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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Differences in Thermal Quality Affect Investment in Thermoregulation by Lizards

Lymburner, Alannah 29 April 2019 (has links)
Body temperature affects physiological processes and, consequently, has a large impact on fitness. Lizards need to thermoregulate behaviourally to maintain their body temperature within a range that maximizes performance, but there are costs associated with thermoregulation. The thermal quality of an environment is a major cost of thermoregulation because it directly affects the time and energy that must be invested by an individual to achieve and maintain an optimal body temperature for performance. According to the cost-benefit model of thermoregulation, lizards should only thermoregulate when the benefits outweigh the costs of doing so. Thus, in habitats of poor thermal quality, individuals should thermoregulate less. Using two systems, an elevational gradient and a pair of habitats that vary in the amount of solar radiation they receive, I tested the hypothesis that investment in thermoregulation by lizards is dictated by the associated costs of thermoregulating. Temperature, and thus thermal quality, decreases with elevation. I found a significant positive relationship between elevation and effectiveness of thermoregulation of Yarrow’s spiny lizards (Sceloporus jarrovii). When comparing thermoregulation of ornate tree lizards (Urosaurus ornatus) living in the thermally superior open-canopy wash habitat or the closed-canopy upland habitat, I found that habitat type was a significant predictor of accuracy of body temperature. In the poorer quality habitat, lizards had smaller deviations of body temperature from their preferred temperature range. Overall, I conclude that the thermal quality of a lizards’ environment impacts their thermoregulation in the opposite direction than predicted by the cost-benefit model of thermoregulation. This suggests that the disadvantages of thermoconformity may be greater than the costs thermoregulating as habitats become more thermally challenging.

Předinvestiční hodnocení IS/ICT projektů - Cost-Benefit analýza

Uchytil, Jakub January 2004 (has links)
Práce analyzuje problémy spojené s předinvestičním hodnocením IS/ICT projektů, zejména v oblasti veřejné správy. Stručně představuje co CBA je a k čemu se používá, spolu s možností jejího využití v IS/ICT oblasti. Nabízí postup zpracování CBA projektu veřejného informačního systému, její obsah a nejdůležitější součásti včetně analýzy rizik, spolu s výslednými ukazateli a jejich vyhodnocením. Prezentuje některé nástroje pro odhad nákladů a přínosů budoucí investice, a hodnotí jejich užitečnost a vhodnost využití. Popisuje hlavní důvody proč by zpracování CBA mohlo být užitečné z pohledu jak dodavatele, tak zákazníka v projektu informačního systému. Stanovuje kritické faktory úspěchu při zpracování analýzy.

Evaluation of High Temperature Operation of Natural Ester Filled Distribution Transformers: A Techno-economic Analysis

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: The lifetime of a transformer is essentially determined by the life of its insulation system which is a time function of the temperature defined by its thermal class. A large quantity of studies and international standards have been published indicating the possibility of increasing the thermal class of cellulose based materials when immersed in natural esters which are superior to traditional mineral oils. Thus, a transformer having thermally upgraded Kraft paper and natural ester dielectric fluid can be classified as a high temperature insulation system. Such a transformer can also operate at temperatures 20C higher than its mineral oil equivalent, holding additional loading capability without losing life expectancy. This thesis focuses on evaluating the use of this feature as an additional capability for enhancing the loadability and/or extending the life of the distribution transformers for the Phoenix based utility - SRP using FR3 brand natural ester dielectric fluid. Initially, different transformer design options to use this additional loadability are compared allowing utilities to select an optimal FR3 filled transformer design for their application. Yearlong load profiles for SRP distribution transformers, sized conventionally on peak load demands, are analyzed for their oil temperatures, winding temperatures and loss of insulation life. It is observed that these load profiles can be classified into two types: 1) Type-1 profiles with high peak and high average loads, and 2) Type-2 profiles with comparatively low peak and low average load. For the Type 1 load profiles, use of FR3 natural ester fluid with the same nominal rating showed 7.4 times longer life expectation. For the Type 2 load profiles, a new way of sizing ester filled transformers based on both average and peak load, instead of only peak load, called “Sustainable Peak Loading” showed smaller size transformers can handle the same yearly peak loads while maintaining superior insulation lifespan. It is additionally possible to have reduction in the total energy dissipation over the year. A net present value cost savings up to US$1200 per transformer quantifying benefits of the life extension and the total ownership cost savings up to 30% for sustainable peak loading showed SRP distribution transformers can gain substantial economic savings when the distribution transformer fleet is replaced with FR3 ester filled units. / Dissertation/Thesis / Envirotemp FR3 Fluid Brochure / Envirotempe FR3 Fluid Data Sheet / Masters Thesis Electrical Engineering 2018

