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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sociologie de la "Réussite éducative" : un cas d'école des nouvelles politiques éducatives / Sociology of "Educational Success" : a textbook case of the new French education policies

Leproux, Olivier 22 November 2017 (has links)
La Réussite éducative est un dispositif mis en place en 2005 visant à aider les enfants en « fragilité » de deux à seize ans scolarisés ou domiciliés dans les territoires en Politique de la Ville. Loin d’être seulement un dispositif d’aide éducative, la Réussite éducative est aussi un instrument de réforme. Cette thèse répond à deux questions : comment un dispositif extérieur à l’Éducation nationale réforme la politique éducative et quelles sont les implications de la réforme portée par la Réussite éducative.Nous mobilisons dans un premier temps la sociologie des instruments de l’action publique et nous présentons notamment les ambiguïtés de la Réussite éducative, son déploiement et sa carrière. Il s’agit alors de comprendre comment ce dispositif est devenu à la fois un instrument éducatif et un instrument de réforme, comme celui-ci s’implante localement, et comment il évolue selon les différents contextes.La Réussite éducative porte une recomposition de la politique éducative accordant une place accrue aux associations et aux collectivités territoriales. Cette recomposition implique des changements dans les modalités d’emploi et de travail dans la politique éducative que nous étudions en mobilisant les analyses sur les processus d’invisibilisation du travail.Au carrefour d’une sociologie de l’action publique et de ses instruments, du travail et du monde associatif, cette thèse aspire à être une contribution à l’analyse de la Nouvelle Gestion Publique dans le secteur éducatif. / "Educational Success" is a political device that was set up in 2005. It aims at helping children between two and sixteen years who are labelled as "weak" in the local territories where urban policies are set up. Far from being only a help to the children’s education, it is also a tool of reform. This thesis answers two questions: how does a device that is external to the national system of education reform the politics of education, and what are the implications of the reform it implements. Through a sociology of the instruments of public action, we will present the ambiguities of "Educational Success", its expansion, and its career. We will explain how this tool of reform was established locally and how it evolved according to various elements of context. Educational Success reconfigures educational policies through an approach based on local authorities and associative organisations. This implies changes in the terms of employment of its actors and, namely, a process of making their work "invisible". At the crossroad between public action sociology, sociology of work and sociology of associations, this thesis contributes to the analysis of the New Public Management in the educative field.

L'identité professionnelle des infirmières comme source d'un travail gratuit et d'une obligation de disponibilité implicite

Cyr, Alexandra 04 1900 (has links)
Les nouvelles normes d'organisation du travail fondées sur un modèle de la flexibilisation du temps de travail ont eu des effets considérables sur les travailleurs-euses. La recherche toujours plus grande de productivité et de rentabilité a imposé de fortes pressions sur les individus qui ont adapté progressivement leurs comportements au travail. À cet effet, l'augmentation de la disponibilité temporelle imposée aux salariés-es ne serait pas toujours reconnue par les organisations. La distinction entre le temps du travail et le temps du repos est devenue plus floue, moins nette que par le passé. Par ailleurs, la disponibilité temporelle jouerait le rôle de compétence non-reconnue par laquelle l'on n'hésite pas à mesurer la motivation et l'implication des salariés-es, mais sans pour autant que cela ne transparaisse dans les classifications d'emplois ou les salaires. Le travail du care y serait d'autant plus sensible alors que ses compétences ont été historiquement invisibles. Dans un premier temps, cette recherche souhaite mettre en lumière certaines manifestations de l'invisibilité du travail des infirmières dans le secteur de la santé et des services sociaux. Pour ce faire, elle s'intéresse à la présence d'un travail effectué gratuitement par les professionnelles des soins. Elle s'intéresse également à la présence d'une obligation de disponibilité implicite engageant les infirmières à dépasser leur temps de travail formel. Dans un deuxième temps, cette recherche cherche à élucider le rôle de l'identité professionnelle des infirmières sur l'accomplissement d'un travail invisible. Les données empiriques obtenues à la suite de dix entrevues semi-dirigées effectuées auprès d'infirmières (détentrices d’un diplôme d’études collégiales en soins infirmiers) et d'infirmières cliniciennes (détentrices d’un baccalauréat universitaire en sciences infirmières) travaillant dans le réseau public québécois ont permis d'illustrer plusieurs manifestations d'un travail gratuit et d'une obligation de disponibilité implicite. De plus, les données montrent que d'une manière générale l'identité professionnelle est effectivement liée aux débordements de travail des infirmières. Toutefois, son influence est encouragée par les défaillances organisationnelles affectant la qualité des soins de santé. / New organizational norms based on a model of flexibilisation of working hours have had a major impact on workers in recent years. An increasing focus on productivity and profitability can impose strong pressures on employees who are progressively changing their behaviour at work. Indeed, the increase of temporal availability imposed on workers is not always acknowledged by the employers. The distinction between work time and rest time has become more blurred and less clear than in the past. Moreover, temporal availability has become an expected but unrecognized behaviour used to measure motivation at work and employee engagement without any impact on employee classification or wages. The care sector is likely even more prone to this lack of recognition as its definitive core have historically been invisible. Firstly, this research aims to shed light on manifestations of invisible work performed by nurses for the health and social services sector in Quebec. The unpaid work completed by the care professionals and the mandatory availability required of nurses to exceed their period of working time will be reviewed. Secondly, this research is seets to explain the role of professional identity in the performance of invisible work. The empirical data collected through ten interviews with nurses and clinical nurses working in the public sector in Quebec illustrated many manifestations of unpaid work and an implicit obligation of availability. Also, the data show that nurses' professional identity is actually linked to the supplemental work completed. However, its influence was emphasized by organisational failures affecting the quality of health services.

