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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Primary students' group metacognitive processes in a computer supported collaborative learning environment

Chalmers, Christina January 2009 (has links)
The current understanding of students’ group metacognition is limited. The research on metacognition has focused mainly on the individual student. The aim of this study was to address the void by developing a conceptual model to inform the use of scaffolds to facilitate group metacognition during mathematical problem solving in computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environments. An initial conceptual framework based on the literature from metacognition, cooperative learning, cooperative group metacognition, and computer supported collaborative learning was used to inform the study. In order to achieve the study aim, a design research methodology incorporating two cycles was used. The first cycle focused on the within-group metacognition for sixteen groups of primary school students working together around the computer; the second cycle included between-group metacognition for six groups of primary school students working together on the Knowledge Forum® CSCL environment. The study found that providing groups with group metacognitive scaffolds resulted in groups planning, monitoring, and evaluating the task and team aspects of their group work. The metacognitive scaffolds allowed students to focus on how their group was completing the problem-solving task and working together as a team. From these findings, a revised conceptual model to inform the use of scaffolds to facilitate group metacognition during mathematical problem solving in computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environments was generated.

Innovation in university computer-facilitated learning systems: product, workplace experience and the organisation

Fritze, Paul A. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
This thesis reports on the development of a generic online system to support learning and teaching at the University of Melbourne. New online technologies, the fostering of innovation at national and university levels and my position within a central educational unit provided the opportunity in 1996 to adapt a previous software package for online use. My observations of the problematic nature of computer-facilitated learning (CFL) production led me to take an open approach to the development, seeking both a practical product and enhanced understanding. A series of formative questions defined the scope and goals of the study, which were to: *produce a generic online learning system; *increase understanding of the workplace experience of that development; and *develop an organisational model for the further development of generic CFL systems. Given this multi-disciplinary focus, many paradigms in the literature could potentially have guided the study. A number of these aligning with the research purposes, context and constructivist philosophy of the study, were reviewed from the perspectives of learning, CFL development and the organisation.

Μελέτη και ανάλυση περιβάλλοντος υποστήριξης καθηγητή για την επίβλεψη συνεργασίας μικρών ομάδων

