recommended systems was grounded on labor, family labor, in multistrata systems and the use of common plants in each location with high biomass production potential to enhance nutrient cycling. On average, more than 30 species were introduced in each AFS and the issues related to the choice of species to plant recognizing the soil quality from indicator plants were discussed. In addition, how to plan and distribute the plants in agroforestry designs were also described in detail. The best ways of how to plant and manage, with pruning, different species in biodiverse agroforestry systems included in this dissertation were presented from about 20 years of the author's experience in order to assist all those interested in working with this theme. / O Novo C?digo Florestal estabelece o compromisso por parte dos produtores rurais com a adequa??o ambiental de suas propriedades. As ?reas de Preserva??o Permanente, hoje utilizadas nas propriedades para cultivos agr?colas e pastagens, em muitos casos necessitar?o ser recuperadas. A nova lei permite a explora??o de sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs) at? mesmo em ?reas de preserva??o permanente, desde que n?o descaracterize a cobertura vegetal nativa existente e nem prejudique a fun??o ambiental da ?rea, protegendo nascentes, combatendo a eros?o e aumentando a biodiversidade. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo sistematizar experi?ncias pessoais do autor com sistemas agroflorestais em regi?es de dom?nio da Mata Atl?ntica, mostrando diferentes t?cnicas e estrat?gias de implanta??o e manejo de SAFs que podem ser empregadas no dia a dia dos produtor rural, principalmente, do pequeno agricultor familiar. Os diferentes SAFs implantados foram baseados na biodiversidade e sucess?o vegetal, com baixo uso de insumos e recursos de capital. A estrutura dos sistemas preconizados foi alicer?ada na m?o-de-obra familiar, em multiestratos, na utiliza??o de plantas comuns em cada localidade com potencial de produ??o de biomassa, para intensificar a ciclagem de nutrientes. Em m?dia mais de 30 esp?cies eram introduzidas em cada SAF e as quest?es relacionados com a escolha das esp?cies, onde plantar reconhecendo a qualidade do solo a partir de plantas indicadoras foram abordadas. Al?m disso, como planejar e distribuir as plantas em desenhos agroflorestais tamb?m foram processos detalhadamente descritos. As melhores formas de como plantar e manejar, com podas, as diferentes esp?cies nos SAFs biodiversos constam desta disserta??o e foram apresentados a partir de cerca de 20 anos de experi?ncia do autor com intuito de auxiliar todos aqueles interessados em trabalhar com tem?tica.

Educa??o e produ??o agr?cola em sociedades tradicionais: uma perspectiva de associativismo na comunidade Nossa Senhora Aparecida - Coari-AM / Education and agricultural production in traditional societies: a perspective of associativism in the Nossa Senhora Aparecida - Coari-AM community

