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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La réception de l’œuvre de Ronald Dworkin en France / The reception of Ronald Dworkin’s work in France

Acar, Thomas 11 December 2018 (has links)
La réception de l’œuvre de Ronald Dworkin en France constitue un objet énigmatique à plusieurs égards. Son étude suppose non seulement de dépasser les contraintes générales inhérentes à la réception transnationale d’une pensée, que les contraintes spécifiques, emportées par l’œuvre dworkinienne elle-même. Nous nous proposons de surmonter ces contraintes à l’aide d’une enquête méthodologique permettant de mettre en évidence le caractère relatif des concepts juridiques, et plus particulièrement des concepts d’œuvre et de réception. Ce préalable nous conduira à analyser pragmatiquement les phénomènes de réception de l’œuvre de Ronald Dworkin afin de montrer en quoi l’œuvre et la réception s’influencent réciproquement. Une telle analyse, entendue statiquement, permettra de classer la réception, suivant ses formes ou son contenu ; alors que, comprise dynamiquement, elle mettra en lumière les effets des discours de réception, sur l’œuvre dworkinienne elle-même, mais également sur son auditoire. / The reception of Ronald Dworkin’s work in France is a complex issue. Several methodological questions arise before conducting its study. First, I point out the challenge offered by the difference between two intellectual and legal cultures. Then, I emphasize the particular concerns involved by Dworkin’s own theory. These preliminaries lead us to a pragmatic analysis of the reception of Dworkin’s work, eager to show the deep encroachments between the author’s work and its reception. On one side, such a method will enable to classify the reception, in accordance with, respectively, its form and its content. On the other side, it will bring to light the impacts of the reception on Ronald Dworkin’s work as well as on its audience.

A supremacia judicial e a teoria dos diálogos constitucionais : sobre a implementação de mecanismos de diálogo no panorama constitucional brasileiro

Cristovam, Thaiane Correa January 2017 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo apresentar ferramentas que fomentem a implementação de uma espécie de controle de constitucionalidade dialógico no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, de forma a mitigar a supremacia judicial ostentada pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal. Para isso, foi organizado em três capítulos. Os dois primeiros dirigem-se a realizar uma abordagem comparada, por meio de um breve apanhado histórico e análise jurisprudencial, entre os sistemas constitucionais dos Estados Unidos, da Colômbia, da Costa Rica e do Brasil e entre os seus respetivos Tribunais imbuídos da função da realização do controle de constitucionalidade. Com isto, busca-se demonstrar o assentamento da supremacia judicial em uma visão mais ampla, bem como em uma realidade latino-americana. O terceiro capítulo, por sua vez, tem o escopo de explorar as diversas vertentes da teoria dos diálogos constitucionais, elaborar um conceito de diálogo substancial e, por fim, elaborar proposições de instrumentos dialógicos ainda não existentes no ordenamento jurídico pátrio, bem como sugerir a reformulação de alguns já existentes. O intuito primordial da parte final da dissertação é a busca da promoção de uma ressignificação do controle de constitucionalidade, de forma a democratiza-lo, mitigando a supremacia judicial, incluindo no debate sobre o significado da Constituição, além do Poder Judiciário, os Poderes Executivo e Legislativo, e a sociedade como um todo. / This master’s dissertation aims do present tools that provide the implementation of a kind of dialogic judicial review in the Brazilian legal framework, so as to mitigate the judicial supremacy displayed by the Supremo Tribunal Federal. In order to do that, it was organized in three chapters. The first two chapters carry out a comparative approach, through a short historical description e and jurisprudential analyses, between the American, the Colombian, the Costa Rican and the Brazilian constitutional systems and its respective Courts that perform judicial review. In that manner, it is the objective to demonstrate the settlement of judicial supremacy in a broad vision, and also in a Latin American reality. The third chapter, by its turn, aims to explore the different aspects of the constitutional dialogue theory, elaborate a concept of substantial dialogue and, in conclusion, elaborate propositions of dialogical instruments not yet existent in the native legal order, and also suggest a reformulation of others that already exist. The paramount intention of dissertation’s final part is the promotion of a resignification of judicial review, so as to democratize it, mitigating judicial supremacy, incorporating in the debate about the significance of the Constitution, other than the Judicial power, the Executive and the Legislative powers, and the society as a hole.

