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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Decision support in dementia care : developing systems for interactive reasoning

Lindgren, Helena January 2007 (has links)
Demensvården i Sverige och i andra delar av världen har på olika sätt varit i fokus de senaste åren där man påtalat behovet att utveckla metoder och riktlinjer för hur vården ska bedrivas. Detta för att möta den växande andelen äldre människor som också utvecklar demenssjukdomar. Nationella projekt har drivits, företrädesvis i syfte att förbättra vård och omsorg av personer med demenssjukdom, men även för att förbättra diagnosticering och behandling. I denna avhandling beskrivs utvecklingen av det dator-baserade beslutsstödet för demensutredning, DMSS (Dementia Management and Support System), som syftar till att fungera som ett stöd för personer som arbetar med att diagnosticera och behandla personer med kognitiv sjukdom. Domänen valdes även på grund av dess komplicerade kunskapsinnehåll, där bland annat en spännvidd av olika typer av symptom, komplexa kliniska mätmetoder sett ur ett formaliseringsperspektiv, starkt teamorienterat arbetssätt, ställer krav på hur kunskap ska och är möjlig att formaliseras och integreras i ett beslutsstödsystem för att det ska bli användbart i kliniskt arbete. De olika studierna och delprojekten som beskrivs i avhandlingen syftar till att tillsammans skapa en grund för utveckling av ett kliniskt kognitivt verktyg som stödjer och utvecklar användarens kognitiva processer (lärande, beslutsfattande, resonemang, etc.), samtidigt som det stödjer utvecklingen av det kliniska arbetet vari systemet ingår. I detta arbete fokuseras demensutredning som applikationsomr åde. Analyser har gjorts av den vidare användarkontexten, resonemangsprocesser, domän- och processkunskapen uttryckt i evidensbaserad litteratur och integrerad i klinisk praktik, terminologier samt formaliseringstekniker som kan hantera domänkunskapens egenskaper och användarsituationens krav. Prototyper har utvecklats och utvärderats i en iterativ process i samarbete med domänexperter, för användande i klinisk praktik i Sverige och Japan. För dessa studier har kvalitativa metoder använts i syfte att fånga så många olika aspekter som möjligt angående formalisering och interaktion, samt av praktiska skäl då det funnits begränsad tillgång till expertanvändare och patienter. Triangulering av metoder har tillämpats för att validera resultat. Kliniska utredningsverksamheter är komplexa processer, som är situerade, emergenta och styrda av individens behov, men även begränsade eller möjliggjorda av tillgängliga resurser på olika vårdnivåer i vårdprocessen. Det behövs metoder och verktyg som kan användas vid utveckling av system som syftar till att stödja dessa verksamheter. Det finns exempel på metoder som utvecklats för transformation av informell klinisk kunskap till en formell struktur som kan implementeras i ett beslutsstödsystem, där verktyg har utvecklats primärt i syfte att hjälpa kliniska experter att transformera sin kunskap till något en systemutvecklare kan använda. Den största nackdelen med dessa angreppssätt är att de är tidskrävande för experterna att sätta sej in i och använda. En metod har tillämpats i detta arbete där en teoribildning, som är gemensam för flera forskningsområden, använts för att strukturera klinisk process- och domänkunskap i en form som kan användas i formaliseringsarbete. Den konceptuella modellen av kliniskt arbete som utvecklats är baserad på verksamhetsteorin, kompletterad med general logics som kategoriskt, formellt teoretiskt ramverk för att möjliggöra transformationer mellan olika logiska språk och flexibel representation av riktlinjer och kunskap. Genom att göra en grundlig verksamhetsanalys utifrån ett aktivitetsperspektiv med hjälp av modellen, kan komponenter identifieras som kan formaliseras i en kunskapsbas och/eller kompletteras genom en design och implementation av ett gränssnitt som stödjer ett interaktivt resonemang och den kliniska processen. Resultatet av verkamhetsanalys och andra studier som presenteras i denna avhandling kommer att ligga till grund för vidare utveckling av DMSS för olika användarmiljöer, till att börja med i Sverige och Japan. Extensioner