Relação custo-benefício da implantação do sistema de análise de perigos e pontos críticos de controle (APPCC) em laticínio do Estado de São Paulo / Cost-benefits relationship for implementation of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system in a dairy plant in the State of São Paulo

Cusato, Sueli 06 December 2007 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a relação custo/benefício do sistema APPCC implantado na linha de produção de iogurte em uma indústria de laticínio em São Carlos, São Paulo de Agosto de 2006 a Agosto de 2007. Foi realizada a mensuração dos custos totais para elaboração e implantação do APPCC bem como a avaliação da qualidade microbiológica do produto acabado e do nível de perdas de embalagens durante o processamento, antes e após a implantação do sistema. Inicialmente foi realizada adequação aos programas pré-requisitos e treinamento dos funcionários para as boas práticas de fabricação e APPCC. A seguir foram aplicados os princípios do plano, sendo identificados 12 pontos críticos de controle (PCCs), desde a recepção do leite cru, até a expedição do produto acabado. O APPCC mostrou-se eficiente no controle da qualidade microbiológica do iogurte, com redução nas contagens de bolores e leveduras após a implantação do sistema, não sendo verificadas alterações para as contagens de coliformes totais e fecais. Quanto às perdas de embalagens na linha de produção, a implementação do APPCC não afetou os percentuais de perdas de tampas e garrafas, sendo que os rótulos apresentaram aumento de perdas após a implantação do sistema. Com relação aos custos para implantação do APPCC, os maiores investimentos foram referentes à consultoria externa (48%) e mudanças estruturais e aquisição de equipamentos (30%). Os custos específicos aos programas pré-requisitos representaram 22% dos investimentos totais. Para a manutenção do APPCC os maiores custos foram relativos à mão de obra para monitoramento dos PCCs e verificação do plano (46%) e material de laboratório (28%). O custo para a manutenção do sistema representou um impacto de R$ 0,01/kg no valor final do iogurte embalado, e os gastos com investimentos na fábrica contribuíram com um adicional de R$ 0,02/Kg. O impacto total da implementação do APPCC foi R$ 0,03/Kg, o que representa 1,5% do valor do produto final. Conclui-se que a aplicação do APPCC em linha de produção de iogurte conforme descrito neste estudo apresenta relação custo-benefício satisfatória. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between cost and benefits of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) system implemented in the yogurt production line in a dairy processing plant in São Carlos, São Paulo State from August 2006 to August 2007. The total costs for the elaboration and implementation of HACCP, along with the microbiological parameters of the final product and the losses of packaging units during processing were measured before and after the implementation of the system. Initially, procedures were done for the compliance to the pre-requisites programs and the training of the staff on good manufacturing practices (GMP) and HACCP. Next, the principles of the plan were applied and 12 critical control points (CCP) were identified from the raw milk reception until the dispatch of the final product. The HACCP showed to be efficient for the microbiological quality control of the yogurt, by reducing the incidence of molds and yeasts, although no changes on total and fecal coliforms counts were observed before and after the HACCP implementation. As for the packaging losses on the production line, the implementation of the HACCP did not affect the percentage of bottles or bottle covers loss. However, the label losses increased after the HACCP implementation. Regarding the HACCP implementation costs, the major investments were related to external consultants (48%) and structural changes and equipment purchasing (30%). The specific costs related to the pre-requisite programs represented 22% of the total investments. The major costs for the HACCP operating were associated to the labor required for monitoring the CCP, the verification of the plan (46%) and the material required for laboratorial analysis (28%). The HACCP operating costs represented an impact of R$ 0.01/kg of the packed yogurt, and the investments done in the factory contributed for an additional of R$ 0.02/kg. The overall impact of the HACCP implementation was R$ 0.03/kg (1.5% of the value of the final product). In conclusion, the HACCP applied in the yogurt line as described in this study presented a satisfactory cost-benefits relationship.