Βογιατζάκη, Ελένη 21 December 2012 (has links)
Η συνεργασία με στόχο τη μάθηση αποτελεί μια ερευνητική περιοχή και ταυτόχρονα μια πρακτική με μακρά ιστορία. Μελέτες πάνω στη συνεργασία αναφέρονται από το 1924 (Webb & Palincsar, 1996; Alport, 1924). Με την εξέλιξη της τεχνολογίας η συνεργασία με στόχο τη μάθηση (όπως παράλληλα και στο χώρο της εργασίας) υποστηρίχθηκε από υπολογιστικά συστήματα. Αναπτύχθηκε η ερευνητική περιοχή της Συνεργατικής μάθησης που υποστηρίζεται ή διαμεσολαβείται από υπολογιστή, γνωστή ως CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning), αναπτύχθηκαν θεωρίες, υιοθετήθηκαν μέθοδοι έρευνας και δημιουργήθηκαν σχετικά εργαλεία (Stahl et al, 2006) με στόχο την μελέτη της συνεργασίας ομάδων και την επίδραση που η συνεργασία έχει στη μάθηση. Η εστίαση ήταν στην μελέτη της ομάδας, των αλληλεπιδράσεων, των εργαλείων που διαμεσολαβούν τη συνεργασία, και στην αποτελεσματικότητά τους. Αρχικά μελετήθηκαν συστηματικά οι μαθητές ώστε να συναχθούν συμπεράσματα σχετικά με την αποτελεσματικότητα των προσεγγίσεων και εργαλείων. Σε δεύτερη φάση, πιο πρόσφατα, διαπιστώθηκε η ανάγκη, ως συνέπεια της ωρίμανσης της περιοχής, η μελέτη να περιλάβει τους διδάσκοντες σε περιβάλλοντα συνεργατικής μάθησης, οι οποίοι αποτελούν προϋπόθεση για την ένταξη τέτοιων προσεγγίσεων σε αυθεντικές συνθήκες διδασκαλίας και μάθησης. Ο ρόλος του καθηγητή θα πρέπει να μελετηθεί στις συνθήκες αυτές, καθώς αυτός λαμβάνει τα χαρακτηριστικά του διαμεσολαβητή και υποστηρικτή της συνεργασίας, δεδομένου ότι οι μαθητές αναλαμβάνουν πιο ενεργό ρόλο από ότι σε πιο παραδοσιακές συνθήκες μάθησης (Dimitracopoulou, 2005). Τα ερωτήματα που αφορούν το νέο ρόλο του καθηγητή, καθώς και η υποστήριξή του από τεχνολογίες και εργαλεία, επισημάνθηκαν ως ένας από τους πέντε άξονες προτεραιότητας στην ερευνητική αυτή περιοχή (Dillenbourg, 2009). Η παρούσα διατριβή μελέτησε το ρόλο του καθηγητή που επιβλέπει ομαδοσυνεργατικές δραστηριότητες, που διαμεσολαβούνται από υπολογιστές, όταν οι δραστηριότητες αυτές λαμβάνουν χώρα σε περιβάλλον σχολικής τάξης,. Αφετηρία της έρευνας υπήρξε η μελέτη παρόμοιων συνεργατικών δραστηριοτήτων και υπολογιστικών συστημάτων, όπως αναφέρονται στη βιβλιογραφία, στα οποία εντοπίστηκαν κοινές απόψεις όσον αφορά το ρόλο και την υποστήριξη του καθηγητή με κατάλληλα εργαλεία. Η ανάγκη της παρακολούθησης των διαφορετικών κοινωνικών επιπέδων της τάξης, δηλαδή του μεμονωμένου εκπαιδευόμενου, της ομάδας και της τάξης (Dillenbourg & Jermann, 2010), αναδείχθηκε πρώτη. Εντοπίστηκαν επίσης τάσεις που περιλάμβαναν την υποστήριξη της επίβλεψης της ομαδοσυνεργατικής δραστηριότητας σε διάφορες φάσεις της και με διαφορετικό βαθμό εστίασης, την καταγραφή της δράσης των μαθητών και την εξαγωγή ποσοτικών και ποιοτικών δεικτών που αντιπροσωπεύουν την κατάσταση των ομάδων και της τάξης, τη χρήση συνοπτικών και συμβολικών αναπαραστάσεων για την αποτύπωση της κατάστασης αυτής, καθώς και την ανάπτυξη και πειραματική χρήση «ευφυών» υποστηρικτών των διδασκόντων. Με βάση την αρχική αυτή μελέτη διατυπώθηκαν ερευνητικά ερωτήματα, που αφορούσαν τον τρόπο με τον οποίο ο καθηγητής κατά την επίβλεψη ομαδοσυνεργατικών δραστηριοτήτων μέσα στην τάξη, δημιουργεί και συντηρεί την αντίληψή του για τα φαινόμενα που εξελίσσονται. Τα ερωτήματα εξετάσθηκαν σε μια σειρά από μελέτες μέσα σε τάξεις οι οποίες ενέπλεξαν μαθητές και διδάσκοντες. Στο σχεδιασμό των μελετών μας όπου υπεισέρχονταν νέες πρακτικές και τεχνουργήματα λάβαμε υπόψη ότι τα τεχνουργήματα μετατρέπονται σε εργαλεία από τους χρήστες βάση του αρχικού τους προσανατολισμού και σχεδιασμού αλλά και του νοήματος που αποκτούν κατά τη χρήση (Stahl et al.,2006). Για το λόγο αυτό οι τεχνολογίες στην περιοχή της συνεργατικής μάθησης θα πρέπει να συνδυάζονται με μελέτες, που να παρατηρούν και να αναδεικνύουν τους τρόπους που τελικά αξιοποιήθηκαν τα εργαλεία, οι οποίες είτε γίνονται με πειραματικές διαδικασίες (πχ μέσα σε ένα εργαστήριο) , είτε ακολουθούν την εθνομεθοδολογική παράδοση μέσα στην τάξη (Jeong & Hmelo-Silver, 2010). Η μεθοδολογία μας ήταν αυτή της έρευνας σχεδιασμού (Collins, 1992) και η συλλογή δεδομένων κατά τη διάρκεια των μελετών είχε εθνομεθοδολογικά χαρακτηριστικά (Stahl, 2006). Για τις μελέτες μας δημιουργήθηκε μια μέθοδος που αναπαριστούσε με διαγραμματικό τρόπο τη δραστηριότητα του καθηγητή σε τάξη όπου υφίστανται συγκεκριμένες τεχνολογίες για την υποστήριξη της συνεργασίας. Αυτό συνδυάστηκε με μια προσέγγιση , που βασιζόμενη στα δεδομένα που συλλέχθηκαν κατά τη διάρκεια των μελετών αυτών, αναζήτησε και συνέκρινε πρότυπα της συμπεριφοράς των καθηγητών όταν χρησιμοποιούν εργαλεία τα οποία υποστηρίζουν τις ομάδες της τάξης. Στην πρώτη φάση των μελετών οι καθηγητές δεν χρησιμοποίησαν ειδικά εργαλεία επίβλεψης, ενώ στη δεύτερη φάση νέα εργαλεία αναπτύχθηκαν και χρησιμοποιήθηκαν από τους καθηγητές. Η κύρια διαφορά ανάμεσα στις δύο φάσεις ήταν ότι στη δεύτερη οι καθηγητές είχαν επίγνωση της κατάστασης της κάθε ομάδας που παρεχόταν με ποικίλες αναπαραστάσεις. Αυτό επηρέασε την συμπεριφορά τους. Σε τρίτη φάση τα δεδομένα που παράχθηκαν στις πρώτες φάσεις αξιολογήθηκαν με τη βοήθεια των εργαλείων που αναπτύχθηκαν χωρίς τους χρονικούς περιορισμούς που εισάγει το περιβάλλον της τάξης. Για να μπορέσουν να αποτυπωθούν οι επιδράσεις των εργαλείων και των αναπαραστάσεων που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν σε κάθε φάση και να εντοπιστούν πρότυπα συμπεριφορών, ορίστηκε μια διαδικασία κωδικοποίησης των ενεργειών του καθηγητή κατά τη διάρκεια της παρακολούθησης της συνεργατικής δραστηριότητας, της αξιολόγησής της, με βάση τις αναπαραστάσεις που διατέθηκαν. Ορίστηκαν επίπεδα εστίασης και παρέμβασης του καθηγητή κατά την ομαδοσυνεργατική διδασκαλία και αυτά συσχετίστηκαν με αναπαραστάσεις των δεδομένων, καθώς και με τις ενέργειές του καθηγητή που μπορούν να υποστηριχθούν. Διαπιστώθηκε ότι ο καθηγητής στην τάξη, κινείται στο επίπεδο της ομάδας, εστιάζει στο άτομο, ενώ χρειάζεται διαρκώς να παρακολουθεί το σύνολο των ομάδων της τάξης. Κατά τη συνεργασία παράγεται μεγάλος όγκος πληροφορίας και ο καθηγητής πρέπει να τον αξιοποιήσει κατά τον βέλτιστο δυνατό τρόπο, καθώς αναζητά φαινόμενα που τον βοηθούν να αντιληφθεί την κατάσταση της τάξης. Η επίβλεψη της δραστηριότητας, με στόχο την αντίληψη της κατάστασης, απαιτεί συνεπώς από τον επιβλέποντα την μετακίνηση μεταξύ διαφορετικών επιπέδων εστίασης, καθώς και την πλοήγησή του στη διάσταση του χρόνου. Με τον τρόπο αυτό αξιοποιεί και συνδυάζει διαφορετικές αναπαραστάσεις, προσπαθώντας να συνθέσει τα κύρια σημεία της δραστηριότητας κάθε ομάδας, τη συλλογιστική της ώστε να εντοπίσει πιθανές αποκλίσεις από το μοντέλο που είχε διαμορφώσει ο ίδιος κατά το σχεδιασμό της δραστηριότητας. Η διαδικασία αυτή απαιτεί τον εντοπισμό και επισημείωση φαινομένων που απαιτούν μελέτη σε ύστερο χρόνο και μπορεί να αποτελέσουν παραδείγματα καλής πρακτικής ή υλικό για διάγνωση και ανατροφοδότηση. Η αξιολόγηση της ομαδοσυνεργατικής δραστηριότητας απαιτεί αφενός εξοικείωση με την τεχνολογία που χρησιμοποιείται, αφετέρου την εφαρμογή κατάλληλων μοντέλων αξιολόγησης, ώστε να λαμβάνεται υπόψη η πορεία των ομαδοσυνεργατικών δραστηριοτήτων, και όχι μόνο το τελικό αποτέλεσμά τους, και να παρέχεται ανατροφοδότηση στις επί μέρους ομάδες, στα μέλη τους, αν παραστεί ανάγκη, αλλά και στην τάξη ως σύνολο. Διαπιστώθηκε από τις μελέτες μας, ότι η έρευνα σε αυτήν την περιοχή, προϋποθέτει καθηγητές και σχολικά περιβάλλοντα με εμπειρίες σε ομαδοσυνεργατική μάθηση μέσω υπολογιστή, κάτι που είναι ιδιαίτερα δύσκολο ακόμη και σήμερα, όπως και κατά την εποχή διεξαγωγής των εμπειρικών μελετών πεδίου που έγιναν στο πλαίσιο της διατριβής. Παρά την εγγενή αυτή δυσκολία, οι διαπιστώσεις της διατριβής συμβάλουν στον καλύτερο προσδιορισμό του ρόλου του καθηγητή σε αυτό το πλαίσιο διδασκαλίας και μάθησης και των εργαλείων που υποστηρίζουν αυτό το ρόλο. Η γενικότερη κατεύθυνση της περιοχής της μάθησης με χρήση υπολογιστή μας κάνει να υποθέσουμε ότι οι πρακτικές που μελετώνται εδώ θα αποκτήσουν ευρεία διάδοση στο εγγύς μέλλον. Τούτο στηρίζεται αφενός στη γενικότερη διαπίστωση της εισαγωγής της τεχνολογίας στη ζωή των μαθητών (Dave, 2010), και μάλιστα αυτής που υποστηρίζει τη συνεργασία, όπως οι τεχνολογίες κοινωνικής δικτύωσης, των δυνατοτήτων αξιοποίησης της τεχνολογίας αυτής μέσα στην τάξη με τη μορφή νέων συσκευών, νέων μέσων συνεργασίας και αλληλεπίδρασης, πολλαπλών μέσων