av systemet kommer att utvecklas som stödjer de olika ingående professionerna på olika vårdnivåer. Den konceptuella modellen kommer att utvecklas och tillämpas i framtida utvecklingsprojekt där beslutsstöd är en central komponent. Det formella ramverket kommer att utvecklas i syfte att kunna analysera och förfina kunskap i perspektivet av exempelvis olika set av kliniska riktlinjer som ställer olika krav på komplexitet hos logiken. Stödet till ett interaktivt resonemang vid användandet av systemet ska utvecklas med en kunskapsbas och ett dynamiskt gränssnitt speciellt utformat för ändamålet. Hittills har i första hand kvalitativa aspekter och syften varit i fokus i de olika projekten. Därför behöver varje utvecklingslinje ytterligare utvecklas med kvantitativa mål. Utvidgade utvärderingsstudier pågår, som syftar till att undersöka fördelning mellan olika nivåer av komplexitet hos patienter och vilken typ av stöd som behövs för respektive. När systemet är integrerat i daglig verksamhet kan faktorer som hur användande av systemet påverkar användaren och verksamheten undersökas. / There is a need to improve dementia care in Sweden. The main issues discussed are how to improve the competence of medical personnel and the quality of diagnosis and intervention. In this thesis the process of developing a decision-support system for the investigation of dementia is described, as one means to meet the need. The resulting prototype system DMSS (Dementia Management Support System) has been developed in cooperation with domain experts, and has been evaluated and redesigned in the process in an iterative development process. The process involves the assessment of evidence-based domain knowledge and its characteristics, the assessment of the procedural knowledge residing in clinical practice, and reasoning processes. Further, the terminology and main reasoning process integrated in the system have been validated. Qualitative methods have been used for these parts of the project for the purpose of assessing as many different aspects as possible, and for practical reasons due to the limited access to domain experts, patients and primary care physicians in the area. Triangulation of methods has been applied in order to validate results in the process. The development has been extended to also include prototypes for Japanese clinical environments. Clinical investigation activities are complex processes, which are situated, emergent and directed by the individual need of the patient, but also restricted or enhanced by the available resources at different points and at different care levels in the process. For the purpose of creating a system which provides support throughout the investigation process, the domain knowledge and the clinical investigation process was analysed and formalised in a conceptual model of clinical activity, developed based on activity theory and case studies of patients. The need for methods for the transformation of informal results from field studies into formal knowledge and design is addressed by providing the framework, which integrates the conceptual model of clinical activity and a method for the assessment and transformation of the knowledge to be integrated in a decision-support system. The model was used to identify actions and their characteristics suitable for formalisation in a decision-support system. Several sources of domain knowledge need to be integrated that express the knowledge differently, which increases the demands on a formalism for representation. The work towards formalising the diagnostic reasoning process in both typical and atypical patient's cases is presented, where the evidence in ambiguous cases is valued within different frames of references in order to improve specificity. Different logical frameworks have been applied, evaluated and developed using case studies of patients. Two lines of work towards a dementia logic and flexible guideline representation is presented; the defeasible, non-monotonic approach where many-valued dictionaries are used in a context-based argumentation framework; and the monotonic approach of integrating reasoning in a fundamental view of transformations between logics, using general logics as generalised and categorical framework.

