Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] ANEURYSM"" "subject:"[enn] ANEURYSM""
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Clinical Prediction of Symptomatic Vasospasm in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid HemorrhageLee, Hubert January 2017 (has links)
Objective: This study aims to derive a clinically-applicable decision rule to predict the risk of symptomatic vasospasm, a neurological deficit primarily due to abnormal narrowing of cerebral arteries supplying an attributable territory, in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH).
Methods: SAH patients presenting from 2002 to 2011 were analyzed using logistic regression and recursive partitioning to identify clinical, radiological, and laboratory features that predict the occurrence of symptomatic vasospasm.
Results: The incidence of symptomatic vasospasm was 21.0%. On multivariate logistic regression analysis, significant predictors of symptomatic vasospasm included age 40-59 years, high Modified Fisher Grade (Grades 3 and 4), and anterior circulation aneurysms.
Conclusion: Development of symptomatic vasospasm can be reliably predicted using a clinical decision rule created by logistic regression. It exhibits increased accuracy over the Modified Fisher Grade alone and may serve as a useful clinical tool to individualize vasospasm risk once prospectively validated in other neurosurgical centres.
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Efeitos da sobrecarga hemodinâmica na bifurcação aórtica: desenvolvimento de um modelo murino de fadiga estrutural aneurismática / Effect of the hemodynamic overload on the arterial wall of the aortic bifurcation: development of a murin model of aneurysmatic structural fatigueRogelio Ivan Ortiz Velazquez 29 March 2011 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Evidencia experimental sugere que padrões alterados de fluxo vascular, associados às bifurcações, estão envolvidos no desenvolvimento de lesões aneurismáticas. Pesquisamos os efeitos que a sobrecarga hemodinâmica condiciona sobre a parede arterial do ápice da bifurcação aórtica de modelos murinos. MÉTODOS: Sessenta ratos Wistar, selecionados e designados mediante amostragem probabilística simples foram agrupados equitativamente em um grupo controle e três grupos experimentais. Os espécimes foram anestesiados e sob magnificação microscópica, foi realizada uma incisão abdominal média e a aorta e os vasos ilíacos abordados e isolados desde a porção infra-renal até a porção distal da bifurcação. Modificação da geometria da bifurcação aórtica foi realizada mediante tunelamento da porção distal da artéria ilíaca no músculo ílio-lombar, no nível da raiz do membro inferior nos grupos II e IV. Nefrectomia esquerda e ligação da artéria renal inferior direita foram completadas para reforçar o estresse hemodinâmico nos grupos III e IV. Os modelos mantiveram-se em condições de laboratório convencionais com dieta standard para a espécie e água ad libitum para os grupos I e II e solução de NaCl 0,9% para os grupos III e IV. Após seis meses de seguimento, a bifurcação aórtica e as artérias ilíacas foram inspecionadas e subseqüentemente removidas para sua análise histopatológica. Um espécime por cada grupo foi submetido à angiografia digital com reconstrução tridimensional da bifurcação aórtica. RESULTADOS: 1) A pressão arterial, a freqüência cardíaca e a pressão de pulso entre os grupos, com e sem nefrectomia, mostraram diferenças com significância estatística (p <0,05). Os espécimes reunidos nos grupos III e IV que receberam sobrecarga de sódio desenvolveram um padrão hemodinâmico caracterizado por incremento da freqüência cardíaca e da pressão de pulso. 2) Seis espécimes (60%) do grupo IV desenvolveram aneurismas do ápice da bifurcação aórtica. 3) A avaliação angiográfica demonstrou que a morfologia da bifurcação do grupo controle se mantém sem modificações aparentes durante o período de seguimento. Entretanto, o grupo II apresenta dados de remodelamento longitudinal com tortuosidade e alongamento do tronco e ramos que conformam a bifurcação. Já o grupo III apresenta estenose proximal e dilatação incipiente da região do ápice da bifurcação em um padrão descrito como blister-like. Finalmente, o grupo IV demonstra aneurismas e estenoses múltiplas da porção proximal e distal ao divisor de fluxo. CONCLUSÕES: Em modelos murinos, deformações da geometria arterial, introduzidas por mudanças do ângulo de bifurcação, induzem a formação de aneurismas e a associação com hipertensão arterial, pressão de pulso aumentada, freqüência cardíaca elevada e sobrecarga de sódio potencializam a dilatação sacular desses segmentos / BACKGROUND: Experimental