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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Meseguer Hernández, Eloy 25 July 2017 (has links)
The present Doctoral Thesis makes the first study on the growth of epibionts in the nets of marine farms of the Western Mediterranean. Also, this Doctoral Thesis is a novel contribution in the field of marine biofouling by collecting information not only taxonomically but also the ecology of the actors and factors involved. The objective of this study is to know the most common epibionts in Mediterranean marine aquaculture nets and their relationship with depth, season, situation on the farm and the response of the epibionts to the presence of a commercial antifouling paint with Based on cuprous oxide, performing for this purpose an exhaustive statistical analysis. To this end, 192 polyethylene sheets of 400 cm2 were placed on a Spanish southeast sea farm, specifically in the municipality of Villajoyosa (Alicante), at two different depths, with different orientations and antifouling paint and without it. The plates were collected in four periods of the year: in early spring, early summer, early autumn and the last, after 1 year submerged. Macroscopic species were studied at the taxonomic level and the data were treated with the Stathgraphics Centurion XVI.II and Promov software 15,02 to perform the relevant statistical studies. Nothing has been written before this work on the impact of these paintings on the colonies of the epibionts studied in this thesis, although it has been verified with this thesis that antifouling painting is an effective technique for the fight against marine epibiontes, And that works in addition to any depth and with any orientation. Also, it has been corroborated that the plates were covered more of organisms ,according to the time of exposure in the sea, It had or not antifouling painting,The chronological order of invasion of the plates by the epibionts has also been verified. In addition, the sheets that were located in the discharge area of the fish facility and under the current, were plates populated with a greater number of epibionts, regardless of the depth, orientation or presence of the antifouling paint. / La presente Tesis Doctoral realiza el primer estudio acerca de los crecimientos de epibiontes en las redes de granjas marinas del Mediterráneo Occidental. Asimismo, esta Tesis Doctoral supone una aportación novedosa en el campo del biofouling marino al recoger información no sólo de manera taxonómica sino también de ecología de los actores y factores participantes. Es objeto de este estudio el conocer los epibiontes más comunes en las redes de acuicultura marina mediterránea y su relación con la profundidad, la estación del año, la situación en la granja y la respuesta de los epibiontes ante la presencia de una pintura antifouling comercial con base en óxido cuproso, realizando para ello un exhaustivo análisis estadístico. Con dicho objetivo, se dispusieron 192 placas de polietileno de 400 cm2 en una granja marina del sudeste español, en concreto en el municipio de Villajoyosa (Alicante), a dos diferentes profundidades, con diferentes orientaciones y con pintura antifouling y sin ella. Las placas se recogieron en cuatro periodos del año: a principios de primavera, a principios de verano, a principios de otoño y las últimas, después de 1 año sumergidas. Se estudiaron a nivel taxonómico las especies macroscópicas y se trataron los datos con el software Stathgraphics Centurion XVI.II y ProMV 15.02 para realizar los estudios estadísticos pertinentes. No se ha escrito nada antes de este trabajo sobre el impacto de éstas pinturas en las colonizaciones de los epibiontes estudiados, si bien se ha comprobado con esta Tesis que la pintura antifouling es un técnica efectiva para la lucha contra los epibiontes marinos, y que funciona además a cualquier profundidad y con cualquier orientación. Asimismo, se ha corroborado que las placas se cubrían más con organismos conforme transcurría el tiempo de exposición en el mar, tuvieran o no pintura antifouling y sin que ninguna especie llegara a colonizar y desplazar a las especies previas. Se ha podido constatar también el orden cronológico de invasión de las placas por los epibiontes. Además, las placas que se localizaban en la zona de descarga del vertido de la instalación piscícola y estaban a sotacorriente fueron placas pobladas con mayor número de epibiontes, independientemente de la profundidad, orientación o presencia o no de la pintura antifouling. / La present tesi doctoral realitza el primer estudi sobre els creixements de epibionts a les xarxes de granges marines de la Mediterrània Occidental. Així mateix, aquesta tesi doctoral suposa una aportació innovadora en el camp del biofouling marí en recollir informació no només de manera taxonòmica sinó també d'ecologia dels actors i factors participants. És objecte d'aquest estudi el conèixer els epibionts més comuns en les xarxes d'aqüicultura marina mediterrània i la seva relació amb la profunditat, l'estació de l'any, la situació a la granja i la resposta dels epibionts davant la presència d'una pintura antifouling comercial amb base en òxid cuprós, realitzant per a això una exhaustiva anàlisi estadística. Amb aquest objectiu, es van disposar 192 plaques de polietilè de 400 cm2 en una granja marina del sud-est espanyol, en concret al municipi de la Vila Joiosa (Alacant), a dues diferents profunditats, amb diferents orientacions, i amb I sense pintura antifouling . Les plaques es van recollir en quatre períodes de l'any: a principis de primavera, a principis d'estiu, a principis de tardor i les últimes, després d'1 any submergides. Es van estudiar a nivell taxonòmic les espècies macroscòpiques i es van tractar les dades amb els programes Stathgraphics Centurion XVI.II i ProMV 15.02 per realitzar els estudis estadístics pertinents. No s'ha escrit res abans d'aquest treball sobre l'impacte d'aquestes pintures en les colonitzacions dels epibionts estudiats , si bé s'ha comprovat en aquesta Tesi que la pintura antifouling és un tècnica efectiva per la lluita contra els epibionts marins, i que funciona a més a qualsevol profunditat i amb qualsevol orientació. Així mateix, s'ha corroborat que les plaques es cobrien amb més organismes a mesura que transcorria el temps d'exposició al mar, tinguessin o no pintura antifouling, i sense que cap espècie arribés a colonitzar i desplaçar a les espècies prèvies. S'ha pogut constatar també l'ordre cronològic d'invasió de les plaques pels epibionts. A més, les plaques que es localitzaven a la zona de descàrrega de l'abocament de la instal·lació piscícola i estaven a sotacorrent van ser plaques poblades amb major nombre d¿epibionts, independentment de la profunditat, orientació o presència o no de la pintura antifouling. / Meseguer Hernández, E. (2017). ESTUDIO DEL BIOFOULING ASOCIADO A CULTIVOS MARINOS "OFFSHORE" EN EL MEDITERRÁNEO ESPAÑOL [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/85679