TGOJ-banan; en cost-benefit analys / TGOJ-banan; a cost-benefit analyses

Pettersson, Elin January 2000 (has links)
<p>Syftet med detta arbete är att studera de samhällsekonomiska konsekvenser som en uppstart av persontåg på TGOJ-banan, mellan Oxelösund och Eskilstuna, skulle innebära. På vägen fram för att uppfylla syftet med uppsatsen har ett antal frågeställningar pekat ut vägen och hjälpt till att föra in arbetet mot specifika problemområden.</p><p> - Vilka kostnader är förenade med tågtrafiken jämfört med busstrafiken? </p><p>- Vilken nytta uppkommer vid tågtrafik jämfört med busstrafik? </p><p>- Hur stora är kostnaderna för järnvägen i förhållande till de uppkomna nyttorna? </p><p>Ett väsentligt led i studien har varit att studera dagens resande för att kunna dra slutsatser om det framtida resande vid en uppstart av tågtrafik på sträckningen. Dagens kollektivtrafik resande, dagens resande på vägar i korridoren och resvaneundersökningar har varit faktorer som vägts in för att få fram det estimerade resandet. Därefter har själva den samhällsekonomiska kalkylen ställt upp. Bland annat har projektets initiala investering, förändringar i driftskostnader och resenärenas tidsvinster och tidsförluster studerats. Detta leder oss fram till nettonuvärdeskvoter. Slutsatserna som kan dras utifrån studien är att projektet ligger och väger mellan lönsamt och olönsamt. Därmed är det nödvändigt att djupare studier genomförs för att man med större säkerhet ska kunna avgöra hur samhällsekonomin ser ut för uppstart av persontågstafik på TGOJ</p>

TGOJ-banan; en cost-benefit analys / TGOJ-banan; a cost-benefit analyses

Pettersson, Elin January 2000 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att studera de samhällsekonomiska konsekvenser som en uppstart av persontåg på TGOJ-banan, mellan Oxelösund och Eskilstuna, skulle innebära. På vägen fram för att uppfylla syftet med uppsatsen har ett antal frågeställningar pekat ut vägen och hjälpt till att föra in arbetet mot specifika problemområden. - Vilka kostnader är förenade med tågtrafiken jämfört med busstrafiken? - Vilken nytta uppkommer vid tågtrafik jämfört med busstrafik? - Hur stora är kostnaderna för järnvägen i förhållande till de uppkomna nyttorna? Ett väsentligt led i studien har varit att studera dagens resande för att kunna dra slutsatser om det framtida resande vid en uppstart av tågtrafik på sträckningen. Dagens kollektivtrafik resande, dagens resande på vägar i korridoren och resvaneundersökningar har varit faktorer som vägts in för att få fram det estimerade resandet. Därefter har själva den samhällsekonomiska kalkylen ställt upp. Bland annat har projektets initiala investering, förändringar i driftskostnader och resenärenas tidsvinster och tidsförluster studerats. Detta leder oss fram till nettonuvärdeskvoter. Slutsatserna som kan dras utifrån studien är att projektet ligger och väger mellan lönsamt och olönsamt. Därmed är det nödvändigt att djupare studier genomförs för att man med större säkerhet ska kunna avgöra hur samhällsekonomin ser ut för uppstart av persontågstafik på TGOJ

A Study On the Cost-Effectiveness of the Smart Card Ticketing System In Kaohsiung

Lin, Mu-ying 26 August 2009 (has links)