επικοινωνίας, νέων τρόπων πρόσβασης στα δεδομένα, κλπ. Συνεπώς αυτό το σύνθετο τεχνολογικό και κοινωνικό περιβάλλον που περιβάλει ήδη τις σχολικές εμπειρίες και τις επηρεάζει, απαιτεί επαναπροσδιορισμό του ρόλου του καθηγητή, ο οποίος παραμένει μεν ο καθοδηγητής της μαθησιακής διαδικασίας αλλά συνάμα και ενορχηστρωτής μιας σύνθετης δραστηριότητας (Dillenbourg, 2009; Dillenbourg et al. 2011) . / Collaborative learning is an area of research and practice with a long history. Studies on collaborative learning are referred back in 1924 (Webb & Palincsar, 1996; Alport, 1924). With advances in technology in recent years, collaborative learning (as with collaborative work) has been supported by computer systems. So a new research area was introduced, that of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL). In this new field theories were developed, research methods adopted and developed related tools (Stahl et al, 2006). The objective has been to study collaboration in groups and the impact of collaboration on learning. The focus was on the study of groups, on interactions, on the tools that mediate collaboration, and their effectiveness. Initially students were studied systematically in order to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of approaches and tools. Subsequently, more recently, there was a need, as a consequence of the advances of the field, the study to include teachers in collaborative learning environments, which are a condition for the integration of such approaches in authentic teaching and learning conditions. The role of the teacher should be studied in this set up as the teacher takes up new roles, that of the facilitator and supporter of collaboration, given that students take a more active role than in more traditional learning situations (Dimitracopoulou, 2005). The question concerning the new role of the teacher, and her support of technologies and tools, has been identified as one of the five research priorities in this area (Dillenbourg, 2009). This PhD Thesis studies the role of the teacher who is involved in supervising collaborative activities mediated by computers, where these activities take place in a typical classroom. The starting point of this research was the study of similar research efforts and collaborative computing systems, as reported in the literature, which identified common views on the role and on possible requirements for supporting the teacher by appropriate tools. The need for monitoring of different social class levels, i.e. the individual student, group and class (Dillenbourg & Jermann, 2010), first emerged. Also trends were identified that include support for monitoring activity of groupwork in different phases with different degree of focus, recording the activities of students and exporting of quantitative and qualitative indicators that represent the state of the groups and the class, the use of symbolic and synoptic representation to fix this situation, and the development and experimental use of "intelligent" assistants of the teachers. Based on this initial study, research questions were formed concerning the way in which the teacher in supervising group activities in the classroom, creates and maintains the perception of the phenomena that evolve. These research questions were examined in a series of studies in classes that involved students and teachers. In the design of our studies involving new practices and artifacts we considered that the artifacts used are transformed into tools by the users, based on their initial orientation and design and the meaning they acquire during use (Stahl et al., 2006). For this reason, the technologies in the area of collaborative learning should be combined with studies that point out and highlight the ways that ultimately utilized tools, which are either made with experimental procedures (eg in a laboratory), or follow the ethnomethodological tradition in classrooms (Jeong & Hmelo-Silver, 2010). Our methodology was that of Research Design (Collins, 1992) while evidence was collected from the study following an ethnomethodological approach (Stahl, 2006). For our studies we created a notation to represent the activity of the teacher in the class where there are certain technologies used to support collaborative student activities. This notation was used in an approach, that involved use of data collected during the studies, that allowed comparison of patterns of teacher behavior when using tools to support group class activities. In the first phase of studies, the teachers did not use specific tools of supervision, while during the second phase the teachers used new tools that were developed in order to support them. The main effect of these new tools was that they allowed the teachers to be aware of the state of each student group through a variety of representations. This affected teacher behavior. In the third phase, the data produced in the other two phases were evaluated off-line by teachers, using the tools developed without the time constraints of the real time classroom environment. In order to depict the effects of tools and representations used in each phase and identify patterns of behavior, a notation of the teacher's actions during the monitoring of collaborative activity was used, which involved the teacher objectives and the representations that were used. Focus levels were set and types of interventions teacher, associated with representations of data, and the teacher's actions that were supported. It was found that the teacher in the classroom moves from the level of the group on to the individual, while there is a need to constantly monitor all the groups in the class. During collaborative activities a large amount of information was produced, and the teacher had to use it in the best possible way, as she tries to identify occurrence of phenomena that help her improve understanding of the situation of the classroom. The supervision of the activity aimed at understanding the situation, thus requiring the supervisor to move between different levels of focus, and also navigate back and forth in the time dimension. In this way the teacher exploits and combines different representations, trying to synthesize the main points of each group activity, its reasoning to identify possible deviations from the model that was formed about expected problem solving behaviour, originally during the design of the activity. This process requires the identification and annotation of events that require longer term study and can serve as examples of good practice or material for diagnosis and feedback. The evaluation of groupwork activity requires both familiarity with the technology used, while on the other hand the application of appropriate assessment models to take account of the evolution of groupwork activities, and not just inspection of the final result, and provide feedback to individual groups, and group members if necessary, as well as to the whole class. It was found from our studies that research in this area, requires teachers and school environments with experience in computer supported collaborative learning, which is particularly difficult, even today, as it was in the time when the field studies were conducted. Despite this inherent difficulty, the findings of this study help to better define the role of the teacher in this context of teaching and learning and evaluation of the tools that support this role. The general direction of the field of technology enhanced learning makes us assume that the practices studied here will become widespread in the near future. This one is based on general observation of the introduction of technology in the lives of students (Dave, 2010), especially technologies that support social interaction and collaboration, such as social networking technologies, the potential use of this technology in the classroom in the form of new devices, new instruments of collaboration and interaction, multi-media, new ways to access data, etc. Therefore this complex technological and social environment that surrounds and influences the school experiences requires redefinition of the role of the teacher, who still remains as the leader of learning process yet takes up the role of orchestrator of more complex activities (Dillenbourg, 2009; Dillenbourg et al. 2011).