Optimering av bränsleförbrukning för fartyg / Optimization of Fuel Consumption for Ships

Hansson, Tilda January 2024 (has links)
Arbetet är till grund för högskoleingenjörsexamen i maskinteknik som har utförts tillsammans med företaget Swede Marine Propulsion som tillverkar och installerar styrsystem på fartyg. Syftet med arbetet var att genom inlärda kunskaper under utbildningen optimera ett fartygs bränsleförbrukning sett till hur mycket marin tillväxt som fartyget har på skrovet. Detta för att minska bränsleförbrukningen och därmed minska utsläppen för fartyget.  För att undersöka detta har en omfattande litteratursökning genomförts med hjälp av relevant teori och beräkningar. Simulering och visualisering har genomförts i MATLAB. Samt har de framtagna modellerna implementerats i iX Developer och företagets styrsystem. Resultatet som påvisades är att det totala motståndet för fartyget ökar exponentiellt sätt till ökad hastighet genom vattnet. Resultatet visar även att de framtagna modellerna går att implementera i ett övervakningssystem vilket ger möjlighet att följa tillväxten på fartygsskrovet under drift.  Slutsatsen är att implementera denna typ av övervakningssystem skulle bidra till bättre medvetenhet då det är dags att rengöra skrovet. Detta skulle potentiellt minska både bränsleförbrukningen samt bränslekostnaderna för fartygen. Även att det finns möjlighet till vidareutveckling av systemet genom att ta hänsyn till flera faktorer såsom luftmotstånd, vindar och vattenströmmar. Men också i form av att justera styrningen av fartyget sett till hur mycket tillväxt som förekommer på skrovet exempel som att öka motorvarvtalet vid ökad tillväxt. / The report is the basis of a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering. The work was done with Swede Marine Propulsion, a company specializing in manufacturing and installing steering systems on ships. The purpose of the project was to optimize a ship's fuel consumption. This was done by using the knowledge acquired during the education and it will focus on the amount of marine growth on the hull. The overall project was aimed at reducing fuel consumption and thus lowering emissions from the ship. To solve the objectives of the project, an extensive literature review was conducted, utilizing relevant theory and calculations. Simulations were carried out in the form of MATLAB graphs. The implementation of calculations was put into the program iX Developer and the company's steering system. The results showed that the total resistance of the ship exponentially increases with higher speeds through the water. By implementing a monitoring system that can assess how fuel consumption varies with different levels of hull growth, the result can be observed. The conclusion drawn is that implementing this type of monitoring system would provide better insight into when hull cleaning is necessary. This would reduce both fuel consumption and fuel costs for the ship. There is potential for further development of the system by considering factors such as air resistance, winds, and water currents. Lastly, an additional action could be increasing the engine RPM in response to increased growth.