evidence indicates that altered patterns of vascular flow associated with bifurcations are involved in the development of aneurysmatic lesions. The effects of the hemodynamic overload on the arterial wall of the aortic bifurcation in murine models were studied. METHODS: Sixty Wistar rats were selected and assigned by simple random sampling into a control group and three experimental groups. The specimens were anesthetized. Under microscopic magnification an abdominal incision was performed and the aortic and iliac vessels were isolated from the infra-renal portion until the distal bifurcation. The modification of the geometry of the aortic bifurcation was accomplished by tunneling of the distal iliac artery into ilio-lumbar muscle in groups II and IV. Left nephrectomy and ligation of inferior right renal artery were completed to enhance the hemodynamic stress in groups III and IV. The models were maintained in conventional laboratory conditions with standard diet for the species and water ad libitum for groups I and II, and NaCl 0.9% for groups III and IV. After six months of follow up, the aortic bifurcation and iliac arteries were inspected and subsequently removed to its histopathological evaluation. One specimen from each group underwent angiography with digital three-dimensional reconstruction of the aortic bifurcation prior to sacrifice. RESULTS: 1) Blood pressure, heart rate and pulse pressure between the groups with and without nephrectomy showed statistically significant differences (p <0.05). The specimens collected in groups III and IV who received sodium overload developed a hemodynamic pattern characterized by increased heart rate and pulse pressure. 2) Six specimens (60%) in group IV developed aneurysmatic dilatation of the apex of the aortic bifurcation. 3) The angiographic evaluation showed that the morphology of the bifurcation of the control group remains unchanged during the study period. However, group II presents data from longitudinal remodeling with tortuosity and lengthening of the trunk and branches that make up the fork. The Group III presents stenosis and proximal dilatation of the apex of the bifurcation in a pattern described as blister-like. Finally, Group IV shows multiple stenosis proximal and distal to the flow divider. CONCLUSIONS: In murine models, the geometry deformation introduced by changes in the angle of bifurcation, induce inflammation of the flow divider, whereas, high blood pressure, pulse pressure, heart rate and high sodium overload catalyze the aneurysmatic dilatation of these segments
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Création d’un nouveau modèle murin d’anévrisme de l’aorte abdominale / Creation of a new murine model of abdominal aortic aneurysmLareyre, Fabien 09 October 2018 (has links)
L’anévrisme de l’aorte abdominale (AAA) est associé à des taux élevés de morbidité et de mortalité. A l’heure actuelle, le seul traitement curatif de l’AAA est chirurgical, aucune approche pharmacologique n’ayant démontré une efficacité suffisante. Une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes aboutissant au développement de l’AAA permettrait d’identifier de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques. Bien qu’utiles dans cette démarche, les modèles animaux expérimentaux actuels ne reproduisent pas parfaitement la physiopathologie humaine. Les objectifs de ce travail étaient de : 1/ Créer et caractériser un nouveau modèle murin d’AAA associant application topique d’élastase et neutralisation du TGFβ. 2/ Etudier le rôle de l’IL1β dans ce modèle. La neutralisation du TGFβ chez des souris C57Bl6j aggravait la dilatation anévrismale induite par l’application d’élastase et favorisait la rupture aortique. Ceci était associé à une dégradation accrue de la matrice-extra-cellulaire, une infiltration de cellules inflammatoires au sein de la paroi aortique, la formation d’un thrombus intra-luminal ainsi qu’une augmentation de la néo-angiogénèse. L’utilisation de la technique d’imagerie par synchrotron a permis de montrer une destruction de la paroi aortique en l’absence de formation de dissection aboutissant à une rupture aortique transmurale fatale. L’expression génique de différentes cytokines, dont l’IL1β était augmentée dans la paroi aortique. Afin d’étudier le rôle de l’IL1β, 2 modèles d’invalidation ont été utilisé : l’induction d’AAA chez des souris déficientes en IL1β et l’injection systémique d’anticorps anti-IL1β. Les souris IL1β-/- étaient protégées du développement anévrismal et de la rupture après application d’élastase et neutralisation du TGFβ. En revanche, la neutralisation de l’IL1β par injection d’anticorps à un temps plus tardif ne limitait pas la progression