Separating Law-Making from Sausage-Making: The Case for Judicial Review of the Legislative Process

Bar-Siman-Tov, Ittai January 2011 (has links)
Inspired, perhaps, by the old adage that "people who like sausages and respect the law should never watch either being made," there is significant resistance among judges and scholars alike to the idea that courts should review the lawmaking process. This doctoral dissertation challenges this prevalent position, and establishes the case for judicial review of the legislative process. The dissertation develops the arguments for the authority of courts to review the legislative process; the legitimacy and theoretical justifications of such judicial review; and the practical and normative importance of such judicial involvement. It also challenges the resistance to judicial review of the legislative process by scrutinizing, and seeking to rebut, the major arguments underlying this resistance, and revealing this position's doctrinal and theoretical incoherence, and its negative consequences. In an effort to provide a multifaceted exploration of the issue, the dissertation combines multiple approaches of legal scholarship, including a legal-doctrinal approach, a comparative law approach, a jurisprudential and constitutional theory approach, and an interdisciplinary approach that draws upon political science research and several other disciplines.

The politics of extraterritoriality : a historical sociology of public international law

Pal, Maia January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation develops a historical and theoretical reconstruction of the category and praxis of extraterritoriality in the fields of International Relations and Public International Law. The analysis first addresses the dominant Neo-Liberal tradition and its focus on the concept of 'judicial globalisation', before engaging with critical and Marxist studies that rely on imperialism and capitalism as explanatory phenomena. In response, the thesis argues that extraterritoriality is a political process, covering a set of jurisdictional struggles determined by contested social property relations. As legal strategies of accumulation, these struggles can neither be explained by a chronologically and discursively progressive deterritorialising world order, through which they emerge as depoliticised events, nor by structural and functional theories of capitalist or Western imperialism that narrowly assume their logic and behaviour. This argument emerges from the analysis of three historical case studies: 16th to 17th century Spain, 17th to 18th century France, and 19th century Britain. Each case, set in its international context, evinces the role of specific intellectual debates, juridical institutions and legal strategies of accumulation in shaping contending extraterritorial regimes and legal world orders. Thereby, the thesis reformulates a Political Marxist approach as a historical sociology that places the actors and politics of international legal processes at the forefront of the history of Public International Law. This approach enables a non-determinist understanding of contemporary extraterritoriality. It dissociates its analysis from a naturalised history of judicial globalisation and from a monolithic history of capitalism, to resituate extraterritorial practices in a more open and contested field in between those of International Relations and Public International Law. In conclusion, examining the politics of extraterritoriality exposes Public International Law as a practical site of struggle between legal strategies of expansion, accumulation and resistance. This historical and theoretical reconstruction asserts the political legitimacy and agency of otherwise excluded legal actors and ideas, affected by and involved in the multiple transitions in the forms of sovereign jurisdiction and territorial control.

Delito de corrupção entre particulares na perspectiva de direito comparado : Brasil, Alemanha, Itália, França e Espanha

Willadino, Lucas dos Santos Rocha January 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho investiga a necessidade de tipificação do delito de corrupção no setor privado, no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Para tanto, necessário aprofundar o estudo do fenômeno da corrupção, bem como a moderna interpretação de seu conteúdo pela comunidade jurídica internacional. Partindo de uma perspectiva de Direito Comparado, é possível verificar a evolução no controle da corrupção transnacional, fruto de diferentes compromissos assumidos por diversos Estados, em verdadeiro esforço conjunto para erradicação das práticas corruptivas e seus nefastos efeitos ao mundo globalizado. Nesse cenário, exsurge a relevância do debate acerca da ampliação do conceito de corrupção para além da esfera pública, abarcando também condutas estritamente relacionadas ao setor privado, de modo que alguns países hodiernamente já tipificam essa nova modalidade delitiva em seus ordenamentos. Indispensável acurado exame da forma como o delito de corrupção entre particulares ganhou contornos na legislação e doutrina estrangeiras para desenvolver o modelo pátrio de incriminação da conduta, uma vez que tal tema é hoje objeto de proposta legislativa específica. Assim, verificase a atualidade e importância da pesquisa aqui proposta, cujo escopo é auxiliar no desenvolvimento de um tipo penal adequado ao bem jurídico protegido, levando-se em conta, principalmente, os documentos internacionais que impulsionam sua criação. / This paper intends to investigate the need for private-sector corruption crime classification in the Brazilian legal system. Therefore, it is necessary to deepen the studies about corruption’s historical roots, as well as the modern interpretation of its content by the international legal community. Through the mechanisms of Comparative Law it is possible to verify corruption’s combat evolution in a supranational level, consequence of various commitments assumed by various States, in true combined efforts to eradicate corruption acts and their disastrous effects in the globalized world. In this scenery, the relevance in debating the widening of corruption’s concept to beyond the public spheres arises, embracing also the conducts strictly related to the private sector, in a way that some countries already class the new crime form in their systems. Necessary rightful exam of the way corruption crime between individuals has outlined both international legislation and doctrine to develop the native method of the behavior incrimination, here is that said theme is nowadays subject of specific legislation proposal. Thus, it is verified the timeliness and importance of the research here proposed, which scope is to help the development of a crime class adequate to the protected juridical asset, taking into account, mainly, the international documents that impel its creation.