A porta está aberta : aprendizagem colaborativa, prática iniciante, raciocínio clínico e terapia ocupacional

Marcolino, Taís Quevedo 27 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:35:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2480.pdf: 4783175 bytes, checksum: 3c593fe679295457361e87367467406c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-27 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / This action-research tries to reveal the contributions of a mentorship program focused on collaborative learning to improve professional development and clinical reasoning of occupational therapists in the beginning of the career, supported by the epistemology of practical rationality, narrative reasoning and learning community framework. The intervention included the participation on a collaborative group of six beginner occupational therapists, two experienced occupational therapists, and the mentor-researcher, and the writing of reflective journals by the beginner professionals. The information provided by the transcriptions of the group meetings and by the reflective journals was submitted to a threestage study: an analysis of the themes and their development; an analysis of the transformations of the modus operandi of the group in a timeline; and a final analysis of the reflective processes that showed up in the written narratives. The results reveal dynamical aspects of the collaborative work and indicate mutation points characterized by an open and honest treatment of the conflicts and by the building of mutual confidence, allowing the recognition of the doubts and enabling negotiation on the essential tension between being an occupational therapist and the practice of occupational therapy. The negotiations and constructs centered around the first pole involved dilemmas related to the professional competence in the beginning of the carrier, to the work in mental health, to the questions regarding professional identity and to the negotiations with institutional contexts. The production related to the second pole highlighted the construction of an assistance that contrasts with the biomedical model and the appropriation of theoretical concepts that sustain the practice of the occupational therapist regarding the triadic relation therapist-patientactivities. Besides that, the results of the reflexive processes revealed in the journals and viewed as clinical reasoning processes were interpreted differently of the literature, indicating that the procedural reasoning was aiming to the dynamics of the triadic relationship, in an intentional practice of creating therapeutic histories. Moreover, the results also highlighted relations between the situational diagnostic reasoning and the conditional one, reflecting an effort to view the patient in his/her daily life and culturemolded social and emotional conditions. Given this context, it is possible to view this research-action as an investigation embedded in the universe of professional formation and practice, and that gathers results that amplify the discussion of how powerful collaborative processes are in boosting investigative attitudes capable of sustaining the learning that care to the development of the therapist and his/her practice. By placing occupational therapy practice as a study subject and occupational therapists as agents capable of generating knowledge about it, this research revealed results that, besides highlighting constitutive aspects of a client-centered care, also indicates new directions to forthcoming further studies to strength the foundations of occupational therapy practice. / Esta pesquisa-ação procura compreender as contribuições de um programa de mentoria baseado na aprendizagem colaborativa para o desenvolvimento profissional e do raciocínio clínico de terapeutas ocupacionais em início de carreira, sustentada pelo referencial teóricometodológico da epistemologia da prática profissional, do raciocínio narrativo e da comunidade de aprendizagem. A intervenção da pesquisa caracterizou-se pela participação em um grupo de aprendizagem colaborativa, composto por seis terapeutas ocupacionais iniciantes, duas terapeutas ocupacionais experientes, e pela mentora-pesquisadora; além da produção de diários reflexivos pelas profissionais iniciantes. Os dados provenientes das transcrições dos encontros do grupo e das narrativas escritas nos diários foram submetidos a três etapas de análise: uma análise temática e do processo de desenvolvimento dos temas; uma análise das transformações nos modos de trabalhar no grupo em uma linha do tempo; e a análise dos processos reflexivos evidenciados nas narrativas escritas. Os resultados procuram elucidar aspectos relacionados à configuração do trabalho colaborativo ao longo do tempo, indicando momentos-chave de mudanças caracterizados pela elaboração aberta e honesta dos conflitos e pela construção de relações de confiança, permitindo a explicitação do nãosaber e a possibilidade de trabalhar sobre a tensão essencial entre ser terapeuta ocupacional e a assistência em terapia ocupacional. As negociações e elaborações centradas no primeiro pólo abarcaram dilemas relacionados à competência profissional no início da carreira, ao trabalho na saúde mental, às questões de identidade profissional e às negociações com os contextos institucionais. As produções em torno do segundo pólo evidenciaram a construção de uma assistência que se contrapõe ao modelo biomédico, e a apropriação de conceitos teóricos que sustentam a ação do terapeuta ocupacional no manejo da relação terapeuta-paciente-atividades. Além disso, os resultados referentes à análise dos processos reflexivos evidenciados nas narrativas escritas, tomados como processos de raciocínio clínico, suscitaram diferenças em relação à literatura da área, indicando que o raciocínio procedimental esteve voltado para a dinâmica da relação triádica, em um agir intencional para a construção de histórias terapêuticas; além disso, os resultados evidenciaram relações entre o raciocínio de diagnóstico situacional e o raciocínio condicional, no esforço de compreender o paciente em sua vida cotidiana, suas condições sociais e emocionais em uma cultura. Neste sentido, é possível localizar esta pesquisa-ação como uma investigação que transita no universo da formação e da prática profissional, e que congrega resultados voltados para ampliar a discussão sobre como processos colaborativos podem ser meios potentes para disparar atitudes investigativas capazes de sustentar uma aprendizagem voltada para o desenvolvimento do terapeuta e de sua prática. Ao colocar a terapia ocupacional como objeto de estudo e os terapeutas ocupacionais como sujeitos capazes de produzir conhecimentos sobre a prática, esta pesquisa também se deparou com resultados que, além de elucidarem aspectos constitutivos de uma assistência centrada no sujeito-alvo, também oferecem parâmetros para discussões e novas pesquisas interessadas em construir conhecimentos que possibilitem maiores e melhores sustentações para o que fazemos.

