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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳光輝 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係以個案研究的方式進行,並以吳思華教授所著「策略九說」之策略構面與競技場動態策略分析為理論基礎,深入探討該個案系統事業之經營策略邏輯,並藉以分析在變化快速的激烈競爭環境中,如何以適當的動態策略作為,主動的因應環境的變化,以持續地建構長期的競爭優勢,做為往後其他跨國企業系統事業部門發展的參考。 該個案系統事業自1994年創立以來,其間在該系統事業成長發展過程中影響較大的兩次組織變革,分別為1998年及2005年,為便於本個案之分析,本研究以這兩次策略轉折前後期的發展做為研究的依據。 綜合本研究之結果,對於該個案系統事業的動態經營策略有更清楚的了解,以下為本研究的發現與建議: 一、從個案系統事業部門發展之歷程中,有如下策略構面之變化: 在營運範疇構面,由早期的單/雙色字幕機發展到目前的大型全彩看板,道路公共工程用CMS看板,智慧型紅綠燈系統,年營業額大幅成長。在核心資源構面,累積了工程契約、大型工程控管、規劃提案文件、系統軟體人才等核心資源及環境、信賴性試驗、知識累積、工程安全Know how、業務運作、委員會等組織核心能耐。在事業網路構面上,日松集團海外通路的結合、系統服務公司、系統販賣公司、工程顧問公司、建築師、電機技師等構成了極可觀的事業網路。 二、從個案系統事業在不同策略構面間,發現其策略作為之配合有: 以核心資源(企業文化、研發實力、完備的業務運作程序和不斷組織自我學習與資源整合)作為營運範疇的後盾,使得該系統事業得以穩定成長。同時以核心資源建構內部能耐,並藉著外銷市場及紅綠燈市場的開拓等策略作為,建構出該系統事業具競爭優勢的事業網路。另外大型公共工程訂單之取得來自事業內部的核心能力,同時也強化了營運範疇的擴大。 三、從個案系統事業部門在不同競技場之動態位移方面: 在「價值 / 效率」競技場的努力可累積核心「能耐」,而「價值」的充分運用,可展現該事業的「價值」或「效率」。其主要價值優勢在於產品品質及品牌形象。而「結構」地位與核心「能耐」為該事業「實力」的表徵;「能耐」與「結構」可互相移轉並強化該事業的「實力」。其能耐則來自專業技術能力與商品化能力、企業文化及組織運作績效。其中「實力」與「體系」形成該系統事業異質化的能力;「實力」有助於「體系」的建立、「體系」有助於該事業「實力」的強化,皆強化了「異質」力。其主要實力展現在集團的組織整合能力、工程控管能力及財務能力。而事業經營即是一個不斷「異質」、「同形」的過程。 以下幾點建議可以做為往後其他跨國企業系統事業部門發展的參考: 1.從永續經營觀點,由於系統事業易受景氣循環影響且國內市場有限,應積極與母公司策略合作拓展海外市場,以擴大其營運範疇。 2.系統事業雖是客製化市場,應朝向開發可量產化系統產品,以解決訂單高低震盪起伏現象。 3.將可量產化模組化產品,轉移到大陸的工廠生產,以取得成本上的優勢,提升競爭力。 4.具備專業素養與精通Spec in提案、技術標運作模式及政府採購法等精英型行銷營業人才的聘用。 5.隨時隨地掌握好風險的管理,如訂單、估價、工安、技術等。 關鍵字詞:動態策略分析、營運範疇、核心資源、事業網路、跨國企業、系統事業、電子顯示幕。

The political risk of international sanctions and multinational firm value: an empirical analysis using the event-study methodology

