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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Engaging with the Total oil corporation in Myanmar : the impact of dialogue as a tool for change towards greater conflict sensitivity

Cerletti, F. January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores whether dialogue between a company and a non-profit organisation (NPO) can influence a company’s way of working towards being more conflict sensitive. As a case-study I analysed the dialogue between the French oil and gas company, Total S.A. (Total), and the US based NPO, CDA Collaborative Learning Projects (CDA) relating to the company’s operations in Myanmar/Burma. The objectives of the research were to ascertain if dialogue had a positive impact, and if so, what it was about the dialogue that enabled change, what was the process of change that could be observed and how embedded such change was. Drawing on post-modernism, systems thinking and complexity thinking, I have built on organisational change, conflict transformation, dialogue and cross-sector partnership literature to examine the role of dialogue as an enabler of change. While highlighting parallels in the discourses, I analyse the process and degree of change within the company through two conflict transformation models, one by Lederach (1997) and the other by Lederach, Neufeld and Culbertson (2007), which I feel best synthesise these parallels. The research is a longitudinal case-study (2002-2012), based on semi-structured interviews and document analysis. The study adds to the limited academic research on conflict sensitivity in general, and on the implications for a company’s way of working in particular. Although I find that within the business sector, the notion of conflict sensitivity is assumed in the wider concept of corporate social responsibility, noteworthy is the relevance of dialogue in change processes. Dialogue is an essential enabler as it sparks transformational levers also recognised in the literature reviewed. However it is not sufficient. The research illustrates that the dialogue between CDA and Total has played a critical role in facilitating a shift in the company’s way of working, with the contribution of other influences at play. As such, I draw attention to the complexity of the change process and discuss the current nature of the drivers of change within Total.

Student engagement in community college online education programs : an exploration of six constructs with implications for practice

Fisher, Karla Ann 01 October 2010 (has links)
Improving student outcomes in community college online education requires understanding how institutional practices and student characteristics affect levels of student engagement in online courses. This study investigated community college online student engagement using an ex post facto quantitative methodology, reporting the results of an online survey administered to students enrolled in online courses at four community colleges and one statewide community college online consortium in the fall 2009 academic term. Online engagement levels were measured based on five constructs from the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (Active and Collaborative Learning, Student-Faculty Interaction, Academic Challenge, Student Effort, and Support for Learners) and a sixth construct from the literature (Presence). The study measured the engagement levels of 906 survey respondents taking classes exclusively online compared with 1,179 survey respondents taking classes both online and on-campus. Differences in engagement levels also were explored in terms of student characteristics including gender, race/ethnicity, age (traditional/nontraditional), enrollment status; experience in online classes, and veteran status. The results of this study revealed the following: Community college online students are less engaged than students taking courses both online and on campus.Enrollment status is a strong predictor of online student engagement; online students enrolled part-time are substantially less engaged than online students enrolled full-time. Experience with online learning is another strong predictor of engagement; as students gain experience in online courses, they become more engaged online learners. Student demographics appear to play less of a role in student engagement online than on campus. Although measurably less engaged, online students scored high on Student Effort, suggesting respondents found courses taught exclusively online required substantial individual effort. Online students are isolated relative to other students and faculty, and are unlikely to reach out to make connections within the college community without assistance. Based on their distinctive experiences and characteristics, online students should be tracked as a unique cohort within community college student populations. This study concludes with recommendations for further research and strategies that community colleges could implement to increase online student engagement, retention, and ultimately success. / text

Interagir pour collaborer et apprendre à distance avec les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication : approche méthodologique d'étude des interactions d'une formation à distance / Interacting for online collaboration and learning with the use of Information and Communication Technologies : methodological approach for studies on content analysis of a distance course

