Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] COMPUTER SYSTEMS"" "subject:"[enn] COMPUTER SYSTEMS""
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Instruktioner via förstärkt verklighet för industriellt underhåll / Instructions via Augmented Reality for Industrial MaintenanceLundberg, Rickard, Wedén, Pontus January 2018 (has links)
Förstärkt verklighet (hädanefter förkortat AR efter engelskans augmented reality) är när virtuellt blandas med verkligt, och används till exempel för mobilspel och inom det militära. Utvecklingen av AR-applikationer har under de senaste åren förenklats, vilket gett upphov till nya möjligheter för tillämpning av AR-tekniken. Syftet med vårt arbete är att undersöka om instruktioner givna via AR bidrar till att användare gör färre fel när de utför industriellt underhåll. Vi har valt att jämföra AR-instruktioner med pappersmanualer, då det senare är det som oftast används inom industrin idag. Det finns ett intresse inom industrin för att integrera AR-lösningar i deras verksamhet, inte minst för att det potentiellt kan minska tiden det tar att åtgärda driftstopp, men även för att kunna hjälpa oerfarna och nya operatörer. Idag finns det ett flertal hjälpmedel och programmeringsbibliotek som har gjort utveckling av AR-applikationer enklare, vilket öppnar upp för fler möjligheter när det gäller AR:s tillämpningsområden. För att undersöka om AR-instruktioner kan bidra till att användare gör färre fel har vi utvecklat en AR-applikation till mobiltelefon. I ett experiment jämför vi applikationen mot en pappersmanual på en egen-konstruerad industriell underhållsuppgift. Vi har visat att med hjälp av vår AR-applikation gjorde an-vändare i snitt drygt 60% färre fel. Vi genomförde även ett test för användarvänlighet där applikationen fick ett resultat som var ett poäng under det som anses vara helt tillfredställande. / Augmented reality (AR) is when the virtual is mixed with the real, AR is used in for example mobile games and the military. The development of AR-applications has been simplified during recent years, which has opened possibilities for new applications of the AR-technology. The purpose of our work is to research whether instructions given via AR leads to the users making fewer errors when performing industrial maintenance. We chose to compare AR-instructions to paper manuals since this is the most commonly used instruction medium today. Companies have shown interest in the development of AR-solutions for industrial maintenance in their day-to-day operations. Particularly since it can potentially lead to decreased downtime and help new or inexperienced operators. Today there exists several aids and programming libraries that has simplified the development of AR-applications, which opens for more possibilities when it comes to the areas of application for AR. To examine if AR-instructions leads to fewer errors made by the users, we have developed an AR-application for mobile phones. In our experiment we compare the AR-application with a paper manual on a custom-built maintenance task. Our results show that the users with the AR-application perform just over 60% fewer errors. To verify the usability of the application we conducted a usability test, the results from this test puts our application one point below the acceptable limit.
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High resolution Fabry-Pérot interferometer - dynamic system modeling and nanopositioning control system design. / Interferômetro de alta resolução de Fabry-Pérot - modelagem dinâmica e projeto de seu sistema de controle de nanoposicionamento.Ana María Molina Arcila 18 March 2014 (has links)
This work represents the research project to obtain the degree of Master of Sciences in Electrical Engineering, specializing in Systems Engineering, at the Escola Politécnica of the Universidade de São Paulo, in São Paulo, Brazil. The main objective of the project is to design the mirror nanopositioning controller of the state-of-the-art Fabry-Pérot interferometer to be installed in the Brazilian Tunable Filter Imager (BTFI) on the Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) telescope in Chile. A three-input-three-output multivariable prototype of the Fabry-Pérot system is comprised of three high-range Amplified Piezoelectric Actuators (APA) of 360 m stroke and three 400 m range capacitive measurement systems. A characterization of the instrumentation of the system, which consists of capacitive sensors and capacitance-to-voltage converters, piezoelectric actuators, power drivers of the piezoelectric actuators and data acquisition system was done as part of the identification and study of the system. With the characterization of the system, a sixth-order complete system model was built on top of a second-order piezoelectric actuator parametric model, required for the design of the controllers. Subsequently, the scientific specifications were translated to a control problem and the design of a robust controller was made following the Linear Quadratic Gaussian/Loop Transfer Recovery (LQG/LTR) method. Also a Proportional-Integral controller tuned using a genetic algorithm was designed to be used as benchmark. Finally the built controllers were validated in the real system. Results show that both controllers achieve the performance requirements of following reference signals and having null steady-state error. However, the robust controller is by far the best suited for the Fabry- Pérot instrument in terms of performance and stability because of its higher bandwidth and robustness to modeling errors. / Este trabalho apresenta o projeto de pesquisa para obtenção do título de Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica, área de concentração de engenharia de sistemas, da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo. O objetivo principal deste projeto foi desenvolver um controlador de nanoposicionamento para o interferômetro de Fabry-Pérot que será instalado no instrumento BTFI (Brazilian Tunable Filter Imager), no telescópio SOAR (Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope), no Chile. O interferômetro de Fabry-Pérot é um sistema multivariável de três entradas e três saídas composto por três atuadores piezoelétricos de 370 m de deslocamento, e três sistemas capacitivos de medida de distância de 400 m de faixa de medição. A caracterização da instrumentação do sistema, que consiste em sensores capacitivos, conversores de capacitância para tensão, atuadores piezoelétricos, drivers de potência para os atuadores piezoelétricos e sistemas de aquisição de dados, fez parte do estudo e da identificação do sistema. Após a caracterização da instrumentação, foi desenvolvido um modelo físico de sexta