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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A theory of national application of the European Convention on Human Rights

Bjorge, Eirik January 2014 (has links)
This study seeks to flesh out a theory of national application of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). It does so by seeking to provide an answer to the research question, ‘what is the proper role of the domestic courts in the application of the European Convention?’ By relying upon the examples of French, German, and UK law, the study argues that it is not true in descriptive terms, nor desirable in normative terms, that the domestic courts take an approach to the ECHR based upon friction and assertion of sovereignty. This study argues instead that domestic application of the ECHR is built on the attainment of certain aims. These aims are inferred, in the main, from the domestic courts’ jurisprudence, such as it relates to four central ECHR doctrines, and they are: the doctrines of evolutionary interpretation; proportionality; the margin of appreciation; and autonomous concepts. On the basis of an analysis of this jurisprudence, the four aims are identified as being, first, honouring the principle of pacta sunt servanda; secondly, the safeguarding of human rights based upon the insight that human rights are a paramount good to be pursued; thirdly, the aim of positive, as opposed to negative, rights diversity; and, fourthly, the aim that conclusions reached on the domestic level of one state must be capable of being universalized. The approach of the domestic courts to the application of the ECHR can be explained on the basis of the domestic courts’ wish to attain these four aims. The proper role played by the domestic courts, the study argues, is one in which they are willing to give a lead to Strasbourg as well as to be led, in both, to use the wording of the Preamble of the ECHR, ‘the maintenance’ and in the ‘further realisation’ of the Convention rights.

Revisiting the legal regulation of digital identity in the light of global implementation and local difference

Rodrigues, Rowena Edwardina January 2011 (has links)
This thesis aims to address a vital gap that has emerged in the digital identity regulatory discourse: how can the legal regulation of digital identity mirror the global nature of digital identity and be compatible with national local difference? Digital identity, or the digital representation of an individual, is a complex concept, which manifests in myriad forms (e.g. authenticators, claims, data or information, identifiers, presence, relationship representations and reputation) and natures. As such, it engages a gamut of legal domains ranging from criminal law, constitutional law, human rights law, law of identity schemes, contract law, intellectual property law, tort law and data protection law. Digital identity is global and local in its nature, influence and effects. Yet, the digital identity regulatory discourse has primarily developed in and focussed on the digitally advanced West, leaving out countries like India which are developing strong digital presences, with their own digital identity perceptions and needs. This situation is adverse to the sustained future of digital identity. Thus, the contribution of this thesis lies in filling this gap and preparing the ground for a dialogue between different countries with different national agendas through building international and local awareness of how similarities and differences operate in respect of digital identity, its regulation and providing a modest solution to help preserve the global and local dimensions of digital identity and its regulation. To this end, the thesis carried out comparative legal research on the legal regulation of digital identity using the UK and India as base jurisdictions. The original hypothesis was that that immense differences in the legal regulation of digital identity between the comparator countries would emerge. Yet, though differences were evident, considerable degrees of similarity also emerged, not just on the superficial level of mere identity of rules, but also in legal practice, in large part attributable to India’s penchant for legal transplants. While the transplantation of Western law did not result in a full-scale rejection of the transplanted laws in relation to digital identity in India, there are indications of anomalies caused by the imposition of Western cultural norms through law on an Indian society ill prepared for it. Thus there has resulted a tension between the local and the global, the indigenous and the externally imposed. The challenge is thus to resolve this, taking into account, on the one hand the need to maintain the global nature and relevance of digital identity and the other, the need to accommodate and be responsive to local differences. The thesis proposes a tentative solution called the tri-elemental framework (TeF) which draws from the Indian philosophical and legal concept of dharma (and its elements of Sad Achara, Vyavahara and Prayaschitta) and learns from the most universally relevant digital identity proposal, De Hert’s right to identity. The solution provides one way in which the law regulating digital identity, whatever its nature, can be made sense of and acquire cultural meaning appropriate to local contexts.