Gadringer, Mark-P. 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis emphasizes the role of political risk in international business by analyzing the impact of political events on the valuation of firms. The guiding question is how governments interfere with the business interests of firms located in their own country as well as with the business interests of firms from other nations, as a consequence of the application of international sanctions. Therefore, the focus is on multi-country and multi-sector effects due to the occurrence of specific sanction events. The empirical methodology is the event-study approach, which analyzes stock market reactions to new information. The research objective is to detect abnormal stock returns across multiple markets and sectors, as a consequence of events related to the imposition of or threat of international sanctions. The empirical model of this thesis differentiates between risk-effects for firms located in the sender country (i.e., the origin of sanctions), for firms located in or specifically related to target countries (i.e., the receiver of sanctions) and firms located in third countries (i.e., countries not directly involved). There are three different cases analyzed: E.U. Economic Sanctions against African countries (2002-2005), the U.S. Steel Tariff (2002) and the Iran Sanctions Act (2007). The cases represent sanctions applied on the nationwide, sector- and firm-specific level. The event studies provide empirical evidence for the existence of political risk-effects due to sector-specific sanctions. Risk-effects are detected for firms in target countries and for firms in the sender country itself. The applied political risk framework describes how political risk affects multinational firm value and explains that it varies among firms. The impact of political risk on a firm's value depends on the risk exposure of a firm's individual business interests to it. This contributes a new perspective on political risk that emphasizes multinational and multi-sectoral effects and underlines that a specific political risk can be relevant for a variety of different international business interests. (author's abstract)

The impact of Communities of Practice (CoP)on inter-firm alliance research teams

Erasmus, René 30 November 2005 (has links)
The need for faster, more flexible and less risky ways for organisations to expand their capabilities and competencies increasingly lead to the formation and proliferation of networking strategies and partners. Understanding the potential contribution that CoP membership can provide within these teams is a step towards developing and refining a strategy to support and enhance the speedy progression of the team towards a productive phase. The study shows that membership of researchers to the same or similar CoPs have some impact on the norming stage, and assist in reaching the performing / productive stage faster in team development. The survey in particular has indicated that similar standards, practices, terminology, ethics, standards, peer recognition, trust and a sense of belonging have more of an impact on the productive phase of team forming, than on the norming phase. The hard factors such as terminology, standards and similar practices have a strong correlation with the softer factors such as a sense of belonging and trust. This information should be utilised in both the socialisation processes in academic institutions as part of the education of professionals, as well as organisational approaches to Research and Development (R&D), information sharing and development of the researchers. The paper also highlights emerging organisational and strategic Best Practices currently prevalent in R&D teams and collaborative projects. It is clear that research collaborations cuts across the whole spectrum of business and management areas - from strategy, across intellectual property issues, finance, strategic human resource management, R&D management and innovation, knowledge management, organisational values and culture, and many more. To support innovation and R&D on a strategic level, both internally and on inter-firm collaborations, requires a review of the total organisational strategy, culture and norms in an organisation. Innovation and R&D support should be a holistic approach, with strategic and pro-active risk management supported by appropriate strategic human resources management and systems. Literature on CoPs, teams, social capital (SC), knowledge management (KM), intellectual capital (IC), intellectual property (IP), strategy and governance provide theoretical grounding. / Business Leadership / Ph. D.

Foreign Market Establishment of Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) : Key Factors to Consider for Swedish KIBS Firms Entering Norway / Utländsk marknadsetablering av kunskapsintensiva affärstjänster (KIBS) : Nyckelfaktorer att ta i beaktning för svenska KIBSföretag vid inträde i Norge