Verordnung von Protonenpumpenhemmern in der hausärztlichen Praxis / Prescription of proton pump inhibitors in general practice

Fier, Stefanie 06 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Les enjeux de la translation des technologies : le cas des tests de pharmacogénétique au Québec

Dubois, Anick 05 1900 (has links)
Problématique : L’arrivée des tests de pharmacogénétique a été annoncée dans les médias et la littérature scientifique telle une révolution, un tournant vers la médecine personnalisée. En réalité, cette révolution se fait toujours attendre. Plusieurs barrières législatives, scientifiques, professionnelles et éthiques sont décrites dans la littérature comme étant la cause du délai de la translation des tests de pharmacogénétique, du laboratoire vers la clinique. Cet optimisme quant à l’arrivée de la pharmacogénétique et ces barrières existent-elles au Québec? Quel est le contexte de translation des tests de pharmacogénétique au Québec? Actuellement, il n’existe aucune donnée sur ces questions. Il est pourtant essentiel de les évaluer. Alors que les attentes et les pressions pour l’intégration rapide de technologies génétiques sont de plus en plus élevées sur le système de santé québécois, l’absence de planification et de mécanisme de translation de ces technologies font craindre une translation et une utilisation inadéquates. Objectifs : Un premier objectif est d’éclairer et d’enrichir sur les conditions d’utilisation et de translation ainsi que sur les enjeux associés aux tests de pharmacogénétique dans le contexte québécois. Un deuxième objectif est de cerner ce qui est véhiculé sur la PGt dans différentes sources, dont les médias. Il ne s’agit pas d’évaluer si la pharmacogénétique devrait être intégrée dans la clinique, mais de mettre en perspective les espoirs véhiculés et la réalité du terrain. Ceci afin d’orienter la réflexion quant au développement de mécanismes de translation efficients et de politiques associées. Méthodologie : L’analyse des discours de plusieurs sources documentaires (n=167) du Québec et du Canada (1990-2005) et d’entretiens avec des experts québécois (n=19) a été effectuée. Quatre thèmes ont été analysés : 1) le positionnement et les perceptions envers la pharmacogénétique; 2) les avantages et les risques reliés à son utilisation; 3) les rôles et les tensions entre professionnels; 4) les barrières et les solutions de translation. Résultats : L’analyse des représentations véhiculées sur la pharmacogénétique dans les sources documentaires se cristallise autour de deux pôles. Les représentations optimistes qui révèlent une fascination envers la médecine personnalisée, créant des attentes (« Génohype ») en regard de l’arrivée de la pharmacogénétique dans la clinique. Les représentations pessimistes qui révèlent un scepticisme (« Génomythe ») envers l’arrivée de la pharmacogénétique et qui semblent imprégnés par l’historique des représentations médiatiques négatives de la génétique. Quant à l’analyse des entretiens, celle-ci a permis de mettre en lumière le contexte actuel du terrain d’accueil. En effet, selon les experts interviewés, ce contexte comporte des déficiences législatives et un dysfonctionnement organisationnel qui font en sorte que l’utilisation des tests de pharmacogénétique est limitée, fragmentée et non standardisée. S’ajoute à ceci, le manque de données probantes et de dialogue entre des acteurs mal ou peu informés, la résistance et la crainte de certains professionnels. Discussion : Plusieurs changements dans la réglementation des systèmes d’innovation ainsi que dans le contexte d’accueil seront nécessaires pour rendre accessibles les tests de pharmacogénétique dans la pratique clinique courante. Des mécanismes facilitateurs de la translation des technologies et des facteurs clés de réussite sont proposés. Enfin, quelques initiatives phares sont suggérées. Conclusion : Des efforts au niveau international, national, provincial et local sont indispensables afin de résoudre les nombreux obstacles de la translation des tests de pharmacogénétique au Québec et ainsi planifier l’avenir le plus efficacement et sûrement possible. / Problematic: The advent of pharmacogenetic testing was heralded in the media and in scientific literature as a revolution and the dawn of a new era of personalized medicine. This revolution has yet to arrive. The literature describes several legislative, scientific, professional and ethical barriers that are causing a delay in the translation of pharmacogenetic testing into clinical practice. In Quebec, is there optimism about pharmacogenetics and do these barriers exist? And in what context is the integration of pharmacogenetic testing taking place? At present, these questions remain unanswered. Yet they are of critical importance. While there are growing expectations and pressure on the Quebec health system to rapidly incorporate genetic technology, the lack of planning and of mechanisms for the translation of this technology may jeopardize its adequate transfer and use. Objectives: The first objective was to gain clearer and fuller insight and understanding into the conditions of use and translation of pharmacogenetic testing in Quebec and its related issues. The second was to identify the message being conveyed about pharmacogenetics in various sources, including the media. The issue at hand was not whether pharmacogenetics should or should not be integrated into clinical practice, but rather to put into perspective the hopes being set forth regarding pharmacogenetics and the realistic nature of the enterprise. The purpose of the exercise was to provide a framework for thinking about the development of efficient translation mechanisms and the policies associated with it. Methodology: Discourse analyses of several documentary sources (n=167) in Quebec and Canada (1990-2005) and interviews with Quebec experts (n=19) were conducted. Four themes were explored: 1) the positioning and perception of pharmacogenetics; 2)the advantages and risks associated with its use; 3) the roles of various professionals and the tensions that exist among them; 4) the barriers and solutions to translation. Results: Analysis of the representations of pharmacogenetics in the documentary sources revealed a divide between two distinct poles. On the one hand, the optimistic representations showed a fascination with personalized medicine, creating expectations (“Genohype”) regarding the introduction of pharmacogenetics to the clinical setting. On the other hand, the highly sceptical pessimistic representations (“Genomyth”) of pharmacogenetics seemed to be permeated by the history of negative media representations of genetics. Furthermore, analyses of the interviews shed light on the current social, political and clinical context. In fact, according to the experts interviewed, this context is characterized by legislative shortcomings and a dysfunctional organizational structure, which have led to a limited, fragmented and non-standardized use of pharmacogenetic testing. Added to this is a lack of clinical data, an absence of communication among various ill-informed or uninformed players and both resistance and fear among certain professionals. Discussion: Many regulatory changes to the innovation system and current context are needed to ensure access to pharmacogenetic testing in the present clinical setting. Mechanisms to facilitate the translation of technology and the key factors needed for success are also described. Finally, several flagship initiatives are suggested. Conclusion: International, national, provincial and local efforts are required to overcome the various barriers to the translation of pharmacogenetic testing into clinical practice in Quebec and thus plan the future in the safest, most efficient manner possible.

