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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spridningen av innovationer : En studie på små innovativa verksamheter på lokal och global nivå.

Filip, Lovemalm, Muhamed, Music January 2015 (has links)
Författarna till detta examensarbete har intresserat sig över hur innovationer kan sprida sig till olika nationer genom exempelvis små innovativa verksamheter. I denna forskningsstudie undersöker författarna hur innovationer sprider sig till andra nationer och om innovationsspridningen kan relateras till en internationaliseringsmodell, delforskningsfrågan grundar sig i Rothwells femte generationens innovationsprocess. Författarna har valt att använda sig av en kvalitativ metod, med en deduktiv ansats där undersökningen har sin utgångspunkt från teorin. Den teoretiska referensramen innefattar modeller som beskriver organisationsprocesser vid en internationalisering, samt teorier riktade mot innovation, internationalisering samt internationell marknadsföring. Därefter har författarna i empirin, redogjort för hur de olika fallföretagen författarna har arbetat med, i praktiken har hanterat dessa fenomen i sina internationaliseringar. Analysen i denna forskningsstudie är uppdelad utefter tre fokusområden, innovation, internationell marknadsföring och internationalisering där författarna analyserar företagens upplevelser från fokusområdena och företagen analyseras i följd. Utifrån den information författarna har fått från de tre semistrukturerade intervjuer och en observation kommer författarna att belysa svar på forskningsfrågorna i de tre slutsatserna nedan; Digitalkommunikation är väsentligt för innovationsspridning hos små innovativa företag. Internationaliseringsmodeller kan ses mer som stöd istället för strategi Innovationsspridning sker i ett tidigt i en innovationsprocess Med tanke på att denna forskningsstudie är genomförd på endast tre företag och en organisation som utgångspunkt kan författarnas slutsatser inte antas att gälla som en generell beskrivning av innovationsspridning till andra nationer.

The role of entrepreneurial networking on internationalization of a micro-sized Born Global Swedish fashion company : A narrative ethnographic research

Afazeli, Armin, Ivanova, Volha January 2014 (has links)
Background: In recent studies a lot of attention is drawn to the connection between networking and entrepreneurship. Many scholars consider successful business and networking inseparable. Taking into consideration the topicality of the two notions discussed above the authors of this thesis decided to conduct the research dedicated to these phenomena in the field that interests them most – in the field of Swedish fashion. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to gain a deeper insight into entrepreneur’s experiences to point out the role of entrepreneurial networking in the process of internationalization of a micro-sized Swedish fashion company and to contribute to the research in this field by telling its unique story. Method: To achieve the purpose of the research a narrative ethnographic research was conducted. This research strategy was chosen because it suits the purpose best by giving an opportunity to get fresh insights into the field of entrepreneurial networking from the point of view of the entrepreneur. The data collected has a narrative nature therefore narrative analysis is used to present it. The methods of gathering the data are face-to-face interview and documents. Conclusion: we can define the most important role of entrepreneurial networking on the internationalization process of Odeur as an effective accelerator and a tool to fulfil the knowledge and expertise gaps in certain areas through other actors in the network.

Looking for the next Start-Up fairy tale in India : Cultural and Institutional problems Swiss Start-Ups face when internationalising to India

Marti, Maurice, Tavares De Almeida Soares, David January 2018 (has links)
Switzerland has, despite being a rather small country, a big start-up scene which develops rapidly and puts forth many entrepreneurs. Currently, it is certain that any opportunity for competitive advantage must be exploited and emerging markets like India prove to be full of them. This research aims to investigate the cultural and institutional problems Swiss start-ups faced and how they overcame them when internationalising to India, using a qualitative research approach. Relevant theories regarding the topic were gathered and collated in a deductive manner with the empirical findings of five interviews conducted with Swiss Born Global start-ups, which internationalised either down- or upstream activities of their value chain to India. The findings show that institutional problems are largely dependent on the industry a company is working in. Cultural problems on the other hand occur in a more general manner and entrepreneurs internationalising to this market should be aware of the cultural differences to facilitate their internationalisation process. Further findings display the importance of an own network in the country and the indispensability of partners that help the companies navigate the Indian space.

