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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Empreendedorismo por oportunidade : objeto de aprendizagem com proposta metodológica, desenvolvida à luz da neurociência, para melhorar a performance na capacidade de identificar oportunidades de negócios

Nunes, Walter Cezar January 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, propondo uma metodologia auxiliar para a disciplina de empreendedorismo originou-se de uma análise mais aprofundada ocorrida dentro da universidade, onde se questiona a falta de efetividade dos conteúdos programáticos e metodologias empregadas na educação empreendedora. De um modo geral as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES), formam mais futuros empregados que empregadores. Várias instituições oferecem inúmeros cursos e disciplinas de empreendedorismo ou afins, mas continuam colocando no mercado cada vez mais jovens que irão competir à um posto de trabalho por não conseguirem ver o empreendedorismo como opção de carreira. Uma possível resposta estaria associada por fatores identificados em estudos recentes que afirmam que é de suma importância entender melhor como funciona o cérebro dos empreendedores para que se possa oferecer metodologias mais assertivas. Para muitos autores o processo de descoberta de oportunidades de negócios é uma das principais características do comportamento empreendedor e entender como este processo ocorre no cérebro dele abriria novas perspectivas. Esta pesquisa, desenvolvida a partir de dois experimentos, busca contribuir no âmbito universitário com uma proposta metodológica, desenvolvida à luz da neurociência, para a disciplina de Empreendedorismo. No primeiro experimento, denominado de teste piloto, com o objetivo de verificar possíveis padrões nos clusters neurais dos empreendedores, quando identificam uma oportunidade, foi realizado o Mapeamento Cognitivo Cerebral com o uso de eletroencefalograma em 14 indivíduos do sexo masculino, sendo sete “empreendedores estabelecidos” e sete não empreendedores. Os resultados dos testes mostraram que os mapas neurais dos empreendedores sugeriram que as áreas frontais direita e esquerda dos cérebros foram acionadas tanto no momento de descoberta de oportunidades quanto no momento de propensão a assumir riscos, enquanto os não empreendedores mostraram organizações neurais bem distintas durante os dois momentos. Este resultado aliado a outros estudos realizados por pesquisadores de empreendedorismo levou ao segundo experimento: o desenvolvimento de uma proposta metodológica auxiliar, que melhorasse a performance de alunos no processo de identificação de oportunidades de negócios. Esta proposta metodológica, cerne deste estudo, foi apresentada em um objeto de aprendizagem denominado: MADE-PERFIO, Módulo Auxiliar para Disciplina de Empreendedorismo-Performance na Identificação de Oportunidades, um curso de 40 horas, direcionado para melhorar a performance do aluno na identificação de oportunidades. A pesquisa sobre a efetividade da metodologia oferecida através do Módulo foi feita com 45 professores de graduações e de pós graduações e com 50 alunos de pós graduação de diversas faculdades e universidades maranhenses. Através de um curso de capacitação os professores puderam acessar o objeto de aprendizagem, testar a metodologia proposta e desenvolver suas performances cujos resultados foram extremamente encorajadores. Em média, os professores submetidos à nova metodologia melhoraram em 21% suas capacidades em identificarem oportunidades de negócios. Com relação à metodologia apresentada através do MADE-PERFIO, 45% classificaram com o conceito “ótimo” e 40% com o conceito “muito bom”. A metodologia foi apresentada aos alunos no formato de Módulo Auxiliar, pois todos declararam já ter tido contato com a disciplina de Empreendedorismo, mas ainda não