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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Internationalization challenges among born globals : A roadmap for higher success

Nilsson, Karin, Sawicki, Paulina January 2019 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to advance the understanding of internationalization among born global companies. In order to fulfil the purpose, three foreign market entries were investigated at a Swedish born global that offers digital streaming services for audiobooks. Method – We conducted a qualitative single case study with a grounded theory approach. The main data was collected through 22 interviews and 13 documents. The data analysis was two-folded; 1) content analysis for charting the market entries, and 2) thematic analysis for identifying challenges and how to address these. Findings – Our findings is divided into three parts. First, we present five challenges that born global companies might experience when they enter new foreign markets. These five challenges are sorted as primary; 1) lack of networks, 2) new-to-the-world, and 3) lack of partnerships, and secondary; 4) lack of market-specific knowledge, and 5) lack of support. Second, we provide eight actions that can be addressed to either one or more of the five challenges. The two actions that are most significant, i.e. can address the most challenges are; 1) utilize established investor, and 2) hire local and experienced employee on-site. Finally, the two research questions are compiled into a roadmap that provides a start-to-end guide for how conquer challenges for internationalization. Theoretical and practical implications – This study contributes to current internationalization literature by extending the view of born globals’ internationalization process. More specifically, it provides knowledge about possible challenges and how to address them, which previous literature has not explored. We believe that born globals can use the developed roadmap to increase their success rate. We also believe that the newly identified challenges can be used as a complement to the already explored success factors, in order to provide managers at born globals with a more holistic view of how to succeed with their internationalization journey.

The Networking Born Globals : An Exploratory Study of how Swedish Born Global Software Firms use Networks when Internationalizing

Orrebrant, Richard, Meivert, Oscar January 2016 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how networking is influenced by the choice of internationalization strategy of software firms with a born global mindset. To achieve this purpose, the following research questions were answered: How applicable is previous research on traditional internationalization strategies to born global software firms? How does networking vary between the different choices of internationalization strategy for born global software firms? Method – The research philosophy of this thesis was interpretivistic, supported by an abductive qualitative multi-method approach of exploratory character. Additionally, the data collection methods were literature studies, interviews and documentation conducted from six case companies. The collected data form the base of the developed networking and internationalization model which serves to support the general understanding of how born global software firms can internationalize and use networks to benefit their operations. Findings – By forming clusters and looking into how networking varies between the different choices of internationalization strategy, several types of internationalization strategies of born global software firms were identified, these being referred to as Nascent Global, Cautiously Global, Regionally Global and Instantly Global. Additionally, the results show that it is the choice of internationalization strategy that influences the choice of the networking activity. Nascent Global firms are firms who has not yet launched their service or decided upon internationalization strategy, they mostly network in order to strategize and plan; Cautiously Global firms operates nationally or have recently internationalized into another country, for them the networking focus lies on the process of learning to minimize the risk of mistakes or failure; Regionally Global firms are internationalizing incrementally with a regional focus and networking to access sources of knowledge; Instantly Global firms are those who are global right from inception where the focus is targeted at growth opportunities. Moreover, the findings show that Instantly Global firms are the ones that truly contradict traditional theory on internationalization strategies. Research limitations – The first limitation of this study is that we have solely focused on networking from the firm’s perspective and have not gone into the actual external network of each firm. Additionally, it would be appropriate to include a larger amount of case companies, in order to increase the level of generalizability. Nevertheless, due to limitations concerning the scale of work and time-constraints, six case companies were included. Further research – If practitioners would conduct a similar investigation of born global software firms, it would be interesting to conduct a quantitative study, analyzing potential linkages between the use of networks and internationalization. Also, since this study was cross-sectional, opportunities exist of conducting a longitudinal study, looking into how born global software firms change over time.

Internationalisering av Born Global-företag : En studie om bakomliggande faktorer vid internationalisering av Born Global-företag / Internationalization of Born Global firms : A study of underlying factors to the internationalization of Born Global firms