ordem para o sistema completo, partindo do modelo de segunda ordem dos atuadores piezoelétricos. Este modelo é necessário para o projeto dos controladores. Subsequentemente, as especificações científicas foram traduzidas em um problema de controle e o projeto do controlador robusto foi feito seguindo a técnica LQG/LTR (Linear Quadratic Gaussian/Loop Transfer Recovery). Um controlador Proporcional-Integral (PI) também foi desenvolvido e sintonizado usando um algoritmo genético, para funcionar como ponto de comparação. Finalmente, os controladores desenvolvidos foram validados no sistema real. Com os resultados concluiu-se que ambos controladores atingiram as especificações de desempenho no que diz respeito a seguir sinais de referência com erro nulo no estado estacionário. Pôde-se concluir ainda que o controlador robusto mostrou-se mais adaptado ao instrumento Fabry- Pérot em termos de desempenho e estabilidade, pois, comparado ao PI, é um controlador com maior largura de banda e robustez aos erros de modelamento.
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Achieving customer data integration through master data management in enterprise information managementLerche, Stephen 19 June 2014 (has links)
M.Com. (Business Management) / Data and the use thereof, is considered to be a source of competitive advantage for organisations. In order to achieve this it needs to be managed appropriately, and existing literature considers enterprise information management (EIM) to be the foundation for organisations to manage information successfully. (For the purposes of this dissertation, data and information will be treated as analogous concepts.) Key contributing factors to the success of EIM have been identified as ensuring data governance is in place, and that there is a focus on data quality. Within EIM, a key set of data that must be managed effectively is customer data. In many organisations – including the financial services organisation that is the focus of this study – customer data is held in disparate systems across the organisation. Creating a single view of how customers interact with an organisation is deemed of crucial importance for future organisational growth, and the initiatives that organisations undertake to create this view is referred to in the literature as customer data integration (CDI). In order for CDI to be successful, master data management (MDM) needs to be addressed; this will ensure that core data is managed consistently across the disparate systems. This study sought to determine how the concepts of EIM, CDI and MDM were being applied in the organisation under review, and how closely this application matched the recommendations of the literature. In addition, the study sought to uncover additional factors that had an impact on customer data integration, and information management in general, in the organisation. What was found is that in the organisation in question, how information management is being addressed is consistent with the literature in some areas – primarily the importance of a single view of customer and the supporting roles of information governance and data quality – but divergent in others, the key area being that there is no EIM strategy in the organisation that drives a consolidated approach to information management. Organisational culture was also highlighted by the literature as being a critical influencer on how information is managed, and this was supported by the findings. Additional factors that were found to have a significant influence on data management – which were not highlighted by the literature – included the importance of processes, and especially for CDI the critical role played by legislation, in particular the Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA). An additional crucial factor, again not highlighted by the literature, is the difficulty organisations have in placing an actual financial value on the use of information. Although intrinsically it is understood that information is valuable, the difficulty in ascribing an explicit value to it is a key inhibitor (in conjunction with organisational culture), to the organisation initiating data management projects at a strategic level, and instead having to address data management as a component of projects driven by individual business units.
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Automatiserad aktiv penetrationstest med Metasploit via webbplatserHjartarson, Tomas Myung, Blomberg, Joakim, Sakac, Fredrik January 2011 (has links)
I dagens samhälle har internet blivit en stor del av vårt dagliga liv. Nu utför man nästan alla sina ärenden på internet via olika webbplatser. Man handlar böcker, elektronik, utför bankärenden och läser nyheterna. Många antar att dessa webbplatser är säkra, men de flesta är medvetna om någon typ av hot på internet. De vet att man inte ska öppna program eller filer man inte känner igen, dock finns det fler faror. Vårt projekt går ut på att skapa en automatiserad process som visar dessa faror. Vi vill visa att det räcker med att gå in på en webbplats och trycka på en knapp för att kunna bli utsatt för dataintrång. Vi använder en LAMP-server för att tillhandahålla webbplatsen och Metasploit Framework för att åstadkomma det automatiska data-intrånget. När intrångsförsöket är slutfört presenteras resultatet för användarna som då vet om de är sårbara för Metasploits verktyg. Vi visar detta både genom text på webbplatsen och genom modifieringar på användarnas system. Som avslutning ser vi till att inga bakdörrar eller dylikt från Metasploit finns kvar på systemet. / In today’s society the internet plays a large part of our ordinary lives. Nowadays one does almost all of ones errands via the internet. You buy books, electronics, solve bank errands and read the news. Many assume that these sites are safe, but are they really aware of the dangers that exists on various websites? Most users know that they should not execute programs or open files that they do not recognize, although these are not the only dangers that users should be aware of. We want to show that it is enough to just visit a seemingly harmless website and click a button to become a victim of computer intrusion. We will be utilizing a LAMP-server to supply the website and the Metasploit Framework to execute the automized penetration. After the process is finished the user will be presented the results on the website stating whether the computer system is vulnerable of the exploits used by the Metasploit Framework or not. We will show the end result both by text on the website and by modifying the users system. After the test is completed we will make sure that there are no residual effects on the computer system.