haviam empreendido. A pesquisa com os alunos mostrou um acréscimo médio de 23% em suas capacidades de identificarem oportunidades e 65% deles classificaram como “excelente” a relevância do conteúdo. / This research, which proposes an auxiliary method for the entrepreneurship subject, was originated from a more deeply analysis made within the university, where it is argued about the lack of effectiveness in the program contents and methods used in the entrepreneurial education. In general, the higher level educational institutions (IES - Instituições de Ensino Superior) produce more future employees than employers. Several institutions may offer countless entrepreneurial and other related courses and subjects but continue increasingly placing in the labor market the youngsters who will try to find a job instead of starting some entrepreneurship as a career. A possible answer would be associated to factors identified in recent studies that claim to be of utmost importance to better understand how the entrepreneurs' brains work in order to offer more assertive methodologies. For many authors the process of business opportunities discovery is one of the main characteristics of the entrepreneur behavior and new perspectives could be open by understanding how this process works in the brain. The research, developed from two experiments, seeks to contribute in the university field with a methodological proposition to the subject of Entrepreneurship developed by the light of neuroscience. In the first experiment, called pilot test, which had the aim to check eventual standards in the entrepreneurs' neural clusters when they identify an opportunity, it was provided a Cognitive Brain Mapping by using electroencephalogram in 14 male individuals: seven were "established entrepreneurs" and seven were non-entrepreneurs. The test results showed that the entrepreneurs' neural maps suggested that the right front and the left front areas of the brain were set in motion both at the moment the opportunities were discovered and at the moment of taking risks, while non-entrepreneurs showed neural organizations much different in both moments. This result, combined to other studies made by entrepreneurship researchers, led to a second experiment: the development of an auxiliary methodological proposal that could improve the students' performance in the process of identification of business opportunities. This methodological proposal, main objective of this study, was presented in a learning issue called MADE-PERFIO, Módulo Auxiliar para Disciplina de Empeendedorismo-Performance na Identificação de Oportunidades (Auxiliary Module for the Entrepreneurship-Performance Subject to identify Opportunities), a 40-hour course designed to improve the student performance in the opportunities identification process. Research studies on the effectiveness of methodology offered through the Module was made with 45 graduation and post-graduation teachers and with 50 post-graduation students from several colleges and universities of Maranhão. Teachers, by means of a qualification course, had the chance to access the learning object, to test the proposed methodology and develop its performance whose results were thoroughly encouraging.Teachers submitted to the new technology improved in 21% their abilities in the business opportunity identification. With respect to the methodology presented through MADE-PERFIO, 45% considered the concept as "excellent" and 40% as "very good". The methodology was presented to the students in an Auxiliary Module format, since all of them pointed that they had contact with Entrepreneurship course but none had good understanding. Research studies with the students showed an average increase of 23% in their opportunities identification abilities and 65% considered "excellent" on the content of the material showed by MADE-PERFIO.