Profils de prise en charge médicale chez les enfants et adolescents traités par antidépresseurs : effet des mises en garde réglementaires et publications de guides de pratique clinique

Cloutier, Anne-Marie 09 1900 (has links)
Suite aux notifications de cas de comportements suicidaires associés aux antidépresseurs (ADs) chez les jeunes, une mise en garde réglementaire a été émise en mai 2004 au Canada, et deux guides de pratique clinique ont été publiés dans la littérature en novembre 2007. L'objectif de ce mémoire fut d'évaluer l’association entre ces interventions de communication et le suivi médical de la population pédiatrique traitée par ADs au Québec. Une étude de cohorte rétrospective (1998-2008) a été menée chez 4 576 enfants (10-14 ans) et 12 419 adolescents (15-19 ans) membres du régime public d’assurance médicaments du Québec, ayant débuté un traitement par AD. Le suivi médical dans les trois premiers mois de traitement a été mesuré par l’occurrence et la fréquence de visites médicales retrouvées dans les banques de données de la RAMQ. Les facteurs associés à un suivi conforme aux recommandations ont été évalués à partir de modèles de régression logistique multivariés. Seuls 20% des enfants ou adolescents ont eu au moins une visite de suivi à chaque mois, en conformité avec les recommandations. La probabilité de recevoir un suivi médical conforme était plus élevée lorsque le prescripteur initial était un psychiatre. L’occurrence et la fréquence des visites n’ont pas changé après la publication de la mise en garde ou des recommandations. De ce mémoire on conclut que d'autres interventions visant à optimiser le suivi médical devraient être envisagées. / Following reports of a potential association between antidepressants (ADs) and suicidal behaviour in youth, a regulatory warning was issued in Canada in May 2004, and clinical practice guidelines on recommended medical follow-up were published in the literature in November 2007. This Master's thesis aimed at assessing the association between these communication interventions and medical follow-up practices. A retrospective cohort study (1998-2008) was conducted among 4,576 children (10-14 years) and 12,419 adolescents (15-19 years) members of the Quebec public drug plan. Medical follow-up was ascertained through patterns of physician billing practices found in the RAMQ medical services databases. Study outcomes consisted of occurrence and frequency of visits in the first three months of AD treatment. Factors associated with follow-up consistent with recommendations were identified through multivariate logistic regression models. The main independent variable was exposure to each of the communication interventions. Covariates included: gender, class of AD, number of concomitant chronic diseases, psychiatric conditions, prescriber’s specialty, and potential exposure to each intervention. Only 20% of children or adolescents received at least one visit each month. The probability of receiving adequate follow-up was greater when treatment was initiated by a psychiatrist. Occurrence and frequency of visits did not change after the warning nor the publication of the recommendations. From this thesis, one may conclude that further interventions to optimize medical follow-up practices should be envisaged.