Mellanchefers komplexa arbetsförhållanden : en kvalitativ studie om en pressad nyckelposition

Nilsson, Evelyn, Müntzing, Filippa January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka och analysera mellanchefers upplevelse kring press i sin arbetsroll- från såväl ledning som medarbetare. Studien besvarar två frågeställningar; (1) Hur upplever mellanchefer den press som ställs på dem från ledning samt medarbetare? (2) Hur kan mellanchefer hantera den upplevda pressen från ledning samt medarbetare? Den kvalitativa studiens syfte har besvarats genom sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med mellanchefer från olika branscher samt olika städer inom Sveriges gränser. Det empiriska materialet har tematiserats och analyserats med hjälp av tidigare forskning inom området, samt Job-demands resources modellen (JD-R). Resultatet visar att arbetsrollen mellanchef är mycket komplex och innebär mer jobb än vad som står i arbetsbeskrivningen, då det “osynliga” arbetet är av stor karaktär. Det finns ett enormt behov av stöd som främjar arbetet och låter mellanchefer hantera pressen, vilket inte erbjuds om inte individen ber om det. Andra kollegor och mellanchefer omkring sig som finns till hand för diskussion och “bollplank” underlättar också arbetssituationen. / The study aims to examine and analyze middle managers' experience of pressure in their work role - from both management and employees. The study answers two questions; (1) How do middle managers experience the pressure placed on them from management and employees? (2) How can middle managers handle the perceived pressure from management and employees? The purpose of the qualitative study has been answered through six semi-structured interviews with middle managers from different industries and different cities within Swedish borders. The empirical material has been thematized and analyzed with the help of previous research in the field, as well as the Job-demands resources model (JD-R). The results show that the work role of middle manager is very complex and involves more work than what is stated in the job description, as the “invisible” work is of a great nature. There is a huge need for support that promotes the work and allows middle managers to handle the press, which is not offered unless the individual asks for it. Other colleagues and middle managers around him who are on hand for discussion and sounding boards also facilitate the work situation.

Högstadielärares osynliga arbete : och dess påverkan på arbetsmiljön ur ett genusperspektiv / High school teachers’ invisible work : and its impact on the work environment from a gender perspective