Stockage géologique du dioxyde de carbone dans les veines de charbon : du matériau au réservoir

Nikoosokhan, Saeid 15 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les émissions de CO2 dans l'atmosphère sont reconnues comme ayant un effet significatif sur le réchauffement climatique. Le stockage géologique de CO2 est largement considéré comme une approche essentielle pour réduire l'impact de telles émissions sur l'environnement. De plus, injecter du dioxyde de carbone dans les veines de charbon remplies de méthane présent naturellement facilite la récupération de ce méthane, un processus connu sous le nom de récupération assistée du méthane des veines de charbon (ECBM en anglais). Mais le gonflement de la matrice de charbon induite par l'adsorption préférentielle de dioxyde de carbone par rapport au méthane conduit à la fermeture du système de cleats (un ensemble de petites fractures naturelles) du réservoir et donc à une perte d'injectivité. Cette thèse de doctorat est consacrée à l'étude de comment cet injectivité évolue en présence de fluides. Nous dérivons deux modèles poromécaniques à double porosité pour une veine de charbon saturée par un liquide pur. Les équations constitutives obtenues permettent de mieux comprendre et modéliser le lien entre injectivité de la veine de charbon et gonflement du charbon induit par l'adsorption. Pour les deux modèles, on considère l'espace poreux du réservoir comme divisé en les cleats macroporeuses et les pores de la matrice de charbon. Les deux modèles diffèrent dans la manière dont l'adsorption de fluide est prise en compte : le premier modèle est limité à une adsorption surfacique, tandis que le deuxième modèle peut être appliqué à l'adsorption dans un milieu possédant un réseau poreux générique, et donc dans un milieu microporeux comme le charbon, pour lequel l'adsorption se déroule principalement par remplissage de micropores. Le second modèle est calibré sur deux charbons avec des propriétés de sorption et de gonflement différentes. Nous effectuons alors des simulations à différentes échelles (du Volume Élémentaire Représentatif, de l'échantillon de charbon, la veine de charbon). En particulier, nous validons notre modèle sur des données expérimentales de variations de perméabilité de charbon induites par l'adsorption. Nous effectuons aussi des simulations de veines dont le méthane serait produit (un processus connu sous le nom de CBM en anglais) ou de veines sans méthane dans lesquelles du CO2 serait injecté. Nous étudions l'effet de différents paramètres tels que les conditions aux limites, la compressibilité de la matrice de charbon, ou la cinétique de transfert de liquide entre les cleats et la matrice de charbon. Dans une dernière partie, le modèle dérivé est étendu aux cas pour lesquels le charbon est en présence de mélanges fluides binaires tels que les mélanges de méthane et le dioxyde de carbone. Nous calibrons entièrement calibré ce modèle étendu sur des données disponibles obtenues expérimentalement et par simulations moléculaires. Des calculs sont alors effectués à l'échelle d'un Volume Élémentaire Représentatif pour prévoir comment sa porosité et sa perméabilité varient en présence de mélanges fluides de méthane et de dioxyde de carbone