ANDERSON VIANA NEVES 06 June 2014 (has links)
[pt] A dissertação de mestrado tem por objetivo estudar a indesejável formação do fouling no sistema de arrefecimento dos hidrogeradores da usina hidrelétrica Fontes Nova com vistas a propor técnicas alternativas para a sua mitigação. Mais especificamente, avaliar o desempenho de uma técnica antifouling que expõe o escoamento à ação de um campo elétrico externo. A pesquisa foi motivada (i) pela perspectiva de contribuir para o entendimento do complexo fenômeno de formação e mitigação do fouling e (ii) pelo desafio de propor um método on-line, não invasivo, de simples operação, em contraposição aos métodos de limpeza mecânica e química normalmente ofensores do meio ambiente e que requerem a interrupção da geração. Desenvolvido no contexto do projeto de PeD Light/Aneel Ref. OKE 06-07 intitulado Tecnologia de tratamento de água de refrigeração da usina Fontes Nova, a pesquisa, de natureza experimental e quantitativa, desenvolveu-se com base numa metodologia que avalia o desempenho hidrodinâmico e térmico do trocador de calor quando submetido à ação do dispositivo antifouling estudado. Os resultados do trabalho permitiram concluir que a incrustação predominante é de natureza Bio (biofouling) e que embora o dispositivo não invasivo iniba a formação dos indesejáveis micro-organismos que obstruem o trocador e afetam a sua eficácia de operação ele não elimina o problema. A partir dessa constatação, uma técnica alternativa de limpeza on-line que faz uso de esferas abrasivas foi concebida e projetada para promover a limpeza do trocador de calor em operação. / [en] The objective of the master thesis is to study the undesirable formation of fouling in the cooling system of hydroeletric generators of Fontes Nova Power Plant with the view to propose an alternatives techniques for its mitigation. more specifically, to assess the performance of an antifouling device that exposes the flow to the action of an external electric field. The research was motivated by the perspective of contributing to the understanding of the complex phenomenon associated with the formation and mitigation of fouling and by the challenge of proposin an alternate on-line, non-invasive method, of simple operation, contrasting to conventional of mechanical and chemical cleaning methods that normally offender the environment and requires interruption of the generation. Developed in the context of the project R and D light/aneel Ref. OKE 06-07 entitled Technology for treatment of refrigeration water of the Fontes Nova Power Plant, the research, of quantitative and experimental nature, was developed based on a methodology that assess the of hydrodynamic and thermal performance of the heat exchanger when submitted to the action of the antifouling device studied. The results of the work support the conclusion that the fouling is of a biological nature (biofouling) and that although the non-invasive device inhibits the formation of the unwanted microorganisms that block the exchanger and affect its effectiveness of operation it does not eliminate the problem. An alternative on-line cleaning technique that makes use of abrasive spheres was designed and engineered to clean the heat exchanger in operation.

Tratamento de água do mar por filtros de areia biológicos: estratégia para o controle de biofilmes. / Seawater treatment by biological sand filters: strategy for biofilm control.

