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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal: Evidence on the Utilization Criteria

Iqbal, M.Z., Akbar, Saeed, Budhwar, P., Shah, S.Z.A. 12 June 2019 (has links)
Yes / This study examines the relationships between performance appraisal (PA) purposes and immediate and ultimate outcomes. Drawing upon expectancy theory and Greenberg's taxonomy, we explore the roles of multiple mediators as sets of person- and organization-referenced ratee reactions and reveal the multiple why-related aspects of the relationships between PA purposes and PA effectiveness. Our research is based on a questionnaire survey of 563 employees from the telecommunications sector of Pakistan. The results of structural equation modeling analysis suggest that individual-focused PA better serves the employee perspective, whereas position- and organization-focused PA better serves the organizational perspective. These findings indicate that inclusion of role definition and strategic purposes in the PA system is likely to render PA more effective and practical. The findings also corroborate that ratee reactions mediate the relationship between PA purposes and PA effectiveness, albeit to varying degrees. Our findings have theoretical and practical implications.

Development of Optimal Migration Plan for New Traffic Signal Controllers Using Gis and Multi-Criteria Decision Making

Ganta, Surender 09 August 2010 (has links)
Signal Replacement decisions are often made based on the experience of the Traffic Engineers. These decisions are made while considering the deployment time of the system, the new technology available, and the performance of the system in the given location. However, there is no set of proper guidelines or methods which can quantify the system replacement decision in large scale projects. This thesis presents a methodology that can be applied to determine optimal migration plans for traffic signal controllers. A Multi-Criteria Decision Making technique has been adopted to evaluate various traffic signal controllers. Various controller manuals were studied and information was obtained from the vendors of the controllers. In addition to that, Geographic Information System (GIS) has been used as a tool to evaluate and identify the areas where the traffic signal controllers have to be replaced first. The study considers the budget constraints and the benefits that can be obtained by the replacement of the controllers. This thesis presents the Methodology adopted for the Migration Plan and a case study implementation on the Northern Virginia Region. Finally it presents the conclusions drawn from the research with insights into the scope for further research. / Master of Science

Performance Criteria Recommendations for Mortars Used in Full-Depth Precast Concrete Bridge Deck Panel Systems

Scholz, Donald P. 20 December 2004 (has links)
The use of full-depth precast concrete bridge deck panels is becoming more and more attractive to transportation authorities throughout the country. In comparison to conventional cast-in-place decks, precast decks are of higher quality, allow for the bridge to be opened to traffic in less time and are easier to maintain, rehabilitate, and replace. This ultimately results in lower costs for transportation authorities and less disruption for the motoring public. Unfortunately, the use of precast deck panel systems is hindered by the lack of design standardization and information regarding the performance of such systems. This research focuses on a key element of the system, the mortar or grout, which is used to connect the precast panels to the bridge girders by filling the space in the horizontal shear pockets and the haunches. Several essential mortar characteristics were identified and investigated in order to create a specification that indicates required performance criteria for mortars. This specification can be used to determine whether particular mortars or grouts are suitable for use in a full-depth precast concrete bridge deck panel system. / Master of Science

Levels of Dissolved Solids Associated with Aquatic Life Effects in Headwater Streams of Virginia's Central Appalachian Coalfield Region

Timpano, Anthony J. 25 April 2011 (has links)
Benthic macroinvertebrate communities in headwater streams influenced by Appalachian coal mining often differ from communities in minimally distrubed streams. Total dissolved solids (TDS) associated with mining have been suggested as stressors to these communities. In studies of such streams conducted to date, both non-TDS stressors and elevated TDS have been present as potential influences on biota. Here the association between dissolved salts and benthic macroinvertebrate community structure was examined using a family-level multimetric index and genus-level taxa sensitivity distributions. Test sites were selected along a gradient of elevated TDS, with non-TDS factors of reference quality. Virginia Stream Condition Index (VASCI) scores were regressed against log-transformed measures of TDS, specific conductance, and sulfate (SO42-) using ordinary least squares and quantile regression techniques. Biological effects, as defined by VASCI scores indicating stressed or severely stressed conditions, were observed with increasing probability from 0% at ≤ 190 mg/L TDS to 100% at ≥ 1,108 mg/L TDS, with 50% probability of effects observed at 422 mg/L TDS. Associations between water quality measures and biological condition were variable, with approximately 48% of the variance explained by TDS. Genus-level analysis using a field sensitivity distribution approach indicated 95% of reference genera were observed at sites with TDS ≤ 281 mg/L, and 80% of genera were observed at sites with TDS ≤ 411 mg/L. This is evidence that TDS, specific conductance, or SO42- can be used to establish dissolved solids levels for streams influenced by Appalachian coal mining above which aquatic life effects are increasingly probable. / Master of Science

Orientação a objeto: definição, implementação e análise de recursos de teste e validação / Object-oriented: definition, implementation and analysis of validation and testing resources