Comparison of post-employment restraints in South Africa, England and Germany

Guhl, Christian Andreas 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation deals with restraints in post-employment cases in England, South Africa and Germany. The attempt was made to compare the restraint of trade doctrine that was developed in England and is still used in the common law countries, on one the hand, and the German restraint of trade rules on the other. Therefore the development of the restraint of trade doctrine in England is described, as well as the modifications of the restraint of trade doctrine in South Africa. Also it is given an overview of the German restraint of trade rules. As far as the English and South African law is concerned, the historical developments and applicable principles of the restraint of trade doctrine are emphasised, whereas the main aim in the German part is to give an overview about the codified restraint of trade rules. While comparing the common law doctrine and the German restraint of trade law it is emphasised that in the common law countries the reasonableness and public interest plays an important role, whereas in German restraint of trade law, on the other hand, the payment of compensation is an important matter. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming

Judicial management as a technique for corporate rescue. A comparison with English and Australian law.

Kloppers, Pieter W 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Judicial management has been part of South African company law since 1926. It was introduced as a procedure to provide for a corporate rescue. Judicial management has changed little since its introduction. This is in stark contrast with the position in other jurisdictions where the need for improved corporate or business rescue procedures has received considerable attention in the last few decades. This thesis examines the suitability of judicial management as a business rescue procedure for the current South African circumstances and compares it to similar mechanisms in England and Australia. The modem economy relies on credit. Furthermore the globalisation of markets and the increase in competition between enterprises add to the unpredictability of an enterprise's economic circumstances. Thus, one of the important objectives of a corporate insolvency regime is the preservation of viable economic enterprises. A business rescue procedure such as judicial management is therefore an essential component of a corporate insolvency regime. However, judicial management needs reform. The existing shortcomings of judicial management include its high cost, the appointment of professional liquidators as business rescuers, the lack of a business rescue culture, the absence of an approved rescue plan, the treatment of judicial management as an extraordinary measure in corporate insolvency and the use of section 311 of the Companies Act as a corporate rescue mechanism. This thesis proposes that judicial management should commence with a mere resolution by the directors. This is less cumbersome than the existing procedure to commence judicial management comprising a court order. Judicial management triggers a stay of limited duration on legal proceedings that provides an essential breathing space to devise and implement a rescue plan. Once judicial management commences the creditors should hold the power to decide on the future of the company. They can therefore accept or reject a rescue plan (prepared by the judicial manager) for the restructuring of current rights and obligations and for the future management of the company. During judicial management and the execution of the rescue plan, control of the company's assets vests in the judicial manager and directors lose their powers of management. Judicial managers should be encouraged to make a success of judicial management by providing that the judicial manager cannot be appointed as the liquidator in a subsequent liquidation. Furthermore, the burden of the costs of judicial management could be eased by providing a more flexible system for the remuneration of the judicial manager. A statutory business rescue procedure interacts with other components of an insolvency regime and other areas of law. In order to optimise the positive effects of a business rescue procedure certain changes are proposed regarding statutory provisions on insolvent trading, the phenomenon of phoenix companies, section 311 of the Companies Act and tax legislation. The thesis also proposes a smooth transition from judicial management to voluntary liquidation. The thesis has an annexure with draft legislation to give effect to the principal changes proposed by it for the Companies Act. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geregtelike bestuur is reeds sedert 1926 deel van die Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappyereg. Dit is ingestel as 'n prosedure om maatskappye van ondergang te red. Geregtelike bestuur het sedertdien min verander. Dit is in skerp teenstelling met ander jurisdiksies wat die afgelope paar dekades toegewy gewerk het aan prosedures om korporasies en besighede te red. Hierdie tesis ondersoek die toepaslikheid van geregtelike bestuur as 'n prosedure om in die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede besighede van ondergang te red en vergelyk dit met soortgelyke prosedures in Engeland en Australië. Moderne ekonomieë se afhanklikheid van krediet, die globalisering van markte en die toename in mededinging tussen ondernemings dra by tot die wisselvallige ekonomiese omstandighede van 'n onderneming. Die redding van lewensvatbare ondernemings is gevolglik 'n belangrike doelstelling van korporatiewe insolvensiereg. Daarom is 'n prosedure soos geregtelike bestuur om ondernemings te red 'n onontbeerlike element van korporatiewe insolvensiereg. Geregtelike bestuur moet egter hervorm word. Geregtelike bestuur het verskeie tekortkominge waaronder hoë regskoste, die aanstelling van professionele likwidateurs as persone om ondernemings te red, die gebrek aan 'n kultuur om ondernemings te red, die afwesigheid van 'n goedgekeurde reddingsplan, die hantering van geregtelike bestuur as 'n buitengewone remedie in korporatiewe insolvensiereg en die gebruik van artikel 311 van die Maatskappywet as 'n meganisme om maatskappye van likwidasie te red. Die tesis stel voor dat geregtelike bestuur met 'n blote direksiebesluit in werking gestel word. Dit is minder belemmerend as die hofbevel waarmee geregtelike bestuur tans begin word. Geregtelike bestuur stel'n moratorium van beperkte duur in werking waartydens geen geregtelike prosesse teen die maatskappyaanhangig gemaak of voortgesit kan word nie. Dit gee die maatskappy die nodige grasie om 'n reddingsplan uit te werk en te implementeer. Opsomming Geregtelike bestuur is reeds sedert 1926 deel van die Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappyereg. Dit is ingestel as 'n prosedure om maatskappye van ondergang te red. Geregtelike bestuur het sedertdien min verander. Dit is in skerp teenstelling met ander jurisdiksies wat die afgelope paar dekades toegewy gewerk het aan prosedures om korporasies en besighede te red. Hierdie tesis ondersoek die toepaslikheid van geregtelike bestuur as 'n prosedure om in die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede besighede van ondergang te red en vergelyk dit met soortgelyke prosedures in Engeland en Australië. Moderne ekonomieë se afhanklikheid van krediet, die globalisering van markte en die toename in mededinging tussen ondernemings dra by tot die wisselvallige ekonomiese omstandighede van 'n onderneming. Die redding van lewensvatbare ondernemings is gevolglik 'n belangrike doelstelling van korporatiewe insolvensiereg. Daarom is 'n prosedure soos geregtelike bestuur om ondernemings te red 'n onontbeerlike element van korporatiewe insolvensiereg. Geregtelike bestuur moet egter hervorm word. Geregtelike bestuur het verskeie tekortkominge waaronder hoë regskoste, die aanstelling van professionele likwidateurs as persone om ondernemings te red, die gebrek aan 'n kultuur om ondernemings te red, die afwesigheid van 'n goedgekeurde reddingsplan, die hantering van geregtelike bestuur as 'n buitengewone remedie in korporatiewe insolvensiereg en die gebruik van artikel 311 van die Maatskappywet as 'n meganisme om maatskappye van likwidasie te red. Nadat geregtelike bestuur in aanvang geneem het behoort die krediteure die mag te hê om oor die toekoms van die maatskappy te besluit. Krediteure sou 'n reddingsplan (voorberei deur die geregtelike bestuurder) wat vir die herstrukturering van die regte en verpligtinge van die maatskappy en vir sy toekomstige bestuur voorsiening maak kon aanvaar of verwerp. Gedurende geregtelike bestuur en die uitvoering van die reddingsplan vestig die beheer oor die bates van die maatskappy in die geregtelike bestuurder. Die direksie verloor terselfdertyd alle bestuursbevoegdhede. Geregtelike bestuurders behoort aangemoedig te word om 'n sukses van die geregtelike bestuur te maak deur te bepaal dat 'n geregtelike bestuurder nie as likwidateur aangestel kan word indien die maatskappy uiteindelik gelikwideer word nie. Die las van hoë koste kan verlig word deur 'n buigsame stelsel van vergoeding vir die geregtelike bestuurder in te stel. 'n Statutêre reddingsprosedure vir ondernemings staan in wisselwerking met ander elemente van korporatiewe insolvensiereg en ander regsgebiede. Ten einde die positiewe uitwerking van 'n reddingsprosedure vir ondernemings te optimaliseer word sekere veranderinge ten opsigte van die wetgewing met betrekking tot handeldryf in insolvente omstandighede, die verskynsel van "phoenix" maatskappye, artikel 311 van die Maatskappywet en belastingwetgewing voorgestel. Die tesis stelook 'n gladde oorskakeling van geregtelike bestuur na vrywillige likwidasie voor. Die tesis sluit ook 'n aanhangsel met voorgestelde wetgewing in om uitvoering te gee aan die belangrikste veranderinge aan die Maatskappywet wat in die tesis voorgestel word.