The purpose of this study was to explore key factors to consider for a Swedish Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) firm to successfully enter the Norwegian market, and examine how these factors compare to incumbent theories on foreign market establishment. The study is based on an interpretivist research design and utilizes qualitative methods in order to achieve the intended purpose. The empirics were gathered by a combination of methods, namely, an extensive literature review, a pilot-study, and a multiple-case study. The data gathering methods utilized in the pilot study were semi-structured interviews conducted with individuals with expertise in the KIBS environment, as well as participant observations. The pilot study resulted in a deeper understanding of the KIBS sector. The multiple-case study consisted of semi-structured interviews with Swedish KIBS firms that have entered the Norwegian market. The empirics have been analyzed and discussed in relation to existing literature. Consequently, several success factors and pitfalls have been identified that may aid an internationalizing firm, especially a Swedish KIBS firm entering the Norwegian market. The identified success factors were: Narrow your focus through relational embeddedness, Understand customer’s business, Educate customers, Become familiar with foreign laws, Be aware of network position, Exploit existing networks, Identify new relevant networks, Refresh and expand the network, and Ensure relational embeddedness with key actors. The identified pitfalls were: Underestimation of time and resources required, Lacking awareness of aggravating effects, Knowledge transfer problems, Failure of internally anchoring foreign ventures, Underestimation of the language barrier, Underestimation of differences in organizational structures, Underestimation of the cost of spatial distance, Underestimation of Patriotism, and Underestimation of loyalty to suppliers. Moreover, the study provided insights as to how the concepts of liability of foreignness and liability of outsidership might interplay, and thereby exert pressure on a firm's dynamic internationalization capabilities in the foreign market establishment process. As such, the need for firms and researchers to undertake a holistic view in order to avoid faulty conclusions has been discussed and visualized. / Syftet med denna studie var att utforska nyckelfaktorer för svenska KIBS-företag som vill expandera till den norska marknaden. Vidare analyserades det hur dessa faktorer relaterar till befintliga teorier inom marknadsetablering. Studien är baserad på en forskningsdesign där kvalitativa metoder används för att uppnå syftet. Empirin är insamlad via en kombination av metoder, nämligen en omfattande litteraturstudie, en pilotstudie och en flerfallsstudie. Datainsamlingsmetoderna som användes i pilotstudien var semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer som har erfarenhet inom KIBS-miljön och även deltagarobservationer. Pilotstudien resulterade i en djupare förståelse av KIBS-sektorn. Flerfallsstudien bestod av semistrukturerade intervjuer med svenska KIBS-företag som har expanderat till den norska marknaden. Empirin har analyserats och diskuterats i relation till befintlig litteratur. Utifrån analysen identifierades flertalet framgångsfaktorer samt fallgropar. Genom att belysa dessa faktorer underlättas internationaliseringen för företag, i synnerhet för svenska KIBS-företag som vill expandera till den norska marknaden. De framgångsfaktorer som identifierades var: Begränsa sin fokus genom relationell inbäddning, Förstå kundens verksamhet, Utbilda kunder, Bli bekant med utländska lagar, Var medveten om nätverksposition, Utnyttja befintliga nätverk, Identifiera nya relevanta nätverk, Uppdatera och utöka nätverket och Säkerställa relationell inbäddning med nyckelaktörer. Medan de fallgropar som identifierades var: Underskattning av tid och resurser, Bristande medvetenhet om försvårande effekter, Kunskapsöverföringsproblem, Misslyckande med att internt förankra utländsk satsning, Underskattning av språkbarriären, Underskattning av skillnader i organisationsstrukturer, Underskattning av avståndskostnader, Underskattning av patriotism och Underskattning av lojalitet mot leverantörer. Vidare har det argumenterats för att det finns ett samspel mellan koncepten liability of foreignness och liability of outsidership som sedermera sätter press på ett företags dynamiska internationaliseringsförmågor. Följaktligen har det även visualiserats samt diskuterats att företag och forskare bör vidta ett holistiskt synsätt för att undvika att dra felaktiga slutsatser i internationalseringsprocesser.