Näsman, Amalia, Björnehall, Moa January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats presenterar en kvalitativ studie av fenomenet osynligt arbete bland svenska högstadielärare. Genom att genomföra 13 semistrukturerade intervjuer med manliga och kvinnliga högstadielärare är syftet att undersöka hur fenomenet osynligt arbete ser ut inom svensk högstadieskola. Studien intar ett genusperspektiv och det teoretiska ramverket är Joan Ackers teori om könade organisationer. Vidare använder studien även Trudy Bates relationella modell av Ackers fem könade processer. Genom att använda detta perspektiv kan studien identifiera eventuella könsmönster som kan uppstå i relation till upplevelsen av osynligt arbete. Utifrån två forskningsfrågor har resultaten kunnat visa att det finns många olika typer av osynligt arbete inom läraryrket på svenska högstadieskolor. Allt från att bygga starka relationer med elever, ansvara för anteckningar på möten, till olika former av hushålls- och underhållsarbete med mera, har identifierats som osynliga arbetsuppgifter. När det gäller könsskillnader kan resultaten vidare visa att det vanligtvis är kvinnor, som i större utsträckning, utför den här typen av uppgifter. När det kommer till hur lärare påverkas av osynligt arbete, i relation till deras arbetsmiljö, visar resultaten att det är kvinnor som drabbas mest negativt. Exempelvis beskrivs stress och utbrändhet som vanliga företeelser inom yrket. Även om manliga lärare också kan drabbas, tyder resultaten på att dessa företeelser är vanligare bland kvinnliga lärare. Resultaten visar vidare att kvinnliga lärare i större utsträckning tar till medvetna strategier för att hantera sin arbetsmiljösituation. Samtidigt beskrivs de kvinnliga lärarna ha svårare att sätta gränser. Trots att det svenska skolväsendet ofta betraktas som en könsneutral organisation går det av denna studie att dra slutsatsen att denna typ av arbetsplatser påverkas av samhälleliga könsnormer. Rekommendationer för framtida studier av osynligt arbete inom läraryrket diskuteras. / This paper presents a qualitative study of the phenomenon of invisible work among Swedish high school teachers. Through the conducting of 13 semi-structured interviews with male and female high school teachers, the aim is to investigate how the phenomenon of invisible work appears in Swedish upper secondary schools. The study adopts a gender perspective and the theoretical framework is Joan Acker’s theory about gendered organizations. Furthermore, the study also uses Trudy Bates relational model of Acker's Five Gendering Processes. By using this perspective, the study can identify any potential gender patterns that may occur in relation to the experience of invisible work. Based on two research questions, the results have been able to show that there are many different types of invisible work within the teaching profession at Swedish high schools. Everything from building strong relationships with students, being responsible for taking notes at meetings, to various forms of household and maintenance work and more, have been identified as invisible work tasks. Regarding gender differences, the results could further show that women usually carry out these types of tasks in greater occurrence. When it comes to how teachers are affected by invisible work, in relation to their work environment, the results also show that women are the ones who are most negatively affected. Stress and burnout are for example described as common phenomena in the profession. Although male teachers can also be affected, the results suggest that these phenomena are more common among female teachers. The results further show that female teachers to a greater extent use conscious strategies to manage their work environment situation. At the same time they are described as having more difficulty setting boundaries. Despite the fact that the Swedish school system is often considered as a gender-neutral organization, it is possible to conclude from this study that this type of workplace is influenced by societal gender norms. Recommendations for future studies of invisible work within the teaching profession are discussed.

Det spelar ingen roll om hur mycket jag visar framfötterna, jag kommer aldrig att komma vidare : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnor som arbetar på mansdominerade arbetsplatser / It doesn't matter how much effort I put in, I will never advance : A qualitative study on women working in male-dominated workplaces