Using Mathematics Curriculum Based Measurement as an Indicator of Student Performance on State Standards

Hall, Linda D. 2009 December 1900 (has links)
Math skills are essential to daily life, impacting a person?s ability to function at home, work, and in the community. Although reading has been the focus in recent years, many students struggle in math. The inability to master math calculation and problem solving has contributed to the rising incidence of student failure, referrals for special education evaluations, and dropout rates. Studies have shown that curriculum based measurement (CBM) is a well-established tool for formative assessment, and could potentially be used for other purposes such as a prediction of state standards test scores, however to date there are limited validity studies between mathematics CBM and standard-based assessment. This research examined a brief assessment that reported to be aligned to national curriculum standards in order to predict student performance on state standards-based mathematics curriculum, identify students at-risk of failure, and plan instruction. Evidence was gathered on the System to Enhance Educational Performance Grade 3 Focal Mathematics Assessment Instrument (STEEP3M) as a formative, universal screener. Using a sample of 337 students and 22 instructional staff, four qualities of the STEEP3M were examined: a) internal consistency and criterion related validity (concurrent); b) screening students for a multi-tiered decision-making process; c) utility for instructional planning and intervention recommendations; and d) efficiency of administration, scoring, and reporting results which were the basis of the four research questions for this study. Several optimized solutions were generated from Receiver Operator Curve (ROC) statistical analysis; however none demonstrated that the STEEP3M maximized either sensitivity or specificity. In semi-structured interviews teachers reported that they would consider using the STEEP3M, however only as a part of a decision-making rubric along with other measures. Further, teachers indicated that lessons are developed before the school year starts, more in response to the sequence of the state standards than to students? needs. While the STEEP3M was sufficiently long enough for high-stakes or criterion-referenced decisions, this study found that the test does not provide sufficient diagnostic information for multi-tiered decision-making for intervention or instructional planning. Although practical and efficient to administer, the conclusions of this study show the test does not provide sufficient information on the content domain and does not accurately classify students in need of assistance.

Test-Retest Reliability of Curriculum-Based Measurement Written Expression Probes

Hart, Mallory 01 August 2014 (has links)
Despite the growing popularity and utilization of Curriculum-Based Measurement for assessing students’ academic skills and for progress monitoring, little attention has been devoted to the area of written expression. Very few studies have been conducted to assess test-retest reliability. Only three previous studies were identified that examined the test-retest reliability of written expression curriculum-based measures. To address this issue, the current study examined the test-retest reliability of five common scoring procedures with students in grades 2, 4, and 6. A one-week time interval was used. Results indicated that while test-retest correlations were statistically significant and often at a moderate to moderately strong level, three of the measures showed statistically significant mean differences between the two test administrations in grade 6. The implications of these results are discussed.