Panchoo, Shireen banu 17 December 2010 (has links)
Afin de comprendre les démarches d'apprentissage des apprenants dans un campus numérique, nous avons focalisé notre recherche sur l'analyse de leurs interactions synchrones en situation tutorale et avec les pairs. L'idée est de rechercher des facteurs pour l'encadrement et le soutien à distance des apprenants qui font face aux problèmes tels que l'isolement, la démotivation et l'incertitude. Bien que les technologies de l'information et de la communication (TICs) soient considérées comme un outil indispensable pour combler la distance, elles ne suffisent pas pour aider les apprenants à persister dans leurs études. Par le biais d'un questionnaire, nous avons découvert les étapes importantes des démarches des acteurs et par la suite, nous avons entamé l'analyse qualitative : nous nous sommes appuyés sur les modèles de Kuutti [96] et d'Engeström [87] au niveau macro et, pour approfondir davantage notre étude, la grille d'analyse Panchoo/Jaillet a su relever la nature des interactions. L'analyse quantitative couplée avec les représentations visuelles ont pu démontrer les tendances diverses dans les réunions synchrones et les comportements des acteurs. Les 84 réunions analysées ont dévoilé qu'il y a davantage d'échanges qui abordent le sujet des règles que de la pédagogie. Ainsi, avec les soutiens adéquats par rapport à l'usage de la technologie, l'environnement éducatif, la stratégie d'apprentissage et l'accompagnement des tuteurs et les pairs, les apprenants ont prouvé être capables et responsables ; ils ont réussi leurs formations en s'entraidant, en coopérant et en collaborant tout en faisant les activités demandées à leurs propres rythmes. Suite à notre recherche, nous pouvons avancer que l'interaction dispensée au bon moment anticipe une démarche proactive des apprenants dans l'apprentissage. / With the aim of studying the learning processes of students in an online environment, we have focused our research on the analysis of their synchronous interactions during tutorial and team work activities, with and without the presence of their tutors. The emphasis is to search for factors which would serve as support to distance education students who face problems such as isolation, lack of motivation and uncertainty. Although the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is considered to be the acquired tool to bridge the distance today, they are not sufficient to help students persevere in their studies. With the help of a questionnaire - survey, we have come up with important learning phases of students, and then we proceeded with the qualitative analysis: at macro level, we made use of Kuutti [96] and d'Engeström [87] models and, to deepen further our queries, the Panchoo/Jaillet methodology has successfully brought to light more details on the nature of those exchanges. The quantitative analysis along with the visual presentations used, showed the various trends that existed in the different online meetings as well as in the behavior of tutors and students. The 84 meetings analysed revealed that the interactions consisted more of rules exchanges than those relating to pedagogy. Therefore, with relevant support such as the use of technologies, the educational environment, the learning strategies and the company of tutors and peers, students have proved to be very capable and responsible; they succeeded in their studies by helping each other, by cooperating and collaborating while doing the requested activities at their own pace. Further to our research, we can deduce that the interactions given at the right time can trigger proactive learning activities of relevant actors.

L’impact d’une simulation sur des dispositifs mobiles et en situation de collaboration sur la compréhension de l’effet photoélectrique au niveau collégial