L'analyse de la complexité du discours et du texte pour apprendre et collaborer / Analysing discourse and text complexity for learning and collaborating

Dascalu, Mihai 04 June 2013 (has links)
L’apprentissage collaboratif assisté par ordinateur et les technologies d’e-learning devenant de plus en plus populaires et intégrés dans des contextes éducatifs, le besoin se fait sentir de disposer d’outils d’évaluation automatique et d’aide aux enseignants ou tuteurs pour les deux activités, fortement couplées, de compréhension de textes et collaboration entre pairs. Bien qu’une analyse de surface de ces activités est aisément réalisable, une compréhension plus profonde et complète du discours en jeu est nécessaire, complétée par une analyse de l’information méta-cognitive disponible par diverses sources, comme par exemples les auto-explications des apprenants. Dans ce contexte, nous utilisons un modèle dialogique issu des travaux de Bakhtine pour analyser les conversations collaboratives, et une approche théorique visant à unifier les activités de compréhension et de collaboration dans un même cadre, utilisant la construction de graphes de cohésion. Plus spécifiquement, nous nous sommes centrés sur la dimension individuelle de l’apprentissage, analysée à partir de l’identification de stratégies de lecture et sur la mise au jour d’un modèle de la complexité textuelle intégrant des facteurs de surface, lexicaux, morphologiques, syntaxiques et sémantiques. En complément, la dimension collaborative de l’apprentissage est centrée sur l’évaluation de l’implication des participants, ainsi que sur l’évaluation de leur collaboration par deux modèles computationnels: un modèle polyphonique, défini comme l’inter-animation de voix selon de multiples perspectives, un modèle spécifique de construction sociale de connaissances, fondé sur le graphe de cohésion et un mécanisme d’évaluation des tours de parole. Notre approche met en œuvre des techniques avancées de traitement automatique de la langue et a pour but de formaliser une évaluation qualitative du processus d’apprentissage. Ainsi, deux perspectives fortement interreliées sont prises en considération : d’une part, la compréhension, centrée sur la construction de connaissances et les auto-explications à partir desquelles les stratégies de lecture sont identifiées ; d’autre part la collaboration, qui peut être définie comme l’implication sociale, la génération d’idées ou de voix en interanimation dans un contexte donné. Des validations cognitives de nos différents systèmes d’évaluation automatique ont été réalisées, et nous avons conçu des scénarios d’utilisation de ReaderBench, notre système le plus avancé, dans différents contextes d’enseignement. L’un des buts principaux de notre modèle est de favoriser la compréhension vue en tant que « médiatrice de l’apprentissage », en procurant des rétroactions automatiques aux apprenants et enseignants ou tuteurs. Leur avantage est triple: leur flexibilité, leur extensibilité et, cependant, leur spécificité, car ils couvrent de multiples étapes de l’activité d’apprentissage, de la lecture de matériel d’apprentissage à l’écriture de synthèses de cours en passant par la discussion collaborative de contenus de cours et la verbalisation métacognitive de jugements de compréhension, afin d’obtenir une perspective complète du niveau de compréhension et de générer des rétroactions appropriées sur le processus d’apprentissage collaboratif. / With the advent and increasing popularity of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) and e-learning technologies, the need of automatic assessment and of teacher/tutor support for the two tightly intertwined activities of comprehension of reading materials and of collaboration among peers has grown significantly. Whereas a shallow or surface analysis is easily achievable, a deeper understanding of the discourse is required, extended by meta-cognitive information available from multiple sources as self-explanations. In this context, we use a polyphonic model of discourse derived from Bakhtin’s work as a paradigm for analyzing CSCL conversations, as well as cohesion graph building designed for creating an underlying discourse structure. This enables us to address both general texts and conversations and to incorporate comprehension and collaboration specific activities in a unique framework. As specificity of the analysis, in terms of individual learning we have focused on the identification of reading strategies and on providing a multi-dimensional textual complexity model integrating surface, word specific, morphology, syntax and semantic factors. Complementarily, the collaborative learning dimension is centered on the evaluation of participants’ involvement, as well as on collaboration assessment through the use of two computational models: a polyphonic model, defined in terms of voice inter-animation, and a specific social knowledge-building model, derived from the specially designed cohesion graph corroborated with a proposed utterance scoring mechanism. Our approach integrates advanced Natural Language Processing techniques and is focused on providing a qualitative estimation of the learning process. Therefore, two tightly coupled perspectives are taken into consideration: comprehension on one hand is centered on knowledge-building, self-explanations from which multiple reading strategies can be identified, whereas collaboration, on the other, can be seen as social involvement, ideas or voices generation, intertwining and inter-animation in a given context. Various cognitive validations for all our automated evaluation systems have been conducted and scenarios including the use of ReaderBench, our most advanced system, in different educational contexts have been built. One of the most important goals of our model is to enhance understanding as a “mediator of learning” by providing automated feedback to both learners and teachers or tutors. The main benefits are its flexibility, extensibility and nevertheless specificity for covering multiple stages, starting from reading classroom materials, to discussing on specific topics in a collaborative manner, and finishing the feedback loop by verbalizing metacognitive thoughts in order to obtain a clear perspective over one’s comprehension level and appropriate feedback about the collaborative learning processes.

