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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effektiv metod för tydliga, skrivna instruktioner för produkttillverkning

Chung, Christie January 2006 (has links)
<p>St. Jude Medical Inc is one of the worlds leading companies in the medical technology area with cardiovascular devices as its specialty.</p><p>Manufacturing implantable medical devices such as Pace Maker Electrodes requires complex design, safe processes and well trained operators. User friendly manufacturing operations are a necessity.</p><p>Lately there’s been an increase of the manufacturing volume which also increased the number of operators. More operators need to be trained and cross-trained. User friendly manufacturing operations will lead to a more effective training process.</p><p>The goal of this thesis is to improve manufacturing quality while maintaining or increasing productivity.</p><p>MOs should be written with a simple and straight language. MOs should include photo images to strengthen the structures in MO and make it easier for operators to organize.</p><p>The conclusion of this thesis is divided in two parts. The first part is to implement a new way for process engineers to create manufacturing operations. This was done in form of a checklist and an introduction manual called “Photoshop Handbook”.</p><p>The second part is a tested and verified prototype of what user friendly instructions could look like.</p>

Effektiv metod för tydliga, skrivna instruktioner för produkttillverkning

Chung, Christie January 2006 (has links)
St. Jude Medical Inc is one of the worlds leading companies in the medical technology area with cardiovascular devices as its specialty. Manufacturing implantable medical devices such as Pace Maker Electrodes requires complex design, safe processes and well trained operators. User friendly manufacturing operations are a necessity. Lately there’s been an increase of the manufacturing volume which also increased the number of operators. More operators need to be trained and cross-trained. User friendly manufacturing operations will lead to a more effective training process. The goal of this thesis is to improve manufacturing quality while maintaining or increasing productivity. MOs should be written with a simple and straight language. MOs should include photo images to strengthen the structures in MO and make it easier for operators to organize. The conclusion of this thesis is divided in two parts. The first part is to implement a new way for process engineers to create manufacturing operations. This was done in form of a checklist and an introduction manual called “Photoshop Handbook”. The second part is a tested and verified prototype of what user friendly instructions could look like.

Leksaker baserade på teknik sedda ur ett genusperspektiv : En studie om 6-åringars preferenser och användande av könsstereotypa konstruktionsleksaker

Bernström, Annelie January 2007 (has links)
<p>Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med barn i förskoleklass och genom enkätundersökningar hos pedagoger har jag fått svar på mina frågeställningar som handlar om pojkar, flickor och deras leksaksval då det gäller teknikbaserade leksaker. Syftet var att försöka se om det fanns skillnader i valet och användandet av dessa leksaker och i så fall försöka tydliggöra dem, och dessutom ta reda på varför barnen är olika i sina leksakspreferenser.</p><p>Resultatet påvisar att för barnen i denna förskoleklass är konstruktionsleksaker ett frekvent val i verksamheten. Alla barn leker med dessa leksaker, dock skiljer sig preferenserna åt beroende på om man är flicka eller pojke, både i hemmet och i förskoleklassen. Hur barnens preferenser uppkommer finns det delade meningar om, dock är huvudteorin enligt de forskarna/författare jag tagit del av, socialt betingat.</p><p>Pedagogiska slutsatser är att som pedagog måste man arbeta på ett målmedvetet sätt då det gäller leksaker och genus, man skall alltid ha med sig att leken har stor betydelse i barnens utveckling.</p><p>Nyckelord: genus, leksaker, preferenser, teknik</p> / <p>Through interviews with children in preschool class and through inquiries by questionnaire with their teachers, I have received answers of my question at issue about boys, girls and their choices of technical toys. The purpose was to see if there were any differences in choosing and using these toys, and also to find out if and why the children have different preferences.</p><p>The results indicate that for the children in this preschool class the choice of construction toys is common in the activities. All the children play with these toys, but still there are different preferences among girls and boys, both at home and in preschool class. There are differences in opinion among earlier researchers what causes boys and girls to differ in preferences of toys, but the main theory is still that gender differences depend on the family and the community.</p><p>Pedagogical conclusions are that as a teacher of young children, you have to work with awareness when it comes to toys and gender. You must never forget the important role toys play in the development of the children.</p><p>Keywords: gender, technical, toys, preferences</p>

Vem syns i tekniken? : -en kvantitativ analys av två teknikläromedel ur genusperspektiv / Who do you see in technology? : - a quantitative analysis of technology textbooks from a gender perspective