The impact of bottling : access to water and commodification : a comparative legal analysis / L'impact de la mise en bouteille : accès à l'eau et marchandisation : une analyse juridique comparée

Bonetto, Diego 21 January 2019 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est d'étudier l'impact du phénomène de mise en bouteille sur l'accès à l'eau. En effet, l’eau en bouteille influence non seulement la façon dont les gens boivent, mais elle affecte aussi leur possibilité d’accéder à la ressource, économiquement ou physiquement. L'objectif du projet est dès lors de comprendre quel rôle joue le droit dans la production de ce phénomène et dans la distribution de l'eau. En effet, la réglementation de la mise en bouteille se caractérise par une tension dans la conceptualisation juridique de l'eau en tant que ressource vitale ou comme marchandise. Ce travail repose sur une analyse comparative des régimes juridiques régissant l’eau en bouteille en Europe. Les recherches portent principalement sur la comparaison des régimes français, britannique et italien. Ce travail a pour but de montrer comment l’embouteillage produit, même dans ce contexte, de la rareté et / ou une inégalité dans l’accès à l’eau. L'enjeu de l'accès à l'eau et de sa distribution en bouteille est déterminé par la structure de la propriété, une institution construite autour de la terre, pour régir l'exploitation de l'eau. En effet, la plupart des systèmes juridiques européens, malgré leurs différences, ont élaboré un régime de réglementation de l’eau fondé sur le paradigme de la propriété. C’est le recours à ce paradigme qui entraîne la tension qualificative entre bien économique et ressource vitale. Cette tension est susceptible de permettre au phénomène d'embouteillage de réallouer de facto les prérogatives sur l'eau, malgré le régime juridique formel. / The purpose of this work is to investigate the impact of the bottling phenomenon on access to water. In fact, bottled water not only influences the way people drink, but it also affects their possibility of access the resource, either economically or physically. The aim of the project is then to understand what role law plays in the production of this phenomenon and in water distribution. Indeed, bottling regulation is characterized by a tension in legal conceptualisation of water as an essential resource or as a commodity. This work relies on a comparative analysis of the legal regimes governing bottled water in Europe. In particular, the research focuses on the comparison of the French, the British, and the Italian regimes. This work intends to point out how bottling produces scarcity and/or inequality in access to water even in this context. The challenge to water access and distribution constituted by bottled water is determined by the structure of property, an institution constructed around land, to govern water exploitation. Indeed, most of European legal systems, despite their differences, constructed a water regulatory regime that is based on the paradigm of property. The reliance on this paradigm brought about the qualificatory tension mentioned above. This tension is susceptible of enabling the bottling phenomenon to produce a de facto reallocation of water prerogatives despite the formal legal regime.

La résolution du contrat pour inexécution : étude comparative du droit français et du droit chinois /

Chang, Marie Pei-Heng. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Aix-Marseille, 2005.