Droui, Mohamed 08 1900 (has links)
L’innovation pédagogique pour elle-même s’avère parfois discutable, mais elle se justifie quand les enseignants se heurtent aux difficultés d’apprentissage de leurs étudiants. En particulier, certaines notions de physique sont réputées difficiles à appréhender par les étudiants, comme c’est le cas pour l’effet photoélectrique qui n’est pas souvent compris par les étudiants au niveau collégial. Cette recherche tente de déterminer si, dans le cadre d’un cours de physique, la simulation de l’effet photoélectrique et l’utilisation des dispositifs mobiles et en situation de collaboration favorisent une évolution des conceptions des étudiants au sujet de la lumière. Nous avons ainsi procédé à l’élaboration d’un scénario d’apprentissage collaboratif intégrant une simulation de l’effet photoélectrique sur un ordinateur de poche. La conception du scénario a d’abord été influencée par notre vision socioconstructiviste de l’apprentissage. Nous avons effectué deux études préliminaires afin de compléter notre scénario d’apprentissage et valider la plateforme MobileSim et l’interface du simulateur, que nous avons utilisées dans notre expérimentation : la première avec des ordinateurs de bureau et la seconde avec des ordinateurs de poche. Nous avons fait suivre à deux groupes d’étudiants deux cours différents, l’un portant sur une approche traditionnelle d’enseignement, l’autre basé sur le scénario d’apprentissage collaboratif élaboré. Nous leur avons fait passer un test évaluant l’évolution conceptuelle sur la nature de la lumière et sur le phénomène de l’effet photoélectrique et concepts connexes, à deux reprises : la première avant que les étudiants ne s’investissent dans le cours et la seconde après la réalisation des expérimentations. Nos résultats aux prétest et post-test sont complétés par des entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées avec tous les étudiants, par des enregistrements vidéo et par des traces récupérées des fichiers logs ou sur papier. Les étudiants du groupe expérimental ont obtenu de très bons résultats au post-test par rapport à ceux du groupe contrôle. Nous avons enregistré un gain moyen d’apprentissage qualifié de niveau modéré selon Hake (1998). Les résultats des entrevues ont permis de repérer quelques difficultés conceptuelles d’apprentissage chez les étudiants. L’analyse des données recueillies des enregistrements des séquences vidéo, des questionnaires et des traces récupérées nous a permis de mieux comprendre le processus d’apprentissage collaboratif et nous a dévoilé que le nombre et la durée des interactions entre les étudiants sont fortement corrélés avec le gain d’apprentissage. Ce projet de recherche est d’abord une réussite sur le plan de la conception d’un scénario d’apprentissage relatif à un phénomène aussi complexe que l’effet photoélectrique, tout en respectant de nombreux critères (collaboration, simulation, dispositifs mobiles) qui nous paraissaient extrêmement utopiques de réunir dans une situation d’apprentissage en classe. Ce scénario pourra être adapté pour l’apprentissage d’autres notions de la physique et pourra être considéré pour la conception des environnements collaboratifs d’apprentissage mobile innovants, centrés sur les besoins des apprenants et intégrant les technologies au bon moment et pour la bonne activité. / The educational innovation itself is sometimes debatable but it is justified when the teachers confront the learning difficulties of their students. In particular, some notions of physics are notoriously hard for students to understand, as is the case for the photoelectric effect which is not often comprehended by the students at the college level. This research tries to determine if, as part of a physics course, the simulation of the photoelectric effect and the use of mobile devices in collaborative situations facilitate an evolution of the student’s conceptions about the concept of light. We have proceeded to develop a scenario of collaborative learning by integrating a simulation of the photoelectric effect on handheld devices (Pocket PC). The design of scenario was first influenced by our socioconstructivist vision of learning. We conducted two preliminary studies to complete our scenario of learning and to validate the platform « MobileSim » and the interface of the simulator used in our experiment. The first studies were completed with a simulation on computers and the second with a simulation on Pocket PC. After that, we carried out the experimentation with two groups of students. The control group was assigned to the traditional approach of teaching and the experimental group was assigned to the approach based on the developed scenario of collaborative learning. We have conducted a test twice to assess a conceptual change about the nature of light and about the phenomenon of the photoelectric effect and related concepts. The first test (pre-test) before the students are involved in the course and the second (post-test) after completion of experiments. Our results in the pre-test and post-test were completed by conducting semi-structured individual interviews with all students, by video recordings and recovered traces (on log files or on paper). Students in the experimental group obtained good results in the test compared to those of the control group. We noted an average gain of learning qualified at a moderate level according to Hake (1998). Interview results were used to identify some conceptual difficulties of student learning. Analysis of collected data from video sequences, questionnaires and recovered tracks allowed us to better understand the process of collaborative learning and has revealed that the number and the time of interactions between students are strongly correlated with the gain of learning. At first, this research project is a success in the designing of a learning scenario of a phenomenon as complex as the photoelectric effect and respects many criteria (collaboration, simulation, mobile devices, etc.) that it seemed for us extremely utopian to combine them in an effective learning situation in the classroom. For instance, this scenario could be adapted to the learning of other concepts in physics. It could also be considered for the design of collaborative environments for innovative mobile learning focused on the needs of learners that integrate the technologies at the right time and for the right activity.

BFL - Ett framgångsrikt skolutvecklingsprojekt? : En studie av effekterna av ett uppifrån kommande utvecklingsinitiativ. / Formative Assessment - A successful school improvement project? : A study of the effects of a top-down improvement initiative.