Empreendedorismo por oportunidade : objeto de aprendizagem com proposta metodológica, desenvolvida à luz da neurociência, para melhorar a performance na capacidade de identificar oportunidades de negócios

Nunes, Walter Cezar January 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, propondo uma metodologia auxiliar para a disciplina de empreendedorismo originou-se de uma análise mais aprofundada ocorrida dentro da universidade, onde se questiona a falta de efetividade dos conteúdos programáticos e metodologias empregadas na educação empreendedora. De um modo geral as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES), formam mais futuros empregados que empregadores. Várias instituições oferecem inúmeros cursos e disciplinas de empreendedorismo ou afins, mas continuam colocando no mercado cada vez mais jovens que irão competir à um posto de trabalho por não conseguirem ver o empreendedorismo como opção de carreira. Uma possível resposta estaria associada por fatores identificados em estudos recentes que afirmam que é de suma importância entender melhor como funciona o cérebro dos empreendedores para que se possa oferecer metodologias mais assertivas. Para muitos autores o processo de descoberta de oportunidades de negócios é uma das principais características do comportamento empreendedor e entender como este processo ocorre no cérebro dele abriria novas perspectivas. Esta pesquisa, desenvolvida a partir de dois experimentos, busca contribuir no âmbito universitário com uma proposta metodológica, desenvolvida à luz da neurociência, para a disciplina de Empreendedorismo. No primeiro experimento, denominado de teste piloto, com o objetivo de verificar possíveis padrões nos clusters neurais dos empreendedores, quando identificam uma oportunidade, foi realizado o Mapeamento Cognitivo Cerebral com o uso de eletroencefalograma em 14 indivíduos do sexo masculino, sendo sete “empreendedores estabelecidos” e sete não empreendedores. Os resultados dos testes mostraram que os mapas neurais dos empreendedores sugeriram que as áreas frontais direita e esquerda dos cérebros foram acionadas tanto no momento de descoberta de oportunidades quanto no momento de propensão a assumir riscos, enquanto os não empreendedores mostraram organizações neurais bem distintas durante os dois momentos. Este resultado aliado a outros estudos realizados por pesquisadores de empreendedorismo levou ao segundo experimento: o desenvolvimento de uma proposta metodológica auxiliar, que melhorasse a performance de alunos no processo de identificação de oportunidades de negócios. Esta proposta metodológica, cerne deste estudo, foi apresentada em um objeto de aprendizagem denominado: MADE-PERFIO, Módulo Auxiliar para Disciplina de Empreendedorismo-Performance na Identificação de Oportunidades, um curso de 40 horas, direcionado para melhorar a performance do aluno na identificação de oportunidades. A pesquisa sobre a efetividade da metodologia oferecida através do Módulo foi feita com 45 professores de graduações e de pós graduações e com 50 alunos de pós graduação de diversas faculdades e universidades maranhenses. Através de um curso de capacitação os professores puderam acessar o objeto de aprendizagem, testar a metodologia proposta e desenvolver suas performances cujos resultados foram extremamente encorajadores. Em média, os professores submetidos à nova metodologia melhoraram em 21% suas capacidades em identificarem oportunidades de negócios. Com relação à metodologia apresentada através do MADE-PERFIO, 45% classificaram com o conceito “ótimo” e 40% com o conceito “muito bom”. A metodologia foi apresentada aos alunos no formato de Módulo Auxiliar, pois todos declararam já ter tido contato com a disciplina de Empreendedorismo, mas ainda não haviam empreendido. A pesquisa com os alunos mostrou um acréscimo médio de 23% em suas capacidades de identificarem oportunidades e 65% deles classificaram como “excelente” a relevância do conteúdo. / This research, which proposes an auxiliary method for the entrepreneurship subject, was originated from a more deeply analysis made within the university, where it is argued about the lack of effectiveness in the program contents and methods used in the entrepreneurial education. In general, the higher level educational institutions (IES - Instituições de Ensino Superior) produce more future employees than employers. Several institutions may offer countless entrepreneurial and other related courses and subjects but continue increasingly placing in the labor market the youngsters who will try to find a job instead of starting some entrepreneurship as a career. A possible answer would be associated to factors identified in recent studies that claim to be of utmost importance to better understand how the entrepreneurs' brains work in order to offer more assertive methodologies. For many authors the process of business opportunities discovery is one of the main characteristics of the entrepreneur behavior and new perspectives could be open by understanding how this process works in the brain. The research, developed from two experiments, seeks to contribute in the university field with a methodological proposition to the subject of Entrepreneurship developed by the light of neuroscience. In the first experiment, called pilot test, which had the aim to check eventual standards in the entrepreneurs' neural clusters when they identify an opportunity, it was provided a Cognitive Brain Mapping by using electroencephalogram in 14 male individuals: seven were "established entrepreneurs" and seven were non-entrepreneurs. The test results showed that the entrepreneurs' neural maps suggested that the right front and the left front areas of the brain were set in motion both at the moment the opportunities were discovered and at the moment of taking risks, while non-entrepreneurs showed neural organizations much different in both moments. This result, combined to other studies made by entrepreneurship researchers, led to a second experiment: the development of an auxiliary methodological proposal that could improve the students' performance in the process of identification of business opportunities. This methodological proposal, main objective of this study, was presented in a learning issue called MADE-PERFIO, Módulo Auxiliar para Disciplina de Empeendedorismo-Performance na Identificação de Oportunidades (Auxiliary Module for the Entrepreneurship-Performance Subject to identify Opportunities), a 40-hour course designed to improve the student performance in the opportunities identification process. Research studies on the effectiveness of methodology offered through the Module was made with 45 graduation and post-graduation teachers and with 50 post-graduation students from several colleges and universities of Maranhão. Teachers, by means of a qualification course, had the chance to access the learning object, to test the proposed methodology and develop its performance whose results were thoroughly encouraging.Teachers submitted to the new technology improved in 21% their abilities in the business opportunity identification. With respect to the methodology presented through MADE-PERFIO, 45% considered the concept as "excellent" and 40% as "very good". The methodology was presented to the students in an Auxiliary Module format, since all of them pointed that they had contact with Entrepreneurship course but none had good understanding. Research studies with the students showed an average increase of 23% in their opportunities identification abilities and 65% considered "excellent" on the content of the material showed by MADE-PERFIO.