Testing Pills, Enacting Obesity : The work of localizing tools in a clinical trial

Jonvallen, Petra January 2005 (has links)
This study examines tools and practices involved in a large scale and multi-sited clinical trial of a potential drug against obesity. Two tools are in focus: a clinical research protocol and a computer control system. The analysis is based on there being different ways in which the tools are localized in order for the work to flow smoothly and to produce reliable data. It does this through delineating different types of work performed: production tasks, classical managerial work, compliance work and the work of coordinating beliefs and goals. The study is based on interviews, observations and documentary analysis. Through describing these types of work and how it is organized, the study emphasizes the trial as being part of an industrial production process. Hence, the tools are used not only to produce reliable data, but also to manage the work of the tools’ users in order to enable a smooth production process. In line with such a description, the protocol and computer control system are seen as objects that discipline practice, something that also resonates in the way staff talk about their work. The dissertation shows how the tools, despite this, leave room for aspects of clinical trial work that are both rational/technical and experiential/contingent. The dissertation also shows that obesity is enacted in different ways in the practices performed in the trial. Making sense of these somewhat contradictory enactments requires work referred to as coordination of beliefs about what obesity is, as well as of the different goals of the trial. By such a focus on invisible work, the dissertation shows that those nurses, dieticians and doctors involved in the everyday follow-through of the trial have a strategic position in mediating between pharmaceutical companies and their potential market for the drug under study, namely the trial participants.

Examining the Use of the 2006 and 2007 World Health Organization Growth Charts by Family Physicians in British Columbia

Rand, Emily Marie Nicholson 28 April 2014 (has links)
Introduction: The epidemic of overweight and obesity both worldwide and in Canada is indicative of the need for proper growth monitoring beginning at birth. This study evaluated Family Physician’s (FP) Level of Use (LoU) of the recommended 2006 and 2007 World Health Organization (WHO) Growth Charts for monitoring their paediatric patients’ growth. It explored factors influencing LoU, utilizing the Diffusion of Innovations (DOI) theory and Ecological Framework for Effective Implementation (EFEI) as guiding models. FPs’ awareness of resources to support paediatric weight management was also assessed. Methods: A survey was distributed to FP in British Columbia (BC), Canada (N = 2853). The survey addressed provider and innovation characteristics, prevention delivery and support system factors, and barriers and facilitators to chart use. Correlations and multiple linear regression were used to determine correlates and predictors of LoU. Results: Sixty-two surveys were returned (2.2%). WHO Growth Chart LoU was 80.4%. Six variables significantly predicted LoU, including age (β = -.28, t = -3.15, p < .05), practicing in Fraser Health Authority region (β = -.24, t = -2.67, p < .05), assessing head circumference of birth to two year olds (β = .23, t = 2.45, p < .05), perceived growth chart accessibility (β = .39, t = 4.22, p < .05) and compatibility (β = .47, t = 5.27, p < .05), and innovativeness (β = -.37, t = -4.11, p < .05). These variables accounted for 69% of the variance in LoU. The most commonly identified barrier and facilitator to chart use was related to the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system. FPs’ awareness of resources to support overweight paediatric patients was low. Conclusion: The majority of FP in BC in this sample had adopted the WHO Growth Charts. The results showed partial support for DOI theory and EFEI derived factors. Despite a small sample size, the findings highlighted the importance of installing the charts in the EMR systems, and can provide a foundation for future public health dissemination efforts and research on medical guideline implementation. / Graduate / 0573 / 0769 / erand@uvic.ca