de l’AAA et aboutissait à la rupture anévrismale. Cette étude a permis de créer un nouveau modèle murin d’AAA dont les caractéristiques sont proches de la physiopathologie humaine. L’invalidation génétique de l’IL1β, et non la neutralisation systémique à un temps tardif, limitait la croissance et prévenait la rupture anévrismale suggérant le rôle de cette cytokine au cours des stades précoces du développement de l’AAA. / Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is associated with extremely high morbidity and mortality rates. The only curative treatment relies on surgery as no drug has proven yet its efficacy to cure the disease. A better understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms involved in AAA development would help to identify new therapeutic targets. Even though current experimental animal models are useful to address this question, none of them perfectly mimics human disease. The aim of this study was: 1/ Create and characterize a new murine model of AAA based on topic application of elastase associated with systemic TGFβ neutralization. 2/ Study the effect of IL-1β in this model. We report that TGFβ neutralization in C57Bl6j male mice increased aneurysmal aortic dilatation induced by elastase and favored aortic rupture. This was associated with major vascular remodeling including the degradation of extracellular matrix, the infiltration of inflammatory cells in the aortic wall, the formation of an intraluminal thrombus and the increase of neoangiogenesis. Synchrotron-based ultrahigh ex-vivo resolution imaging revealed a wall disruption with no medial dissection culminating in fatal transmural aortic wall rupture. The gene expression of several cytokine including IL-1β was increased in the aortic wall. The effect of IL-1β was investigated using IL-1β-/- mice or using systemic injection of monoclonal anti-IL-1β antibody. IL-1β-/- mice were protected against aortic dilatation and aortic rupture after application of elastase associated with TGFβ neutralization. However, the injection of anti-IL-1β antibody did not limit the aortic dilatation and neither prevented the aortic rupture. In this study, we created a new murine model of AAA which reproduces the main pathophysiological human features. The genetic invalidation of IL-1β, but not its blockade after disease initiation prevented AAA dilatation and rupture, suggesting the role of this cytokine in the early stages of AAA development.
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En tickande bomb : Patienters upplevelse av aortaaneurysm / A ticking time bomb : Patients’ experience of aortic aneurysmHermansson, Rickard, Hodzic, Azur January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Aortaaneurysm är en asymtomatisk sjukdom som främst drabbar rökande män. Sjukdomsförloppet utgörs av en långsam vidgning av aneurysmen som kan resultera i en ruptur med hög dödlighet. I Sverige kallas alla män över 65 år till screening för aortaaneurysm, i ett försök att reducera dödligheten i sjukdomen. Sjukdomen kan behandlas via konservativ behandling eller operation. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa patienters upplevelse av aortaaneurysm. Metod: En litteraturstudie med induktiv innehållsanalys användes för att analysera tio artiklar från databaserna CINAHL, PubMed och Scopus. Resultat: Efter analys av artiklarna framkom fyra teman i resultatet: Upplevelser av diagnostisering, Upplevelser av konservativ behandling, Upplevelser av det pre-operativa stadiet och Upplevelser av det postoperativa stadiet. Att diagnostiseras med aortaaneurysm reducerade patienters välbefinnande. Patienter fick inte tillräckligt med information om sjukdomen. Att infinna sig vid screening, uppföljning och operation upplevdes inte som frivilligt. Konklusion: Det är av vikt att vårdprofessionella utövar god omvårdnad genom patientinformation och upprättar en god relation med patienten. Mer forskning krävs för att kunna väga för och nackdelarna med ett nationellt screeningprogram. / Background: Aortic aneurysm is an asymptomatic disease that mainly affects smoking men. The course of the disease comprises of a slow widening of the aneurysm, which may cause a rupture that is associated with a high risk of mortality. In Sweden, all men over the age of 65 are called for screening for aortic aneurysm, to reduce the disease specific mortality. The disease can either be treated conservatively or surgically. Aim: The aim of this study was to portray patients’ experiences of aortic aneurysm. Method: A literature overview with inductive content analysis was used to analyse ten articles from the databases CINAHL, PubMed and Scopus. Result: After analysis of the articles four themes emerged: Experiences of diagnosis, Experiences of conservative treatment, Experiences of the pre-operative stage and Experiences of the post-operative stage. To be diagnosed with aortic aneurysm reduced patients’ well-being. Patients did not receive sufficient information regarding the disease. To attend screening, follow-up and operation wasn’t perceived as voluntary. Conclusion: It is important that healthcare professionals practice good care through patient-information and establish a good relationship with the affected. Further research is needed to be able to weigh the pros and cons with a national screening program.
