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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact of Collaborative Learning on Motivation and Speaking Anxiety in the Young EFL Classroom / Effekten av kollaborativt lärande på motivation och talångest i det unga EFL-klassrummet

Amini, Maria, Bicen, Helin January 2024 (has links)
This study explores the influence of collaborative learning on motivation and speaking anxiety in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom for young learners. The study highlights a crucial research aspect by examining the role of collaborative learning in addressing speaking anxiety. The research question is explored by multiple investigators, and Lundahl's (2022) groundbreaking work particularly stands out, emphasising the vital role of collaborative learning in education. Building on this foundation, Fenyvesi's (2020) study on Danish learners aligns with these collaborative learning findings, emphasising the importance of fostering positive attitudes from the early stages of language acquisition. Kopinska and Azakari's (2020) study of collaborative reconstruction tasks provides a task-based perspective, illustrating the positive impact on motivation and a preference for collaboration. Nilsson's (2019) research reveals several triggers of speaking anxiety amongst Swedish learners, emphasising the role of classroom situations. Collaborative learning relieves speaking anxiety, as highlighted by Nilsson (2019) and supported by Bozkurt and Aydin's (2023) study involving 34 EFL students. Pladevall-Balusters (2019) study in Catalonia, Spain, compares motivation levels in traditional and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) settings, acknowledging the potential and challenges of CLIL. The result of this study shows that collaborative learning has a positive impact on young EFL learners' motivation and speaking anxiety in English classes. It reduces anxiety, increases confidence, and fosters a supportive classroom atmosphere, ultimately contributing to improved motivation and vocabulary acquisition.

A Dialogic Action Perspective on Open Collective Inquiry in Online Forums

Jung, Yusun 26 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

A Formative Evaluation of a Collaborative Problem Solving Instructional Method for a Client-Based Globally-Focused Undergraduate Program

Yinger, Nicholas S. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Framing Academic Socialization of International Undergraduates in an American University: A Critical Ethnographic Study

Park, Hyechong 10 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Teacher Scaffolding and Equity in Collaborative Knowledge Construction

Kraatz, Elizabeth Anne January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Bilder av framtiden

Jönsson, Torbjörn January 2006 (has links)
De senaste årens tekniska utveckling på datorområdet har även gett återverkningar inom distansutbildningen. Den nya Informationstekniken (IT) har används mest för att utveckla kommunikationen mellan lärare och studenter på distansutbildningarna. I utgångsläget har tekniken alltså används för att underlätta arbetet inom kurserna, inte för att utveckla metoder för hur undervisning ska bedrivas. Elektroniskt lärande (e-learning) kan förklaras som ”Teknikbaserat lärande” (technology-based learning) och innefattar all form av undervisning som sker med hjälp av elektroniska media. Betoningen på lärande visar att tyngdpunkten förflyttats från hur utbildningen genomförs, till ett innehåll i utbildningen. Det finns behov av förbättringar för effektivare e-lärande inom distansutbildning. Samarbete och gemensam arbetsuppgift anses vara till hjälp vid lärande. I hög grad sker utbildning och dialog inom distansundervisning och e-lärande asynkront. Detta innebär att deltagarna inte samtidigt har direktkommunikation med varandra utan kommunikationen sker i med e-post.För att kunna möta möjligheterna till effektivare e-lärande borde en möjlighet till synkront kollaborativt arbete över gemensam arbetsyta vara av intresse.Syftet med projektet var att utveckla en synkron kollaborativ bild- och textbaserad applikation för e-lärande. Baserad på forskaren inom kognitionsvetenskap Maria Larssons rapport om fem faktorer för effektivare e-lärande samt utvärdera dessa genom en prototyp. Applikationen var tänkt att användas vid ett moment i ämnet "Organisationskommunikation" inom en distanskurs, där studenterna skulle bilda sig en uppfattning om en organisations kultur. Applikationen testades vid två tillfällen, först som ett koncepttest och därefter som en digitalt konstruerad prototyp. Tre personer deltog vid varje testtillfälle.Koncepttestet genomfördes med observation av deltagarna med dokumenterad ljudinspelning av dialogen samt efterföljande intervjufrågor. Prototyptestet utfördes med observation och med ”think-aloud” metoden samt intervjufrågor. Här skedde dokumentationen med hjälp av ljudinspelning samt skärmdumpar.Utvärderingen utgjordes av observation och intervjuer med testdeltagarna och visade att applikationen till stor del baserades på Maria Larssons fem faktorer. Min slutsats är att det varit möjligt att utveckla en applikation som till stor del baseras på de fem faktorerna och att konceptet samt prototypen kan vidareutvecklas. Värdet av ett par enstaka test kan vara begränsat då det enbart gällt sex personer. Utökade testsessioner med flera olika grupper hade kunnat ge mer tillförlitliga resultat. Jag finner att det är angeläget med fortsatt forskning angående inlärning via Internet. / The technological development during the recent past, i.e. information technology (IT), has presented new possibilities for distance learning. IT has, so far, mostly been used to enhance the communication between teachers and students. With e-learning or technology-based learning the emphasis is rather on content in education instead of how education is performed. There is a need of improvements for more efficient e-learning within distance learning. The objectives of this study were to develop synchronous collaborative software application, based on five factors for more efficient e-learning, that researcher in cognition science Maria Larsson presented 2001. The software application was evaluated through a case study in a distance course of Organisation communication. The task was how to identify the culture in a specific organisation.The application was tested on two occasions with three participants at each occasion. The first test was as low-tech concept test and the second test was made with the use of the digital prototype. On both occasions the participants reflections was recorded during the test sessions and after the tests interviews were performed with each participant. My conclusions following the evaluation of the observations and the responses to the interviews are that it is possible to develop an application based on the five factors (learning styles, narrative form, collaboration, interaction and feedback) for more efficient e-learning. However, more research and testing are needed.