Tengelin, Hannah January 2019 (has links)
Studien syftar till att belysa huruvida bedömning för lärande (BFL) har institutionaliserats bland lärarna på Lindängsgymnasiet efter ett genomfört skolutvecklingsprojekt. Den har också som mål att, med utgångspunkt i en teori om framgångsrik skolutveckling som utvecklats av Ulf Blossing, ta reda på vilka faktorer under initierings- och implementeringsfasen som kan ha varit avgörande för huruvida projektet nådde institutionaliseringsfasen eller inte. Studien syftar vidare till att klargöra om det finns skillnader mellan lärare som undervisar på yrkesförberedande program och lärare som undervisar på högskoleförberedande program samt mellan lärare som undervisar i karaktärsämnen och lärare som undervisar i allmänna ämnen när det gäller institutionaliseringen av BFL i undervisningen. Studiens ansats är kritiskt realistisk och består dels av en kvantitativ enkät, som besvarats av 58 lärare på Lindängsgymnasiet, och dels av en kvalitativ intervju med den förstelärare som fungerade som projektledare under skolutvecklingsprojektet. Enkätresultatet visar att BFL inte har institutionaliserats bland lärarna på Lindängsgymnasiet och analys av både enkätresultat och intervju gör gällande att förklaringarna står att finna i såväl initierings- som implementeringsfasen. För att ta reda på om det finns skillnader mellan lärare som undervisar på yrkesförberedande program och lärare som undervisar på studieförberedande program samt mellan lärare som undervisar i karaktärsämnen och allmänna ämnen användes Chi2-test, t-test och Mann-Whitney U-test. Resultaten av testen tyder inte på några skillnader mellan lärare som undervisar på yrkesförberedande och högskoleförberedande program när det gäller institutionaliseringen av BFL. Resultaten tyder dock på att lärare som undervisar på yrkesförberedande program i något större utsträckning upplever att de har förändrat sin undervisning beroende på BFL-projektets genomförande än lärare som undervisar på högskoleförberedande program. Testen visar inte på några skillnader mellan lärare som undervisar i karaktärs- respektive allmänna ämnen. Studien kan vara användbar för till exempel skolledare vid planering av utvecklingsarbete och kollegialt lärande, då studien bland annat pekar på vikten av en genomtänkt initieringsfas samt kontinuerlig medverkan av skolledare under ett skolutvecklingsprojekt. / This study aims to highlight whether assessment for learning (AFL) has become institutionalized among the teachers at Lindängsgymnasiet after a school improvement project. It also aims to investigate, based on a theory on successful school improvement developed by Ulf Blossing, what factors during the initiation and the implementation phase that may have been crucial for whether the project reached the institutionalization phase or not. The study further aims to clarify if there are differences between teachers who teach on vocational programs and teachers who teach on preparatory programs and between teachers who teach characteristic subjects and teachers who teach general subjects regarding the institutionalization of AFL in the classroom. The approach of the study is critical realistic and it consists of a quantitative survey, that was answered by 58 teachers at Lindängsgymnasiet. It also consists of a qualitative interview with the head teacher that had the role of project manager during the school improvement project. The results of the survey show that AFL has not been institutionalized among the teachers at Lindängsgymnasiet and analysis of both survey results and the interview claims that the explanations can be found in the initiation and implementation phase. In order to find out if there are differences between teachers who teach on vocational and teachers who teach on preparatory programs, and between teachers who teach characteristics and teachers who teach general subjects, Chi2 test, t-test and Mann-Whitney U test were used. The results of these tests do not indicate any differences between teachers who teach on vocational and on preparatory programs in the institutionalization of AFL. The results indicate that teachers who teach on vocational programs to a greater extent experience that they have changed their education due to the implementation of the AFL-project than teachers who teach on preparatory programs. The tests do not indicate any differences between teachers who teach characteristics and teachers who teach general subjects. The study can be useful for school leaders in planning of school improvement work and collaborative learning, as the study focuses on the importance of a well-considered initiation phase and continuous participation by school leaders during a school development project.


[pt] Colaborar, essencial para o sucesso no mundo globalizado e conectado, exige comunicação, coordenação e cooperação entre os trabalhadores, cujas atividades se dão em grupos freqüentemente multidisciplinares, dinâmicos e geograficamente dispersos. Em resposta à necessidade de aprendizagem permanente, iniciativas em e-learning tem papel de destaque. E a conseqüente contínua evolução das competências pessoais enseja a adoção da gestão de pessoas para permitir, por exemplo, a localização de especialistas, a formação de grupos, a orientação do desenvolvimento individual e o planejamento estratégico da empresa. Unindo colaboração, educação à distância via Web e gestão de pessoas por competências, esta dissertação contém a pesquisa da extensão de um ambiente para a aprendizagem colaborativa (Ambiente AulaNet) com ferramentas de gestão por competências. É apresentado um embasamento teórico que esclarece vários conceitos da área, apresenta as três dimensões de uma competência e contrasta a gestão de conhecimento com a gestão de pessoas, informando também que tipos de perguntas esta última pode responder. Em seguida, explica-se em detalhes o modelo de competências desenvolvido para o AulaNet e como os diversos atores do ambiente podem se valer destas novas funcionalidades. Finalmente, apresenta-se um experimento realizado em 4 turmas de graduação da PUC-Rio utilizando o modelo proposto, bem como a conclusão tirada de seus resultados. / [en] Collaboration, key for the success in the connected globalized world, demands knowledge workers to communicate, coordinate and cooperate in dynamic, multidisciplinary and geographically dispersed groups. E-learning rises as an important answer to the pressing need of non-stop learning. And the resulting continuous evolution of personal competencies calls for the use of competency management practices to aid activities such as expert location, group formation, career services and strategic company-wide planning. Uniting the collaboration, e-learning and competency management fields, the present work encloses the research on the extension of a collaborative learning environment (the AulaNet) with competency management tools. The theory guiding this research clarifies many of the concepts of the area, introduces the three dimensions of a competency and compares knowledge management with competency-based people management while lists the questions competency management can address. Then, details of the competency model developed for the AulaNet Environment are explained, as well as how the actors playing their roles in the environment can benefit from its new features. The document finishes by presenting the conclusion drawn from an experiment using the competency model, carried out in 4 editions of disciplines at undergraduate courses at PUC-Rio.