SANTOS, Valclides Kid Fernandes dos 29 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-10-31T17:45:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Valclides Kid Fernandes dos Santos.pdf: 3439969 bytes, checksum: e14580b689195aeb9a722073e7f6e554 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-31T17:45:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Valclides Kid Fernandes dos Santos.pdf: 3439969 bytes, checksum: e14580b689195aeb9a722073e7f6e554 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-29 / The research of this work was developed within the framework of a traditional riverside community, of a people that lives under the transhumance of the water regime and its natural habitat is the lowland, because part of the year, in the dry season, one works in and with the earth and the other part the earth is hidden by the waters of the Solim?es river, flood season. The community of Nossa Senhora Aparecida works for the production of family agriculture and performs its actions in the form of agroforestry systems (SAFs), which are composed by the sub-systems of fields, backyard, rivers and lakes obeying the periods of flood, drought of the river Solim?es, and intrinsic to this system has management with a focus on associativism, which is one of the reasons this community serves as a reference for people from middle Solim?es. The Community Association of Rural Producers of the Community Nossa Senhora Aparecida (APRODUCIDA) seeks partnerships, activities that strengthen the quality of life of community members with participatory actions both in decisions that are better for the community and in the execution of tasks. In this study, the objective was to understand the functioning of a traditional community with its agriculture and management through its Association, with the participation of students of the technical course in administration in order to improve the level of knowledge involving teaching-learning under the perspective and interaction of theory with practice, and to make it happen, a field class was held, which was called a technical visit by us and, as a conclusive phase of this action, the students presented, in the form of a seminar, studies, perceptions and analogies from the reality of the community with the disciplines taught in the classroom. As a result, we obtained excellent results of the investigated aspects, since in this work they are presented as theoretical reference, concepts and theories spread by several scholars from the Amazon and with the education bias, which can be considered as a complex phenomenon of human existence, focusing in different places and traditional communities life style. From the point of view of education with teaching-learning thinking, the participation of the students was very important in order to have an evaluative notion of what was being taught in the classroom, the critical and perceptive look of the directive, work form and vision of this student about the Nossa Senhora Aparecida community, so the evaluations were extremely satisfactory with the understanding and explanation of the issues raised in that school environment. / A pesquisa deste trabalho desenvolveu-se no ?mbito de uma comunidade tradicional ribeirinha, de um povo que vive sob a transum?ncia do regime das ?guas e o seu habitat natural ? a terra de v?rzea, pois parte do ano, no per?odo de seca, se trabalha na e com a terra e a outra parte a terra fica encoberta pelas ?guas do rio Solim?es, per?odo de cheia. A comunidade Nossa Senhora Aparecida trabalha voltada ? produ??o de agricultura familiar e realiza suas a??es na forma de sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs), os quais s?o compostos pelos subsistemas de ro?a, quintal, rios e lagos obedecendo os per?odos de cheia, a seca do rio Solim?es, e intr?nseca a esse sistema possui gest?o com o olhar voltado ao associativismo, que ? um dos motivos desta comunidade servir como refer?ncia para o povo do m?dio Solim?es. Pois a Associa??o Comunit?ria dos Produtores Rurais da Comunidade Nossa Senhora Aparecida (APRODUCIDA)busca parcerias, atividades que fortalecem a qualidade de vida dos comunit?rios com a??es participativas tanto nas decis?es do que ? melhor para a comunidade quanto na execu??o das tarefas. Neste estudo, objetivou-se entender o funcionamento de uma comunidade tradicional com sua agricultura e o gerenciamento por interm?dio de sua Associa??o havendo ainda a participa??o de alunos do curso t?cnico em administra??o no sentido de melhorar o n?vel de conhecimento envolvendo o ensino-aprendizagem sob a perspectiva e intera??o da teoria com a pr?tica, e para que isso acontecesse foi realizada uma aula de campo, que por n?s foi denominada como visita t?cnica e tendo como fase conclusiva desta a??o, os alunos apresentaram sob forma de semin?rio estudos, percep??es e analogias da realidade da comunidade com as disciplinas ministradas em sala de aula.Como resultado, foram obtidos ?timos resultados dos aspectos investigados, pois neste trabalho s?o apresentados como referencial te?rico,conceitos e teorias difundidas por diversos estudiosos da Amaz?nia e com o vi?s para a educa??o, a qual pode ser considerada como fen?meno complexo da exist?ncia humana, incidindo nos mais diversos lugares e maneiras de vida das comunidades tradicionais. Sob o prisma da educa??o com o pensamento no ensino-aprendizagem, a participa??o dos alunos foi deveras importante para se ter no??o avaliativa do que estava sendo ministrado em sala de aula, o olhar cr?tico e perceptivo da forma diretiva, de trabalho e a vis?o deste aluno sobre a comunidade Nossa Senhora Aparecida, assim as avalia??es foram extremamente satisfat?rias com o entendimento e explana??o dos assuntos exarados naquele ambiente escolar.

Aspectos ambientais e sociais de uso do solo em ?rea de Mata Atl?ntica / Environmental and social aspects of land use in areas of the Atlantic Forest