The consequences of contracts concluded by unassisted minors : a comparative evaluation

Watt, Ilze Jr 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is a general principle of the law of South Africa that an unassisted contract of a minor is unenforceable against the minor. Although it binds the other party, the minor is not bound. The minor will only be bound if the contract is enforced by his guardian, or if the contract is ratified by the child after attaining majority. This implies that the other party is in a rather unfortunate position, since the effectiveness of the contract will remain uncertain until the guardian of the minor decides to enforce or repudiate the contract, or until the minor ratifies it after attaining majority. The other party may not resile from the contract during this interim period. Should it be established that the contract has failed, the question arises to what extent the parties are obliged to return performances made in purported fulfilment of the contract. In terms of the law of South Africa, the prevailing view is that these claims are based on unjustified enrichment. However, the extent of these claims differs. In principle, both parties’ liability will be limited to the amount remaining in its estate, according to the defence of loss of enrichment. But the application of the defence is subject to an exception that does not apply equally to the parties. Had the other party known or should the other party have known that the enrichment was sine causa, yet continued to part with it, he will be held liable for the full enrichment. However, this exception does not apply to the enrichment liability of minors. In other words, whether the minor knew or should have known that the enrichment was sine causa, he would still be allowed to raise the defence of loss of enrichment. Furthermore, the rules applicable to minors’ enrichment liability applies to all minors, and no scope is left to consider the specific circumstances of each minor. It is accepted that there are two competing principles relating to minors’ unassisted contracts. On the one hand, the law must protect the minor from his immaturity and lack of experience. On the other hand, the law must protect the interests of the other party. It will be seen throughout this study that the determination of how to balance these competing principles is not an easy task. The key aim of this thesis is to investigate the principles governing the unwinding of unassisted minors’ contracts in South Africa. A comparison will be made with the principles applied in other legal systems, in order to identify similarities and differences in the approaches and, to establish what underlies the differences in the various approaches. Germany, England and Scotland have been chosen for comparison for various reasons. First, they share some historical roots, and they represent three major legal traditions, namely the civil law, common law and mixed legal systems, of which South Africa also forms part. Secondly, both England and Scotland have experienced recent legislative reform in this regard, which implies that their respective legal systems should be in line with modern tendencies, and consequently they may provide a valuable framework for possible reform in South Africa. In Germany, although mainly regulated by rather older legislation, there have been interesting developments in the determination of consequences of failed contracts. Hellwege has argued that the unwinding of all contracts should be treated similarly, regardless of the unwinding factor. He has also suggested that in order to prevent the accumulation of risk on one party, and to ensure that the risk is placed on the person who is in control of the object, the defence of loss of enrichment should not be available to any party. His reasoning and suggestions is dealt with in more detail in this thesis. This study argues that the current strict approach applied under South African law regarding minors’ unassisted contracts needs to be re-considered. The current approach is dated and is not in line with modern tendencies and legislation. No proper consideration is given to minors’ development into adulthood or personal circumstances of the parties. It is submitted that in the process of re-consideration, some form of acknowledgement must be given to minors’ development towards mature adults. It is submitted that this would be possible by introducing a more flexible approach to regulate the enforceability and unwinding of minors’ unassisted contracts. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING Dit is ‘n algemene beginsel van die Suid-Afrikaanse reg dat ‘n kontrak aangegaan deur ‘n minderjarige sonder die nodige bystand van sy ouer of voog onafdwingbaar is teenoor die minderjarige. Die minderjarige sal slegs gebonde wees indien die kontrak afgedwing word deur sy voog, of indien die minderjarige self die kontrak ratifiseer nadat hy meerderjarig word. Dit impliseer dat die ander party in ‘n ongunstige posisie is, aangesien die werking van die kontrak onseker is totdat die voog besluit om die kontrak af te dwing of te repudieer, of totdat die minderjarige dit ratifiseer nadat hy meerderjarig word. Gedurende hierdie interim periode mag die ander party nie terugtree uit hierdie kontrak nie. Sou dit bepaal word dat die kontrak misluk het, ontstaan die vraag tot watter mate die partye verplig word om prestasies wat reeds gemaak is, terug te gee. In terme van die Suid-Afrikaanse reg is die meerderheidsopinie dat hierdie eise gebaseer is op onregverdige verryking, maar die omvang van die partye se eise verskil. In beginsel is beide partye se aanspreeklikheid beperk tot die bedrag wat steeds in sy boedel beskikbaar is, weens die beskikbaarheid van die verweer van verlies van verryking. Maar die toepassing van die verweer is onderworpe aan ‘n uitsondering wat nie op beide partye geld nie. Indien die ander party geweet het of moes geweet het dat die verryking sine causa was, maar steeds afstand gedoen het van die verryking, sal hy aanspreeklik gehou word vir die volle verryking. Hierdie reel is egter nie van toepassing op die minderjarige se verrykingsaanspreeklikheid nie. Met ander woorde, indien die minderjarige geweet het of moes geweet het dat die verryking sine causa was, en steeds afstand gedoen het van die verryking, sal hy steeds die verweer van verlies van verryking kan opper. Bowendien, die reels van toepassing op minderjariges se verrykingsaanspreeklikheid is van toepassing op alle minderjariges, en geen ruimte word gelaat om die spesifieke omstandighede van elke minderjarige in ag te neem nie. Wanneer ons kontrakte aangegaan deur minderjariges sonder die nodige bystand, oorweeg, word dit algemeen aanvaar dat daar twee kompeterende beginsels van belang is. Aan die een kant moet die reg die minderjarige beskerm teen sy onvolwassenheid en gebrek aan ondervinding. Aan die ander kant moet die reg ook die belange van die ander party beskerm. Dit sal deurlopend in hierdie studie gesien word dat die behoorlike balansering van hierdie twee beginsels nie ‘n maklike taak is nie. Die hoofdoel van hierdie tesis is om die beginsels wat die afdwingbaarheid en ontbinding van minderjariges se kontrakte in Suid-Afrika, wat aangegaan is sonder die nodige bystand van ‘n voog, te ondersoek. ‘n Vergelyking sal getref word met die beginsels wat in ander regstelsels toegepas word, om sodoende die ooreenkomste en verskille te identifiseer, asook om te bepaal wat hierdie verskille onderlê. Duitsland, Engeland en Skotland is gekies as vergelykende jurisdiksies vir verskeie redes, naamlik hulle historiese gebondenheid en die feit dat hulle drie groot regstradisies (die kontinentale regstelsel, die gemenereg en die gemengde regstelsel) verteenwoordig. Bowendien het beide Engeland en Skotland onlangse wetgewende hervorming ondergaan in hierdie sfeer van die reg, wat impliseer dat hierdie regstelsels waarskynlik in lyn sal wees met moderne tendense. Gevolglik kan hulle ‘n waardevolle raamwerk skep waarbinne moontlike hervorming in Suid-Afrika mag plaasvind. Alhoewel Duitsland grotendeels nog deur ouer wetgewing gereguleer word, het dit ook ‘n reeks interessante verwikkelinge ondergaan in die bepaling van die gevolge van kontrakte wat misluk het. Hellwege argumenteer dat die ontbinding van alle kontrakte dieselfde hanteer moet word, ongeag die onderliggende ontbindende faktor. Hy stel ook voor dat om te verhoed dat die risiko op slegs een party geplaas word, en om te verseker dat dit eerder gedra word deur daardie party wat beheer het oor die voorwerp, die verweer van verlies van verryking nie vir enige party beskikbaar moet wees nie. Sy redenering en voorstelle word in meer besonderhede in hierdie studie bespreek. Hierdie studie argumenteer dat die huidige streng benadering wat in Suid-Afrika toegepas word met betrekking tot kontrakte aangegaan deur minderjariges sonder die nodige bystand van ‘n voog, heroorweeg moet word. Die huidige benadering is verouderd en is nie lyn met moderne tendense en wetgewing nie. Bowendien word geen behoorlike oorweging gegee aan minderjariges se ontwikkeling tot volwassenheid nie, en die partye se persoonlike omstandighede word ook nie in ag geneem nie. Daar word argumenteer dat in die proses van heroorweging, ‘n mate van erkenning gegee moet word aan minderjariges se persoonlike ontwikkeling. Daar word verder argumenteer dat ‘n meer buigsame benadering toegepas moet word ten opsigte van die regulering van die afdwingbaarheid en ontbinding van hierdie kontrakte.