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Heterogeneous Finite Element Stress Analysis of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms : Comparison Between Ruptured and Unruptured LesionsChung, Timothy Kwang-Joon 01 July 2013 (has links)
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) rupture remains a leading cause of death in westernized countries. Much remains to be understood on the biomechanics of rupture. It is not clear whether rupture is predominantly a phenomenon at the material level (aneurysm wall weakening) or due to abnormally elevated tissue wall tension (stress resultant). A computational study involving 4 ruptured and 9 unruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) was conducted to test if ruptured aneurysms were subject to a higher pressure induced wall tension than unruptured aneurysms. The unique aspect of this study is that, regional variations in material properties (thickness, stiffness, failure strength) were documented in all the aneurysms in the study population. In addition, AAA geometry was documented using photographs from multiple rotational angles. Novel methods were developed for 3D reconstruction from photographs using voxel carving, for precise spatial mapping of measured properties onto the reconstructed 3D models and for scattered data interpolation of sparsely measured parameters to the entire finite element model. Heterogeneous, variable wall thickness models of patient-specific AAA were developed and the tension distribution under normal systolic pressure computed. Peak wall tension was the primary metric studied. Other indices found in literature (peak wall stress, peak regional tension to failure tension ratio and peak regional stress to failure stress ratio) were also compared. The peak wall tension in the ruptured aneurysm group was not higher than the unruptured aneurysms with statistical significance, but with a trend toward it (p = 0.053). Among the other metrics, the peak regional tension and stress ratios (with their respective failure counterparts) were higher in the ruptured group (p = 0.038 for both) but not so for peak wall stress (p = 0.099). Although rigorously studied, the small study population does not warrant definitive conclusions. The study methods developed however will permit larger studies of this nature to better investigate mechanisms in AAA rupture.
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Development of a stent capable of the controlled release of basic fibroblast growth factor and argatroban to treat cerebral aneurysms : In vitro experiment and evaluation in a rabbit aneurysm model / basic fibroblast growth factor及びアルガトロバンの徐放作用を有する脳動脈瘤治療用ステントの開発 : In vitro研究とウサギ動脈瘤モデルでの評価Arai, Daisuke 24 September 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第22037号 / 医博第4522号 / 新制||医||1038(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 髙橋 良輔, 教授 湊谷 謙司, 教授 井上 治久 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DGAM
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Uptake of Screening and Recurrence of Bicuspid Aortic Valve and Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm among At-risk SiblingsMiller, Daniel E. 29 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Analýza šíření tlakové vlny v aortě / Analysis of pulse wave propagation in aortaHolubář, Oldřich January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on usage of monitoring pulse wave propagation in aortic system in a field of diagnostic abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). There is a description of cardio-vascular system and its pathology in a form of AAA. A summarization of temporary diagnostic method was created and some new methods were proposed. This new methods presume monitoring of pulse wave propagation. Fluid structure interaction (FSI) analyses of pulse wave propagation were performed on simplified models of geometry which representing specific sections of aorta. The goal of these analyses was to prove usage of FSI method in a future development of proposed diagnostic methods.