SAMPAIO, Rosana Lucia Machado 28 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-11-12T18:10:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Rosana Lucia Machado Sampaio.pdf: 737471 bytes, checksum: e3a49aefd1c0126fb93d6b6266c3ac61 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-12T18:10:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Rosana Lucia Machado Sampaio.pdf: 737471 bytes, checksum: e3a49aefd1c0126fb93d6b6266c3ac61 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-28 / CAPES / There is a project in the state of S?o Paulo for the implementation of agroforestry systems (AFS), as well as for the management of ju?ara palm on the north coast. The activities are being promoted as an alternative agriculture with less impact to the environment and reclamation. Therefore it became necessary research regarding the action of such practices on communities and the environment by noted this theme, mostly, is not explored in a joint, separating themselves from the social environment. It is known that the direct interaction between the two can be characterized as a state co-evolutionary and allowed to maintain them so far, despite the pressures on the Atlantic over time. The results obtained with indicators of environmental quality note that an agricultural system with greater complexity may present the greatest number of individuals, as well as richness and diversity, but this result is subject to the stage where it is the system. All samples collected to assess environmental conditions (soil fauna, soil chemistry and FMAS) and social, following the introduction of new agricultural practices was conducted through a participatory monitoring with community quilombo Farm, located in Ubatuba, Brazil . The samples were collected within the area of the maroons and the Institute of Permaculture and Ecovillage Atlantic Forest (IPEMA), an ONG responsible for coordinating the project. The presented results demonstrate the dependence of the factor indicators soil management. Until the current condition of the community itself, restricting their space and planting technique used by it (slash), is on the structuring and execution of an effective management plan that guarantees the primary rescue this activity as well as others that are part of the daily life of the population. As a way to minimize conflicts between park and community generated this process, it becomes necessary for effective participation of those involved in a perspective socioenvironmentalist for answers to problems. / Existe um projeto no estado de S?o Paulo para a implanta??o de sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs), como tamb?m para o manejo da palmeira ju?ara no litoral norte. As atividades est?o sendo incentivadas como alternativa agr?cola de menor impacto ao ambiente e de recupera??o de ?reas degradadas. Sendo assim, tornou-se necess?ria a investiga??o quanto ? a??o de tais pr?ticas sobre as comunidades e o meio ambiente por se notar que este tema, em sua maioria, n?o ? explorado de forma conjunta, separando-se o ambiental do social. Sabe-se que a intera??o direta entre ambos pode ser caracterizada como um estado co-evolutivo e que permitiu a manuten??o dos mesmos at? o momento, apesar das press?es exercidas sobre a Mata Atl?ntica ao longo do tempo. Pelos resultados obtidos com os indicadores de qualidade ambiental, nota-se que um sistema agr?cola com maior complexidade pode apresentar o maior n?mero de indiv?duos, como tamb?m riqueza e diversidade, mas este resultado est? sujeito ao est?gio em que se encontra o sistema. Todas as coletas realizadas para avaliar as condi??es ambientais (fauna do solo, FMAS e qu?mica do solo) e sociais, ap?s a introdu??o da nova pr?tica agr?cola foram realizadas atrav?s de um monitoramento participativo com a comunidade do quilombo da Fazenda, situada em Ubatuba, SP. As amostras foram coletadas dentro da ?rea do quilombo e no Instituto de Permacultura e Ecovilas da Mata Atl?ntica (IPEMA), ONG respons?vel pela coordena??o do projeto. Os resultados apresentados demonstraram a depend?ncia dos indicadores ao fator manejo do solo. At? a pr?pria condi??o atual da comunidade, a restri??o de seu espa?o de plantio e a t?cnica por ela utilizada (coivara), est? ligada ? estrutura??o e efetiva realiza??o de um plano de manejo que lhe garanta o resgate dessa atividade primordial, como tamb?m de outras que fazem parte do cotidiano da popula??o. Como maneira de minimizar os conflitos entre Parque e comunidade gerados desse processo, torna-se necess?ria a efetiva participa??o dos envolvidos dentro de uma perspectiva socioambientalista em busca de respostas aos problemas.

O desenvolvimento do projeto Agroflorestar no Assentamento Mário Lago: dos processos de aprendizagem à transformação da atividade / The development of the Agroflorestar Project in Mario Lago Rural Settlement in Brazil: from the learning processes to the transformation of the activity