Modelagem de um agente pedagógico animado para um ambiente colaborativo: considerando fatores sociais relevantes / Modeling of an animated pedagogical agent for a collaborative environment : considering relevant social factors

Prola, Maria Teresa Medronha January 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho está inserido no projeto de pesquisa "Um Modelo Computacional de Aprendizagem a Distância Baseada na Concepção Sócio-Interacionista de Vygotsky", que propõe um ambiente educacional o qual privilegia a colaboração como forma de interação. Neste projeto, as pesquisas subsidiam a formação de ações para a modelagem de um agente pedagógico animado, utilizado para interagir com os alunos no Ambiente de Ensino/Aprendizagem em desenvolvimento. A modelagem das decisões para estratégia de atuação do agente foi obtida nos arquivos de "log" gerados ao final de algumas discussões na ferramenta de "chat", a partir de fatores relevantes da interação entre grupos de estudantes. O trabalho utiliza-se da experiência realizada com alunos de uma turma da disciplina Algoritmos e Programação, oferecida aos alunos de graduação da UFRGS (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul), onde foram obtidos alguns fatores considerados importantes na adaptação de um ambiente para os alunos em interação. Tais fatores são apresentados neste projeto, assim como a técnica de identificação. / The following work is inserted in the research entitled: “A Computational Model of Distance Learning based on the Socio-Interactionist Approach”, which proposes an educational environment that privileges collaboration as a form of interaction. The research in this project aims to subsidize the shaping of actions for the modeling of an Animated Pedagogical Agent used for interacting with students in a Teaching/Learning Environment under development. The modeling of decisions for the strategy on an agent’s performance was obtained from “log” files at the end of discussions concerning the “chat” tool out of relevant factors of interaction among student groups. The experience was carried out with students in Algorithms and Programming offered in the course of Graduation at UFRGS (Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul) where some considerably important factors were attained in the adaptation of an environment for students in interaction. Such factors are shown in this project as well as the identification technique.

Interações e aprendizagem colaborativa em uma comunidade virtual de aprendizagem de um curso de licenciatura semipresencial: uma análise referenciada no paradigma teórico da cibercultura / Interactions and collaborative learning in a virtual learning community of a blended course of degree: an analysis referenced in the theoretical paradigm of cyberculture