Aprendizagem colaborativa na educação a distância: características pessoais afetam a percepção do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem / Collaborative learning in distance education: personal characteristics affect the perception of the virtual learning environment

Marques Júnior, Euro 07 May 2015 (has links)
As novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação são recursos fundamentais para apoiar a formação profissional inicial e continuada de engenheiros e outros profissionais, quando se busca conhecimento significativo no interior de um contexto de aprendizagem colaborativa. Muitos fatores podem influenciar os resultados da aprendizagem a distância, em que o diálogo e a colaboração são necessários para a construção do conhecimento. Tendo em vista a relevância do tema, percebe-se na literatura da área a necessidade de estudos avaliando, de forma quantitativa, aspectos pessoais dos estudantes da modalidade de ensino on-line. A abordagem quantitativa complementa o estudo qualitativo como uma forma objetiva de análise baseada em mensurações facilmente coletadas pelo Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA). Assim, mostram-se importantes os estudos quantitativos, interdisciplinares e que identifiquem fatores que moderem e/ou ampliem a relação entre os componentes e os resultados do curso on-line. Este trabalho busca, usando metodologias quantitativas, determinar características pessoais do estudante de educação a distância (EAD), que impactam na sua percepção das presenças social, cognitiva e de ensino, e que podem ser desenvolvidas por ações educativas. Para tanto se propôs dois instrumentos de pesquisa cujos indicadores são: Gestão do Tempo, Habilidades de Comunicação e Proficiência Digital (Básica e Avançada). Esses instrumentos utilizam a metodologia de pesquisa survey, em sua modalidade on-line. A amostra global estudada é composta por estudantes universitários, professores do ensino fundamental e professores universitários, que, voluntariamente, responderam aos questionários (n = 663). Propõe-se também um modelo causal que relacione os indicadores com a percepção das presenças apontadas no paradigma da Comunidade de Inquirição (COI) e utiliza-se a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais (MEE) para analisar os dados e compreender as relações existentes. A construção do modelo estrutural foi realizada por meio de uma subamostra (n = 198). A análise dos resultados sugere que um aumento das habilidades individuais, por meio de capacitação prévia dos alunos, produzirá um impacto positivo sobre a percepção das características do AVA, refletindo nas percepções das presenças. Neste trabalho, o peso de regressão padronizado indica uma elevação de 0,49 desvio padrão na escala de Percepção da Comunidade de Inquirição, quando a escala da variável Características dos Estudantes se eleva em um desvio padrão, e ainda, que a Habilidade de Comunicação afeta positivamente a Presença Social (peso de regressão padronizado de 0,26). O mesmo ocorre com a Proficiência Digital Básica e a Presença Cognitiva (peso de regressão padronizado de 0,08). Assim, compreender como os indicadores afetam a percepção da estrutura proposta no AVA pode auxiliar os responsáveis pelos cursos no gerenciamento dos recursos disponíveis, bem como no oferecimento de treinamentos que visem desenvolver tais habilidades. Os instrumentos de pesquisa propostos neste trabalho possuem número reduzido de questões, estando disponíveis gratuitamente. Tais instrumentos viabilizam uma análise rápida, simplificada e eficaz das turmas, possibilitando configurações mais adequadas de cursos on-line, por meio de uma programação de atividades que visem contribuir efetivamente para a formação dos estudantes da turma analisada. / In a country with great need of skilled labor such as Brazil, the new information and communication technologies are key resources to support initial and continuing professional training of engineers and other professionals when seeking significant knowledge within a collaborative learning context. Many factors can influence the results of distance learning, where dialogue and cooperation are necessary for the construction of knowledge. Given the importance of the topic, it can be seen in the literature of the area, a lack of studies evaluating, quantitatively, personal aspects of the students of online learning mode. The quantitative approach complements the qualitative study, as an objective form of analysis based on measurements easily collected by Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). So, are important quantitative and interdisciplinary studies and to identify factors that moderate and / or expand the relationship between the components and the results of the online course. This paper seeks, using quantitative methodologies, determine personal characteristics of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) student, that impact on their perception of social, cognitive and teaching presences, and that can be developed by educational activities. Therefore it was proposed two instruments of research, whose indicators are: Time Management, Communication Skills and Digital Proficiency (Basic and Advanced). These instruments use the survey research methodology in its online mode. The sample is made up of university students, elementary school teachers and university professors, who willingly answered all questions (n = 663). It also proposes a causal model relating the indicators to the perception attendance pointed out in the paradigm of the Community of Inquiry. We use the Structural Equation Modeling to analyze the data and understand the relationships. The validation of the model was carried out a subsample (n = 198). The results suggest that an increase in individual skills through previous training of students, have a positive impact on the perception of the characteristics of virtual learning environment, reflecting the perceptions of attendance. In this work, the standardized regression weight indicates an increase of 0.49 standard deviation in Perception of the Community of Inquiry Scale when the scale of the variable Characteristics of Students increases by one standard deviation; and further that the Communication Skill positively affects the Social Presence (standardized regression weight of 0.26). The same happens with the Basic Digital Proficiency and Cognitive Presence (standardized regression weight of 0.08). Thus, understanding how the indicators affect the perception of the structure proposed in the Virtual Learning Environment can assist those responsible for courses in management of available resources, and to offer training designed to develop such skills. Research tools proposed in this work have few questions and are available for free. These tools make possible a quick, simplified and effective analysis of classes, and enable the most appropriate settings for online courses through the schedule of activities aimed at effectively contribute to the training of students of the analyzed class.