Westergren, Kicki January 2023 (has links)
I studien används empiri insamlat från intervjuer för att undersöka sju kvinnors upplevelser av att arbeta på mansdominerade arbetsplatser. Utifrån en tematisk analys antyder resultatet bland annat att könsnormer spelar en stor roll för hur de intervjuade kvinnorna som arbetar inom mansdominerade arbetsplatser bemöts. Vidare visar resultatet att dessa kvinnor upplever att de måste prestera mer än män för att lyckas samt att de inte får samma arbetsrelaterade chanser som sina manliga kollegor. Respondenterna uttryckte även att de inte upplever att de anpassat sig för att passa in i gemenskapen på arbetsplatsen. Studiens empiri har ställts emot tidigare forskning, Yvonne Hirdmans genusteori samt Eagly & Woods sociala rollteori för att belysa vilka utmaningar kvinnor kan stöta på i sitt arbete samt hur kvinnor påverkas och anpassar sig till att vara i minoritet. Det förs bland annat en diskussion om att det faktum att respondenterna inte känner sig betrodda i sina roller, vilket enligt genussystemet och social rollteori beror på att det uppstår en social störning när de kvinnliga respondenterna agerar utanför rådande sociala förväntningar. Studiens analys tar även upp hur människan, medvetet eller omedvetet, anpassar sig till nya situationer, såsom att passa in i en arbetsgrupp, samt vilka “uppoffringar” detta kan innebära. Vidare diskuteras det att studiens resultat gällande det osynliga arbetet inte är helt enigt med tidigare forskning då resultatet visade att respondenterna inte upplevde sig utföra det osynliga arbetet i den grad som forskningen antyder. / The study uses empirical data collected from seven interviews to investigate women's experiences of working in male-dominated workplaces. In a thematic analysis, the results suggest, among other things, that gendernorms play a large role in hos women who work in male-dominated workplaces are treated. Furthermore, the results show that women feel obliged to perform more than men to succeed and that they do not get the same work-related opportunities as their male colleagues. Respondents also expressed that they do not feel that they have adapted to fit into the workplace. The study's empirical data has then been compared with previous research, Yvonne Hirdman's theory of the gendersystem and Eagly & Wood's social role theory to highlight the challenges that women may encounter in their work and how they are affected by and adapt to being in a minority. There is also a discussion regarding the fact that the respondents do not feel trusted in their roles which, according to the gendersystem and social role theory, is a sign of social disruption in which the female respondents act contrary to prevailing social expectations. The analysis of the study also addresses how humans, consciously or unconsciously, adapt to new situations, such as fitting into a work group, and what "sacrifices" this may entail. Furthermore, it is discussed that the study's results regarding invisible work are not entirely consistent with previous research as the results showed that the respondents did not feel that they performed invisible work to the extent that the research suggests.

Testing Pills, Enacting Obesity : The work of localizing tools in a clinical trial

Jonvallen, Petra January 2005 (has links)
This study examines tools and practices involved in a large scale and multi-sited clinical trial of a potential drug against obesity. Two tools are in focus: a clinical research protocol and a computer control system. The analysis is based on there being different ways in which the tools are localized in order for the work to flow smoothly and to produce reliable data. It does this through delineating different types of work performed: production tasks, classical managerial work, compliance work and the work of coordinating beliefs and goals. The study is based on interviews, observations and documentary analysis. Through describing these types of work and how it is organized, the study emphasizes the trial as being part of an industrial production process. Hence, the tools are used not only to produce reliable data, but also to manage the work of the tools’ users in order to enable a smooth production process. In line with such a description, the protocol and computer control system are seen as objects that discipline practice, something that also resonates in the way staff talk about their work. The dissertation shows how the tools, despite this, leave room for aspects of clinical trial work that are both rational/technical and experiential/contingent. The dissertation also shows that obesity is enacted in different ways in the practices performed in the trial. Making sense of these somewhat contradictory enactments requires work referred to as coordination of beliefs about what obesity is, as well as of the different goals of the trial. By such a focus on invisible work, the dissertation shows that those nurses, dieticians and doctors involved in the everyday follow-through of the trial have a strategic position in mediating between pharmaceutical companies and their potential market for the drug under study, namely the trial participants.

Kvinnor i karriären i Kriminalvården : En studie om kvinnors karriärmöjligheter på en svensk klass 1-anstalt / Women’s careers in the Swedish Prison and Probation Service : A study of women’s career opportunities in a Swedish class 1 prison