CRUZ, Marden Cristian Ferreira January 2015 (has links)
CRUZ, Marden Cristian Ferreira. Interações e aprendizagem colaborativa em uma comunidade virtual de aprendizagem de um curso de licenciatura semipresencial: uma análise referenciada no paradigma teórico da cibercultura. 2015. 105f – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza (CE), 2015. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-12-23T12:41:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_dis_mcfcruz.pdf: 1525492 bytes, checksum: 5f1e8a6af6394b5ab17e268cdfe05601 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-12-23T13:50:00Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_dis_mcfcruz.pdf: 1525492 bytes, checksum: 5f1e8a6af6394b5ab17e268cdfe05601 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-23T13:50:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_dis_mcfcruz.pdf: 1525492 bytes, checksum: 5f1e8a6af6394b5ab17e268cdfe05601 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / The contemporary is marked by changes caused by technological innovations which reflect in new ways to live, to communicate, to learn and to teach, through changes caused by advances in the computational area. Societies organize new forms of community, and in the so-called information society, they constituted as a mean of organization and sociability in cyberspace. These new ways of living and communicating also affect the teaching and learning contexts, where the interactions in Virtual Learning Communities (VLC) can be articulated from these new forms of sociability and learning. The present study analyzed the interactions of participants (students and a course instructor) in on line degree course at a Federal University and Collaborative Learning process present in these interactive actions. Some characteristics of these new practices and social experiences were analyzed in the context of educational practices and learning, including relation among students, from theoretical formulations in Cyberculture. The methodology was based on the theoretical tradition of Ethnography. Considering the part of the data collection occured in the cyberspace, called upon the methods of Virtual Ethnography. The analysis of the interactions of the participants in the virtual learning environment indicated the occurrence of a Collaborative Learning Process and the formation of a Virtual Learning Community. It was concluded that, through interactions by computer, were created social links among participants and were developed the sense of belonging in a community. However such occurrences do not corroborate some concepts and practices of Cyberculture which constitute the Virtual Communities in cyberspace, with a view of didactic and pedagogical procedures and objectives and learning which guided interactions in the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). / A contemporaneidade é marcada por transformações provocadas por inovações tecnológicas que se refletem em novas formas de viver, de se comunicar, de aprender e ensinar por meio das mudanças geradas por avanços na área computacional. As sociedades organizam novas formas de comunidade e, na denominada Sociedade da Informação, estas se constituem como meio de organização e de sociabilidade no ciberespaço. Essas novas formas de viver e de se comunicar também vêm influenciando os contextos de ensino e de aprendizagem onde as interações nas Comunidades Virtuais de Aprendizagem (CVA) podem se articular a partir dessas novas formas de sociabilidade e de aprendizagem. O presente estudo analisou as interações de participantes (alunos e tutora) em um curso de licenciatura semipresencial de uma Universidade Federal e o processo de Aprendizagem Colaborativa presente nestas ações de interação. Foram analisadas características destas novas práticas e vivências sociais no contexto das práticas educativas e no aprendizado, incluindo as relações entre os estudantes, a partir de pressupostos teóricos da Cibercultura. A metodologia utilizada baseou-se na tradição teórica da Etnografia. Tendo-se em vista que parte da coleta de dados ocorreu no ciberespaço, recorreu-se aos métodos da Etnografia Virtual. A análise das interações dos participantes no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem indicou a ocorrência de um processo de Aprendizagem Colaborativa e a formação de uma Comunidade Virtual de Aprendizagem. Conclui-se que, através das interações mediadas por computador, foram criados laços sociais entre os participantes e desenvolveu-se o sentimento de pertencimento a uma comunidade. Entretanto tais ocorrências não corroboram alguns conceitos e práticas da cibercultura que constituem as Comunidades Virtuais no ciberespaço, tendo-se em vista os procedimentos didático-pedagógicos e os objetivos e aprendizagem que nortearam as interações no Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA).

Aprendizagem musical colaborativa mediada pelas tecnologias digitais : motivação dos alunos e estratégias de aprendizagem / Music collaborative learning mediated by digital technologies : students motivation and learning strategies

Cernev, Francine Kemmer January 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho se propôs a investigar a aprendizagem musical colaborativa e a motivação dos alunos para aprender utilizando as tecnologias digitais no contexto da educação básica. O referencial teórico foi construído a partir das discussões sobre a aprendizagem colaborativa e sobre a motivação dos alunos. O olhar investigativo da aprendizagem musical colaborativa, utilizando tecnologias digitais livres, buscou compreender como essas práticas musicais ocorrem em sala de aula e como seu uso pode contribuir para o ensino de música na escola. Ao trabalhar na perspectiva de um estudo que contempla a motivação, foi utilizada a abordagem psicológica amparada na Teoria da Autodeterminação (TAD) com ênfase na satisfação das necessidades psicológicas básicas destes alunos. A metodologia de pesquisa adotada foi a pesquisa ação, delineada a partir da concepção da pesquisa ação integral e sistêmica proposta por André Morin (2004). As aulas foram planejadas visando o envolvimento entre os alunos, professoras, as possibilidades físicas dos recursos tecnológicos oferecidos pela escola e pelas interações oferecidas pelo ciberespaço. A coleta de dados utilizou diferentes técnicas: 1) entrevistas semiestruturadas com a professora; 2) entrevistas de grupos focais com os alunos; 3) questionários online; 4) observações participantes com registros audiovisuais; e 5) registros das produções e documentos escritos. Os dados foram sistematizados e organizados utilizando o aplicativo Nvivo. Os resultados apontaram as diferentes estratégias que os alunos adotaram em sala de aula, as relações estabelecidas entre os alunos e as tecnologias digitais bem como a motivação dos estudantes para as aulas de música neste contexto, que puderam suprir as necessidades psicológicas básicas dos estudantes, apesar de nem todos apresentarem motivação autônoma para aprender música na escola. Esta pesquisa pretende contribuir para a área de educação musical ao demonstrar possibilidades pedagógicas ao inserir as tecnologias nas aulas de música, não apenas como uma aplicabilidade tecnológica, mas em uma nova forma de se pensar o ensino de música no ambiente curricular e contribuir para a motivação na aprendizagem musical. / This study aimed to investigate the music collaborative learning and the motivation to learn using digital technologies in the context of basic education. The theoretical framework was built from the discussions on collaborative learning and the motivation of students. The investigative look of music collaborative learning using free digital technologies, sought to understand how these musical practices occur in the classroom and how its use can contribute to music education in school. By working from the perspective of a study that includes motivation, supported psychological approach to Self-Determination Theory (STD) with in emphasis of psychological basic needs of these students. The methodology used was action research, outlined from the design of systemic integral action-research proposed by André Morin (2004). Classes were planned in order engagement between students, teachers, the physical possibilities of technological resources offered by the school and by interactions offered by cyberspace. The data collection involved: 1) semi-structured interviews with the teacher; 2) focused groups with students; 3) online questionnaires; 4) participant observations with audiovisual records; and 5) records of production and written documents. Nvivo was used to support data analysis. The results showed the different strategies that students adopt in the classroom, the relations between the students and the digital technologies and the motivation of students for music class in this context that could supply the psychological needs of students, although not all present autonomous motivation to learn music in school. This research intends to contribute with the music education to demonstrate pedagogical possibilities to use the technology in music lessons, not only as a technological applicability, but in a new way of thinking about music education in curriculum and environment contribute to motivation in musical learning.