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Amélioration des stratégies thérapeutiques dans la pathologie anévrysmale intracânienne / Improvement of therapeutic strategies in intracranial aneurysmal pathologyLabeyrie, Paul-Emile 02 February 2018 (has links)
L'anevrysme intracrânien (AIC) est une anomalie morphologique spécifique des artères cérébrales exposant au risque, particulièrement grave, de saignement intracrânien. Malgré les progrès établis dans le traitement curatif , aucun traitement préventif de la formation des AIC n’a été prouvé chez l’Homme. L’absence de traitement non invasif et l’absence de consensus sur le traitement des AIC non rompus sont le corolaire direct d’un manque de connaissance des mécanismes physiopathologiques de la maladie anévrysmale.L’ensemble du travail exposé ici a eu pour but de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de la pathologie anévrysmale intracrânienne pouvant être la base de nouvelles stratégies préventive améliorant le traitement des AIC.Nous avons tout d'abord étudié l'influence des anomalies du tissus de soutien des artères cervicales sur la formation des AIC. Au cours de cette étude, nous avons réalisé une étude cas-témoins dont l’objectif principal était d’étudier l’association entre les anomalies morphologiques des artères cervicales et la présence d’un AIC. Les objectifs secondaires étaient premièrement d’examiner si cette association variait selon le caractère rompu ou non de l’anévrisme et deuxièmement d’examiner si la sévérité des anomalies artérielles cervicales était liée à la sévérité de la pathologie anévrismale. Nous rapportons que la prévalence des anomalies angiographiques chez les patients porteurs d’AIC est élevée. De plus l’incidence d’une pathologie rare, la dysplasie fibro-musculaire est très élevée chez les patients porteurs d’AIC comparativement à la population générale. La présence des anomalies angiographiques n’a aucun impact sur l’évolution naturelle des AIC vers la rupture, ni sur d’autres aspect comme leur taille, leurs nombres ou leur forme. Dans le cadre de notre étude, nous pensons que l’association entre les anomalies angiographiques et les AIC semble être expliquée par l’hypothèse d'une vulnérabilité du tissu de soutien pariétal (condition pathologique particulière de la paroi artérielle à l’origine de la formation des AIC). Cette condition pathologique, affecterait de manière diffuse la vascularisation cérébrale et les artères cervicales. Les AIC seraient ainsi des manifestations cliniquement « bruyantes » de pathologies vasculaires plus silencieuses affectant la paroi de l’ensemble des vaisseaux. Les anomalies morphologiques des artères cervicales témoignent de façon sensible mais très peu spécifique de l’association des pathologies du tissu de soutien avec la présence d’AIC.Dans une deuxième partie nous essayons de décrire et de caractériser une voie inédite de la formation et de la croissance des AIC, la voie de la fibrinolyse via l'activateur de plasminogène de type tissulaire (tPA). Nos données suggèrent que le tPA présent dans la circulation sanguine est suffisant pour favoriser la formation et la rupture des anévrismes. Nous avons donc proposé que le tPA vasculaire était un des responsables de la formation des AIC. Nous avons également constaté une certaine continuité dans le temps de l'influence du tPA sur le remodelage matriciel. Nous avons donc proposé le tPA vasculaire comme une nouvelle cible possible pour prévenir la progression et la rupture des AIC. Différentes expériences ont été entreprise pour inhiber sélectivement le tPA et les résultats préliminaires sont encourageants et ouvrent la voie à une stratégie thérapeutique non invasive inédite. On peut aussi imaginer que ces différentes approches puissent être combinées entre elles et avec des agents matriciels ciblant directement l’activité du tPA dans la paroi des AIC. L’amélioration des stratégies thérapeutiques dans la pathologie anévrysmale intracrânienne est définitivement un axe de recherche dont les possibilités sont immenses et les résultats nécessaires et attendus. / Intracranial aneurysm (IA) is a specific morphological abnormality of the cerebral arteries that exposes to devastating intracranial bleeding. Despite the progress made in the curative treatment, no preventive treatment of IA formation has been proven in humans. The lack of non-invasive treatment and consensus on the treatment of unruptured IA are the consequences of the lack of knowledge of the physiopathological