Empreendedorismo por oportunidade : objeto de aprendizagem com proposta metodológica, desenvolvida à luz da neurociência, para melhorar a performance na capacidade de identificar oportunidades de negócios

Nunes, Walter Cezar January 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, propondo uma metodologia auxiliar para a disciplina de empreendedorismo originou-se de uma análise mais aprofundada ocorrida dentro da universidade, onde se questiona a falta de efetividade dos conteúdos programáticos e metodologias empregadas na educação empreendedora. De um modo geral as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES), formam mais futuros empregados que empregadores. Várias instituições oferecem inúmeros cursos e disciplinas de empreendedorismo ou afins, mas continuam colocando no mercado cada vez mais jovens que irão competir à um posto de trabalho por não conseguirem ver o empreendedorismo como opção de carreira. Uma possível resposta estaria associada por fatores identificados em estudos recentes que afirmam que é de suma importância entender melhor como funciona o cérebro dos empreendedores para que se possa oferecer metodologias mais assertivas. Para muitos autores o processo de descoberta de oportunidades de negócios é uma das principais características do comportamento empreendedor e entender como este processo ocorre no cérebro dele abriria novas perspectivas. Esta pesquisa, desenvolvida a partir de dois experimentos, busca contribuir no âmbito universitário com uma proposta metodológica, desenvolvida à luz da neurociência, para a disciplina de Empreendedorismo. No primeiro experimento, denominado de teste piloto, com o objetivo de verificar possíveis padrões nos clusters neurais dos empreendedores, quando identificam uma oportunidade, foi realizado o Mapeamento Cognitivo Cerebral com o uso de eletroencefalograma em 14 indivíduos do sexo masculino, sendo sete “empreendedores estabelecidos” e sete não empreendedores. Os resultados dos testes mostraram que os mapas neurais dos empreendedores sugeriram que as áreas frontais direita e esquerda dos cérebros foram acionadas tanto no momento de descoberta de oportunidades quanto no momento de propensão a assumir riscos, enquanto os não empreendedores mostraram organizações neurais bem distintas durante os dois momentos. Este resultado aliado a outros estudos realizados por pesquisadores de empreendedorismo levou ao segundo experimento: o desenvolvimento de uma proposta metodológica auxiliar, que melhorasse a performance de alunos no processo de identificação de oportunidades de negócios. Esta proposta metodológica, cerne deste estudo, foi apresentada em um objeto de aprendizagem denominado: MADE-PERFIO, Módulo Auxiliar para Disciplina de Empreendedorismo-Performance na Identificação de Oportunidades, um curso de 40 horas, direcionado para melhorar a performance do aluno na identificação de oportunidades. A pesquisa sobre a efetividade da metodologia oferecida através do Módulo foi feita com 45 professores de graduações e de pós graduações e com 50 alunos de pós graduação de diversas faculdades e universidades maranhenses. Através de um curso de capacitação os professores puderam acessar o objeto de aprendizagem, testar a metodologia proposta e desenvolver suas performances cujos resultados foram extremamente encorajadores. Em média, os professores submetidos à nova metodologia melhoraram em 21% suas capacidades em identificarem oportunidades de negócios. Com relação à metodologia apresentada através do MADE-PERFIO, 45% classificaram com o conceito “ótimo” e 40% com o conceito “muito bom”. A metodologia foi apresentada aos alunos no formato de Módulo Auxiliar, pois todos declararam já ter tido contato com a disciplina de Empreendedorismo, mas ainda não haviam empreendido. A pesquisa com os alunos mostrou um acréscimo médio de 23% em suas capacidades de identificarem oportunidades e 65% deles classificaram como “excelente” a relevância do conteúdo. / This research, which proposes an auxiliary method for the entrepreneurship subject, was originated from a more deeply analysis made within the university, where it is argued about the lack of effectiveness in the program contents and methods used in the entrepreneurial education. In general, the higher level educational institutions (IES - Instituições de Ensino Superior) produce more future employees than employers. Several institutions may offer countless entrepreneurial and other related courses and subjects but continue increasingly placing in the labor market the youngsters who will try to find a job instead of starting some entrepreneurship as a career. A possible answer would be associated to factors identified in recent studies that claim to be of utmost importance to better understand how the entrepreneurs' brains work in order to offer more assertive methodologies. For many authors the process of business opportunities discovery is one of the main characteristics of the entrepreneur behavior and new perspectives could be open by understanding how this process works in the brain. The research, developed from two experiments, seeks to contribute in the university field with a methodological proposition to the subject of Entrepreneurship developed by the light of neuroscience. In the first experiment, called pilot test, which had the aim to check eventual standards in the entrepreneurs' neural clusters when they identify an opportunity, it was provided a Cognitive Brain Mapping by using electroencephalogram in 14 male individuals: seven were "established entrepreneurs" and seven were non-entrepreneurs. The test results showed that the entrepreneurs' neural maps suggested that the right front and the left front areas of the brain were set in motion both at the moment the opportunities were discovered and at the moment of taking risks, while non-entrepreneurs showed neural organizations much different in both moments. This result, combined to other studies made by entrepreneurship researchers, led to a second experiment: the development of an auxiliary methodological proposal that could improve the students' performance in the process of identification of business opportunities. This methodological proposal, main objective of this study, was presented in a learning issue called MADE-PERFIO, Módulo Auxiliar para Disciplina de Empeendedorismo-Performance na Identificação de Oportunidades (Auxiliary Module for the Entrepreneurship-Performance Subject to identify Opportunities), a 40-hour course designed to improve the student performance in the opportunities identification process. Research studies on the effectiveness of methodology offered through the Module was made with 45 graduation and post-graduation teachers and with 50 post-graduation students from several colleges and universities of Maranhão. Teachers, by means of a qualification course, had the chance to access the learning object, to test the proposed methodology and develop its performance whose results were thoroughly encouraging.Teachers submitted to the new technology improved in 21% their abilities in the business opportunity identification. With respect to the methodology presented through MADE-PERFIO, 45% considered the concept as "excellent" and 40% as "very good". The methodology was presented to the students in an Auxiliary Module format, since all of them pointed that they had contact with Entrepreneurship course but none had good understanding. Research studies with the students showed an average increase of 23% in their opportunities identification abilities and 65% considered "excellent" on the content of the material showed by MADE-PERFIO.