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Utvärdering av sårbarheter hos moderna fordonWarling, Peter, Mehmeti, Armend January 2018 (has links)
Fordon utvecklas till att innehålla mer avancerade komponenter och funktioner vilka bidrar till att dess framfart görs allt mer säker och effektiv. Baksidan av denna utveckling är att nya attackytor uppstår. Under tidigare arbeten har svagheter konstaterats i många av de olika trådlösa system som ett fordon använder. Då bilindustrin kontinuerligt utvecklas fokuserar detta arbete på att undersöka vilka trådlösa enheter som finns i moderna fordon, vilket av dessa system som utgör störst risk för att sedan föreslå teoretiska åtgärder för hur riskerna kan motverkas. Slutligen utförs ett praktiskt experiment för att utvärdera om en välkänd attack fortfarande är ett hot hos dagens fordon. Under arbetet konstateras det att i samtliga av de populäraste bilmodellerna som såldes i landet under förra året påträffas trådlösa system vilka alla under tidigare experiment visats innehålla tekniska svagheter. Arbetet fastställer genom en riskanalys att fjärrstyrda låssystem utgör den största risken men också att riskerna teoretiskt kan motverkas genom enkla metoder. Avslutningsvis konstateras det att även fordon av 2017 års modell är mottagliga för enklare attacker resulterande i att de ej kan låsas.
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Efficient FBD Test Generation Through Program SlicingHurtig, Christian January 2018 (has links)
Program slicing has been used as a way to improve the efficiency of debugging and program analysis. Nowadays, automated test generation is being used to create tests automatically by analysing the program structure and suggesting necessary tests. This kind of techniques are prone to efficiency problems when applied to large programs containing many lines of code. This is especially true for software in industrial practice, such as the ones running on Programmable logic controllers (PLC) that are used in a wide variety of tasks from toys to avionics and rail transport. Function Block Diagram (FBD) is a language used for programming PLCs that has gained lots of attention in industrial practice due to its graphical nature. These FBD programs are often used in real time and safety critical systems, and these systems require extensive testing in order to prove that they pass safety requirements of their respective domains. In order to improve the efficiency of applying automated test generation on FBD programs we propose two FBD program slicing algorithms based on the structure of these diagrams and how they are programmed. These FBD program slicing algorithms are applied on several industrial programs for PLCs in order to evaluate their feasibility and what effect slicing has on test generation. Six FBD programs were selected out of 189 provided by Bombardier Transportation Sweden AB. The six programs were sliced according to these FBD slicing algorithms and then evaluated in terms of efficiency and applicability. Our results suggest that slicing can be used to reduce the needed generation time and memory usage required for automated test generation. However, our observations show that slicing can also increase the number of test cases generated and how this test cases are merged into one test suite for the entire program.
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Distributed control applications using local area networks: a LAN based power control system at Rhodes UniversitySullivan, Anthony John January 2002 (has links)
This thesis describes the design and development of both the hardware and software of an embedded, distributed control system using a LAN infrastructure for communication between nodes. The primary application of this system is for power monitoring and control at Rhodes University. Both the hardware and software have been developed to provide a modular and scalable system capable of growing and adapting to meet the changing demands placed on it. The software includes a custom written Internet Protocol stack for use in the embedded environment, with a small code footprint and low processing overheads. There is also Linux-based control software, which includes a web-based device management interface and graphical output. Problems specific to the application are discussed as well as their solutions, with particular attention to the constraints of an embedded system.
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Development and Implementation of an Image-Processing-Based Horizon Sensor for Sounding RocketsBarf, Jochen January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Conversion and Analysis of Telemetric Data from the CCSDS StandardAhlgren, Simon, Aini, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
When communicating with spacecrafts, the international standard is to use the protocols defined by CCSDS. In this study, the Space Packet Protocol from CCSDS is converted to the Digital Recording Standard used in aviation. The goal of the study is to find out in what way such a conversion can be made, as well as analyzing the efficiency of different packing methods for the Digital Recording Standard. An application is developed in order to perform the conversion, and the performance of said application is profiled using different packet sizes. In the end the results are evaluated and an optimal packet size is found in terms of runtime and memory usage. In the end we conclude that a packet size of 216 bytes is best when prioritizing speed, and a packet size of 219 bytes is best when prioritizing memory.
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Modell för optimering av diagnos och felsökning, Volvo Personvagnar ABLarsson, Johan, Karlsson, Andreas January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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