Accelerating from Zero to Global Hero : A Multiple-Case Study of Accelerators promoting Participants to become Born Globals

Eberhardt, Björn, Hörst, Fabian January 2017 (has links)
In recent years, accelerators have gained increasingly attention due to their numerical growth, geographic dispersion, and growing numbers of participants they have worked with. Uber, Airbnb, Dropbox or Reddit – they have not only been participants of accelerators, but they can also be identified as ‘Born Globals’ according to the definition used throughout this thesis. Considering this fact and the lack of research in theory on the interrelation of both phenomena, accelerators and Born Global, it is interesting to dig deeper into the impact accelerators have on their respective participants’ global development. For this purpose, the authors conducted a multiple-case study to find answers to the question of what elements of accelerators promote participants to become Born Globals. This multiple-case study included semi-structured interviews with managers of four different cases of accelerators and three respective former participants as well as complementarily used secondary data in terms of company documents. Drawing from empirical evidence, it was found that the major elements of the examined accelerators fostering the participants’ development towards Born Globals can be summarized into five major categories: ’Application Process’, ’Interpersonal Connections’, ’Product & Coaching Methodologies’, ’Education’, and ‘Startup Community & Entrepreneurial Ecosystem’.


[pt] O presente estudo tem por objetivo investigar mudanças no padrão de internacionalização de empresas Born Global. Alguns aspectos da internacionalização – tais como motivações, critérios para seleção de países e modos de entrada – foram analisados, bem como fatores que possam ter impulsionado mudanças na atuação internacional. Por fim, foi investigado se as empresas continuam com uma lógica de expansão, como nos primeiros anos, ou se estão tendendo para uma consolidação de posições. A revisão da literatura concentrou-se em elementos teóricos da internacionalização de pequenas empresas – empreendedorismo internacional e o modelo de Effectuation – além de estudos sobre evolução organizacional sob a perspectiva de Punctuated Equilibrium. Como a evolução das empresas Born Global é um fenômeno ainda pouco estudado (tendo a literatura sobre essas empresas se concentrado basicamente nos estágios iniciais de sua internacionalização), optou-se por realizar um estudo qualitativo com uma amostra de julgamento composta por três empresas, as quais atendiam aos critérios citados na literatura para caracterização de empresas como Born Global. Foi possível observar que, mesmo após vários anos após sua investida inicial no mercado internacional, a empresa pode continuar em expansão, embora haja uma tendência de apresentar também uma lógica da consolidação. Elas não buscam apenas o simples crescimento, mas rentabilizar os resultados, bem como vem utilizando critérios mais seletivos para a aceitação de clientes, seleção de países e tomada de decisões sobre o modo de operação no exterior. Como aplicação ao mundo empresarial, este estudo evidencia a busca por uma operação que minimize custos, o aproveitamento de oportunidades que podem ser de curto prazo, a atuação junto a parceiros (networks) e a receptividade para fusões ou aquisições. / [en] This study aims to investigate changes in the pattern of internationalization of Born Global companies. Some aspects of globalization - such as motivations, criteria for country selection and entry modes - were analyzed, as well as factors that may have driven changes in international operations. Finally, we investigated whether companies continue with a logical expansion, as in former years, or are trending toward a consolidation of positions. The literature review focused on theoretical elements of internationalization of small businesses - international entrepreneurship and the model of effectuation - and studies of organizational change from the perspective of Punctuated Equilibrium. How the evolution of Born Global companies is a little studied phenomenon (with the literature on these companies basically concentrated in the early stages of internationalization), we chose to conduct a qualitative study with a sample of trial consists of three companies, the which met the criteria cited in the literature to characterize companies like Global Born. It was observed that, even after several years after its initial foray into the international market, the company can continue to expand, although there is a trend also present the logic of consolidation. They seek not only the simple growth but profitable results, and have been using more selective criteria for customer acceptance, selection of countries and making decisions on the mode of operation abroad. As an application to the business world, this study highlights the search for an operation that minimizes costs, take advantage of opportunities that may be short-term relationships with select partners (networks) and receptivity to mergers or acquisitions.