Vincenzi, Auri Marcelo Rizzo 05 May 2004 (has links)
O desenvolvimento de software baseado no paradigma Orientado a Objetos (OO) e baseado em componentes é uma realidade. Este trabalho trata de teste e validação dentro desse contexto. Observa-se que diversos trabalhos relacionados ao teste de programas OO vêm sendo desenvolvidos. Apesar de ser um ponto controverso, alguns pesquisadores consideram que critérios de teste desenvolvidos para o teste de programas procedimentais podem ser facilmente estendidos para o teste de programas OO, pelo menos para o teste de métodos. Ainda são poucas as iniciativas de estender critérios de fluxo de dados e critérios baseados em mutação, tradicionalmente utilizados no teste de programas procedimentais, para o teste de programas OO. O presente trabalho visa a contribuir na identificação e definição de recursos de teste e validação que possam ser utilizados no teste de programas OO, com ênfase nos critérios de teste baseados em fluxo de dados e em mutação, cobrindo as fases do teste de unidade e de integração. Além disso, para apoiar a aplicação desses critérios, é de fundamental importância o desenvolvimento de ferramentas automatizadas que permitam a realização de estudos comparativos e a transferência tecnológica para a indústria. Em suma, o presente trabalho traz contribuições teóricas, com a definição de critérios de teste; empírica, com a realização de estudos empíricos; e de automatização, com a definição e implementação de um ambiente integrado de teste e validação para programas OO. Exemplos são utilizados para ilustrar as idéias e ferramentas apresentadas neste trabalho. / The development of Object-Oriented (OO) and component-based software is a reality. This work investigates software testing and validation in this context. Several studies related with OO testing have been carried out. In spite of being a controversial point, some researchers state that the procedural testing criteria can be easily extended to OO program testing, for instance to the testing of methods. There are few initiatives aiming at applying data-flow and mutation-based criteria, traditionally used for procedural testing, to the test of OO programs. The present work aims at contributing to identify and define resources for OO program testing and validation, considering data-flow and mutation based testing criteria, involving the unit and integration testing phases. An integrated environment for testing and validation has been developed to support the application of these criteria. This environment provides means to comparative studies amongst the criteria and to technology transfer processes. This work provides contributions to the following testing perspectives: theoretical -- with the definition of testing criteria; empirical -- with the conduction of empirical studies; and to testing automation -- with the specification and implementation of an integrated environment for testing and validation of OO programs. Examples are provided to illustrate the ideas and tools presented in this work.

Dano em placas laminadas devido ao impacto a baixas velocidades. / Damage in laminate plates caused by low velocity impact.

Romariz, Luiz André 22 August 2008 (has links)
Materiais compósitos laminados possuem uma alta eficiência estrutural, mas que é comprometida pela baixa resistência a cargas de impacto. O objetivo deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de simulação numérica para a estimativa de danos causados por cargas de impacto a baixas velocidades em placas de material compósito laminado. Ensaios experimentais foram realizados em placas reforçadas com tecidos de fibra de carbono e matriz de resina epóxi. Foram avaliadas três espessuras. Os carregamentos de impacto com uma massa em queda livre foram pontuais e transversais à placa, com intervalos de energia variando entre 5J e 94J, com velocidades inferiores a 6 m/s. As simulações numéricas utilizaram um programa comercial de elementos finitos com integração explícita. Foram avaliados dois critérios de falha da lâmina. O primeiro é o critério de máxima tensão. O segundo é uma proposta de modificação no critério de falha de Hashin, para sua aplicação em laminados reforçados com tecidos bidirecionais. Também foram avaliados quatro diferentes critérios de degradação da lâmina. As evoluções das forças de contato entre o impactador e a placa foram muito bem representadas numericamente. As áreas e os comprimentos dos danos numéricos foram similares ou maiores que os medidos nos resultados experimentais. / Laminate composite materials have high structural efficiency, however it is jeopardized due the low strength to impact loads. The objective of this work is to develop a numerical simulation methodology that estimates the damage in laminate plates caused by low velocity impact. Experimental tests were performed on laminate plates reinforced with weaven carbon fibers and epoxi resine. Three thickness plates were evaluated. The impact loads were transversal and punctual. They were done with drop-test, the impact energy range is between 5J and 94J, and the velocities were lower than 6m/s. The numerical simulations were done with FEM commercial code with explict integration. Two lamina failure criteria were evaluated. The first is the maximum stress. The second is a proposed modification of the Hashin failure criterion in order to be applied on the fabric laminates. Four lamina degradation criteria were evaluated too. The numerical contatct loads between the plate and impactor were well represented. The numerical damaged areas and lengths were similar or greater than the experimental results.