Die grondslag van kontraktuele gebondenheid

Olivier, Pierre J. J. 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD)--Stellenbosch University, 2004 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An overview of the historical development of contract law and its underlying theory, spanning from Roman times to the present day, and in Western European and Anglo American systems, shows that the gradually developing will theory dominated in the early nineteenth century. It was, however, also in the nineteenth century that the first cracks in this theory were observed. First, sociological, political and economic factors, brought about by the Industrial Revolution, the rise of socialism and of labour, required a new, more humane approach. Secondly, with the emergence of a new economic system, new technical problems came to the fore: how were problems of mistake, interpretation, implied terms and derogation to be solved, unless reliance was placed, in each case, on untenable fictions? Thus, towards the last quarter of the nineteenth century, an intense and unparalleled juristic debate ensued, mainly in Europe, but later also in England and the United States of America. New approaches, e.g. that a strict and uncompromising declaration be followed, was proposed. The outcome of this debate was the emergence of the so-called confidence theory. The basis of this approach is that, whatever a person's real intention may have been, he so conducts himself as to lead the other party, as a reasonable person, to believe that the first party has assented to the contract as proposed or understood by the second party, the first party is bound by the impression he created. The principle was clearly stated by Blackburn J in Smith v Hughes (1871) LR 6 OB 597, which has since become one of the famous dicta in the law of contract, and forms part of the English law. It should be stressed that the Blackburn approach was not alien to Europe, where the gradual and natural development of the common law was overtaken by codification The French Codification retained the pure will theory. Under the Dutch code, the so-called will-reliance system was developed, akin to the Blackburn approach. In German law, however, the De Groot view was followed: the mistaken party was permitted to 'resile' from the 'contract' but under obligation to compensate the 'innocent' party's negative interest. In South Africa, the basic point of departure is the will theory but supplemented by the confidence theory This system is made possible by our law of procedure, where two remedies, the justus error approach and the contractual consent approach are available. As both these remedies have the same objective, viz. to protect the legitimate interests of the party that was misled, they require the same substantive law requirements. The confidence theory has imbedded itself so deeply in South African, European and English law, that it is now recognized by some as the key, not only to the solution of the dissensus problem, but also in cases of interpretation, supplementation and derogation. The combination of will and reliance are the foundation stones of contractual liability. These two principles have developed (and are still developing) from society's pre-positive, moral, ethical, political, economic, religious and other values, which have been and are still being absorbed in the body of legal rules. This process of development is informed by the norms and rules relating to public policy, public interest, the bani mores and good faith. These norms and rules are recognized and applied in the legal systems of the United States of America, England and Europe. They form part of our law, but unfortunately our courts are extremely conservative in recognizing and applying them. If we wish to obtain and sustain social and contractual justice, more weight should be accorded to these values. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Oorsig van die geskiedkundige ontwikkeling van die kontraktereg en die onderliggende teorie daarvan vanaf die Romeinse tyd tot vandag in sowel Wes-Europese as die Anglo-Amerikaanse stelsels, toon aan dat die geleidelik-ontwikkelende wilsteorie in die negentiende eeu die botoon gevoer het. Dis egter ook gedurende die negentiende eeu dat die eerste krake in hierdie teorie waargeneem is. Eerstens het sosiologiese, politieke en ekonomiese faktore, veroorsaak deur die Industriële Revolusie, 'n nuwe, meer menslike benadering geverg. Tweedens het nuwe, tegniese probleme ontstaan met die opkoms van 'n nuwe ekonomiese sisteem: hoe moes probleme soos dwaling, uitleg, stilswyende bepalings en derogasie opgelos word, tensy die oplossing in elke geval op onhoudbare fiksies moes berus? In die laaste kwart van die negentiende eeu het derhalwe 'n intense en ongeëwenaarde juridiese debat ontstaan, hoofsaaklik in Europa, maar later ook in Engeland en die VSA Nuwe benaderings, bv. dat slegs gelet word op die eksterne verklaring ter uitsluiting van enige subjektiewe bedoeling, is voorgestel. Die resultaat van hierdie debat was die ontwikkeling van die vertrouensteorie. Die basis van hierdie benadering is dat wat ookal 'n mens se werklike bedoeling mag gewees het, hy so opgetree het dat die ander party, redelikerwys, oortuig was dat die eerste party toegestem het tot die kontrak soos voorgestelof verstaan deur die tweede party die eerste party dan gebonde is aan die indruk wat hy geskep het. Die beginsel is duidelik gestel deur Blackburn R in Smith v Hughes (1871) LR 6 OB 597. Dit moet benadruk word dat die Blackburn benadering nie vreemd aan Europa was nie, waar die geleidelike en natuurlike ontwikkeling van die gemene reg deur kodifikasie kortgeknip is. Die Franse Kodifikasie het die suiwer wilsteorie behou. Die sogenaamde wils-vertrouens stelsel, soortgelyk aan die Blackburnbenadering, het onder die Nederlandse Kode ontwikkel, maar in Duitsland is die De Groot-benadering gevolg: die party wat homself vergis het, is toegelaat om uit die 'kontrak' terug te tree, maar onder die verpligting om die 'onskuldige' party se negatiewe interesse te vergoed. In Suid-Afrika is die basiese vertrekpunt die wilsteorie, maar aangevul deur die vertrouensteorie. Dit word moontlik gemaak deur ons prosesreg, waar twee remedies, die Justus error-benadering en die wilsooreenstemmings-benadering beskikbaar is. Aangesien beide hierdie remedies dieselfde mikpunt het, naamlik om die regmatige belange van die misleide party te beskerm, verg hulle dieselfde materiële regsvereistes. Die vertrouensteorie is so diep in die Suid-Afrikaanse, Europese en Engelse reg ingebed dat dit nou deur sommige mense erken word as die sleutel, nie alleen tot die oplossing van die dissensus probleem nie, maar ook in gevalle van uitleg, aanvulling en derogasie. Die kombinasie van wil en vertroue is die hoekstene van kontraktuele aanspreeklikheid. Hierdie twee begrippe het ontwikkel (en ontwikkel nog steeds) uit die gemeenskap se voor-positiewe, morele, etiese, staatkundige, ekonomiese, godsdiens- en ander waardes, wat in die regstelselopgeneem en beliggaam is en word. Hierdie ontwikkelingsproses berus op die norme en reëls betreffende openbare beleid, openbare belang, die boni mores en goeie trou en word erken en toegepas in die regstelsels van die VSA, Engeland en Europa. Dit maak deel uit van ons reg, maar ongelukkig is ons howe aartskonserwatief in die erkenning en toepassing daarvan. As ons maatskaplike en kontraktuele geregtigheid wil bekom en volhou, moet groter gewig aan hierdie waardes vergun word.