A behavioral economics approach to internationalization of born global firms : an exploratory investigation

Gedo, Tamir January 2012 (has links)
The main aim of this research is to develop a conceptual model that describes the way managers make decisions about internationalizing. It also tries to explain under what conditions managers will be risk-seekers and under what conditions they will be risk-averse, and as a result which groups of strategies and tools they will choose to use when internationalizing. This investigation focuses on the field of behavioural economics in opposition to leading paradigms in the IB field that concentrate on the neoclassical economic theory. This research uses an interdisciplinary approach that combines the behavioural economics approach and theories drawn from the field of entrepreneurship, IB, market relations, industrial organization, RBV and institutional theory, in order to develop a comprehensive theoretical framework that can explain from the senior manager's perspective when and why s/he chooses certain variables and not others. The findings link the manager's perception of his position vis-à-vis his industry reference point (IRP are defined as any variable that highlights a particular objective, seems capable of establishing a reference point, and as a result, creates a framework for organizational/individual decision making) and his decision making in the area of risk management, learning, and product adaption and development. The findings indicate that managers below their IRP display innovation when developing new marketing/distribution channels, and share their knowledge with partners. Nevertheless, they demonstrate low awareness of risk management. In contrast, managers above their IRP focus on the organization's existing technology and marketing and distribution channels and avoid adjusting their products to the market needs and sharing knowledge with distributors. On the other hand, they adopt an active risk management strategy.Additionally we link between the manager's perceptions of his position vis-à-vis his IRP and his choice of entry mode strategy. The findings indicate that a number of differences exist between managers below their IRP and managers above their IRP. Managers below their IRP use positioning strategies but use TCA or institutional strategies very little. In contrast, managers above their IRP use TCA or institutional strategies but will hardly use positioning strategies at all. The two types of managers use network strategy and RBV, but each group uses different factors within the theories. The research makes a number of important contributions to study of the IB sphere, particularly to the fields of research relating to the internationalization of BG companies, which is a relatively new field of knowledge. Today there is no comprehensive theoretical framework explaining the way BG companies internationalize and the reasons they choose one strategy or tool over another when entering foreign markets. The present research attempts to establish a conceptual model that describes the way managers make internationalization decisions. It does so by importing a new discipline from the field of behavioural economics into the IB field, which is deeply wedded to the tradition of neo-classical economics and integrates it with existing strategies in the field to create a conceptual model that mediates between traditional IB research and the BG research stream.

Friends with benefits : an investigation into the social dynamics of network creation in the born-global SME

Rosen, Joel Louis 24 February 2013 (has links)
Previous literature on the social dynamics of network creation in enterprises has drawn a sharp division between the utility of personal and professional networks. This has been particularly marked in social network analysis of born-global SMEs operating in emerging markets and seeking to internationalise. Using the case study of International Housing Solutions (Pty) Ltd (IHS) – a born global SME with both a global and a regional network – this research creates a deeper and more nuanced understanding of what such networks look like, what human factors are key to their operation, and what the relative importance is of the personal and professional drivers of networking.The study employs a mixed-method research design including network mapping and both qualitative and quantitative analysis of questionnaire responses from 35 participants in the IHS network, providing both hard data and rich qualitative insights into the ingredients and processes required for effective networking in such an enterprise.The results provide robust evidence for crossover between professional and personal networking activities; both are equally relevant in enabling the born-global SME to grow networks, increase innovation and enter otherwise impenetrable markets. Though the weighting of networking attributes is marginally different – for personal networks, the key attributes are advice, trust, friendship and communication; for professional networks, knowledge and referrals – in practice, both the personal and the professional are assimilated into a single complex of network activity and cannot be viewed in isolation.The research thus contributes innovative findings to a hitherto under-researched aspect of networking in the born-global SME. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

Born Socially Responsible? : An exploratory study of Corporate SocialResponsibilities and Triple Bottom Line in the contextof born global firms.

Mattsson, Gustav, Sundqvist, Clara January 2023 (has links)
This study is an introduction to the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and TripleBottom Line (TBL) utilization in Swedish born global firms. The purpose of this study was toexplore how born globals utilize CSR and TBL and thus contribute to the research field withnew knowledge. The knowledge gap found by the researchers was the lack of foundationalknowledge of the field born globals, CSR and TBL together. The research questionsconcerned the utilization of CSR and TBL, what negative aspects of CSR and TBL were seenby the companies and what parts of CSR and TBL were most important. This study wasconducted on Swedish born global firms utilizing sustainability practices. A conceptualframework was generated by the concepts born global, CSR and TBL to visualize theirconnection. The purpose and the questions were fulfilled and answered by conductingsemi-structured interviews with four Swedish born global companies of different sizes andindustries. To further develop the analysis, Archie B Carroll's input was added. What could beconcluded from this study was that the companies had different ways of utilizing CSR.Furthermore, the negative aspects of working sustainably with CSR and TBL was seen aseconomical and time consuming. The positive aspects were the other values gained for thefirms externally which overweighted the negative costs. Thus has this research contributed tomanagers within born global firms as well as the theoretical research field of born globals andCSR.