Mihai, Gabriela, Ståhlberg, Jonas, Kayhan, Sümeyra January 2010 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out how much influence underlying factors have in connection to the internationalization of Born Global firms. Methodology: This study has a qualitative approach in which data is obtained mainly through interviews and secondary data which consists previous theories about the internationalization in small and medium sized firms and recent theories that entitle these firms as Born Global. Conclusion: Based on the existing theories and the qualitative data, we have concluded that the underlying factors for the Born Global firm’s internationalization are abilities and opportunities to create insidership in relevant networks. The most crucial underlying factors for Born Global firm’s internationalization are the ability to create processes to break old patterns of thoughts and the ability to ally with right partners. / Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på hur stor påverkan olika bakomliggande faktorer haft i samband med en internationalisering av Born Global-företag. Metod: Denna studie är av kvalitativ ansats där data har samlats in främst genom djupintervjuer och av tidigare teorier om små- och medelstora företags internationalisering samt senare teorier som benämner dessa företag som Born Global. Slutsats: Vi har utifrån befintliga teorier och empiri kommit fram till att bakomliggande faktorer som personliga förmågor och möjligheter behövs för att kunna skapa innanförskap i relevanta nätverk. De mest avgörande bakomliggande faktorerna för Born Global-företags internationalisering är förmågan att kunna skapa processer för att bryta invanda tankemönster samt förmågan att alliera sig med rätt partners.


PAULA PORTO DE PONTES VALENTIM 13 July 2018 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo dessa tese é investigar em que medida duas importantes perspectivas teóricas – o modelo de processo de internacionalização de Uppsala e a perspectiva de Born Global - explicam aspectos do processo de internacionalização de uma organização não governamental (ONG) internacional, sob a ótica do processo. Para alcançar este objetivo, esta tese fez uso do método do estudo de caso único longitudinal. O estudo busca preencher uma lacuna teórica, uma vez que poucos estudos acadêmicos foram encontrados sobre o tema. A revisão de literatura compreende uma análise das perspectivas teóricas adotadas, de modo a definir as principais categorias de análise aplicadas ao caso, assim como uma revisão dos conceitos associados a ONGs de forma geral, além de referenciar a limitada literatura encontrada sobre internacionalização dessas organizações. O caso estudado é o da ONG denominada Médicos Sem Fronteiras (Médecin Sans Frontières). A seleção do caso foi feita em função da grande disponibilidade de dados secundários, tais como relatórios, livros, teses, entrevistas publicadas, documentos etc. , uma vez que se trata de uma organização grande e respeitada. O uso de depoimentos publicados foi bastante útil, uma vez que permitiu colher dados em maior profundidade e qualidade do que seria possível utilizando-se entrevistas locais. A análise comportou, inicialmente, uma descrição detalhada do histórico do caso, de modo a oferecer um panorama da evolução da ONG ao longo do tempo. O passo seguinte consistiu na análise das categorias, examinando-se em que medida cada uma das categorias previamente destacadas se manifestaria, ou não, no caso da ONG estudada. Procurou-se, nessa etapa, detalhar dados e depoimentos em suporte à interpretação de cada categoria. Concluiu-se que, de fato, há elementos de confluência entre as duas perspectivas teóricas adotadas, mas que as especificidades das ONGs sugerem a necessidade de adaptação de tais perspectivas ao contexto específico em que atuam essas organizações. O estudo encontra-se limitado pelo fato de analisar um único caso, ainda que em profundidade, sugerindo-se a realização de futuras pesquisas que possam contribuir para o objetivo de conhecer melhor de que forma ocorre o processo de internacionalização dessas organizações. / [en] The purpose of this thesis is to investigate to what extent two important theoretical perspectives - the Uppsala internationalization model and the Born-globals perspective - explain aspects of the internationalization process of an international non-governmental organization (NGO) from the process perspective. To achieve this goal, this thesis made use of a longitudinal single case study method and seeks to fill a theoretical gap, since few studies have been found on the subject. In the literature review section, an analysis of the theoretical perspectives is adopted in order to define the main categories to be applied to the case. Also a review of the concepts associated to NGOs in general and specific studies on internationalization of NGOs are presented. The case studied selected is the NGO called Doctors Without Borders (Médecin Sans Frontières). The selection of this case was made due to the large availability of secondary data, such as reports, books, theses, published interviews, documents, etc. , since it is a large and respected organization. The use of published testimonials was very useful, since it allowed to collect data in greater depth and quality than would be possible using local interviews. The analysis proceeds as following: first, a detailed description of the case history was made in order to provide an overview of the evolution of the NGO over time. Second, the selected categories were analized in order to examine the extent each of it would or would not manifest itself in the case of the NGO studied. At this stage, we sought to detail data and statements to support the interpretation of each category. Overall, there are elements of confluence between the two theoretical perspectives adopted. Nevertheless, as NGOs being a very specific organization, further studies are suggest in order to adapt those perspectives to this specific context in which these kind of organizations operate. The study is limited by the fact that only a single case has been analyse, although in depth, suggesting the continuance of debate in future studies that can contribute to the theorethical development of the internationalization process of these type of organization.