Collaborative learning in Open Source Software (OSS) communities: The dynamics and challenges in networked learning environments

Mitra, Raktim 22 August 2011 (has links)
The proliferation of web based technologies has resulted in new forms of communities and organizations with enormous implications for design of learning and education. This thesis explores learning occurring within open source software (OSS) communities. OSS communities are a dominant form of organizing in software development with implications not only for innovative product development but also for the training of a large number of software developers. The central catalyst of learning within these communities is expert-novice interactions. These interactions between experts and novices or newcomers are critical for the growth and sustenance of a community and therefore it is imperative that experts are able to provide newcomers requisite advice and support as they traverse the community and develop software. Although prior literature has demonstrated the significance of expert-novice interactions, there are two central issues that have not been examined. First, there is no examination of the role of external events on community interaction, particularly as it relates to experts and novices. Second, the exact nature of expert help, particularly, the quantity of help and whether it helps or hinders newcomer participation has not been studied. This thesis studies these two aspects of expert-novice interaction within OSS communities. The data for this study comes from two OSS communities. The Java newcomer forum was studied as it provided a useful setting for examining external events given the recent changes in Java's ownership. Furthermore, the forum has a rating system which classifies newcomers and experienced members allowing the analysis of expert-novice interactions. The second set of data comes from the MySQL newcomer forum which has also undergone organizational changes and allows for comparison with data from the Java forum. Data were collected by parsing information from the HTML pages and stored in a relational database. To analyze the effect of external events, a natural experiment method was used whereby participation levels were studied around significant events that affected the community. To better understand the changes contextually, an extensive study of major news outlets was also undertaken. Findings from the external event study show significant changes in participation patterns, especially among newcomers in response to key external events. The study also revealed that the changes in participation of newcomers were observed even though other internal characteristics (help giving, expert participation) did not change indicating that external events have a strong bearing on community participation. The effect of expert advice was studied using a logistic regression model to determine how specific participation patterns in discussion threads led to the final response to newcomers. This was supported by social network analysis to visually interpret the participation patterns of experienced members in two different scenarios, one in which the question was answered and the other where it was not. Findings show that higher number of responses from experienced members did not correlate with a response. Therefore, although expert help is essential, non-moderated or unguided help can lead to conflict among experts and inefficient feedback to newcomers. / Master of Science