Examining the Use of the 2006 and 2007 World Health Organization Growth Charts by Family Physicians in British Columbia

Rand, Emily Marie Nicholson 28 April 2014 (has links)
Introduction: The epidemic of overweight and obesity both worldwide and in Canada is indicative of the need for proper growth monitoring beginning at birth. This study evaluated Family Physician’s (FP) Level of Use (LoU) of the recommended 2006 and 2007 World Health Organization (WHO) Growth Charts for monitoring their paediatric patients’ growth. It explored factors influencing LoU, utilizing the Diffusion of Innovations (DOI) theory and Ecological Framework for Effective Implementation (EFEI) as guiding models. FPs’ awareness of resources to support paediatric weight management was also assessed. Methods: A survey was distributed to FP in British Columbia (BC), Canada (N = 2853). The survey addressed provider and innovation characteristics, prevention delivery and support system factors, and barriers and facilitators to chart use. Correlations and multiple linear regression were used to determine correlates and predictors of LoU. Results: Sixty-two surveys were returned (2.2%). WHO Growth Chart LoU was 80.4%. Six variables significantly predicted LoU, including age (β = -.28, t = -3.15, p < .05), practicing in Fraser Health Authority region (β = -.24, t = -2.67, p < .05), assessing head circumference of birth to two year olds (β = .23, t = 2.45, p < .05), perceived growth chart accessibility (β = .39, t = 4.22, p < .05) and compatibility (β = .47, t = 5.27, p < .05), and innovativeness (β = -.37, t = -4.11, p < .05). These variables accounted for 69% of the variance in LoU. The most commonly identified barrier and facilitator to chart use was related to the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system. FPs’ awareness of resources to support overweight paediatric patients was low. Conclusion: The majority of FP in BC in this sample had adopted the WHO Growth Charts. The results showed partial support for DOI theory and EFEI derived factors. Despite a small sample size, the findings highlighted the importance of installing the charts in the EMR systems, and can provide a foundation for future public health dissemination efforts and research on medical guideline implementation. / Graduate / 0573 / 0769 / erand@uvic.ca

Les représentations sociales de la pharmacogénomique au Québec : éléments de prospective