Elioneri, Angelica, Moqvist, Isabell January 2023 (has links)
Studien Kvinnor i karriären i Kriminalvården har sin utgångspunkt i begreppet jämställdhet. Svenska Kriminalvården är en statlig myndighet och måste, precis som alla som verkar inom svensk arbetsmarknad, se till att lagar och regler efterföljs. De närmaste åren behöver Kriminalvården expandera för att möta samhällets behov och krav, vilket kräver ytterligare rekrytering till alla befattningar inom Kriminalvården behövs. Kriminalvården vill fortsätta sträva mot jämställdhet och attrahera kvinnor till de historiskt sett mansdominerade arbetsrollerna. Enligt Kriminalvårdens årsredovisning från 2021 ses att än idag återfinns kvinnor främst i de omhändertagande professionerna, vilka skulle kunna betraktas som traditionellt könsstereotypiskt kvinnliga roller. Kvinnor återfinns vanligtvis inom de lägre arbetspositionerna där de även tenderar att bli kvar. Studiens syfte är att studera skillnader mellan mäns och kvinnors intresse och vilja till avancemang inom en av Kriminalvårdens klass 1-anstalter och därigenom bidra med kunskap till eventuella orsaker. För att studiens syfte ska uppnås har en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ metod använts, där sex intervjupersoner låtits delge information och ytterligare 27 respondenter besvarat en enkät. Intervjupersonerna befinner sig i arbetsledande positioner och respondenterna arbetar inom anstaltens största yrkesgrupp- kriminalvårdare. Studien påvisar att där inte finns några tydliga skillnader mellan mäns och kvinnors vilja till att avancera till högre arbetsledande positioner. Den väsentliga skillnaden ligger i att mäns och kvinnors sätt att visa intresse till avancemang skiljer sig åt. Det framkommer att fenomenet att män och kvinnor visar olika intresse till att avancera beror på samhällelig nivå med normer och värderingar som grundar sig i genus, snarare än på en organisationsnivå. Även om Kriminalvården eftersträvar jämställdhet spelar samhällets attityder och beteenden en avgörande roll där det formella ansvaret på arbetsplatsen ser lika ut oavsett kön. Det har under studiens gång dock visat sig att det informella ansvaret kan vara minst lika omfattande som det formella, där kvinnor både bär och tar på sig det största ansvaret. / The study Women’s career in the Swedish Prison and Probation Service is based on the notion of gender equality. The Swedish Prison and Probation Service is a government agency and must, just like everyone who operates in the Swedish labor market, ensure that laws and regulations are followed. In the next few years, the Swedish Prison and Probation Service needs to expand to meet society's needs and demands, which requires further recruitment for all positions within the agency. The agency wants to continue to strive towards gender equality and attract women to the historically male-dominated work roles. According to the Prison Service's annual report from 2021, it can be seen that even today women are found mainly in the caring professions, which could be considered traditionally gender-stereotypically female roles. Women are usually found in the lower working positions where they also tend to stay. The purpose of the study is to study differences between men's and women's interest and desire for advancement within one of the agency’s class 1 prisons, and thereby contribute with knowledge to possible causes. In order to reach the purpose of the study, a qualitative and quantitative method have been used, where six interviewees were providing information and further 27 respondents answered a questionnaire. The interviewees are in managerial positions and the respondents work within the institution's largest occupational group - prison officers. The study shows that there are no clear differences between men's and women's willingness to advance to higher managerial positions. The essential difference lies in the fact that the way men and women show interest in advancement differs. It appears that the phenomenon that men and women show different interest in advancing is due to a societal level with norms and values based on gender, rather than an organizational level. Although the Swedish Prison and Probation Service strives for gender equality, it is the existence of attitudes and behaviors of the society that play a decisive role where formal responsibility within organizations are the same regardless of gender. During the work of this study, it has, however, been shown that the informal responsibility can be at least as extensive as the formal one, where women both bear and take the greatest responsibility.

Constitutive invisibility: Exploring the work of staff advisers in political position-making

Laube, Stefan, Schank, Jan, Scheffer, Thomas 02 September 2020 (has links)
Although it is broadly acknowledged that democratic politics should operate through the public competition of binding positions, the careful development of these positions is commonly neglected. Providing ethnographic analysis of the work of staff advisers in parliamentary groups, the paper explores the invisible work invested into these competing positions. We argue that the invisibilization of work serves to accomplish a central tenet of democratic political discourse: the demonstration of resonance between constituents and elected politicians. The latter may be assisted by – but must not depend on – non-elected staff. Against this ‘sacred’ premise of representative democracy, the paper shows that and how political positions are based on invisible work and the work of invisibilizing. Building on laboratory and workplace studies, we specify the shape and function of invisibility by contrasting studies on invisible work in the natural sciences, in case law, and in party politics. In these instances, invisible work serves different discursive objects-in-formation: scientific facts, legal cases, and binding positions. Understanding invisible work, thus, leads us to consider different constitutive relevancies. In turn, these serve to specify established concepts in STS, such as ‘controversy,’ to better distinguish the day-to-day conduct of natural science from that of politics or law.

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