Oliveira, Fernando Freitas de 20 June 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou o desempenho de filtros de areia biológicos no tratamento da água do mar a fim de controlar a formação de biofilmes microbianos em membranas de osmose reversa, utilizadas para o processo de dessalinização, e posteriormente em tanques de cultivo de peixes. Para isto, proteínas e carboidratos (principais componentes de biofilmes) foram quantificados em corpos de prova expostos à diferentes tratamentos. A água produzida pelos tratamentos também foi avaliada por meio da quantificação de microrganismos e teor de carbono orgânico assimilável (AOC), que está associado ao potencial de crescimento microbiano (PCM). A capacidade dos filtros em reduzir turbidez e SDI a partir da água captada no mar, também constituiu um parâmetro de avaliação. A partir dos dados obtidos foi possível verificar que os sistemas de tratamento da água do mar constituídos por filtros lentos de areia são capazes de reduzir a incidência de biofilmes em membranas de osmose reversa (reduzindo em até cerca de 80% a concentração de proteínas e 88% a de carboidratos). Porém, para que se tenha uma taxa significativa de remoção do AOC e redução do PCM, esses sistemas requerem um tempo de maturação entre 50 e 60 dias. Por outro lado, em termos de redução de turbidez e SDI, esses sistemas demonstram eficiência praticamente imediata, resultando em uma água com turbidez sempre menor que 0.3 UNT e SDI sempre menor que 4. Como forma de tratamento de água do mar para sistemas de aquicultura, os filtros lentos de areia demonstraram capacidade em reduzir a formação de biofilmes e a deposição de material particulado dentro dos tanques de cultivo, sendo esta redução mais evidente no fundo dos tanques e na observação realizada após 31 dias. O uso de filtros de areia para o tratamento da água utilizada no cultivo de peixes pode contribuir para redução da frequência de manejo e limpeza de tanques. / The present work has evaluated the performance of biological sand filters in seawater treatment in order to control microbial biofilms formation in reverse osmosis membranes used for the desalination process. The same filters were also evaluated as a seawater treatment system for aquaculture, and the performance in biofilms control inside the fish tanks was verified. To evaluate the performance in terms of biofilms control, proteins and carbohydrates (main components of biofilms) were quantified in specimens exposed to different treatments. The water produced by the treatments was also evaluated by microorganisms concentration and assimilable organic carbon content, which is associated with microbial growth potential. The performance of turbidity removal and SDI reduction from raw water was also an evaluation parameter. From the data obtained, it was observed that seawater treatment systems by of slow sand filters are able to reduce reverse osmosis membranes biofilms (up to 80% proteins concentration and 88% carbohydrate concentration). However, in order to have a significant rate of AOC removal and PCM reduction, these systems need a maturation time between 50 and 60 days. On the other hand, in terms of turbidity removal and SDI reduction, these systems demonstrate immediate efficiency, resulting in water turbidity always less than 0.3 NTU and SDI always less than 4. The slow sand filters showed efficience to reduce the biofilm formation and material deposition inside the fish tanks, this reduction was more evident at the bottom of the tanks and after 31 days. The use of sand filters as a water treatment for fish farming can contribute to reduce the number of procedures for handling and cleaning tanks.

Hur Biofouling Påverkar Östersjön : En allmän litteraturstudie / How Biofouling Affects the Baltic Sea : A general literature study

Eliasson, Emil, Dahl, William January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this literature study was to investigate the effects of biofouling in the Baltic Sea. This was done to increase environmental awareness and understanding of the importance of a sustainable marine environment. A systematic search in selected databases resulted in the study being based on tio research articles. The overall results of the study show that biofouling demonstrate negative effects, but the effects are not fully understood to date and the focus is still on economic aspects. Furthermore, it was observed that the studied organizations are currently focused on greenhouse gas issues, but they have also been paying attention to biofouling problems in recent time. The literature study provides important insights into the effects of biofouling.

