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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tillåten vatteninläckning vid undermarksbyggande

Eriksson, Michelle, van Heek, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Denna rapport grundar sig i en genomgång av ett antal tunnelanläggningars ansökningar till Mark- och miljödomstolen vid Nacka Tingsrätt gällande bortledning av grundvatten, samt deras slutgiltiga domstolsbeslut i Stockholmsområdet. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka faktorer i ansökan som domstolen lägger störst vikt vid inför domstolsbeslutet, samt hitta eventuella likheter eller skillnader mellan de fyra olika tunnelanläggningarna som beaktats. Vidare undersöks anledningarna bakom uppdelningen av en tunnel i olika delsträckor och hur dessa i sin tur påverkar de inläckagenivåer som ansökan yrkar på. Rapporten behandlar följande tunnelanläggningar: Nya Avloppstunneln, E4 Förbifart Stockholm, City Link etapp 2 samt Nya Tunnelbanan. Sammanfattningsvis blev resultatet av denna studie följande: de olika domstolsbesluten tar alla hänsyn till ungefär samma faktorer där yttranden från Länsstyrelsen och genomförandet av fältundersökningar anses betydande. Tunnelsträckornas indelning baseras på de olika geologiska förhållandena i området samt vart vattendelare och inströmningsområden är lokaliserade. Slutligen är det även tydligt att domstolen tar hänsyn till tidigare projekts domstolsbeslut, både gällande de inläckagevillkor som beviljas samt den tekniska lösningens utformning. / The following report analyses a number of tunnel-constructions applications to the Land and Environmental Court (Mark- och miljödomstolen), at Nacka district court in Stockholm regarding groundwater drainage. The study also covers the court decisions for each of the tunnel-constructions. The purpose of this study is to find common denominators in the court decisions in order to draw conclusions about which denominators are of more importance than others, when the court makes its final decision. Furthermore, the study also aims to find clarity in the decision-making behind the division of the tunnel into sections and how those impact the levels of groundwater-leakage requested in the application. The following tunnel- constructions have been analysed: Nya Avloppstunneln, E4 Förbifart Stockholm, City Link etapp 2 as well as Nya Tunnelbanan. The result showed that the different court decisions all regard some factors more important than others, where the claimant from the supervisory authority Country Administrative Board (Länsstyrelsen) and the implementation of field studies are deemed two of the most important factors. The division of the tunnels is based on the geological prerequisites and the location of the watersheds and inflow areas. Lastly, it is also clear that the court takes previous projects court decisions into account regarding the leakage-levels as well as the technical solution.

Barriers in the Adoption of Digital Technologies during the Pre-Construction Phase : A Case Study Analysis of a German Project Developer / Hinder för användning av digital teknik under förkonstruktionsfasen : En fallstudieanalys av en tysk projektutvecklare

Katharina, Franz, Xia, Binsen January 2024 (has links)
The construction industry remains one of the least digitalised sectors in the world resulting in inefficiencies such as low productivity, cost overruns, project delays and quality deficiencies. Addressing these issues is crucial not only for economic efficiency but also for promoting sustainability and adapting to demographic change. Although there are studies on digitalisation barriers in the construction industry, there is a lack of literature that investigates the causes of these barriers. Therefore, this thesis addresses the research question: "What are major intra-and inter- organisational barriers to digitalisation in the pre-construction phase of construction projects and why do they arise?”. The study is based on the Industrial Network Approach (INA) and applies the Actors, Resources, Activities (ARA) model by Håkansson and Snehota (1995) to analyse the findings. This is done in order to identify how the structure of the industry influences the barriers. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with interviewees from the client company, its subcontractors and a user of the buildings. The study shows that at the industry level, the different levels of maturity of companies, regulatory uncertainty, the lack of standards and uncertain return on investment discourage investment in digital tools. Due to the project-based nature of the industry, personal exchange is favoured. Compatibility and data exchange issues as well as practical problems such as language barriers and internet access hinder digital collaboration at the project level. The client's failure to create a proactive framework for digitalisation also inhibits the other players in the industry. Internal barriers such as a lack of technical expertise and the resulting scepticism prevent effective internal digital transformation. To drive change, companies need to expand their technical knowledge resources, align their internal structure to support digitalisation and use their influence to drive industry-wide change and address productivity issues and future challenges. / Byggbranschen är fortfarande en av de minst digitaliserade sektorerna i världen, vilket leder till låg produktivitet, kostnadsöverskridanden, projektförseningar och kvalitetsbrister. Att ta itu med dessa frågor är avgörande inte bara för den ekonomiska effektiviteten, utan också för att främja hållbarhet och anpassa sig till demografiska förändringar. Även om det finns studier om hinder för digitalisering i byggbranschen, råder det brist på studier som undersöker orsakerna till dessa hinder. Därför behandlar denna uppsats forskningsfrågan: ”Vilka är de intra- och interorganisatoriska hindren för digitalisering i de tidiga skedena i byggprojekt?”. Studien baseras på industriell nätverksteori (INA) och tillämpar ARA-modellen (Actors-Resources-Activities) av Håkansson och Snehota (1995) för att analysera resultaten. Detta görs för att identifiera hur branschens struktur påverkar barriärerna. Intervjuer genomfördes med respondenter från kundföretaget, dess underleverantörer och en användare av byggnaderna. Studien visar att på branschnivå bidrar företagens olika mognadsnivåer, osäkerhet kring regelverk, avsaknaden av tydliga standarder och den osäkra avkastningen på investeringar från att investeringar till att det inte investeras i digitala verktyg. På grund av branschens projektbaserade karaktär gynnas utbyten mellan individer. Kompatibilitets- och datautbytesproblem samt praktiska problem som språkbarriärer och tillgång till internet hindrar digitalt samarbete på projektnivå. Att kunden inte skapar ett proaktivt ramverk för digitalisering hämmar även de andra aktörerna i branschen. Interna barriärer som brist på teknisk expertis och den skepsis som följer av detta förhindrar en effektiv intern digital transformation. För att driva förändring måste företagen utöka sina tekniska kunskapsresurser, anpassa sin interna struktur för att stödja digitalisering och använda sitt inflytande för att driva branschomfattande förändringar och ta itu med produktivitetsfrågor och framtida utmaningar.