Zonetti, Vitor Moretti 28 February 2019 (has links)
A presente pesquisa objetivou descrever historicamente os processos de aprendizagem criados pelos integrantes do Assentamento Mário Lago sobre Sistemas Agroflorestais Agroecológicos (SAF) no âmbito do Projeto Agroflorestar e de projetos complementares, valorizando os significados de agroecologia desenvolvidos pelos assentados após estas experiências. Para tais preposições, a pesquisa possui uma abordagem dialética para a compreensão das contradições que compuseram o objeto de estudo. A coleta de dados foi realizada pela observação não participante de assembleias do Setor de Produção deste assentamento nos meses de junho, julho e agosto de 2018 e por entrevistas semiestruturadas com um integrante da coordenação do Projeto Agroflorestar e assentados, bem como, com consumidores que vivem na cidade de Ribeirão Preto - SP. Os resultados apontam que a adoção da agroecologia como o novo paradigma produtivo do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) deliberado nacionalmente a partir de 2000, influenciou a constituição de assentamentos agroecológicos. É neste contexto político que se insere o Assentamento Mário Lago como território integrante do Projeto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (PDS) da Fazenda da Barra, situado em uma área de recarga do Aquífero Guarani próxima a cidade de Ribeirão Preto SP e que incorporou as premissas da Comuna da Terra ao reintegrar trabalhadores ao espaço rural. Devido as novas circunstâncias políticas apresentadas pelo paradigma agroecológico, os integrantes do Assentamento Mário Lago passaram a realizar novas alianças sociais para incrementar seus sistemas produtivos. Neste processo, o Centro de Formação Sócio-Agrícola Dom Hélder Câmara foi abordado pela Cooperafloresta, uma cooperativa de comunidades quilombolas e agricultores familiares da região do Vale do Ribeira, para desenvolver a formação de assentados sobre Sistemas Agroflorestais Agroecológicos nas escolas do MST. As particularidades fundantes do Assentamento Mário Lago condicionaram o desenvolvimento do Projeto Agroflorestar junto aos agricultores, ou seja, em sua base economicamente produtiva e não necessariamente na educação formal. Desta forma, os processos de aprendizagem foram gerados de forma autônoma a partir das necessidades objetivas dos assentados envolvidos e, devido a necessidade de constante formação sobre o manejo dos Sistemas Agroflorestais Agroecológicos e escoamento da produção agrícola, um determinado grupo fundou a Cooperativa Agroflorestal Comuna da Terra. Concluiu-se que os SAFs, ao se tornarem o novo objeto de interação destes Sem Terras, passaram a oferecer novas dinâmicas de trabalho coletivo pautado em processos de aprendizagem coletiva realizados pelo trabalho e, consequentemente, levaram a liderança destes processos de aprendizagem a se organizarem entorno da citada cooperativa. Foi justamente este grupo de assentados que teve sua atividade transformada, ao abarcarem a dimensão ambiental como elemento constituinte de sua realidade objetiva, uma vez que as distintas subjetividades passaram a ter as relações ecológicas como integrantes de suas visões de mundo. Desta forma, o desenvolvimento do Projeto Agroflorestar foi de suma relevância para a efetivação da agroecologia no Assentamento Mário Lago, ainda que o plantio de Sistemas Agroflorestais Agroecológicos esteja restrito a um determinado grupo social / This research aimed to describe the learning processes on Agroforestry Systems created by the members of the Mario Lago Rural Settlement within the scope of the Agroforestry Project and its complementary projects enhanced by the meanings of agroecology developed by the settlers as a result of these experiences. For such prepositions, the research has a dialectical approach to underline the composing contradictions of the object of study. The data collection was held through non-participant observation of the Production Sector assemblies in the months of June, July and August 2018, and semi-structured interviews with settlers, a Agroflorestar Project technician and consumers living in the city of Ribeirao Preto, in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The results indicate that the adoption of agroecology by the Landless Workers\' Movement (MST) as the new productive paradigm, nationally deliberated by 2000, have influenced the formation of agroecological settlements. In this political context, the Mario Lago Rural Settlement was created as part of the Sustainable Development Project (PDS) of the Fazenda da Barra in an area of Guarani Aquifer recharge. The settlement also incorporated the premises of Comuna da Terra and is located near the city of Ribeirao Preto which intends to reintegrate urban workers into rural areas. Due to the new political circumstances presented by the agroecological paradigm, the members of the Mario Lago Settlement started new social alliances to increase their production. In this scenario, the Center for Socio-Agricultural Formation \"Dom Hélder Câmara\" was approached by Cooperafloresta, a cooperative formed by quilombolas communities and family farmers in the region of Vale do Ribeira, also in the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil, to educate settlers on Agroforestry Systems in MST schools. The Mario Lago Rural Settlement founding peculiarities conditioned the development of the Agroflorestar Project with the farmers whom represent the economically productive and not necessarily in formal education conditions. Thus, the learning processes were autonomously developed having the settlers objective needs as starting point, and had been the monolith of social organizations created by the settlers as the Comuna da Terra Agroforestry Cooperative. The research concludes that in the time that the agroforestry had become the new object of interaction of these Sem Terras, it had also begun to offer new collective work dynamics based on collective learning processes carried out by labor itself, consequently, led the leadership group of these learning processes to be organized around the formed cooperative. This precise group of settlers had their activity transformed by embracing the environmental dimension as a constituent element of their objective reality, once the different subjectivities began to have ecological relations as part of their worldviews. In this way, the development of the Agroforestry Project was of a central element to the characterization of Mario Lago Settlement as a agroecological territory, even though the Agroforestry Systems is restricted to a certain social group