The application of nanomaterials for the delivery of natural antimicrobials in engineered systems

Chan, Andrea C. January 2013 (has links)
Biofouling is the undesired biofilm formation on surfaces at a liquid interface that interferes with the affected substrate’s function. It is a ubiquitous problem in many engineered systems in industry. Biofouling causes contamination, essential damage to materials, and impedances to crucial industrial processes. These adverse effects lead to health hazards, gross increase in energy consumption, and significant decrease in overall productivity, all of which result in higher operational costs and environmentally destructive consequences. Interest in discovering effective alternatives to conventional antimicrobial agents has gained momentum. Current anti-biofouling strategies have significant disadvantages, such as the generation of toxic by-products, indiscriminate corrosion of surrounding materials and the environment, and promotion of resistance development. Alternative methods of controlling biofouling are in high demand because present-day solutions are far from sustainable. Plant secondary metabolites are promising candidates as novel biocides because they are (i) highly effective in killing microbes while being non-toxic to humans at antimicrobially active concentrations, and (ii) safer and non-damaging to the natural environment. Herein, antimicrobial efficacies of five plant-derived compounds were assessed against various species of planktonic bacteria as well as biofilms at various maturity stages. Allyl isothiocyanate (AIT) and cinnamaldehyde (CNAD) displayed the greatest inhibitory effects against all planktonic species tested. The minimum inhibitory concentration is defined as the lowest concentration of a substance that inhibits visible microbial growth, and the MBC is defined as the lowest concentration at which 99.9% of the population is killed. AIT yielded MICs of 156.25 mg/L and MBCs of 156.25 to 312.5 mg/L, and CNAD yielded MICs of 78.125 to 156.25 mg/L and MBCs of 78.125 to 312.5 mg/L. Furthermore, 312.5 mg/L AIT and 625 mg/L CNAD successfully reduced > 80% of biofilm adhesion as compared to negative controls. AIT and CNAD were therefore further evaluated extensively. Hindered by their volatile nature and immiscibility, plant secondary metabolites typically do not reach their maximum antimicrobial capacity due to low bioavailability. Thus, they would benefit from being protected and delivered in nano-sized carriers. In this study, mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) were evaluated as carriers for AIT and CNAD delivery. In one, employment of MSNs as carriers doubled the antibacterial efficacy of free form AIT and increased kill rate of free form CNAD by six times. Furthermore, free form AIT caused ~70% of 60 day-old biofilm to detach, whereas AIT-loaded MSNs essentially removed all of the biofilm. As for CNAD, its free form had no significant effect, whereas CNAD-loaded MSNs caused ~80% reduction in biofilm biomass. MSNs were further engineered to incorporate lactose pore caps to achieve specific, on-command delivery. These MSNs were designed to respond to external stimuli intelligently, with gatekeepers that degrade only in the vicinity of certain target bacteria that are able to metabolise lactose. Capped AIT-loaded MSNs reduced bacterial viability by ~85% as compared to the negative control, while capped CNAD-loaded versions reduced viability by ~40%. This stimuli-triggered MSN delivery technology would be more sustainable than current methods because resistance development would be lowered, and the delivery vehicles could be recycled and reused. Herein, the complete AIT- or CNAD-loaded, lactose-capped MSNs delivery complex proved to be an effective and environmentally conscientious system for killing unwanted bacteria.

Wave energy conversion and the marine environment : Colonization patterns and habitat dynamics