Nilsson, Åsa January 2007 (has links)
<p>För att öka ungdomars intresse för teknik är det viktigt att det finns goda förebilder av båda könen för elever att identifiera sig med. Därför har jag gjort en kvantitativ analys av två läroböcker i teknik för skolår 6-9.Böckerna är publicerade 1995 resp. 2005 och är skrivna av samma författare. Analysen har ett genusperspektiv och frågeställningarna är följande:</p><p>Har bildmaterialet förändrats så att könen är mer jämt representerade i antal och typ av sysselsättning? Har textmaterialet förändrats så att könen är mer jämt representerade i antal och typ av sysselsättning? Har tillgången på förebilder för båda könen ökat i den senaste upplagan av boken?</p><p>Resultatet är att könsfördelningen är mycket ojämn till männens fördel och ojämlikheten är större i text än i bild. Ojämlikheten har även ökat mellan de båda upplagorna, främst på grund av den kraftigt ökade förekomsten av män i den senare upplagan. Dock har det skett en kvalitativ förändring mellan upplagorna så att fler människor, både kvinnor och män visas som verkliga, yrkesverksamma individer i den senare upplagan.</p> / <p>To further young people's interest in technology as a curriculum subject and/or career choice, the presence of good role models of both sexes is essential. This caused my investigation of two highschool technology textbooks from a gender perspective. The textbooks were published in 1995 and in 2005 and are written by the same author. The analysis is of a quantitative nature and concerns both immages and text material.</p><p>The results are mainly that there is a substantial inequality in the representation of the sexes, where males are overrepresented in both images and text material. When compairing both editions of the textbook, inequality has increased in the most recent edition, mostly due to the substantial increase of males in the text matierial in the 2005 edition. However, there has been a qualitative change, where more people, both men and women (mostly men, though) are mentioned, and shown, as individuals with technical occupations.</p>

”Ameh, eh, eh, vi kör det istället, för den är mycket lättare tror jag” : Förskolebarns kommunikation och samspel vid datorn / “Ameh, eh, eh, let’s do this instead, it’s much easier I think” : Pre-school children’s communication and collaboration at the computer

Lind, Sara, Tillander, Elin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien var att observera hur förskolebarn kommunicerar och samspelar vid datorn, både verbalt och icke-verbalt. Syftet var även att belysa pedagogers uppfattningar om barns kommunikation och samspel och hur de organiserar datoranvändandet i verksamheten.</p><p>Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär där videoobservationer och intervjuer användes. Totalt observerades 7 barn i 4-5 års ålder och 4 pedagoger intervjuades.</p><p>Resultatet visade att barnen kommunicerade på olika sätt, detta delades in i 6 skilda kategorier: kommunikation om planering, emotionell kommunikation, icke-datorrelaterad kommunikation, kommunikation med spelets auditiva funktioner, kommunikation med datorn som person och kommunikation om spelet. Som mest höll sig kommunikationen om spelet som barnen spelade. Kroppsspråket bestod till störst del av gester i form av pekningar och vi märkte att gesterna hjälpte till där språket fattades. På båda förskolorna användes datorn i den fria leken till att spela på. Pedagogernas roll i barns spelande var passiv, de hjälpte till om barnen bad om hjälp eller när problem uppstod. Pedagogerna som intervjuades uttryckte att samspelet var positivt och att varken ålder eller kön spelade någon roll men däremot barnens språk- och kunskapsutveckling.</p><p>Olika faktorer som vi upplever spelar roll i barnens kommunikation och samspel är val av spel/program, kunskaps-/utvecklingsnivån hos barnet, miljön och den vuxnes delaktighet.</p>

The Eastern Link : A sustainable discourse?

Niskanen, Johan, Gröndal Andersson, Joakim January 2009 (has links)
<p>The local newspapers in Sweden are often used as an arena where groups of different political leanings try to frame current events to suit their purposes. Therefore how the news media presents the discussed issue and how it relates to sustainable development are important for a democratic process. One of the largest infrastructural projects in Sweden currently is the Eastern Link and there are many economical, social and ecological concerns when constructing such a large infrastructural project. It is therefore important to look at how sustainable development is represented in the local news media when concerning this infrastructural project. The aim of this thesis is to study how the local media presents the Eastern Link project in relation to sustainable development and how it affects democracy. This thesis critically discusses the different parts of sustainable development; the impact of and on economical issues, social issues and ecological issues in relation to the study material. Both a quantitative approach and a qualitative approach are used as a method. The thesis also links the results of this study to previous research on communication and theories on sustainable development. The results show that neither of the newspapers Folkbladet or NT is presenting the Eastern Link in a balanced way from a sustainability perspective. A majority of the articles are focusing on the social discourse; this differs from previous research where the focus is on the economical discourse.</p>

Nanotechnology: Beyond Human Nature?