Les Processus d'Internationalisation des PME : une Approximation Empirique et un Comparatif entre les Entreprises Languedociennes-Roussillonnaises et Andalouses / The Process of Internationalization of SMEs : an Empirical Approximation and a Comparative Study of the Enterprises of the Languedoc-Roussillon Region and those of Andalusia

Jalane, Aziz 21 June 2011 (has links)
L’intérêt croissant des différentes économies pour augmenter et promouvoir la participation de ces entreprises dans le commerce international, rend nécessaire une renaissance de la recherche sur les processus d’internationalisation des firmes, en particulier des petites et moyennes entreprises. L’objectif est de fournir un aperçu théorique étendu et complet sur les processus d’internationalisation des PME Languedociennes-Roussillonnaises et Andalouses, et donc par extension Françaises et Espagnoles; ainsi qu’une analyse comparative entre les deux régions. D’un point de vue empirique il s’agira de vérifier les facteurs déterminants des processus d’internationalisation que suivent ces PME, selon leurs structures organisationnelles et facteurs intangibles, mettre en évidence leurs concordances, leurs complémentarités et leurs divergences avec les différentes approches théoriques, aussi, déterminer si uniquement avec le développement et la gestion de certains facteurs présents dans les Born Globals (variables internes), les entreprises à bas intensité exportatrice peuvent d’augmenter leur performance internationale. L’intensité exportatrice associée à l’activité internationale prend tout son sens pour ces organisations. En effet, est devenue une option stratégique nécessaire pour combler la baisse de la demande dans les pays exportateurs. Par ailleurs, l’activité export constitue un enjeu de taille compte tenu de la concurrence ardue sur les marchés internationaux émanant de concurrents aux ressources incomparables et au comportement export très différent. / The growing interest of various economies in increasing and promoting the participation of their SMEs in international trade requires a renaissance of research into the internationalization processes of companies, especially those of small and medium enterprises. The objective is to provide an extensive and global theoretical overview of the processes of internationalization of SMEs in Languedoc-Roussillon and Andalusia and, by extension, of those of French and Spanish enterprises, together with a comparative analysis of the two regions. From an empirical standpoint, we will verify the factors that determine the internationalization process followed by these SMEs, according to their organizational structure and intangible considerations, in order to highlight their similarities to and differences from the various theoretical approaches. We will also determine whether firms with a low rate of exports may improve their international performance solely through the development and management of certain factors in the Born Globals (internal variables). The export rate associated with international activity makes sense for these organizations. In fact, it has become a necessary strategic option in order to offset the drop in demand in exporting countries. In addition, exporting is a major challenge given the stiff competition in international markets from competitors with huge resources and very different export behaviour.

Internationalisation des PME et déploiement des stratégies tête-de-pont / SMEs' internationalization and implementation of gateway strategies

Dominguez, Noémie 02 July 2015 (has links)
L’internationalisation est un défi pour les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) qui y voient le moyen de diversifier leurs marchés et d’accélérer leur croissance. Cette recherche porte sur la mise en place des stratégies tête-de-pont, démarche consistant à s’implanter dans un pays pour réexporter vers des marchés tiers voisins. Nous mobilisons la littérature relative à l’internationalisation des PME - les approches processuelles et born global - et aux stratégies de localisation. L’étude empirique réalisée comporte deux volets : (1) une phase exploratoire, conduite auprès de 18 entreprises identifiées parmi les PME manufacturières de la région Rhône-Alpes détenant au moins une filiale à l’étranger et (2) une étude de cas multiples menée auprès de cinq d’entre elles. Nous avons réalisé 66 entretiens et cinq observations non-participantes. Nos résultats révèlent que le déploiement des stratégies tête-de-pont s’explique par des motivations liées aux entreprises, aux réseaux et aux pays tête-de-pont et cibles. Nous explicitons aussi les actions engagées ainsi que les difficultés rencontrées par les PME dans le cadre de cette démarche. Notre recherche met en relief le rôle clé des individus et des réseaux ainsi que l’existence de quatre étapes de déploiement : (1) la réalisation d’exportations sporadiques dans les pays cibles, (2) l’étude des marchés cibles, (3) l’harmonisation des procédures administratives et des systèmes d’information et (4) l’augmentation du niveau d’engagement. Les stratégies tête-de-pont peuvent faciliter l’accès à de nouveaux marchés tout en limitant l’engagement de ressources et l’exposition aux risques. Elles constituent une nouvelle forme d’internationalisation permettant aux PME de valoriser leurs actifs dans les pays matures et émergents. / Internationalization represents a challenge for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) allowing them to access new markets and accelerate their growth. This research focuses on the implementation of gateway strategies, defined as the decision to establish a subsidiary abroad in order to access neighbouring markets. We refer to the literature related to SMEs’ internationalization – more specifically the processual and born global approaches – and to location strategies. The empirical study is twofold: (1) an exploratory phase concerning 18 SMEs identified through manufacturing SMEs located in the Rhône-Alpes region with at least one subsidiary abroad, (2) a multiple case study developed with five of them. We conducted 66 interviews and five non-participant observations. Our results show that the implementation of gateway strategies can be explained by motivations linked to companies, networks and gateway and target countries. We highlight the main actions developed as well as difficulties faced by SMEs using this type of approach. Our research emphasizes the key role of individuals and networks, as well as the existence of four main stages of implementation: (1) sporadic exports to target countries, (2) the analysis of target markets, (3) the harmonization of administrative procedures and information systems, (4) the increase of local commitment. Gateway strategies can facilitate foreign market entries while limiting the commitment of resources and exposure to risks. They represent a new form of internationalization allowing SMEs to value their assets in mature and emerging countries.