Blackburn, Marie-Ève 12 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les représentations sociales de la pharmacogénomique (PGx) chez deux groupes d’acteurs centraux du développement et des applications en PGx au Québec. L’objectif est de comprendre comment les chercheurs en PGx et les étudiants en médecine se positionnent à l’égard des découvertes en PGx et de leurs éventuelles applications en pratique médicale. Cette étude a aussi pour objectifs de mieux comprendre comment il est possible d’anticiper l’arrivée de la PGx dans la pratique médicale par le contraste des représentations des chercheurs et des étudiants et de concevoir comment les informations circulent entre les deux groupes. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, l’utilisation du cadre théorique des représentations sociales, et plus particulièrement des représentations sociales dites professionnelles, est retenue. Une démarche multiméthodologique est déterminée pour cerner les représentations des deux groupes. En effet, une approche qualitative par entretiens semi-dirigés est réalisée dans un premier temps auprès des chercheurs et, ensuite, une enquête par questionnaire est effectuée auprès des étudiants en médecine. Les positionnements des deux groupes sont contrastés au sujet de trois concepts clés : les médicaments, la génomique et la PGx. Les principes organisateurs des représentations sociales des étudiants en médecine et des chercheurs, eu égard à ces trois concepts, permet de positionner le niveau des représentations sociales des étudiants en médecine vers leur professionnalisation dans un schéma proposé par Bataille (2000). Ainsi, les étudiants en médecine fournissent des représentations des médicaments assez près de celles des chercheurs. Leurs représentations des avancées en génomique sont beaucoup moins professionnalisées, tandis que l’on remarque une organisation restreinte pour ce qui est de leur représentation de la PGx. Le contexte de formation médicale est interrogé dans cette thèse puisqu’il laisse peu de place aux découvertes et aux recherches de pointe. Les chercheurs autant que les étudiants affirment que la solution pour améliorer leurs connaissances dans le domaine de la PGx est d’ajouter ces connaissances dans leur cadre de leur formation médicale. / This thesis pertains to social representations of pharmacogenomics (PGx) in two groups of central actors in PGx development and application in Québec. The objective is to understand how PGx researchers and medical students stand with regard to PGx discoveries and their potential medical practice applications. This study also aims at better understanding how the arrival of PGx in medical practice can be anticipated, by contrasting researchers’ and students’ representations, and at grasping how the information flows between these two groups. To meet these objectives, the theoretical framework of social representations, and more particularly the so-called professional social representations, is used. The two groups’ representations are identified through a multi method approach. Indeed, a qualitative method consisting of semi-structured interviews with the researchers is used, followed by a questionnaire survey of the medical students. The two groups’ positions are compared with respect to three key concepts: medication, genomics and PGx. The organizing principles of the medical students’ and researchers’ social representations, in consideration of these three concepts, enables us to position the social representation levels of the medical students relative to their professionalization in a chart proposed by Bataille (2000). The medical students’ representations of medication are thus similar to those of the researchers. Their representations of advances in genomics are far less professionalized, while there is an absence of organization in their representation of PGx. The medical training context is questioned in this thesis since it leaves little room for discovery and advanced research. Researchers and students both say that the solution for improving their knowledge in the field of PGx is to make it part of their medical training.

La pratique clinique des premiers entretiens et le cheminement intérieur de l’analyste : étude en France et au Québec / The clinical practice of first interviews and the analyst’s internal psychic development of thought : study in France and in Quebec

Lachan, Alice 06 November 2014 (has links)
La recherche explore la pratique des premiers entretiens dans deux contextes culturels, à travers la façon dont l’analyste témoigne de son cheminement intérieur. Les données émanent de l’analyse qualitative thématique de contenu de 15 entretiens de recherche, réalisés auprès de psychothérapeutes psychanalytiques et de psychanalystes, de 3 à 37 ans d’expérience clinique, en France et au Québec. Au vu des résultats, le cheminement intérieur de l’analyste s’organiserait selon une trame d’écoute préétablie, dont le niveau d’explicitation varierait avec l’expérience clinique. L’élaboration, à la fois secondarisée et intuitive, s’appuierait sur le matériel clinique présent et absent, la théorie et l’expérience clinique, réalisant toujours une forme d’évaluation prédictive. De façon similaire, les analystes tiendraient compte dans leur décision de l’évaluation de la demande, du fonctionnement psychique, et des potentialités de rencontre dans un « lieu transférentiel ». Des hypothèses psychodynamiques seraient à l’œuvre dès les premiers entretiens, intervenant dans les aménagements du cadre à proposer au patient. Les dispositions contre-transférentielles projetées sur l’évaluation influenceraient la nature des prédictions quant à l’issue du travail analytique. Le « désir de l’analyste » pèserait manifestement sur l’évaluation des possibilités de travail analytique, avantageant les évaluations favorables ou de potentialités d’évolution, au détriment d’éléments défavorables. Le contexte culturel n’influencerait pas le processus d’élaboration de la décision, mais modulerait la demande et les possibilités de l’analyste d’y répondre, résultat ouvrant des pistes de recherches futures. / This research explores clinical practice of first interviews in two cultural contexts, through the way the analyst accounts for his/her internal psychic development of thought. The data comes from the qualitative analysis of the thematic content of 15 research interviews, performed with psychoanalytic psychotherapists and psychoanalysts with 3 to 37 years of clinical experience, both in France and Quebec. According to the results, the analyst’s internal psychic development of thought would follow a pre-established organic listening structure, of which the level of explicitation would vary with clinical experience. The analyst’s elaboration, both secondary and intuitive, would be based on present and absent clinical material, theory, and clinical experience, always carrying out a form of predictive assessment. Similarly, the analysts would take into account in their decision the assessment of the demand, psychic functioning, and possible meeting within a “transference context”. Psychodynamic hypotheses would be at work as soon as the first interviews, involved in the adjustments of the framework proposed to the patient. The counter-transferential dispositions –projected onto the assessment– would influence the nature of predictions about the outcome of psychoanalytic work. The "desire of the analyst" would clearly influence the evaluation of analytical work opportunities, advantaging favourable assessments or potential evolution, to the detriment of hindering elements. The cultural context would not influence the decision making process, but would modulate the demands and the analyst’s possibilities to answer, opening the door to future line of research.