Is the European short selling regulation a justifiable response to the concerns posed by short selling?

Howell, Elizabeth January 2015 (has links)
Short selling came onto the centre stage during the recent financial crisis when the collapse in price of financial listed securities after the demise of Lehman Brothers led to the introduction of a number of temporary short selling bans. In Europe however it was the commencement of the recent European sovereign debt crisis that was the true stimulus for proposing new short selling rules, the culmination of which was the introduction of the European Short Selling Regulation (the 'Regulation'). The thesis asks whether the Regulation is a justifiable response to the concerns posed by short selling. Such issues are measured against the relevant economic literature that almost overwhelmingly demonstrates that short selling contributes to market efficiency, that restrictions generally make markets less efficient and that constraints do not achieve the desired objective of stabilising prices. The thesis then analyses the political economy and backdrop to the Regulation’s introduction that largely dictated the shape of the final rules. The precise legislative choices made by Europe, including with respect to sovereign credit default swaps, are analysed, and (where relevant) there is a comparative element with a consideration of the US short sale regulations. These rules are used as a contrast and as a means of commenting more effectively on the European provisions. The doctorate concludes that the Regulation is not a justifiable response to policymakers' concerns and that the rules have suffered from the politicisation of the legislative process. The thesis suggests that short-term political point scoring has triumphed over the long-term benefits of market efficiency and that short sellers are now the subjects of highly technical rules that will negatively impair on market efficiency. Although, with time, parties may learn to use the new rules to their advantage, this does not justify the introduction of unreasonable rules in the first place.