Going International : A Born Global Approach

Engström, Emma, Levin, Anna January 2007 (has links)
<p>How is competition affected when market boundaries appears none-existing? Our way of communicating and interact has changed the business landscape and created one, international market accessible to all companies striving for competitive advantage (McDougall et al., 2000). Internationalization is the name of the process where firms cross national boundaries and take part of this international market. There are several theories describing this phenomenon, however one of the first models presented was one by the Swedish researchers Johanson and Vahlne in 1977. The Internationalization Process model, also known as the IP model, explains the internationalization of firms as an incremental process of international involvement where knowledge about foreign markets and market commitment affect the way a company proceed internationally.</p><p>Today’s business landscape has introduced a new kind of companies, a product of our connected world; born global firms are increasing in numbers and described as small, often high technological firms aiming for the international market right after establishing. As the authors of this master thesis we found it interesting that a model such as the internationalization model is still used, discussed and referred to. How can a model deriving from the 1970´s still have such importance in today’s changed world? Is it even applicable for this new business arena that the born global firms constitute?</p><p>Our research question has been as follows;</p><p>How does Johanson and Vahlne’s internationalization process model work in practice for born global firms?</p><p>The way we have analysed our findings is according to our purpose of the study; to define a born global company according to existing theories, examine its relation to the internationalization process model and create a more dynamic version of Johanson and Vahlne’s model.</p><p>The research process has been carried out as a qualitative study where we have made a deep study of a small, high technological company in Umeå called Seaflex. We have also included an interview with the Swedish Trade Council to support and broaden our empirical findings. Since our aim is to draw conclusions about an existing theory, we have undertaken a deductive approach in our research.</p><p>After conducting our research we have in our analysis defined Seaflex as a born global company, examined its relation to internationalization and then, in specific to Johanson & Vahlne’s internationalization process model. Finally in our conclusions we present a new internationalization process model focused on born global firms. Our findings are that when born global firms go international, the knowledge needed can be mainly obtained through the development of relationships with partners and new opportunities are discovered through the deliberate use of networks.</p><p>Due to the fact that our research involves solely one company, we are aware of its limited generalization. Therefore, our main suggestion for further research is to examine our suggested model however with a much broader perspective taking several born global firms perspectives into account.</p>

Svenska Lantchips : Och deras internationaliseringsprocess

Berglund, Carl January 2007 (has links)
<p>Svenska Lantchips is a Swedish SME sized snack manufacturer. Being a small, medium sized, family-owned business with branches throughout the world, they make an interesting company for a case study. The case study I have conducted focuses on the internationalisation process of this family owned company – how they, despite their size, find ways to keep up an unique business structure, designed for internationalisation.The aim of this essay is to compare Svenska Lantchips’ internationalisation process with traditional internationalisation theories and see if these are compatible with this company. The theories used are The Uppsala Model, The Network Model, and The Born Global Theory, with The Born Global Theory representing the younger generation of models.After undertaking an in-depth interview with Michael Hansen, business developer at Svenska Lantchips, I collated a substantial amount of material, which I have used as the basis of this essay. Theories of storytelling have been used to interpret the information I got from Michael Hansen. Michael Hansen was chosen not only for his role as a business developer, but he is also the co-founder of the company, together with his wife, and brother in law. Previous research was studied to get information about attitudes within this research field today. The result from this thesis is that Svenska Lantchips have forged their own distinctive route out on the global market. Despite being a relatively small, family-owned company, with a low dependency on sophisticated technologies, they have managed to expand and internationalise at an impressive rate. By opening factories on foreign markets, sometimes even before exporting to them, they have produced a unique competitive advantage. Their internationalisation process at times more closely resembles that of a high-tech, innovative company, than a small, family-owned firm. The driving force behind them is their personal determination, and the philosophy that the world is one big market; they refuse to see cultural and geographical differences as an obstacle.</p>