Statické řešení zastřešení nádrže / Static anylsis of tank roof

Sicha, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on static analysis, design and check of tank roof. There is design and check of main load-bearing elements of tank roof in this thesis according to ČSN EN 1992.

Mostní konstrukce přes údolí / Bridge structure over the valley

Hroudná, Denisa January 2019 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the design of post-tensioned road bridge over the valley. Two preliminary studies have been proposed and one of them was selected for more detailed processing. The selected variant is a box girder with a constant height 2,5 m. The construction id divided into five span and its total lenght is 240 m Span length of construction is 18,0 m. The construction was assessed for ultimate and serviceability limit state acording to standarts and regulation. Drawings and vizualizations ard parts of the diploma thesis.

Most přes železniční trať a řeku / Bridge over railway line and river

Kalísová, Eva January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design of a bridge in Most. It bridges the railway line and the river Bílina. Three possible variants have been proposed. One of the variants has been selected and further elaborated. The solved variant was an arc with a suspended pre-stressed bridge beam. The supporting element is a reinforced concrete backbone. The construction is built on a ring. Static analysis partly includes the effect of phased construction. The design was assessed according to EN.

SO 217 Most přes řeku Morávku v km 6.205 / Bridge across the Morávka river at km 6.205

Hollý, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is to design and consider steel superstructure of a composite steel-concrete road bridge. It is a continuous beam with seven spans of 36,0 + 57,0 + 75,0 + 90,0 + 75,0 + 57,0 + 36,0 = 426 meters. The superstructure consists of welded I-beams, which pass into closed box girder. The calculations take into account the construction phase.

Estakáda přes řeku Bečva / Flyover bridge over the Bečva river

Pidima, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with a design of a highway bridge with multiple spans. The bridge is constructed for highway D1 and goes across the river Bečva close to the city Přerov. Two different solutions were carried out from which a solution with subsequently prestressed box girder was chosen. Static model and load actions were modelled in program Scia Engineer 2016.0. Design checks were done manually according to corresponding Eurocodes. Load actions from wind, uneven support settling and horizontal actions from transit were neglecte.

Dálniční most přes hluboké údolí / Highway bridge over deep wally

Pírková, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the design and the assessment of post-tensioned bridge structure over deep wally, which transfer road D26,5/100 on D1 in Slovakia between Hubová – Ivachnová. Three variants were designed and compared. The most suitable variant of two identical bridges with box cross-section and constant height was further assess in detail.

Vícepolová mostní konstrukce / Multi-span bridge structure

Necid, Miloš January 2017 (has links)
I deal with the road bridge near Velké Meziříčí in the thesis. The highway bridge overcomes valley 360 m long and 36 m high. For each course there is a separate super-structure. Each of the support structures converts three stripes of road transport. I do calculation of internal forces both manually and in Scia Engineer. In the thesis is drawings, showing the gradual construction, diagram of prestressing and reinforcement.

Římské lázně a saunový svět / Roman spa and sauna world

Okřina, Matouš January 2014 (has links)
Architectural study offers solution of space of the Roman baths and sauna world in object next to the previously designed building of Aquacenter in Brno - Hády. Location of aquacenter is based on architectural search study Aquacenter - "The Water Temple" Brno (on development areas which are set by ÚPmB). Wellness facilities are today an important part of the water parks. The designed spaces of Roman baths and sauna world offers visitors the use of modifications of Roman baths and Finnish saunas, as well as other supporting treatments such as various massages, herbal baths, massage whirlpools, etc. It is not just a place to relax or to the curative stay, but there is also included a social function as a private spas (for business meetings), caldarium, possibly tepidarium, a rest rooms and relaxation bar. The form of a building, which is based on the form of the previously designed building of aquacentre, is a block with inclined SE, SW and NE wall (inclination of walls is 20 degrees from the vertical). In the center part of a layout is rest room and bar, along which sides are atriums. Around them are then arranged an individual operating units into single wings. The overall layout is also trying to build on the traditional content and linking space of Roman baths, abide the Finnish concept of the sauna and join both together in related wings. While the traffic of balneotherapy is as a "dirty" separated by hall, the wing with massages and less traditional saunas and spas (such as Sweden, Japan, etc.) together with the water baths wing are separated from the central area by corridor. Accommodation is dedicated the space of the second floor, which does not occupy the whole floor space as a first floor and is arranged in a T-shape. The basement which is partly sunk into the ground is located covered parking and service facilities.

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