Cabrera, Laura January 2007 (has links)
<p>Nanotechnology plays an important role in today’s society because it allows convergence to the nanoscale, that is to say to the level of atoms and molecules, as part of a miniaturization trend; and also because it is being used for improving human performance or enhancement. Nanotechnology will have a tremendous impact thanks to its potentialities, and the human desire for enhancement - and for some even the desire to reach a posthuman stage. Since nanotechnology-based human applications – cyborgs and implants – might represent a threat to what defines us as humans, namely our human nature, a different approach on the distinction between therapy and enhancement is needed in order to handle those applications in a wiser and more responsible way. This thesis will work on such approach.</p>

Vem syns i tekniken? : -en kvantitativ analys av två teknikläromedel ur genusperspektiv / Who do you see in technology? : - a quantitative analysis of technology textbooks from a gender perspective

Nilsson, Åsa January 2007 (has links)
För att öka ungdomars intresse för teknik är det viktigt att det finns goda förebilder av båda könen för elever att identifiera sig med. Därför har jag gjort en kvantitativ analys av två läroböcker i teknik för skolår 6-9.Böckerna är publicerade 1995 resp. 2005 och är skrivna av samma författare. Analysen har ett genusperspektiv och frågeställningarna är följande: Har bildmaterialet förändrats så att könen är mer jämt representerade i antal och typ av sysselsättning? Har textmaterialet förändrats så att könen är mer jämt representerade i antal och typ av sysselsättning? Har tillgången på förebilder för båda könen ökat i den senaste upplagan av boken? Resultatet är att könsfördelningen är mycket ojämn till männens fördel och ojämlikheten är större i text än i bild. Ojämlikheten har även ökat mellan de båda upplagorna, främst på grund av den kraftigt ökade förekomsten av män i den senare upplagan. Dock har det skett en kvalitativ förändring mellan upplagorna så att fler människor, både kvinnor och män visas som verkliga, yrkesverksamma individer i den senare upplagan. / To further young people's interest in technology as a curriculum subject and/or career choice, the presence of good role models of both sexes is essential. This caused my investigation of two highschool technology textbooks from a gender perspective. The textbooks were published in 1995 and in 2005 and are written by the same author. The analysis is of a quantitative nature and concerns both immages and text material. The results are mainly that there is a substantial inequality in the representation of the sexes, where males are overrepresented in both images and text material. When compairing both editions of the textbook, inequality has increased in the most recent edition, mostly due to the substantial increase of males in the text matierial in the 2005 edition. However, there has been a qualitative change, where more people, both men and women (mostly men, though) are mentioned, and shown, as individuals with technical occupations.

Nanotechnology: Beyond Human Nature?

Cabrera, Laura January 2007 (has links)
Nanotechnology plays an important role in today’s society because it allows convergence to the nanoscale, that is to say to the level of atoms and molecules, as part of a miniaturization trend; and also because it is being used for improving human performance or enhancement. Nanotechnology will have a tremendous impact thanks to its potentialities, and the human desire for enhancement - and for some even the desire to reach a posthuman stage. Since nanotechnology-based human applications – cyborgs and implants – might represent a threat to what defines us as humans, namely our human nature, a different approach on the distinction between therapy and enhancement is needed in order to handle those applications in a wiser and more responsible way. This thesis will work on such approach.

Facilities Management and Health Care at Home

Lundberg, Stefan January 2007 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the new requirements that will be put upon the facilities management when the elderly are living longer in their own homes, in spite of illness, impairment and old age. For many reasons, especially demographic ones, this issue has come to the fore and since it has substantial political impact and considerably affects our living conditions, it will most certainly appear on the agenda of most Swedish housing companies in the near future. The growing number of inhabitants in need of care and rehabilitation is a current subject in many countries of the industrial world. More medical conditions can be treated, but often at an ever increasing cost. Care and housing are often interlinked and more interest is being paid to the possibility of offering care to elderly in their own homes. This development must lead to a discussion of the home as a hospital ward from time to time, and the demands it places on facilities management and security. So far the prospects of telecare services and "Smart homes" has been very little discussed in parallel, although in many aspects they share the same technological base. The principal interest of the housing companies is to find a role in accordance with their mainstream business, and at the same time co-operate with other municipal actors directly in charge of offering assistance and service. There has been only limited study and research into the complex interaction between technology, home-based social service and the housing company. The purpose here is to develop an understanding of the requirements placed on both the housing company and the CP when a tenant is to be subjected to minor and more extensive care at home, or suffers from an illness or an impairment which requires special equipment or technical adjustment in the home. A model to interpret this situation has been developed in this thesis. / QC 20100806

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