Jimenez, Luz Evelyn 12 October 2009 (has links)
The Limited English Proficiency (LEP) population in the United States requires interpreters in order to receive appropriate medical care. However, interpreters are not used consistently in clinical encounters. This study aims to identify the barriers that interfere with providing this service, as well as to propose some possible ways of overcoming these barriers. A systematic review of the literature was conducted using Medline, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), and PsycINFO. Twenty articles that presented barriers to interpreter use were identified. These barriers referred to either professional interpreters or ad hoc interpreters, or were general barriers. The barriers to professional interpreter use most frequently identified related to cost. Most of the cost-related barrier citations were found in studies conducted in the U.S. The barriers to ad hoc interpreter use most frequently identified related to concern about the interpreters ability to interpret. I determined that appropriate provision of interpreters to the LEP community would require four elements: 1) The consistent use of professional interpreters, and the elimination of ad hoc interpreter use. 2) Research into the possible financial benefits that may arise from increased interpreter use, and how the cost of providing interpreters may be offset by the widespread benefits of using them. 3) Professionalization of interpreter services, with quality assurance and standardized training and evaluation of interpreters. 4) Increased education and training for patients and providers about the language services that are available and how to access them, and about how to work with an interpreter efficiently and effectively. One possible solution that would allow the implementation of all of the above elements is a national interpretation service.

Cost Effectiveness Analysis in Orthopaedic Surgery

Sharifi, Husham 29 September 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to explore the use of cost effectiveness for interventions in orthopaedics. This was done through three cost effectiveness articles that have been published by the author. In each of these articles, similar methodologies were used. Decision models were constructed for cost-effectiveness analyses of competing orthopaedic interventions. Outcome probabilities and effectiveness values were derived from the literature. Effectiveness was expressed in quality adjusted life years gained. Cost data were compiled and verified from either hospital cost data or from Medicare data. Costs and utilities were discounted in accord with the United States Panel on Cost Effectiveness in Health and Medicine. Principal outcome measures were average incremental costs, incremental effectiveness, incremental quality-adjusted life years, and, in the case of one article, net health benefits. In particular the articles compared the following: 1. Core decompression versus conservative management for osteonecrosis of the hip as a way to delay hip replacement; 2. Total knee arthroplasty versus unicompartmental knee arthroplasty; and 3. Periacetabular osteotomy versus total hip arthroplasty for a young adult with developmental dysplasia of the hip. The more cost effective intervention was identified in each case, along with implications of the results for clinical and operative decision-making. Cost effectiveness was found to be a useful tool in orthopaedic surgery under limited circumstances of either scarce data on new interventions or the need to use more resources to achieve greater effectiveness. It also can provide excellent insight into ways to direct future clinical research.

Treating the Children of Bolivia Infected with Chagas Disease A Cost-Benefit Analysis

Magee, Gregory 13 November 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to perform a cost-benefit analysis of an intervention to treat all the children in Bolivia (under 15 years of age) who are infected with Chagas disease. This research was carried out in La Paz, Bolivia where the author lived for a year collecting data in collaboration with the National Chagas Control Program, Bolivian Ministry of Health. Operational costs were based on current prices for laboratory testing and pharmaceuticals, average hourly wages for health care workers, and the number of children who would be treated. The benefit of the program was estimated as the sum of direct and indirect costs associated with chronic cardiac disease caused by Chagas infection. Direct costs were calculated as the minimum amount needed for adequate medical treatment summed over the patients life span. Indirect costs were measured in Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) multiplied by average yearly salary to more fully account for the true burden of disease. Implementation cost was estimated to be approximately $35 million. This intervention would prevent over 279,000 DALYs and alleviate $123 million in direct and $632 million in indirect costs. Clearly, such a program would be extremely cost-effective. Thus, with an initial investment of less than $135 per infected child, approximately $2,900 worth of future costs would be prevented, in addition to improvements in quality of life not captured by DALYs. A sensitivity analysis showed that even while assuming a high variability of the data, the cost and benefit of this intervention were significantly different (p-value < 0.001).

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