Modelagem de plataformas virtuais colaborativas móveis aplicada à educação em micro e nano tecnologias. / Modeling of mobile collaborative virtual platform applied to education in micro and nano technology.

Rosa, Carlos Alberto 17 March 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta contribuições do autor na área da educação em engenharia, no campo da Educação em Micro e Nanoeletrônica (Microeduc) e Educação em Nanociências e Nanotecnologias (Nanoeduc) no Brasil. É apresentada a modelagem de duas plataformas virtuais experimentais denominadas microEDUC e nanoEDUC para compartilhar saberes e práticas docentes. Ferramentas de edição colaborativas e armazenamento online de mídias permitem que educadores organizem e compartilhem seus saberes a ensinar (ementas, planejamentos, planos de cursos, planos de ensino-aprendizagem, planos de aula e agendas) e saberes ensinados (práticas e experiências docentes, lista de exercícios, apresentações, videoaulas, WebQuests, apostilas, livros eletrônicos, materiais didáticos, etc.). Oficinas com estratégias de aprendizagem colaborativa móvel foram modeladas e testadas com o objetivo de estimular a curiosidade e o interesse de professores e estudantes sobre as áreas de projetos de circuitos integrados e de fabricação de dispositivos microeletrônicos. As plataformas virtuais colaborativas testadas foram ativadas na internet com o pacote de serviços Google Apps com os complementos Google Apps Script, Google App Engine, Google Sites API, Gmail API, YouTube API, Google Drive DSK e outros para criação de midiatecas online (bibliotecas, audiotecas, videotecas, wikitecas, documentecas, TVtecas, radiotecas, etc.), edições de textos e documentos colaborativos usados nas criações de roteiros para Web Rádio e Web TV, dicionários e glossários colaborativos, criação de web books, e várias outras atividades didáticas colaborativas. A documentação das oficinas colaborativas móveis, dos roteiros das mídias educativas, das análises de mídias, das instanciações automáticas de páginas e documentos para colaboração e gerenciamento de discos virtuais foram feitas na linguagem STML Scripts (Structured Text Markup Language) criada, definida e sistematizada pelo autor, durante o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. Videoaulas e videotutoriais foram produzidos com a metodologia de videocasting seguindo-se as etapas convencionais para produção de audiovisuais (pré-produção, produção e pós-produção). Os canais de Web Rádio e Web TV foram individualizados para professores e disciplinas, dentro de videotecas online com transmissões ao vivo orientadas aos dispositivos móveis. As capturadas das aulas foram feitas com filmadoras semiprofissionais de baixo custo em diferentes ambientes: sala de aula convencional, laboratório de microeletrônica e estúdio móvel de Web TV. Na Escola Politécnica da USP foram capturadas aulas testes do curso de eletrônica e etapas de processos de fabricação de transistores MOSFET no laboratório de microeletrônica. Um estúdio móvel viii de Web TV foi construído com 18 m2 de área total, para realizar testes de oficinas colaborativas, testes de VT, gravações de videoaulas, videotutoriais, transmissões experimentais de Webconferência, e de programas de Web Rádio e Web TV. Os equipamentos usados no estúdio foram condicionados na forma de kits de produção para reduzir os tempos de setup das gravações. As ferramentas e serviços utilizados nas plataformas virtuais colaborativas móveis testadas foram eficazes nos processos de planejamento das estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem, na execução das atividades didáticas das oficinas colaborativas presenciais, nas produções das videoaulas e tutoriais, porém nas dinâmicas das aulas e na efetividade da aprendizagem colaborativa móvel apresentaram diferentes resultados, correlacionados ao nível de fluência digital e tecnológica dos envolvidos: alunos, professores e assistentes. Concluiu-se, neste trabalho, que os recursos e tecnologias pesquisados mostraram-se potencialmente adequados para compartilhar e divulgar conteúdos educacionais nas áreas de MN&NN compatíveis com aplicativos web e dispositivos móveis. / This paper presents the authors contributions in the area of engineering education on thematic discussions in the field of Education in Microelectronics (Nanoeduc) and Education in Nanotechnologies (Nanoeduc) in Brazil. Proposes the modeling of two experimental virtual platforms focused on the development of teaching practices on the web, integrated with social media such as blogs, wikis, social networks, platforms for sharing media audio, video, text and image. Presents some examples of different models of potentially interesting collaborative workshops to stimulate the curiosity and interest of students in technical schools and high schools, for areas of integrated circuits design and chip manufacturing. The platforms were modeled and configured to allow that different teachers in the fields of Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies, share your knowledge, practices and teaching experiences to produce learning materials. Through STML Script language (Structured Text Markup Language) was possible to describe collaborative scripts for video production, create scripts for automatic generation of pages and content pages on web. The contents and formats of audio and video media, tested, were run on microEDUC and nanoEDUC platforms, following the traditional model for the production of radio and TV programs (pre-production, production and post-production). Transmission tests were done with live audio and video, using built-in public and private pages, created in microEDUC and nanoEDUC platforms using embedded HTML codes. Capture audio and video with teachers at the Polytechnic School of USP, for the study of suitable formats for video classes were tested. Various models of popular digital cameras and low cost camcorders with different qualities were tested. The platforms were modeled using the package of services Google Apps for Education to facilitate the integration of services: webinar, web conferencing, virtual classrooms, virtual collaboration spaces, virtual research lab, thematic online video libraries, virtual workshop scripts for Web Radio and Web TV, collaborative dictionary, collaboration on books editing, and collaborative books. A mobile studio for the production of Web TV and Web Radio was built in the style of kits It was concluded in this work that the resources and technologies researched shown to be potentially suitable to share and disseminate educational content in the areas of MN&NN compatible with web applications and mobile devices.