Svenska Lantchips : Och deras internationaliseringsprocess

Berglund, Carl January 2007 (has links)
Svenska Lantchips is a Swedish SME sized snack manufacturer. Being a small, medium sized, family-owned business with branches throughout the world, they make an interesting company for a case study. The case study I have conducted focuses on the internationalisation process of this family owned company – how they, despite their size, find ways to keep up an unique business structure, designed for internationalisation.The aim of this essay is to compare Svenska Lantchips’ internationalisation process with traditional internationalisation theories and see if these are compatible with this company. The theories used are The Uppsala Model, The Network Model, and The Born Global Theory, with The Born Global Theory representing the younger generation of models.After undertaking an in-depth interview with Michael Hansen, business developer at Svenska Lantchips, I collated a substantial amount of material, which I have used as the basis of this essay. Theories of storytelling have been used to interpret the information I got from Michael Hansen. Michael Hansen was chosen not only for his role as a business developer, but he is also the co-founder of the company, together with his wife, and brother in law. Previous research was studied to get information about attitudes within this research field today. The result from this thesis is that Svenska Lantchips have forged their own distinctive route out on the global market. Despite being a relatively small, family-owned company, with a low dependency on sophisticated technologies, they have managed to expand and internationalise at an impressive rate. By opening factories on foreign markets, sometimes even before exporting to them, they have produced a unique competitive advantage. Their internationalisation process at times more closely resembles that of a high-tech, innovative company, than a small, family-owned firm. The driving force behind them is their personal determination, and the philosophy that the world is one big market; they refuse to see cultural and geographical differences as an obstacle.

Going International : A Born Global Approach

Engström, Emma, Levin, Anna January 2007 (has links)
How is competition affected when market boundaries appears none-existing? Our way of communicating and interact has changed the business landscape and created one, international market accessible to all companies striving for competitive advantage (McDougall et al., 2000). Internationalization is the name of the process where firms cross national boundaries and take part of this international market. There are several theories describing this phenomenon, however one of the first models presented was one by the Swedish researchers Johanson and Vahlne in 1977. The Internationalization Process model, also known as the IP model, explains the internationalization of firms as an incremental process of international involvement where knowledge about foreign markets and market commitment affect the way a company proceed internationally. Today’s business landscape has introduced a new kind of companies, a product of our connected world; born global firms are increasing in numbers and described as small, often high technological firms aiming for the international market right after establishing. As the authors of this master thesis we found it interesting that a model such as the internationalization model is still used, discussed and referred to. How can a model deriving from the 1970´s still have such importance in today’s changed world? Is it even applicable for this new business arena that the born global firms constitute? Our research question has been as follows; How does Johanson and Vahlne’s internationalization process model work in practice for born global firms? The way we have analysed our findings is according to our purpose of the study; to define a born global company according to existing theories, examine its relation to the internationalization process model and create a more dynamic version of Johanson and Vahlne’s model. The research process has been carried out as a qualitative study where we have made a deep study of a small, high technological company in Umeå called Seaflex. We have also included an interview with the Swedish Trade Council to support and broaden our empirical findings. Since our aim is to draw conclusions about an existing theory, we have undertaken a deductive approach in our research. After conducting our research we have in our analysis defined Seaflex as a born global company, examined its relation to internationalization and then, in specific to Johanson &amp; Vahlne’s internationalization process model. Finally in our conclusions we present a new internationalization process model focused on born global firms. Our findings are that when born global firms go international, the knowledge needed can be mainly obtained through the development of relationships with partners and new opportunities are discovered through the deliberate use of networks. Due to the fact that our research involves solely one company, we are aware of its limited generalization. Therefore, our main suggestion for further research is to examine our suggested model however with a much broader perspective taking several born global firms perspectives into account.

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