Acesso expandido, uso compassivo e fornecimento de medicamento pós-estudo : fluxos e materiais informativos

Bender, Camila da Silva January 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Os estudos clínicos promovem inovação no âmbito da saúde e podem proporcionar novos tratamentos e benefícios à população. Os estudos de intervenção com medicamentos são fundamentais para demonstrar a eficácia, a toxicidade e a segurança de novas terapias. O uso de medicamentos experimentais na assistência médica é uma realidade observada tanto na continuidade do tratamento pelos participantes após o término da pesquisa, como na possibilidade do uso assistencial destes medicamentos. A Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa) regulamenta, com base na RDC n. 38/2013, três Programas assistenciais com medicamentos experimentais: Acesso Expandido, Uso Compassivo e Fornecimento de Medicamento Pós-Estudo. Mais recentemente, uma nova alternativa está em desenvolvimento no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, definida como Uso Assistencial Extraordinário. Objetivos: Propor fluxos e materiais informativos para orientar a prática e a condução de Programas de Acesso Expandido, Uso Compassivo, Fornecimento de Medicamento Pós-Estudo e Uso Assistencial Extraordinário no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, assim como em outras instituições de saúde. Métodos: Foram revisadas as publicações acerca do assunto, analisados alguns fluxogramas existentes na condução dos Programas acima citados, bem como realizado questionário aos profissionais que atuam nesta área no CPC-HCPA. Resultados: Foram elaborados fluxos e materiais informativos para a condução destes distintos Programas, considerando as diretrizes éticas, regulatórias e de boas práticas, que visam auxiliar a prática e a educação dos profissionais envolvidos. / Introduction: Clinical research can provide valuable evidence to support to health care system in informed decision making. At the same time, from the patient perspective, trials can the way to gain access to more appropriate treatments. The main goal of intervention studies is to determine safety and efficacy of new therapies. The Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa) regulates, based on RDC n° 38/2013, three care programs with experimental drugs: Expanded Access, Compassionate Use and Post-trial Access. Also, in the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, a new alternative program is being explored - defined as Extraordinary Care Use. Objectives: Propose guidelines to Expanded Access, Compassionate Use, Post-trial Access programs and Extraordinary Care Use in the format of flow sheets and informative leaflets at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, and perhaps become a benchmarking project to other institutions. Methods: After review of literature and analysis of existing flow sheets on how to conduct the above mentioned programs, we administered a survey questionnaire on challenges encountered by investigators from clinical research center at our institution. Results: Flow sheets and informative materials were developed to support professionals their research groups in conducting clinical interventional initiatives, considering the ethical, regulatory and good practices guidelines.

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