Aide à la construction et l'évaluation des preuves mathématiques déductives par les systèmes d'argumentation / Argumentation frameworks for constructing and evaluating deductive mathematical proofs

Boudjani, Nadira 05 December 2018 (has links)
L'apprentissage des preuves mathématiques déductives est fondamental dans l'enseignement des mathématiques. Pourtant, la dernière enquête TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) menée par l'IEA ("International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement") en mars 2015, le niveau général des étudiants en mathématiques est en baisse et les étudiants éprouvent de plus en plus de difficultés pour comprendre et écrire les preuves mathématiques déductives.Pour aborder ce problème, plusieurs travaux en didactique des mathématiques utilisent l’apprentissage collaboratif en classe.L'apprentissage collaboratif consiste à regrouper des étudiants pour travailler ensemble dans le but d'atteindre un objectif commun. Il repose sur le débat et l'argumentation. Les étudiants s'engagent dans des discussions pour exprimer leurs points de vue sous forme d'arguments et de contre-arguments dans le but de résoudre un problème posé.L’argumentation utilisée dans ces approches est basée sur des discussions informelles qui permettent aux étudiants d'exprimer publiquement leurs déclarations et de les justifier pour construire des preuves déductives. Ces travaux ont montré que l’argumentation est une méthode efficace pour l’apprentissage des preuves mathématiques : (i) elle améliore la pensée critique et les compétences métacognitives telles que l'auto-surveillance et l'auto-évaluation (ii) augmente la motivation des étudiants par les interactions sociales et (iii) favorise l'apprentissage entre les étudiants. Du point de vuedes enseignants, certaines difficultés surgissent avec ces approches pour l'évaluation des preuves déductives. En particulier, l'évaluation des résultats, qui comprend non seulement la preuve finale mais aussi les étapes intermédiaires, les discussions, les conflits qui peuvent exister entre les étudiants durant le débat. En effet, cette évaluation introduit une charge de travail importante pour les enseignants.Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un système pour la construction et l'évaluation des preuves mathématiques déductives. Ce système a un double objectif : (i) permettre aux étudiants de construire des preuves mathématiques déductives à partir un débat argumentatif structuré (ii) aider les enseignants à évaluer ces preuves et toutes les étapes intermédiaires afin d'identifier les erreurs et les lacunes et de fournir un retour constructif aux étudiants.Le système offre aux étudiants un cadre structuré pour débattre durant la construction de la preuve en utilisant les cadres d'argumentation proposés en intelligente artificielle. Ces cadres d’argumentation sont utilisés aussi dans l’analyse du débat qui servira pour représenter le résultat sous différentes formes afin de faciliter l’évaluation aux enseignants. Dans un second temps, nous avons implanté et validé le système par une étude expérimentale pour évaluer son acceptabilité dans la construction collaborative des preuves déductives par les étudiants et dans l’évaluation de ces preuves par les enseignants. / Learning deductive proofs is fundamental for mathematics education. Yet, many students have difficulties to understand and write deductive mathematical proofs which has severe consequences for problem solving as highlighted by several studies. According to the recent study of TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study), the level of students in mathematics is falling. students have difficulties to understand mathematics and more precisely to build and structure mathematical proofs.To tackle this problem, several approaches in mathematical didactics have used a social approach in classrooms where students are engaged in a debate and use argumentation in order to build proofs.The term "argumentation" in this context refers to the use of informal discussions in classrooms to allow students to publicly express claims and justify them to build proofs for a given problem. The underlying hypotheses are that argumentation: (i) enhances critical thinking and meta-cognitive skills such as self monitoring and self assessment; (ii) increases student's motivation by social interactions; and (iii) allows learning among students. From instructors' point of view, some difficulties arise with these approaches for assessment. In fact, the evaluation of outcomes -- that includes not only the final proof but also all intermediary steps and aborted attempts -- introduces an important work overhead.In this thesis, we propose a system for constructing and evaluating deductive mathematical proofs. The system has a twofold objective: (i) allow students to build deductive mathematical proofs using structured argumentative debate; (ii) help the instructors to evaluate these proofs and assess all intermediary steps in order to identify misconceptions and provide a constructive feedback to students. The system provides students with a structured framework to debate during construction of proofs using the proposed argumentation frameworks in artificial intelligence. These argumentation frameworks are also used in the analysis of the debate which will be used to represent the result in different forms in order to facilitate the evaluation to the instructors. The system has been implemented and evaluated experimentally by students in the construction of deductive proofs and instructors in the evaluation of these proofs.