網際網路合作學習環境中學習互動型態與認知風格對學習效果之影響--以二次函數之教學為例 / The Learning Effects of Different Interactive Learning Styles and Cognitive Styles in the Internet Collaborative Learning Environment --With the Instruction of Quadratic Functions as an Example

黃淑玲, Huang, Shu-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討如何設計以建構主義為基礎的網際網路合作學習環境,以研發二次函數網際網路課程,並藉由實驗研究法分析在網際網路合作學習情境中,不同的學習型態與認知風格對於學習成效之影響,最後以質性研究法探討學生合作互動歷程之認知模式及相關影響因素,並分析學生學習二次函數易犯之錯誤類型。 本研究使用之研究方法包括學習軟體研發、實驗研究法、問卷調查法、晤談法、及內容分析法。研究者首先研發及評量「二次函數網際網路課程」,並隨機選擇國民中學二年級學生60名為研究對象,依學習型態及學生認知風格分成內控單獨組、外控單獨組、內控合作組、外控合作組、內外控混合合作組等五組進行教學實驗。俟教學實驗後進行紙筆測驗、問卷調查、及晤談,研究者並搜集學生在電子白板上的對話進行內容分析。根據研究結果分析,本研究主要之結論如下: 一、網際網路合作學習環境有助於學生學習數學二次函數概念在網際網路合作學習環境中,提供合作的視覺學習環境,協助學習者多重轉化代數表徵成為幾何表徵的動態網頁,使學習者在不同條件脈絡中進行比較、反思,以了解二次函數中代數與幾何的關係,已有具體的教學成效。 二、 在網路學習環中,不同認知風格的學生在個別學習效果上有差異存在在網際網路個別學習環境中,內控組的學習成效顯著優於外控組。即在網際網路學習環境中,採用個別學習策略,具外控取向特質的學習者,學習成效不佳;而具內控取向特質的學習者,有較佳的學習成效。 三、在網路學習環境中,不同認知風格的學生在合作學習效果上未有顯著差異存在在網際網路合作學習環境中,內控合作組、外控合作組、及內外控混合合作組的學習成效無顯著差異。研究顯示透過合作學習可提升外控取向學習者的學習成效,淡化認知風格對學習者的影響。 四、 網際網路合作學習互動歷程為個人建構、群體澄清、知識重構、群體重構的認知改變模式在網際網路合作學習互動歷程中,個人先形成自我的知識概念,並將個人建構的基模公開呈現與他人分享,當個體的認知概念間產生差異時,合作群體間即產生質疑,並提出澄清,經澄清後合作群體彼此協商,重構知識、統合意見並產生共識,即成為合作小組的認知概念。 五、 同儕模式的網際網路合作學習方式缺少高支持性鷹架結構以同儕為基礎的網際網路合作學習環境中,因學生的先備知識不足及溝通技巧的缺乏,容易產生錯誤概念的學習及習得片斷的知識。是以,針對年齡小或能力低的學習者所設計的網際網路合作學習課程,教師的參與討論與互動是必要的,以能提供學習者高支持性鷹架結構。 六、 在網際網路合作學習環境的互動歷程中,外控取向學習者佈題的行為多於內控取向學習者研究中發現外控取向學習者佈題的行為多於內控取向學習者,內控取向學習者解題的行為多於外控取向學習者。 根據研究結果,本研究提出下列建議,以供教學者、教學媒體設計者、教育行政單位、及後續研究者之參考: 一、應整合學科專家、教育專家、電腦網路程式設計師、美術專業人士以研發更符合學習者需求的網路課程。 二、宜針對學習者特性提供不同的網路教學策略,使建構的網際網路課程更符合學習者的需求。 三、在網際網路合作學習環境中,課程設計應以討論情境、分享知識、及解決問題為主,始能提升合作成效。 四、宜訂定網路界面設計標準及評鑑指標,以做為網路課程發展的依據。 五、在網際網路合作學習環境中,教師應適度參與學生的討論活動,提供鷹架支持的功能。 六、應加強國家整體網路基礎建設,使能改善網路教學品質,提高學習成效。 / The Purpose of this study is threefold. One is to explore how to design a quadratic function internet curriculum in the internet computer-based collaborative learning environment, based on constructivism. Second, learning effects of different learning styles and cognitive styles in the internet collaborative learning context are analyzed through empirical research methods. Third, the students' cognitive modes and other relative factors in the collaborative learning interaction process, as well as the students' frequent error types in learning quadratic functions, are identified and analyzed through qualitative research methods. The research methods adopted in this study include the development of learning software, empirical research methods, questionnaires, interviews, and content analysis. The researcher first developed and assessed the "internet curriculum of quadratic functions", and selected 60 second graders of a junior high school as research subjects, according to the students' learning and cognitive styles, and categorizing them into the group of internal locus of control with individual learning, the group of external locus of control with individual learning, the group of internal locus of control collaborative learning, the group of external locus of control with collaborative learning, and the group of mixing internal-external locus of control with collaborative learning to implement teaching experiments. After the experiments were finished, the research conducted a written test, questionnaire surveys, and interviews. Besides, the students' dialogue data on Bulletin Board System was collected and analyzed. Based on the analysis results of this study, the main conclusionsare as follows: 1. Internet collaborative learning environment facilitates students learning the concepts of quadratic functions. In the environment of the internet collaborative learning, interactive web pages provide visualized collaborative learning context, assist learners to transform algebraic representation into geometric representation, and give learners opportunities to compare and rethink in different conditions about the relations of algebra and geometry in quadratic functions. All of which have been proved to have concrete learning effects. 