Langhamer, Olivia January 2009 (has links)
A wave energy park has been established on the Swedish west coast outside Lysekil and pioneer work about its interactions with the marine environment has been conducted. So far, little is known about the effects of offshore energy installations on the marine environment, and this thesis assists in minimizing environmental risks as well as in enhancing potential positive effects on the marine environment. The Lysekil research site is situated about two kilometres offshore and has been under development since 2005. During this time 26 “environmental devices”, without generators, consisting of a steel buoy attached via a wire to a foundation on 25 m depth have been placed out for ecological studies on macrofauna in surrounding sediments and on colonization of the foundations and the buoys. Sediment samples to examine macrofauna in the seabed have been taken during five seasons. Biomass, abundance and diversity of infauna in the test site were generally low, but higher than in a nearby control site. The species composition was typical for the area and depth. In addition to sediment analysis, the effect of wave power concrete foundations on the marine environment has been investigated by scuba diving. The surface orientation and its effect on colonization by sessile organisms was examined on the first five foundations, placed out in 2005, and observations of habitat use by fish and crustaceans were made. The results show a succession of colonization over time (three years of investigation) with a higher cover by sessile organisms on vertical surfaces. Mobile fauna abundance on and around the foundations was generally low. Three months after the deployment of the 21 new foundations in 2007, assemblages of mobile organisms were examined visually. Also here, mobile species exhibit a low density, but still higher than on surrounding soft bottoms. The edible crab used artificial holes in the foundations frequently. The foundations were placed in two different clusters, north and south, and the degree to which early recruits covered the foundations and the succession of epibenthic communities were documented during two years. Sessile organisms colonized the northern foundations more rapidly, producing a higher diversity which suggests that the placement of wave energy devices affects colonization patterns. Biofouling on buoys was examined and blue mussels, Mytilus edulis, dominated with a cover about 90%. Wave exposed buoys were particularly favoured by M. edulis which there had a higher biomass and larger shells compared to those on sheltered buoys. Biofouling on wave power buoys, independent whether these had a cylindrical or toroidal shape, was insufficient to markedly affect their energy production. Finally, the thesis incorporates a review describing wave power projects in general pointing out the need of future research on for instance no-take zones, marine bioacoustics and electromagnetic fields. The main conclusions are that large-scale renewable wave energy conversion will cause ecological impact primarily by adding new hard substrate to an area but not by harming organisms or decreasing biodiversity within wave power parks.

Production and regulation of fouling inhibitory compounds by the marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas tunicata

Egan, Suhelen, Microbiology & Immunology, UNSW January 2001 (has links)
The marine surface-associated bacterium Pseudoaltermonas tunicata, produces a range of compounds that inhibit fouling organisms, including invertebrate larvae, bacteria, algal spores and fungi. In addition to these antifouling compounds P. tunicata cells produce both a yellow and a purple pigment. The aim of this study was to further characterise the antifouling activities, their regulation and relationship with pigmentation, and the ecological significance of P. tunicata and related organisms. It was discovered that the anti-algal compound was extracellular, heat sensitive, polar and between 3 and 10 kDa in size. The anti-fungal compound was found to be the yellow pigment and active against a wide range of fungal and yeast isolates. Chemical analysis suggests that this compound consists of a carbon ring bound to a fatty-acid side chain. Genetic analysis supports the chemical data for the active compound as a mutant in a gene encoding for a long-chain fatty-acid CoA ligase was deficient for anti-fungal activity. To address the regulation of antifouling compounds and their relationship to pigmentation transposon mutagenesis of P. tunicata was performed. Mutants lacking the yellow pigment displayed a reduced ability to inhibit fouling organisms. Further analysis of these mutants identified genes involved with the synthesis and regulation of synthesis of pigment and antifouling compounds. One of these mutants was disrupted in a gene (wmpR) with similarity to the transcriptional regulators ToxR from Vibrio cholerae and CadC from Escherichia coli. Analysis of global protein expression using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that WmpR is essential for the expression of at least fifteen proteins important for the synthesis of fouling inhibitors. The ecological significance of antifouling bacteria was addressed by assessing the antifouling capabilities of a collection of bacteria isolated from different marine surfaces. Overall, isolates from living surfaces displayed more antifouling traits then strains isolated from non-living surfaces. Five dark-pigmented strains originating from the alga Ulva lactuca were further studied. Phylogenetic and phenotypic analysis revealed that they were all members of the genus Pseudoalteromonas and were closely related to P. tunicata. Two strains represented a novel species within the genus and were taxonomically defined as P. ulvae sp. nov.