Construção automática de redes sociais móveis no ambiente Moodle

Castro, Tássia Portela Serrão de 19 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Vanessa Nunes (vnunes@unisinos.br) on 2015-03-17T13:03:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 000006D0.pdf: 1787043 bytes, checksum: d21b940150ba3e35174a7e68b8bb63aa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-17T13:03:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 000006D0.pdf: 1787043 bytes, checksum: d21b940150ba3e35174a7e68b8bb63aa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Nenhuma / Os métodos de ensino tradicional dos sistemas de gerenciamento de aprendizagem (ou LMS do termo em inglês Learning Management System ) são rígidos por natureza e impõem limitações ao processo de ensino. Por terem um padrão fechado, essas ferramentas acabam prejudicando o aluno, pois o impedem de interagir com qualquer pessoa que compartilhe dos mesmos interesses que ele. Por exemplo, o aluno posta uma dúvida sobre um determinado assunto no fórum e às vezes espera dias, semanas, sem obter retorno algum. Como resultado, os conceitos de comunidade, relação e interação entre os usuários são necessários para superar essas limitações. Atualmente o Moodle não provê ferramentas que dão suporte a criação de uma rede social que consiga ser articulada pelos participantes. A proposta deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de um software social que possibilite a criação e articulação de redes sociais online no ambiente Moodle de forma automática. A partir disso, espera-se que cada aluno possa ter o seu próprio espaço, com comunidades virtuais de prática específicas para as suas necessidades, e que ele consiga também a qualquer momento adicionar novas pessoas a essas comunidades, que estejam em qualquer lugar, ou seja, em qualquer Moodle, curso, grupo ou fórum, ampliando além da rede social, as possibilidades educacionais que somente a aprendizagem colaborativa possibilita. para as suas necessidades, e que ele consiga também a qualquer momento adicionar novas pessoas a essas comunidades, que estejam em qualquer lugar, ou seja, em qualquer Moodle, curso, grupo ou fórum, ampliando além da rede social, as possibilidades educacionais que somente a aprendizagem colaborativa possibilita. / The traditional teaching methods of the Learning Management Systems (or LMS) are rigid in nature and impose limitations on the teaching process. By having a closed pattern, these tools end up hurting the student, for preventing it from interacting with anyone who shares the same interests as him. For example, the student posts a question about a particular topic in the forum and sometimes wait days, weeks, without getting any return. As a result, the concepts of community, relationship and interaction between users are required to overcome these limitations. Currently Moodle does not provide tools that support the creation of a social network that can be articulated by the participants. The purpose of this study is to develop a social software that enables the creation and articulation of online social networking in Moodle automatically. From this, it is expected that each student can have your own space, with virtual communities of practice specific to their needs, and he can also at any time add new people to these communities, they are everywhere, that is, in any Moodle course, group or forum, extending beyond social networking, the educational possibilities that only collaborative learning provides

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