2. In the environment of the internet learning, individual learning effect differences exist among students of different cognitive learning styles. In the environment of the internet individual learning, learning effects of the external control group are better than those of the internal control group. In other words, learners with external locus of control, using individual learning strategies do not have good learning effects. However, learners with internal locus of control have better learning effects. 3. In the environment of the internet learning, there is no significant differences among students with different cognitive styles. In the environment of the internet collaborative learning, the learning effects among the group of internal locus of control collaborative learning, the group of external locus of control with collaborative learning, and the group of mixing internal-external locus of control with collaborative learning show no significant differences. This study shows collaborative learning help improve the learning effects of learners with external locus of control, and ease the impacts of cognitive styles on learners. 4. The interaction process of the internet collaborative learning is a cognitive revolution of individual construction, group clarification, knowledge reconstruction, and group reconstruction. In the interaction process of the internet collaborative learning, individuals form self knowledge concepts, and shares their self-constructed sckema with other people. When individual cognitive differences occur, there will be questioning, clarifying, negotiating, reconstructing the knowledge, integratingopinions, and reaching common agreements, which will become the cognitive concepts of the collaborative group. 5. Peer collaborative learning on the internet lacks highly-supportive scaffolding structures. In the context of peer collaborative internet learning, it is easy for students to learn incorrect concepts and incomplete knowledge content, owning to their insufficient prior knowledge and communication skills. Therefore, in designing the internet collaborative learning curriculum for young or incompetent learners, it is a must to involve the teachers to join the discussion and interaction, in order to provide learners highly-supportive scaffolding structures. 6. In the interaction process of the internet collaborative learning, learners with external locus of control have more problem posing behaviors than those with internal locus of control. The study finds that learners with external locus of control have more problem posing behaviors than those with internal locus of control. On the other hand, learners with internal locus of control have more problem solving behaviors than those with external locus of control. Based on the research results, this study proposes the following suggestion for the reference of teachers, educational media designers, education admonitions, and future researchers: 1. Discipline experts, education experts, internet engineers, computer programmers, art designers should cooperate to develop the internet curricula which meet learners' needs more perfectly. 2. Different internet teaching strategies should be provided based on learners' characteristics, in order to make the constructed internet curricula meet learners' needs more perfectly. 3. In the environment of internet collaborative learning, syllabus design should be mainly on discussing situations, sharing knowledge, and solving problems, in order to facilitate collaboration effects. 4. It is better to set the internet interface design standards and evaluation indexes to provide a basis for the internet curricular development. 5. In the environment of the internet collaborative learning, teachers should attend students' discussions when needed, functioning as scaffolding support. 6. National Information Infrastructure should be improved to have higher internet learning quality and thus to enhance learning effects.