A strategic sequential, integrated, sustainable organisation-stakeholder relationship (SISOSR) model for building stakeholder partnerships : a corporate communication perspective

Slabbert, Yolandi 11 1900 (has links)
A dominant focus on organisational stakeholders is currently evident in both the literature and in practice since it is argued that the success of organisations is predominantly dependent on stakeholders’ perception of the organisation. This stakeholder emphasis is evident in the inclusion of a chapter on governing stakeholder relations in the King III report and the development of various stakeholder standards in South Africa, including corporate social investment, corporate governance, corporate citizenship, corporate sustainability and the triple bottom line. Despite the recognition of the importance and necessity of building and maintaining stakeholder relations in the literature, there is a dearth of research on how to actually build these relationships. The aim of this study was to address this shortcoming by proposing a generic, integrated approach to sustainable organisation-stakeholder relationship (OSR) building with strategic stakeholders whereby strategic stakeholder identification, OSR development and OSR maintenance, which are often studied independently, would be integrated in order to constitute a new unified model. This model will promote a sustainable OSR-building process for organisation-stakeholder partnership (OSP) development.The following three building blocks for such a model were proposed: a strategic communication foundation that promotes the integration of specific corporate communication functions that is practised from a two-way symmetrical communication perspective as the basis for effective OSR building; a theoretical foundation, which is an integration of Freeman’s stakeholder concept (1984) from a normative, relational viewpoint, Ferguson’s relational paradigm for public relations (1984) and Ledingham’s (2003) theory of relationship management, encapsulated by Grunig’s (1984) excellence theory, of which the proposed OSR-building model would be a pragmatic representation; and a conceptualisation of the OSR-building model where the actual phases of the OSR-building process would be proposed to provide step-by-step guidance for OSR building. This model promotes a partnership approach with strategic stakeholders, which is based on the proposition of an OSR development continuum, which implies that an OSR could grow in intensity over time, from a foundational OSR, mutually-beneficial OSR, sustainable OSR, to ultimate organisational-stakeholder partnerships (OSPs). This model was built from a corporate communication perspective, and subsequently highlighted the contribution of corporate communication in the organisation as an OSR-building function to ensure organisational effectiveness. This study provided an exploratory literature review to constitute a conceptual framework for OSR-building of which the principles of the framework would be further explored and measured in leading listed South African organisations, by means of a quantitative web-based survey and qualitative one-on-one interviews to compose an OSR-building model that provides guidance on the process of OSR building on the basis of insights from theory and practice. / Ingevolge die argument dat die sukses van organisasies hoofsaaklik afhanklik is van die persepsies wat belangegroepe oor organisasies het, word ‘n dominante fokus tans op organisatoriese belangegroepe in die literatuur en praktyk geplaas. Die fokus op belangegroepe is sigbaar in die insluiting van ‘n hoofstuk oor die bou van belangegroepverhoudings in die King III verslag asook die ontwikkeling van verskeie belangegroepstandaarde in Suid Afrika, wat korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid, korporatiewe burgerskap, korporatiewe volhoubaarheid en drievoudige eindresultaat insluit. Ten spyte daarvan dat die belangrikheid en noodsaaklikheid van die bou en behoud van belangegroepverhoudings erken word in die literatuur, is daar ‘n tekort aan navorsing oor hoe om die verhoudings te bou. Die studie poog om dié tekortkoming aan te spreek deur middel van ‘n generiese, geϊntegreerde benadering vir volhoubare organisatoriese-belangegroepvershoudings (OBV) met strategiese belangegroepe voor te stel, waar strategiese belangegroep identifikasie, OBV ontwikkeling en OBV instandhouding, aspekte wat dikwels afsonderlik bestudeer word, geintegreer word in ‘n nuwe, verenigde model. Hierdie model sal ’n volhoubare OBV verbouiingsproses voorstel vir die ontwikkeling van organisatoriese-belangegroepvennootskappe. Drie boustene word vir die model voorgestel naamlik; ‘n strategiese kommunkasie fondasie wat die integrasie van spesifieke korporatiewe kommunikasie funksies vanuit ‘n twee-rigting simmetriese kommunikasie perspektief as basis vir die effektiewe bou van OBV insluit; ‘n teoretiese fondasie wat ‘n integrasie van Freeman (1984) se belangegroepkonsep van ‘n normatiewe, verhoudingsstandpunt, Ferguson (1984) se verhoudingsparadigma vir openbare skakelwerk en Ledingham (2003) se verhoudingsbestuursteorie insluit, omhul deur Grunig (1984) se uitnemendheidsteorie, waarvan die voorgestelde OBV model ‘n praktiese voorstelling sal wees; en ‘n konseptualisering van OBV-verbouing wat die fases van die OBV proses sal stipuleer om stap-vir-stap riglyne vir die bou van OBV voor te stel. ‘n Vennootskapsbenadering met strategiese belangegroepe word voorgestel deur die model, wat gebaseer is op die proposisie van ‘n OBV ontwikkelingskontinuum, wat impliseer dat ‘n OBV oor tyd in intensiteit kan groei van ‘n basiese OBV, wedersydse voordelige OBV, volhoubare OBV tot ‘n uiteindelike organisatoriese-belangegroepvennootskap. Die model is gebou uit ‘n korporatiewe kommunikasiestandpunt, wat gevolglik die bydrae van korporatiewe kommunikasie in die organisasie as ’n OBV-verbouingsfunksie om organisatoriese effektiwiteit te verseker, beklemtoon. Die studie bied ‘n verkennende literatuurstudie om ’n konseptuele raamwerk vir OBV-verbouing daar te stel, waarvan die beginsels van die raamwerk verder verken en gemeet is in gelysde Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies deur middel van ‘n kwantitatiewe web-gebaseerde opname en een-tot-een onderhoude om ’n OBV-verbouingsmodel te ontwikkel wat riglyne vir die proses van OBV-verbouing bied, gebaseer op beide teoretiese en praktiese insigte. / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication)