Fuel-efficiency and Efficient Aid : An analysis of factors affecting the spread of fuel-efficient cooking stoves in Northern Tanzania

Grant Axén, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is the result of nine weeks fieldwork in Babati and Bukoba districts in Northern Tanzania during spring 2012. The purpose of this thesis is to study why development projects on fuel-efficient stoves have had a limited adoption in these two regions and what obstacles and opportunities there are for further spread of fuel-efficient cooking stoves. Semi-structured interviews were the main method used for collecting the empirical data, which was then analysed from a socio-economic perspective with help from the framework of Sustainable Rural Livelihoods. The Results showed that people’s perceptions of fuel-efficient stoves are positive but that projects face many obstacles connected to socio-economic conditions. Knowledge on how to get stoves and access to financial capital is main obstacles for further spreading. Social networks and organisations are channels for information, but to spread outside these networks will need complementing strategies from organisations promoting fuel-efficient stoves. Important are also finding ways of making the financial aspect of adopting stoves less, like using materials with lower costs, using stove-models with low costs and training people in building stoves so re-investments are unnecessary and dependency of funding from organisations less. Gender is a factor affecting the adoption of fuel-efficient stoves, regarding access to assets and generated benefits. There is therefore an importance of involving gender throughout the different stages of the projects.

Socio-cultural Impacts of Agroforestry Improvements in Narsingdi, Bangladesh

Shams, Rifat Unknown Date
No description available.

Analysis and speciation of organic phosphorus in environmental matrices : Development of methods to improve 31P NMR analysis

Vestergren, Johan January 2014 (has links)
Phosphorus (P) is an essential element for life on our planet. It is central in numerous biochemical processes in terrestrial and aqueous ecosystems including food production; and it is the primary growth-limiting nutrient in some of the world’s biomes. The main source of P for use as agricultural fertilizer is mining of non-renewable mineral phosphate. In terrestrial ecosystems the main source is soil P, where the largest fraction is organic P, composed of many species with widely differing properties. This fraction controls the utilization of P by plants and microorganisms and influences ecosystem development and productivity. However, there is only scarce knowledge about the molecular composition of the organic P pool, about the processes controlling its bioavailability, and about its changes as soils develop. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to develop robust solution- and solid-state 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) methods to provide molecular information about speciation of the organic P pool, and to study its dynamics in boreal and tropical soils. By studying humus soils of a groundwater recharge/discharge productivity gradient in a Fennoscandian boreal forest by solution- and solid-state NMR, it was found that P speciation changed with productivity. In particular, the level of orthophosphate diesters decreased with increasing productivity while mono-esters such as inositol phosphates increased. Because the use of solution NMR on conventional NaOH/EDTA extracts of soils was limited due to severe line broadening caused by the presence of paramagnetic metal ions, a new extraction method was developed and validated. Based on the removal of these paramagnetic impurities by sulfide precipitation, a dramatic decrease in NMR linewidths was obtained, allowing for the first time to apply modern multi-dimensional solution NMR techniques to soil extracts. Identification of individual soil P-species, and tracking changes in the organic P pools during soil development provided information for connecting P-speciation to bioavailability and ecosystem properties. Using this NMR approach we studied the transformation of organic P in humus soils along a chronosequence (7800 years) in Northern Sweden. While total P varied little, the composition of the soil P pool changed particularly among young sites, where also the largest shift in the composition of the plant community and of soil microorganisms was observed. Very old soils, such as found Africa, are thought to strongly adsorb P, limiting plant productivity. I used NMR to study the effect of scattered agroforestry trees on P speciation in two semi-arid tropical woodlands with different soil mineralogy (Burkina Faso). While the total P concentration was low, under the tree canopies higher amounts of P and higher diversity of P-species were found, presumably reflecting higher microbial activity. / <p>I delarbete III har titel och författaruppgifter förändrats.</p>

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