Subsequent use of documents disclosed in civil proceedings

Gibbons, Susan M. C. January 2002 (has links)
Rule 31.22 of the Civil Procedure Rules 1998 provides, as a general rule, that those who receive documents through disclosure during civil proceedings may use them only for the purpose of the proceedings at hand. The general rule is subject to three exceptions, and judges have discretion to authorise subsequent use for other purposes. However, the foundational presupposition underpinning CPR 31.22 is that subsequent use, generally speaking, is improper. The thesis has two primary aims: (1) to demonstrate that the rule governing subsequent use (as developed in the case law) is theoretically and practically flawed, and that maintaining a blanket, general rule against subsequent use is unsound in principle, unjust, and procedurally inefficient; and (2) to generate a normative and procedural framework suitable for reform. Part I outlines the content, origins and operation of CPR 31.22. Through historical analysis, it suggests that presumptively categorising as improper all forms of subsequent use beyond the original litigation contradicts traditional authority. By identifying and examining the three principal rationales said to justify the modern rule, it argues that none affords sound justification. By analysing the exceptions to the rule, including judicial discretion, it seeks to show that such measures are incapable of remedying the defects in the underlying rule. Part II attempts to formulate a theoretically defensible, procedurally viable model for reforming CPR 31.22. It suggests that the presumption against subsequent use should be abolished, and the law reoriented around two central norms: the harm principle and a balancing approach. It tests this theoretical model by applying it to seven paradigmatic categories of subsequent use. Finally, it outlines a possible structure for procedural reform.

Government beyond law : exploring charity regulation and spaces of order in China

Kloeden, Anna Jane January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the regulatory landscape relating to private orphanages, both foreign and domestically run, in China, and the formal and informal relationships between such homes and government which structure this space of order. Part A introduces the contextual factors shaping the gradual socialisation and privatisation of charitable activity generally, and the child welfare-specific social, economic and cultural dynamics influencing the emergence of private orphanages. Parts B and C set out the ethnographic findings of field-work examining the practical operations of private orphanages, and a theoretical analysis of the various interactions occurring with government orphanages, and local and central officials. It is shown that the ostensible government monopoly on institutional care of orphans, established in law and policy and consistent with the objective of maintaining tight control over civic organisations and religious-based and foreign-led activities, is belied by a proliferation of private orphanages emerging to address gaps in state welfare provision. This has led to the emergence of a delicate balance between top-down official discourse, rhetoric and law, and bottom-up pragmatic considerations. Further, the prima facie 'missing role' of the state in law, regulation and policy-making is contradicted in practice by evidence of a complexity of highly paternalistic state-orphanage relationships occurring beyond the normative framework of official laws and policies. Such extra-legal state-society interaction is characterised by informal, flexible and paternalistic negotiations with local officials, and mediated by structures of power and capacity. 'Law beyond government' and 'government beyond law' are central features of the multidimensional maintenance of this space of order, and point to several defining points of distinction of law as a cultural notion in the Chinese context, including a marked preoccupation with legitimacy over legality and paternalistic discipline and discretion over impartial adjudication.

Transitional strategies for institutional reform in Latin America

Mendoza, Jose Miguel January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation seeks to improve the current understanding of the ways in which institutional reform can promote the development of stock markets in Latin America. Over the past decade, policymakers sought to stimulate the growth of capital markets in the region through the promotion of a standardized set of formal institutions. An example of this approach in the field of company law was the introduction of modern corporate governance practices into nations without a solid enforcement infrastructure. By most accounts, these efforts did not deliver on their promise of stock market development. This work identifies areas for potential reform. As a means to better understand the operation of Latin American stock markets, this dissertation draws from different sources, including the historical experience of industrialized nations, the available literature on institutional reform, the documented shortcomings of legal reform programmes and hand-collected data from various Latin American countries. The resulting analysis suggests that the promotion of Latin American capital markets may require strategies different to those that were set in motion over the past decade. The main contribution of this work is twofold. First, this dissertation brings some nuance to the discussions concerning the challenges faced by Latin American capital markets. A proper understanding of these challenges is essential for policymakers in the region, particularly after the onset of the Latin American Integrated Market. Second, this dissertation explores the use of ‘transitional strategies’ to overcome some of the challenges identified here. The ultimate goal of this project is to inform future reform efforts in Latin America and to offer some insights for policymakers in other emerging countries.

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