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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

由Teubner反思法理論析論著作權集體管理制度 / A study of Copyright Collective Management from Teubner's theory of Reflexive Law

張峻傑, Chang, Chun Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
我國著作權集體管理團體發展至今,僅存五家集管團體,無論是會員數或業務總額皆與國外規模相距甚遠,難以有效達成降低授權成本、使著作充分流通利用與保障著作權的功用。追根究柢原因在於:無法從使用報酬費率的制訂過程中,取得利用人與集管團體間的共識。 隨著數位技術的演進,著作權利用方式與型態日趨多元,立法者的觀點卻趕不上時代的變化,倘若爭議處理方式仍僅限於規範的抽象內容探討與適用,往往難以得到當事人欲求的結果。Teubner認為現今複雜分歧的社會需要一個去中心化的社會整合機制,將傳統法律的管制負擔轉移至其他社會體系;法律只有在為其他社會次級體系的反思過程提供結構性前提時,才能實現其自身的反思取向,發揮反思法的社會整合功能。因此,若能開展調解、仲裁等訴訟外爭議解決機制,除了即時有效解決紛爭,避免法院訟累,並能於協調過程中充分揭露資訊,使當事人間贏得互信,不失為一種發展反思性程序的可能。 本文從Teubner反思法的角度觀察,輔以中國、日本、美國、德國的著作權集體管理制度之立法例與實踐概況,作整體歸納分析,從中擷取出具有反思理性特徵做比較評析。最後,透過反思法理論所提出當今法律演化的特徵,對於我國將來建構良善的集體管理團體制度,提供一些不同的思考觀點。 / In the diversity of social economics activities, recent developments in the evolution of neighboring rightsand reflects the change of publication displaying methods due to technology.Such development may create inner conflict and endanger the law system. If people explore the reason of conflict and disposal process just at the point of normative abstract content and applicable, it will always be unable to gain the ideal result. Collective management organizations(CMOs) is an important indicator of copyright protection. CMOs’ operation reduces the licensing costs, promotes the legal exploitation of works, achieves broad public access of copyrighted works, and protects the benefits of copyright owners. Indeed, a reasonable royalty rate is the core for the successful operation of CMOs. Thisstudy isfrom the view ofTeubner's Theory of Reflexive Law, to observe the substantial social effectiveness of copyright collective management under the control of law and providing the structural premises for reflexive processes in other social subsystems.According to the characteristic of reflexive law,this thesis aimed to introducea new tendency to settle collective management of copyright.

The copyright protection of musical works : a historical and contextual analysis

Baloyi, Jele Joel 21 October 2019 (has links)
This work is concerned with an analysis of the copyright protection of musical works. Musical works form part of the categories of works protected under copyright law. It would be easy to dismiss musical works as not warranting a serious study, as would for example, be warranted for “industrial property” rights such as patents and geographical indicators, or more “serious” copyrights such as architectural works and computer software. Such a perspective would however, not be cognisant of the significant contribution that the music industry, as part of the broader cultural and creative industries makes to the global economy. It has, for example, been shown that in 2013, the global cultural and creative industries contributed some US$2,250b, employing some 29,5 million people, with the music industry being one of the top three employers and with its revenues exceeding those of radio.1 A single successful musician can earn in excess of US$100m per annum,2 making the industry ripe for litigious claims. For this reason therefore a consideration of the legal rules that apply to the protection of musical works is crucial. There is currently no clear exposition and systematic analysis of the legal principles applicable to the field of music copyright and no work devoted to the in-depth delineation of the rights and sub-rights relating to musical copyright protection. This study seeks to address this research and knowledge gap by providing a historical and contextual analysis of the protection of musical works. The aim is to provide a complete picture of the milieu of music copyright protection to enable the reader to feel empowered in dealing with the subject-matter. This the writer does by mapping the historical development of music copyright protection in particular from eighteenth century England when the first copyright legislation was enacted, until the enactment of the British Copyright Act of 1911, which signalled the emergence of the “common law” copyright system. The writer then shows how this enactment shaped the development of modern music copyright law, and concludes by presenting a contextual consideration of the current South African law of music copyright and highlighting the challenges it is faced with. / Mercantile Law / LL. D.

Musiikkialan tekijänoikeuksien kesto, ansaintalogiikat ja digitaalisen aineiston saatavuus internetissä