A strategic sequential, integrated, sustainable organisation-stakeholder relationship (SISOSR) model for building stakeholder partnerships : a corporate communication perspective

Slabbert, Yolandi 11 1900 (has links)
A dominant focus on organisational stakeholders is currently evident in both the literature and in practice since it is argued that the success of organisations is predominantly dependent on stakeholders’ perception of the organisation. This stakeholder emphasis is evident in the inclusion of a chapter on governing stakeholder relations in the King III report and the development of various stakeholder standards in South Africa, including corporate social investment, corporate governance, corporate citizenship, corporate sustainability and the triple bottom line. Despite the recognition of the importance and necessity of building and maintaining stakeholder relations in the literature, there is a dearth of research on how to actually build these relationships. The aim of this study was to address this shortcoming by proposing a generic, integrated approach to sustainable organisation-stakeholder relationship (OSR) building with strategic stakeholders whereby strategic stakeholder identification, OSR development and OSR maintenance, which are often studied independently, would be integrated in order to constitute a new unified model. This model will promote a sustainable OSR-building process for organisation-stakeholder partnership (OSP) development.The following three building blocks for such a model were proposed: a strategic communication foundation that promotes the integration of specific corporate communication functions that is practised from a two-way symmetrical communication perspective as the basis for effective OSR building; a theoretical foundation, which is an integration of Freeman’s stakeholder concept (1984) from a normative, relational viewpoint, Ferguson’s relational paradigm for public relations (1984) and Ledingham’s (2003) theory of relationship management, encapsulated by Grunig’s (1984) excellence theory, of which the proposed OSR-building model would be a pragmatic representation; and a conceptualisation of the OSR-building model where the actual phases of the OSR-building process would be proposed to provide step-by-step guidance for OSR building. This model promotes a partnership approach with strategic stakeholders, which is based on the proposition of an OSR development continuum, which implies that an OSR could grow in intensity over time, from a foundational OSR, mutually-beneficial OSR, sustainable OSR, to ultimate organisational-stakeholder partnerships (OSPs). This model was built from a corporate communication perspective, and subsequently highlighted the contribution of corporate communication in the organisation as an OSR-building function to ensure organisational effectiveness. This study provided an exploratory literature review to constitute a conceptual framework for OSR-building of which the principles of the framework would be further explored and measured in leading listed South African organisations, by means of a quantitative web-based survey and qualitative one-on-one interviews to compose an OSR-building model that provides guidance on the process of OSR building on the basis