Design and Development of a Maintenance Knowledge-Base System Based on Common KADS Methodology

Arab Maki, Alireza, Shariat Zadeh, Navid January 2010 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to design and develop a knowledge base model to support the maintenance system structure. The aim of this model is to identify the failure modes which are the heart of maintenance system through the functional analysis and then serves as adecision support system to define the maintenance tasks and finally to implement a preventive maintenance task. This knowledge base management system is suitable to design and develop maintenance system since it encompasses all necessary steps in maintenance area. Moreover, it is capable of being integrated with other knowledge base systems. The structure and the environment of this knowledge base system is flexible to allow users to deploy different kinds of tools which they will. It is also a well structured approach to develop, debug, upgrade and trace. In this thesis, the CommonKADS methodology is used as the knowledge base methodology. At the first step, a knowledge base system is developed to create the maintenance system infrastructure. To implement this, Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) has been chosen as the method to design a maintenance system. In order to make it more specified, a Spindlesubsystem is taken as a case study to make the model clearer. Secondly, another knowledge base system is developed for decision making process to select the suitable maintenance task and finally, a general knowledge base model is developed for condition-based monitoring onSpindle. In chapter 1, background, previous works and gap analysis have been surveyed. Then in chapter 2 the methodology and tools have been discussed and described. Design and development the knowledge base for maintenance system is described in detail in chapter 3 and finally in chapter 4, the conclusion and the future works are presented.

Concepts for a suitable condition based monitoring system for a planetary gearbox. / Koncept för lämpliga tillståndsövervakningssystem för enplanetväxel

Svensson, Gustav, Huisman, Mischa January 2018 (has links)
In the trends of technical improvements and automatization is it important for companies to keep up with the developments to be competitive on the market. SwePart Transmissions AB is a company that manufacture and develop gearboxes for the currently growing robot arms industry and the main task with this study is to investigate how to apply condition based monitoring on a new gearbox from the company. The work considers vibration analysis and testing new ideas in the oil analysis field. The tests that were performed are based on measuring the difference in impedance or magnetic field due to the increasement of wear. The results of the tests are not clear. This thesis is the beginning of a big project and therefore lies the value of this work in the new ideas and suggestions for further work.

A precisão na fluência em leitura oral: avaliando a leitura de alunos do 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental

MOUTINHO, Michell Gadelha 09 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Irvana Coutinho (irvana@ufpa.br) on 2017-04-10T11:57:26Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_PrecisaoFluenciaLeitura.pdf: 1275560 bytes, checksum: 1d499234594db7b657b72ee8bf4195a3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Irvana Coutinho (irvana@ufpa.br) on 2017-04-10T11:57:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_PrecisaoFluenciaLeitura.pdf: 1275560 bytes, checksum: 1d499234594db7b657b72ee8bf4195a3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-10T11:57:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_PrecisaoFluenciaLeitura.pdf: 1275560 bytes, checksum: 1d499234594db7b657b72ee8bf4195a3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-09 / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Este trabalho tem como objetivo diagnosticar o nível de desempenho na dimensão da precisão na fluência em leitura oral de 46 alunos do 6º ano do ensino fundamental de quatro escolas de Belém – Pará, sendo duas da esfera pública e duas da esfera privada. Este diagnóstico pretende contribuir para as discussões acerca da avaliação da habilidade de leitura, considerando o baixo desempenho dos alunos em exames como a Prova Brasil, Enem e PISA. Para alcançar este objetivo, utilizamos o método CBM (Curriculum-based measurement), desenvolvido por Deno (1985), que utiliza um minuto da leitura oral dos alunos, o bastante para analisar e determinar as dificuldades apresentadas de maneira mais específica que, neste estudo, estão relacionadas à precisão na decodificação de palavras. Os dados foram coletados em duas visitas, sendo a primeira no início e a segunda no final do ano letivo de 2015. A análise dos dados foi feita baseando-se nos níveis de desempenho em relação à precisão (RASINSKI, 2004) e as taxas de precisão e autocorreção. Os resultados mostram que há uma diferença entre as escolas públicas e privadas, pois estas tiveram desempenhos melhores que aquelas, embora todas as escolas onde houve duas visitas melhoraram seus desempenhos em relação à precisão na decodificação. Além disso, os tipos de erros mais cometidos pelos alunos foram os de substituição de palavras (que incluem quatro tipos de erro diferentes: semelhança lexemática, semelhança gráfica, pluralização/singularização e influência do contexto) e de pronúncia (que são: desconhecimento parcial da relação grafema-fonema, apagamento de sons das palavras e desconhecimento de sinais gráficos). Estes erros, além de apresentarem diferentes manifestações, são os que mais causam impacto na compreensão do texto lido, o que os destaca em relação aos demais erros detectados. Concluímos que a dificuldade na precisão se dá em grande parte nas esferas públicas de ensino e que, se não houver intervenção precisa para sanar as dificuldades, os alunos tendem a se distanciar ainda mais uns dos outros no desenvolvimento de suas habilidades leitoras. / This study aims at examining students’ performance levels in oral reading accuracy. 46 sixthgraders from four schools – two public and two private –participated voluntarily in the study, which took place in Belém – Pará. The work intends to contribute to discussions about reading assessment, since Pará students’ performance in national and international exams, such as Prova Brasil, Enem and PISA, has been below the expectations. In order to achieve this goal, we followed the Curriculum-based measurement method, proposed by Deno (1985), which considers one-minute of oral reading to be enough to analyze and determine the students’ major difficulties in a more specific way, in this case, accuracy in word decoding. Oral reading samples were collected in two visits, which took place in the beginning and the end of 2015 school year. The analysis was based on the levels of performance for word decoding accuracy (RASINSKI, 2004), accuracy rate and self-correction rate. The results show a difference between students’ performance from public and private schools, in that the latter reached better levels than the former. Moreover, we also analyze the types of errors that students mostly make in reading aloud, which were substitutions (usually driven by lexemic similarity, graphic similarity, pluralization/singularization and influence of the context) and pronunciation (especially driven by lack of knowledge about phoneme-grapheme relations, deletion of word sounds and misplacement of stress position). These errors exhibited different manifestations and were the ones with a major impact on reading comprehension. We conclude that the difficulty in word decoding is more frequent in public schools, thus, if nothing is done to solve these problems, these students will continue to recede in their reading skills.

A Preliminary Study On The Use Of Reservoir Simulation And Coal Mine Ventilation Methane Measurements In Determining Coal Reservoir Properties

Erdogan, Sinem Setenay 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis investigates methane emissions and methane production potentials from abandoned longwall panels produced or emitted due to mining activities either from coal seam or any underlying or overlying formations. These emissions can increase greenhouse gas concentrations and also pose a danger to the underground working environment and to miners. In addition to the safety issues, recovery and utilization of this gas is an additional source of energy. In this study, methane concentrations measured from ventilation air ways in Yeni &Ccedil / eltek Coal Mine, which is located in Suluova basin, Amasya, and contains thick, laterally extensive Lower Eocene coal seams, were integrated within a numerical vi reservoir model. Key reservoir parameters for history matching are cleat permeabilities, cleat porosity, diffusion time and Langmuir volume and Langmuir pressure. Thirteen cases were studied. According to the results, Case-10 determined as the best fitted case for both of the production wells. Cleat permeabilities and Langmuir pressure were the most effective parameters. Reservoir parameters matched are cleat permeabilities of 5, 4 and 1 md and fracture dimensions of 0.8, 0.4, and 0.1 m in x, y and z direction respectively, 2 % cleat porosity, 0.3 % water saturation. Diffusion time was determined as 400 days and 2000 kPa Langmuir volume and 6.24279 m3 /tone gas content estimated. According to these results it can be said that methane production will not be economically feasible, however / to remedy underground working conditions and safety of workers methane management should be taken into consideration.

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