Using e-learning to enhance education in correctional institutions in South Africa

Greyvensteyn, Karl G. 11 1900 (has links)
The new millennium saw the explosion of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs), coupled with the Internet as the way to communicate and gain knowledge. Traditional schooling has moved to open and distance e-learning and many educational institutions are offering these as alternatives. In correctional institutions the education centres have fallen behind in this regard. This dissertation is based on a participatory study that will show how open and distance e-learning can benefit inmates. The researcher has a unique perspective as he is himself, an inmate in a correctional centre in South Africa, and has first-hand knowledge and experience of the correctional institution environment. In-depth interviews with inmates and correctional officers were performed resulting in different views on the subject. A survey was conducted to ascertain inmates’ educational levels and their requirements. This study also determines what role the digital divide plays in the education of inmates or the lack thereof. The research indicates that education can reduce recidivism. With e-learning more inmates could receive education and become better prepared for life outside of the correctional institutions. This could result in them becoming productive members of society. The feedback obtained via interviews shows that the majority of inmates are eager to better themselves. The major problem is financing, and the struggle with communication with the distance learning institution. With e-leaning these two problems could easily be resolved. There are a good deal of educational resources available for free called Open Educational Resources (OER), and communication with the distance institutions can be exchanged via e-mail and/or video-conferencing. A major hurdle that would have to be overcome is to get the government of South Africa behind the drive to implement e-learning. The correctional institutions are the ideal environment to test whether South Africans will be receptive to e-learning. The research in other countries is overwhelmingly positive, and with a successful pilot project e-learning could be shown to be effective in bridging the digital divide / School of Computing / M. Sc. (Information Systems)

A produção de saberes em espaços e tempos de aprendizagem colaborativa na formação e no trabalho com arte-educação nas escolas / The produce collaborative knowledge among art-educators within learning processes in different time and settings to work in the school

COSTA, Maria Zenilda January 2009 (has links)
COSTA, Maria Zenilda. A produção de saberes em espaços e tempos de aprendizagem colaborativa na formação e no trabalho com arte-educação nas escolas. 2009. 263f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza-CE, 2009. / Submitted by Raul Oliveira (raulcmo@hotmail.com) on 2012-08-06T14:30:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2009_TESE_MZCOSTA.pdf: 3711325 bytes, checksum: b4866ff0498cc6c6c9c04eeca0a7596e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-08-16T11:41:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2009_TESE_MZCOSTA.pdf: 3711325 bytes, checksum: b4866ff0498cc6c6c9c04eeca0a7596e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-08-16T11:41:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2009_TESE_MZCOSTA.pdf: 3711325 bytes, checksum: b4866ff0498cc6c6c9c04eeca0a7596e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / The study argues on the possibilities for constructing knowledge among art-educators within learning processes in different time and settings, to produce collaborative knowledge that can call for other meanings to educational formation, work, and curriculum arts actions in school. Based on a multi-reference approach, the research presents multiple dialogues between rationalities that rely on aesthetical education trajectory in school, stressing the context art-educators’ daily aesthetics, whose formative trajectory and teaching work is showed in distinctions of social taste. The knowledge development paradigm in the multi-reference perspective gathers a heterogeneous co-production from studies and ways established with subjects during the collaborative research-action, with the following desired epistemologically coherent aims: engaging research subjects’ participation as co-producers of knowledge centered in actions within art-education formation and work at school, and the production of knowledge that can provide collaborative learning in art-education practice, which offers formative projects articulated with school culture; reasoning on significant time settings/neighborhoods as well as their potentialities to intensify collaborative learning among art-educators; describing knowledge produced within collaborative learning events and its contribution to instruct and improve art-educators’ teaching practice. Collaborative research-action methodology, whenever it gathers elements of ethnographic and etnomethodologic matrices, constituted the very route of investigation, since it was built along with teachers, the co-producers of knowledge produced. From investigative experiences carried out in Brazil, Canada and England, this study designed steps called co-situation, cooperation, and co-production. Developing investigation based on practical epistemology, gave birth to collaborative research-action as the front door to diminishing the distance between two worlds: the one for teaching practice, and the world of academic production on education research; since the collective production of knowledge from art-educators’ subjectivity augmented possible contributions to teachers’ work and formation within this teaching area. Results show that the construction of collaborative knowledge from heterogeneous nature converges to promoting collaborative learning webs, whereas school community is the focus of aesthetical education. To University fits the role of contributing to the development of a reflexive culture that can engage a variety of settings and time, and placing itself as well as an instructive subject, along with the most diverse cultural spaces. / O estudo tem como questão principal as possibilidades de constituição de saberes entre arte-educadores nos processos de aprendizagem colaborativa em diferentes tempos e espaços, tendo em vista o trabalho com arte-educação na escola. Com base em uma abordagem multirreferencial, ensaiam-se múltiplos diálogos entre as racionalidades que circulam a trajetória da educação estética nas escolas, pondo em destaque o contexto das estéticas do cotidiano dos arte-educadores. Busca-se alcançar os seguintes objetivos: promover a participação dos sujeitos da pesquisa como coprodutores de saberes voltados para ações na formação, no trabalho com Arte-Educação na escola; refletir sobre tempos, espaços/mediações significativos para a formação e o trabalho dos arte-educadores; caracterizar os saberes produzidos nos eventos de aprendizagem colaborativa e suas contribuições para a formação e prática docente dos arte-educadores. A metodologia da pesquisa-ação colaborativa constituiu-se no próprio percurso da investigação, realizada em parceria com os professores, coprodutores do conhecimento elaborado. Obteve-se como resultado a formação de saberes colaborativos de natureza heterogênea que convergem para a promoção de redes de aprendizagem colaborativa, tendo a comunidade escolar como foco da educação estética, de modo a favorecer a produção de outras concepções que facilitam e favorecem o trabalho e a valorização do arte-educador na escola. À universidade cabe o papel de contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma cultura reflexiva que conecte espaços e tempos diversos, inserindo-se também como sujeito formador e formativo, em parceria com os múltiplos espaços culturais.

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