Using e-learning to enhance education in correctional institutions in South Africa

Greyvensteyn, Karl G. 11 1900 (has links)
The new millennium saw the explosion of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs), coupled with the Internet as the way to communicate and gain knowledge. Traditional schooling has moved to open and distance e-learning and many educational institutions are offering these as alternatives. In correctional institutions the education centres have fallen behind in this regard. This dissertation is based on a participatory study that will show how open and distance e-learning can benefit inmates. The researcher has a unique perspective as he is himself, an inmate in a correctional centre in South Africa, and has first-hand knowledge and experience of the correctional institution environment. In-depth interviews with inmates and correctional officers were performed resulting in different views on the subject. A survey was conducted to ascertain inmates’ educational levels and their requirements. This study also determines what role the digital divide plays in the education of inmates or the lack thereof. The research indicates that education can reduce recidivism. With e-learning more inmates could receive education and become better prepared for life outside of the correctional institutions. This could result in them becoming productive members of society. The feedback obtained via interviews shows that the majority of inmates are eager to better themselves. The major problem is financing, and the struggle with communication with the distance learning institution. With e-leaning these two problems could easily be resolved. There are a good deal of educational resources available for free called Open Educational Resources (OER), and communication with the distance institutions can be exchanged via e-mail and/or video-conferencing. A major hurdle that would have to be overcome is to get the government of South Africa behind the drive to implement e-learning. The correctional institutions are the ideal environment to test whether South Africans will be receptive to e-learning. The research in other countries is overwhelmingly positive, and with a successful pilot project e-learning could be shown to be effective in bridging the digital divide / School of Computing / M. Sc. (Information Systems)

Socially Capable Conversational Agents for Multi-Party Interactive Situations

Kumar, Rohit 01 January 2011 (has links)
Since the inception of AI research, great strides have been made towards achieving the goal of extending natural language conversation as a medium of interaction with machines. Today, we find many Conversational Agents (CAs) situated in various aspects of our everyday life such as information access, education and entertainment. However, most of the existing work on CAs has focused on agents that support only one user in each interactive session. On the other hand, people organize themselves in groups such as teams of co-workers, family and networks of friends. With the mass-adoption of Internet based communication technologies for group interaction, there is an unprecedented opportunity for CAs to support interactive situations involving multiple human participants. Support provided by these CAs can make the functioning of some of these groups more efficient, enjoyable and rewarding to the participants. Through our work on supporting various Multi-Party Interactive Situations (MPIS), we have identified two problems that must be addressed in order to embed effective CAs in such situations. The first problem highlights the technical challenges involving the development of CAs in MPIS. Existing approaches for modeling agent behavior make assumptions that break down in multi-party interaction. As a step towards addressing this problem, this thesis contributes the Basilica software architecture that uses an event-driven approach to model conversation as an orchestration of triggering of conversational behaviors. This architecture alleviates the technical problems by providing a rich representational capability and the flexibility to address complex interaction dynamics. The second problem involves the choice of appropriate agent behaviors. In MPIS, agents must compete with human participants for attention in order to effectively deliver support and interventions. In this work, we follow a model of human group interaction developed by empirical research in small group communication. This model identifies two fundamental processes in human group interaction, i.e., Instrumental (Task-related) and Expressive (Social-Emotional). Behaviors that constitute this expressive process hold the key to managing and regulating user attention and serve other social functions in group interaction. This thesis describes two socially capable conversational agents that support users in collaborative learning and group decision making activities. Their social capabilities are composed of a set of behaviors based on the Social-Emotional interaction categories identified by work in small group communication. These agents demonstrate the generalizability of our methodology for designing and implementing social capabilities across two very different interactive situations. In addition to the implementation of these agents, the thesis presents a series of experiments and analysis conducted to investigate the effectiveness of these social capabilities. First and foremost, these experiments show significant benefits of the use of socially capable agents on task success and agent perception across the two different interactive situations listed above. Second, they investigate issues related to the appropriate use of these social capabilities specifically in terms of the amount and timing of the constituent social behaviors. Finally, these experiments provide an understanding of the underlying mechanism that explains the effects that social capabilities can achieve.

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