Rytinki, M. (Markus) 27 November 2018 (has links)
Abstract This study addresses the justifications of the duration of copyright, the revenue-generating models in the music business, and the availability of digital music in Finland. The first goal was to understand how different stakeholders in the music industry relate to copyright and how they justify what they consider the optimal duration. The second goal was to map out the revenue-generating models in the music industry at a time when the consumption of music has changed from analogue to digital formats, from physical products to streaming services. The third goal was to find out the different ways in which digital music is available on the internet in Finland. The research material consists of survey research, half-structured theme interviews and documentary material. The applied research methods are theory- and material-based content analysis. The theoretical approaches utilized are the theory of justice by John Rawls, the theory of hegemony by Antonio Gramsci, the classical communication model by Roman Jakobson, and power theory by Lawrence Lessig. It uses as its interpretational theory the model of justification of copyright by Laura Leppämäki. The results state the following: The most common justification provided for the optimal duration of copyright is utilitarianism – advantage to society as a whole. The same justification is given by stakeholders who want to keep the duration as it stands, and also by those who wish to shorten it. Another common justification is to see copyright as a natural item of ownership, claimed by work, and especially as a subject of inheritance, preferably for two subsequent generations. The problems concerning the revenue-generating models in the digital world tend to focus on distribution of income on three different levels: record contracts; the distribution models of the streaming companies; and contracts between content sharing companies, record companies and rights organizations. The authors and artists have the weakest bargaining position in the negotiations. The results on availability of digital music show that digital music can be discovered via public services (music libraries), commercial services (streaming companies), and ad hoc societal services (peer-to-peer networks). The role of music libraries as a content provider has decreased since the majority of music consumption has altered to digital services. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimus käsittelee musiikin tekijänoikeuden keston perusteluja, musiikkialan ansaintalogiikoita ja digitaalisten musiikkiaineistojen saatavuutta Suomessa. Tarkoituksena oli hahmottaa, miten musiikkiteollisuuden eri osapuolet suhtautuvat tekijänoikeuteen ja miten ne perustelevat tekijänoikeuksien optimaalista kestoa. Tavoitteena oli myös kartoittaa musiikkialan ansaintalogiikat, jotka ovat muuttuneet siirryttäessä analogisesta musiikin kulutuksesta digitaaliseen musiikin kulutukseen, ennen kaikkea suoratoistopalveluihin. Kolmantena tehtävänä oli selvittää, millä tavoilla digitaalista musiikkia on saatavilla internetin välityksellä Suomessa. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu kyselytutkimuksesta, puolistrukturoiduista teemahaastatteluista sekä dokumenttiaineistosta. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin sekä teoria- että aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysia. Tutkimuksessa sovellettuja teorioita ovat John Rawlsin oikeudenmukaisuusteoria, Antonio Gramscin hegemoniateoria, Roman Jakobsonin klassinen kommunikaatiomalli ja Lawrence Lessigin valtateoria. Tutkimus käyttää tekijänoikeuksia koskevan tutkimuskysymyksen kohdalla tulkintateoriana Laura Leppämäen esittämää mallia oikeuksien perusteluista. Tutkimuksen tuloksena on, että sekä tekijänoikeuden nykyistä kestoa että sen lyhentämistä perustellaan ennen kaikkea utilitarismilla. Toinen keskeinen perustelukeino oli työn kautta teoksiin saatava omistusoikeus ja tämän omistusoikeuden kautta tarjoutuva mahdollisuus oikeuksien jättämiseen perintönä tekijän jälkipolville. Ansaintalogiikoiden kohdalla esiin nousi digitaalisesta myynnistä generoituvien tulojen jakamiseen liittyvät ongelmat, joita esiintyy niin musiikintekijöiden ja levy-yhtiöiden välisissä sopimuksissa, suoratoistopalvelujen sisäisissä maksumalleissa kuin internetin alustapalveluiden ja oikeudenhaltijoiden sekä heitä edustavien järjestöjen välisissä sopimuksissa. Heikoimmassa asemassa sopimuksia koskevissa neuvotteluissa ovat musiikintekijät ja artistit. Digitaalisen musiikkiaineiston saatavuuden kohdalla keskeisenä tuloksena on, että aineistoa on saatavilla julkisen palvelun eli yleisten musiikkikirjastojen, kaupallisten palveluiden eli suoratoistopalveluiden ja yhteisöllisten palveluiden eli vertaisverkkojen välityksellä. Musiikkikirjastojen rooli aineistojen tarjoajana on pienentynyt siirryttäessä analogisen musiikin kulutuksesta digitaalisen musiikin kulutukseen.

Operation and regulation of copyright collective administration in Nigeria : important lessons for Africa

Ola, Olukunle Rotimi 13 November 2012 (has links)
The introduction of a regulatory framework in the area of collective management of rights in Nigeria must have been intended to strengthen the creative industry. Unfortunately, it has thrown this industry and in particular the music and film industries into a battle of a regulated against a non-regulated collective administration sector for upward of twenty (20) years. My choice of research on this topic could be attributed to the interest I developed while administering the collective administration desk at the Nigerian Copyright Commission. Serving on that desk afforded the opportunity to see the frustration of right owners who were being deprived the fruit of their labor, as the societies meant to collect and distribute royalties on their behalf were enmeshed in litigations and in the process, rarely paid any royalties to authors. Within this context, this research seeks to explore whether there is any merit in the continued existence of the current regulatory framework for collective management in Nigeria, and what the best operational framework for collective administration in Nigeria would be. A methodological approach entailing literature review of books, articles, journals, legislation, cases, reports of committees and interviews with experts was adopted, with critical analysis carried out on particularly the Nigerian Copyright Act, the Nigerian Copyright (collective management organisation) regulation, the South African Copyright Act, the South African Performers’ Protection Act, the South African Collecting Societies Regulation, as well as judicial decisions challenging certain provisions in the Nigerian legislation. It is hoped that this research will spur a desire for the need for supervisory and regulatory agencies of government to seek the national interest above all others in taking and making decisions that affect the collective administration of copyright and related rights. / Mercantile law / LL.M. (Intellectual Property)

Autorské právo v informační společnosti a na vnitřním trhu Evropské unie / An Author's Right in the Information Society and Across the Internal European Union Market

Mikita, Peter January 2018 (has links)
Copyright law is a special category of civil law which, with the upswing of the Internet, has become important for different types of stakeholders in the global information society. The 'participative web' operates with content generated by users. This user-generated content has often disputable origins in terms of copyright clearance. The Internet has opened the possibility for developing new forms of communication between anonymous or individual users who are not easily identifiable. Especially peer-to-peer file sharing and recently the information services offered and operated by the so-called 'cyberlockers' are the reason of questioning the role of copyright protection online which needs a beneficial solution. Copyright infringement in the era of information society is a complex phenomenon with a multiplicity of contributing factors like the importance of information data with big business potential, personal attitudes shown by internet users towards the value and scarcity of intellectual property, or legal responsibility of internet service providers (ISP) who paradoxically act from the safety of the so-called safe harbours as intermediaries of information exchange, representing a new element in the communication chain between rights holders and users. Commercial and business models operating...

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