mechanisms of aneurysmal disease. All of the work presented here aims to better understand the mechanisms of intracranial aneurysmal pathology, which may be the basis of new preventive strategies improving the treatment of IA.We first studied the influence of cervical artery abnormalities on IA formation. In this study, we performed a case-control study whose main objective was to study the association between morphologic abnormalities of cervical arteries and the presence of IA. The secondary objectives were first to examine whether this association varied according to whether or not the aneurysm was broken, and secondly to examine whether the severity of the cervical arterial abnormalities was related to the severity of the aneurysmal pathology. We report that the prevalence of angiographic abnormalities in patients harboring IA is high. In addition, the incidence of a rare pathology, fibro-muscular dysplasia is very high in patients with IA compared to the general population. The presence of angiographic abnormalities has no impact on the rupture of the IA, nor on other aspects such as their size, numbers or shape. In our study, we believe that the association between angiographic abnormalities and IA seems to be explained by the hypothesis of a vulnerability of the arterial wall (a particular pathological condition of the arterial wall at the origin of IA formation). This pathological condition would affect the whole cerebral vasculature and cervical arteries. IA would thus be the clinical manifestations of more silent vascular pathologies affecting the wall of all vessels. The morphological abnormalities of the cervical arteries testify sensitively but not very specifically of the association of the arterial wall diseases with the presence of IA.In a second study, we try to describe and characterize an unprecedented pathway of formation and growth of IA : the pathway of fibrinolysis via tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA). Our data suggest that tPA present in the bloodstream is sufficient to promote formation and rupture of aneurysms. We therefore proposed that vascular tPA was one of those responsible for training IA. We also noted a certain continuity in the time of the influence of the tPA on the matrix remodeling. We therefore proposed vascular tPA as a possible new target to prevent progression and rupture of IA. Various experiments have been undertaken to selectively inhibit tPA and the preliminary results are encouraging and open the way to an unprecedented non-invasive therapeutic strategy. It is also conceivable that these different approaches could be combined with each other and with matrix agents directly targeting tPA activity in the AIC wall. The improvement of therapeutic strategies in intracranial aneurysmal pathology is definitely an topic of research whose possibilities are huge and the results necessary and expected.
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Aplikace metody konečných prvků na reálné problémy v hemodynamice. / Application of finite element method to real problems in hemodynamics.Švihlová, Helena January 2013 (has links)
The incompressible fluid flow around the geometries of cerebral artery aneurysms is studied in this thesis. The aneurysm is a local extension of a vessel. This disease is dangerous only in the case of rupture. Then the blood is released into the brain. The need of accurate computation of the velocity and pressure fields in this geometries is motivated exactly by the question which aneurysm has tendency to rupture. The finite element method (FEM) is used for the computation of the flow. A good domain discretization is one of the main step in FEM. Modern computed tomography is able to produce series of the two- dimensional images and it is necessary to create an appropriate three-dimensional model of the tissue. This thesis includes the description of the mesh generation and the ways to smooth and improve the meshes. In the theoretical part the equations of fluid flow are formulated. A suitability of a choice of boundary conditions is discussed. Weak formulation for the equations and its discretization are presented. In the practical part velocity and pressure fields are computed by the various finite elements. Wall shear stress which plays an important role in the evolution of an aneurysm is also computed on the introduced meshes. Comparison of mesh smoothing filters, used finite elements and used...
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