Att utvärdera framtidens guldkorn : En studie om svenska Venture Capital-bolags investeringskriterier / To Evaluate the Future Grain of Gold  : A Study of Swedish Venture Capital Firms’ Investment Criteria

Andersson, Linn, Ottosson, Anna, Svensson, Sanna January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund       Tillväxtviljan bland de svenska småföretagen är stor, men avsaknad av kapital begränsar många entreprenörer och småföretag. Den höga risknivån minskar möjligheterna att erhålla exempelvis bankfinansiering, och för många tillväxtbolag i tidiga faser kan Venture Capital därför vara det enda finansieringsalternativet. Syfte               Syftet med studien är att skapa förståelse för de investeringskriterier som svenska Venture Capital-bolag använder vid sin utvärdering av potentiella investeringsobjekt samt jämföra dessa med vad entreprenörer anser påverkar utvecklingen av ett företag. Metod             Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär och empirin består av data från 20 genomförda intervjuer samt skriftliga frågeformulär, där respondenterna utgörs av venture-kapitalister samt entreprenörer som har erhållit Venture Capital-finansiering. Resultat         De kriterier som är centrala vid Venture Capital-bolags utvärdering av potentiella investeringsobjekt är entreprenörsteamet, marknads-förutsättningar samt produkterbjudande. Av dessa kriterier anser både venture-kapitalister och entreprenörer att det är entreprenörsteamet som i störst utsträckning påverkar ett företags utveckling. Att entreprenörsteamet tillskrivs så stor betydelse förklaras av att förutsättningarna för företagets fortsatta utveckling ständigt förändras, vilket ställer krav på att entreprenörsteamet har förmåga att hantera denna dynamiska process och anpassa företagets utveckling efter oförutsedda förändringar. / Background   There is a strong desire to grow among small Swedish enterprises, but lack of capital is a limiting factor to many entrepreneurs and small enterprises. The high level of risk reduces the possibilities of receiving financing through bank loan or similar, which makes Venture Capital the only financing alternative for some high growth-ventures in early stages. Aim                 The aim of this study is to provide understanding for the investment criteria used by Swedish Venture Capital firms during their evaluation of investment propositions, and to compare these with factors that entrepreneurs perceive as influential to the development of a company. Methodology The approach of this study is qualitative, and the presented findings are conducted from 20 interviews and written questionnaires. The respondents consist of venture capitalists and entrepreneurs who have received Venture Capital financing. Result            The criteria that are of central importance to Venture Capital firms’     when evaluating investment propositions are the entrepreneurial team, the market potential and the product offer. Among these criteria both entrepreneurs and venture capitalists perceive the entrepreneurial team as the criterion with the largest impact on the development of a company. The importance of the entrepreneurial team is explained by the fact that the conditions for the company’s further development are under continuous change, which necessitates the entrepreneurial team’s ability to handle this dynamic process and adapt the company’s development to unexpected changes.

The use of formal methods for decision making in the planning phase of healthcare facilities

Lima, Clarissa Sucupira Andrade 09 April 2007 (has links)
The Pre-Project Phase of building construction manages the communication between client organization, user groups and designers. Disconnects and miscommunication in this phase may result in a product that does not fulfill the expectations of the parties involved. It is expected that the adoption of more formal methods can streamline the communication and improve its precision. Based on a literature review, a triage of methods is introduced: (a) a method for initial criteria management, supported by the EcoProP software (developed by VTT in Finland); (b) a method to rationalize and manage criteria in relation to the design organizational instruments, supported by the QFD ProP software (developed by VTT in Finland); (c) a method that supports multi criteria decision making, supported by a range of commercially available software tools. In order to assess the effectiveness of these tools they have been applied in the specific case of Pre-Project Phase of a healthcare facility. A Case Study on a concrete discrete decision problem is dealt with. It concerns the choice between a central medication room and patient room dispenser closets (also known as Nurservers). The Nurservers Case Study is used to evaluate the applicability of the proposed criteria gathering, ranking and decision methods in the Pre-Project Phases daily practices. The claim that these rational methods increase efficiency, precision and satisfaction of the parties involved in this phase is investigated. The thesis evaluates how the introduction of rational methods benefits the communication between stakeholders.

Hodnocení eurových účtů pro studenty / Students euro account evaluation

VAŇATOVÁ, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis was to evaluate accounts of foreign exchange for students. The evaluation was made for two potencial students with different preferences. Another aim is carried out survey and later compare all results.

Využití metod vícekriteriálního hodnocení variant pro hodnocení dlouhodobého cestovního pojištění / Application of the methods of multi-criteria evaluation of alternatives for assessment of long-term travel insurance

VOKROUHLÍK, Vojtěch January 2017 (has links)
One of the aims of the thesis was to explore the Czech insurance market and choose an optimal travel insurance to a model client by using methods of multi-criteria decision making. The second aim was to set up a general procedure for wider use of selecting the optimal insurance product for customers with different preferences. The theoretical part of the study explains the basic concepts in the field of insurance and describes the methods used for the weighting of the criteria and selection of the optimal insurance. In the practical part of the study, insurance offers were obtained, a set of possible variants and a set of evaluation criteria were compiled. Based on the calculations was given recommendation to the client. The whole procedure was generalized after that and for verification was carried out a survey among students participating in the study program Erasmus+

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