of insights from theory and practice. / Ingevolge die argument dat die sukses van organisasies hoofsaaklik afhanklik is van die persepsies wat belangegroepe oor organisasies het, word ‘n dominante fokus tans op organisatoriese belangegroepe in die literatuur en praktyk geplaas. Die fokus op belangegroepe is sigbaar in die insluiting van ‘n hoofstuk oor die bou van belangegroepverhoudings in die King III verslag asook die ontwikkeling van verskeie belangegroepstandaarde in Suid Afrika, wat korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid, korporatiewe burgerskap, korporatiewe volhoubaarheid en drievoudige eindresultaat insluit. Ten spyte daarvan dat die belangrikheid en noodsaaklikheid van die bou en behoud van belangegroepverhoudings erken word in die literatuur, is daar ‘n tekort aan navorsing oor hoe om die verhoudings te bou. Die studie poog om dié tekortkoming aan te spreek deur middel van ‘n generiese, geϊntegreerde benadering vir volhoubare organisatoriese-belangegroepvershoudings (OBV) met strategiese belangegroepe voor te stel, waar strategiese belangegroep identifikasie, OBV ontwikkeling en OBV instandhouding, aspekte wat dikwels afsonderlik bestudeer word, geintegreer word in ‘n nuwe, verenigde model. Hierdie model sal ’n volhoubare OBV verbouiingsproses voorstel vir die ontwikkeling van organisatoriese-belangegroepvennootskappe. Drie boustene word vir die model voorgestel naamlik; ‘n strategiese kommunkasie fondasie wat die integrasie van spesifieke korporatiewe kommunikasie funksies vanuit ‘n twee-rigting simmetriese kommunikasie perspektief as basis vir die effektiewe bou van OBV insluit; ‘n teoretiese fondasie wat ‘n integrasie van Freeman (1984) se belangegroepkonsep van ‘n normatiewe, verhoudingsstandpunt, Ferguson (1984) se verhoudingsparadigma vir openbare skakelwerk en Ledingham (2003) se verhoudingsbestuursteorie insluit, omhul deur Grunig (1984) se uitnemendheidsteorie, waarvan die voorgestelde OBV model ‘n praktiese voorstelling sal wees; en ‘n konseptualisering van OBV-verbouing wat die fases van die OBV proses sal stipuleer om stap-vir-stap riglyne vir die bou van OBV voor te stel. ‘n Vennootskapsbenadering met strategiese belangegroepe word voorgestel deur die model, wat gebaseer is op die proposisie van ‘n OBV ontwikkelingskontinuum, wat impliseer dat ‘n OBV oor tyd in intensiteit kan groei van ‘n basiese OBV, wedersydse voordelige OBV, volhoubare OBV tot ‘n uiteindelike organisatoriese-belangegroepvennootskap. Die model is gebou uit ‘n korporatiewe kommunikasiestandpunt, wat gevolglik die bydrae van korporatiewe kommunikasie in die organisasie as ’n OBV-verbouingsfunksie om organisatoriese effektiwiteit te verseker, beklemtoon. Die studie bied ‘n verkennende literatuurstudie om ’n konseptuele raamwerk vir OBV-verbouing daar te stel, waarvan die beginsels van die raamwerk verder verken en gemeet is in gelysde Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies deur middel van ‘n kwantitatiewe web-gebaseerde opname en een-tot-een onderhoude om ’n OBV-verbouingsmodel te ontwikkel wat riglyne vir die proses van OBV-verbouing bied, gebaseer op beide teoretiese en praktiese insigte. / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication)

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