Unfair dismissal study in Omani labour law with emphasis on the relevance of Shari’a

Al Kiyumi, Fawzi Mubarak January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this research is to investigate the implications of unfair dismissal within the boundaries of Omani labour law with particular relevance to the role of Shari’a. Shari’a itself does not provide a legal code, contract law, or a law of tort as yet but it does provide examples of applicable rules, supported with analogies, to deal with employment. The basic principles of forming a contract in Omani Commercial Law; English Law and Shari’a are similar; however, they differ in application. Likewise, the principles of the employment contract are similar with a few differences being seen in implementation; specifically with regards to unfair dismissal issues. This research used a qualitative approach that has enabled the generation and analysis of data from multiple sources including literature review, semi-structured interviews, court cases, Shari’a implied employment contract principles as found in the Qur’an, the Sunnah and relevant Islamic texts. The research shows that the main reasons for employee dismissal can be categorised into: poor performance, disobedience regarding the contractual rules and regulations, absenteeism, aggressive behaviour and an extreme critical attitude in the work-place. From the employee’s perspective, the main reasons for filing cases at Oman Courts were to seek justice, to obtain fair compensation or to highlight the moral values that form the Islamic code of practice. In contrast the employers considered seeking financial gain and revenge as the motivating factors for employees for filing court cases. There obviously is a mismatch to the reasons by each side and the key findings from this research suggest that there is a modest impact of the legal aspects of Shari’a on the Omani Law of Contract and the Employment Law though it is normally conceived by the public that Shari’a is the fundamental law that governs all aspects of muslim life. There needs to be an overwhelming expectation and requirement to develop procedures in the Omani Employment Law that expedite the process of dealing with dismissal cases and the propositions of establishing an arbitration committee may seem to be a way forward. In addition, the establishment of a Labour Court is paramount as at present the employment cases are heard in the Commercial Courts. This will align with the approach taken in the English system where the Employment Tribunals and the Employment Appeal Tribunal oversee cases and minimize delays in achieving justice. There is also a strong argument that there needs to be a review of Article 40/35/2003 that deals with employer rights to dismiss the worker without prior notice in order to establish a solid foundation for justice in the Sultanate of Oman. Unfair dismissal is a phenomenon that impacts on the employee, the employer, the employee’s wider family network and society. This study provides an in-depth understanding and insight into these impacts and into the capacity of Shari’a impact to address modern employment issues in relation to the labour laws and secular laws being used in Oman today.

Les transferts de droit en Chine : contribution à l'étude de la filiation romano-germanique en droit chinois contemporain

Piquet, Hélène Anne F. January 2003 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is legal transplants in China since 1978. The first part is devoted to a presentation of contextual elements of Chinese Law, with a critical discussion of various theories of legal transplants, including the most recent Chinese scholarship on this topic. The second part contrasts the influence, on the Chinese legal reforms, of the continental (or civilian) legal tradition with that of the common law. To this end, the author uses a study of the reception of the bona fide principle and of the fairness principle in The Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, with a discussion of the future Chinese Civil Code. The common law's influence, in the same law, is then presented with a focus on the doctrines of anticipatory breach and indirect agency. In the end, the author explains why the civilian legal tradition will remain the dominant, but not exclusive, model on Chinese legal reforms.

Out and about in the welfare state : the right to transport in everyday life for people with disabilities in Swedish, Danish and Norwegian law

Pettersson, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to identify how a social citizenship for people with disabilities is shaped bythe normative structures in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian law governing their right to transportin everyday life. The thesis deals with three types of transport provided by the public to private individuals: transport services, car allowances, and cash benefits for reimbursing transport costs forpeople with disabilities. For each provision, the focus of the study is directed by the followingquestions: – Is there a rights/duties relationship between the public and the individual? Who is eligible forprovision? How does public funding impact entitlement? Who is obliged to provide? What are thelegal guarantees for entitlement? Despite objectives within Nordic law and policy that people with disabilities should be compensated for their impairments, and allowed to lead independent and autonomous lives, the results from the thesis show that the various transport provisions do not fully realize this. The legal relations between the public and those with needs for transport in their everyday lives are characterized by control, scrutiny and questioning. In order to protect the public budgets from costs, the eligibility criteria in the law are so constructed as to ensure that only certain needs for transport, and only some impairments, can meet them. The national, regional and municipal governments, and the administrative courts, subject people with disabilities to intrusive inquiries regarding personal details and other circumstances in their lives, in order to be able to judge which needs for transport are to be considered legitimate and which are not. The thesis shows that the individual rights to, especially, Swedish and Norwegian transport provisions are poorly protected against political decisions to cut funding. Local and regional self-governance isan interest that always competes with individual legal rights and make them weaker, irrespective of whether these rights can be appealed in administrative courts. The conclusion in the thesis highlights how a social citizenship is shaped in the law governing the right to transport for people with disabilities, and that this social citizenship does not reinforce independence and individual autonomy for those who are dependent on the various provisions tomeet their needs for transport in their everyday lives.

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