Revolutionerar digitaliseringen internationell försäljning? : En kvalitativ studie om när och var Born Digitals etablerar försäljning på internationella marknader

Bankefors, John, Jonsson, Nils January 2023 (has links)
I dagens digitala värld uppkommer nya typer av företag som Born Digitals, vilka har möjligheter att kunna etablera sin försäljning på internationella marknader på ett digitalt sätt. Forskningen om Born Digitals är begränsad trots denna typ av företags ökade närvaro i takt med digitaliseringen och den teknologiska utvecklingen i världen. Denna studie syftar till att utforska när och var Born Digitals etablerar försäljning på internationella marknader. Semistrukturerade intervjuer med nyckelpersoner i relevanta bolag har genomförts som en del av den kvalitativa ansatsen som har använts. Resultat i studien visar dels, i linje med tidigare forskning, dvs att Born Digitals kan skala upp effektivt och nå ut på internationella marknader snabbt. Samtidigt visar det också att de begränsas av faktorer som psykisk distans precis som traditionella företag. Vi finner tydliga hinder relaterade till kultur, språk, lagar och infrastruktur som förhindrar företagen att dra nytta av de egenskaper i en digital produkt och i ytterligare grad kunna bryta traditionella mönster inom internationalisering. Dessa hinder innebär resurskrävande anpassningar och relationsbyggande som ofta sker via fysisk närvaro med mänskliga interaktioner.

The Impact of Digitalization on Internationalization of High-Tech Firms : A Case Study of Space Company

Muriu, Elizabeth Wangeci January 2021 (has links)
ABSTRACT This master thesis examined the impact of digitalization on the speed of internationalization and explores the various foreign market entry options for a company that would like to expand from a developed market to an emerging market as part of its internationalization.  The case study analyzed in this paper is Arctic Space Technologies, a unique satellite operator company offering an all-in-one solution for sustainable satellite data handling and processing. The firm’s founders have a niche market (satellite operators) and have established business in Sweden and would like to enter an emerging market (South Africa). The firm can be classified under the high-tech industry and the study obtained valuable information that could be useful to other similar firms. The nature of technology for adoption is easily transferable for such firms regardless of geographical location. Digitalization is instrumental in facilitating earlier and faster internationalization through digitalized knowledge, network creation and decision-making processes (Coviello et al., 2017). The digitalization of new foreign market development helps such firms to efficiently identify new market opportunities in global markets and with this approach, they save resources while developing the most attractive markets (Neubert, 2018a). Qualitative research was applied through a company case study, where primary interviews and a survey were used to collect data. A case study was employed to further understand and practically apply adaptations a firm can make to increase its chances of success in a foreign market environment. The researcher also obtained information from desktop and literature review. The study findings suggested that business networking, business models, culture and geographical distance, market size are key factors that influence the choice of foreign market entry mode for a high-tech firm internationalization process from a developed market to an emerging market. In addition, the main challenges faced by born-global firm in entering an emerging market includes, lack of financial resources, management transitions and lack of proper market information for the internationalization process. The firm may need to identify information related to the market size, competitors, financial costs and entry barriers of the emerging market.  The study insight was that despite the born global firms’ nature of technology enabling faster adoption in terms of digitalization being instrumental in facilitating their internationalization process through the digitalized knowledge, network creation and decision-making processes, they still face the challenges of entry into unfamiliar emerging markets. The researcher identified the institutional voids faced, liability of foreignness and noted that it would be crucial for the firm to conduct a proper environmental analysis. This may include political and legal forces, economic forces, social-cultural forces and technological forces.  Arctic Space Technologies may need to create relevant business networks and the study identified that the ideal foreign market entry mode would be Joint venture/Partnership.  Since the South African government is keen on foreign investors/entrepreneurs entering into their market through partnership with a local business entity. The firm could establish a good network with South African National Space Agency (SANSA) and other space firms in the country. SANSA is keen on fostering international partnerships to enable unlock opportunities for the national space sector.   Further studies could investigate the time frames for high-tech firms internationalization processes. Further research is needed to analyze connections between software firms’ business models and selected entry modes by using a quantitative research method. The study could also be extended to other emerging countries in Africa and new business opportunities in the global markets for high-tech firms especially with the changing dynamics of international business in the wake of the current pandemic.

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