Sprick, Conor G. 01 January 2017 (has links)
Ultrafiltration (UF) processes are often used as pretreatment before more retentive/costly processes, such as nanofiltration and reverse osmosis. This study shows the results of low-biofouling nanocomposite membranes, loaded with casein-coated silver nanoparticles (casein-Ag-NPs). Membranes were cast and imbedded with Ag-NPs using two approaches, physical blending of Ag-NPs in the dope solution (PAg-NP/CA membranes) and chemical attachment of Ag-NPs to cast membranes (CAg-NP/CA membranes), to determine their biofouling control properties. The functionalization of Ag-NPs onto the CA membranes was achieved via attachment with functionalized thiol groups with the use of glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) and cysteamine chemistries. The immobilization chemistry successfully prevented leaching of silver nanoparticles during cross-flow studies. Pseudomonas fluorescens Migula in brackish water was used for short-term dead-end filtration, where CA and CAg-NP/CA membranes displayed lower flux declines as compared to PAg-NP/CA membranes. In subsequent long-term biofouling studies, also with Pseudomonas fluorescens Migula in brackish water with addition of sodium acetate, chemically-attached Ag-NPs led to a significant reduction in the accumulation of bacterial cells, likely due to the more dispersed nanoparticles across the surface. Therefore, a method was developed to chemically immobilize Ag-NPs to membranes without losing Ag-NP’s antimicrobial properties.

Influence de la composition chimique de mortiers sur leur biodétérioration par les algues / Influence of mortar compositions on their algal biofouling

Dalod, Estelle 04 February 2015 (has links)
L’encrassement des façades d’immeuble est causé par un phénomène d’altération biologique essentiellement esthétique. Leur vieillissement naturel favorise la colonisation de micro-organismes. La cinétique de biodétérioration dépend de plusieurs paramètres, tels que la situation géographique, les conditions environnementales et les caractéristiques physico-chimiques du matériau. L’objectif de la présente étude est d’établir un lien entre la composition chimique de mortiers à base de ciments et leur cinétique de colonisation par des microorganismes. Deux bancs d’essais sont utilisés : un banc d’essai in situ et un banc d’essai de biodétérioration accélérée de laboratoire. Deux ciments Portland (OPC) et deux ciments alumineux (CAC) de minéralogies différentes ont été sélectionnés. L’effet de la porosité, de la rugosité et de la carbonatation a également été étudié. Le microorganisme sélectionné pour les essais de laboratoire est l’algue Klebsormidium flaccidum qui se développe de manière prépondérante sur les façades en France. Les résultats obtenus en laboratoire et in situ montrent que la biocolonisation des mortiers à base de CAC est plus lente que celle des mortiers à base d’OPC. Lorsque la porosité augmente, la vitesse de biocolonisation augmente et l’effet de la composition chimique est en grande partie masqué. La biocolonisation des mortiers carbonatés se réalise plus rapidement que celle des mortiers non carbonatés surtout dans le cas des mortiers à base d’OPC. Enfin, les mortiers de surface rugueuse sont colonisés plus rapidement quelle que soit la formulation testée. Cet effet est plus marqué pour les mortiers exposés in situ que pour ceux testés en laboratoire. / The fouling of building-facade is caused by a main aesthetic phenomenon of biological weathering. The natural weathering favors the micro-organisms development. The biofouling kinetics depends on several parameters such as geographical situation, environmental conditions and physicochemical parameters of substrates. The main objective of this study is to highlight the influence of the mortar chemistry in relationship with its physical properties on the algal growth. The biofouling kinetics was followed on samples exposed outdoor and on samples tested in a laboratory bench which consists in spraying an algal culture on mortar specimens. In order to characterize the influence of the mortar chemistry on biofouling, two Portland cements (OPC) and two calcium aluminate cements (CAC) were tested. The influence of roughness, porosity and carbonation was also studied. The green algae Klebsormidium flaccidum were chosen for the accelerated laboratory tests because of its representativeness. The results obtain in laboratory and in situ show that CAC based mortars slow down the colonization kinetics compared to OPC based mortars. When porosity increases the biofouling kinetics increases and the effect of the mortars chemical composition is largely hidden. The carbonated mortars biofouling is achieved more quickly than uncarbonated ones especially for OPC based mortars. Finally, the rough surfaces are colonized faster whatever formulation tested. This parameter is mostly highlighted for in situ tests.

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